#anyway i'm sorry you feel sad about it anon i really understand where you're coming from
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miniimight · 1 year ago
Hellooo! Could you please write for the boys where the reader is sick but doesn't tell them bcs she doesn't wanna bother them?? I love your your blog sm 💙💙
HIDING YOUR SICKNESS ! reader doesn't wanna bother her boyfriend
with izuku, bakugo, rody + fem!reader (pro hero era)
notes thanks for the request anon !!
you: hey i don't think i can make our date tonight... i'm sorry, something came up
he frowned when he got the text. he pinched the bridge of his nose and his overthinking kicked in. you'd been distancing yourself a lot recently... between you spending all your time at someone else's place, having to postpone dates, and his hero work, you barely got to see each other.
he was worried. he pressed the call button and waited for you to pick up.
"hello? y/n?"
you folded from the concern in his voice. he was always going to be worried about you, no matter what you tried to do.
"izuku..." you rasped and you could tell he was taken aback.
"what's wrong, honey?" he said softly. "you don't sound too good..."
you bit your lip. oh, what the hell. he was going to find out anyway. "i'm just a little sick, that's all. i can handle—"
"sick?!" izuku exclaimed and you shied away from his volume. "my love, you should have told me."
"no, it's really okay—"
"how long have you felt this way? is this why you've been postponing our dates? where are you right now?" he ignored your protests and rambled on with more questions for a bit. you weakly answered them all.
"okay, sweetheart, i'm on my way." you could hear him huffing as you assumed he leapt across rooftops. "stay on call..."
a burden was lifted off your shoulders, and the relief made you fall asleep right then and there.
later—though how much later, you didn't know—you blinked the sleep out of your eyes. groaning, you stretched your arms and propped your body up with your elbows.
"oh, you're awake. lay down, love."
you tuned into izuku's voice, squinting through your daze. he was sitting at your bedside, a wet rag in his hand. he shushed you when you tried to ask him all your questions, gently laying the rag across your forehead and kissing your heated cheek.
"you had a fever, honey." izuku hummed, pulling the chair closer to the bed and leaning over the side. "you shouldn't have been under all those stuffy blankets."
you frowned and looked around. the windows were open, the curtains flowing as fresh air filtered in. it was true, you did feel a little less suffocated.
you pursed your lips, feeling guilty. "i'm sorry."
he was absolutely bewildered. "what could you possibly be sorry for?"
you sniffed, rubbing your eyes. "you were at work, right? and..."
izuku softened, stroking your temples with understanding. "it's never an issue for me to take care of you, love. don't be sad. just relax and let me handle everything, okay? i'm here now, to take care of you."
"where are you and why have you been avoiding my calls?"
you pressed your lips into a thin line. straight to the point, as usual. "i'm... i'm staying at a friend's for the time being." you tried to speak evenly, without any tiredness.
you heard bakugo sigh deeply. "what's the matter, baby? and don't think about hidin' anything from me."
you groaned internally, letting your head drop against the mattress. you mumbled.
"what was that?"
you flared up, heat overwhelming your body. "i'm sick! okay?! i'm so sick right now."
he didn't respond.
you sighed. "i didn't want you to catch anything or worry about it. i can handle it and i'll be back in no time."
he scoffed. "fuck that. i'm coming to get you."
"kat, really—?!"
"yes, really!" you heard faint explosions in the background. "seriously, thinking you can recover on your own when you can't even speak properly." he chuckled.
you wanted to retort, but your throat burned. hmph, you thought. you let yourself drift asleep, feeling comforted.
later, you woke up in his bed to the sound of clanking pots in the kitchen. brows furrowed, you groaned as you stretched, your body buzzing after you let yourself drop into the plush mattress once more.
bakugo peeked into the room. "you're up. good. you need to eat." with an apron on, he placed an assortment of dishes in front of you; soup, fruits, and some cough drops for later.
you sat up a little, startled when his hand pressed against your forehead.
"you have a fever." he shook his head, disappointed. "you probably made it a little worse, isolating yourself under all those sheets. you were overheated when i got you."
you pouted, taking a sip of water.
he craned his neck to meet your eyes, thinking you'd be relieved being home and in his care. you clearly had something on your mind. "baby..." he held your hand. "jus' tell me what's on your mind."
you met his eyes briefly before looking away. "i... didn't want you to miss work for this."
"this matters more than paperwork." he rolled his eyes, a soft smile on his face. he squeezed your hands. "just eat up and rest up. i'll handle everything else."
"nope!" his little sister, lala, chirped. "it's me!"
during his last layover, he hadn't been getting much of a response from you. he trusted you with everything, but he was worried. now that he was back in otheon, he was ready to figure out what the hell was going on.
he chuckled at his sister. you must've given her your phone to play her favorite game. "hey, lala. where's y/n, do you know?"
"she's sleeping now." rody could hear her breathing as she pattered over to where he assumed you were laying down. "sleeping like a log."
"yeah?" rody responded, deep in thought. it wasn't like you to sleep while looking after his siblings, so he knew something was wrong. "what was she doing before she fell asleep?"
"uhhh... she made lunch for us?" lala sniffed. "i feel bad, though."
rody's eyebrows creased, tugging a suitcase behind him as he unconsciously walked faster. "why's that?"
"she's got a mask on, and she doesn't want us too close to her..." lala sighed. "and she's burning up."
rody put the pieces together. he raced to the carpark and zoomed on home, bursting through the door.
the loud noise startled you out of your slumber, sitting upright. the abrupt motion made you dizzy and you groaned. lala pat your shoulder, concerned.
rody dropped his suitcase to the ground, kneeling at your side. slipping off his gloves, he pressed his hand to the side of your neck.
"seriously, babe, you should've told me when you started feeling off." he frowned, bustling about to grab you the things you needed. "i could've left any time."
your eyes were glassy when you looked at him, and he felt his heart twisting. "m'sorry," you mumbled from behind the mask. "i didn't want to bother you..."
he scoffed and pulled the mask off your face, squishing your cheeks. he looked you square in the eye. though he was scolding you, he was so soft and gently. "you never bother me. all i think about is you, lala, and roro. i want to know everything you're feeling, no matter what."
you smiled, looking lopsided as your face was still in his hands. "okay."
he grinned and kissed you.
"ugh!" you recoiled, scooching away from him. "rody! you'll get sick!"
he crossed his arms, smiling. "and? we can be in that boat together."
you rolled your eyes. "oh my god."
"aw, don't be like that, baby." rody cuddled up next to you, peppering you with affection. "come on, let me take care of you."
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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miabbh · 3 months ago
hiiii my miaaa!!! i just saw that anon msg and omg it genuinely pissed me off??? like how fucking entitled can someone be??? this is a fun lil website for hobbies!!! and creators like you? sharing YOUR work for FREE??? if someone doesn’t vibe with how YOU post on YOUR own blog, why don’t they just…not interact??? it’s really not that deep!!! but anyway i just wanted to remind you how insanely amazing you are!! not just as an author but as a person in general!!! you’re such a sweet n kind soul so seeing someone talk to you like that really irritated tf outta me. but sharing snippets of priest!baek is such a gift n we’re honestly so lucky to get even a tiny peek at your creativity whenever YOU feel like it. you don’t owe anyone your work, your process, or your time, period. focus on what inspires you, prioritize what feels good to you n don’t let any hateful messages bring u down ok?? ur doing SO incredible n ur real ones (aka me + sooo many others) are always cheering for you 😚‼️‼️‼️ sending u all the love, hype, n good vibes foreverrr 💘💕💞🩷💗💘💕💞🩷💗 mwah mwah mwahhh!!! 😚😚😚
okay, bringing this up after a week but...
i. a few time an anon came to share some slightly strange accusations in my inbox: that i wasn't posting priest!baek fully but only sharing spoilers (and that apparently irritated them) and, last wednesday, that i was adding explicit sex scenes to priest!baek to get readers. well, if something i truly believe in literature is that posting smut is hard for the writers because it's literally a little piece of you. you can right every little lie (you don't believe it's that way) you want about love and hate, but when it comes to this scenes, if you're not into it/comfortable with it, you won't write.
to say i was adding these scenes to gain readers truly wounded me—especially because I made it very clear in this post that I would link the post with this part to the main post so that younger readers or those who are not comfortable with this type of scenes to read it freely.
ii. there were a few more accusations that really hurt me, but this anon was careless and sent one of the messages in the inbox without anon. it was an empty blog, no pp nor name, i reported it and blocked it.
i felt sad, frustrated trying to understand where all that anon's frustration was coming from, and for a moment i started to doubt if i was really doing something that wrong.
iii. i knew i wasn't deep down, but still it really got me and i deleted most of the work but a few words from the beginning that i thankfully missed. it will take time to rewrite everything, and yet i'm still saddened by some of the things that were said. but i won't give up💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻!!! i know many of you loved Au! and want to read it, and honestly, i really want to share my ideas with you all because you're the sweetest readers i've ever had 💖💓💗💓🩷💞💖💗🩷💞💗💖💓
i thank you so, sooooo much for the kind words, Lisa, for remembering me that we're doing this for fun and for the people that appreciate us. you know sis how much you mean to me 🩷
everyone, i'm so sorry about this. but that's what they say, some evils come for good—the good is that i won't give a shit unless it's a constructive criticism 😚 hopefully im posting soon and then i'll work on priest!baek as i feel like and it'll be better than before
sweethearts, kisses kisses for you 😘 i love you all, readers 💓💖💞💗💖😚💞💖
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gorelesbian · 8 months ago
You seem like the only correct person to send this memory to omg, kind of heavy, but Eraserhead baby themed, overall: I watched Eraserhead for the first time as a younger teen, and something that really struck me at the time was the father setting out a humidifier after he sees the baby's appearance begin to change, and how he displays concern, despite the fact that the child is Like That. I was young and closeted and knew it would go poorly when I got outed (I was right), so the imagery of a stable parent doing all he could in the moment for a child born Wrong stayed on my mind for quite some time. That viewing required A TON of projection on my part and is broadly speaking meaningless, but it does kind of fascinate me that I can tell so much about who I used to be based on my thought process Abt a movie id view totally differently now 10 years later. Anyway
oh wow thank you for telling me this anon! this is so interesting because my thoughts about the movie were quite different, based on my own personal experiences!
