aijousenshi · 22 days
so i really wanna talk about some of my favorite aspects of sailor v. i feel there is this misconception about certain qualities she attains maybe because she looks like usagi or how makoto and mina both have this love for romance and tend to get caught up in it , etc etc. she has similarities to her fellow sailor scouts but every sailor has things that make them really who they are. they each individually stand out. I REALLY JUST AM COMPILING SOME OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.
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one of my favorite things ( and absolutely one of my favorite moments ) within codename: sailor v. is the fact that mina tends to be hard on herself in her early days of discovering who she is. it's easy to see her within the main canon and see someone who goes to modeling jobs and has been successful with getting people's attention ( as in my canon she has also become an idol already ) but:
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representing venus + love and beauty is a lot of pressure. that's a lot to live up to. even mina can be hard on herself. we see that here. to think that she would walk into every room thinking she's just this fabulous , charming individual that will dazzle everyone is just a lie. all of the senshi can be hard on themselves but moments like these feel very human. humanizing a young girl who desires to be so much but doesn't quite know how to find that .. so she'll take time looking in the mirror at herself wishing she had things that she doesn't.
a very important thing to my portrayal is that minako never builds herself around a man. even when it comes down to her LIKING men very much and going to great extremes to get their attention , she built her name on her own. the red bow in her hair does not represent the boy she liked giving her a gift. the red bow in her hair represents her. she trademarked sailor v , she forged her own path. it might be easy to say " oh sailor v wears a bow bc a long time ago she got it from a boy and this is her reminder of him " but keep in mind the very first boy she ever liked (after her awakening) was very toxic. minako making the decision to break things off from him once he showed his true colors and ultimately rejecting his advances because she has SEEN how kind true love can actually be is important. the red bow in her hair represents her determination , strength , and desire to fight for love and beauty.
usagi and minako are similar in a lot of ways but some important things they do not share in common are :
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usagi is known to be the cry baby. minako does not cry. she finds other alternatives. yes i think every individual ONCE IN A WHILE will cry about things but it isn't excessive with minako. she strives to find other alternatives.
usagi and minako both are slackers but minako can be far more determined than usagi. she excels at things she is passionate about and will work hard to perform well even if it gets hard.
minako is athletically gifted. usagi is known to be quite klutzy.
usagi focuses more on seeing luna as a mentor and a motherly figure while minako treats artemis like he is her partner in crime.
family habits can be quite different for usagi and minako. usagi after her rebirth is very close to her family while minako isn't actually very close to her family at all. she has a ton of trouble with her mother specifically.
sailor venus ( and this will go for my threads with people ) tends to act like a veteran soldier. she is the first person within the sailor senshi to reawaken to her powers. she is active before the events of sailor moon as we know during codename: sailor v. i like to take the specific canon of it taking a while for her to be recruited because minako believed in herself for so long , it's hard to open up to a group of girls to fight crime with when she GENUINELY wants to solve the world's problems by herself.
by the time of the sailor moon main canon events , the only real partner minako knew was artemis. there has to come a time where she knows she isn't powerful enough to face everything by herself. and it is through these other sailor scouts that she finds that resolve.
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elegyofthemoon · 8 months
tbh there's a good chance if i go with the winning choice and i dont settle, i'll wind up changing the blog again BUT at least this will help me decide on sOMETHING
for mutuals who dont know these characters:
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enavant · 2 years
now i wanna do cute poses with people
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wizard-finix · 1 year
Been having lots of fun with LoZ again since TOTK came out and I keep thinking abt good guy ganon AU, and I ended up thinking so hard about it that I accidentally formed a. questionable crack theory about the divide between Ganon and Demise
so naturally I'm about to make it everyone's problem. lets go
Ok, so Ganondorf has been fully human in more than one of the games. Evil, yes, and possessing dark magic plenty of times, but undoubtedly still a man. Meanwhile, the fully fledged Demon King/Calamity is clearly Demise. The difference between these two is very stark.  
What if they're actually not the same person? What if Ganondorf and Demise didn't originally share the same spirit?
Demise is not mortal. His exact words were that "his hatred would follow them forever". If we took that a bit more literally, we could interpret that as the lingering Malice and dark magic Ganondorf utilizes in the series instead of Demise himself reincarnating alongside Link and Zelda.
If Demise and Ganondorf aren’t the same person, then where the hell did Ganon come from? Why does he reincarnate?  
Idea: Demise didn’t just curse the hero and the goddess, he cursed everyone there who had a hand in his downfall.
Now this is just an idea, but let me elaborate.
There are 4 major reoccurring characters in the Legend of Zelda series. Yes, 4, you read that right. Those characters are Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and Impa. Impa appears less than the other three, but she holds enough weight in the story and has appeared often enough (around 7 times?) that I will be counting her, especially for the sake of this argument.
Back to the curse thing
Excluding Demise and Ghirahim, there were 4 people present at the final battle with Demise in Skyward Sword: Link, Zelda, Impa, and Groose.  
