#anyway I'm rambeling
nuclearanomaly · 9 months
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Happy Birthday @zenathered 👊
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eternalflashh · 1 year
i give up. i've been thinking about the fontaine lore too much to not put my thoughts somewhere.
no, this is not at all going to be organized, because i hardly have it all together yet. but i've been trying to get a gist of fontaine's prophecy, and i'm just trying to put the pieces together after what we've learned of fontaine's history (albeit not much, and neither is the theory the best. i'm just thinking on paper here.) this is going to be *very long* by the way. very, very, very long.
naturally, beware of spoilers, particularly: fontaine AQs and world quests (narzissenkreuz, elynas (the melusines) — including the canotila side quest, institute of natural philosophy, khvarena), artifacts (nymph's dream, marechaussee hunter), weapon (fleuvre cendre ferryman)
also, disclaimer: i may be wrong. i am not a genius—kind of an idiot, really. i'm just thinking. thinking. read this as someone's journal, not the wiki entry.
here's a brief recap of the three fontaine world quests, because we're going to need them:
in the narzissenkreuz adventure team quest, we accompanied the tiny oceanid ann in order to save a "princess lyris", only to find out that she never existed and this was all a fictional tale—one, though, that has its roots in the real narzissenkreuz institute.
in the elynas quest, we saved mamere from getting her paintings stolen, and found out that she was painting with elynas's blood. a man named jakob ingold has been trying to collect this blood, and now, apparently tries to revive the dragon itself—for a cause that is beyond even the abyss's plans.
the quest with the institute of natural philosophy wasn't quite as plotful, aside from the fact that we simply were led to the institute thinking it was the narzissenkreuz institute, and found plenty of old records. it's also where the narzissenkreuz ordo's quarters was buried inside, and where we managed to unite ann and seymour to continue their story.
now, from the many ancient texts and artifact/weapon descriptions i've managed to piece a rough idea of what happened 500 years ago, which i will try my best to summarize coherently according to my understanding:
the narzissenkreuz institute, which had an oceanid as its director and basil elton as its vice, was a special unit founded with the purpose of protecting fontaine against the evils (of khaenri'ah, presumably). that being said, they housed orphaned childen. these included the mary-ann we see in "the real annapausis" (whose consciousness was transferred to our oceanid ann), alain, rene, and jakob.
it was said that "the director and her sisters went off to fight the evil at its source" (nymph's dream), which i'm assuming is khaenri'ah, while the vice director set off for the seas in the Sponsian ship where she eventually passed. shortly after, the institute was disbanded. before the vice director (basil elton) set off, though, she had entrusted the children of the institute to her close friends: emanuel gullotin and karl ingold (marechaussee hunter).
alain guillotin and mary-ann guillotin, taken up by emanuel, became marechaussee hunters; rene de petrichor and jakob ingold, in the meantime, headed for sumeru's girdle of the sands with karl ingold to research the remmants of the lord of amrita. (if you did the quest, you would've had "rene's investigation notes" in your inventory—which essentially describes what they've been researching; rene appears to have recently turned into a young adult, while jakob is still "a child", but they both sound... young.) it also seems that before this, they infiltrated elynas—in the investigation notes, they seem to be hiding their condition from karl; later we find that jakob seems to be surviving on elynas's blood.
sometime after this, alain guillotin is enrolled into the institute of natural philosophy where he researches (i assume) the mechanics of arkhe and pneuma-ousia annihilation; rene and jakob are also enrolled in there some time later. at first, they were working on the same research (alain's), until rene and alain eventually broke off their working relationship (noting that they, including mary-ann, still hung out together as friends), apparently having disagreed on something.
now we saw jakob ingold— which clearly means him having absorbed elynas's blood (and all those research) has somehow given him the powers of immortality, which rene and him had been researching in the desert; although it appears that rene has found a different way of implementing immortality. rene, in his "memories" as told in the book of revealing, discovered a way humans could surpass death by dissolving in the waters, their consciousness preserved even as doomsday comes (i assume this is how the water from the primordial sea came to be rediscovered after ages), and chose himself as the first test subject to be dissolved. alain, meanwhile, went off to establish the fontaine research institute that studied clockwork and created the meka we see roaming around fontaine now—i personally think the specific use of clockwork was intended to allude to the underlying goal to surpass their time. but yk, that might be overkill.
