#anyway here. SECK S !!!!!
meowburgerz · 1 year
'you're disgusting, you know that?'
baileys voice was low and sultry, rumbling against bobby's ear. she nodded hungrily.
she wasnt quite sure how she ended up here- sitting in his lap, his fingers plunging in and out of her soaking pussy. his other hand was wrapped around her face, holding her in place by her cheeks. her face was flushed and sweaty, tongue lolled out hazily.
'such a fucking pervert. trying to seduce me? your caretaker?' he scoffed, curling his fingers up slightly.
bobby groaned, her eyes rolling back. his fingers were long and thick and barely fit inside her, she could feel herself stretching to accommodate.
'hnng.... s-sorr-'
'you're not sorry, brat. if anything, you're probably glad i called you down to my office. you're so fucking wet you've dripped all over my trousers. im upping your rent for that, just so you know.'
he sneered, pushing his clothed boner against her plush ass. there was a wet patch on his exposed boxers where precum had been seeping out.
he upped his pace, digits now jackhammering at her aching quim. she jolted and cried out, pulling against his restraint.
'ah ah ah, you dont get to leave until im finished.' he teased.
he effortlessly kept her in his grip. he was now humping into her, almost fucking her if not for the fabric of his boxers and her panties.
bobby whined. she wanted to cum, but bailey purposely kept his fingers away from her clit, stopping her from reaching such a thing. the man could feel himself getting more needy- his humping becoming feverish as his hand shakily continued its assault.
'push back against me.' he demanded.
he moved his arm from bobbys face and instead wrapped it around her neck, pulling her into a headlock. she clenched her teeth as she felt the blood in her head drain. she weakly pushed back against him, feeling his cock twitch beneath her.
'm-mister... bailey...' she gasped out.
'q-quiet, brat... nearly there...' his voice was now quiet and shaky. his cock was fully pressed against her cheeks, her panties were almost see-through from how much precum had been smeared on them.
with a final groan, bailey came. his muscles tensed and his grip on bobby tightened. thick globs of cum spouted from his tip and leaked through his boxers, further staining the girls underwear. he grunted and pushed his fingers as deep as they would go. bobby almost screamed as he did, her warmth invaded in ways she hadnt conceived.
he sighed as he came down from the high. bailey let go of the girl and pushed her from his lap, grabbing a tissue to clean himself up. she wobbled, almost falling. her pussy was empty now. it was still warm, she could still imagine bailey inside her, but it was fading.
'y-you can fuck off now...' he panted, leaning back in his chair. his face was slightly red and warm and his eyes were half-lidded, still in a slight daze.
bobby quickly gathered her clothes, still shivering. she soon scuttled off, leaving bailey to come to terms with what just happened.
he let out a guttural sigh, resting his head in his hands.
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geartime · 5 years
Rough Draft Chapter 1: A New AU
-Ink's pov
‘Things have been pretty slow lately. Error has been quiet, all the universes are fine, and there haven’t been any NEW AU’s in the making for m…’
Suddenly, I got the magnificent sensation of an AU starting out its first sketches. I immediately teleported to the source and got to work. However, as I worked I began to realize how small this universe was.
It was a tranquil universe, nothing but trees, grass, and flowers of every kind. A stream cut through it, glistening like fresh snow. Rather than being out in the open, the place seemed to be surrounded by sheer cliffs, surely impassable without the right skills and tools. The only major change in the cliffs was a single cave, and inside, the source of the stream. A gorgeous waterfall that sparkled like a million stars in the night sky. Echo flowers grew in an abundance her in the cave, each one waiting patiently to hear a passing conversation.
As I finished the final brush strokes of the land, I looked around and admired our work until I noticed something. While I was carried away working on the landscape, they had already started on creating the first inhabitant of the world. They appeared to by in a sitting position, relaxed and waiting to take in the sites of the land upon being brought to life. There head, was just a head at the time, no face or anything to hint at who they were, except for the bones.
As they continued working I never bothered to help, they were confident with every stroke and line they made. They appeared to be a Sans, but the cloths were rather interesting, simple, yet still interesting, and creative. They wore green boots with faded blue and yellow straps that crossed each other. They also wore a skirt that matched the color of one of the straps and the shirt matched the other. Over their shirt they were wearing sleeves that trailed behind them, kind of a marigold in color.