The first three are reoccurring characters, but how does Groose factor in?
Well, if we assume Demise is dead with only his Malice left behind, and that Ganondorf's spirit didn't come from Demise…  
You see where I'm going with this.
(Yes I will admit this is a stretch because ganon is a serious character and groose is… groose. But LOZ still takes itself 100% seriously despite how ridiculous some parts of it is, and I'm having fun with this crack theory so consider: I do what I want)  
“But ganon is evil! And they’re so different!” yes. I’m getting to that
What are Groose's most prominent character traits? Tall, muscly, red hair, very mean-spirited and selfish (at least before he pulls himself together and helps Link, who he originally hated due to his crush on Zelda). He isn’t very smart, and he isn’t all that brave compared to Link, he’s mostly driven by his personal desires (for better and for worse), and usually resorts to brute force to achieve his goals.  
If you've noticed a pattern, you would be correct: these character traits all align closely to the holder of the triforce of power.
(insert thonk emoji)
There's also that one crack theory already floating around that the Gerudo are distantly related to Groose because of his dumbass red hair and that Demise keeps reincarnating as a Gerudo because of the fact that Groose catapulted bombs at his face, so y'know. There's also that
Anyway that's my spicy crack theory for the day
The spirit of Ganondorf actually came from Groose, and the Demon King/Calamity came from Demise
Obviously I don’t ACTUALLY believe this theory but yknow. what if lmao
(im aware of all the less than fun implications that comes with this crack take, but that's for another day)
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sadkois · 1 year
nishiki thonkin tonight
spoilers for kiwami. some rggo stories. but maybe not accurate spoilers cause i feel my brain meltin. also warning for complete nonsense... and blood? anyways.
thinkin about how nishiki was like. so competent at what he did?? mans knew everythin about how the yakuza worked back in the 80s... U COULD TELL HE WAS WELL INFORMED OF EVERYTHING. he knew about the ugly parts. he knew about majima. and he was the one explaining to kiryu everything asgdhj like lets say. the consequences in their line of work.
fUNNY how it was cause of kiryu that he got into the yakuza in the first place. he totally just followed kiryu into it and said "ok well sOMEONE needs to know what we are doing" cause yea kiryu was just followin kazama like a lil puppy (and nishiki followin kiryu, tho he's more like a cat i think. maybe. nishikitty..........)
bUT ANYWAYS what i was getting at is. he's very competent. so. him snapping and getting to be one of the BIG patriarchs (GET TO THE TOP!) isn't really a surprise. OF COURSE that brings me to the other point...
HERES THE THING. in kiwami we don't really see much of this competence do we? (ignorin the writing of the first game for a second ok, wORKIN WITH WHAT WE HAVE OK)
first it's like hes barely there, then you have his subordinates just. making HUGE mistakes, not actually achievin -doin- anything or even just. NOT listening to him at all. like when they killed yumis "sister" or the whole. reina and shinji.
OK SO. everyones got their onions 🧅 on rggo stories. FOR THIS THONK IM ASSUMIN MOST OF THEM DID HAPPEN. so in rggo we have that one story about what happened with reina and nishki when she tried to shoot him. and its like. nishiki didnt actually order for either of their deaths??? basically we had reina pulling a 'y0 nishikigun' on nishiki. and then well....
god i really gotta talk about reina and nishiki sometime cause i been thinkin about em a lot too. like reina liked him a LOT and i think nishki liked her too as a... sort of distant friend? does that make sense? idk what its called exactly. but yea i cant recall if they have ever interacted outside serena. (except from when they first met, another rggo story.. but that was like. a few minutes and then they were in serena lmao) it feels like a. 'i only interact with u when i come to this place' kinda deal. of course, goin there used to be constant until... not. nishiki totally distanced himself even more after the whole ordeal happened. and trust issues. (@ others? @ himself? yea)
crap. what was i talkin about. sEE THIS IS WHY I DONT AHSDJKL. what i was sayin is that, in that rggo story with reina, it just looks like nishiki's subordinates do NOT listen to him. at all. shooting at her when he keeps sayin "DON TSHOOT HER" "DONT KILL HER" "BRING HER BACK ALIVE"
SO BETWEEN THIS AND THE YUMI SISTER THING. WHY DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO HIM??? AND WELL. ok listen if im statinn the obvious im sorry, again. just writin down what im thinkin cause im tired.
but yea i think the most logical thing is that, the way he's been managing things for the last 10 years has been very different to what we see in kiwami. why else would his men resort to shoot first questions later. it's almos like that was the norm before... as if that's how things worked in the nishikiyama family all this time.
so anyways. nishikis been tryina be cool about it. so so cool about it. but the moment kiryu got out of jail messed him up SO BAD man. i always say this but, mans was just 100% avoiding kiryu as soon as he stepped out, and i bet ya he started acting different to what his fam is used to, too.