mary-ann's end, though, was never quite explicitly told. and in fact, the "mary-ann" we see in annapausis described the place in the book as her tomb, even though the story (whether the one we were going through, or the literal story you find in the fountain with the "statue of princess lyris") was unfinished. she might not have been a particularly "important" character in the history, but she was significant to each of the other childen— the various notes always expressed joy whenever they see mary-ann, may it be alain who was said to care for his sister (so much that he made her seymour), rene, jakob, even carter (alain's assistant).
this is important because, coincidentally, it resembles ann's role in the narzissenkreuz adventure team fairytale. ann was described to be their leader, a sort of mascot, among the team fighting against the fell dragon. and in fact, each of the characters we met resemble someone in reality: 'al' is from alain, 'ney' is from rene, 'jak' is from jakob, and 'mori' from seymour. (the others are... a bit complicated and i cannot yet discuss them because I'm Still Thinking, and that'll go besides my current point.) basically, the fairytale was literally told with the children as real life inspiration. (even though, of course, it was cut off quite annoyingly.)
then, it's worth understanding the tale to understand their true motives as well. the tale talks of the adventure team's existence essentially to help princess lyris to protect her realm and fight against the big bad evil, the fell dragon narcissus. narcissus was fighting her for "a treasure of hers that he did not have", and in order to help fight against this evil, princess lyris shared her time with her friends, time that allowed them to be ahead of the dragon's attacks. but in the end, the dragon still had the upper hand; eventually she trapped herself in the high tower, entrusting a treasure to the adventure team: a bright pearl of water.
common sense tells that this princess lyris alludes to the archon of their nation, egeria; the adventure team being the narzissenkreuz institute, while the fell dragon narcissus is the khaenri'ahn invasion. judging from this, then, it appears that the archon left behind this "bright pearl of water" as the last thing before she trapped herself in the high tower. and that's it— that's the end of the story, so we don't know how the rest of history went. well, except for the fact that the former hydro archon is, in fact, dead, and now we are left with a most ominous prophecy: of the original sin, of why it's exclusive to fontaine, of why the oceanids do not recognize their current archon, of why furina is exempt from this prophecy—and what she is waiting for.
i have so many questions, and no idea of how to approach them in a methodical manner—so i will first point out all the things that bother me.
i wondered why this problem is exclusive to fontaine. regarding there is a problem of exception mentioned in rene's notes, where the children's constitution are different from karl's; i still have no idea the nature of this distinction, only that rene and jakob's bodies are like the power of the sacred lotus (i.e., the former archon's power). at first i thought that this distinction may be the reason for them being susceptible to the primordial seawater's effects, but without understanding the distinction, it doesn't help in answering the question.
then, again, i wondered what their real motives was. neuvillette says that the former archon left furina with the prophecy—but it doesn't sound like a problem so much as a statement of what's to come. we don't know what egeria actually believed. but i went back to the final feast teaser, and found that egeria actually had some narration:
the original sin is the fairest: everyone sinks. make the most of the final feast, because for the sinners, the curtain call has come.
which certainly does make it sound like she sees them all as sinners, and that they have always been bound to sink.
the interesting thing is— this might not necessarily be a bad thing, no matter how we see it as a crisis. even the victims of the disappearances case regard dissolving into the waters as "relief" (vigniere from the AQ); even the people say this is just like returning to whence they came from, and mary-ann of the sunflower annapausis says that together, as one body of water, they can become strong. in line with this, perhaps rene's act of dissolving into the seawater doesn't seem so much as a radical act anymore.
i always come back to this line at the storybook:
"So, in Narcissus's story, I'm the evil villain?
it may sound like an innocent question, but a fairly odd one for a child to be asking. and i believe it says more than it seems. for one, i'd like to point out that narcissus is another term for the flower daffodil, which symbolizes rebirth—the narzissenkreuz also means "narcissus cross", aka, death of rebirth. which makes sense when you think that they're enemies of "the fell dragon". but why would they be fighting rebirth? perhaps because the narzissenkreuz institute were fighting the prophecy, which they, including egeria, perhaps, believed at the time to be a good thing.
