#anyway im going to be in so much pain tomorrow. 12 hours was too long for me to work (has ehlers danlos)
saintbleeding · 7 months
i’m so cool and strong!!!!!!
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katastrophic-n3vulaa · 7 months
the likelihood is no one cares, but im here to complain about my philosophy assessment.
so my school has a rule that the assessment notification needs to be given out at least 2 weeks before the due date, both hand-in and in-class assessments and assignments must abide by this
my philosophy teacher (who is AMAZING, but also the only philosophy teacher in the entire school, and he teaches elective philosophy and also ToK and other stuff for ~130 students, and my has 5 lessons a fortnight, each an hour long, and all the other students have that too, except 11 and 12s, who do more sometimes)
anyways, Dr. Hall is amazing but-
he mixed up the due date for my class' assessment w/ year 10s, so we got the notification 6 days from due date (tomorrow, 8/3).
but because he's amazing he halved the assessment. yay.
so all we needed to do was get references to answer a question we dont need to answer (yayayyayay)
the referencing was easy, and i did that all in class, but that was only the hand-in part of the assessment.
so the in-class bit is an evaluation of research methods and then what we call doing an OPVL of a source (origin, purpose, value, limitations)
ok- i'm good at opvls. but. what if words arent working tomorrow? so yeah.
we also get to take in the article that we are going to do the opvl for physically, but the printers have gone to shit, and also- the asshole that wrote the one i decided to do the opvl on (my other options were uni ads or some dude.) used SO MANY big and dumb words. like-ok. sure. i could just try and glue the meanings in my head overnight, but some days i dont remember to eat or drink so theres no way that'd work. so i put all the definitions in too. the problem is that the formatting on word is shit and a massive pain, so i just... copied the article into ao3 to get rid of all the unnecessary formatting (yay braincells)
but it also got rid of the formatting i wanted. :(
anyways so i redid all the formatting and definitions.
then i did my opvl on the side, but bc im basically incapable of doing notes that fuction as NOTES i pretty much did my entire opvl. which.
isnt allowed.
but im too tired now so imma edit it down in the morning. i hope.
see the masterpiece that looks depressingly short and i wish it looked like more but it doesnt so just know the struggle of doing this without adhd meds bc i had shit on in the afternoon:
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(top block of text is the evaluation of research in actual notes that is incorrect bc all i did was google and scroll for ~20 minutes but i cant say that its bad marks. the left blocks of text in the left section-bit is the article. the bits on the right are the opvl. no idk why i posted this either.)
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9tzuyu · 4 years
run into me sunday pt. ii
pt. i
notes: i am yet again projecting my own issues in fics lmao. this isn’t my favorite work, but i wanted to make a second part. this is the result. all mistakes are mine as im too lazy to proofread :P.
warnings: heavy talk of having an eating disorder.
requests are open!
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the first few of weeks at natasha's house were fine. you tried really hard not to think about all the changes happening. like being monitored 24/7, or having to abide by natasha's rules all the time, or knowing that you were growing to be healthy.
it was okay, at first.
you hardly put up a fight when it came down to her rules. even meal time seemed to go without a hitch.
but as many people have said before, all good things cone to an end.
the second you woke up today, you could already tell it wasn't going to be fun. everything you'd pushed aside came crawling back, and you could feel every insecurity of yours heighten a thousand times worse than before.
nat's arms rest gently around your waist, and while it normally felt reassuring, you couldn't help but notice the extra weight you'd put on.
you still felt overly full from last night. if natasha woke up right now, you were positive she could feel how expanded your stomach was.
(god, you did not want her to feel how bloated you still were.)
now you knew there was nothing wrong with having a stomach, especially one that wasn't flat or as unwell as yours had become. but it was your body, and your body felt wrong.
feeling natasha's breath on the back of your neck, you gingerly began removing her arm from your body. however, your plan quickly failed when natasha pulled you in closer, her grip tightening around you.
you bit your lip to suppress your cries. you needed out and you needed out right now.
things quickly became unbearable. the longer you felt trapped, the more your body began to tremble. and though you despised it, you turned around to face natasha, your head buried in the crook of her neck.
the thoughts were loud. much louder than they had been the past few weeks.
you tried to keep your cries to a low level, but that didn't seem to work. natasha awoke within the very same minute. her first instinct was to check on you, but seeing as tears were streaming down your face she knew what the problem was.
nat pulled you closer to her, letting her right hand rub the backside of your body in an attempt to calm you down.
"hey now, it's okay, it's alright. you're okay, you're safe, you're here. i'm here." you continued to sob, letting every detail of your own self hatred slip from your mouth.
natasha wasn't surprised at the outburst. she knew you would have days like this, more days would soon follow. that was reality. she didn't expect your recovery to be perfect, if it was then she would know you weren't really getting better – simply putting on weight to please her.
she couldn't take away your pain (although she wished she could), but she could be there, offer you her love and support, coax you through meals when you needed her to.
when you'd finally calmed down you turned away from her, suddenly embarrassed at how you acted. she could feel you tense back up again, a failed attempt at blocking her out.
it was nat, who were you to think she couldn't read you like an open book?
nonetheless, she kissed the back of your head and moved out from under the covers. "i'm going to make breakfast, i'll be back."
you sighed. breakfast was not an option.
but 15 minutes later natasha returned with a plate of eggs, toast and a cup of fruit on the side. she even made it all pretty and nice for you.
“up, y/n. i know you don't want to, but you have to eat.”
"no," you mumbled, bringing the blanket over your head. she tugged them away instantly, "yes."
"it's too early."
"you didn't say that yesterday-"
"well i'm saying it today, natasha. now fuck off."
natasha knew better than to take your words to heart. if anything, she found it rather entertaining to see just how far you'd go to try and push her buttons.
an idea came to mind, a negotiation, really.
"tell you what, no breakfast, but you have to eat lunch and three snacks between dinner."
you thought about it for a second before peeking from underneath the covers, "deal." natasha patted your side, "i'm only doing this because you've been doing so well these past few weeks. don't count on this deal happening again." she spoke thoroughly, the plate of food now on its way into the kitchen trash-bin.
while you laid in bed natasha texted wanda. the redhead thought it would be beneficial for the younger woman to pay a visit. she knew how close the two of you were and decided to invite her over. it wasn't much, but the idea of wanda coming over and (possibly) helping you in any shape or form was very reassuring to natasha.
wanda texted back almost instantly, informing her that she was just short of an hour out, having to stop for gas on the way. natasha thumbs up'd her message and began planning out the day.
before either of you knew it, it was 12 noon. lunch had approached sooner than expected. wanda and natasha easily got caught up in a conversation. the only thing keeping time was nat's alarm that set off.
"time to go wake y/n up," natasha giggled, although she knew you'd be a challenge today. wanda followed her, too excited to wait on surprising you with lunch.
"y/n! c'mon, a special someone is here to see you."
a groan could be heard from the bed as you up to see who was there. you smiled at the sight of wanda and she immediately brought you in for a squeeze-the-life-out-of-you hug.
you didn't miss her smile faltering when she let you go.
you were still just as boney and thin as you were when you left the compound. three weeks was nothing, but you swore you could feel every ounce of weight gain coming back.
wanda helped you out of bed, allowing you to lean on her as she guided you into the kitchen. it was a good thing too, because you were more light headed than usual.
"what are you doing here?" wanda smiled and pushed the already prepared plate of food towards you. it'd been a few minutes and you hadn't even touched your fork. "what? couldn't surprise you?" natasha giggled from your left. you already seemed to be in a much better mood with wanda around than you had been this morning. but both women caught onto the fact that you were only shoving the food on your plate, not making any effort at all to actually eat it.
nat tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, "you have to eat, you know the deal we made." her push was soft, but it didn't make things any easier.
you sighed, tightening the grip around your fork. things like this shouldn't be so hard. it was food. food is fuel, food is good, but somewhere in your mind those messages were twisted and crumpled into something that could never be more false.
you leaned into natasha, keeping your face shielded away from the plate. tears sprung into your eyes and you begged for her to not make you eat.
"tasha, just one day, please. i promise i'll eat tomorrow-"
"i wish that were true, i really do, sweetheart." nat rubbed your shoulder before pushing you back, forcing you to look her in the eyes. "i'm going to go grocery shopping and run a few extra errands. wanda will be here to watch you finish your meal and to have a snack or two before i get back. i love you, okay?"
(you knew she did. but holy fuck, why did she have to do this to you.)
"yeah, you too." and with that, natasha grabbed her keys, kissed you on the forehead and left.
you don't know why, but you didn't actually think wanda would listen to natasha. that belief was quickly thrown out when you moved to get up from the table, wanda quick to grab your wrist and stop you from going to far.
"stay. please? just a few bites, i won't tell natasha if you don't..." she pleaded. a feeling of safety grew in your chest. your level of trust with her had always been high, but this time it felt more intimate. wanda was seeing you at your worst, a vulnerable position you'd never let anyone else but tasha see, and yet, wanda decided to stay.
it took over an hour for you to manage half a meal. wanda sat through it all, however, and coaxed you through each bite.
now, two hours later with a snack in hand, you sat quietly on the porch, head resting on wanda's lap with her fingers tied in your hair.
"do you talk to nat?"
"sometimes. actually yeah, most of the time i talk to her. it helps, and she's a great listener." you complimented.
"why are you doing this?"
wanda looked down at you, seeing your eyes bore into her and bit her lip, "it's hard to see the girl that i loved and the girl that came back. i should've noticed before you went on your mission, but i didn't because i was too wrapped up with my own issues."
"you can't blame yourself, wanda. i didnt want to be seen. you couldn't have done anything different."
she hummed, ears perking up at the sound of natashas car pulling in the driveway.
you jumped up from her lap and ran to help tasha with her groceries, earning a loving glare from the redhead.
oh yeah. no strenuous activity. too many calories that you needed would be burned off. at least that's what you were told anyway.
wanda stayed the rest of the day, even through dinner. (only because you begged natasha to let her stay that long.)
natasha didn't seem to mind that she stayed. the redhead heard more laughs and giggles from you than she'd heard in the past six months.
the worst part about the day ending was the fact that wanda had to leave eventually.
(eventually being now.)
you pouted. you weren't ready for her to go just yet.  she'd taken your mind off of so much today and you weren't sure you could face it again. really, you didn't want to face it again.
"i believe in you." she murmured.
stupid mind reading.
wanda rolled her eyes, "i'm serious, y/n. you've got this. you're amazing."
“you're only saying that because you have to.”
her eyebrows pulled together. "no. i'm saying it because i know it's true. you've got a gift, y/n. what you have– you're going to get it back."
you inhaled.
"next time i see you, i want you to be a little bit more healthy, okay?" wanda gave you a tight hug and left without another word. she just hoped the next time she saw you it wasn't in a casket.
you hoped the next time you saw her, you'd be better.
today wasn't easy, but it gave you a taste of everything you'd been missing.
and you wanted it back.
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toutorii · 4 years
Broken Pieces Chapter 2
Broken Pieces Masterlist
Warnings: Mild Language i think
"Mom?" the kid slurred.
"No I'm not your mom kiddo," I replied to the half-awake kid. His eyes started to droop. "Just go back to sleep, you'll feel better."
He mumbled something before he passed out again.
"So, did you see his mom?" Annie asked me.
"No, by the time I got there it was just him, Grover, and Bull Baby."
We both jumped at the sound of the door opening, revealing Grover. He looked so depressed it was making me depressed.
"H-how is he?" He asked.
"He just woke up actually. Asking for his mom." I answered. Grover visibly flinched. "What happened Grover?"
"He- she-she r-risked her life, to make sure Percy and I were safe." He cried.
So, Percy, that's the kid's name. Most likely after Perseus, this must be a sick joke. But wait-
"Why was she there in the first place?" I inquired.
"Ngggh" The kid, Percy groaned.
I turned, checking what's wrong with him. None of his wounds are infected, I cleaned and treated them myself. I felt his forehead, it was a normal temperature. Then it clicked. He was having a nightmare. He began to thrash and whimper in pain. I held on tightly to his hand, trying to stabilize him.
After several minutes, he calmed down. His breathing was still a little irregular, but nothing too severe.
That's when Grover stated, "I'll watch over him now, you haven't slept at all in the past 24-hours. ."
Has it really been that long? I guess, now that I think about it, my neck really aches. I guess I should take a break. So I got up, very slowly mind you, and said my goodbyes to Grover and Annie. The minute I walked through the door to Hermes cabin I was tackled by none other than Connor Stoll.
"What happened? Who's the kid? Is he alright? Are you alright? You look like death. Have you slept at all?" He asked one right after another. I laughed softly.
"Hello to you too. I'm fine, just need some sleep. The kid is fine, he's currently resting at the Big House. Any other questions mom?"
He pouted, "Come on Phe, you had me worried. You snuck out of the cabin and never came back! You know how terrifying that is? You could have been dead, and I would have never known. Luckily I heard some rumors that you were in the big house. I tried to visit you, but they were limiting visitors to not scare the kid. But still! You can't just do things like that!" After his speech, he was nearly on the brink of crying.
Ouch, my heart.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. But you know I can't get beaten that easily." I laughed.
"I know. It's just, that dream has made me paranoid."
"Huh? My dream has made you paranoid? Shouldn't it make me paranoid?"
"But the thing is, you don't fear death! Someone could tell you that you'd die today, and you would say something like, "Oh, guess I'll have to make the best of it then." And that scares me! You have no sense of self-preservation. It's very frustrating."
I frowned, not liking this worried Connor. "Con, you're being too serious. I don't like it."
"Heh, I guess you're right. I would invite you to prank the Demeter house, but I wasn't kidding when I said you look like death." He chuckled.
