#anyway i could go on forever about this HAHAHA it’s my daydream lately
inkyajax · 2 years
Tartaglia is getting increasingly jealous about the attention you are giving daddy dendro, be careful clari😳
WAAAAH anon!!! (*/ω\*) stop hehehe u just made me so giddy!!! he is such the jealous type tho like the man is borderline yandere and lately i’ve been thinking about just how he’d react, knowing he was my first favourite, my original favourite, but then came ayato and thoma (a packaged deal, of course), and now here comes alhaitham, stomping all over everything with his big stupid boots and what the fuck??? ajax was here first, and he doesn’t even have a single fic to show for it, only bits and pieces of finished work!? that’s not fair! hehehe waaah i just feel like he’d be fuming over it all and def plotting some clever yet gruesome murders 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
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mari-archive · 5 years
This is for the dear anon that requested for Mirio, your idea was so good that I ended up writing a scenario and I didn’t even get half of your request in it. I’d be more than happy to do a part 2 for you!
I don’t know what to title this so if you guys have any ideas let me know~
Word count - 1810
It was like any other day, should you confess or not? This thought has been buried in your mind and then resurfaces every day. It’s hard to confess to the one you love, especially when it’s the sunshine boy himself Mirio, he’s not like other guys….he’s just different and that’s what attracted you to him but like you there are probably others with the same feelings, who's to say he’s not already dating someone in secret?
You let out a long and slow sigh as you look out the window of your classroom, it was lunchtime so you had the room to yourself but thinking about all this just made you depressed. You were in the general department in UA, not really wanting to be a hero but also wanting to help in some way, your quirk wasn’t very extravagant or useful doing hero work anyway so this worked out for you.
“What’s wrong y/n?” You turn around to see your long-time friend Mei, it’s weird not seeing her all jazzed up in her newest gear. Although she’s in the support department she always makes time to come visit you, it’s like she can sense when you’re sad.
“It’s nothing don’t worry, wanna eat together?” You bring your lunch box up and dangle it a little with a smile, hoping she won’t press you to tell her, sure she knows about your crush but today you just don’t really want to talk about it.
“Hmmm okay okay but if you ever wanna talk you know I’m here….alright now let’s go eat!” With a smile, she grabs your hand carefully and doesn’t pull too hard so your lunch won’t get messed up or spill out everywhere and starts dragging you to the courtyard. (Tbh I don’t remember if UA has a courtyard or not but just pretend it does ok) You always go to the courtyard mainly because that’s where Mirio and his friends eat or just hang out plus the view was always nice no matter the weather. You both sit down on the same bench as yesterday and start eating in silence normally Mei would be chatting your ear off but she knows not to when you’re upset, she always goes for basic small talk then.
“Hey y/n that guys been staring at you for a while now…” looking up to see what she was talking about you see a guy with dark hair and eyes someone that would normally not catch your attention unless like now someone says something but as soon as your eyes meet he turns away and then a few seconds later he gets up and leaves.
“Ok that was a little weird” you look to Mei and she just nods with a mouth full of food. The bell rings shortly after this weird endeavor and you and Mei soon go your separate ways, walking back your classroom you make a mental note about the weird boy and try and find him again and as your looking around you don’t watch where you’re going and bump into someone.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going” as you look up to see who exactly you bumped into and…….well it was Mirio…yeah the one you had a massive crush on but was too scared to talk to, you could feel the blush all over your face, your face probably looks like a whole tomato at this point.
“ Hey don’t worry about it! But uh are you okay your face is kinda red?” He bends down to your height and before he could put his hand on your forehead you jump back.
“ Yeah…uh totally fine hahaha sorry again but gotta get to class haha,” you say as you quickly run passed him, leaving Mirio confused and in the dust.
You quickly run making a sharp turn so you’re out of sight from Mirio’s curious gaze.
Oh my goodness you just talked to him, oh like yeah sure you’ve talked to him before but never that close and he was gonna touch your forehead. Apart of you is cursing yourself for leaving but another is thanking you cuz you might have had a heart attack from the excitement.
As you calmly but excitedly jump around and give yourself a pat on the back and a few fist bumps here and there, you hear the bell ring and your mind is drawn back to reality.....oh yeah class...you were so late.
Fixing your clothes and hair you started your way to your classroom...yet again.
You stop by your locker to get a binder full of notes and as you open your locker door you could have sworn you saw someone in the corner of your eye but when you look no one was there.
Creepy... you thought, that's the second creepy thing that happened to you today, fully opening your locker a letter falls out.
Am I cursed? does someone hate me? what if this letter is cursed or something?
Bending down to pick up this mysterious and creepy letter, you decided to ditch class you were really late anyway and its a miracle no hall monitor has caught you yet.