i do think the moments where henry sat with his baby were very sweet and i absolutely understand how that could cause a sad sense of yearning. i was personally more focused on henry's and mary's flaws because i see eraserhead baby as so deeply innocent and helpless and blameless. it makes me so incredibly sad to watch him cry endlessly while no one holds him or sings to him and i feel heartbroken that he wasn't given the love he should have been.
i've been thinking about why eraserhead baby makes me so extremely emotional and i think it must have something to do with my own experiences in life. i have always been loved very much by my parents but i was emotionally neglected as a child. i don't see it as anyone's fault, i don't think my parents were able to do any better since they were struggling with their own things and were just not capable of fullfilling my emotional needs (much like henry and mary) so i don't blame them. i do feel some kind of deep sadness/grief for my child self. it makes me incredibly sad to think about how lonely and misunderstood and blamed i was for things i couldn't control (the neurodivergent experience...ouch). i think i must see my younger, innocent self in eraserhead baby. this is gonna sound silly but i hope when my eraserhead baby replica comes in the mail and i hold him it will somehow heal something inside of me.
thank you again for your message! i'm sorry to hear you've had such a hard time in life, i hope you're safe and happy now. i'd love to hear what you think if you do rewatch eraserhead some time! sending love!!!
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ophernelia · 1 month ago
hey friend. sorry for going on anon but I had an awfully weird question that is already embarrassing enough to ask. im in a position where I don't feel like I have much of a support system emotionally and its been driving me crazy honestly. ive been having bad thoughts snd it's mad eme feel guilty about being alive while simultaneously not wanting to bc I do. I know I do. but I guess these feeling having been creeping up and taking up space. anyways I called an hotline and I feel incredibly embarrassed. I know I shouldn't be but I don't feel like I can't talk to anyone else and anytime I try to talk to anyone about these feelings I only feel like i inconvenience them.
friend, you have zero reason to feel embarrassed! it's not a weird question in the slightest. but it's perfectly fine for you to be on anon if you want to! you have a right to that privacy! first and foremost- i am so proud of you for calling that hotline. you don't have to be embarrassed about that at all. that's what those resources are for. i love that you did that because that's a way of you looking out for yourself even when you feel rough. you call whenever you feel the need to and don't feel bad about it EVER. i've called before too. that's what it's there for! but when i tell you i know exactly how you feel! i mean straight down to a t because i've been feeling real rough time lately too. and i've felt like i have no one to talk about my stuff with either. i always feel like i'm complaining. (my family knows me to be a complainer lol) but i've been really self conscious about it lately. no idea why. my 20's just seem to be a rollercoaster of emotions and events. all my friends have different life events going on so i've just been feeling like now's not the time for me to talk to them. (but i absolutely should. i know these people love and care for me. but my head just gets in the way. don't let yours. the feelings we have about that aren't based in any sort of reality! EVERYONE feels like that sometimes. they all understand it!) but i've been trying to push through it and keep functioning anyway. it's been rough. i have to breadcrumb myself sometimes. i remind myself that i love myself and i don't ever wanna do anything to hurt myself. like i'm already sad, i may as well not make it any worse lol. i think about things i have to look forward. even small ones. like maybe that next sandwich i have is a really good one. there's a food place out there i haven't even discovered yet that i could love. there's gonna be a day in the summer that i really enjoy because it'll be all warm and nice outside. even with my series- i have to stick around. who the heck is gonna tell you guys how lykaia ends???? (and it has no real end so i'm forever chasing that carrot on a stick lol) whatever i can find that help me look forward- i cling onto it. as silly and minuscule as it may be. whatever helps, helps! all of it's valid. even this online space! i love it here! i've made so many friends and i love seeing all the fun stuff people make. i love when simblr collectively trash talks a new official release lmaoo. i look forward to this everyday! and you're a part of me looking forward to it! i love talking to you guys! there's a great support system here to tap into. even if you don't wanna talk about your personal stuff, just having some time to be silly with other people online helps a lot. and i'm here! my ask box is always open! i love you being here! i want to continue to see you around here on anon, off anon, whatever is the most comfortable for you. i feel rough rn too. we're in this together. let's both try to keep pushing to get to that inevitable good moment because it's coming! make sure you come back around to tell me about yours! i'll tell you about mine!
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insert-clever-username-1133 · 9 months ago
idk if i should do this in anon or not but i'll do if in anon
i dont really know who else to go to for relationship advice so, sorry.
my boyfriend gets kinda annoying at times and kinda full of himself? idk. its hard to explain.
here, this is unrelated but something that did happen. He was being really adamant that i hold his hand, and i was like "no. i'm really uncomfortable with physical touch." and he got all sad about it, like that would change my mind. But i'm not putting his sadness over my discomfort. i've tried too many times to put myself down for other people's gain, and it ended with my mental health going to absolute shit.
and he talks a lot about the same things over and over and just repeats himself. idk what his point is but please just stop talking.
so yeah i wanna break up with him, say that we are better as friends, but i dont know how and dont want to hurt his fragile feelings.
you don't have to respond to this lol
i feel like you would know who i am but thats ok
sorry this took so long to respond to, i saw a long anon ask and kinda braced for the worst and got scared and closed it, then forgot about it, and i finally actually read it just now
no idea who you are, the only person i can think of who would come to me for relationship advice is aro
anyways. for the actual advice. seems like this is not a great relationship for you so if you want to break up then that's what you should do. breakups are hard and it's bound to hurt his feelings but he will heal from it eventually, you should be focused on making sure you're okay because if even one party isn't okay with the relationship then that relationship can't really function. idk if that makes sense
umm but to make it easier on him maybe like. explain your reasoning and stuff. like list stuff like how he's pushing your boundaries and mostly stuff like that. i would list more of the big issues and less of the annoyances (like him repeating himself) because while the big issues could help him understand where you're coming from the annoyances and stuff could just add salt to the wound. and make it clear that you still want to be friends (if you do i mean)
sorry i feel like i phrased that kind of weirdly and also take this with a heap of salt because I've never actually been in a relationship. im just kinda parroting what ive heard and what i know from friendships and all that. but since you came to me and all i still wanted to give my perspective
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kingreywrites · 4 years ago
something that makes me sad about cass/unzel is that it's a wlw (woman loving woman) ship but it's so unhealthy when it totally had potential not to be. as a bi wlw I really want more rep, and I appreciate the writers somewhat trying to do that, but in s3 they completely made it unhealthier (before it wasn't as toxic as it absolutely was in s3) :(( it's a comfort ship for a lot of my wlw friends and I get why and dont blame them but it's rlly sad how unhealthy it turned out to be. I could totally support cass/unzel if it was healthier, and up until season 3 I didnt really have a problem with it. I love new dream and headcanon them both as lgbtq n I just wish cass/unzel was more of a healthy ship and more lgbt rep in the fandom would be v nice w/o it being solely cass/unzel. I dont see much lgbt rep about new dream or any other characters outside of cass/unzel. anyway rapunzel and eugene are pan/bi even if they're in a heterosexual relationship that doesnt matter <333 (before anyone gets angry that's a headcanon pls dont be homophobic (not @ you ines) <33)
yeah i totally get you and i WISH there was.... any other wlw option in TTS but they made that relatively hard when they confined the main female characters to Cass and Rapunzel 🙃 Rapunzel being married, there was no way for it to be canon anyway, but gosh imagine a universe where they added another female character to the main cast, who could have given two more wlw ship by herself (and maybe, you know, could have gone canon with cass.... sigh i wish 😭 we do get more wlw rep in cartoon these days which is amazing, but tts wasn't part of that sadly)
and honestly beyond shipping i've always felt like disney is especially terrible at depicting healthy relationships between women, and TTS definitely falls in this category. I mean... Gothel is an abusive mother to Rapunzel and Cass; Arianna and Rapunzel's relationship is forgotten; Lady Caine hate Rapunzel's guts; Adira is seen as a possible threat for all of s2 by Cass (and Rapunzel to an extent); Rapunzel is jealous of Stalyan at first, before they agree on a tentative friendship, and then Stalyan robs them anyway; Cass turns evil and blames Rapunzel for being kidnapped; Zhan Tiri manipulates Cass...... this isn't everyone but god is there one female relationship of any kind in TTS that's actually good and developed all the way through?? i wish this show had given Rapunzel more friends overall (and I don't like the idea that they didn't so her friendship with cass could be more meaningful, because, actually, people are able to love multiple people at once... 😬 Rapunzel is so social, she deserved to have as many new friends as possible 😭)
Anyway yeah I understand the frustration, and I also understand people who loves this ship and finds comfort from it, though it's not my case! I just... wish there was other options asfhsgjd
BUT YEAH NEW DREAM IS A LGBT SHIP I DON'T MAKE THE RULES Rapunzel and Eugene are bi icons 🥰 some people also see them as pan, or one as bi one as pan, and EVERYONE IS RIGHT ACTUALLY
they're also trans because i said so
also if anyone homophobic is actually reading this i'd recommend them to fuck off - i hope you don't have to deal with anyone like that anon, but yeah, these people aren't welcome here at all
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years ago
I have a request! Remember the scene in the movie where Paragus uses the shock collar on Broly? Well, can I request a short one shot where he uses the collar, & the reader comforts Broly when the two are alone? Maybe a timeskip to his battle with Goku, where he sees the reader & calms down upon remembering the kindness she showed him? Please??
author's note: i hope you've been enjoying these! i assume you're the same anon since my only requests have been broly lol i ended up feeling very lovey for broly as i wrote this, as you'll find out when you read! i'm not sorry for being a romantic sometimes :p i created a bit of a new species in this and may expand on it in the future! i didn't expand on it very much so i apologize! i also have changed the prompt just a tad, as far as the timing goes when Broly calms down. also i'm very tired but wanted to write this story so if things don't make sense i am very sorry
pairing: broly x fem!reader
warnings: parental abuse, shock torture (as it is in canon)
Solace | Broly x Reader |
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Broly sits by himself in an empty room, having managed to get away from his father and his new acquaintances. His father had shocked him again, but he couldn't understand why his father couldn't see what that awful man was trying to do. Broly had never voiced it to Paragus, he hardly ever even wanted to think of it in his own mind, but he hated how his father used that collar on him, and in his heart he harbored those deep feelings of hatred.
