#anyway context. time is rly nervous and is the prince of hyrule. the ceremony is more for tradition and an act of good will to all of hyrul
thebleedingeffect · 1 year
@trangender-herooftime I wanted to tag you cause you expressed interest in my oot Link, or Time, being the prince of hyrule and being long-lost siblings with Sheik!! But if you want me to remove the tag or anything else it's all chill <33
anyway this is the first, mini part to Time's coronation! If I do end up writing out even more of Time I'll probably rewrite this a bit just to make it prettier! But this is the first sketch of Sheik and Time and I really like how the scene turned out :]] (also ps for anyone who has played oot and is wondering why Impa is here- in my headcanon the sages didn't die. think totk or ww vibes, they're here because I think they're all really cool <3 )
The morning comes much too early, hardly a blink goes by and the dawn stretches over the pristine grasses of hyrule field and through the thin slit of darkness that envelops Time’s room. Anticipation crackles noisily in the air as Time sleepily awakens to the feeling, the odd energy buzzing to life underneath his skin and throughout the kingdom. The land is hardly awake, only the passing gleam of oranges and pinks colors the horizon, but Time knows more than well that the kingdom below him has hardly slept the entire night. 
Exhaustion tinges the back of Time’s eyes for just a moment, enough for the half-hearted attempt to roll away from the light and bury deeper into the covers to push him back under the thin veil of sleep. The light crosses more vehemently across the spotless floor, but Time only buries himself deeper into the sheets, the urge to sleep more near overwhelming.
Hyrule seems to awake all at once as Time moves in bed, as if the world itself noticed him blurrily waking to the dawn and grabbed the sun by its hilt and pulled it over the horizon. The gentle murmur of hyrule, of the castle, and the chorus of hyrule's people waking up all up at once stirs Time from the retreating embrace of sleep, the once thin sliver of light now a dim, orange glow as he blinks tiredly at the sight.
The world blinks back at him and all at once, Time remembers.
It’s the day of the ceremony, the coronation.
The arrival of Hyrule's long lost prince.
The very air itself seems to suck itself out of Time’s chest and leaves an uncomfortable, near nauseous feeling in its place that banishes the very thought of even closing his eyes. Every blink makes the feeling even more overwhelming until Time feels his hands against the pristine sheets shake, the prickling sensation of anxiety coming with the bitter arrival of the unknown. Time pushes himself slowly off the bed, letting the seconds drag past him as he takes a step towards the window, pushing back the heavy curtain as the orange glow illuminates the lines of nervousness strung tightly across his whitened knuckles. 
The town breathes to life before his eyes, the momentary quiet of the night quickly giving way and succumbing to the almost feverish energy as the houses and world below seems to almost pulse with excitement. Gone is the night, instead the morning arrives with a fury that is only rivaled by the biting fear chewing at his insides. 
The quiet creak of wood isn’t a surprise, neither is the soft footsteps that accompany it, near soundless even in the silence and against Time’s frayed nerves. The soft click of the door echoes for a paralyzing moment, enough for Time to breathe a shaky gasp until that warmth pushes against his side and joins him under the orange glow.
Time doesn’t need to look to know exactly who it is, instead he surrenders to the crushing need to feel that warmth and leans onto Sheik’s side. 
“Did you sleep?” Time falls further into his side, the quiet comfort quieting a small piece of the fear that threatened to choke whatever stroke of bravery that had carried him through the countless years. 
“...Just a bit, didn’t want to wake up.” The soft rumbling laughter that shakes Sheik’s shoulders brings a smile to Time’s face, small and fragile, but Time covets the feeling all the same. 
“I convinced Impa to let you sleep a bit longer, we don’t need an exhausted prince falling asleep in front of all of hyrule, don’t we?” The teasing smile drags Time’s eyes up to meet Sheik’s, the oddly soft expression near eclipsed by the shades of the dawn now blanketed over the two of them. Time gives a small smile of his own, but it feels brittle even against his own skin, and the silent understanding passes soundlessly between them as Sheik’s eyes soften even further.
“But I won’t let that happen, I did promise you after all that I would be by your side the entire time. From beginning to end, until the day over, and not a moment before that.” The words feel heavy with several meanings, with ghosts and old scars, but are wrapped against so much affection that Time can’t help the slight tug at his lips.
“I remember, you’ve only told me countless times this whole week. And the month before that, can’t forget the couple of months that-”
“Oh shush, I had to make sure that it got through that thick head of yours. You wouldn’t have listened otherwise.” The small flush of embarrassment at the words drags a huff from Time’s chest, enough for Sheik to chuckle again before lapsing back into comfortable silence. Distantly, Time drinks in the warmth by his side and knows without a beat of hesitation.
If anyone was ever going to be his family, he’s happy that it was Sheik.
Was it simply a stroke of luck or at the hand of the goddesses? He’ll likely never know, but the thought washes away as the soft rumbling of the town below begins to bleed even through the stone of the castle. 
“...You promise?”
“I’ve meant it every time, and I mean it now.” 
All at once, a shuffling exhale punches itself through Time’s chest, bringing with it all of the anxiety that had coiled so tightly, so fiercely, around his lungs until he could barely breathe. The air is just the slightest bit lighter and the glow of dawn not so blinding as Time drags a final glance at the world before meeting Sheik’s eyes with a mischievous glimmer.
“Good, that means we’ll both suffer through Impa today.”
“Someone needs to keep you both in check, Hylia knows neither of you will do it.” 
Time will always vehemently refuse that he yelped in surprise and then in pain as Sheik spun around fast enough that he nearly fell onto said pristine glass instead of tripping onto the floor. He simply didn’t, never, even if the slight knowing look in Impa’s eyes said otherwise as she soundlessly passed through the door and strolled before them, glancing out the window before looking back.
“Hm, it seems like Hyrule is excited to meet their prince. But we have much to do before that.” Impa’s shoulders stay steady at the intimidating sight, the chorus of voices and sound itself clawing its way onto the unmovable set of her frame.
 “Are you ready?” The heavy weight of Impa’s gaze settles over him, but it’s a familiar weight, a welcomed one, and the brief glimpse of concern creasing the edges of her eyes is enough for Time to give a hesitant smile of his own. Sheik stands straighter at the question, his eyes losing the few thin shreds of exhaustion that lingered before giving a sharp nod of his own. 
Scars line Time’s hands as he takes a final look down at Hyrule below, free of gold, lavious clothes, or the eyes of a kingdom dragging themselves across the very sight of him. No sword etches itself into the palm of his hand, instead his knuckles tighten over the edge of stone and for a horrifying moment- Time almost misses the familiar weight.
Somehow, facing down countless monsters, lonely nights, and the demon king himself were all easier than the very thought of today. Fate breathes itself down Time’s neck, the feeling snapping over his nerves and crackling into sparks before he turns away with a final drag of air. 
Today, he won’t wield a sword, but an equally terrifying weapon of its own caliber. 
The crown of Hyrule itself will reside in his palms and he can already imagine the sensation of it burning itself into his temples.
“Yes, yes I am.” 
Time doesn’t have the opportunity to regret the words, not anymore, but part of him doesn’t if only to see the proud glimmer in Impa’s smirk and the way Sheik’s eyes brighten. With that, the world snaps back into place under their feet and the castle hums in anticipation, in excitement, and Time spares one last mournful glance at his empty bed.
But the world doesn’t wait, doesn’t hesitate, and Time feels how the orange glow of the dawn scorches along his back as the cool rush of the door closes behind him. 
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