You pick the letter up and close the door to your locker and immediately ran to the nearest bathroom to hide in.
Everything that has happened today slowly leaves your mind as you look at the letter.
"Maybe it's a love letter? hmmm no but there's no signature on it," you thought as you move the letter around, it was just plain white with no stickers either.
"well I have to open right now," you thought out loud and open the letter gently and take out a piece of paper that was neatly folded inside.
Closing your eyes as you unravel the paper to expose the words written on it, you open your eyes and are met with a little disappointment, all it said was "meet me outside in the courtyard after school".
"This must be a confession but for me? really?"
The school bell rings to notify everyone that class is done and to head on to the next, getting out of the bathroom you head to your last class of the day all while trying to come up with an excuse on why you weren't at your last class.
But in the back of your mind, all you could think about was the letter and time just seemed to fly by you because before you knew it the class was over and Mei was asking if you wanted to stay the night and help her with her new invention. Listening to her ramble on about all her experiments and new ideas and plans she’s working on, you silently blurt out.
"I got a love letter" turning to finally look at Mei you could see the shock but that slowly fading away into a...
"WHAT!! when? where? today? do you know who it is??" all these questions were flung to you like a brick to the face.
"it says they want to meet me after school in the courtyard"
"well, what are you doing here with me? go! go! GO!" she says as she pushes you out of the classroom and into the courtyard and soon you reach the courtyard in mere minutes, she sits you down on your usual bench and bends down to whisper.
"don't worry, I'm gonna be just around the corner spying on you" after that she runs away and gets into position to watch the whole thing.
You quickly wait for the person behind the letter to come and you start getting nervous, this was your first love letter and you didn’t realize people still did this stuff, you’ve only seen it happen in movies….nowadays people just kinda ask you out. The wait seems like forever and the more you wait the more your mind wanders, what if...this was a sick joke? No it couldn’t be, the only person you really talk to is Mei and she wouldn’t do something like this.
While your mind continues to wonder you didn’t hear someone walk right up to you or the soft gasp from Mei around the corner.
“Ahem,” a sound breaking your train of thought, you bring your eyes up to the person behind the letter and your long-time crush Mirio.
Now at this point, your brain stopped working, why was he standing in front of you, there’s no way he wrote that letter.
“ Sorry to call you out on a Friday but I wanted to talk to you,” he says with his signature grin. Ah, you could stare into those eyes forever if you could.
You hear another “ahem” before realizing you were just staring at him for the past few seconds.
“ um yeah of course, what did you need to talk about…” this was so awkward it was gonna kill you, why is daydreaming about this stuff so much more fun but when it actually happens it’s super awkward. How are you supposed to act, for the love of god this has been your crush for three years!
“I think I should just get right to the chase um I like you y/n, would you consider going out with me?”
If you weren’t speechless before you sure as hell are now, did you hear right? Mirio likes you? And is asking you out on a date?
“Yes,” your mind went its own route and answered before you could even fully register what was happening ...thanks brain.
“ okay cool...um, I’ll pick you up at 5 pm tomorrow? Oh here’s my number! Great okay bye!” With that, he ran off to who knows where now leaving you in the dust but as quickly as he ran off, Mei ran even faster to you engulfing you in a big hug.
“ Ohh my god!!! Y/n!!!! Ahhh” it felt like Mei was more excited about this then you were or at least openly excited, you were so shocked at what just happened you didn’t know what to do or how to react but after kinda processing it, you smile softly to yourself and I guess Mei who is still hugging and screaming at you.
Wow, you got a date from your three-year crush and you didn’t even do anything, it all just fell into your lap and you were content with that.
“ well, I guess I better get ready for my date tomorrow huh… will you help me?”
Finally looking at Mei, she screamed again before getting up and dragging you to your dorm to help pick out an outfit.
Yeah, this was nice…..this was everything you ever dreamed of and more.
But little did you know this man was far from the Mirio you know and love.
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cravingmarvel · 6 years
Leave Me Lonely
Bucky Barnes AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes  x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cheating, Heartbreak 
Word count: 2283 (I don’t know how that happened)
“I played around with the engagement ring on Bucky’s finger, reminding me that he’s just mine for the late hours. Only when the sky is dark and covered in glowing stars. When the moon comes out giving him permission to touch me in the most intimate places. It means that he can love me and doesn’t have to pretend.”
A/N: Yup another sad Bucky one shot. Nobody’s surprised hahahah This took me forever but I couldn’t stop writing. I would really love some feedback because I’m insecure af hahahah  
Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Tagging some people who I think would like this (You are not obligated to read this if you don’t want to hahaha): @buckisthatyou @buckyforbreakfast @buckybarneshairpullingkink @buckystan-plums
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I felt Bucky’s body move a little underneath mine and looked up to see him wide awake, smiling down at me. “Good morning, doll. Did you sleep well?” His raspy morning voice making a shiver run down my spine. He looks so gorgeous with his messy hair and light stubble. He took his hand from under the covers to slowly caress my cheek with the back of his hand. I leaned into his touch to memorize what it feels like.
