#anyway hi crane once again shows her ease of becoming violent
Moon 32
Pt 2
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Moon 32 p1 | Moon 32 bonus
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chimchimchoo · 7 years
Paper Cranes :: 4
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word Count: 1,397
Pair: Jimin x Yoongi
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (of 7)
“Every Monday, Park Jimin would come into his white, sterile hospital room and leave a small paper crane at the end of his bed.”
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“We need a doctor in here!”
His lungs burned as the heart monitor beeped rapidly. Each time he inhaled, his chest would grow tighter. Sweat dripped down his forehead as a nurse held him down. “Straighten out your back Yoongi,” The nurse, instructed when she saw the panic in his eyes. “Remember what I told you. It’ll be gone in a few seconds.”
The attack was the most severe Yoongi had so far, he couldn’t remind himself to calm down. He wanted to breathe. He needed air. Desperately.
Yoongi was having a normal day reading a book Jimin had lent him a while back. He was just about to finish it when suddenly he felt a tight pain in his chest and the air left his lungs. Instantly he knew, he was having another attack. It was becoming too frequent, too painful.
“Min Yoongi, I bought a-” A voice stopped at the door, Yoongi recognized the sound instantly. He forgot it was Monday.
Not now. Please not now. Yoongi didn’t want Jimin to see him like this.
He shook violently as the nurse pressed a button on the wall, repeating herself. “Someone get a doctor! He’s having another attack!”
Without hesitation, Jimin pulled off his backpack and rushed toward the bed. He took Yoongi’s hand in his, leaning closely. “Min Yoongi…listen to me, listen to my voice.”
“I’m sorry Jimin, you can’t be here right now, this is an urgent matter.” The nurse cut him off but he shot a serious expression toward her.
“Please let me do this, I need to be here.” Jimin glanced back down, the burning lungs making tears well up in Yoongi’s eyes.
“Breathe slowly and listen to me. Do you want to know what Busan looks like? I expect you haven’t been there before. Well imagine a beach, okay? A line of skyscrapers on one side and the ocean on the other, an ocean as clear as glass. When you stand in the water, you can see small fish the size of your finger swimming around your toes.”
Yoongi closed his eyes, trying to focus on the imagery as his grip tightened on Jimin’s hand. “Imagine the air smelling like the salty ocean, the grains of sand hitting your skin every time the wind picked up. Imagine a lamb skewer restaurant just along the shoreline, no windows, and no people. Just you, the sizzling meat and the open sea in front of you.”
Yoongi’s lungs tightened, but his heartbeat slowed, listening to his voice carefully. He picture himself in Busan exactly how Jimin explained it. Peaceful and void of any people. Momentarily, he felt so happy. It was so vivid; he could almost smell the meat cooking. A sharp pain on his shoulder interrupted the tranquil scenery and his lungs expanded slowly, filling up with air again. He breathed deeply, in and out until his nerves settled.
“That should stop it, but I have to set him up with a new medication today before another episode occurs.” He heard a voice say before slowly opening his eyes.
“Min Yoongi, can you see me?” Yoongi’s vision was blurry, he made out a few nurses and a doctor standing by the bed, but his eyes only stayed on Jimin’s. As if nothing ever happened, Jimin greeted him with a smile on his face, his hair glowing against the ceiling light above him.
As Yoongi responded with a nod, the doctor pulled out a small light, quickly shining it back and forth across his eyes. “Yoongi’s calm for now, I’ll be back with his new round of medication.” He stated as the nurses took note before following him out of the room.
Drained of energy, Yoongi slowly sat up against his bed. “Can I have water…please?” Jimin nodded right away, letting go of his hand and left the room momentarily. He returned with a small, plastic up filled with water and handed it to Yoongi, watching him chug it down faster than anyone. The cool liquid eased the burn in Yoongi’s throat, allowing him to breathe more comfortably.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” His voice cracked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“You don’t need to apologize.” Jimin scooted the stool closer to the bed and sat down beside him. “It’s just me.”
For a moment, they both sat quietly in the room; the only noise heard was Yoongi’s steady heart monitor until he finally spoke up. “Thank you for what you did earlier. I haven’t been able to calm down that quickly over an episode before. Is that what Busan really looked like?”
Jimin nodded happily. “It’s the closest I can describe it. When you leave this hospital, we’ll go there together. You and I. I can show you the beach, my home, everything.”
Yoongi gave him a tired smile, imagining the scenario he pictured earlier. “I would love that.”
“Min Yoongi.”
“Min Yoongi,” Why did he even bother? “I have something for you.”
Yoongi’s eyebrows rose in surprise, tilting his head to the side. “Jimin, you didn’t have to give me anything-”
“I wanted to, here.” Jimin handed him a small, white box with a pale blue bow on it. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to convince the nurse to take you up to the roof again, so I decided to bring the snow to you.” He grinned and gestured toward the box. “Go on, open it!”
Yoongi untied the ribbon, setting it down on the table beside him and opened the lid, peeking into the box. Gasping quietly, he pulled out the delicate object, resting it in his hands. It was a snow globe of Seoul with the Han River running through the center of it. Instead of snow, when he shook it carefully, little flecks of sparkles swirled inside of the dome, eventually sinking into the city. “I love it.” His heart fluttered for a moment, but was silently thankful it didn’t show up on the heart monitor.
No one had ever bought him gifts like Jimin did. He never had a friend like him. What did he do to deserve such an…angel?
“Min Yoongi…are you okay?” Jimin tilted his head in concern as he realized a tear dripped down his cheek. Quickly, Yoongi wiped it away and ruffled his minty hair.
“I’m fine.” He muttered. “I’m just really touched, I don't even know what to say.”
“Just a simple ‘thank you’ would do.” Jimin laughed as the knock on the door interrupted them.
“How are you feeling now, Yoongi? A bit more comfortable I hope?” The doctor approached him, checking the pulse on his wrist as he eyeballed the ventilator.
“Better than earlier.” He responded as Jimin listened quietly.
“Excellent. We’re starting a new round of medication for you. It should help decrease the frequency of your episodes.” He explained as a nurse joined his side with an IV bag, hanging it over Yoongi’s bed and attaching the tube to the needle in his arm. “In the meantime, I may have to end the visiting hours early, for Yoongi will need to rest. What occurred earlier had taken a great deal out of him and so will the side effects of this medication. I apologize.”
Jimin nodded in understanding. “I understand sir, I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Rest well Yoongi, let the nurse know if you’re feeling any discomfort.” The doctor pat his shoulder a few times before exiting once again.
“I should go see my dad anyway, the doctor says he should wake up anytime soon. I want to be here when it happens.” Jimin smiled, standing up from the stool and ruffled Yoongi’s hair. “Do what the doctor says and get some sleep. I’ll see you next Monday.”
“Until then.” Yoongi gave him a small smile, waving goodbye as he watched Jimin leave the room, heading in the direction of his father’s. In seconds, he could already feel the effects of the medicine coursing through his system. It left him feeling light and drowsy, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t stop admiring the snow globe on his desk.
Eventually, his eyes grew heavy, his body giving into the medicine. But just seconds before falling asleep, Yoongi distinctly made out a grey paper crane sitting at the end of his bed. After that, he closed his eyes with a smile.
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