#anyway for my entry im thinking something related to BIFs
onebraincell-fr · 3 years
Off brand but I'm just sitting here thinking about how interlinked all the elements are while trying to come up with a rockbreaker accent submission.
Fire flight usually has tons of skin entries related to magma but that's just molten rock (we could even talk about peridotite), could do one on with metals but that feels like it could fall into a different category (copper in lightning, I feel like gold and silver match more with light than anything else). What about that water fest winner from awhile back that was just a hydrothermal vent? Anything I can think of just links back to a different fest in my mind.
This could be read as a deep lore thing related to how the first deity is interlinked to all of Sorienth but it's actually just a cry for help
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