i say "at the time" because, look at what became of the children. in essence, they became "villains". rene, for one, founded a source of the primordial sea, which was certainly what led to the current problems—and, hence, what would lead to the realizing of the prophecy. jakob is out here trying to revive elynas in order to use his blood to strengthen human lifespans, so that they can overcome the surmised cataclysm that would come? to turn everyone immortal? meanwhile, alain's deviced a way to subvert the usage of celestia's elements by making work of pneuma-ousia power. essentially, they are each fighting for rebirth, instead of fighting against rebirth. perhaps not precisely rebirth, but a way to preserve humanity, to subvert the crisis. even mary-ann, in a sense, had managed to attain this goal, by preserving all her memories—despite it being unfinished—in that storybook.
and in fact, perhaps that's also why the story ended there—because it was that point, when the cataclysm occurred, where the story's moral had shifted, and they had each lost their original intention to fight. because they then realized that they needed better ways of handling this crisis, only to have one of them revert to that crisis itself. tl;dr: the prophecy ceased from being a crisis, instead becoming rene's perceived solution. which is.... interesting, to say the least.
again, it sounds radical, but it may very well hold water. one interesting thing i noted from the canotila quest was that where we saw the dark power of the abyss in "the end of things" as predicted by the world-formula, canotila instead saw a nice place with flowers, etc. and when we were talking to elynas, he noted that "the things they (the primordial dragons) enjoyed were not things that humans valued". it's similar to this situation—two different viewpoints may see the same thing to be two very different things; either salvation or destruction. which then brings a lot of suspense toward the resolution of the AQ—what, truly, will become the best solution for them? would being dissolved save the people of fontaine? or would they find a way to subvert both the dissolution and the destruction? (obviously, it's probably the latter—the question, as always, would be how? to answer that, we need to know more on why they are subject to this sin, and that is not a question i can answer, despite this Very Long Rambling. i am most stressed)
but if nothing else, at least i've figured that the foretelling of this disaster is something that's originated far before the cataclysm, from egeria's time. perhaps it'd be something like rukkhadevata & nahida, where rukkhadevata had her own way of solving the issue with combating forbidden knowledge, but it led to a whole other issue, and nahida had to find her own solution.
one thing still perplexes me, though— furina's perspective in all this.
at first i thought she may be the "pearl of water" referred to in the storytale, since it would make sense that that's where the next archon comes in—but since furina is supposed to be older than nahida (as said by neuvillette in nahida's introduction), it seems unlikely. though it's always possible that this happened several years before the cataclysm, it wouldn't align very nicely; one would assume the princess trapping in her tower to be an event that took place during the peak of the cataclysm, so the life born out of the pearl must be sometime after that. but the possibility remains.
or perhaps one shouldn't take the story too literally, and assume she was simply handed the gnosis after egeria's passing—but why? who is she to begin with? and what then is the pearl of water that the princess left to the narzissenkreuz? it must bear significance, if it was left in the story at all (and something the storyteller felt important enough to be named after the child she was telling the story to, lyris). perhaps the pearl thing was only an expression, and it was meant to allude to the passing of her gnosis to the next archon. but of course, this is only conjecture.
furina's behavior... is perhaps simply a consequence of her original personality, under her circumstances. her personality aside, though, what would her woes we hear in the fountain mean? what does she mean when she say "interminable"—what, exactly, is she waiting for in unbearable loneliness? it doesn't make much sense for her to be waiting for the prophecy to come; otherwise, she'd have no reason to research it for so long, gathering intelligence, when she hardly cares for the nation's affairs. surely she wouldn't be waiting for divine intervention to come save her from her business? lyney and lynette note that she always appears to be "acting"—so what is she acting for? why does she aim to judge other gods? if she wants to prove that other nations are also at fault for "sinning", then wouldn't she need more time, instead of being impatient? nothing seems to add up with her. perhaps she wants to save everyone, but perhaps she is tired as well. perhaps she doesn't feel like she's capable of it, and wishes for release to come instead. is that what it is? who knows. who knows. it's impossible to tell, with someone with so many faces.... it's very interesting. furina is certainly a very interesting archon.
anyways. that was long and this doesn't hold much water to it (get it) but. i had to dump my thoughts somewhere. i'll get back to it when i find more information, when more thoughts come to hound me,,,,,, yeah. anyway.