"Oh, shove it. I look fabulous." We both had a good laugh. "But seriously, I'm tired, go do whatever." And with that, he left. The Hermes cabin was currently at archery, so I could nap in peace. Thank the gods. The instant my head hit my pillow, I was out.
"-ebe! Wake up!" My eyes shot open. Who dare interrupts my slumber. I shot up, glaring at the intruder, but immediately softening when I saw who it was.
"What do you need Will?" I asked the nine-year-old.
"It's time for dinner, and you need to eat."
"Okay, I'm up, I'll be there." I smiled at him, ruffling his curly blonde hair.
He laughed, "Okay, I'll see you there."
After he left I sighed, I wasn't really prepared to go down to the dining pavilion. But, whatever. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone anyway. I went down to the pavilion, trying to tie my messy hair into a ponytail, trying to at least look somewhat presentable. I was greeted with smiles from various campers. I went and got my food and walked to the firepit to dump a portion into the flames.
'Mom, whoever you are, please look after that kid. I have a feeling he won't have a very peaceful time here.'
I walked over and took my normal seat between Connor and his older brother Travis.
"B-but, I don't understand. Why can't you just bandage the wound?" Will asked.
"Because it won't completely heal. The outer part will heal, but the tissue underneath will still be separated and damaged." I explained.
"Oh. So, is this how you do it?"
"Yeah, but you're way too stiff. Relax a little bit. You're doing fine." I assured him.
I was giving Will some lessons for first aid. Even though he has Apollo's healing powers, he needed to learn how to heal and treat someone without powers.
"How come you know all of this?" He asked me.
"Trial and error," I answered truthfully. He just nodded and went back to stitching up the pig belly. I looked at the kid. He was a good kid. His healing abilities are really spectacular for his age. I mean, it's no surprise cause he's a child of Apollo. But even Michael's not this good.
"Hey, Phoebe! Could you patch me up real quick? Got in a little trouble with the dragon." My good friend, Beckendorf said as he walked into the infirmary.
"Again? You sure you can tame it?" I teased.
"It doesn't need taming."
"So you're saying it just doesn't like you."
"Just patch me up." We laughed, as I got the needed materials to heal his burn wounds.
"Bite this," I said shoving a piece of cloth in his mouth.
"These are nasty burns, and this aloe will burn like hell. i'm warning you ahead of time."
"You just can't stay away from him, can't you?" Annie questioned.
"He's a patient of mine. I want to make sure he's okay. Plus, he just lost his mom, he'll need someone when he wakes up." I replied.
"Whatever. But you do know that he's the one from the prophecy."
"I really don't care Annie. He's a kid that's gonna be confused as hell when he wakes up. And Mr. D doesn't exactly make the warmest of welcomes."
"Well, I'm going to go do archery."
"M'kay, have fun."
After she left, I cleaned up the kid. I wiped the drool off his face and fed him some food. I stood and went to wash the bowl inside the big house. Grover passed by me and visited Percy on the porch. I heard muffled talking, the kid must be awake now. I walked outside and sure enough, I found Grover and Percy talking.
"Hey, kiddo. How're you holding up?" I tentatively ask Percy. He looks at me with a confused face, before realization dawns on him.
"You- you were that girl, who saved me." He said.
"I didn't exactly save you. You already did all the hard work. The name's Phoebe Jacobs. Nice to meet you."
He started to tear up. I panicked, did my name offend him?
"Woah kiddo, you okay? Did I offend you?" I asked worriedly.
"N-no. I'm fine." That was a total lie. "My name is Percy Jackson," He held out a trembling hand to me and I shook it.
"C'mon. Chiron wants to speak with you." I told him.
Damn. This kid's tough. He can't be much older than 12. But he still has been through more than most have in a lifetime. And now he's going to face an even tougher challenge.
Mr. D playing pinochle.
And thats chapter 2! I was going to post this tomorrow, but nobody is gonna read it anyways, so why wait 😂. But I hope you guys are enjoying it, and I know Connor is SUPER DUPER OOC AND IM SORRY. But let me know what you guys think, and if you would be interested in my other OC insert ideas.
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mividaeslimones · 5 years
Day 35 (21 Days on Testosterone [11/11/19])
I had a couple of audio files I recorded, but I have no idea where they went... So tomorrow I’ll post something. I won’t be doing anymore teaching appointments, today went well, compared to 10/04/19. Last Monday when I went a head with an injection some of the medication leaked out of my leg when I pulled out the needle. I utilized the Z-track method that’s explained bellow and injected into a nice hunk of my leg. The nurse I spoke to today was just as puzzled, and the only thing I could think of was that the angle might have been off by a hair. I’m doing it right, so I have no idea what happened. I do know this can occur when I get a vaccine sometimes. Anyway, there are a lot of steps, but it’s second nature once you’re in the swing of it. This is more cost effective than the gel or the foam, and some states will pay for this (or more of it) if you’re on Medicaid. They won’t cover the needles which is weird, because I honestly don’t know how they expect anyone to inject medication without a method of delivery. They do this to diabetics and other folks too, so it’s not just the trans community.
Z-Track IM (Intramuscular) Injection:
This method is to create an internal band aid of sorts, while helping prevent medication from leaking out. DO NOT do this on your rear! This should be done on your leg.
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(1) First things first, wipe down the surface you’re going to lay out your supplies with. I use a disinfectant wipe, once that’s dry, I then layout a clean paper towel.
(2) I wash my hands and use a clean paper towel to shut off the water and open the cupboard where my stuff is kept. You want to minimize your contact with germy surfaces!
(3) Then I gather up my supplies! That includes two alcohol wipes, one gauze pad, a band aid, one syringe, two needles, and my medication.
(4) I locate my vastus lateralis next. Which translates to a hand width beneath your groin, a hand width above your knee; while the side borders are the mid anterior thigh to the mid lateral thigh. Beneath this step is a photo of the muscle highlighted in red.
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(5) You’re going to crack open one alcohol swab and wipe down a patch about the size of a half dollar. There’s enough alcohol in a wipe to do it, so you might as well have a bigger target to aim for.
(6) You’re going to open both of your needles, if there’s no packaging don’t sweat it. Pull back the guard of one, DO NOT REMOVE THE CAP JUST YET. Screw on your needle, but don’t do it too tightly, you’ll have to unscrew it after. This is because the needle will be blunted. This is part of what makes an injection painful, not a sharp needle. Think of it as cutting yourself with a knife that’s wicked sharp, you don’t realize you’ve done it until you start bleeding.
(7) Remove the vial’s cap, and wipe down the top of your bottle and allow to air dry. This is another sterility procedure that’s essential to keeping you well.
(8) You’re going to draw up a little air with the cap still on. You’ll do this once, to help break the vacuum inside the vial. Please not if you put in too little air, you will find it hard to draw up your medicine. If you push in too much air, the medicine may be forced out of either the syringe or the vial (I’ve seen both happen). The amount of air should be the equivalent to the amount of medication you will draw up. Now you can remove the cap with a quick pull. Puncture the top and inject the air into the vial. Flip the bottle upside down and make sure you have the needle in the solution at this time. You may have to tilt the needle so you can draw up your medication. For me at this time it’s .15, BUT I do .16. This extra bit is to wet the needle (pushing out a little fluid to dampen the tip), which is the second cause of injection pain.
(9) Pull that sucker out and unscrew the top. You’ll need to swap it out for the unused needle, since the one you just used is now blunted. Secure the guard with a snap and dispose of in your sharps container. Once you’ve screw pull back the guard of the new one and remove the cap. 
(10) With your thumb and forefinger stretch the area around where you swabbed. Your leg needs to be straight as you sit, it should make a 90° angle with your knee bending naturally. Your going to go straight in at a 90° with your needle. I recommend taking in a breath and inserting while you breathe out. The needle needs to be all the way in before you push on the plunger.
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(11) Push on the plunger and have your gauze within reach. You’re going to inject for 3-5 second, it seems like a long time, but trust me this junk is thick and needs time to go in. After that count to ten (slowly). You’re ready to simultaneously pull out the needle and let go of the site your thumb and fore finger are stretching. Quickly press the gauze onto the injection site. 
(12) Remove the gauze and apply your band aid. You can massage the site to alleviate pain and work in the medication. The mild soreness dissipates after six hours for me.
*One thing I notice about this, is if I inject in the late afternoon I’m wired in the evening. If this happens to you, I would consider aiming for morning injections...it really sucks not being able to go to sleep.
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watchmegetobsessed · 6 years
Shawn Mendes // Boundaries Part 12
yoooo im back with a new part!! okay this sounded like im a shitty rapper.. im really losing my shit lately over school but whatever... anyway, enjoy! shower me with your thoughts!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10  - Part 11
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I’m an emotional wreck when I get into the car and Nick greets me with a friendly smile. The silence is comforting, though I miss the country music Shawn used to play every time he was in a good mood.
I’m not a nail biter, but I nibble on them as we are getting closer and closer to Shawn’s place and I’m trying to come up with a plan on how I want to do it. Should I just blurt it out or should I build it up properly like a speech that ends with me telling him that he is going to be a father?
None of the options seem to be right, so after a while I give up and decide to just go with the flow.
When Nick rolls into the garage my nerves are exploding and my hands are shaking when I get out of the car. I take the elevator and I feel like my stomach was left in the garage when the elevator moved up.
The door opens and I walk into the familiar apartment. I hear his singing voice coming from the kitchen even before I could see him and it immediately brings a smile to my lips. I don’t know what I was expecting to see or how I imagined our first meeting after our emotional goodbye, but it feels… normal.
I walk into the kitchen and he looks up at me from the instant soup he is making and a wide smile dances to his beautiful face. He looks just as handsome as I remembered, his hair is now a bit longer, a curl is dancing on his forehead with every movement, but it’s beyond adorable. I have to fight the urge to curl it to my finger.
“Hi!” he greets me and stepping closer he pulls me into a hug, and I feel like I’m finally safe and home.
“Hi,” I whisper against his hoodie as I wrap my arms around his waist. Smelling his scent makes is even harder to peel myself off of him when it’s long over the friendly duration for the hug. “Instant soup, huh?” I ask hoping to make myself forget about the aching pain in my chest that I’m feeling now that he is standing next to me again.
“I don’t have lunch or dinner dates anymore, so I’m more often stuck here alone. And I’m still not a chef,” he chuckles shaking his head.
“Ordering is still an option, you know?”
“I… haven’t been quite in the mood to talk to strangers, not even a delivery guy,” he mumbles anxiously as he puts a spoon into the soup and stirs it. Steam is dancing above the bowl indicating that it’s still pretty hot, so he doesn’t attempt to taste it, just lets it sit on the counter.
I can relate to how he is feeling and I’m surprised he shared this detail with me. I was afraid he would be distant and sullen with me, but his honesty is calming me.
“Do you want a glass of wine or something?” he asks walking over to the fridge. I almost say yes immediately, some alcohol would definitely work for me, but then I realize that I can’t. Because there is a teeny-tiny baby in my stomach now.
“Um, no thank you,” I shake my head and watch him grab a water for both of us.
“So, not that I’m rushing you, but I’m really curious about what you wanted to talk about.”
We make ourselves comfortable on the couch and I feel my anxiety coming over me. I have no idea how to do it, but I can’t just blurt it out. I need time to think.
“I… I’ve been missing you.”
He gives me a doubtful look and I’m afraid he can see through me, but then he doesn’t question if this was my original intention. But I start talking again just to be sure.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot and I just couldn’t get you off of my mind. I know I was the one who wanted to end everything, but… I guess I can’t do it.”
I feel horrible. I should have told him straight away instead of talking bullshit. Well, okay, it’s not bullshit, it’s true, I’ve been missing him as hell, but this is not why I came here.
He runs his hand through his hair and I think back of the time I used to do this without a second thought. Now I’m sitting next to him with a decent gap between us, so our legs can’t touch.
“I missed you too, Naya. So much. But… what do you want to do? I mean… I’m happy to start seeing you again, but we have to figure this out, how we want to make it work.”
I nod with a blank stare and I don’t know what I can say. If I don’t tell him about the pregnancy test I’m just fucking everything up, making him believe things are turning right and we can start over again, when truth is, everything is about to turn upside down.
For my luck, his phone starts ringing somewhere in his room and he excuses himself rushing into the room to answer the call.
I growl angrily as I reach for my bag and grab the test. I stare at it and can’t help but grimace. What am I doing here? I can’t ruin his life, I was the stupid one who forgot to take the pill, so it’s all my fault. A child would blow up his whole life and I can’t put up with the thought of messing everything up for him. I shouldn’t have come here.
I jump when I realize he is walking out of his room and in my sudden confusion I tug the stick to my coat’s pocket hiding it as I jump to my feet. I have to leave before I fuck something up.
“Where are you going?” he asks with raised eyebrows.
“I-I gotta leave. I’m sorry.” I mumble nervously as I head to the elevator, but he grabs my arm and… and everything happens too fast.
His grip is not too hard, but it’s strong enough to pull my hand out of the pocket and the stick slides out with it as well. It falls to the floor and the clinking makes me jump. I totally freeze right at that moment, giving Shawn the chance to reach for it.
As I watch him pick the test up from the floor I hold my breath and pull my shoulders up, as if I’m afraid he is about to explode. He hold it between his fingers, stares at it for the longest few seconds before his eyes slowly move up to my face. I’m biting my lips, feeling the tears dwelling in my eyes.
Why didn’t I put the damn test back into my bag? Why am I such an idiot?
“Shawn, I-“ I start, but I don’t get to finish, he cuts me off.
“Is this yours?” he asks in a firm voice. I nod.
“I took it this morning. I threw up last night and realized I’ve been late for over a week, so I bought the test and…”
“Did you do it on purpose?” I hear his next question and the words freeze to my tongue.
“What?” I manage to say.
“Did you get pregnant on purpose? Were you planning on it?”