like imagine u work for this boss at idk. mcdonals. you are familiar with the routine and what they expect of u. ur boss specifically wants you to always make fries a certain way, at a certain time, he himself showed u how. this is routine. one day as you are makin the fries, its suddenly WRONG and boss is upset and kills u and u dont know wtf is going on. (u r dead) because thats what we usually do?? why is it wrong all of a sudden?
aight imma be honest i cant recall if he already had this whole plan before kiryu got out. like, did he take kiryu into consideration or not. cause he either. 1. did not take into account kiryu would be here 2. did not think kiryu being here would mess up his plans THIS bad (and when i say this i mean mess HIM up so bad he cant go thru his original plan) 3. everything was actually supposedly part of his plan (HA, I DOUBT THIS. MAYBE HED SAY THAT BUT WE KNOW IT AINT TRU NISHIKI OK) im leanin to 2
you know that part when nishki's like "i was shaking when i shot kazama". like, that was only cause he knew kiryu would hate him if he actually killed him, right?? right???? LISTEN I KNOW ITS LIKE A THING OR JOKE THAT HES BAD WITH GUNS OR SOMEHTING BUT i actually like to think he got good with those? i prob read it in a fic but i really like that headcanon asgdhj, i feel like itd make sense too. and him missin the shot cause of shakin hands, is because of KIRYU and kIRYU ALONE. where his hands even shakin actually?? didnt he just say that?? nishikis just got that unreliable narrator vibe. NAH HES THE WHOLE UNRELIABILITY. AND WHATSMORE. HE HAD TO COME CLEAN TO KIRYU THAT IT WAS HIM THAT SHOT KAZAMA. HUH? WAS IT EATING YOU UP BOI??? did you need confirmation that indeed, kiryu would hate you for it??? "hES NOT DEAD YET" yea??????? yeaaaa?????????????
LIKE LOOK. the few rggo stories we have of the era between 1996 n 2005 show that he IS indeed very competent! and he has very good control of his fam! and we have the proof of it in kiwami as well, even if its more tell than show? kind of? BUT THE MOEMNT KIRYU IS OUT THIS ALL GOES OUT THE DRAIN. WE KNOW HOW EMOTIONAL NISHIKI IS. WE KNOW IT LEADS HIM TO TAKE NOT SO RATIONAL DECISIONS. (Y0 FOREST NISHIKIGUN FLASHBACK) and god he tried so hard didnt he.
like ok ill admit u got good at repressin ur emotions boi. or turnin them into anger. or keepin a poker face. closing urself off or really just, started seein everyhing as hopeless in a 'whats the point anymore' kind of way. a combo of everything?
in a way nishiki did end up killin himself along with matsushige, but i dont think he did completely. but that's what he convinced himself of. yea? does that make sense? DAMMIT U ARE SO COMPLEX I LOVE IT
thonks. U KNOW its not like anything went right back when he was more... emotional in a way?. i mean, he always did kinda hide his emotions huh? just in a different way.... i mean, when we are first introduced to him in y0, i dont think anyone expected anything like the forest scene from him. i remember being speechless. like oh my god. and i have to say i am BAD at understandin stuff. like i usually understand plots/etc when im watchin reactors play the game asfdghj. BUT MAN did that scene leave me stunned asgdhjk.
but yea with how gOOD everyone around him was at displayin emotions, it makes sense how he ended up :) ... that was sarcasm, im sayin eveyrone around him freakin sUCKS at emotin asgdh, and in fact he was like, looked down at for it. MAN HE DIDNT EVEN CRY THAT MUCH. I MEAN, HE WAS GOIN THRU THE WORST CRAP EVER ??? WHAT DID THEY WANT HIM TO BE A ROCK ASDJKL TO BE KIRYU i guess the two most role figures he had were always very :/ but man this is why i keep sayin he needed an ichiban in his life. it would have been so good for him... an emotionally mature guy, who isnt afraid to cry and show his love for others.
the way nish is just like. tryina become what he knows yakuza are supposed to be like.... what they are like..... his big man suit.... agh
idk where this thonk went. it started as a yes nishiki is very competent and he only had L after L in kiwami because kiryu being back threw him off so bad. so so bad it ended up the way it did :( if they had just talked, like really talked..................