He looks up when the door to the room opens, the light flicking on. He immediately looks away from the person at the door, but even in his sadness from being electrocuted again, he takes note of the attractiveness of the stranger.
"This is new." You murmur and step in, setting your chestplate down. "Ah... You're the guy from the cafeteria, right?"
"My name is Broly." He murmurs softly. "Is... This your room?"
"Mhm." You slip off your boots. "You can hide out here though. After what the old guy did, I don't blame you for finding a quiet place to yourself."
Broly's lips quirk to the side. He's not sure what to make of you. You seem to... Be on his side and not agree with his father's actions. Cheelai had also seemed to feel that way. Perhaps... His father was the one in the wrong?
It felt like a sin to think of his father like that.
"Thank you very much." He says after a beat, remembering to mind his manners on his own, for once.
"Don't mention it." You're in your blue under-armor now as you sit at your small round table with him. "You're the only company I've ever had in here."
"How come?" As far as Broly is concerned, you're kind and beautiful, and he would visit you all the time if he were someone living on this ship.
You chuckle to yourself, tapping your nails absentmindedly on the mahogany table. "Because I hate everyone on this damn ship."
"Oh." Broly frowns.
"Not to trauma-dump, but I was sold about ten years ago by my own father and haven't been home since."
"Your father? He... Sold you?"
"Mhm. I didn't even know you could sell a thirty-year-old that doesn't live with you, but he did it anyway."
"I'm sorry he did that." Broly's brows come together in a deep frown.
You laugh a little, and even with his lack of social interaction, Broly knows it's not because you find anything humorous. "It was that or be pillaged by the pirates that invaded us. They were eventually killed by Frieza and that's how I ended up working under him. I only wish to go home."
"... My father told me about my species growing up. He says we're a proud race of warriors."
You nod your head. "What are you?"
"A Saiyan."
Your eyes widen. "Wow. I can't believe there's more of you besides Goku and Vegeta."
Broly looks down at the table. "My father and I were told about... that... when we were discovered..."
"Ah, man... I can't say much about the Saiyans since I was so young when Frieza blew up Planet Vegeta, but I'm sure you would've been a good fit. You look every bit a warrior."
"Really?" He looks into your eyes.
"Sure. Big, tall, with muscles that could break anyone in two... You don't got the scary, pillaging personality though." You wink. "So as far as I can tell... You're a pretty perfect guy."
Broly's cheeks heat up and he could never explain why, but his eyes dart to your chest for just a split second, and you can see just a bit of red on his tanned cheeks. You laugh softly and lean forward a little. "Now that I think about it, have you ever seen a woman until today?"
"I... N-No." Broly mumbles, looking away.
"Hmm. You're an interesting fella, Broly."
"Thank... You?" He's really not sure if that's a good or bad thing, so he figures that erring on the side of using his manners will be best.
"Tell me about you. What's that green pelt you're wearing?"
Broly quietly launches into the story of Ba, of how he was his only friend and how his father ruined it for him. In fact, every story he tells seems to end with Paragus somehow destroying happiness for Broly. At forty-one years of age, it doesn't sound to you like he's ever had one day to enjoy life. And with how horrible that planet he was stuck on was, you weren't surprised. He'd been attacked every day!
Your heart feels a pang of sadness at his story. Oh how you wish to bathe him in the love of your home planet...
You smile a little and stand up, heading to your small chest of drawers and pulling out a small pendant. "I doubt you're gonna be on the ship long, I may not even see you again, so... Here. To remember me." You bring it to him, setting the small thing onto his large palm.
Broly looks up at you for just a few seconds, taking in your smile and sparkling eyes and wondering how someone could be so charming, before looking at what you've gifted to him. It's a small, golden, diamond-shaped pendant on a golden chain, an engraving in the center of what looked like an elegant flower.
Broly rubs his thumb over it. "It's beautiful."
"Thank you. The flower is the one of my people. It can only be found on my planet. I'm sure if I could ever go back home that they'd be everywhere, just waiting to be picked and used for decoration, cooking, medicine..." You look out the window, Broly studying how wistful you look. He wonders what it's like to have a home worth missing, that wasn't uninhabitable and didn't attempt to kill him every day.
Broly holds the pendant back out to you, but you gently close his fist around it and push it to his chest. "Keep it. I'll always have home with me in my memories. And my body." You chuckle softly and pull your undersuit down enough to show him a tattoo at your collarbone of the same flower. "The zantedeschia stays with me always."
Broly reaches his hand out, and you allow him to touch your tattoo. He gently traces the elegant, black outline. "You're warm." He mumbles.
"So are you." You murmur, looking into Broly's curious eyes as he traces the zantedeschia tattoo. "So is Albomaculata."
"Is that your home?"
You nod, putting your hand on top of his. "We're a beautiful species. Home is so lovely, so nurturing, so gentle and romantic and different from anywhere else... We're not fighters." You mutter. "I suppose we're the opposite of Saiyans. We're lovers."
"Saiyans love too." Broly counters gently.
You smile and brush some hair out of his face. "Hmm... That's an interesting thought."
There's a sudden commotion outside, and you hear the voice of the old man from earlier, who you've assumed is Broly's father. You look back at Broly and swipe your finger down his nose playfully. "Guess you'd better go, huh?"
Broly scrunches his nose cutely, but does stand and gently remove his hand from your chest, instead moving it to the shock collar on him. Fear strikes in his eyes. "I.. I should."
"Goodbye, Broly. I hope we meet again."
He moves for the door, and when he turns around one last time, all he sees is your naked silhouette bathed in the light of the bathroom. He blinks slowly, committing the beauty to his memory before stepping out of the room and finding his father.
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Broly's been thrust into battle sometime after he parted ways with you, and he's lost himself in his rage. His father is dead now, and it's probably all his fault. Before him is Gogeta, the fusion of the only other full-blooded Saiyans left.
You watch from the ship, scared for your friend as he faces off against the new challenger. He's losing badly, and it's looking like they'll kill him. And god dammit he doesn't deserve to die like this.
You push the two lower-ranking soldiers away from the Dragon Balls, ignoring their protests as you make your wish to the giant green dragon.
"Save Broly and send us to Albomaculata!"
You close your eyes, and within a flash, you feel yourself surrounded by the warm air of home. You open your eyes and look around for Broly, praying you weren't too late. You then see the glowing form of your new friend, his body smaller now and close to his normal size.
"Broly?" You whisper.
Broly turns with a shout, in between the beast within and his normal, gentle self. You hold your hands up and he pauses, the glowing fluctuating. You take a shaky breath and carefully ease down the undersuit, revealing your tattoo to Broly once again. "Broly... The zantedeschia stays with me always. And it can be with you too... We're on my home planet."
Broly's wide eyes look around and he realizes he's surrounded by several zantedeschia of many colors, ones he's never even seen before in his life. The planet is vibrant and the air around him is so clean and lovely it's intoxicating. He finally relaxes into his base form, falling onto the field of flowers, breathing heavily and still looking around.
You kneel between his legs and hug him tightly. "I made a wish. Those Dragon Balls are pretty handy... But we're here, Broly. My home." You smile, tears in your eyes. "We're safe here."
"You saved me?" Broly whispers, his hand coming to rest on your tattoo again. It's a comfort to him, your warm skin underneath his palm.
"Of course." You murmur. "You deserved so much more... I could only imagine showing you life on Albomaculata. No pain, no suffering... Just beautiful things."
"You are beautiful."
You smile at him and place a blue and white zantedeschia in his hair. He feels hazy and blinks slowly, drunk at the effects of the flowers and the air, not yet used to the romantic aura of the planet. He looks at you and smiles with hooded eyes. "The... zantedeschia is... with me?"
"Yes. And I'm with you too." You whisper, rubbing his chest and coaxing him to sleep. And when he wakes, you'll show him all of the love and life and colors he's missed out on. Your heart is already giddy at the thought of being home again and sharing it with Broly, giving him everything he's missed out on throughout his life.
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gremlin-writes-angst · 3 years ago
hiiii!! ive been binge reading your BP fics and gooosh!!! they're so good!!! the yandere fic is living inside my head rent free(especially toasty's part i love him so muuuch)!!! <3
anyway, can i request a fic where the MC told the LIs that 'they need some space' and they're like panicking internally, asking themselves if they messed up or something because they thought that the MC will break up with them, bUT actually MC just want some roomspace/just want to move out(together with them of course) because they have so many things already or maybe the MC just wants to have a pet?
and im sorry im on anon mode, im quite shy ><
I don't mind that people use anon, I have it open for a reason.
anyways I enjoyed writing this ( its the angst lover in me)
Slight Tw for yelling and cursing
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You were putting away your clean dishes, mumbling to yourself.
“Where can this go? No no, I guess I can squeeze it in here?”
You say something like this with every dish you grab, you don't even have that many, you just don't have the proper room for them. You were so frustrated you didn't notice your boyfriend had finally woken up, he was staying with you over the summer before his job started, he was hired but his first day wasn't until the fall, and it was the last week before he'd have to go back. You were already missing him, in truth your frustration with the dishes was more about trying to forget he would be gone next week. Sure he'd still be a phone call away but you wouldn't be able to watch him wake up, you wouldn't be able to feel the warmth of his body, the smell of the perfume and cologne he wears, he'd just be an image on your screen. You focus back on the dishes not wanting to think about it. Grounding when you can't find room for another dish.