His expressions are hard, he seems mad and it’s scary to see him like this. I didn’t want to upset him and his questions catch me off-guard. I stare at him in disbelief, but it soon turns into anger. How can he think I did this on purpose?
“Sure, I thought it would be fun to mess up my and your life as well!” I snap back angrily. “Of course I didn’t! I forgot to take the damn pills!” I growl as I snatch the test from his hand. Now I’m raging and I’m offended by the accusation.
“You told me not to worry about it! And yet, you have a positive pregnancy test in your bag now!” he retorts just making it even worse.
“I’m sorry, I was too busy trying not to fall apart! I’m sorry I’m human! But if you think I did this on purpose then I’m leaving now. It was a mistake to come here.”
I turn around furiously, but he grabs my arm again holding me back. When I turn back to him his face is completely changed. He doesn’t seem mad anymore, more like… desperate.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m sorry! I didn’t… I just- I’m in shock, okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“And you think I’m not shocked?” I scoff in disbelief. “This morning I found out that I’m pregnant, I came here to find comfort and maybe to find out what we should do now, and then you accuse me of doing it on purpose!” Tears are running down on my cheeks and though I try to push him away, he pulls me to him and closes his arms around me no matter how badly I’m trying to get away from him. “I’m so fucking shook, I’m terrified and I really thought seeing you would make me feel better, but I’m still so afraid.”
Now I’m full on crying, I’m sobbing into his shirt but he doesn’t seem to care. His strong arms hold me tight to his body and I just want to stay like this forever. He is stroking my hair gently, soothing me without letting go of me. I’m glad he is holding me because my knees feel like jelly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, I wasn’t thinking. It’s okay baby,” he whispers into my hair pressing a kiss to my temple.
“I’m sorry for raging so bad. I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster in the last 24 hours,” I mumble wiping my tears off of my face, but I know my eyes has already swelled and as red as a tomato.
“It’s fine. Come on, let’s sit down and talk, okay?”
I nod my head and he pulls me back to the couch. He gently takes my coat off and sitting down he pulls me close, circling an arm around my shoulders. His body’s heat is attracting me like I’m a bug and he is the only light in the room. I cuddle to his side and enjoy the momentary silence as I slowly realize I’m somehow relieved. The secret is out, he knows about the test, now we can focus on figuring out everything else.
“I’m sorry about the pill. I should have been more careful, it’s my fault,” I mumble and looking up at him I my gaze meets his soft eyes. All the anger and doubt is gone by now, I have my soft Shawn back, thanks God.
“Don’t say that. I should have been more persistent about using a condom too. We are in this together. But we really have to figure out the next step.”
“The next step is that I have a doctor’s appointment for tomorrow. These test are pretty reliable, but I need to see a professional as well.”
“Cancel the appointment, I’ll get you one in a private hospital. They are very trustworthy and we can sneak in without getting noticed.”
I don’t protest, I’m more than happy to keep it a secret for as long as possible. The last thing I need is to get recognized as I’m going to the gynecologist with Shawn.
“And we have to tell at least Andrew. He would kill me if something got out without him knowing about it.”
“He is going to hate me for life,” I sigh sadly, shutting my eyes closed. He runs his hand up and down my arm soothingly.
“Hey, don’t worry. Andrew is a smart guy, he doesn’t hold a grudge for nothing. And as I said, I was there too when…” His other hand gently slips under my sweater to my stomach. “When this baby thing happened. You remember?”
His playful smile calms me a bit. I’m suddenly very aware of his warm palm on my stomach and it’s so strange, to think about the tiny baby in my stomach.
“Shawn?” I speak up after a few silent moments.
“I’m scared.” My voice is just a dying whisper and the damn tears are flowing again from my eyes, I can’t help it. Startled from my sudden mood change he sits straight up so he can look into my eyes, he cups my face in his hands and runs hid thumbs across my cheeks.
“Don’t be. It’s going to be alright. I’m not letting you do this alone, okay?” I nod my head sniffing like a little child. “I know it’s very sudden and scary, but you are not alone. I’m here and we are in this together.”
Now I’m crying because he is the sweetest person alive. His kind and soothing words comfort me like nothing on the world and even though this is a shitty situation I’m still happy I get to do this with him.
“I just… Don’t feel like I’m ready for this,” I choke out shaking my head.
“You will be ready for this when the time comes. I know we can make this work, okay? Just… don’t give up. We have someone else to think about now,” he lets out a small chuckle making me laugh through my tears.
Thanks to the emotional shock we both went through we doze out on the couch soon. When I open my eyes it’s already dark outside, meaning I spent almost half of the day napping with Shawn on his couch. His arms are hugging me protectively as he is spooning me from behind. I don’t want to wake him up, but one, I really have to pee and two, it’s time for me to leave, I don’t intend to spend the night here. Our situation doesn’t mean we are back on track.
I successfully peel myself out of his grip and make it to the bathroom. After quickly taking care of my business I check on him, he is still sleeping, now hugging a pillow to his chest. I take a moment to admire how peaceful he looks right now. No drama, no worries, just his angelic face that I still love so dearly.
As I feel myself getting emotional I turn away and grabbing my stuff I leave. I don’t call for Nick, I get a cab and head home.
I guess my message is clear to Shawn, he doesn’t call me that day. In the morning he texts me that he is picking me up at the café to go to the clinic and he also lets me know we are having a meeting with Andrew and Justin later, though I have no idea who Justin is. Definitely not Bieber.
Elisa is not home when I wake up, I’m thankful I don’t have to face her, she knows me too damn well and I know it would take one look and she would know something is off. I need more time to figure things out.
I have a beanie on and my scarf is covering half my face so I’m not recognizable. From my previous month spent with Shawn I expect him to be distant and moody after I left without a word yesterday, but I guess the situation is different now. I’m welcomed with a bright smile as I sit into the car.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asks me kindly.
“Um, fine. I was a bit nauseous in the morning, but I’m better,” I sigh tiredly. I leave out the part where I spent ten minutes kneeling next to the toilet because I was pretty close to throwing up. “Who is this Justin we are meeting later?” I ask.
“Justin Stirling. He is in my team, he has been doing a lot of marketing stuff for me lately, but he was busy with family stuff last month.”
I nod my head noting the information. The rest of the car ride is spent in silence. I feel so strange, before this whole pregnancy drama Shawn was always the dominant one, especially because he was kind of my boss. But now he looks so lost and confused, my news yesterday must have thrown him over the edge. He is looking out for my every mood and it’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable.
We make it into the clinic without anyone noticing us. This is definitely not how I imagined my first trip to the doctor when I become pregnant. It’s far from idyllic, I’m nervous, my hands are shaking so I hide them in my pocket, Shawn is like a jumpy kid, looking out for everything around us.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Hosier, please, come in,” the doctor greets us. She is a lovely middle-aged woman with a warm smile which is quite calming. We follow her into the room and while I sit up on the white bed Shawn takes place next to me. “So tell me, what do we know so far?” she asks as she is getting ready for my examination.
“Um, I’ve been late for about nine days now, in the past two days I’ve been feeling nauseous and I threw up once. I took a test and it came out positive.” I’m nervous to talk about it with Shawn right next to me, but I try not to think about it.
“Okay. Any pain maybe in the lower stomach?”
“No,” I shake my head.
Soon my pants and underwear comes off and I sit with my legs up while Dr. Hosier is facing my lower half. She keeps asking me questions, I just stare up at the ceiling and answer them like a robot. Shawn looks tensed as he is looking at the doctor.
“I’m going to do an ultrasound quickly,” she informs me she helps me put my legs down. I’m trying to breathe evenly as she pours some jelly on my stomach and starts roaming it with that… something. I don’t even know what these things are, this is how unprepared I am!
All three of us is staring at the screen that is filled with black and white void, I don’t see anything, but the Dr. Hosier freezes the picture and puts a circle around a teeny-tiny dot in the lower part of the image.
“Well, I have news. You are in fact pregnant, Miss Duvall and that little dot is the baby.”
I guess she can sense how unwelcomed the situation is, so she keeps her congrats to herself. She quickly tells me that we need to reserve another appointment soon, she talks about vitamins and useful information while I wipe my stomach clean and get dressed.
“Here, this is for you,” she tells me handing me an envelope. Opening it I see two copies of the ultrasound picture. I just thank her quietly wanting nothing more than to just finally leave the clinic. It is official now, I’m pregnant.
The realization hits me hard across my face as we walk out of the room and head to the car. Neither of us is talking, I’m scared, mad and desperate about the situation and I’m pretty deep in my thoughts when Shawn takes my hand and stops me before I could walk out of the building.
“Naya, let’s… talk for a minute, okay?”
I just nod my head as we sit down in two seats in the corner. No one is batting an eye at us fortunately.
“I, uh- I just wanted to tell you that… I know it’s scary and everything, and Andrew will probably explode when we tell him, but… I’m totally in.”
“In what?” I ask confused.
“In this. In us, in investing in this pregnancy. I want to be part of it, no matter how crazy things will get. And I guess I’m not saying anything new if I say I want us to… continue from where we were before things went downhill.”
“Things didn’t go downhill, our work came to its end and I did the logical thing.”
“But this is not work anymore. I want to give us a chance.”
I stare at him with mixed emotions. I don’t know what I want, I need time to figure out my next step. I have so much to worry about now that my feelings for Shawn must come second… or third… I’m more worried about what Andrew will say, how I’m going to work and what will people think if it ever gets out.
“I need time. It’s just too messy for me now. I’m sorry, but… I need to figure everything out.”
I can tell my answer doesn’t satisfy him, but he doesn’t protest. Pressing his lips together he nods shortly before we continue our way out of the clinic.
I’m shitting my pants when we reach the office complex where we are supposed to meet Andrew and Justin. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m sure it won’t be too pretty. Shawn tries to calm me telling me that it will be alright, but I know we are in trouble.
Shawn knocks on the door that has Andrew’s name on it and when we get the approval he opens the door.
“Ah, hey! I didn’t know you would be here too,” he immediately says when he sees me, confusion all over his face as he shakes hands with Shawn shooting him a questioning look. But he just ignores it and turns to the other guy in the room.
“Hey man, this is…” he starts gesturing at me, but he is not sure which name to use, so I step ahead and hold a hand out for Justin.
“I’m Naya. Hi.”
This is already over the work relationship I formed previously, my real name is justifiable. I see Andrew’s surprised face from the corner of my eyes and I know he is a smart guy, he must be putting the picture together slowly. But I bet he has no idea about the bomb we are about to drop onto him.
“Hey, Justin. Nice to meet you,” Stirling shakes my hand and soon we all take our places. Andrew is behind the desk, Justin is leaning against the bookshelf in the corner while Shawn and I are sitting in front of them.
“So, what is this meeting about?” Andrew questions. I turn to Shawn and he is already opening his mouth to answer.
“I have something to tell you, but I hope you won’t get mad. I just want you to listen to me.” Andrew nods and Shawn continues. “So… During the one month Naya and I kinda got cozy, if you know what I mean. In the last two weeks things escalated quickly, so it all took a romantic turn. But, um, w-we ended it when the month was over,” he adds and I’m staring at Andrew, trying to read his expressions, but I can’t. He is like a statue.
“Okay, go on, what is the problem?” he asks leaning back in his seat, but I have a feeling he already figured it out, because when he looks at me I can feel his eyes burning into my skin.
“We made a very reckless and immature mistake by… Um, we- we didn’t…” Shawn’s stuttering is getting under my skin, so I take a deep breath and just blurt it out.
“We didn’t use protection and I’m pregnant.”
The room falls silent, Andrew is staring at me, Shawn is staring at Andrew, Justin is staring at Shawn and I’m staring at the floor. The words felt heavy in my mouth and I’m afraid my heart is about to jump out of my chest.
After what feels like eternity, Andrew takes his glasses off pinching the bridge of his nose as he takes a few deep breaths. Once he places the glasses back he leans on the desk and finally speaks.
“Have you been to a doctor or you just did a test?” he asks in a calm, but distant tone.
“We went to the clinic together today. I was there, it’s one hundred percent,” Shawn answers for me.
“How many weeks are you?”
“It’s the fourth,” I mumble ashamed. Andrew’s questions are prim and strict, it all feels like an interrogation.
I look at Justin for the first time since Shawn started talking and his face looks blank, but I can tell his thoughts are racing, trying to figure out what to do with the situation.
“Okay, and what do you want?”
I furrow my eyebrows confused.
“What I want? I don’t understand it…”
“What do you want?” He repeats. “Money? Followers? A job? What do you want?”
“I don’t wa- You think I did this to get stuff from you or Shawn?” I ask realizing what this is about. Shawn’s first reaction was almost the same and now I’m definitely hurt. I never made them believe I’m a scheming bitch, why does everyone think I’m using them?
“Of course the thought crosses my mind, otherwise, how could you be so reckless to have unsafe sex?” he asks as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, but it’s just making my blood boil.
“Andrew, it’s not-“ Shawn starts, but I cut him off.
“How dare you accuse me of being such a horrible person? You know nothing about me! Just because I work as an escort doesn’t mean I have such low life choices as getting myself knocked up by a client! You know what? It was a mistake to come here.” I grab my bag and throwing it on my shoulder I stand up, ready to leave. Everyone moves with me, Andrew and Shawn jump up and Justin takes a step towards me, all three of them to stop me, but the intentions are not the same. While Shawn wants me to stay because he cares about me, Andrew is just afraid is I slip out the door he can’t control the news anymore.
Shawn grabs my wrist and gently pulls me closer to him.
“Please don’t go, let’s talk.”
“You are not leaving without a confidentiality contract, no way you are walking out just like that,” Andrew growls and it’s just making it worse.
“You’re not making me do anything. I don’t need anything from you,” I spat at him and Shawn stands between us, as if he is afraid we would start a fist fight.
