#anyway ill wear the bunny ears again tomorrow <3 the way people lit up when they enter a store and not only are they greeted upon entry
ayyponine · 2 years
work today was actually kinda fun im so powerful <3
omg remember when i said “whenever a customer gets angry with me about a discount they have zero entitlement to i should be allowed to be in a shirt that has like a wonky lookin smiley face or fuzzy 3D mushroom on it. like i just think the absurd degree of their clownery might hit a lil quicker if i could zone out in a tacosaurus (stegosaurus but a taco) shirt”
my dream in a way came trueee <3
so again disclaimer do not try to google shit in an attempt to figure out where i work but we always have some type promo going to get people buying. and starting today fr easter if people buy fr X amount theyd get a pair of complimentary bunny ears. theyre rlly cute btw my colleagues and i wore them p much all day <3 theyre also put up fr sale WITH a matching lil bag fr kids to collect eggs in (theoretically i guess bc it’s like. fully lined w fabric. its just an open lil bunny purse of like light brown teddy fabric. i suppose you could also take this to the club).
but the conditions are like ok. this action started 1. today 2. starting frm a purchase worth X amount of money 3. u get a pair of bunny ears if you have a child with you present. no “oh i have three kids at home can i take three w me” no only if there is a child present with you THEN you get aforementioned headband w soft lil bunny ears.
which sucks a lil having to disappoint people who spend the money to get there and then i have to tell them im sorry. if you really want the ears you can either purchase a pair. or i can put this stack of clothes aside fr you and you can come back and make the purchase later this week with yr kid present if we still have a stock of free ears left to hand out by then??
but a lady had already been rude to one rlly sweet colleague and then she came in fresh w me trying again and getting real rude when that didnt work as she had planned and she was denied a second time in one afternoon <3 im sorry it was kinda funny like are you not embarrassed..
SO proud of myself tho fr not letting it get to me! she was like WOW i bought for like 80 euros worth of stuff last weekend and didnt get any so?? im just like oh thatd be correct we just got these the action started today :) starting today we are handing out ears. shes like WELL but i made a purchase just yesterday so you cant give me some now? thats kinda ridiculous. what if i return all the stuff i bought and then but it again do i get the ears then? im like yes :) shes like well huff thats just nonsensical!! thats the instructions ive been given ma’am <3 so if i do that THEN i would get the ears thats ridiculous maybe i WILL do that. im just like okie youre free to do that <33 oh if you do be sure to bring yr kids with you though bc otherwise i still wouldnt be allowed to give you anything <3 thats STUPID. :D well i dont make these decisions ma’am the easter action started. today
she kept bitching abt it clearly annoyed that nagging and making a fuss didnt get her her way <3 you shouldve seen her face when i offered that if she really wanted them so bad we also offered them fr sale so she could get as many as she wanted oh my god. she threw down her customer card on the till and i just went like thank you <3 *scans it. do you know how powerful it is to deny a woman the complimentary pair of five euro bunny ears she feels entitled to and feel absolutely zero guilt about that? all the while wearing said bunny ears right on top of your head. i AM the manager.
..... i am not in fact the manager just the one w most seniority present at the time. the actual manager had her day off and if the lady returns and bothers her about it the same way chances are she’ll get two pairs and an apology to boot. but not today and not from me <3 peace and love on planet earth
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