Nightowl rubs his eyes as he watches you move around, clearly frustrated.
“What wrong cutie?”
After finding a place for the dish you groan and answer Nightowl, your tone filled with frustration.
“I just- I need space.”
Nightowls groggy brain questions what that means, was it about your relationship? He thought he was being a little clingy but he thought you were fine with it, hearing you say that makes him think about how whiny and needy he must be, he feels selfish for not thinking about your feelings. He wants to make it better, whatever that means.
“I'm sorry, I can give you space.”
You pause, not understanding what Nightowl’s saying.
“If you need space ill, I'll respect that, I know I'm annoying so I'll give you the space you want.”
“Nightowl? What are you-”
“I mean I'll still talk to you- unless you don't want that- I guess I could do that too. How much space do you need? Should I change my ticket to leave sooner?”
Nightowl is too tired to try and pretend he's okay with this, his face giving him away. His frown, his sad puppy dog eyes, the way wrinkles on his forehead. You look him in the eyes as you take his hands.
“No baby, I don't want space in our relationship, and I don't think you're annoying, and I will cry if you move your ticket up to a sooner date. I need physical space, for my dishes, and almost everything else in my apartment, it's so small.”
You watch as Nightowls face shifts into a happier one before he pulls you into a hug. you feel him sigh, you feel his wrath, you hear his heartbeat, you breathe in his cologne, everything about him makes your heart race, it doesn't help when he whispers into your ear.
“You should move in with me.”
You nod into the hug wanting to stay here forever, but your dream is ripped from you by Nightowl pushing you away.
“Wait! Really? You want to live with me? You'd move to my city for me? Ahhh this is so exciting, should we pack now?”
You laugh at how happy your boyfriend is, you know you're going to love moving in with him.
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Quest was waiting for you to be done getting ready for your date. He was patiently strolling through his phone as he heard you shuffle around. When you come out of your room, you stand in front of him, gorgeous as ever, but with a scowl on your face. Quest laughs at the way your face scrunches.
“You okay angel?”
“ I need space.”
It was three simple words, and yet they made Quest freeze. His mind floods with reasons why you feel that way. Was he being too clingy? Were you tired of comforting him? Did he not show you how much he appreciated you? He was trying to find the positive in this, maybe he needed space. His mind goes back to the week before he met you, the cold feeling that surrounded everything he did, the cold feeling in his chest, the cold feeling that made his bed feel empty, loneliness. No, he didn't need space, space would only hurt him… but it would help you. If it's for you then he’ll do it, his pain is only a small side effect for your healing, it is not important. Maybe with space, you'll realize how much you love and want him, and that will be enough to make him forget about the nights he shivered with loneliness. He makes his decision, his voice deflated as he agrees.
“Wait really!?”
He looks at your face, previously a scowl, now a large smile plastered on. Were you really that unhappy in this relationship? Am I that terrible of a boyfriend that leaving me put such a smile on their face? If any of that was the case, Quest would have to use the space to think about how he treats people. This space might be a good thing for him.
His voice still deflated. he watches you bounce to the door as you continue to talk, he stays on the couch, uncomfortable.
“This is going to be so great, I'll be able to wake up next to you every day. No more plane tickets or strangely timed calls. Oh, where should we live? I mean not here, it's too small for just me. We could get an apartment somewhere else, or we could live in your apartment. Your apartment is kind of big just for you.”
You bounce back into your living area, seeing Quest still seated, his face twisted in confusion. You become worried, especially when you notice his eyes are a little watery.
“Quest? Love? Are you okay?”
You realize that your excitement was could be overwhelming him.
“I'm sorry, we can talk about it another time. Or I can drop it, you don't see very onboard with this anyways.”
Quest shakes his head as he pulls you into his lap.
“No. No angel I’d love to live with you.”
“Then, then why did you look so scared and… sad?”
Quest blushes at the embarrassing truth he's about to share
“I- I thought when you said you need space, that you meant in our relationship like you wanted to take a break. And- I -I didn't want that.”
You never even considered that your word would be taken any other way, and now you feel at fault for Quest’s pain.
“Oh my gosh no, I would never, I was trying to drop the hint that I wanted to live with you. I'm so sorry, I should have been more clear.”
“No need to apologize, my brain just jumped to conclusions.”
You get up from his lap, reaching a hand out for him.
“Let's talk more about this on a date, come on lover boy.”
Quest takes your hand as you guide him to the door.
“Hey? If you thought I wanted space…why did you say yes? Do you want space, like in our relationship?”
“Then why say yes?”
“I thought it would make you happy.”
Quest admits quietly, knowing how it sounds.
“But not you, I know you, you would have been sulking 24/7, you need to think about yourself more, stop thinking about others first.”
Quest opens his mouth to defend himself when you stop him, knowing what he was going to say
“Including me!”
He smiles at the fact you know him so well, and how you care for him, he's glad that you're going to live with him.
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You had just got done shopping with Toasty, putting trying to put away all your new stuff. You knew you didn't have room for this but Toaster bought it anyway without your knowledge. He wanders into your room concerned by the sounds coming from there.
“Is everything OK?”
“No! No it is not! I just-i need space!”
You yell, frustrated at the room, redirecting it towards Toasty.
Their mind stays strangely calm after you say that. His mind shutting down anything that could hurt him trying to calm down. He knew this would happen eventually, they knew you were too good to be theirs. He tried to convince himself that he was prepared for this, it was inevitable.
“Ok, um goodbye.”
They turn and walk out of the room, slow tears falling from their eyes.
You realize what you said and rush out with Toasty grabbing his wrist and using force to turn them toward you. You look at their face, tears flowing down without a care, your heart breaks for them.
“No, no that's not what I meant. I- I think I want to live with you.”
Toasty takes a few seconds to process what you said but as soon as he realizes what you said his face instantly changes, blush filling his face, and a strange half-smile.
“What?! I-you-please explain I-my heart can’t?”
They work hard to speak but with their excitement and confusion, they struggle. You laugh a little before explaining.
“I need more apartment space or living space and- we've been together a while, we'd have a serious talk about it but, we could do it.”
You look into their eyes as more tears fall from their face, faster than before
“Or-if, not we-we can stay separated if you- of you prefer-”
You freak out at his reaction, afraid you scared him away, but then he interrupts you.
“No, I'd like that.”
He pulls you into a loose yet secure hug, it doesn't hide how he shakes with fear.
“I'm here.”
Your simple words break the last bit of his restraint, he lets himself sob in relief.
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Even though you had been with Xyx for over a year this was the first time he came was able to visit you. You never had someone stay with you, so it revealed two things. One your apartment was too small, and two you loved living with Xyx. At first, you thought it was like a honeymoon phase, so you ignored the feeling but every time you woke up to see those green eyes admiring you, you struggled to push down the idea that this could be every day.
So you decided you would suggest it to Xyx, maybe he'll catch on, maybe he'd tell you he feels the same. so you try to drop hints, he never really caught on so you try to be more obvious. You get ready in front of a mirror, you can see Xyx watching from behind you. You move lightly hitting your elbow on something, you let out another hint after grounding about the pain.
“Uggg, I think I want a break for this, it's so confusing, I just need more space!”
Xyx doesn't listen to the tone of your voice, the way you joked, the way you are addressing the apartment, all he heard were the words, and all he sees is flash becks. Flashbacks where his ex said something very similar when he agreed. Flashbacks of weeks later when his ex was with someone else, how they would tell him.
“We're not together right now, you can't get mad.”
Flashbacks after flashbacks where his ex would ask for a break, every time was because they wanted to get with someone else, without losing Xyx. He won't do it again, he knows this road and he refuses to go down it again.
“I don't do breaks, if you want some space then we’re done.”
You stand there frozen at Xyx's harsh voice, he moves to leave the room as you try and move. When he's out of the room your body finally moves, cursing yourself for your wording as you frantically try and get to Xyx. You move and hit your elbow, toe, and head as you try to move to yell as you do
“Fuck! Shit! Xyx! Goddammit!”
Xyx has to stop himself from caring about your pain, you just ripped his heart out of his chest. Why should he care about your pain?
You rush to him finally getting to him out of breath from the yelling and pain. You try to explain but you are cut off by Xyx.
“I don't want to hear it. I'm not going to change my mind, I don't want to take a break and I don't stay in relationships where they don't want to be with me.”
“I want to live with you”
Xyx stumbles a little as he collects his stuff but then continues, it's just a lie. He checks his bags, he decides everything that's not on him he can rebuy he just needs out of here. He heads to the door when he is stopped by you, your arms spread defensively, your face flushed out of all the movement and anxiety. Xyx thinks you look cute but shuts his thoughts down quickly, it's over, he needs to stop thinking that way.
“Xyx, I'm serious. I wasn't talking about our relationship, I was talking about this place, my apartment. I've been trying to drop hints that I don't want to live here, hoping you'd catch on, slyly suggest living with you. I didn't think you'd take it that way. Please, please, believe me, don't leave here, don't leave me.”
Tears stream down your face as you fight the possibility that Xyx will leave you. Ignoring the memories that flash in your mind, the days you cried yourself to sleep from the loneliness, the days before Xyx. You hate yourself for ruining this, ready to let Xyx leave, maybe it'll be best for him to leave you, but then you hear him. His voice is low, soft, depressed. He only ever talked with this voice when the Cat was sick.
“I won't leave.”
You forget everything you previously thought as you fall into Xyx’s arms, you breathe a little hard as you let the adrenaline calm down. Apologies continue to fall from your mouth as you let Xyx guide you to your room. He positions the two of you on the bed, he holds you tight, so tight you realize how scared he was. He was trembling, you really scared him, you wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him just as tight. The two of you stay there for a long time, the two of you would talk about living together later, right now was about comforting each other.