“You look so beautiful. I wish I could stay here all day.” He quickly gave me a kiss on my forehead. “I love you, y/n.”
“Then stay.”
I pouted and cupped his cheek. I could still feel the thin layer sweat on his skin from the activities of last night. He lets out a deep and long sight before turning his head to look at the ceiling. It always ends like this. I ask him to stay but he never does. It’s a constant cycle of late night sex, begging in the morning and him leaving anyway. It was tiring but the pain was worth it, I got to experience him loving me in a way no one else could.
I played around with the silver band on Bucky’s ring finger, reminding me that he’s just mine for the late hours. Only when the sky is dark and covered in glowing stars. When the moon comes out giving him permission to touch me in the most intimate places. It means that he can love me and doesn’t have to pretend.
When his fiancé, Ana falls asleep. Ana who is so graceful, stunning and everything I’m not. She insisted that Bucky also wore a ring, to show every man and woman that he is taken. That he belongs in her life forever. That he is going to get married to her and she is going to take on his last name. That they are going to start a family.  
I do feel bad that he’s cheating on her with me, his best friend. She trusts me and has told me so many times before. “I know how close you two are and I’m not worried that he’s going to cheat on me with you. I trust you.”
“Why do you have to get married to her? You don’t even love her.” I climbed on top of him to give him a slow kiss, to make him realize who he really loves.
“It doesn’t matter, y/n. I have to marry her, she’s pregnant with my child and I can’t just leave her alone with that responsibility. You understand that, don’t you?” He smiles at me and tugs some strands of hair behind my ear. The pain in my chest grows at the thought of never seeing him again like this. After today is over, the only person who has the privilege to see Bucky like this, is Ana. She gets to do all the things I want to do with him. But the worst thing by far is, she has a piece of Bucky that will always bond them together. Whether they are together or not.
I kiss him passionately and pour every ounce of love I have for him into it. I try to memorize the feeling of his lips against mine. The way they taste like salt and move so flawlessly with mine. I try to memorize everything, because this is going to be the last time. He is going to get married today. And it’s not me.
First and foremost, Bucky and I were best friends. I can’t quite remember when we started this… friends with benefits thing. But what I do remember is how hard I fell for him. You have to remember, Bucky is the kind of guy you’d want as your boyfriend. He makes you realize what home and safety feels like. He makes you daydream and you forget everything you worry about. Your parents would jump in your arms, saying how happy they are that you found a guy like him.
So of course I wanted it to evolve into more. I wanted to give him all of me and love him in every aspect. I wanted him to be mine. I had the feeling he wanted that too. He hinted it at me more than one, taking me out on dates, staying in bed till noon and giving me nicknames like ��doll’. So I assumed he would ask me sooner or later. But that day, oh that awful day, he broke my heart.
We sat on the couch in his apartment watching a movie with his arm around my shoulders, holding me close to him. I buried my face in his chest inhaling his scent, as I wrapped both arms around his torso. I contemplated whether I should do this or not. But I was tired of waiting, so I made the first move.
“Bucky?” He hummed in response giving me the sign to keep talking. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something too.” I was surprised and lifted my head to look at him. “But you go first.”
I sat up straight so I could look at him properly. “No no, you go first, please.” He held my face in his hands and pulled me closer until our lips met. It was just like any other kiss, sweet, slow and full of love. He pulled away to look into my eyes.
“I’m engaged.”
The expression on my face said it all. Shock, anger, sadness, all of them except happiness. I stood up to stand in front of him. “What?” He stood up as well and reached out to hold my shoulder but I took a step back.
“Y/n please let me explain. She’s pregnant.” He probably thought it would help me understand his decision but it only made the lump in my throat bigger, making it almost impossible to speak. The tears started to flow without making any attempt of holding them back.
“My parents told me to propose, I had no other choice.”
 I don’t belong here, not anymore and I felt the urge to run. “You- you just kissed me. You made me believe we could be more than friends. But this whole time you fucked someone else while you led me on.” I walked towards the door with the intention to never come back or see him ever again.
“I love you, I really do but I can’t leave her, she needs me.” I heard his footsteps closely behind me, following me to the door.
“You can’t tell me that you love me. You have no right to hurt me like this, to betray me.” I shouted back at him wanting him to hear the pain in my voice.
That night I tried to scream the pain out me, pretty sure the neighbours could hear me.
And even though I walked out of his apartment with the intention of never wanting to see him again, he kept coming back and I let him.