man idk if anyones readin this, asdhgjasd kinda embarassin. hello hi. u are cool. uhh here have this drawin i did months ago that i havent posted anywhere (IT WAS BEFORE THE NEW YEAR RGGO CARD. not like it isnt just a combo of his two hairstyles but i was still like GASP)
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hohooo with my attempt at a post kiwami nish :) did u know i also have a vampire au from months ago. would anyone like to read about that. its incredibly self indulgent. yea sayin this at the end of this nonsense cause im a coward agsfdyhgiog
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1tsjusty0u · 5 months
hm. random things wreath likes perhaps
pre cal. not much!! he likes fiction books and sweet foods but other than that he cant think of anything. he probably does like more things though its just a deep-seated issue for him. for specifics: they always like pumpkin pie its his favorite, and. yeah. finnish desserts they also make due to hateno and he’d also like those a lot! piparkakku and pannukakku (gingerbread and pancakes) he likes as well. uhm. i should note i am not finnish so any finlanders out there if i butcher anything. im sorry…. anyways! fiction books arent just legends of past games for clarification he’d like ones that really dont have anything to do with tloz. if chicory a colorful tale was an ip/book in this universe they’d like it a bit!! also horse fact magazines and cookbooks. he loves those and never reads them after he gets them <3
post cal ..!! you know if this was like. my interpretation of normal botw i’d say the issue from the above paragraph would get better! but uh!! here it actually gets worse. they still love pumpkin pie and food and horse facts however. its getting harder and harder for him to remember what he does genuinely like, + things he Would like start to get stale or dont feel fun anymore like. for example horse facts again. he’ll always like food but other than that he’d have trouble naming most other things. it all just Exists to him. unfortunately going outside does Not fix him no matter how beautiful and wondrous it is
however i shant leave it at that….. while he might not be able to list it he still does like things sort of. he doesnt get excited about these but theyre just Nice to him and nothing more (also realistically he wouldnt care too much about these however pretend this is a parallel universe where this issue doesnt exist and he Would like these!! he still would in this one he just has problems anyways); seeing foxes!! he likes to greet them by spooking them. hes a fan of cooking ingredients and as much as totk sucks i Do like koyins quest (ignoring the romantic implications and the butchering of her character) i think he’d really Really like trading in nuts for milk and collecting them for the cow guy. he’d probably do it even with no milk incentive but thats just the cherry on top. also koyin and him could be slight friends a lot later into the story!! also he likes acorns and seeds and tries to break into them. also i made a whole list of sounds: clippity clops, footsteps on brick pavement, wood chopping board noises, WHEELS ON BRICK PAVEMENT, knife getting stuck in wood or swords etc, clinks of figurines (not hollow and probably like. made up of a gem rather than stone. Heavy clinks), pencil on thin paper on desk. more likes the feel rather than sound. and gear sounds/clicking like guardians. ALSO KEYBOARD NOISES. like the chunky ones i can get a video. zelda also likes these just more mechanical ones rather than soft thonks. also cooking pot noises we cannot forget about those. cutting paper super smoothly by just dragging scissors or a knife feels good and also knife tearing through fabric or specifically a bed mattress also feels good! the sound varies however. alsoalso this made me make a list for zelda because i think she’d more actively like sensory things
if they had a preference for weapons he’d love lynel weapons due to the sheer damage he just would never use them as to not break them. same with robbies ancient sword and other weapons that look cool or have ties to the champions. otherwise he just likes standard one handed sword weapons. pre cal him would honestly like lynel swords More and be really miffed about the master sword only doing 30 damage despite it being a holy sword and people regarding it as this great thing. like it has trouble defeating monsters ganon is going to kill him. i need to play sksw honestly i think he would like fi i just know next to nothing about her besides her being the sword. also he cant hear her Anyways!!
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
His wrist beeped. When he looked down, a few messages saluted him from the thin bright screen.
5:45. Bad news: caught the plague. quaranteening, wont come to work
5:45. Good news: no fever, just clogged nostril n throat kinda sore
5:46. Bad news: entire body fucken hurty
Ah. That's where she was.
5:47. agony?
5:47. Good news: dull ache
5:47. Bad news: annoying as hell
5:48. good. rest up.
5:49. Im gonna watch all of raikou man in one sitting
5:50. seems excessive.
5:50. I cantbpunch
5:51. Raikou man punch for me
5:51. Fucken grab those bastatds
5:51. Did yoy know theres a guy called mr no in raikou man
5:52. no.
5:53. Did you know. Its based. On a paldean gifaragaig
5:53. Giafarigarf
5:53. Falafal
5:54. girafarig?
5:54. No
5:54. Other bastard
5:55. Long ruckwn neck
5:55. tropius?
5:56. How tf dis you understand tropius from my attempts
5:57. long neck.
5:58. Whatever not important
5:59. After that. Lady oscar time baby
5:59. all of it?
6:00. Yeags
6:00. please sleep.
6:01. Oh im fucjeb gonna my head is heavy
6:02. Anyways. Is the ramen packets good for tonight bc i dont thonk i can do anything other tahn cjop veggies
6:03. you cant come.
6:03. ??? Yes???? I can??? You will eat bic
6:03. Bicth
6:03. Birg
6:03. Shat
6:04. take your time.
6:04. Im bitng your spleen
6:04. Oh wait no the goddamned. Plague. I agce it. Fuck
6:05. yup.
6:06. Eat
6:06. will do.
6:07. You better you fpeixe of fuck
6:08. My stomach is shifting to the side its veey annoying n uncormfortable
6:09. gross and concerning.
6:10. Yea
6:11. But anyways
6:11. Good day on the traisn
6:11. Kick ass
6:12. Ill ve here stretching my back and napoing probably
6:13. have a good nap!
6:13. Gnap
A couple hours later, his wrist buzzed again.