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biteyoubiteme · 1 month
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melon float
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yeonjun x fem!reader
synopsis: a picnic in the park is always fun with your boyfriend
warnings: 🔞!!! semipublic/public sex, oral (f!rec), no protection, creampie, breeding kink if you squint kinda, Yeonjun calls reader baby once or twice, prob forgot some sorry
wc: 1.9k
an: feedback is appreciated!! this is apart of my float event! check out the other members fics [float m.list]
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Yeonjun had been so excited this morning, for over a week he had been planning your next date, picking out every detail. He had gotten up early to get all your food ready, making sure to keep you out of the kitchen to keep the surprise up. “you should get ready I have this handled, maybe you could wear that pretty white dress you just got,” so you complied dressing up and after he was ready you hopped into the car asking him to reveal where you were going.
“to eat out,” was all he gave you to work with, hand on your thigh as he drove.
when you got to the park you knew he was taking you on a picnic. The past couple of days were too unbearable to be outside in the sun but the forecast had shown a few days of cooler mornings with partly cloudy skies. the two of you had been locked up in your apartment sticking to waiting until it was late to go out even when it still felt hot without the sun. you had complained about the heat and not being able to really enjoy the summertime. Now he's gone and found the perfect spot for a picnic, a little secluded patch of grass, the hanging trees giving peaks of the little stream they rest next to. you can hear the twittering birds, and the rambel of water, all of it the perfect soundtrack to summer.
everything had started innocently enough, Yeonjun set up the blanket for the two of you and unpacked his little basket of prepped foods. he had taken the time to cut all the fruit up into cute little shapes, some of them rough around the edges but his clumsiness only ever made the effort so thoughtful. he set up all the little things around to make them look put together to take a photo. “smile,” his little happy grin behind the camera making you blush. “look at how pretty you are,” he flipped his phone towards you to look at, “I'm going to make it my lockscreen,”
“Wait, you can see my underwear in this photo,” you laugh, zooming in on your panties to prove your point. your legs had been up, knees closed as you leaned back on your hands showing your cute outfit. you hadn't noticed how your dress had slipped down your thigh, low enough to show the lacy fabric.
“My favorite ones too,” he states, “they look so good on you, even better off,” the little grin he has is wicked enough to know exactly where his mind is going.
“you can wait until we get home to give me flirty looks like that,”
“I really can’t do that at all,” he looks around at the empty space we are in, “No one really comes around here anyways and we are blocked by all the trees…”
even just the idea of doing anything out in public was a little bit hot to you. Yeonjun was fully into pda, he loved to show you off, hand in the back pocket of your jeans, making out at the club like you'll never get the chance to kiss again, nay excuses to put his hands on you to let people know you were his and his alone. he wasn't shy when it came to people watching the two of you, if you let him he would stick his hand up your skirt in the back of a cab so this wasn't so different for you two. so he didn’t even have to ask for you to know what he wanted now.
“you don’t think anyone will catch us?” you ask but you don’t need to answer because even if there was a possibility of getting caught Yeonjun wouldn't admit it outright but he wouldn't let the two of you go far enough without caution. you stand up and trying not to lift your dress too much you hook your fingers into the waistband of your panties pulling them down. Yeonjun is fast to lean over so that he can help take them off fully, balling them up and tossing them over to the basket half-open behind him.
he slides his hands up the back of your thighs, sitting criss cross in front of you looking up like he found everything he's been missing. he's grinning as he cups your ass, pulling you closer to him, chin on your thigh. “I thought those were your favorite?” you brush his hair behind his ears.
“On the list of my favorite things, they come second to what's standing in front of me. no need to admire them when I could admire you,”
you roll your eyes but even if he was cheesy it always got you. He was rubbing up and down the back of your legs, fingers slipping to your inner thighs making you shiver. every drag of his fingers getting closer and closer to your center. “you know what?”
“hum?” you hummed the tips of his fingers only just grazing over your folds.