“Let’s calm down and talk, okay? Please!” he pleads, but behind him Andrew doesn’t seem too committed.
“I can’t deal with him if he is treating me like a bitch,” I say in a low voice, but the room is small, so everyone can hear it. Though I don’t care.
“Andrew, would you calm down? It was all an accident, she is not trying to ruin me,” he tells his manager turning to face him, but he is still holding my wrist.
I can tell Andrew is boiling inside, holding himself back not to throw the desk at me, and we are staring at each other like two hungry lions over the last piece of meat. Poor Shawn is standing in the middle, hoping he won’t have to pull us out of a fight anytime soon.
Then he takes a deep breath and nods.
“I’m sorry, but this was… quite shocking. I wasn’t expecting this.”
“I get it, it was a shocker for everyone, but let’s just talk about it, okay?” Shawn offers and I’m too tired and emotionally drained out to start a fight, so I nod my head agreeing.
We manage to sit back to our previous places and Justin stands right behind Andrew as we try to start it over again without the accusations and drama.
“I’m sorry for reacting so harshly,” Andrew starts, obviously thinking through his choice of words. “I’m just shocked, but of course, I don’t think you are trying to use Shawn. So… Let’s figure out what to do,” he offers and we all nod agreeing. “Was abortion ever an option?”
“No,” Shawn and I answer at the same time even though we never discussed it. Despite the difficulties of the situation I wouldn’t be able to abort this baby, it’s just impossible for me and I guess Shawn thinks the same way.
“Alright, then we need a strategy,” Andrew tells a bit more like to himself than to us as he is staring down at his desk. “Um… Are you guys…”
“Are you guys together now?” Justin asks speaking up for the first time in a while.
I see Shawn turning to me from the corner of my eyes, and his gaze is burning my temple as he is staring at me.
“It’s… it’s undefined. I have to figure a lot of stuff out.” I say feeling a bit guilty under their examining looks.
“But this is all joint now. Your decisions effect our work as well, I’m sorry, but you can’t just run free. Obviously, Shawn wants to take part in the baby’s life, so we have to work together. What stuff do you need to figure out?”
I feel awkward and anxious as I realize that he is right. I have to worry about myself, the baby and also consider Shawn as a third party, because he has the right to take part in this journey. I owe him honesty.
“I-I have to think about work, I need to talk to Joshua, because as soon as it gets visible I can’t work. But then I need money, because…” I don’t finish the sentence, I’m not ready to share my giant debts with them and listen to their pity. No way.
“Naya, I can support you financially. Let me help you out!” Shawn sighs obviously being over my shit, but I’m just too stubborn.
“No. That’s your money. I have my own problems to solve,” I protest.
“But I told you, we are in this together! I won’t just watch you struggle.”
“I can’t ask you to do me such a huge favor,” I shake my head staring down at my hands. I’m ashamed to admit how much debt I have to pay for every month.
“You’re not asking, I’m offering it.”
“Shawn stop!” I snap at him as I feel myself getting emotional again. “You have no idea how deep I’m in this shit! I inherited 1.2 million dollars of debts after my mom disappeared and left my number to everyone she was owing to, so now I’m paying thousands of dollars every month, because if I don’t, I might end up dead in a dumpster!”
My outburst is followed by total silence and my eyes are tearing up pretty quick. I didn’t mean to say it out loud, I never want people to know how much I struggle because of my own mother. She was a failure, never had a decent job so he paid for her debts by asking for more money from different people. Living this lifestyle for almost ten years can send you down the spiral, and when she disappeared after I moved out from her she left 1.2 million dollars worth of debt, forcing me to start working as an escort since this was the only job that offered me enough money each month to cover everything. I’ve paid back about half of the money by now, but I’m still coughing the rest every damn month. I was once late with paying, the next day two not too friendly guys showed up at my apartment and taught me a lesson with their fists. I never want to experience that. I scared the shit out of Elisa when she saw my black-eye.
“Can we… Can we have this conversation sometime later? I’m really not feeling good,” I say after a long time. I guess I shocked everyone with my outburst, they are all speechless. Shawn is the first one to recover after the scene.
“Um, Andrew how about we all have lunch tomorrow and talk about this? I think we all need some time to adjust the situation.”
I thank God for this offer, because I’m nauseous and anxious to sit here and talk about the future that involves a baby in my belly.
“It’s a great idea. Let’s just think about everything and come prepared the next time,” Justin nods agreeing and Andrew seems to be on the same page as well.
I put on my coat and keeping my gaze down I leave the office while Shawn exchanges a few words. I stop at the hallway waiting for him, chewing on my bottom lip I’m on the verge of crying once again. A few minutes later Shawn appears and seeing my long face he wraps an arm around my shoulders pulling me to his chest and this is exactly what I need right now.
“How about we get some takeaway, go to my place, eat and… just chill. Hm?” He offers mumbling into my hair, running his hands up and down my arms soothingly. I just nod my head, I’m too weak and stressed to talk and though I know I shouldn’t be getting closer to him, I just can’t resist. I need his presence, I want him to tell me it’s going to be okay, I just need somebody.
I need him.
I AM SHOOK ARE YOU SHOOK LETS ALL BE SHOOK no im just kidding I WROTE IT hahaha okay im done here bye
taglist:  @damnigotadime @jrock-1987 @dacutiehart @ricchhelle @shar-is-my-name @hollandechart
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hyseok · 6 years
Alone With You : Chapter One
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Sure, today didn't go as planned, but really when does it ever? Note to self: stop accepting invitations to parties thrown by Jeon Jungkook, actually, lets just stop being his friend all together.
Let me take you back a bit. October 30th 12:45 am; me being as studious as I am, decided to stay in. Studying... slowly dying. You get it. I needed to cram for an exam that was planned just after Halloween. And you know what, I was happy in my little bubble, but of course why would the universe allow me to just have peace and quiet?
bam bam
I jerked my head toward my dorm door, "Who the hell is at my door at 12 in the morning?" Groaning, I head toward the door ready to cuss out whoever decided banging my door like the fucking hulk was a good idea. Then it clicked. "I swear to god Jeon if this is you I'm going to-" Of course it is. I swing open my door and sure enough, there he is, Jeon Jungkook, standing there leaning against the frame slightly. Eyeing him up and down I notice that he's not wearing the same black shirt and puma sweats he always seems to be wearing. Instead, he's wearing a black button up fitting perfectly with his black ripped jeans & of course, black boots.
He meets my gaze and smirks. "See something you like?" He says, ending it with a greasy wink. "You wish." I say, rolling my eyes as he pushes past me. Jungkook and I met in high school, I honestly thought I'd never have to deal with his greasy ass anymore but much to my surprise he got into the same university as I did. Lucky me.
"Why are you dressed like that anyway?" I say closing the door. "I thought your style was primarily 'Homeless person going through a lot'" I say not to far behind him, heading straight for the kitchen. Without even looking he hold his middle finger up. "Fuck you." I gasp, dramatically holding my hand up to my mouth. He rolls his eyes and continues "There's a party tonight.. speaking of which" He side glances me up and down and scoffs. "Why aren't you dressed yet?" I raise my eyebrow at that and he chuckles. "Come on now, I told you about this party last week... damn for someone so smart you'd think you'd be able to remember something so simple" He says reaching into the refrigerator, pulling out the last of my strawberry milk. "I didn't forget Jeon. I just merely CHOSE to ignore you." I say with a slight shrug. He grasps at his chest, his face contouring into fake pain. "You know Sara, that hurts." He says. "Anyway, you can't just sit here wasting away in a pile of books, You're coming." Jungkook has always been the type of guy to have the upmost confidence.
I guess knowing him as long as I have, I've grown to know all of his tricks and well, to put it simple. He gets what he wants, when he wants. "You're delusional." I spit back, walking past him, making my way to the the scatter of books on my coffee table when I hear Jungkook say something I hoped he never would. "Yoongi will be there." My body, as if someone pushed pause on a universal remote stops, slowly I turn to him. His smile is as wide as ever because he knows. He knows uttering those words he’s got me in the palm of his hands.
(Note to self number two: Never speak about who I am infatuated with around Jeon Jungkook.) But like I said earily, he gets what he wants. When he wants it.
So of course I went. Not without a few more snarky comments moving back and forth between Jungkook and I. Hurriedly, I put on a simple outfit. A black crop top, ripped Jeans and my favourite sneakers. I'm going but just so I can get some fresh air. You know.. get out of the dorm. Like a broken record this is what I told myself, what I repeated on the car ride to Park Jimin's house, where the party would be held. 
Yes because of that, totally not because of him. Nope not because of Min Yoongi.
"SARA!!" Hoseok yells out the moment my foot hits the floor of the house that already seems to be busting through the seems with people. Making his way through the people to stand right in front of me. "Hoseok, Hi!" I say with a smile. Hoseok has always been so kind to me, a really good friend. I mean, he is quite goofy but I like that most about him. "Hey, Sara!" Seokjin, a friend I met through Jungkook. Says as he walks up to us with an orange disposable cup in hand. He goes to pass it to me and without a word, I take the drink from his hand and take a sip. "What the fuck?!" I say immediately after, the feeling of the liquor going down my throat is not pleasing at all. 
"Oh sorry, forgot to warn you. That's vodka." Seokjin laughs. Sometimes it's hard to believe he's the oldest.
"Hey!! There you guys are." Jimin, the host of the party, and the one i’ve known the longest out of the entire friend group. I smile at him before noticing the two other guys walking behind him. "Hey shortie" Jungkook says. Jimin gives him a glare, Seokjin and I give each other a knowing look and back up slightly. We'd rather not be involved in another one of their... 'brotherly' fights again. Which honestly almost always end up with Jungkook having a bruised face and broken nose and Jimin having to deal with some type of broken bone for several months. 
In the midst of the tension, I look past Jimin's shoulder and wave slightly at the two no one has seems to acknowledge yet. They look at me and smile, waving back, the blond one waving a little more enthusiastically, continuing to give me a very boxy grin. "Oh shit right, these two. This is Namjoon and Taehyung. I never got the chance to introduce you." Jimin says scratching the back of his neck. "Oh and this is Sara." He finishes, giving them a strange look I cant quite decipher. The two look back at me, then back to Jimin, finally meeting my gaze once more. "Nice to finally meet you." Taehyung says. "We've heard al-" His words are cut off by a quick jab in his side from Namjoon.
He stands there sheepishly, glances being exchanged back and forth and an awkward silence passes by which says a lot about the situation considering this is a packed house full of loud university students. There shouldn't be an opportunity for silences.
Finally, Seokjin breaks the awkward bubble we've constructed around each other. "Okay so, lets have some fun since everyone has met Sara now!" He says, Hoseok nods "Ill go get you a drink that won't murder you." He laughs as he turns to make his way to the drink table. When the others aren't paying attention, I look over at Jungkook, who surprisingly, hasn’t gone off yet to flirt with every female in the house. "Okay.. he's coming right?" I say quietly, fielding with my fingers.. He looks at me amused and shrugs. "He's always late to things like this" Not very helpful. "He'll be here," Is all Jungkook has the chance to say before he's swept away by a group of girls. Not too much time passes before Hoseok returns, solo cups in hand. He reaches out to hand me mine and I accept it.
After another awkward silence and about way too many bad jokes from Seokjin, everyone decides to split up. Walking through the house it's apparent that everyone is either; high on something, drunk out of their mind or trying to fuck in the middle of the living room. Fuck, this is why I wanted to stay home. I sigh and make my way to the living area. Deciding on just standing in the corner next to the stereo, I'm the outcast even at parties.
It's been about 2 and a half hours now, the one person I wanted to at least glimpse at just once is no where to be seen. "This is fucking pointless" I say, pushing myself off the wall. I put down the drink I haven't really touched since arriving and make my way to the kitchen.
The first person I see there is Jimin, standing next to a group of guys I don't know. I make my way toward him, tapping his shoulder. Slowly he turns to look at me. "If you see Jungkook tell him I left." I say immediately, not waiting for his response i turn to make my way to the front door. I just want to go home at this point.
"You're leaving so soon?" Jimin asks right behind me with a look of hurt on his face. "The party was great Jimin, really, but I'm not feeling it anymore right now." I say, pushing through the crowd of people grinding against each other. It's about fifteen seconds before he responds. By then we've already made it his front door.
"Didn’t you ride with Jungkook? Do you need me to go get him? Or I could call a cab for you" He asks, a hint of worry in his voice as I slip on my jacket. I shake my head. "No it's okay, I'll be fine to just walk." I say with a smile. "Tell Taehyung and Namjoon it was nice to meet them, try not to break any bones tonight." I finish with a final hug exchanged between him and I. I turn to make my way out of the door, it's about a 20 minute walk but I think it'll be nice to just enjoy the rest of the night. So I start my way down the vacant street. 
Its only been ten minutes of walking yet the thoughts of why I even left my dorm in the first place flood my mind like a broken faucet. Maybe this crush thing has gone too far.. I wasted my night waiting for him. I could have been home sleeping or studying. This is never worth it but I always do it. For him. Why do I like him so much? Why exactly am I trying so hard?
I sigh as I look up at the moon. The night breeze feeling nice against my skin. "Maybe it's time to just stop trying.. right?" I whisper.
I guess so.. 
I let out a some what defeated sigh, I just need to go home and take a warm bath and sleep at this point. I’m about five minutes from doing just that now. Turning the corner, I can see my building now, and It finally starts to feel like this night is coming to an end.. Well that is until.. 
[a/n: so...this is chapter one of my yoongi x oc au, dedicated to my friend who gave me the inspiration for it, I hope you guys enjoy it, idk how may parts it’ll have but im thinking 4-5?. Anyway, Chapter 2 will be out sometime tomorrow!! Thanks for reading. Note: I posted this on my wattpad also.]