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souyasbabyy · 3 years ago
• pairing: sanzu x gn!reader, taiju x gn!reader
• request by @etherealaesthetic-anon: May I request? You don't have to do this, I understand. Your probably not at your best, so it's fine if you decline. So, Sanzu with a distant/asocial! Dancer! GN kid, Taiju with a quiet/timid! Musician! GN! kid and/or Kokonoi with a blunt/kind! Theatre! GN kid. Where they accidentally missed out on one of reader's biggest events and reader is deathly calm about it. Then when their dad confronts reader, reader looks at them before saying "it's fine, I'm used to it. You always did this, you're busy. I don't know why I got my hopes up." It's sad because reader doesn't even look mad, they're disappointed, but understanding that they probably couldn't have made it and they're busy, so why even bothering to ask them
• genre: angst
• warning: daddy issues (is it a warning?)
• note: hiii baby, thank you for your request and don't worry you can request anytime even if i'm not feeling well i'll do it after so you can always send request if my request are open. i still don't write for kokonoi so i didn't put him in it, i hope you'll like it, sorry again that it took so much time for me to write it, love u <3
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Your dad knew how important it was for you that he was there at the show your group organised. You thought that he would come, you really did, he assured you the morning before you left, yet when you asked one of your friend if they saw him they sayed that no one was at the sit reserved for him.
You nod disappointedly, it's not like you weren't used to it anyway.
You did your performance and you were at your best, at the end everyone praised you.
When you were back home you saw your dad, on his phone probably working "How was your day?" he ask without looking at you "Good" you just answer. He finally look up when he saw you getting near him and he saw your dance clothes. His mouth open "Oh my fucking god I'm so sorry I couldn't-" he say, "It's fine, I'm used to it. You always did this, you're busy. I don't know why I thought that you would this time." you smile and he could see that you were actually sad. You walk to the kitchen asking if he ordered something as if nothing even happened and that you weren't disappointed and he looked at you hoping that he could have been a better dad for you.
— taiju
You could remember one week before the little concert you and your band organiseds you asked your dad to come, you were nervous thinking that he'd say that he was busy, but for once he said that he'll go. You were happy, it was very first stage with your band, you just couldn't wait and the fact that your dad would be there made it all better. You wanted to make him proud of you and show him that you're good and that you can do things all by yourself.
The night of the concert came faster than you thought it would and you were so nervous, you haven't heard anything form your dad the entire day and you didn't wanted to disturb so you haven't asked him if he as still coming. During the concert you were having fun, but you were looking at where your father was supposed to be and his empty sit was like receiving a knife in your heart. Again... You decide to not let yourself down though and enjoy this night that is supposed to be one of the best of your life.
You came back home pretty late, your dad was waiting for you "Have you seen what time it is? Why are you coming back so late?" he ask, you look at him, scoffing "My concert it was tonight, not that you care though"you say walking past him to go to your bedroom. He frown before following "Shit, Y/n I completely forgot something happened at the restaurant and-", "It's okay, it really is, don't worry I'm used to it, I'm not even mad" you says, smiling at him "Good night" you say before entering your bedroom. He stayed in front of your door a little, maybe he was expecting you to come back out of your room and yell that you wanted him to be there, but the fact you didn't showed just enough that you really hope that this time he would make the effort to be a father.
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inktae · 3 years ago
it's been so long, but i used to talk to you as an anon called "titania". anyway, something randomly made me think of you and how much i used to enjoy your stories (i'm probably rereading some of them soon) and i just wanna say that i hope you're happy. :)
Hello there!!! 
Soooo, yeah…. probably very surprising I’m showing up around here what, 3-4 years later!? Whoops 😅 really sorry about that guys.
But I don’t know… recently I’ve been thinking a lot of tumblr, and all the good memories I have from this place. Something just compelled me to come here today, and seeing all of the recent messages (yours included, Titania ❤️) of people that still remember me, after all this time, warms my heart and makes me tear up. It’s honestly amazing that the impact my stories had all those years ago is still present and fresh to some people. It makes me feel genuinely happy!! 
I thought I owed you guys a quick update on my life and how I’ve been doing, and hey, if you also want to chat and/or just send me a message, it’s absolutely welcome :) 
So… where to start!? A lot has changed since I was active in here, it’s been so long (can’t believe I’m almost 30 years old :D). I remember the years I was a BTS fanfic writer as a turbulent time in my past, which I don’t think I ever truly showed on here. Writing was an escape, and writing angst was my way of dealing with emotions I didn’t know how to manage (now I do, yay therapy). It’s probably the reason why I was so good at it — all of that sadness was inside myself and it was the only way I could let it out.
I don’t write anymore, haven’t had for a while (probably a couple years), but it’s something I want to go back to eventually. I suppose it’s hard to find motivation when it’s not an escape anymore, and it was more of a tool I needed to survive back then. Now that life is much better, it’s hard to find a reason to sit down and write for hours, getting lost in fantasy worlds. But hopefully I’ll find it sooner or later — it’s definitely a skill I don’t want to abandon. Just need to get into a new kind of mindset, I guess :)
So, as for life updates… like I said, a lot has changed! I believe I was still living with my parents when I was last active here (2018). A few months after that I moved out, became independent, and quickly realized how toxic my family life was. I obtained a new kind of freedom and learnt more about myself than I ever had in the past. Leaving my parents and lowering contact with them definitely changed me for the better, which I believe is why I stopped needing to write so much. 
I lived with three roommates for a while, which wasn’t smooth sailing... I didn’t connect with them in any way, and I was still learning how to live on my own, which came with its own problems and unfortunately provoked lots of fights amongst us ^^’ so that was definitely a learning period heh. I left after a year to live with another friend, which went WAY better, and then, as life would have it, I met a very cute, incredible boy who is still my partner to this day and the most important person in my life. 
We have been living together for a year and even have a dog together! a very stubborn, very rebellious but absolutely gorgeous 1 year old pup :)) honestly it’s an amazing relationship, it’s not perfect and we’ve obviously had some rocky moments, but we have healthy communication and we understand each other like no one else does. Sometimes I still have to pinch myself, because I never thought I would ever meet someone like him, someone I could connect with so deeply. We have been together for almost 2 years, and still going very strong. It's a very stable and solid relationship, we're both into therapy and communicating every issue (though I have to say he's way more emotionally mature than I am haha) which is amazing.
I’m also into spiritualism these days and spend quite a lot of time getting to know myself, learning about breaking down social constructs and inner beliefs, meditation and practicing mindfulness. It’s something I’m excited to continue exploring and it has led me to want a quieter life for myself in the future. Bf and I are actually making plans for the longterm to move far away from the city center, so we can live closer to nature and feel more connected to the earth (sounds like hippie stuff but I promise it's not lol).
To give you one last anecdote (a not so happy one) I did get covid twice and it was absolute HELL for me, even developed pneumonia which was no fun and quite scary. I hope none of you guys had to go through this and if you got covid (statistically speaking, chances are most of you did) I hope it wasn't as destructive as it was for me.
I think that's it! the important stuff, at least. Honestly, if you told me 4 years ago this was going to be my life I would have laughed in your face. I’ve come a long way (mostly thanks to therapy!!) and I have so many exciting plans for the future that I can’t wait for. :’)
So.. even though coming back here and being active as a tumblr writing is not in my plans anymore, I do remember this blog with so much fondness. It definitely saved me and protected me back then, it helped me feel less alone and played an important part in growing my confidence, mostly thanks to readers and followers like you, who cheered me on and believed in me even if you didn’t know me personally. You guys really have no idea how much you helped me.
I will read over the messages you guys have been leaving me these last few years, and like I said, if you want to chat and leave me a message you’re welcome to do so. I’m not writing fanfics anymore but I’d still be very happy to hear from you all.
If you read all of this, thank you ❤️ I wish you all well and I hope you’re all doing amazing!!
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gamerbearmira · 3 years ago
Koopa Alma was contently letting the children climb and cuddle her, she was used to it both from her own children and from her adorable grandchildren.
"So what are things like in your world? I'm guessing our little girls still married their loves..." Cocooned asked curious over the differences in the worlds.
"Oh they are. But something happened and everyone's memories got screwed up." Pedro, her Ghost King not Cocooned or Mermaids Pedro, said making her daughters both look at her surprised.
"What?" Pepa was the one to ask as she stared at her parents.
"Yes a few months after Antonio was born there was a bright light and everyone's memories got screwed up but mine and Pedro's. Him because he's a ghost, the ghost king at that, and me because I was too strong for whatever it was. My children, and yes that includes Felix and Agustin, forgot that Pepa and Julie were married to Felix and Agustin. They somehow even forgot that they had given birth to my adorable nietas." Alma said and Pepa and Julietas eyes widened and their cheeks flushed as they stared at the red or green clas husbands who stared back stunned.
"Not sure if the little ones remember but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. Their minds are very young after all." Alma said shrugging as she looked at her grandchildren who were happily playing with a much younger Alma.
"Any more Families going to show up? Preferably a normal one or at least a human looking-" Whap!
Housebroken Alma was cut off when a sandal hit her in the face. Looking for the culprit everyone saw little Alma puffed up and glaring, her other shoe in her hand.
"You be quiet! You're a big meanie and I don't like you and you're hurting their feelings!" Little Alma said stalking up to the older one and waving her sandal pointedly.
"I was quite before cause I'm little and not supposed to fight but you were mean to all my tias and tios and primos and primas and my hermana and didn't listen to the big Alma's who told you how bad you were! No one makes my hermana sad!" Little Alma said and she was whacking the woman with her shoe now.
"She's feisty for such a little thing." Koopa Alma said grinning although there was smoke slowly coming from her mouth. A warning of what she would do if the other woman tried to strike the child.
"Course she is. She's you love. And related to Pepa."
