#anyway i have so many emotions about the underground trio. help meeeeee ;~;
sandcrafted · 6 months
Lately, Isabel's been struck by a weird feeling.
It's like... the sense that she's done this all before. She's sure there's a name for that feeling, but she can't remember what it is - it's not important, anyway. What's more important is that with feeling, sometimes... comes a sense of dread that makes it hard to breathe.
More than anything else, it's irritating. Isabel's doesn't get scared, and there's no way she's gonna let some irrational delusion keep her from doing whatever she wants to do! If she told Farlan and Big Bro, she's sure they'd laugh her off, so she keeps it to herself - but it's not the kind of thing she worries over much anyway, so it's fine. Still, though. That doesn't make it any less annoying when it pops up!
Like right now. Abruptly, Isabel slaps her cheeks with her hands and shakes her head as she's hit with another cold sensation, like blood freezing in her veins. Of course, there's only one thing to be done about feelings like that... with a grin, she turns to Levi, and makes an impulsive decision as she says what's on her mind.
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"Hey, Big Bro! Haven't things been too boring around here lately? C'mon, let's do something fun!"
@chaoslulled ( starter for levi! )
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