Eventually, they added brown finger less gloves to their hands, the right one slightly longer than the left. Then, almost as if it were a last thought, they added a gorgeous green scarf that was tied to the left. And to top it off, a star pendant were the scarf was tied. And then, they started on the face, which was a bit of a let down, for they had chosen to have the eyes clothes as if they knew I was there waiting in anticipation. To top it all off, they added green goggles to their head.
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It was beautiful. I sat there, waiting, knowing that it was only a matter of time before they woke up. I suddenly realized that it would be best if I hid myself so as to not startle them once they woke up. Seeing a nearby tree I went over to it and started climbing, making sure to pull my scarf up so it didn’t dangle below the branches were it could be seen.
I began to doodle as I was waiting in the tree, occasionally looking down to check if they had woken up yet. At one point I noticed something different about them. This helped to explain why they hadn’t woken up yet, the creator of this AU wasn’t quite done. There was now a giant pencil on there back. Strange, it was the same size as my paintbrush.
Their eyes suddenly snapped open, and that's when it started.
-??? Pov
“W-what? Wh-where am, AHHHHHH!”
My mind was suddenly screaming with voices. I grabbed my head as it throbbed in pain.
“I can’t think of anything.”
“I’m no good.”
“I give up, my AU will never get noticed without a story.”
“Wait, what? What’s an AU? And don’t say that, I’m sure you all can come up with great stories.”
“Um, hi there.”
I suddenly plummet back to earth as I realize I’m not the only one here. To make things more interesting, I decided to look up very slowly so as to take it all in slowly and not rush myself.
“Hi. Now be quiet and give me a seck.”
First thing I notice is the shoes, brown sneakers with tiger print. A little higher and I notice light brown shorts on top of darker brown leggings with blue stripes. I then notice a light blue hoodie tied around their waist. They have their hands down to their side as I notice they are wearing brown finger less gloves. I also noticed what seemed to be the ends of a rather long scarf that started out a light cream color and gradually became a light brown. On top of that, I could see the bristles of what appeared to be a giant paint brush? Interesting. On his arms, I am not sure, but it resembles the leggings they're wearing.
I now venture back to the center and notice a belt going across from their right shoulder to the left of their hip. On the belt there were little vials of various colors with little hearts for the caps. They also appeared to be wearing a darker, kind of faded brown sleeveless, jacket, I suppose. I am not entirely sure what to call it. Anyway, under that they had a kind of cream colored short sleeved shirt. I know also notice they are wearing suspenders, brown in color with golden clasps.
I then finally moved on to their face. I had no words.
They looked at me with curiosity, a smirk on their face. I am now beginning to think they are male, but I would hate to make any assumptions. The main thing that stood out about their face was their eyes. The left one was a yellow star, sparkling with excitement. The other eye was a simple blue circle. One thing I found rather interesting was that on their left cheek was a splatter of, ink?
“Can I talk now?”
He asked me, I decided they were male because of their voice, but I wasn’t planning on revealing that I believed they were male until I knew for sure. I didn’t plan on being someone to assume something without solid confirmation.
“Ya, sure.”
“Hi. My name’s Ink, Ink sans.”
He then held his hand out to me. I looked at it, and then back to him. Unsure if I could fully trust him. I remained hesitant. His smile slowly shrunk as he watched me. Not wanting to assume the worst, or disappoint him, I reached out and finally took it, his smile coming back
“H-Hi Ink. I-I’m not entirely sure what m-my name is quite yet.”
“Don’t worry, I understand. You were only just created after all. It will come to you in time.”
I began to think, but that just brought the voices back.
“Gahhh, why are you all so loud.”
I rested my head on my knees and held my hands to my head, slowly rocking back and forth. The voices seemed to scream negativity as they shot down their own ideas left and right. I felt terrible with every good idea that faded. I desperately wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do.
“What do you mean? Is everything alright?”
I looked up to see Ink looking at me with a concerned look on his face. As I focused on his face the voices slowly quieted down.
“I don’t know, I’m just hearing a ton of voices in my head. They keep saying that their stories aren’t good enough and that their “AU’s” will never get noticed.”