Memory loss arc??? I am looking respectfully 👁👁 No but seriously, it does make me wonder. I understand Pedro and Alma not being affected, but it makes me wonder why the others were affected. And where did the light come from?
Also, young Alma. Just. Being the best and defending everyone despite being the you best and smallest Alma. BECAUSE THE AUDACITY HOUSEBROKEN ALMA HAD. HOW DARE SHE. anyway, stan young Alma❤❤❤❤
@canadasflowercrown what does thy think?
The other three Alma’s not really caring about what they say until Madame Soul Alma gets involved:
And three whole requests! A record! 🏃‍♀️💨💨 (they’re actually from last night but I fell asleep. Again. I’m sorry ☠️☠️ Also snippet anon, I don't want to overwhelm you, so let me know if you want to stop and need a break :)))) Health always comes first besties, remember to drink water too <3)
✨You’ve got mail!✨
Anon asks:
“The Alma quad of the four almas gets a anonymous letter with a golden arepa.
The letter says the arepa goes to the best Alma. Who does it go to. ‘Magic arepa will make your family healthy forever’”
kmlightfury asks:
“Another thing, have your different AU's meet the PapaMariano werewolf AU? if not what would they reactions be and their thoughts on that someone that is not related to the family was the one to take in both Mirabel and Antonio and become their parental figure”
And this one is an idea for a friend! It’s kind of dark, so understandable if you don’t wanna do it <3:
“Fnaf encanto AU: Basically Alma kept making animatronics and the accidents they did resulted in the death of her grandchildren. They did not come back. How would the other Alma's react?"
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servicetopkaradanvers · 4 years ago
I'm not sure if this is exactly the right place to say this, but I don't know if there is. And you're a smart person and critical thinker who has talked about this before. If this is totally weird, you can just delete it ofc. I've never properly watched Supergirl but I started reading fanfic around the time my mental health got real bad so it was a comfort thing I didn't bring too much thought to. I really identify with Lena and in the past, part of me has understood her actions-
and I know that they're wrong. The anti-alien rhetoric is obviously an allegory for racism or homophobia. She's violated people's basic human rights. And I'm scared that I'm a bad person because sometimes, I kind of get it. Which is insane because i'm a lesbian enby of color, i mean i get targeted by most of the -ist/ism actions. And I'm also too tired to think about things critically all the time. Supercorp was my comfort fic, content thing-
I knew it was problematic (the whole James thing makes me sick to my stomach, scared and sad) but I didn't know that Lena as a character was written that way. The metaphors never really clicked in my head because I never thought about it, but now I feel absolutely horrible about myself because I like and identify with Lena. I'm not really sure how to move on from here- I'm just tired. I wish there could be just one thing, one piece of media that wasn't prejudiced (granted sg is not the place to go if you want decent rep and the like) and all of those things I said earlier. Its just me somehow trying to justify how I felt and empathized with something I shouldn't have. So yeah, sorry that was really long. I hope you have a lovely day- sorry for the spam
FIRST of all, you’re fine, babe! Both in sending me this and in enjoying The Bad Media. That’s my thesis here: You’re fine. With this in mind, let’s unpack this big ol suitcase:
We’re living in a fandom moment where more than ever before, we’re thinking about the ideas we consume in fiction and how they may or may not affect us. This is a net positive! Fiction is not reality, but it undeniably impacts it, so for this and many other reasons, we should always think critically about what resonates with us and why. Does this mean dissecting every facet of something to find all the ways it might fall in line with oppressive power structures? Absolutely not.
You, as an individual, do not owe anyone an explanation for why you enjoy anything. Period. How you relate to a given character or why you like them is nobody's business but your own.
Supergirl, as a piece of media, is singularly awful in its lackluster lipservice to progressivism while simultaneously refusing to deliver any progressive themes. Socially and politically, it is a useless liberal wet dream. Kara is an immigrant from a dead culture working as the muscle for a secret FBI offshoot with zero accountability for all of the other aliens in diaspora she has rounded up and dumped into a cell without trial. Alex is allegedly a lesbian, but the key points of her endgame relationship are constantly deemed not important enough to get screen time, which is made even more absurd when examined from the angle that this series is marketed directly toward LGBT people. An embarrassing percentage of villains on this show are women of color, which is particularly loud when there are only 2 women in the main cast who aren't white. And "main" is extremely generous, given that Kelly is just there to Give Advice Good and everything M'gann says and does is as dry as toast.
My point here is that the whole show is rotted to its roots, and whatever quietly libertarian or even fascism-enabling bullshit they push onto Lena in a given week is par for the crusty, shitty course. Kara deciding that she's ok with the alien detection device because "there are bad aliens" is a lovely (read: awful) microcosm of why this show sucks so fucking hard. "People are entitled to their opinions" is for debates on whether pineapple goes on pizza, not for whether we should casually out, endanger, and disenfranchise our [insert minority metaphor here] because some of them are mean.
But what I would love for this fandom to wrap its head around, and what I hope you understand, anon, is that just because it happens on the show, doesn't mean we have to give a rat's ass about it. What the hell is The Canon, anyway? Especially in the case for Supergirl, which can't even get its own continuity right. Especially for an IP that has been rebooted dozens of times before and will be rebooted again in the future. We can just decide that Lena realized the horrible injustices she enabled through her position of power. We can even decide that they just didn't happen at all! This is all fake. It's not set in stone. Who came up with it, anyway? A network with a list of buzzwords they want included and a couple of D-tier showrunners cranking down caffeine to meet an absurdly tight deadline. It's not special. I can guarantee that you care about it infinitely more than they do, and you haven't even watched the damn show.
On a more personal level, people who are hurt, depressed, or traumatized have always and will always look for themselves in fiction. Myself included! And despite what lofty platitudes there may be on the matter, suffering does not make us kind. It does not make us better. Sometimes it's just suffering. Often it pulls us further from who we are meant to be. Often it just makes us "worse."
Trauma has made Lena emotionally brittle. A lifetime of manipulation and abuse has taught her to compartmentalize herself and lock her feelings behind a maze of doors. When she does let love in, she accepts it so wild and vulnerable that she can't see the red flags behind the rosy lenses. She latches so hard onto people she deems virtuous that she holds them to a standard none could fulfill. Her pain has to go somewhere, so it oozes out of her, into Non Nocere, into the post-reveal rift. She's a powder keg, and Kara spent 4 years shoveling more gunpowder onto the pile while holding the match between her teeth.
And despite these fatal flaws that make perfect sense through the eyes of Lena's trauma, she is so full of love. Like Kara, her suffering did not make her kind. She is kind in spite of her suffering. These are the characters we are drawn to when we're hurting. Lena’s trauma is an inextricable part of her, but it is not all of her, and neither are her mistakes.
There truly is not and never will be a piece of media that is absolutely innocent of the harmful structures thrust upon us by society, because we ourselves also participate in that society whether we are critical of it or not, whether we strive to change it or not. I'm flawed. You're flawed. Bettering ourselves is not a journey toward an ultimate destination of perfection. It is a garden we nurture in an endless labor of love because the joy that comes from seeing it flourish and change vastly outweighs the work we put into it and the weeds popping up around its unkempt edges. This is a lesson Lena herself could probably stand to internalize. Probably with lots and lots of therapy. Lots. And lots.
So, to circle back to the start of this? You're fine. You recognized the logic in a traumatized character's mistakes because our own gravest errors more often than not stem from the ways we have been harmed in the past. It's what makes Lena (or, at the very least, the many adaptations of Lena that exist in this fandom) a good character. She is, to her core, characterized proof that a crumbling foundation and poisonous soil do not define us. Which is why watching her heal and grow and learn a healthier kind of love is so, so wonderful.
In closing, I think it's worth mentioning that being critical of media does not mean that we stop enjoying the parts of it we like. There is a lot of gold to be pulled from the steaming pile of shit that is CW Supergirl, and that's why we're all here in the first place. So I really hope you can continue to enjoy it in whatever way makes you smile <3
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fkinavocado · 2 years ago
Dreea I am so sorry that you are getting mean anons. I hope it is not because of me. I didn't say anything mean, salty or disrespectful I hope my asks didn't bother you, tbh I think people are right there was no need for me to announce that I won't be reading the fic anymore, I should have kept it to myself, however I hope you know that my intention was not to hurt you, I feel so guilty, you don't deserve this treatment. You deserve only good things. Please do not let this make you sad.
this got long ☠️
hun, please don't feel responsible for others' penchant for drama. i understand where you come from and i respect everyone's decision because at the end of the day you should only read what you want to! lord knows i gave up reading lots of fics mid way. but the way some have come for me using "constructive criticism" as a guise for hateful passive-aggressive comments is typical for tumblr unfortunately. some ppl really just love going on anon and being mean for no reason
i'm not gonna change a damn thing abt the storyline of the fic that i'm writing. that was never debatable. when you offer constructive criticism (and i'm gonna be addressing this in general, not to 🍟 anon) it shouldn't be about where the story is heading because the creative process belongs to the writer alone. the other things some anons brought up i'd down right answered multiple times already- which- shouldn't even have to be addressed if i'm being honest- like, will the whole trial thing ever come to a conclusion- i must've answered that tons of time by now, and of course it will! like of course i wasn't gonna drop a major part of the story without bringing it to a conclusion, i am deliberately putting it off, and now that we're reading harry's pov is when everything will come to light
i know it's taking long because i don't update super frequently (even though some have had the audacity to question how i have time to come here and post fics if i'm a doctor ☠️). which is why it seems like it's taking forever. but if you're reading it in one sitting it actually has a linearity. that's the thing with WIPS- if you know you haven't got the patience for it, please only read completed works and stop bullying the writer! i have fics i've been waiting on updates for literal YEARS
anyway- i wanna wrap this subject up, wasn't gonna answer because i just didn't wanna bring it up again, i'm beyond fed up. and hurt because some people really are beyond ungrateful and have really sent me obnoxious things, along the lines of "you demand 500 notes on your chapters to update but you don't give people what they want" like-- i'm just speechless. people really feel entitled to come on tumblr dot com and be handed out completely free quality content and on top of that the writer should he writing the story they expect, otherwise off with their head. like. maybe write your own fics then???! and 500 notes is just a way to encourage ppl to interact with the fic. i've seen someone make a comment about posting fics for notes, and that's absolutely not what this is about (and they're a writer too, so i was unpleasantly surprised to say the least...)