“I think I’m starving,” he pulls you back down to the blanket, your laugh cut off by his kiss. hands moving to your waist, body pressing you into the blanket. when he pulls away he keeps his mouth on you, lips down your jaw, down your neck. “and I just happened to bring my favorite meal,”
he lays himself down between your legs lifting the hem of your skirt peeking under to see how wet you've gotten for him. Since you’ve gotten together it was so easy to get wet from a few kisses, for him to look at you the right way and he would just know if he reached down to check he could slip in without any prep.
“You said earlier we were going to eat out, not this,” you’re sitting up on your elbows watching and Yeonjun is giving you a cocky smile, tongue running along the inside of his lip as he shrugs. “You must have misheard me, I was trying to say I wanted to eat you out,” pushing your dress up and bunching it at your hips he leans down blowing over your clit, your knees pulling in at the cool air.
“don’t tease me,” you whine but you don’t expect him to listen, he was always a tease, drawing out your pleasure like it was a test he knew he would pass with flying colors. but there was no time when someone could walk by secluded as the spot was or not Yeonjun didn’t need anyone else to see you falling apart on his tongue namely because he didn’t want to be interrupted. he licked up your wetness, circling your clit before giving precise controlled flicks of his tongue. your head rolls back and you bite your lip to keep quiet only it's harder than you thought when he starts to suck on your clit.
your knees try to pull together and he has to push them back apart, ravaging your cunt, swirling his tongue over and over. He had full control over your body pulling your orgasm from you slowly until you were combusting. hips sinking, hands fisting the blanket, your moans were not silent anymore as you fluttered around nothing, Yeonjun pulling away to let you calm down from your high. but you didn’t feel satiated, not when you felt so empty, it was almost painful. “please jjunie,” you whined sitting up.
“hum? Does my pretty girl need to be stuffed,” knowing exactly what you wanted. he was hard as he sat up, unbuttoning his jeans, “come here,”
you didn’t need to be told twice, crawling over to him before straddling his waist, sensitive clit rubbing over his bulge making the both of you moan. you didn’t even hold yourself back as you started to grind down on him, your arms wrapping around his neck and fingers tangling into his hair. He grabbed your waist trying to still you, “Hold on baby I won't last like that,” he pulled his cock free from his last layer of fabric. you were already clenching at the sight, watching as he gave two slow pumps, thumb running over the tip collecting his precum to spread around the veiny shaft.
you sat up on your knees lifting as he used one hand to guide himself in and the other to hold your dress up. your soft whine turned into a throaty moan as he sank into you, slow to inch as he stretched you open. when you were fully seated the both of you caught your breath, your dress falling from his hands before he pushed your hair away from your face. “you’re so pretty when you sit so well on my cock,” he could feel you pulse around him at his praise, gummy walls warm enough to make him weak. he pulls you in for a kiss on hand at the base of your neck, the other on your hip helping you rock forward on him.
finding a rhyme the both of you melt together, your drawn-out movements deepening your kiss. pressed so deep inside you, you swear you can feel him in your throat, every movement brushing him against your g-spot, knees weak from the feeling. tugging on your hair he leans your head back to expose more of your neck, kissing down the column of your throat and to your exposed cleavage he nips over your skin.
you can feel your second orgasm build aided by the way your clit is rubbing against him but you’re restless, needing more than every slow drag. “I want more,” you breathe trying to pick up the pace but failing to when you’re this close, “please I need more,”
he doesn't even pull out as he flips the two of you, pushing you down on your back and wrapping his arms around you before he starts to pick up the pace on his thrusts. “better baby?”
you can’t even speak as he frantically pumps into you, hips knocking into yours. his mouth at your ear he's moaning, “You feel so good- fuck- I'm gonna fill you up- I-“ he cut himself off on a whimper, “I wanna fill you up so bad, I can’t take it, I need to please,” he presses his face into your neck as he begs. “please,”
he twitched inside you, thrusts turning sloppy as you wrap your legs around his waist. his soft mewls sending you over the edge, your back arching as you came, dots forming in your vision. you’re clenching so much that he can hardly move anymore, hips pressed flush against yours as he stills, warm cum filling you.