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ideocosmonaut · 6 years
Would you rather date someone who had a car or a job? Ehh probably job.
What’s the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? Trust, perhaps?
Have you ever wanted to watch a scary movie with someone JUST to have an excuse to be close to them? Kind of
Be with someone cute and a jerk or ugly and kind? ugly and kind
Name a favorite of each: food, drink, color. Steak, Coke Zero, Gray or black
If you married rich and your spouse gave you $100,000 a week, what would you spend it on? Weekly short vacations. Maybe fly to a city every weekend and go on a shopping spree.
Name a favorite of each: book, movie, tv show. Harry Potter, Robocop, Seinfeld
If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? I dont have an ex
if you had to choose between being blind or deaf which would you pick? Hmm. Maybe blind. I love art and music but my eyes get me into more trouble than my ears.
Name a LEAST favorite of each: food, drink, color. How boring. Onions, water, yellow
What do you spend most of your money on? Bills
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Boxer briefs
If you were sat on a plane beside your favorite celebrity, what would you do? Probably nothing. Why would they want to talk to me? They’re probably really tired and just want to chill on the ride home. I mean, if I feel brave, maybe I’ll say hi and that I really love their work but that’s about it.
What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself? Any... insult?
What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house? A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a ceiling, walls...
If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you chose and why? Some kind of bird
What is your biggest pet peeve? Being wrongfully accused
Do you still watch cartoons? Sometimes
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 80s and 90s comedies
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A cop. An astronaut
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? yeah.
First concert? Flogging Molly, for a big name band. But I went to local shows in school
Tea or coffee? i like both.
Do you think you were well raised? Up until I was a teenager
How do you handle stress? not well. 
Do you hide things well? Not really
If you had to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose? I’d rather not. If I had to... family member. I��ve lost almost all of the good ones already anyway. And my friends are a precious few.
Do you see yourself ever being with someone you’ve been with before? No?
Would you rather live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people or a huge house by yourself that you felt was haunted? Huge house... if I didnt have to keep it up by myself.
How many piercings do you have? 0
Do you see yourself as a “good” person? No. No one is really good or bad. People are people. Everyone has their own ambitions. And a basic desire. People change all the time, nothing is set in stone.
Are your nails painted a dark or light color? N/a
Have you ever order pizza online? yes
What color was the last candle you lit? Cream?
Is there something written on your shirt right now? No
Is there a bookshelf in your room? no.
Do you own a treadmill? nope.
Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? yes.
What color was the last fish you had? Orangey
Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? Nah
Have you ever read in the bathtub? No
If you play the sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc? I imagine I would
Have you ever put ice cubes in milk? no.
Does your animal sleep with you? N/a
What do you use to remove your makeup at night? N/a
Do you have a favorite TV show that actually isn’t on air anymore Umm maybe. I think most of my favorites are still alive somewhere in TV land
Have you ever bought something off of iTunes? i don’t think so.
Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? nope.
Do you know how many pages the last book you read had? nope.
What day of the week does the laundry usually get done? Saturday
Do you use the Facebook chat often? daily.
Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? Nah
How many favorites do you have on youtube? hundreds
What channel is the food network? i dont have cable
Do you still write in pencil? sometimes
What brand is your foundation? n/a
What kind was the last chip you ate? Uhh doritos i think
Do you eat onion rings? not often but i love them.
When did you last go to the zoo? years ago
How many cardigans do you own? 1
What is your favorite song to play on guitarhero or rockband? none
What flavor of tea did you last have? Milos
Do you own a robe? yes
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? An upload of the new Puppet Master movie
Have you ever brushed your teeth and then drank orange juice? yeah
When was the last time you had pancakes or waffles? yesterday
Do you know anyone whose birthday is today? my step-mom
If you died right now, how would you feel about your life? I wouldn't exist so I wouldn't feel anything. That’s an upside. Can you imagine how bad you’d feel if you died? It’s a mercy we dont feel anything after.
Was the last person you texted under 18? no I dont believe any of the people ive texted are under 18
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? like two
Do you like hoodies? yes.
When was the last time you attended a wedding? May?
Have you had alcohol this week? uhhhhhhhh nope actually
What windows are open on your computer right now? You mean tabs? This, FB, another Tumblr, and youtube
Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? yes Is there anything you are craving right now? affection
What’s the last thing you had to eat? rice and beef
Who were the last four people to text you? my dad, my step-mom, a couple friends
Do you have any morbid interests? nothing habitual
Do you know anyone whose birthday is tomorrow? no.
What was the last thing you found that you thought you lost forever? an earbud cover
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop for the New Year? no
If you have a Twitter, do you use something else besides the computer to update your tweets? nope
Do you like potato salad? Ive never had one I liked
Who was the last person that apologized to you? my bff. It’s funny that I say sorry a lot but I dont hear it very often. only from him. hmm.
Have you ever driven and ended up running out of gas? no
When was the last time you uploaded pictures from your camera? months ago
Did you do the laundry today? yes
What was the reason behind the last time you stayed up all night? wasnt sleepy
Did you straighten or curl your hair last? n/a
Have you ever been off-roading? yes
Was the last number you added to your cell phone a guy’s or girl’s number? a restaurant probably
Do you enjoy being a tease? kind of. not too much.
Have you ever had a UFO sighting or a sighting of strange lights in the sky? nope.
Who was the last person you caught lying to you? eh i dont recall
How old were you when you were first pulled over by the police? umm 19 ish?
Do you have a webcam that’s built into your computer or did it come separately? n/a
Was there ever a time that you lived on an island? I am an island. Shut up, Ben Howard.
Have you ever made a time capsule? I did in school
When was the last time you drank out of a champagne glass? long time ago
What was the last casino you went to? N/a
Does it flood easily where you live? kind of
Let’s start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 12 hours? nope.
Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? no.
Does anything hurt on you? my foot
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe
Do you look at the keyboard when you type? sometimes
Does it bother you when people respond to you with one word?   not really
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? yes, many times
Do you like MySpace? i did back when it was popular.
Do you like glitter? its ok
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? my mom
What’s the closest thing to you that’s liquid? 
my... pee?
Are your toe nails painted pink? no.
Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? no... I mean, i doubt it? maybe? who knows.
Are you excited for Saturday? I was until I hurt my foot
What are you listening to right now? Game Grumps
What is the most exciting place you have been to this year? Gatlinburg 
The shirt you’re wearing, does anyone else have it? possibly
Are you gonna be home tonight? yes.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? not if it stops there
Are you easily scared at horror films? not easily
If there was a large spider in the room, what would you say? Depends on how large and what kind
Do you have good memories with old friends? of course. 
How are you feeling right now? in pain
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? oh yeah
How many friends do you have that have never smoked? a few
Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don’t talk to anymore? yes.
Are you missing someone? yes.
Did you have a dream last night? probably, i just don’t remember it.
Is it okay if you kiss people when you’re single? of course, as long as they’re single too.
Who did you last talk to on the phone? my dad
Have you held hands with anyone today? no.
Do you drop your phone a lot? nah
Your last ex says they never even liked you. You say? You dont exist?
When was the last time you saw your father? last weekend
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? Hmm. that’s a tough one. I use humor to cope a lot but I always try to remain within certain guidelines around certain people. it’s a lot to keep up with. Me? I can laugh at almost anything. Im pretty numb to most things. It doesnt come from a place of disrespect, but a need to laugh.
Would you say you’re an understanding person? mostly.
How is your life currently? it sucks.
What are you doing tomorrow morning? sleeping
Do you want to see somebody right now? sure.
How many people have you liked in the past 8 months? just the one.
Have you ever done anything illegal? yes
Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom or your dad? mom
What’s currently bothering you? my foot. looming anxiety over possibly being fired. being totally alone.
Have you thought about an ex today? no.
Are any of your friends taller than you? yes.
Did you do anything productive today? yes.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? To relive certain things, maybe. Barry Allen taught me not to fuck with the timeline
Today, did you hug a person you have feelings for? no
Do you wish at 11:11? nah
Are you currently in a relationship? no
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? apparently they are everything
Think of the last person who said “I love you” to you. Do you think they meant it? I guess. 
Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? yes.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yes
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Depends but im mostly for it
Has a boy/girl called you babe or baby today? no.
How long were you with your last bf/gf? never
Would you ever let a girl/boy put you through hell and back? probably. im ripe for the abuse.
Have you ever gone out with anyone older than you? no
Do you think you will ever be married? probably not
Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes. that’s life
Is it possible to be single and happy? temporarily
Last time you wore something that didn’t belong to you? idk
Has anything happened in the past month that made you really happy? aside from food, not really. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to say to your ex? n/a
How much money did you spend today? $0
Are you a rude person? to people who are rude
Would you ever think about painting your ceiling your favorite color? no. 
What’s something you’re excited for? Cyberpunk 2077
Does cuddling freak you out? A little. I dont like not being able to move
What do you think of maxi dresses? idk
What did the last text in your inbox say? From who? my phone’s in the other room...... >_>
What would you do if you saw a guy hit a girl? Call the police.
Have you ever gambled? yes.
Do you use tobacco products? not anymore
Would you ever go a week without showering? only if i had to
Would you ever date someone with a different skin color than you? Yeah
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alyjojo · 3 years
20 memories & isms I love about you.
1. He sent me flowers at work. Twice 🥰
2. He left work to help me fix my tire, outside my ex’s house. Never drove on a highway before that day. (no I shouldn’t have dated the guy, but that particular Gemini is the asc degree of our composite chart, he’s the reason we ever met at all, and hubby is the reason we broke up so...lesson learned)
3. He made me eat his mom’s food. Not only that but excitedly. He’d be like “mom is making hot spaghetti and you’re gonna come over and have some”...I’d say no thx 20 times but he wasn’t hearing it. Hot spaghetti day. I felt weird having someone’s mom cook for me. She probably felt weird too tbh, but he was so over the top happy about mom, food, and me, that it didn’t seem to matter and worked out fine 😆
4. He’s so forward, and bold as hell. I’m irritatingly shy and very guarded. Literally the only way he got me was because he’d act before I could really even think about it or think myself out of it. Winners mind.
5. He moved me into his moms house. I was not ok. Not not not. My pride is...well it exists, and burns like fire whenever help is given. I will never ask in all my life and idc, feels better that way. Will gladly die first. My rotors were broken though (I could write a book just about car problems fr), I needed two and it was gonna take awhile. I’d be in the city and he’d be way out there. He’s like nah. You stay. He insisted...and I stayed. Staying was not a me thing, he changed that.
6. He gave me a baby. After all of the years I didn’t have periods, needed pills to have a normal body, all of the times I talked myself out of that sort of life altogether because I clearly didn’t have the guy (ex was not a kid guy) or the working body parts to even do that, must not be for me. First time in our new apartment, boom baby.
7. First time in our slightly bigger and nicer apartment, boom baby 2. We started actually using protection after she was born. Clearly we can.
8. He worked stupidly long hours and put up with so many people that just had no fn clue, it put a strain on everything, most of all him. When he got the offer for Indy, I pushed it. And pushed it. And pushed. May as well have pushed him right out the door, we were going, because those people suck and you’ll never get the chance to be seen while you’re doing that glorified delivery guy’s job for him. We’re going. So, we did, and he got me out of this damn state. At least once.
9. He loved getting lost with me, and it was my favorite thing. Indiana is a beautiful state and I encourage anyone to get lost there, on purpose.
10. I forgot work. He caused some serious change. Everyone else lost their job, including hubby’s favorite person ever, Jonathan. Today he’s the sole survivor of a mom and pop shop, and I’m so unbelievably proud of him. The best part though, is two of the guys from work used to come see me at my new work all the time, with all their bar bitches 😆 They were my favorite people, I was always so excited to see them. Hubby tried to get them back on, and did for one of them. And when the bigger boss needed a new smaller boss bc hubby was leaving the state, hubby fought like hell for Jonathan. Like Highlander, there can only be one *sksksksksksk* They looked at a couple and hubs was like no only Jon knows the ways of the force. They hired him back, Jon has sent him some of the sweetest thank you messages...it changed his life, and hubs still loves him very much. It’s adorable.
11. Screamy baby Shmoo, she was a screamy baby, and so very beautiful. Baby Bam was like a dream, she was the perfect baby in every way. My screamy baby Shmoo was also a perfect baby, with a pitch that could break glass and sometimes she just wanted to practice for hours. Usually I got her to bed with mama snuggles & milk, singing Alison Krauss and rocking. Sometimes though, on the roughest nights, it’d be over an hour before I’d open the door with screamy baby still in a fit, and he’d take her. He’s so warm and calm, he’d win every single time, and I’d be like...zzzzz tysm ily tyty zzzz....
12. His jokes. He’s not funny (yes he is don’t tell him). He thinks he’s funny. He jokes all day every day about everything always. The girls know when dad says something to be skeptical bc he said they gotta go outside and till the land with tiny shovels, and when I roll my eyes they know he’s full of it. What’s funnier, his mom was the kind of person that took things literally always. Every time him and his goofy dad were being sarcastic, I’d have to tell her that because they’d have her believing crazy stuff. My kids share a lot of her isms, that’s one. My son absolutely does not joke, he is quite literal (so far), and I always have to scold hubby or tell lil guy nooooo he’s kidding. I don’t talk about his silliness nearly enough and I should, that’s him ❤️
13. His relationship with his mom. His mom was always on the...I wouldn’t say weaker side, but older, regular pain, on disability. He was her BABY. Her eyes lit up like Christmas when he entered the room. She loves him so so much. His sister... You know the kind, or...just imagine, probably close. He hated it. He got his job pretty young and just kept it. Always had money, always offered to help his mom, always was like IM FINE MOM. She just wanted to do for him, and he’s always been the kind of guy that wants to do for himself. And she was so funny, she’d slip $20 into the diaper bag and tell me “don’t tell him”, putting it on me. So we’d get in the car. And I’d be like there’s $20 in the diaper bag, knowing he’s gonna be pissed if he finds it (she needs it). And he’d get it, run into the house, set it on her table, and run out the door while she ran after him hollering protests 😆 Lots of other stories too. I miss her so much, I can’t even imagine how much he must.
