#anyway i feel like she gets a disproportionately large amount of hate?
dogboots · 2 years
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pro-bee · 4 years
Look, I know that the show blew up the whole Adam thing after this episode, and that makes me really mad.
Because from their very first interaction, it’s clear that Ziva and Adam are very good friends. And I don’t mean that in an innuendo kind of way. There’s just a lightness and affection between them that denotes friendship and history.
Yes, it gets very fucked up after this because we find out they’d slept together, but the thing that I do appreciate, if you can call it that, is that there is absolutely zero hint of attraction or sexual tension between them. What I mean is that whatever happened to them, it wasn’t because they have some sort of romantic relationship. (Yes, we know the show blows that up later too, on Adam’s side.) As much as I hate that Ziva slept with him when she clearly had feelings for Tony, the one silver lining, if you will, is that I think it is abundantly clear that it is exactly what Ziva said it was-- a moment of weakness. She was grieving and alone on the other side of the world and she fell into old habits because that is what she always does.
Only those old habits don’t help anymore, because she’s not that person anymore. And she realized as soon as it happened that it was a huge mistake.
I have even debated writing that morning after scene but I don’t think anyone would ever want to read that lmao.
I get the impression that Adam and Ziva are old friends, and likely even friends-with-benefits in their younger days. Maybe they went to school together and hooked up the way teens often do in large friend groups because it’s convenient. Maybe they were in training together and it was just easy to blow off some steam once in awhile. (Not unlike a certain summer.) Some people just have those kinds of relationships at one point in their lives. You might even care for the other person, but it’s just about having fun and connecting, and not romance.
(I can imagine 19 year old Ziva and Adam going out with their friends on a rare night off, going home together and having a drunken fling, then waking up like business as usual and hanging out with their buddies the next day because they’re young and dumb and sometimes you just want to do it.)
But above all, Ziva trusts Adam. With her life. And, later on, with her family’s. That doesn’t come easily to her, so if Adam has managed to break through those walls, then I think it means he’s good people. 
So when she introduces Tony to Adam, yes it’s awkward, partially because Tony’s being possessive, partially because we know what happened after ELi’s funeral. But, if Adam was really someone she had feelings for of that nature, I don’t think she’d be that comfortable having them meet. Think of how long it took her to introduce Ray to him. She has no problem introducing Adam because there is nothing to be worried about. 
And look, I have a disproportionate amount of love for Adam as a character because I just get this innate happiness about him. Like in spite of their jobs and their histories, he seems upbeat and helpful and knows Ziva enough to know how and when to support her. (Which, again, we will learn the full extent of later on.) He just seems like a Good Dude, and she’s had so very few of those in her life, at least until she moved to DC and met the team. 
Adam clearly knows all about Tony, too, which is why I don’t think he ever makes any more moves on Ziva. He may or may not be in love with her, but he knows she’s in love with Tony, and he’s not going to stand in her way or force her hand, the way so many of the men in her life have (See: Eli, Michael, Ray). He just wants her to be happy, even if it’s not with him -- Tony would say the same thing. So he’s happy to meet Tony because he knows there’s something between them, and he wants to see the man who’s captured his friend’s heart, for lack of better term. 
I don’t know where I’m going with this except to say that I like their scene together. I like that Tony’s sizing him up and kind of marking his territory, but Adam goes with it because he knows this isn’t even a contest. I like that Ziva has one person she can trust at home, which is in contrast to Orli’s appearance, the woman she doesn’t trust at all, or Ilan, who fancied himself a part of her family but never was.
Anyway where did these feelings come from?
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bublp0pr · 7 years
you know, sometimes i take a step back and wonder what i’m doing sticking around in a fandom that i’ve been obsessing over for a little over a year now and then i take a moment and look at my life and go...
Papyrus is bae and goals and everything great and pure and perfect in this word. I will never forget our date my sweet skele-dove your spaghetti riddled its way to my heart from the word ‘boondoggle’ and every second in this world since you rejected me is that of a half life, a cursed life, and empty life. And yet, I forgive you. Truly you are a skeleton of unspeakable honourable standards and I respect that. You are the greatest Papyrus. The greatest.
Undyne is my spirit animal and thinking about her when no one else is around make me want to stand up, yell at the top of my lungs and roar like some beserker-mode she-hulk from hell and crush my opponents into the ground so hard they pulverise on contact. It makes me want to release all the energies of my soul in a punch of passion that leaves destruction in my midst and drives in me some warrior instinct I never knew i had.
Sans and Papyrus are the BroTP that i never knew my heart needed to survive but it most DEFINITELY does just... just take my soul already. The feels have melted it anyway. Take it. I don’t need it anymore, these skeletons are my heart. Their love is my love. Their life is my life. 
Chara and Asriel’s back story gives me feels so hard i break out the dramatic single tear whenever i hear His Theme and the full magnitude of every single shred of their implied history i hold in the most sacred of gravity, appreciating how their actions directly are interwoven into the entirety of Undertale’s main storyline.
