#anyway Sound/wave likes big soft b.ots
chunkytron · 2 years
Sound/wave feeding both Mega/tron and Shock/wave until they’re both left with big stuffed bellies, unable to concentrate on certain task due to being too full.
Mega/tron probably tries to eat more even tho he feels like his armor might pop off. Probably an attempt to get Sound/wave to silently praise him.
Meanwhile Shock/wave has been trying to focus on some documents before deciding it could wait for another day.
In the end, Sound/wave rubs their bellies and scold Mega/tron for forcing himself to eat too much. He definitely wraps a data-cable around their waist to see just how much more larger it got.
He probably also teasingly gropes their aft, thighs and sides, feeling his fingers dig into soft fat of his two lovers.
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