14. His relationship with his sister, and other whirlwind people. He’s like a rock. I’ve spent lots of time with his sister, but not at once. The one day I did, I came home and my brain was so full of her bazillion ideas and impulsive let’s do this and just one thing, opposite thing, different subject, back to the subject, hey let’s do this, omg I have an idea. I love her to death but I had to sit and just...dump my brain. Ask myself for my own input bc I’d lost wtf...what were we doing again?!? Him though? Doesn’t miss a beat. No...no...no...I’ll think about it...no...no..change subject. No issue saying no. Back then I was like thank god, girl would have me on a cruise to Aruba tomorrow with costume jewelry and black face before I could even think to protest. Not him.
15. Making up. The difference between Taurus moon and Sag moon is that Taurus moon stays mad for the rest of their lives (hello...) and Sag moon wakes up in the morning like nothing happened in the history of ever. This was something that irritated me THE MOST. Don’t make me laugh, I’m pissed at you. Over the years, it became the only way we’d talk at all sometimes. Is certainly the only reason we made up, countless times. He never stopped trying to make me smile, even if I wanted nothing to do with it.
16. Acts of Service. Is not mine, which is either words time or touch and I really can’t decide which. All. He speaks a whole other language. He will let me nap, or take the kids somewhere, he will spontaneously clean or go grocery shopping, walk the dog, mow the lawn, hang out at the birthday party. It didn’t start right away, more and more as he learned my isms. He’ll make me coffee as I’m coming down the stairs. I rarely have to ever ask for any practical thing. He knows my orders for anything, recently there’s been twice that he literally read my mind before I spoke. I try to do the same for him as much as I can, because I know that’s his language and I really appreciate him.
17. Bedroom games. The man knows my body like a map, no, an Excel spreadsheet 😭, and how to get every reaction he’s looking for. He is the only man to ever satisfy my insatiable ass. He made me a whole new person in that regard. He says the same about me. Never an issue there. It’s this far down the list cuz it’s not the most important, but it’s pretty important too so there that is.
18. We share the same goals. We judge the same way, like why did they wrap this like that it looks sketchy. We parent the same. We decide the same. We critically think and weigh ideas the same. We walk the same line in the same direction. If anything he’s too negative sometimes, but that’s his own personal thing. Can’t be full of Capricorn and not lean more toward pessimism (not “realism”) sometimes I think. If it’s worth it, I’ll try to coax him to middle ground. Sometimes it’s a battle, but only if I’m really sure. Usually, he’s right, so I just let him lead.
19. When I was pregnant with my son. Initially. It was hell. His car was trashed, mine was broken and thousands of dollars to fix (this particular car in this particular year has this and what a coincidence it was particularly my problem...cars, I’m telling ya). I was two feet out the door with his shit, but his sister’s issues led to my heart. Because her kids. I love them very much, of course they can stay here and not with some strange person hell no. I cannot describe how angry I was at him. HE strapped backpacks onto his back and walked to the nearest store. Hauled so much crap in a huge backpack and just his arms. Over the course of two months. He quit drinking. He went above and beyond to do get offer or provide anything I could even imagine. More romantic then I think I’d ever seen him before. At least...it had been some time anyway. Of course...he was lying to me. The whole time. To what extent idk. Regarding the work shit, idk. Thus the question and the dream and the crazy and the...crazy 😞 Wanted to piss me off boy he got that tenfold. His actions during this time period are 💯 why I stayed. He was clearly trying like hell to prove to me he could try, and it’s more than anyone I’ve ever known has even bothered to “bother” with. I was impressed, and proud. Respect counts for a lot more than love sometimes, and at the time I respected him.
20. He’s an amazing father. There are so many stories I couldn’t possibly write them all. Our son though, he chose daddy, right from the start. Nothing like our daughters, nor any kid I’d known. He’d scream, FOR his dad. He’d only sleep on his shoulder. Hubby held this baby for hours on end. If he didn’t baby would demand it, but it was very natural to them both. Baby wanted a bottle, and hubby to give it to him. It blew my mind. Hubby got his little teammate and together they’ve changed my life and perspective in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined.
I’ve spent so long sporadically venting on here that I don’t think I’ve ever posted the sweet things. So many great memories and daily...everything...are missing, so many years and little moments. That would take forever. Its always been my frustrations, which was the purpose. This is my heart. No matter what happens, all of these things will always be true.
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kpurereactions · 7 years
Im Yours | Part One
A/N Alrighty, here it is. Part one of the Im Jaebum Mafia series. Im so excited about this and I can't wait to write more. I hope you all love it as much as I do
Pairing: Jaebum x Reader
Rating: Drama, Angst, Smut, Fluff
WARNINGS: Language, Eventual Violence, Lots of Smut Later on
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Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 FINALE
He laid atop his blankets, clutching to his sides. The pain ripping through his abdomen was enough to make him feel like he was shot. He'd much rather be shot. Anger was heavy in his chest as he thought about the events from earlier in the day:
He stood at the head of his table, narrowed eyed and heavy handed like he always was as he screamed at the men who sat lazily around him. He had almost finished informing his men of the large shipment of weapons that they were going to have to some how discreetly remove from the now police swarmed dock when the pain in his side started.
He blinked, not wanting to give any sign of weakness in front of the men who itched for the position his father had left for him.
'That will be all. Get out of my house.' He spit as a chorus of 'yes sir's' rang through the room.
He turned quickly when the last one had left to pour him self something, anything to take the pain away but before he could even reach out for a bottle, the glass in his hand fell out as he clutched to his side.
"Fuck!' He yelled. Soon, two of his right hand men were by his side and lifting him up. Jackson supported him, his knees now shaking with the pain while Jinyoung ran his hands over his body, checking just incase someone somehow did something.
'Mr. Im, all your symptoms will disintegrate if you please just listen to me.' Chulsoo, the groups personal and trusted doctor said with pleading eyes.
''He's not saying you have to become a grass eating hippie, for fucks sake.'  Jinyoung barked from the corner of the room where he sat with his arms crossed.
"Shut up." he said, clutching to his still aching side.
"Look, Mr. Im. Theres a family, the head is a close friend of mine and they do personal catering. Here,' He started while reaching into his pocket for his wallet. He pulled a small grey embossed card out and started to hand it to him before deciding against it and handing the card over to Jinyoung. 'Their quiet, they'll come, cook and leave. You need to start taking care of yourself before others or you won't be with us much longer.'
That was all he said before collecting his things and standing to make his way out of the room, Jinyoung following him.
He laid there, eyes still bore as the pain kicked up again, though now it was muted by the pain killers Chulsoo had given him. He scoffed at himself. '22 fucking years old and I'm bed ridden for my eating habits.' he thought to himself, getting even more angry.
'Jaebum, I called them. There will be someone here tomorrow morning.'
"Y/n! We have a house call tomorrow morning. One of Chulsoo's patients who needs a controlled diet. I figured since you finished with the Parks you would like to take on this family." Your dad said, walking into the kitchen to see you already prepping for the family dinner you were about to have in your childhood home.
"Sure, why not." You mumbled, dusting your hands from the chopped onion that had made its way from your knife to your hand.
"Only if you want to though. We can always give it to the company." He said sitting down in front of you, the same time you mom walked into the kitchen.
"No I can do it, I need the money anyways." You said smiling before turning your back to him to dump the onion in the already hot pan.
Dressed and ready the next morning you threw your favorite apron over your shoulder and tucked the knives your dad had gotten you for your last birthday under your arm before locking the door to your apartment and heading down to the first floor of your apartment building. The man you had communicated with after dinner told you they would send a car. You figured it'd be a taxi- Uber at best, but when a large black SUV rolled up your eyebrows rose.
A lanky, but very well dressed man stepped out of the vehicle, his flaming red hair slightly blowing out of place by the sudden wind.
"You must be y/n." He said, his plump lips curving to form a child like grin. You nodded and stepped forward, accepting his help as he took your things from your hands.
"You can call me BamBam." He said holding a hand out for you to enter the car.
"BamBam?" You smirked. "Thats an interesting name, why do they call you that?" You asked, not being able to put a lid on your loud mouth was something you had a problem with.
"You don't want to know." He winked before hooking his seatbelt.
The drive was pretty much quiet. You signed deeply and twiddled your thumbs wishing that you could have a better view of the scenery that was passing by quickly, but due to the dark tint of the windows there was no point in straining your eyes. Every once in a while you'd turn your head to look at BamBam who's goofy smile that greeted you had faded into a stern smolder. You sighed again.
"Were here." BamBam said clicking his seatbelt  before picking up your knives and sliding out of the car. You hadn't even realized you had turned down a long straight driveway that was lined with thick trees. That would have been so pretty to drive through. You thought to yourself, still a little sour about the whole tinted windows thing.
You turned from looking at the driveway to looking at the house. It was very impressive, rich red brick that had a thin blanket of ivy running up one corner. There must have been at least fourteen windows across the top floor which, if every room had two windows, would mean in the front of the house alone there were seven rooms.
"How many am I cooking for anyways?" You said. You clearly heard your father say ONE of Chulsoo's patients.
"There are seven of us in the house. Were all big boys though we can make our own food. You're only responsible for cooking for one of us." BamBam said as he led you through the front doors that the driver had opened for you.
The house was bright and homey inside with a modern twist. It was almost like walking into a museum the way art hugged every wall and statues were nestled in every corner. You couldn't help but admire the open floor of the foyer. On either side of the large room was a stair case that met in the middle, and standing at the very top was a man.
His gaze on you made a chill run up your spine, but you couldn't look away. His head was tilted slightly to the side as he watched you, his hair that had a slight wave to it parted in the middle to create a heart shape around his sharp features. His plump red lips were where your eyes stopped though, the way they twitched slightly in attempt to smile made you shift your weight. He bowed slightly after the few seconds that felt like hours passed, just as BamBam called your name.
"This way, lets go." He said pulling his head to one side, indicating you to follow him through the hallway that formed under the staircase.
You're eyes widened at the kitchen. Having cooked your entire life and with the few years of being able to call yourself a professional chef under your belt you had been in a lot of kitchens, a lot of really nice kitchens. But this one... This one was different. You hardly had time to take in the large granite island that formed in the center of the kitchen before BamBam was demanding your attention again.
"So, what were you thinking for breakfast?" He said just as another man walked in.
"He requested an omelette." He said sternly causing BamBam to press his lips together, trying to stifle a laugh. The new man seemed less than impressed with BamBams efforts. You watched him as he took a deep long breath.
"Everything you need is in the fridge and or cupboards. BamBam will stay here with you for most of the day until you have a hang of where everything is. One of the others will bring you meal orders as the time come and goes." He said before bowing slightly and turning to walk back out of the room.
"What's up his ass?" You said reaching for the fridge. BamBam snorted slightly causing you to smile while placing four eggs on the counter.
"So are you all brothers in here?" You asked after thanking him for pointing out the cabinet the pans were in
"Basically." He said resting his chin on his fists.
"Basically? So your not?" You stated turning back to the fridge where you unloaded spring onions, pancetta and a sharp cheddar for the omelette.
"Basically." He said again.
"So is this just like a fraternity house where you all walk around in suits all day?" You asks raising one eyebrow as you began to dice the onions.
"That's one way to put it." He said.
You sighed at the fact the conversation wasn't going anywhere and quickly cracked the eggs into a bowl, scrambled them, added a touch of milk and poured it into the hot pan. It didn't take long for the kitchen to fill with the smell of melting cheese and hot pancetta, the combination of meat and cheese, as BamBam informed you, was already making his mouth water.
"I can make you one too, might as well since your stuck in here with me all day." You smiled flipping the omelette once more before plating it.
"Um yes?" BamBam asked sitting up straighter as he watched you garnish the plate with sliced oranges.
Picking up the plate you walked it around the large island but before you were able to reach BamBam two boys walked in, stepping in your way.
"What is that!" The shorter one said pointing to the plate.
"Bosses breakfast." BamBam said meeting you and taking the plate. "Outta here." He said moving his head to the door.
"I want an omelet!" The taller said holding a hand out to you. BamBam looked back to you and watched you shrug. He whispered something for just them to hear before saying he'd be right back. You watched the two take a seat behind the island where BamBam once was and you nodded turning back to the fridge to pull out 12 eggs this time. The feeling of the two unnamed boys watching you chop made you a little uncomfortable, but thankfully BamBam returned quickly.
"That one better be for me." BamBam said coming around to sit on the counter behind you, his long legs hanging off haphazardly. You nodded and smiled at him as you added the extras.
"No! I'm so hungry I haven't been able to eat anything since yesterday!" The shorter one raised his voice.
"Hyung! She offered it to me first so shut it!" BamBam said, the same goofy grin meeting his lips.
They spent so much energy fighting over who was going to get the first omelette they didn't even notice you plate the cooked egg, cut another orange up and place it I front of the quiet tall one.
"Ah! Thank you so much." He said giving you a toothy grin.
"Thank you for behaving in my kitchen." You smiled.
"Y/n, really!?" BamBam said pouting.
"Now I'm never gonna eat." The other said.
"Let me show you a secret." You said bending back over to the cabinet the pans were in. You pulled out another small pan and placed it on the burner.
"Problem solved!" The shorter one said with a smile.
"Just make sure to give me mine before Jackson’s." BamBam said causing Jackson to groan.
"So we have BamBam, Jackson, Mr. Stick up his ass... what's your name?" You asked the taller one as he piled another bite into his mouth. He looked wide eyed at Jackson before looking at BamBam.
