#anyway assuming i think spiral narratives can be frustrating for many ppl
lazzarella · 3 months
I'd have to rewatch to be more confident, and also wait until the end, but right now, Yak and Dee's love story feels like it's been written as a spiral to me. So, it's not a line from point A (FWB) to point B (boyfriends). And while they do keep coming back to the same issues and themes, it's not a circle either (at least not yet, and I don't think it will be). In a circular narrative, the protagonists end where they start. In a spiral, like I said, they come back to the same things more than once, but each time they've moved further along the spiral, so when they come back to the same point, it's with new experiences or perspectives or whatever. And that’s what I see here, and why I’m enjoying all the mirrored scenes, etc.
And, while I know many people don't see any progress being made, I definitely do. They're kissing now, for one, and the Dee of a few episodes ago wouldn't have made that speech in front of Ter, not to mention Yak no longer has lingering doubts about Taem vs Dee and has said that he loves Dee. 
So, yeah. I could be wrong about the spiral thing, but that's how I'm seeing it right now, and I’m very much enjoying it
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