#anyway as for the art. i feel like i've gotten better at clothing wrinkles! still no idea how to draw eyes omg
menkhucreates · 2 years
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:o meet leander owen lewis, my new pathfinder character! he has always loved stories and hated his family, so he’s running away from home to join the circus!
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
(Hi, me again. I’ve never played FNAF because I’m terrible with jump scares so I’ll take your word for my introduction being like Freddy Fazbear. I just say that because I have no idea how to start an ask so I use the same phrase every time, I’m glad it isn’t annoying. Anyway onto the ask.)
Hi Remus, the lawnmower ghost has returned. I have some ideas for presents you could give to Janus. The best gifts usually fall into one of two categories. Something that requires you to put thought into it, such as a book you know they have been wanting to get or something that requires time and effort, usually something homemade, like a drawing.
Alternatively one thing I often ask for in gifts (because I am the hardest person on the planet being in the void to buy gifts for.) is an experience, such as going to the park and buying ice cream or having lunch at a restaurant or watching a movie. In my personal opinion this is a good alternative if you are struggling to come up with a meaningful idea for a gift because experiences are often remembered more clearly than gifts unless the gift is particularly memorable, hence my previous statement about gifts that have a lot of thought or time and effort put into them.
I haven’t given many actual suggestions because I’m terrible at coming up with gift ideas but hopefully this did somewhat help, I wish you the best of luck in you search for the perfect gift (Disclaimer, the gift does not actually have to be perfect and attempting to achieve perfection is an unrealistic goal that will cause large amounts of stress.)
And have a fun fact. Did you know that It takes the death of 27,000 trees daily to make toilet paper for humans. That wasn’t such a fun fact in hindsight so I’ll try again. Did you know that horned lizards squirt blood from their eyes as a defense mechanism. There much better, have a nice day and remember to drink water and that you are worthy of love. Bye.
Remus had gotten a little excited and taken out one of the canvases that had been standing in the corner collecting dust for months now. He'd splatted the fake blood onto it. Tried different shades of it. It looked a bit like a very red very contorted very bloody shower right now.
"Hi lawnmover ghost! I'm creating! I'm like a demented god! I'm making a spooky shower since all showers are spooky! Very scary! You could trip and break your bones!! While NAKed!!"
He splashed some more color while listening to you. He'd gotten it all over his clothes.
"Wow I didn't know ghosts were also experts on gift giving. Very interesting. I still don't think anything made by me could even count as a gift. It would be like getting coal. I can't even get anyone to hire me for an art job....ehhh not that I've tried"
He wow-ed at you being in the void. He thought it was so cool he got the urge to use one of the canvases to paint a void.
"Oh I dunno about gifting an experience" He fiddled with his bloody shirt "I mean Jannie and I have already hung out at a bunch of different places. Maybe the gift would just feel like another annoying tuseday to him???.....I would enjoy going to hang out with Jannie as a gift...ugh that's so dorky of me"
He tapped his finger against his chin while wrinkling his forehead. He pouted a little just to himself. He dunked his head against the armseat of the couch behind him while letting out an annoyed groan.
You started to go on about the fun facts. Remus sighed and looked all sad to pity himself, even though he had been the one to make it so he was giving Janus a gift.
When you mentioned the lizard fact Remus' eyes suddenly went wide as he looked at you.
"It does WHAT!? That's so cool!!! I wanna fight people off by squirting blood from my face as well!!! OHOHOH! This is why reptiles really are the best animals!! They are so FUCKED UP!! I LOVE IT! I feel extreme kinship with these strange beasts!! I understand them! They understand me! This is why reptiles and Remy are actually the same! They understand me the same amount!!"
He jumped up on his feet and ran in place while flapping his arms around. He was about an inch away from stomping his drying painting to death
"I HAVE TO BUY A LIZARD!" Remus ran to grab his sister's second wallet (marked for him) he skid to a sudden stop "WAIT- You said water!" He ran to the kitchen and threw his head under the tap and gulped half a liter in before running to the wallet again. He'd forgotten he still had fake blood all over his clothes as he ran out of the apartment.
Half an hour later he ran back into the apartment with a 60 inch long snake around his shoulders.
"I BOUGHT A SNAKE INSTEAD!" He patted the snake on it's head "Her name is Carl!"
He sat Carl down on the couch and let it slither away to explore the apartment.
"I was gonna buy a lizard but then I remembered what Rowan tells me. I gotta think about M. E. D. S. before making drastic choices. Y'know my Mood/mental health. My Energy. My Dissociation/delusions. And my Spoons. And I dunno if I have enough energy to take care of a lizard full time. I can't take care of a child!!! Even if the child is scaled!! I'm not even 23 yet!! So I bought Carl- oh shit where's Carl"
Carl was trying to swallow an entire lamp. Remus picked her up and carried her back to the couch. He nuzzled his nose into her cold scales.
"So I bought Carl! For Janus!! I hope they will like her! They can rename her if they want to I guess. I hope it won't be like I'm throwing it onto them. I know they've been wanting a snake for a while. OHOHO maybe I could become the snake babysitter if Jannie ever goes on a trip or something"
Remus sunk further down into the couch. Carl wrapped around him as he let out a longing sigh. He fiddled with his thumbs and stared at the paint on the flesh decorations drying.
"Guess I'll just wait until the gathering and see if he likes it....just gotta wait....just a day or so..........wow waiting is horrible. Right Carl?"
Carl didn't respond because Carl was a snake.
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