8:45. Mawile
8:46. B sent
8:47. Emolga with letter cover wnvelope envelope to your home
8:48. Falvour flavour packet inside
8:49. Flavour shrimp
8:50. When see envelope under door worry no
8:51. Remember eat when home
Emmet smiled a little.
8:52. thank you. is briosa asleep?
8:52. Yes
8:52. good.
8:53. Fememberd remember dinner
8:53. a bit early for that. but i will. thank you.
8:54. Remember!
8:54. will do! thank you mawile. take care of briosa.
After five minutes he got a thumbs up. Good to see they had found the tab with the emoticons.
At around midnight, while Emmet failed to force himself to wash the dishes, his Xtransceiver rang; he positioned it on the dinner table, at a good enough distance from himself so that his hands could come into view clearly.
“Hello,” Briosa croaked at the other end as he waved. “Did you get the flavor packet Guts sent you?”
Emmet nodded.
“Made yourself dinner with it?”
“Had a nice bowl of broth.”
At that she brought her own bowl into view as if it to toast with it: “That’s the life!” she laughed. “I had some... Fucking, spinach, in it, whatcha put in yours?”
“Cut some maccheroni and put them in.”
“Ourgh, fuck yes. Pastina. Did I ever bring you the turtlén?”
He shook his head.
“Gotta make ‘em. Gonna make some while I’m stuck here and bring ‘em over. You know, uh... Wanton soup? They’re kinda like that, but not fried. And it’s, I mean you’re not... Supposed, to add stuff. To, uh, when you make soup with... Turtlén - I mean you can also eat them dry with sauce, but broth is... So good.”
“So good.”
“So good.”
“Sooo good.”
“I’m gonna make stock broth and turtlén since I’ve got all this time. I’m gonna put that fucking delight in a bottle and drink it nice and lukewarm on shifts.”
“Not really hydrating, is it?”
“Yeah... Gonna put the broth in a bottle and boil the turtlén in it for you. When Mustrudi comes I’m gonna make you a lil’ bag of ‘em.”
“Why on Mustrudi?”
“Ah, tradition! You eat turtlén on Mustrudi eve. All the rest is usually stuff you can make cold, but not turtlén. Turtlén in broth on Mustrudi, with the snow out...” and she leaned her head back and gave a gurgle that sounded disgustingly funny: “Absolute delight. Peace and love on planet Earth.”
Behind her, Seismitoad made a long croak echoing the sentiment.
Emmet laughed softly.
“I’ll make ‘em,” Briosa promised, words slurring a bit. “Gonna steam clean ‘em and lock ‘em in the fridge for quaranteen and once I’m out it’s over for you.”
“Over I say!”
“Go to sleep. How are you? Still hurts?”
“Nah, not much. Dull aches, but overall good. You?”
“Am alright.”
“Nice. Ok! Wash the dishes and get the hell to bed. You got work tomorrow. I’m gonna go sleep too. In solidarity. And also because I’m, kinda tired.”
“Good, good.”
They waved each other goodbye; Emmet finally managed to get himself to the sink, soap and sponge in hand, and slowly but surely cleaned his bowl and the little pot that had seemed like such a gargantuan task moments before.
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oofuri2003 · 2 years
tajima finally hitting a HR off tosei of all teams would be chefs kiss. also while we're on tosei topics..... im sad that we might potentially be getting another tosei match, but this time it wont be animated.. meaning we would be missing out on mamomiya's riou dsfsdfsd (oofuri anime comeback when orz)
OOWAAAA if tajima's first HR was off of junta that would be fucking insaneeee FULL CIRCLE MOMENT. i think that would literally be epic. and if it was off of the forkball....well....it's cinematic parallels baby!
actually just got hives thinking about a sayama bijou rematch. that's actually so cursed. if i see roka again it's literally on sight. but also imagine if nishihiro got to play and actually hit a pitch this time </3 and also imagine if they played a full game without a traumatic incident
I'm SOOO depressed about all the shit that's never getting animated I literally need to see akimaru thonking abe on the back of the head with the ball during that game animated. NOW! and of course. the iconic. but you're the one who cares about me the most. AND HANAI'S FUCKINGGG HOME RUN. and abe n mihashi making breakfast together. okay im getting ahead of myself here anyway we need it.
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pr1ncessasuke · 5 months
hi, sorry, if this is the wrong place to ask, but i think somewhere Kishimoto or that it was stated in canon, that sasuke never attempted to contact sakura/sarada while he was away from the village but still kept in contact with naruto. idk where, all i remember is that i saw that information on tumblr, and i can't remember if its actually canon or not? like i need to find some solid sources for that but again sorry if ur not the right blog to ask that, but any sources would be fine 😭
hey! no worries, happy to do some think thonk abt this
hmm so ive seen conflicting things abt this and I think its bc theres conflicting novels out there. so apparently naruto gaiden says that sasuke only sent letters to naruto, but then sasuke retsuden says that sasuke did send letters to sakura. I cant find the source from naruto gaiden atm, but I found this quote from sasuke retsuden:
Sasuke turned his head to face Gigi as his face and tone became washed with seriousness. “It’s not like I’m leaving her. Sakura is needed locally, and I’m needed outside the country, it’s our jobs. We exchange letters, though.”