again, 🍟 anon i am not at all upset with you, i'm sad you'll not be reading and giving up on the story because i think you're wrong to do so obviously, but i can't force anyone to have faith in the process
to anyone saying i don't accept negative feedback, i urge you to really analyze what has been going on. so many ppl called those anons out on it- like if you're not gonna pay attention to the story and what i reply to other anons, of course i'm gonna be defensive if you're down right wrong. if i wanted to, i could've easily just ignored any and every negative comment i've gotten. for the sake of transparency i posted those, and instead, some anons took that as a window of opportunity to come spill some hate in my inbox which i will not tolerate, because i can see clearly who sets out with good intentions and who is just after some hateful drama
and with this i'm closing up this subject
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darkkitty1208 · 3 years ago
Hey! How are you? I literally just arived in the ironstrange ship and I love your blog, can I ask you about your thoughts about those two? How they feel about each other, I'm really curious to know what others think of how Strange felt about the end of the Marvel first part (endgame), particularly *spoilers* when he lifts his finger to Tony, the face he makes break ny heart! Thank you for sharing your time, stay safe!!! (oh, sorry if there is any mistake, english is not my first language)
Hello, anon! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog so far :)
Welcome to the IronStrange Family, where chaos and sass are mixed into one! We're glad to have you as part of us. Anyway, I love screaming, babbling, and flailing about Ironstrange, and I've been waiting AGES for someone to ask this, so get ready for a hell of a roller coaster ride on this one.
Disclaimer: the opinions you'll be reading here is mostly due to the influence of multiple fics from this fandom, and most of them are not necessarily canon. I had most of these out of shower thoughts, so please don't mind me as I convey and pour everything I've thought and felt of them in this whole... whatever you call this is.
Honestly I feel that both Tony and Stephen have incredibly similar personalities, both as arrogant and stubborn as the other. But deep inside, they're just fragile and incredibly sensitive beings that have been through enough -- if not, far too much -- things in the world. What they have most in common, though, is that they masked it with arrogance, sarcasm, or humour on the outside. Which is why, I presume, they can easily understand each other very well.
I always think that both Tony and Stephen have some sort of special connection. All their lives, they probably have been searching for someone that could actually fit their standards, someone that could actually keep up, who comes up with nastier and even more sarcastic remarks in conversations for banter, who understand how the world works, who understands their thoughts and way of thinking, both emotionally and logically. And with how similar they are to each other, I find them like two pieces of a puzzle meant to be put into one. Because that's what they are; two broken pieces meant to be together. They complete each other, because they were just meant to be, but the universe wasn't merciful enough to give them a chance to indulge in that fact. About that scene specifically, honestly it just reminds me of how ridiculous it is for us to actually ship two characters in the MCU (comics aside) that technically know nothing of the other. But my actual thoughts about it:
Some fics describe that Stephen has seen millions of different versions of Tony, and that he's quite impressed ('impressed' is definitely an understatement) of how selfless, courageous, and simply beautiful the man is, to the point he fell in love (quite to his dismay) with him. It's probably why he had that haunted look on his face when he raised his finger, because he knew exactly what was to happen, knew exactly that he had to do this so they could win, and it's honestly agonizing how sad the inevitable outcome of that story is. Which is why, we make fanfics! Where we technically ignore whatever is canon and pretend like they love and live happily with each other! But beware, angsty fics do exist (and I'll admit, I love reading it, too, sometimes) and those might make you cry.
I still have a lot to say in storage but, I'll save it for another time. Nevertheless, I hope that answers your questions! P.S., I happen to be a non-native english speaker, too, so don't worry about making mistakes :)
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bored-storyteller · 4 years ago
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Thank you dear Anon for your request! Also because, I had already started writing a possible sequel on my own, your request arrives perfectly!
Note: I imagined these events after the one-shot you find here. In any case there are only subtle references.
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35- Tokyo Ghoul- Uta x human!Reader (pt. 2)
"Beyond the Mask"
Uta sees you there, curled up in the chair in front of the table like a wet little bird, despite the fact that you are now wearing his warm clothes, which fall softly on your frightened figure. He doesn't mind lending it to you, on the contrary, he tried to find something that wasn't too extravagant, coming out with a heavy black sweatshirt and wide gray pants. He thought that this clothing could help you put yourself at ease, but he also understands that being wrapped in his clothes for you doesn't have to be so reassuring. You probably accepted this only to avoid being immersed in the nauseating humidity of the body fluids that stick to your skin.
He can't tell if your following him was a sign of courage or fear. You didn't say anything, and the few words you whispered were kind; you also thanked him. It almost seems like you are straining to try to be calm, but it's the small, meaningless gestures that betray you. Earlier you insisted that he be the first to shower and change, although it would have been more logical for you to go first; yet perhaps for you that was a way to get the killer monster out of sight, or at least partially forget it.
Uta is unable to understand you right now, nor does he really pretend to, he is already grateful enough that you are intelligent enough to understand that it would be almost suicidal to return to your home in the condition you were in, especially after what it happened.
No, he doesn't pretend to understand you, but to understand himself a little more, yes. Uta is a labyrinth, with a thousand streets inside, which intersect and cancel each other out. A thousand paradoxical streets where after a turning point you can find someone completely different than the person you met. Yet all those roads are authentic and sincere, in their sweetness or in their violence.
He is aware of this, it is clear to him, but as the owner of his soul he should know how to pull the strings, understand what is happening inside. Yet he doesn't know now, or he can't really explain it.
He feels sadness, a deep sadness to see you so small and afraid. He would like to hope your snuggling up to him in that alley was dictated by mutual trust and not despair, but he doesn't even know if you're aware of that. He doesn't really want you to be scared of him, but at the same time he sees no way to stop it.
He also feels angry with you. Because deep down he knows that you are unconsciously judging him. The same fear you evidently feel makes him angry. He didn't eat you, right? So why do you have to be so scared in front of him? It was you who ran into his arms, wasn't it?
Yet he still can't tell you that, because you are doing absolutely nothing threatening towards him. You simply indulge him timidly, tremblingly accepting his care that will never be able to reassure you.
Maybe you've never really felt as confident in him as Uta hoped. Being in his house, first naked in his bathroom and now in his clothes maybe it wouldn't have been pleasant for you even if he had been human, let alone now with all the terror you've accumulated… after what you saw.
Uta is the author and accomplice of things that you would consider horrible, it is his nature, he is not able to change, he needs that to feel alive.
But you also make him feel alive. He likes that cordial, playful confidence that you take with him, the one that remains within limits, but which somehow transmitted the affection of a kind heart; like that time, when you playfully smeared his nose with red paint with the brush you were using. You apologized right away, but you laughed happily and enjoyed watching him, and Uta liked it, so much that he returned the favor with some yellow color.
You are spontaneous, and he likes it, even if now this spontaneity of yours is pulling you away from him, even though you try to pretend it isn't.
In the end, he really wants to take care of you. But how can he do it? He can't even really offer you anything other than a cup of bitter coffee.
He looks for a moment at his own reflection in the dark drink, so indistinct and blurry, before placing the cup on the shelf in front of you slowly.
You look at him suddenly, as if you have just woken up. Uta smiles kindly at you: he has always been kind to you. You smile at him too, but he could swear that you only do it to please him, for fear of a negative reaction from him.
He would really like to sit in front of you, so he can talk as you do every time you meet in the coffee shop, but he instead leans against the wall with his back, a wall quite far from your warmth and your presence. He too has a hot cup in his tattooed hands, but he doesn't really want coffee; maybe he just hoped that if he drank something familiar to you - something that didn't speak your language before he was devoured - you would trust again.
You take a sip, probably more out of politeness than out of desire, and your expression turns into a small involuntary pout as you perceive the bitterness of the coffee on your tongue.
Uta would find it funny if it weren't for the whole situation.
"I'm sorry…" his quiet voice of him draws your attention to himself. He doesn't really know what he's apologizing for. "I have no ... sugar ..."
The relaxed musicality of his voice is slightly cracked by uncertainty.
He has no sugar to console you, no regular sugar at least. It's already strange that he got the coffee. He never really welcomes real guests, only customers, now that he thinks about it; there are rare times when he really has to welcome someone outside of his "business", generally speaking.
You do not answer immediately, your gaze cannot help wandering over his figure, his body, his chest and his abdomen.
He smooths his baggy black sweater, as if to make you realize he's noticing your eyes, and then take a sip from his cup.
"Don't worry, it's okay ..." you assure "in the end ... I like to try new things ..."
Are you talking about sugar?
Your voice is a twitter that leaves him with vague hope. Are you trying to tell him something?
He's not really afraid of you going around talking, you told him you wouldn't and he knows you won't. You are not that different from Renji in this.
You turn the cup over in your fingers, looking at that dark liquid, and then turn to him again.
"Don't ... want to sit down?"
You ask him shyly, as if you feared rejection, but you asked him anyway.
You amaze him, of course. That is a little melancholy surprise, your calling him close, your giving him a little illusion of closeness.
But do you really want him there?
With a nod he slowly approaches, as if he is approaching a wounded animal - or prey - and he slowly sits in front of you.
The cups of coffee that nobody wants look at each other, placed in front, close together, like when you happen to meet at the end of the day in the cafe. It was a good time for Uta, he enjoyed pretending that there were no Ghouls and Humans, silenced his hunger so attracted to you and focused on the pleasure of your presence as if you were no different.