I looked at myself in the mirror one last time to make sure I looked my best. If you ignore my tear stained face, puffy eyes and red nose, you’d agree that I look somewhat presentable.
With my heart heavy and aching, I got into the cab that took me to my dreaded destination. The whole way to the church was spent trying not to acknowledge the stabbing pain in my chest. I tried so desperately not to think about that what he told me all those months ago would be reality in a few hours. And there was no turning back. This is out of my control. I could try and beg him to not say ‘yes’ but I’m exhausted, I’m done with begging. If he doesn’t want to be with me, what more can I do?
I didn’t even bother to sit down. I stood close to the doors, ready to leave when and if he says yes. And I hate to say this, the church was beautifully decorated. Her dress fit her like a glove, exenterating her tiny waist and full chest. Her bridesmaids dressed in baby blue gowns looking almost as good as the bride. And then there was Bucky, dressed in a dark blue suit, probably tailored. His hair freshly washed and blow-dried. His beard trimmed just the right amount leaving a light stubble.
My heartbeat picked up its speed the closer the ceremony got to the big question, whether or not he would say no. First to say yes was Ana, but I couldn’t hear her, only the beating of my heart. And then it was Bucky’s turn. He turned his head to look at me and my heart stopped. The air in my lungs was stuck and I felt like I’m going to faint right then and there. And then he opened his mouth, still keeping his eyes locked on me.
I wanted to run, I intended to do so when I walked in here. That’s why I stood so close to the door. But as the words fell from his lips, I just froze. He turned his gaze back to Ana and looked at her with the smile I received hours ago when we laid in his bed.
The ceremony ended with a kiss and the guests clapped with smiles on their faces, while I stood with tears streaming down my face. My vision clouded and my mind running a marathon. I know this was coming but the hope inside me, that he would realize he’s making a mistake never faded. I clung on to the idea of him leaving her at the altar and running into my arms ever since I received the wedding invitation. But now that’s just another imagination in my head that never came true.
The party was held in a ballroom inside a hotel. The words fancy and over the top don’t come close to what the room looks like. Bouquets of white and pink roses elaborately decorated every table. And fairy light adorned the ceiling giving the room a warm glow.
Bucky and Ana shared their first dance as husband and wife and all I could do was watch with sad eyes while my heart crumbled in front of me. He held her in his arms like he used to hold me and that smile, oh that smile that used to warm my heart and fix every problem I had. The smile that I hoped I would see every day as I wake up.
I started to walk towards the door like I did all those months ago. I don’t belong here. I took one last look over my shoulder only to see Bucky happily dancing with his wife.
Right as I stepped closer to the front doors of the hotel that are supposed to get me to a new chapter of my life, one where Bucky, all the pain and sorrow doesn’t exists, I heard his voice shouting my name. I turned to look at him with teary eyes.
“What? Do you want to rub more salt in my wounds?” I wanted to turn away from him but he grabbed my arm.
“No I wanted to talk to you.”
He led me to one of the seating areas of the hotel. No one was here except for Bucky and I. We sat down on one of the soft couches that looked and felt too expensive for my taste. I played with one of the loose threads nervously. I turned my head to look at him patiently awaiting for what’s to come. He cupped my cheek with his large hand and gave me the most pathetic look of sympathy.
“You do know that I still and always will love you, right doll?” He replaced his hand with a quick kiss on my cheek. I wanted to tell him to stop, but I couldn’t. He whispered in my ear so quietly that even I was barely able to hear it “kiss me.” He slowly moved away and I wanted to get up from my seat and slap him. But instead I did as he told me. I kissed him and felt the whole world fall of my shoulders. I felt so light, I could’ve sworn I levitated. The familiar taste of salt and the soft texture of his lips that I love so much.
“You are a sad excuse of a woman, y/n.”
I quickly pulled away from Bucky’s lips and looked over his shoulder to see his wife, Ana. Bucky jumped from his seat to look at his wife. “Can’t keep your hands off of MY husband! Seriously, you should be ashamed of yourself.” Bucky went to stand next to his wife and looked at me in horror.
“He loves me, he told me this morning and seconds before you showed up.” I had enough. I was angry at both Bucky and Ana.
“Doll—“ he let out a chuckle and all I wanted to do is choke him “I never said that I loved you. Ana is the one for me and you need to realize that. Whatever we used to have is long over and you know that, doll, don’t you?”
I couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth. He kissed Ana on the cheek before frowning at me.
My entire body started to crumble into nothing but sorrow. My heart broken all over again. How could I be so stupid? What did I do to deserve this? I just looked at him with a blank expression.
“Just leave. Leave me lonely.”
Permanent Taglist: (OPEN)
@fuckthatfeeling @funkenniffler @void-imaginations
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