I havent bought any of the novels though, so this is just from digging from other ppl's quotes on the novels, so keep that in mind. if the novels are conflicting, I dont think theres really a reliable narrative here
although, i personally dont rly count the novels as canon anyway, and I dont think the boruto manga really mentions anything abt the letters (anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong tho)
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ahatintimepieces · 3 years
And with that, our story has reached its end. Lukas faces his dragon with his family by his side and after it all, they live... well... you can probably guess what comes next~
Thank you all for reading and your support! It means the world! Special shout-out to @smieska who enabled me from the beginning when initially planning the story, encouraging me through the whole way, and helping with all the chapter titles! I couldn’t have done it without you <3333
I’ll take a break from regular updates for awhile, but you might catch a few things here and there. Until then, take care!
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sea-and-storm · 6 years
Eyes:  Examined.
Everyday Glasses:  Ordered at the optometrist’s office.
Computer Glasses:  Ordered online.
Wallet:  Crying hysterically.
today’s adulting was a success.
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catboythanatos · 6 years
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milkaneiko · 5 years
#hsjjfjdfjmskckskd i literally vented my whole entire sadness on a post thaf dodnt even save bc of my stupid data im so upset now i cant look#at it later and just tell myself how stupid i am#anyways ill keep venting#like homeslty idk a part of me wants to be with her still but my cousins really made me think abohr it like what if she was already thinking#about cjeating on me while on our relarionship...like thonking that fuckinf sucks but its teue she basicallt admitted shed cheag on me if we#dated again lolololl bahahaha :) but honestly idc id atillcwant to be wirh her bc ar the end of the day id rather break up with someone i#hate trhan someone i love so mich#am i stupid? yes but whatever idc anout anyrhing anymore my life is loteral shit rn lol#i hate my job/boss treats me and my brother like shit theyre so fucking annoying i might be homeless soon i have no goals for the future#idek what i want to do i have no ambitions and my only froend and only person i care abojr broke ip with me lol so not a very good month for#me :)#someone find me a new gf/bf so these feelings can go away already im not emotionally inept to handle this rn haha#gsfjskfjskfjsj i fucking hate myself im so desperate for love i wokd literall do anythig i would come out to my parents and become homeless#kf that means i get to see her more and hang out with her more ahfjsjckskkxa#wtf is wrong with me why cant i makeanyone happy#so yea long story short i feel like my like sucks rn and i want to get ran over by a car and make sure i have my body mutilated so as to#make sure theres no chance of me survivng tthat impact teehee (๑╹ω╹๑ )#also theres no chance shell ever read this since she doesnt know my account a*******a if youre reading this just text me saying how#much you dont like me and tell me so mang horrible thigs to make me hate you so i can never ever love you again bc youre handling this way#better than i am and im sorry for being so dramatic but i just love you so much i want to be with uou and i hate that i cant but i#ynderatand why you dont want to be with me#im sorry for the way i am im sorry for thinking like trhis and im sorry i cant give you what you want#and just know that im so overwhelmed with other stuff in my life so me wanting to not exist is not entroewly bc of oir realtionship ending
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sadkois · 1 year
The way I went ferral seeing some Nishiki and Majima content that duo is so underrated (yeah they only met once but damnit they'd make a fun duo !)
i feel like there's so many possibilities with these guys. imagine all the shenanigans... like, THEY BOTH HAVE SO MUCH RANGE
they could either hate each other or somehow become really good frens... or both. they keep goin between those. maybe just annoy each other at first aaa. it really depends on which year and in which circumstances they interact again 🤔
i sincerely always wanted them to be friends... i think they could bond over quite a lot of stuff, from stuff like fashion to their love for their kyodais... to all that crap life threw at them haha. (and isnt it interestin how they both deal with it. they both changed themselves but ya got one pretendin to be someone and the other tryna become someone else.... lies lies <- absolutely no idea of what im sayin im extremely sleepy) anyways the fact that their first interaction was fightin each other is just perfect to me. (even if it was kinda onesided ahsgdhasjd)
LISTEN. KIRYU WAS GONE FOR 10 YEARS. THESE TWO HAD TO INTERACT RIGHT??? <- fool who wants a game both between y0 and kiwami and the 10 years kiryu was gone with nishiki and majima as protagonists
but seriously they have a lot of stuff in common i just asghdjaksd (right? RIGHT?? maybe im just makin crap up. i do love the idea of characters that rarely or never see each other in canon, interactin in some way. i havent even started on the nish trinity lmao. ehem but this is about majim n nishki) sorry i just love em man.... p sure i have had some more thonks on majima n nishki frenship somewhere in this blog with tumblr user evagora™ asfdgh
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beanyboobee · 4 years
hi! just wanted to say i love ur theories sm! especially the ones about the triangle and reki and adam being like the "devil and angel" on langas shoulder. would you mind expanding a bit more on the meaning of the ending song? i was looking at them and it definitely feels like ranga is going to become canon is some form and that it will be requited at first, then adam gets in the way and its unrequited, and then maybe its requited again? idk thats what i picked up from it but what r ur thoughts?