“HOLY COW, YOU’RE HEARING THE CREATORS! I-I can’t believe this! I-I think I. O-Oh no.”
Suddenly, Ink opened his mouth as a black substance came spewing out like a high pressure hose. Rather than being grossed out, I was actually kind of amused.
‘What an interesting quirk’
“Erk. S-sorry, I tend to do that when I get to excited, hehe. Eh.”
“It’s okay, I actually find it interesting.”
I warmly smiled at him, tilting my head to the side just slightly. He perked up at this, surprised by my response.
Suddenly, something popped into my head, a voice. It stood out from the rest so I tried extra hard to listen. Although it gave me a headache doing so, I didn’t care. This voice called to me. It felt important and in some way, familiar.
I repeated the word out loud, trying to get a feel for it.
“What did you say?”
“Draft. Draft? You mean like a rough draft you make to give yourself an idea of what you want a story to be but without the details, so you can add them later as they come to you?”
“Ya, I suppose so?”
I then decided to look at my own clothes, I loved them! I notice a giant pencil on my back and take it off, trying it out. At first glance you'd think it was heavy but it was actually nicely balanced, almost as if this weren’t my first time holding it.
My eyes light up with excitement as the star on my scarf seemed to glow with my enthusiasm. Questions burst through my mind. What is my purpose? Why Draft? Why do I have a giant pencil? Why is Ink here in the first place? I didn’t care however. I would find out the answers to my questions eventually. Right now, I just wanted to live in the moment. I twirled around, my sleeves and skirt flowing around me as I did so.
______________________ Next>
Draft by me Ink by @comyet​
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crookedwrites · 8 years
ship ! michlan or judust
im gonna do michlan since idk judust enough yet and i dont wanna screw it up
who throws things in a fight?: if either of them ever did ??? it’d be dylan but ??? nahwho goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad?: neither??? work that shit outwho wants to have children?: michael does and dylan was totally convinced after much effortwho is more adverse to physical contact?: dylan is a fucking HOE so i’d say michael, but even then it’s not like he’s ~adverse~ but dylan is always like wow im a hoe pls have secks w me in this chair in the middle of a church and michael is like dylan i need u 2 calm downwho hates their neighbors the most?: well dylan is a stupid shit and is so fucking extra so it’d be him and michael would be like BABE IT’S FFFFFFINEwho hates their s/o’s family?: they both hate dylan’s more and michael’s finally came around right so like wheeeewho is most likely to leave when things get rough?: omg idk bc michael has had some issues w :/// things but dylan is more impulsive but again 9.5/10 they just work it out okwho thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought?: i’d say michael. bc michael was all open and like yes i am a cheese and this is me and dylan is like NOPE to everything but is a real giant fucking softie inside but NEVER SHOWS IT EVER even tho michael could probs see thru that butwho is more likely to cheat?: NEITHER WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THSI IM SOBBINGwho is the more experienced?: Michael?? but dylans the hoe anywaywho hates their s/o’s friends?: i think they developed the same friends. working in the same place n stuff. if anything it’d be dylan to michaels bc michael loves everyone n dylan is a jealous hoe who needs attention at all times and would be liek I DON’T LIKE THEM (((for no reason except u don’t pay attention to me))) but also hc where dylan has some nastee friends that he thinks r funny or smth or r rly awful to him and michael is like no they’re gross and dylan is like nuh uh and it’s a bad situation all around let’s do itwho wants to go to social gatherings the most?: michael. dylan’s like i’ll jus wait here w no pants on till u get back byeeeewho is more likely to be dishonest?: i feel like michael and lit only for dylan’s protection or smthwho is more emotionally closed off and how does this affect their partner?: DYLAN OMLLL POOR MICHAEL IM SO SORRY dylan is a fucking trashhead but u gotta always kno dylan is just HHH so dumb but he luvs michael so much but he’d rather say michael ur so dumb than say michael i love u and ok okwho is the dessert person?: that’s hard?? michael bc sweet tooth but dylan bc he’s 5? both of them. hc they have candy bowls all over their housewho is more conservative?: ???????????????????????/ PL Swho hates oral sex?: this question is making me laugh all things cnosidered so goodbye
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