"She met Jinyoung." He said laughing. Jackson joined him. But the taller one just raised his eyebrows and turned back to his omelet.
"I'm Yugyeom." He said with another sweet smile. "And this is incredible." He said pointing at the half gone omelette.
By the time you plated BamBam and Jacksons breakfast and made sure BamBam had his in his hands before Jackson two more boys had entered the kitchen. Introducing themselves as Mark and Youngjae they placed a dirty plate on the counter before eyeing everyone else eating as well.
"Boss wanted us to tell you that he enjoyed the breakfast." Mark said.
"Would you two also like an omelette?" You asked with a chuckle. With how quickly their eyes snapped towards you, you took that as a yes and went to work.
"How about stick up-" you paused when BamBam gave you a wide eyed look. "I mean Jinyoung? Would he like one?"
"If he's not in here probably not." Yugyeom said sitting back in his chair.
Lunch was just just the same, as soon as you plated the seasoned chicken over a strawberry spinach salad and BamBam left to deliver the food, everyone else flooded into the kitchen.
The only difference with dinner was this time Jinyoung joined them. You wouldn't be able to help yourself, every time he spoke you'd look at BamBam who'd give you a side eye and the two of you tried to fight off a laugh, usually by busying yourself with cleaning something up.
"Boss really liked your food. He wouldn't admit it cause he's proud but he was definitely looking forward to his next meal." BamBam said in the now empty kitchen, he had offered to help you wash things and now was sheething your knifes.
"Will I ever meet this Mr. Boss person?" You asked, thinking back to the man on the stairs and wondering if that was him.
"Hes a really privet person. It doesn't help that he'd nose deep in work 24/7" He said handing you your bundle of knives just as his name was called.
"Get her home. We have a.. a meeting." Mark said sternly before bowing at you slightly and smoothing his suit as he walked away.
The car ride home was a little bit more fun as you and BamBam spit balled ideas for meals the following day. It seemed like every other idea he sent your way either involved lots of sugar or lots of bloody meat.
"BamBam Im supposed to be keeping the boss man healthy." You said making him chuckle again.
"He seemed to already be feeling better by the end of the day." He said scratching his arm.
"Then Im doing my job," You started smiling. Just then the car pulled up to the curb infant of your apartment and you started to collect your things. "See you tomorrow?"
"Bright and early. Goodnight y/n."
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hueman-blog · 7 years
Answering Personal Questions
I made a user I follow, @razzledazzlefoshazzle , answer all of these on his blog. I’m feeling guilty so I’m gonna do it too. I know none of you asked but HERE GOES MY PERSONAL INFO!!!
200: My crush’s name is: Averi 
199: I was born in: Place? Lancaster, PA, USA. Year? 1999 
198: I am really: Bored and unmotivated 
197: My cellphone company is: Apple 
196: My eye color is: Brown 
195: My shoe size is: 8-9 Women’s US 
194: My ring size is: Idk, something little 
193: My height is: 5'4" I’m little 
192: I am allergic to: Stupid people 
191: My 1st car was: Never had one 
190: My 1st job was: Cashier at California Tortilla (a fast food Mexican franchise around D.C.) 
189: Last book you read: Cradle and All 188: My bed is: My safest place, my true home, and also too empty 
187: My pet: Doesn’t do much 
186: My best friend: Is my girlfriend 
185: My favorite shampoo is: Shamu 
184: Xbox or ps3: Deck of cards 
183: Piggy banks are: Cute decoration, inefficient coin collector 
182: In my pockets: I’m in pajamas 
181: On my calendar: Work, as that’s the only thing in my life scheduled. Also a haircut within a few days 
180: Marriage is: Great for legal benefits, stupid for expensive ceremonies 
179: Spongebob can: Please end soon it turned idiotic long ago 
178: My mom: Is abusive (sorry to bring the mood down) 
177: The last three songs I bought were? Who buys songs anymore?? 
176: Last YouTube video watched: History of the World 
175: How many cousins do you have? On my dad’s side, 8. On my mom’s side, no idea 
174: Do you have any siblings? An older brother 
173: Are your parents divorced? Nope 
172: Are you taller than your mom? Probably not 
171: Do you play an instrument? Nope 
170: What did you do yesterday? Absolutely nothing just like every day
[ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: Nope 
168: Luck: Yes 
167: Fate: Nope 
166: Yourself: Not really 
165: Aliens: Yeah there’s gotta be some life out there 
164: Heaven: No 
163: Hell: No 
162: God: The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Hell yes. Be boiled for your sins 
161: Horoscopes: Nope and frankly if you do I find you uneducated 
160: Soul mates: No 
159: Ghosts: Nah 
158: Gay Marriage: Believing??? In love,??? And commitment??????? Between two people???????? Obviously! 
157: War: Never 
156: Orbs: I believe in Orbeez 
155: Magic: No it’s just science we can’t explain, or illusions we can’t see the entirety of
[ This or That ] 
154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses 
153: Drunk or High: Music 
152: Phone or Online: Online on my phone 
151: Red heads or Black haired: Black haired 
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 
149: Hot or cold: Hot 
148: Summer or winter: Summer 
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 
145: Night or Day: Night 
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 
143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight 
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 
140: Mac or PC: Mac!! 
139: Flip flops or high heels: Flip Flops 
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and sweet are opposites now?? I guess sweet and poor 
137: Coke or Pepsi: Fruit Punch 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 
135: Burried or cremated: Cremated 
134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 
133: Coach or Chanel: Money to spend on actual useful things 
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who??? 
131: Small town or Big city: Big City 
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Both suck, but I’d choose Stiller 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure. My feet are too ticklish 
127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast USA 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas, I don’t like being the center of attention 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 
123: Yankees or Red Sox: What is a sport? How do??
[ Here’s What I Think About ] 
122: War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing 
121: George Bush: “Mr. President, what are your thoughts on Katrina?” “We’re gonna find her. And we’re gonna bring her to justice.“ 
120: Gay Marriage: Its a marriage between two people in love. Celebrate, but don’t go broke in one day 
119: The presidential election: Media and rich people control it basically, and I’d rather it be an actual democratic popular vote. Trump is a clown and should have never won 
118: Abortion: Its a woman’s right to choose. Personally I think the world is overpopulated anyway and more people should adopt rather than try to conceive 
117: MySpace: Never had one 
116: Reality TV: Scripted, not reality 
115: Parents: Good or bad, they influence your whole life because they were there at the start. Mine went bad and ruined me 
114: Back stabbers: Oh I love them- what?? They suck. No one should be betrayed like that 
113: Ebay: Never used it but it got the ball rolling for Amazon 
112: Facebook: I only use it to message/call my friends, and to see unlimited amounts of dogs 
111: Work: It’s a necessary evil 
110: My Neighbors: Quiet, the only one I met was a total bitch though 
109: Gas Prices: I don’t drive 
108: Designer Clothes: C'mon people there are way better uses for your money 
107: College: Shouldn’t be expected of teenagers 
106: Sports: Boring, overhyped, the players overpaid 
105: My family: Worthless, judgmental pricks 
104: The future: Uncertain
[ Last time I ] 
103: Hugged someone: Sunday (3 days ago), when my friend picked me up from work 
102: Last time you ate: Italian ice about 1.5 hours ago (8:15pm) 
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: A month ago 
100: Cried in front of someone: A month ago maybe?? 
99: Went to a movie theater: Many many months ago 
98: Took a vacation: A year ago 
97: Swam in a pool: Two years ago? 
96: Changed a diaper: Never 
95: Got my nails done: My 16th birthday I think (almost two years ago) 
94: Went to a wedding: Eight years ago? 
93: Broke a bone: Never 
92: Got a peircing: I was 14 and got my ears pierced (almost 4 years ago) 
91: Broke the law: Never 
90: Texted: A minute ago
[ MISC ] 
89: Who makes you laugh the most: My friend Brad. He’s so inappropriate but his jokes I cannot stop laughing at 
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Not paying bills other than Internet 
87: The last movie I saw: Coraline 
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving to California 
85: The thing im not looking forward to: Paying for rent in California 
84: People call me: To friends: Lys. To family: Alyssa. To my girlfriend: Lyssy. To everyone else: annoying 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: Get up out of bed every day 
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Nope I do not drive 
81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer 
80: The first person i talked to today was: My friend Jessica 
79: First time you had a crush: Preschool, this boy in my class Marshall 
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Myself 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Yesterday, idk? 
76: Right now I am talking to: My phone in the way of typing 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Survive hopefully. I also wanna be a flight attendant 
74: I have/will get a job: Have a job as assistant manager of an arcade 
73: Tomorrow: I’m going food shopping and seeing my annoying cousin Barbara (she has two boyfriends and they both treat her like shit. It’s not poly it’s just cheating) 
72: Today: I actually made a meal that was nice 
71: Next Summer: I’ll be living in California 
70: Next Weekend: I have to face my parents for the first time since February. I hate it 
69: I have these pets: A ball of moss named Mo 
68: The worst sound in the world: My girlfriend crying 
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: My father 
66: People that make you happy: My girlfriend Averi 
65: Last time I cried: A few weeks ago?? 
64: My friends are: Averi, Raven, Jessica 
63: My computer is: My phone 
62: My School: Is nonexistent 
61: My Car: Is also nonexistent 
60: I lose all respect for people who: Hate on others for no reason 
59: The movie I cried at was: Toy Story 3 
58: Your hair color is: Black 
57: TV shows you watch: None 
56: Favorite web site: Tumblr usually 
55: Your dream vacation: California 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Once I got constipated a few months ago for 48 hours. I screamed 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium 
52: My room is: Either super messy or super clean. Right now messy 
51: My favorite celebrity is: Jacksepticeye 
50: Where would you like to be: In my girlfriend’s arms on a beach 
49: Do you want children: Right now I don’t think I ever would but if I ever did I’d adopt 
48: Ever been in love: Yes I am now 
47: Who’s your best friend: My girl 
46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girl friends 
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Sleeping 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: AVERI 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Stalin did 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Nope 
41: Have you pre-named your children: I did with my ex. Never again 
40: Last person I got mad at: My grandmother 
39: I would like to move to: California 
38: I wish I was a professional: Sleeper [ My Favorites ] 
37: Candy: Swedish Fish or Nerds 
36: Vehicle: Volkswagen Beetle 
35: President: Biden 
34: State visited: California 
33: Cellphone provider: Cricket 
32: Athlete: Me, running from my responsibilities 
31: Actor: Eddie Redmayne 
30: Actress: Anna Kendrick 
29: Singer: Laura Jane Grace 
28: Band: Against Me! 
27: Clothing store: Thrift shops 
26: Grocery store: Safeway 
25: TV show: Adventure Time 
24: Movie: Wall-E 
23: Website: Pornhu- I mean Tumblr 
22: Animal: Red Panda 
21: Theme park: Disney World 
20: Holiday: Christmas 
19: Sport to watch: Extreme Chess Mega X 
18: Sport to play: How Late Can I Get Up Before Concerning My Family 
17: Magazine: :enizagaM 
16: Book: The Underneath 
15: Day of the week: Saturday 
14: Beach: Any beach 
13: Concert attended: Fall Out Boy x Paramore 
12: Thing to cook: Pasta with alfredo sauce 
11: Food: Bacon egg & cheese on a bagel 
10: Restaurant: TGI Fridays 
9: Radio station: Night Vale Community Radio 
8: Yankee candle scent: Ass 
7: Perfume: Averi’s 
6: Flower: Averi 
5: Color: Orange - the color of Averi’s voice 
4: Talk show host: John Oliver 
3: Comedian: Bo Burnham 
2: Dog breed: Corgi 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Hell yeah I wouldn’t lie to you
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bvllts · 8 years
1-100 if u want
oh man ok ty!
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? yes a very lovely boy
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? no.
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” my cat ziggy stardust
4: what’s something you really want right now? right this second idk but i can't wait for the year to end and to move out and live on my own
5: are you afraid of falling in love? not anymore, not really
6: do you like the beach? sure
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? yess
8: what’s the background on your cell? green stary sky
9: name the last four beds you were sat on? my bed at my dad's, bed at my mom's, my boyfriend's bed, my mom's bed and a friend's bed
10: do you like your phone? it's really old and slow and isnt working well anymore
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? not really but they're pretty good
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? i think it was my boyfriend lol
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? rottweiler
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? a museum, zoos are gross anyways
16: are you tired? i kind of am actually
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? not sure what this is supposed to mean but i've known my oldest friend for a little bit over ten years
18: are they a relative? no
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? no.
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? like an hour ago
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? i don't really understand this question but i dont want to get married today
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yes a million times
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? 0
24: is there a certain quote you live by? no
25: what’s on your mind? him i guess
26: do you have any tattoos? i wish
27: what is your favorite color? i love green im in my green phase but yellow and red are nice too and black is the best safest color
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? hopefully sunday, or wednesday
29: who are you texting? no one
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? yes one of our first kisses in fact
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? yea ig
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? yes
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? i sure hope so
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? yes
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? i'd be very sad
36: were you single on valentines day? no
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? i like to think i am
38: what do your friends call you? my name or nickname usually
39: has anyone upset you in the last week? a bit
40: have you ever cried over a text? oh man yea
41: where’s your last bruise located? idk
42: what is it from? idk
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? school
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? my boyfriend or my mom
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? my black doc martens and green chuck taylors
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? i'll sometimes wear a beanie
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? i dont think so
48: do you make supper for your family? sometimes
49: does your bedroom have a door? yes
50: top 3 web-pages? weird questions
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? probably
52: does anything on your body hurt? everything really
53: are goodbyes hard for you? yea
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? warm almond milk lol
55: how is your hair? short and curly
56: what do you usually do first in the morning? shower
57: do you think two people can last forever? i kind of hope so but sadly probably not
58: think back to january 2007, were you single? yeah lol
59: green or purple grapes? green
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? idk maybe tomorrow
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? kind of wish i was with him
62: when will be the next time you text someone? tomorrow morning
63: where will you be 5 hours from now? still in my bed
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. getting ready for school
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? no.