Awe thank you so much! And of course! I would love to expand more on what I think the meaning of the ending song is! Just keep in mind im using the English translation from YouTube so there may of been a few words mistranslarws but this is why I thonk the song is reki and langa having a conversation. I wont be going word for word other wise we will be here awhile but here's some things I noticed
"Oh let's keep the feelings"
Can have many meanings, and throughout the ending song it changes meaning quite alottm but at the beginning I think what it refers to is skating. And how they need to keep their love for it. This is important as recently in the show Reki seems to be losing his love for it. Blinded by feeling inferior. So what this lyric implies is what is truely important to both of them. And that is keeping the feeling they had when they first started skating.
From deduction I beleive the first verse is Rekis point of veiw
"The road on which the kicked stone rolls, you're stubborn"
As we know Langa is the more stubborn outnofnthe two. Reki is the more carefree and go with the flow.
"There is no distinction between old and new, I like what I always like"
If my thoughts are correct and they are older looking back on their younger days. I think this is Reki admitting that even though they have grown and even if their sneakers have changed they are still the same as they were back then. That his feelings from those days are still as strong as ever.
"I feel like another person for the rest of my life"
Can be a confusing thing to try and deciper as it can have many meaning but my favorite one, is that this is him admitting he wants Langa with him forever. That he doesn't want to be alone, that he feels like having Langa there is what he needs.
This is immediately followed by
"Lets go together. Let's go with you. Beyond the sea of tears, I can move. I can help you "
Furthering the previous statement that this is their way of saying they want to stay together. As we know Reki is constantly helping Langa. Let it be with skateboarding or even fixing Langas board. Rekinis always excited to help. So the mention of helping is what made me think this verse was Reki.
"If you have a feeling. Let's keep feelings. Let's keeping your heart. As we are Happiness with you."
They want to keep feeling this way. They don't want things to change, because this is when they are happy.
To no ones supprise it is blatantly obvious that the boys will find their happiness in each ither. Like rekinsaid his happiness in epispde 1 was skating. So I wouldn't be supprised that in the final episode if the thought of happiness is brought back up and it changes.
"Inside an empty cigar case. I was growing tall now. To be honest. I will remember. Tightly tied laces. Let's make it my favorite color. Its infinite. I like what i always like."
The mention of a cigar case is what gave me the idea that this is when they are older. And esspeically the mention of growing taller. Though I don't know which one this could be. Judging by some lyrics later I assumed this verse was Langa.
Again the mention of shoes is brought up. Leading back to skateboardong then the mention of a favorite color.(( I dont think this refers to the shoes themselves but if it did that would be interesting because ya know what red and blue make? ..purple. and what color are langas shoes? Damn I could do a whole crack theory on this man's shoes-)) but anyway! I think the favorite color is in referance to langas new board. As we know he will be getting a new board soon and if its reki making it. It wouldn't supprise me if he asked langa for his favorite color to paint it.
Remember this from verse 1?
"Unimaginable wall ride. It made me laugh all right. All night I was waiting for the morning. "
Yes well read this from verse 2. A direct response.
"Fearless wall ride. I'll make you laugh all right. All night has been exceeded"
And then it is instantly followed with
"I feel like another person for the rest of my life" again
From verse 1. It made me think about how Reki would laugh alott while Langa was learning. Mostly because langa really could not pull off the basic things and would often end up hurting himself. The mention of waiting for the morning is as if Reki is excited to see Langa. To skate with langa. Not having someone for so long it brings him excitement each day to have someone there.
And then the direct response from Langa is as if he is saying he aimed to make Reki laugh with what he did. That he kept trying just to get him to laugh. Before reassuring him that the night is done and that he really is here to stay. That if Reki was worried everything was just a dream. The day proves to him it isn't.
"Lets talk about silly things with you forever. I want to laugh next to you. "
As we know Reki tends to ramble and Langa tends to listen. But something the show shows wonderfully is how the more time passes Langa is becoming more open. He smiles mostly whenever Reki is talking to him showing how he and Reki have grown close. Again this is talking about they want to be beside each other again.
I beleive that sentance is Rekis point of beiw though. He wants to talk with Lamga and much as possiable and he wants the ither to laugh.
Which leads me to belive this song takes place when they are seperated . Not together in that moment. But both thinking back on the same memories.
Final verse.
"If the world ends. I dont need anything special. Same pace as usual. Let's stay together unchanged. Yes 'now is beautiful. "
I don't know who's point of veiw this verse is. But I like to think its both lf them. Or it switches between them.
They talk about how even if the world ends they will be fine so long as they are together and the same as usual. That NOW is perfect. Because all they need is one another.
