#anyway feel free to shill your fave print shops below or something
harriertail · 1 year
can I ask what company you went through to print the zine? :O
i used Mixam, who are UK based. for my first experience with printing i am very happy with the quality of print and the help i received (they double check your prints for quality and sizing before going to print and flag these for you (we had no issues)) and the time/ship turnover for the price. they don't do zine/print samples (i could not find a UK printer with samples, i would like one lol) but they sent me paper samples and have a lot of options (we used the gloss for the covers. i fucking love it) and have online previews/proofs. I will likely use them again for future zines or even prints. There is also pixartprinting (who do a lot of interesting packaging things if that interests you) and i have been recommended zapcreatives (who do samples on stickers) and stickerapp for 'other' merch but have not used them myself.
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