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? rn yes
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? yess
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? i dont remember
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? yes
70: how many windows are open on your computer? idk
71: how many fingers do you have? ten i think
72: what is your ringtone? some apple shit
73: how old will you be in 5 months? almost eighteen
74: where is your mum right now? in her bed probably
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? because sometimes things simply go to shit
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? yes!
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? not all of them but a lot of them yea
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? i guess
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? yes
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? yes
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? one, maybe two ig
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? no
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? done
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? my friend adele probably lol
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? he is but i dont mind bc i am too, idc as long as he is responsible and reasonable about his use source and frequency etc
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? we kissed, wow
87: who was your last received call from? boyfriend
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? wtf??
89: what is something you wish you had more of? time
90: have you ever trusted someone too much? i've always trusted him a bit too much it scares me
91: do you sleep with your window open? sometimes
92: do you get along with girls? oh man yes
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? kind of
94: does sex mean love? no
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? no thats great lol
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? ya
97: did you sleep alone this week? yes :(
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? i think so.
99: do you believe in love at first sight? in a way, maybe not deep love but some sort of chemistry or attachment from some initial infatuation
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? i dont do that very often
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yamlog · 5 years
12 oct 2019 (i have decided that in my remaining time i might as well just be all Dear Diary-ish and the lack of date/time in the formatting is quite alsdkfj. anyway, so here goes:)
dear diary (?)
i calmly explained my thoughts and my decision to a friend who’s been through similar struggles and for the first time there was no pushback, no ‘why are you so stupid’ or ‘why are you so dramatic’ or ‘why can’t you see the bigger picture’ or ‘i’m going to call your housephone and speak to your parents’, all of which don’t really help. the only thing she tried to do was extend the deadline from the dec of my 28th birthday till my 29th birthday, which i acceded to. there was the ‘uhh but 2.5 years is really short arh it’ll go by like nothing’, but other than that remark there was no judgement and no protesting or disapproval. and it soothed me, i guess, to be heard and accepted and not told that i’m doing something wrong. and i felt less alone, and just a tiny bit more understood. 
i told her about the book i was reading, and the injustices of a school system that failed a child who sought help. i think it takes a certain bravery to seek help. i don’t have it in me. i want to do this on my own, not because i am brave but because i am afraid and tired. i’m tired of feeling anything at all, especially of having feelings for someone i really really really really wish i didn’t have feelings for anymore. i want to turn it off like a tap but i just can’t, and nothing i do or he does can change it. he could become a serial killer or a woman-hater and i would still find myself unable to stop loving him. i think there’s something lodged in my brain that makes me unable to reason and rationalise my way out of attachment and emotions. nothing. i. do. works. i am tired of feeling erased - like the story he removed from his highlight - and discarded. and i am tired of feeling like everything is out of my control. i don’t think talking about it to an adult (as if i weren’t one) is going to fix my feelings. i don’t want to take pills and rely on them. i don’t believe that i won’t be reliant on them long-term, no matter what MR says. i just don’t believe it. if a tree can’t bear fruit because something is wrong at the genetic level, no amount of high-grade fertiliser is going to make it. 
and since i set the deadline, things have started to sharpen into focus. i have a list of affairs to settle, and things i want to do/ get done before i expire. 
the first being, i want to use the camera more, the crazily expensive vintage camera MR saved up really long for to buy me, which he then put in a wooden box with a coating and locks that he installed himself. it was a testament to how crazy teenage love can be, and i have done similar things in my time. but this is the best instance of me being at the receiving end. i took out the camera today, dusted it off, and loaded in a fresh roll of ISO800 film. i took a few shots downstairs when i sent my friend off. it feels good to hear that crispy click. it’s reassurance that the photo will come out right, that the settings were correct, that i didn’t mess up. i’ll take more especially when i am overseas, visiting my cousin. because it might be the last time i see her, if i don’t get a chance to visit again by my 29th birthday. it’s going to be winter time, and i can already recall how painful my fingers felt as they’re out in the cold fumbling with the even colder metal gears and knobs. i have also decided that once i can, i will sit down in my room and post everything that i’ve taken so far. i want there to be a clear demarcation between then and now. the photos that i have taken in the past, when i was happy and content, they Cannot and Will Not be mixed with the ones i have started taking today. there must be a line between pre-decision and post-decision, pre-break and post-break. it feels wrong and messy and unacceptable otherwise. there must be a line. i’ll get to it.
aside from this, i haven’t decided what else to sort out. i thought that maybe i should write those stories ive been dreaming up, the wacky ones that take place in singapore. ghost stories too. but try as i might, i can’t figure out a resolution. i feel like i should have the whole storyline in my head before i even start writing, so i can work towards an end. but i’ve also read somewhere that sometimes it’s better to let the story write itself. just start writing it, and then go with the flow. my fear is that i won’t be able to reach an end, and i’ll just keep going and going and going as the story grows and expands beyond my control. i guess i really fear losing control now. it’s just too much risk that i’m no longer willing to take. i guess i’m damaged, irreversibly. 
i want to make small zines and give them to my friends. i made one during invigilation, as part of inktober for my drawing twt acc. it’s made of scrap materials and i manually snapped a rubberband in half so i could use it to bind the scrap paper i poked holes in with my only pen at the time. we can’t really bring stuff to invigilation so i had to make do with existing trash on the table. 
hearing horror stories about teachers getting in trouble because of what they post on social media. ive been open about attending p*nkd*t and now i’m not sure if someone could dredge up a photo of me at the park from 4 years ago and use it to justify my unsuitability for the job. it really is a nightmare. and im not one to be paranoid, but i think i should be. 
long, long day tomorrow. my legs are battered and bruised all over and tomorrow it’s go time again. 
i tidied up some things i’ve collected in my bag - pieces of things from small gifts from friends that i had saved to stick into my journal. i arranged them on the page and stuck them down, it took about 3 minutes. as i worked, my friend said that she could never do that. do what? i asked. make things look nice so effortlessly, she said. she said she tried to bujo for six months but nothing she did turned out looking nice. it ties in with her drawing style. she said she wanted to participate in inktober, but she hates having to go over pencil with a pen, but at the same time she cannot bring herself to just draw with pen first. i’m not like that, i guess. i just draw with pen without hesitation, the same way i write or tape things down in my journal. it’s not bravery, it’s recklessness, i think. i recklessly commit all the time. i don’t think ‘what if i fuck up? what if i stick wrong and in the process of trying to remove it i end up tearing the paper?’ i don’t think, i just go. and if i make any mistakes i just work around it. draw over it, stick something over it, extend the line into a box or a part of a doodle. i’m meticulous when it  comes to some things, but completely not when it comes to creative expression. or with love either. i don’t backtrack, and i don’t think ‘what if i fuck up’ i just Go and give my 100% and love whatever’s there. i don’t think my approach is wrong. i think i need to look before i leap, but still leap. some things are fundamental to me.
my memory’s really bad today. my friend said it’s the shock and grief and crying, it affects your ability to retain information or remember things. even when im trying to remember what ia te for lunch just 10 hours ago, i have to struggle to remember. i ate downstairs. chicken rice, for the first time in ages. it was hard, taking that first bite, and i couldn’t finish half of my plate because i just felt so sick with grief my stomach protested when i tried to scrap up another spoon of rice. i made myself finish the soup. i think i’m still running a fever. it’s just the impact. i’ll be wobbly and insubstantial like a spirit for awhile. then i’ll come back, and solidify, i hope.
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atltheshow · 5 years
So, I have an Instagram by this same name that I use to vent to my friends, but it's gotten too close plus they know too many people. Imma keep it anonymous obviously just in case but here we go
This is really for me to just document my summer this year bc I'm literally strung out on caffeine and painkillers at all times
So a few things you need to know: I have a chronic connective tissue disorder which is the scary way of saying I have ligamental laxity. My joints don't stay together. As I type this my ankle is out. Anyone, I had a surgery 6/26/15, aka the day gay marriage was legalized in the US. Another important thing, I am bisexual with almost an even split. I stopped taking highschool classes after my sophomore year and have taken them at my local community college instead. This is because I'm big depressed and big anxious so I couldn't do school. I work at my CC as a math tutor for ever math below Calc I, including developmental. I want to be a orthopedic surgeon and am going for a duel bachelor's in petroleum and mine engineering as premed. I have an older and younger brother, both of which I adore but get on my nerves too much. My older brother went to an in state university for his freshman year, decided he wasn't ready for the move, and is coming to the same CC as me, as a year below me, his high school senior sister. My young brother just finished his first year in traditional high school, at a different high school than I went to. He's a competitive gymnast. My father works out of town and my mom stays at home. I cannot drive yet, but as of today I am eligible to get my license. I am largely into the robotics Program in our county, where I was second in command as of last season, was second lead of programming, safety assist, scouting assist and head fabrication. I truly love robotics. I also golf, and love watching it, yes I am upset about Woodland okay.
So here's where we introduce my few main groups of friends:
Robotics friends
School friends
SPS friends (my middle school friends)
Friends ;)
So some of these overlap, majority of those in it don't.
My absolute best friend, who we will call Syrup is was on my robotics team, she's a year older and aged out. We met my freshman year of highschool. She's amazing and I love he's so dearly.
Cross, literally the male version of me. He's dating Syrup. He was first in command of the team this year. Also aged out. Him and syrup broke up for a few months and it was weird for the friend group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I also love and adore him.
Heat is one of my oldest physically. She was a mentor on the team but me and my brother ended up getting really really close with her. She's super thoughtful and sincere. She's in school to be a clinical counselor.
Pooky is old as well. He's a redneck. He is also Hispanic. He mentors and I got really close to him after me and Cross basically annoyed him into going to dinner with us after a robotics meeting one summer. Now he's by far one of my favorite people. Also asked out heat when they were seniors in high school.
Dementia is the oldest physically. He was honestly a fluke. One of pookys friends that he asked to come by one day and we all ended up liking him. He was on the team and already knew Heat, Cross, and pooky. We convinced him to come to dinner with us the same day we convinced pooky. He's honestly the funniest person I know. He works as an engineer at the local forklift company.
Button-lives an hour and a half away but is going to college another 4 hours away. Met through my brother but then we became really good friends. I call him button bc he gave me one of his buttons from robotics and it was the nicest thing ever. He also stayed up with my during Ramadan at 5 in the morning when I couldn't sleep in pain. He knew I was hurting and he sacrificed what little sleep he could have for me and I am forever grateful and I don't think he realizes. One time he drove down to see me and it still makes my heart warm. He's someone I would have shot my shot a long time ago if we weren't an hour and a half away and drastically different religions.
Shea- named after his dog bc I know he'd love that. I know how weird it sounds but I'm in love. I would marry him tomorrow if he asked. He's predental at our towns uni, and honors. He was first in command of our team last year. He mentored scouting this year :).
Small robotics characters
jamin- was really close with him for two years, then he went to college and fratted, now works two hours away. I love him and miss him
Jew-not really Jewish. Very sweet. Very handsome. Very funny
Lampshade- little Bros best friend. Athletic and smart. Good child.
Weeny-had a crush on his, honestly super sweet and just a great personality. 12/10 pure.
Noodle- dated syrup then had a FWB thing with me. Broke it off after a dumb joke gone wrong. Still miss him tbh.
Eggroll- Shea's best friend. About to be a junior in college. Hits me up for nudes. Super energetic.
School friends
I have three. FOUR
Harvard- he earned the name. Smart and determined boy. I met him in middle school. Absolute softy and I love it. Super athletic. We have the type of friendship where we listen to each other super well but have no idea what's happening. He'll talk about baseball to me and I talk about robotics to him. Do either of us absorb it? No. Do we still listen? Yes.
Dorks- changed his last name a bit but it fits. Became bff's in art history. Sold him drugs once. Minnesotan. We're starting a podcast together. Literally super chill as a friend
Cow- sounds so mean to call her that but it's her favorite animal. She's special needs but I still don't know how. She's a real G. There through everything.
Jazz- tall lanky. Sweet. Plays jazz. I miss him. Was gonna go to prom with him then didn't. Oh well. Button helped me through that mess as well.
Confused- theater kid. That's all
Dragon- strange, doesn't like touch. Goes to Catholic hs
Draw-art who programs too. Goes to special math school 2 hours away. DM
I have a dnd campaign going with them so I probably couldve used their character names bc even if they found this blog they'd just be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Friends ;)
Boy oh boy. Most of these overlap tbh. Noodle boy, lampshade and Eggroll belong here
Callaway- never actually met in person. We talk about golf and send nudes. Ideal person tbh.
Neck- am a year older. Mentored his Lego robotics team. Asks for nudes daily. Occasionally gets them.
Step-was my old neighbor. Homeschooled until 7th grade. Very very large. Kinda scary tbh. Send occasionally, dislocated my ankle sucking his dick once
Titan- named after his truck, which I lost my virginity in. We have. An interesting relationship. Met him through a friend not mentioned. He hit on me, we talked, it wasn't gonna work as bf/gf but it would as fwb bc they're was mutual attraction on that end. The first time we met in person I gave him a handjob. December 2018 he told me he needed a break bc his mental health was failing, okay whatever. Comes back around March, do stuff quite often. The other day though, we just got done, and he told me he needed another break bc all he did was run to me for sex when he was sad. Totally cool but he also removed me from stuff so he wouldn't be tempted. Kinda sucks and im honestly a little hurt bc then the friendship is gone too but honestly it's probably for good. He will come back.
Anyway it's late and me and Harvard are both sad so gn, posts soon to come.
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