But now the charade is over, you two are not alike, and for some reason it hurts him.
Your gaze rests docile on his face, and he smiles lightly.
He is beautiful, you really think so. In a way, those red and black eyes are the only ones that fit him. Uta is not of an objective beauty, he must like him, and you really like him.
"You know..." your murmur puts him on alert "I ... I hear the news but ... it's hard to think that it could happen to you, when you hear about ghouls ..."
"It didn't happen to you."
His calm voice stops you immediately, and despite his flat tone makes you feel accused. He didn't hurt you, you can't say he's your turn. If anything, he is the turn of your tormentor.
"I ... no ... I meant that I had never thought of meeting one ..."
You justify shy, and he realizes he scared you. You're probably thinking that the first misstep you take will automatically become his next meal.
His lips press in a thin line, while he looks at you calmly.
"We are not that rare, you know ..."
He informs you, understanding that you would never speak if he remained silent.
There were ghouls even more integrated into human society than he. You were kind of his exception to him, his regular break from his violent life, even though he still had other human connections.
"Do you want to eat me?"
The question comes out suddenly, interrupting any flow of thought. It is less insecure than you thought, but deep down you both know that that's the core of it all.
He looks you straight in the eye, without giving in to the gaze and somehow gluing your pupils into his.
He could tell you that if he had wanted he would have done it already, he could say many things, yet he doesn't want to lie, he owes you and you owe it to him.
"It would be nice."
His voice is kind of calming despite the harshness of those words. As scary as they are, you don't react, and let him talk again.
"But it would also be extremely sad for me."
His tattooed fingers twirl around the slowly cooling cup, and you wonder if his heart has started beating a little faster, like yours, despite his mute expression.
"As tempting as eating you may be ... it would be very sad not to see you again."
A spark suddenly lights up in your eyes, it's so beautiful and bright that Uta opens his lips slightly in amazement, seeing that little light in you, so unexpectedly. He can't say if it is the hope of being able to live still that ignited it or that unspoken admission of affection, but that's okay with him.
"Would you be sad, Uta?"
You ask with a voice covered with expectations. He does not know how it happened, but it seems that your focus has shifted to something else, so suddenly.
Your cheeks just blush, and you smile as you look down at your hands. That smile isn't for him, it's for you. Uta wasn't hoping to see you smile again, yet there you were, wrapped in his baggy clothes smiling genuinely, as if you had suddenly forgotten the fear.
Your fingers intertwine in front of the cup, and your face doesn't dare lift up on him, but this time it's not fear that stops you.
“A Ghoul… sure, I had to know. In fact, in the end I knew it. Being a human would have been too trivial for you. "
Take another sip of coffee, and this time you commit yourself to putting up with the bitterness, even if you don't quite succeed.
Uta allows himself a slight amused smile.
"Oh yes?"
His is a rhetorical question that you just nod.
He drinks too, plunging both of you into a less heavy silence, but which still lingers in Uta's mind doubts that he would like to silence.
"Now where will you go?"
He is used to those he cares about disappearing far away. It wouldn't be new to see you walk away from him, he's not really hoping to be able to hold you back, despite what you said. Life simply changes people, and with them the world, he is aware of it, as he is aware of the fact that after this night the world between you two has changed, and as always you will be the one to change with it, while he will remain there, immobile.
"Do you want ... I have to go home?"
You ask confused, glancing towards the door. Night out scares you, you prefer the wolf's lair more than the dark and unpredictable shadows of the dark hours.
You didn't understand what he meant, how could you? Yet somehow Uta expected you to do it, he expected you to tell him this was goodbye. Yeah, is this goodbye?
"No, you don't have to go home if you don't want to ..."
It's hard to ask you to stay, to really stay. It is difficult to ask you to stay with him, because if you refused it would be a defeat, if you felt forced you would no longer be you.
“So you can't eat the food? Normal food I say ... so the idea of inviting you to lunch is out of the question. "
Your words break the melancholy in his mind again. He looks at you, his head slightly bent towards his right shoulder:
"Did you want to invite me to lunch?"
You wonder if it's really that surprising that you had such an idea. Should you be ashamed of it? Maybe this is inappropriate for him?
"I wanted. I mean, I've thought about it. It seemed nice to me. "
It seemed nice to you. You were cute, Uta often thought that. Here it is again, your gentle affection; it would have been a problem to refuse you if you really asked him to share lunch. He had never gotten used to pretending to eat human food, even though he tolerated smells quite well by now.
“Anyway, that's a kind thought of you. Thank you."
Without the glasses, his expression is even more gentle. It seems paradoxical, compared to the figure of him, but still, Uta is so unique.
"Not very kind if it kills you."
You mutter to yourself, looking away in embarrassment. In fact, now that you really know he's a ghoul a lot of your talk may no longer make sense.
"No ..." you hear him chuckle slightly, lightly and yet amused "we don't die so easily unfortunately for you ... I'd end up feeling extremely bad."
Suddenly the argument between you lightens up without either of you really noticing. He feels it, almost palpable, the boulder in his chest becoming light at the sound of curiosity that colors your voice as you confirm that you understand: it is the same curiosity as when you ask him questions about his masks, the colors he uses or his tattoos, he clearly recognizes it, which has now almost become part of both of you.
"I have so much to ask you, Uta" you admit, smiling at him fondly "but for now, thank you for everything you've done."
His nonexistent brows go up, looking at you as if he's asking if you were serious. But you did, sure, he knew.
"Thanks to you for bringing me dinner downstairs."
Uta doesn't mince words, he never did, and it was something you loved. He was always contemptuous and edgy in his calm and delicacy of him, it was a humor all of him, no one could ever look like Uta.
He makes you laugh, despite the macabre implied, and he's happy. He feels lighter, freer, and this seems to apply to you too.
One of his laboriously painted hands moves towards your face. He doesn't even notice, it's a gesture dictated by instinct, from his heart. Only when he's about to touch your cheek does he freeze, dumbfounded as to what to do, wondering in his head what the hell he was doing, why he did it.
He fears to see you retract at his touch, fears to see you hide and still does not understand why he fears so much the rejection of a human, a human who should be food and who instead twists his stomach with just a look.
He tries to retreat first, before it's late, but your hands stop him.
His fingers are now squeezed between yours, tenderly, as you tenderly bring them to your face. The hand that presses on his back is warmer than his skin, but the one that squeezes his palm has frozen fingertips, he feels them pinch against his skin. In yet another gesture of care for you, his fingers close on yours, to warm them.
And while you hold him he holds you, you hold both of you, and he knows you don't know him, that you haven't seen the dark side of him yet nor does he know if he will ever have the courage to show it to you, but for now that's okay .
Now he's no longer alone in his charade with you. You are no longer his audience, you are the actor who responds to his sentences in front of that cruel world. But luckily now, behind the scenes, his mask is no longer needed.
"I promise I'll take you for a better coffee tomorrow."
"I accept with great pleasure."
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samplingmoonsters · 3 years ago
Hi Sammy!
Hope you are doing well :D
Have seen you are considering updating your dnb stories in the future. I was overjoyed with them just staying up. I don't feel comfortable with reading them at the moment, but I know they will bring me joy again in the future.
But no matter how much deligh the next chapter will bring me, take your time <3
Write only what you feel comfortable with, your well-being is more important then my craving for some magnificen second-hand cringe.
One other dnb artist I know set all their work to anonymous, and deleted some. It saddens me to see them gone but I understand it.
And I also don't want you to push yourself. Take some time to heal.
Love, dust-anon
(P.S Because of our interactions I changed my ao3 name to dust_anon!)
Hello dust!! :D
I'm doing alright. Everything is still a little rough around the edges, given the situation. Not gonna lie, been bursting into tears now and then over the past few days. Today was especially hard. Being in school, seeing people go on with their life because everything is normal for them while you feel like an important part that has given you joy over the years is gone, is exhausting.
Almost burst into tears in the middle of class cause we were talking about coping with loss and the feeling of grief in class (perfect timing, amirite? /s). I had to walk out in the middle of class and take some deep breaths outside. Sometimes training to become a nurse is hard…
Sorry to go off on you like that, felt like I had to get it off my chest since no one in real life would understand me. They would wonder why I'm crying over a person I neither met nor talked to. But being so involved in a community and having a person who gave you comfort, joy and had been a huge part of your daily life, suddenly ripped away, is really terrible. It's like I have lost a part of my passion. It's really hard to describe, sorry :')
I'm only really now processing what I'm feeling.
Anyway, I'm doing better now :) And I'm thinking of skipping this specific class next time. I don't think I'm ready to talk about such a topic yet :0
OKAY, let's talk about something nicer than my feelings lmao!
It makes me happy to hear that you're still looking forward to future updates for my ff! Don't worry I will take my time to heal fully before I come back to write anything :) After all I don't want the new chapters to be written in a state of sadness, but rather one, where I felt like I accepted the situation and can create new memories with a smile :D
I have also gone through the ao3 dnb tag the last few days and it saddens me to see so many writers either delete or discontinue their works. I can totally understand where they are coming from, but it's still sad to see so many fantastic writers leave the fandom. But I still hope that those people will be able to heal fully and move on without regrets :)
Take care, love you lots 💚💓
I'm doing alright. Everything is still a little rough around the edges, given the situation. Not gonna lie, been bursting into tears now and then over the past few days. Today was especially hard. Being in school, seeing people go on with their life because everything is normal for them while you feel like an important part that has given you joy over the years is gone, is exhausting.
Almost burst into tears in the middle of class cause we were talking about coping with loss and the feeling of grief in class (perfect timing, amirite? /s). I had to walk out in the middle of class and take some deep breaths outside. Sometimes training to become a nurse is hard...
I'm only really now processing what I'm feeling.
Anyway, I'm doing better now :) And I'm thinking of skipping this specific class next time. I don't think I'm ready to talk about such a topic yet :0
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