Though their words come out like loud nasal clicking from an old-school gameboy system I can hear every word, every tone, every inflection, every hesitation, every last drop of emotion in those lines and their voices live on and resonate with me long after that text finishes loading or I press X.
Toriel. Asgore. Sans. Papyrus. Alphys. Undyne. Mettaton. Naptsablook. Asriel. Frisk. Chara. Flowey. Monster Kid. Muffet. Dogamy. Dogaressa. Moldsmall. Migosp. Whimsun. Vegetoid. Loox. Mad Dummy’s cousin (~you are the apple of my eye ;D). Specifically the Froggits who teach Frisk about showing a little mercy, showing respect for monsters by not skipping through all their dialogue all the time, contemplate the amount of frogs in the room and can arrange for all the monsters to change their names pink instead of yellow as a favour if you want. Not to mention the poor Froggit that Toriel gave a full on death glare when we tried to compliment lol. Snowdrake. IceCap. Gyftrot. Chilldrake. Doggo. Lesser Dog. Greater Dog. Snowman. Grillby. Nicecream Guy. That bunny who walks her brother bun on a leash. The bunny who finds that disturbing. The monster who spends all their time rearranging presents under a decorated tree. Mysterious person behind the door who loves the sound of me knocking their door. That wolf who constantly throws large blocks of ice from a machine into the water knowing it will cool down the core. The fish monster who threw out a pick up line. The dog who’s playing poker against himself and losing. The monster who talks about crowding in New Home and how people will start moving to Snowdin and slip on their butts. The bear who goes ‘thaaats politics’ and should really be elected mayor (I’d vote for you). The librarian who has to put up with the spelling mistake for their Librarby sign. The monster who wasted all of their school life on wordsearches to realise that it was actually worth it after all. The ladies who write the newspaper including the one who’s still in the process of writing a book. The rocks who play human and monster. The shopkeeper who makes the classic cinnamon bunnies and greets a traveller. The inn keeper and her kid who are kind enough to not charge you without staying the full night and give you a refund. The annoying dog. Shyren. Aaron ;). Woshua. Temmie. Jerry (ok... maybe i don’t appreciate him. But still. He’s memorable)  Moldbygg (i respect your space). That little monster who doesn’t know what a star is. That monster that just wants you to step on their face. The small bird that carries me over a disproportionately sized gap. The two monsters who must have made wishes to the echo flowers and laughed when they realised their dreams were one in the same. Gerson, who has the guts to stare a homocidal maniac in the eye and know they can’t do a thing to strike him down while he’s like this and actually calls the little demon out on it too; respect dude. Tsunderplane. Vulkin. Pyrope. RG01 and RG02 you crazy dragon and bunny lovers you ;D. Heats Flamesman (of course I can’t forget). Okkkkkkkkk clam guy (you’re such a poser). The Mettaton fans that couldn’t make it to work who were actually quite well-informed about what Mettaton’s demographics like. The school kid monsters who loitered around and celebrated the time off because of those activated traps even though they were already in summer holidays anyway lol. The poor sucker who spent all their money when they walked past Muffet’s sales bench. The lion who wanted to wear a dress like mettaton and looked fabulous wearing it btw. The dragon with a wife back at home he desperately had to call because of the broken elevator. The slime who, as a slime, had a legitimate disliking to the situation. Bratty and Catty. The poor janitor perpetually cleaning forever but never taking a break either (now that’s dedication). The fathah of the Snowdrake and his amalgamate wife, happily reuinited and accepting their son for the aspiring comedian he is. The monster who makes reservations for literally everything in the restaurant. The totally relatable guy who stuck it out with that plan like a socially awkward pro in there. The monster who loves his job and puzzles. The monster who hates his job and puzzles. Burgerpants, my man you bring cred to the minimum wage class. (...i’ll admit all the NPCs started to blur together by the time i reached the core but i’ll give it my best shot. *deep breath*) All dem mercenaries hired by Mettaton, the ones who looked like bananas as silhouettes, you know who you are. Night night Knight Knight, sleep tight (don’t let the bedbugs bite). Madjick. My mystical friend Final Froggit. Whimsalot. Astigmatism. In particular that one dude who liked the fire room and would try to find it when the core reshuffled itself and chill in there sometimes, something about that story really stuck with me. All those monsters in New Home kind enough to fill me in on the story of the dead prince and human. Alphys’ amalgamates: the bad memories, the one whose ‘attack’ was getting themselves attacked by bees and then setting them off on me, Endogeny, the one whose speech was overlapped from all the different people in them, the one with the giant monster mouth attack, the one who put a blanket over us that was absolutely adorable, the one that Frisk tried to check out in the shower that weirdo (good for you disappearing on us when we open the shower curtain and respecting your privacy, i’d get progressively more panicked if someone was trying to perv on me too) and the ones that disguised themself as a SAVE point and shock bubble symbol (classic but meta at the same time, really inventive you guys). And i’ve probably missed people... but yeah. Lots of memories. Lots of friends. Gotta love em all. 
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