"Lets go together. Lets go with you. Its not just fun. Youre here by my side. Helping me. "
Now I belive that is Langas response to reki in the first verse saying he wants to help him. That langa wants to keep going to the future with Reki besides him. And the same for Reki. He wants to go with Langa. Skateboarding is no longer just fun for eaither of them anymore. It became more then that because ts something they do together.
As Joe said. Our local villian man says skateboarding is a language of love. (Though I will draw a line in the sand and say local villian man treats more like lust and desire) but! For reki and langa is really is a love language. Skateboarding basically represents a reltionship in this show. They started it together. Kept doing it together. But eventually one person was moving ahead to fast and the other couldn't catch up this will result in- (*cough* their first breakup) but skateboarding will definetly bring them back together again.
The show will definetly separate them at some point. Because it has to be done . Of my theories are correct. They need to be separated and away from each other in order to full realise they need each other. They need that break to realise skateboarding isn't just fun anymore. That without the other there to support them. Its no longer what it used to be.
"Im not alone. I'm always by your side."
This can apply to both the characters which is why I beleive the final verse is a mixture of the two of them. For Langa he came to Japan not knowing anyone but his mom. He was alone till Reki shoved his way into his life. And for Reki he was alone even though he was surrounded by so many people. Because he had no one to truepy connect with. But now they are always beside each other.
"You can talk about silly things as many times as you like. I will remember and laugh"
Now not alott of thing scare me but this- ...this thing scares me- ok so all joking aside. This is another direct response to a line a few verses back. But this time ots langa. Langa saying how he doesn't mind listening to Reki talk. Because he will remember everything and laugh about it. That as long as reki wants to keep talking he will listen..
Though I'm kind of scared how they phrased the remember and laugh thing- I just have trust issues with this director since banana fish so they just better not give my boys an angsty ending-
And finally!
"You are always in my chest."
They are always in each others hearts. Another suspicious lyric that is making me second guess everything sweet. And makes me beleive the two of them are seperated some how. It better only be because of college or I swear- hands will be thrown!
But apart from that its a very sweet song. About them feeling nolsolgic. Thinking back of their past. Remembering feelings. How they will always be in each ithers hearts. How they are each others happiness. And how they can't see a future without each other in it.
Though it is also possiable for the singers of each verse to be the complete opposite of what I choose. Since langa seems to be the one helping Reki now, but we will wait till the show ends to do a serious theory on this once and for all xD
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the-love-i-crave · 3 years
okay u listened to fatal love which is my favorite album BUUUT now you gotta listen to follow - find you (my second favorite album though i have a lot of trauma associated w it, as most monbebes do.... i'll tell u abt it later)
ALSO we love and support wonho and his girlboss solo career, so please listen to love synonym #2: right for us!!!
its been like over 20 hours since u sent this ask and u are already regretting getting me into my monbebe arc. suffer <3
anyway heres my opinions. pretty sure theres an mv for follow as well? or another song? didnt watch it tho rip.
find you - watching the mv alongisde and WHATS UP WITH THEM AND CAR CRASHES WBHBHWBW :((( im not going to lie i almost started crying bc um, *bites lip* dealing with topics of loved ones dying when a loved one of urs died is not sexy (all /lh bc im good HAHA). love the group mocing in with the main guy, polycule truther over here <3 AND THE TIME TRAVELLING STUFF? ??? YOU WERENT KIDDING WHEN U SAID THEY ARE INTERCONNECTED. god now i wanna get into timelines and shit. anyway, i do absolutely love the vibes of this song and im not rating them bc i cant decide for ratings, my ass is fat what can i say
follow - LOVE this song so fuckin much. im a sucker for it, oh my god. even the rapping part.... sir yes. so far my favourite one. JOOHONEY MY BELOVED!!! DEAR GOD. BIAS? MAYHAPS. WELL SEE
monsta truck - i cant believe one of the trucks is hung. anyway, vibes are immaculate. such a good song, advocating for pegging rights. i truly love diversity. love wins <3
(yes ik its supposed to be them being ridden, but? “fill me, fuel me up” shownu pegging king? checkmate atheists, i win)
U R - i absolutely love the song but GOD. SOME OF THE LINES IN ENGLISH. PLS WHAT IS “stop shakin my tree, i just want this so deep” KING WHAT??? DONT DO THAT  “come to me the way” pls i cant do this. but all in all this is a good song..... will admit id rather listen to gasoline than this one :thonk:
Disaster - joohoney i- please. please. i love you. changkyun please my other beloved. please. i am vibing HARD with this one. yes bitch i AM a disaster, but on in the fact that im a goddamn mess. really love the end part of it
really good i liked it a lot :) one of my favs for this album
i cant finish mirror and see you again tonight, nor that wonho song, bc my attention is not getting taken away too much so im checking them out tomorrow but i do actually really love this album so far. i love the vibes from the very soft, rather tragic, beginning to.... horny. they really said “lets get hrony instead of sad” and i RESPECT IT. i dont respect changkyun though what the fuck is “stop shaking my tree i just want this so deep” king just say you want to get pegged
also pls tell me what that trauma entails. im terrified to find out
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