Yeonjun pressed a messy kiss to your lips, going back to his slow thrusts to feel how slick you were with both of your cum. every other thrust he pressed into your womb feeling the way your pussy fluttered for him. He gave a lazy smile into your kiss before pulling out. you gave a shaky breath from the loss, your legs falling from around his waist as he leaned back to look at the mess he had made of you. “my pretty girl looking her absolute best,” you could feel the cum slipping out of you and he scooped it up with his thumb to push it back in, “stuffed full of my cum just as she should be,”
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elliestoybox · 2 years
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I posted 49 times in 2022
That's 4 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (35%)
32 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 47 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#rambelings of el - 13 posts
#reblog - 10 posts
#moxydoodles - 9 posts
#khocweek2022 - 6 posts
#umineko - 6 posts
#kingdom hearts - 5 posts
#umineko spoilers - 5 posts
#kh oc week - 4 posts
#kingdom hearts oc - 4 posts
#kh oc - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#when i was tiny and wanted to go as her for purim (jewish halloween basically) and i didnt know how to explain who she was both my parents
My Top Posts in 2022:
My hyper fixation on Mermaid Melody flamed up again this week and I discovered there's apparently a new manga
Which I plan to check out
But I'm afraid to???
I have a lot of critique for the old show and the bits of the manga I've seen
But like
Every detail i discovere about Rukia makes me so scared
(i discover the details by frantically going on the wiki, reading one sentence and closing the tab, for the record lol)
Why are Rina and Hanon listed as Rukias friends? That seems surprisingly sad to me?
Why is Rukias idol outfit ....Like That™️?
Why did Mudae use a picture or Rukia for Lucia?
Why does it seem to be implied that Lucia got pregnant before she was 18?
Is Rukia Lucia and Kaitos biological kid or was she born through the pearl thing that Siera went through?
Did Lucia die?
If it was the pearl thing then how old is Rukia actually? Because at least according to the wiki Siera seemed to be born around 10 years old??
Am I the only one who's bothered by these ideas?
Anyway I WILL check it out at some point
For the people who are caught up, is it worth it? Is it fun?
15 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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Day 1- Appearance
Once again, this is Moxan (she/her)
Her clothes are made of a spare Organization XIII coat that she cut because it felt too restricting to her.
Her skin has been actually heavily darkened by uh *checks notes* actual darkness as a way to heal her after she got terribly sunburned by being forgotten in the Keyblade Graveyard for a bout a month.
Her hair stripes also come from the darkness she gets exposed to while traveling through Corridors Of Darkness, and they have gotten a little bit thicker over time.
Her golden eyes are, somewhat predictably, a result of holding a small piece of Xehanorts heart in her own.
Amusingly enough, Moxan suffers from body dysmorphia and basically refuses to look at herself in mirrors and such, as a result she practically is not aware of the changes that happened to her body since leaving her home-world and also because no one else her told her either.
I had fun making this, I feel like I'm a rare case that doesn't have a keykid as an oc and also Moxans story has a very intentionally limited scope, so I'm definitely going to struggle with some of these promps lol
18 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
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I've been thinking of them for a while...
27 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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Battler Ushiromiya x Erika Furudo wedding - circa 1997.
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Diversity win!
The bitch who's gonna ruin your life and make you her dog has Prosopagnosia (face blindness)
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68 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sammyblep · 4 years
writing an artist’s statement for my final drawing project like “yeah i struggle to form an identity outside of my interests and the life path i chose when i was thirteen and now am uncertain about. no this is not obvious to anyone else or even in the piece unless you have the context of my life. have fun knowing more about me than any therapist i ever had. mixed media, watercolor and pencil. special thanks to my roommate for making sure i didn’t have a breakdown trying to get the perspective correct on this.”
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zaikaglow · 3 years
Almost done with part 4 it’ll probably be out tonight or Monday. My very strange set back was that I was watching My Mad Fat Dairy while writing Umbrageous and now I finished it so then I had to find a new background writing show
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
With a ✨very gay update✨
I really don't know what my life has become... I don't if I'm real or if the universe is real or God or Bumbleby... I don't know...
So, when Miss oh honey came back, she sat next to me on the sofa and then locked eyes with me. I could tell she was still anxious about what happend, she was still shivering a little after all, but I wasn't expecting her to hold my hand and in the most shy voice I've ever heard her do, ask me "C-can I sit on your lap?"
So I nooded in aproval and sat there... On my lap... With her arms warped around my neck... And looking into my soul with those baby blue eyes... I just- I-
But the thing that was confusing me even more, was the fact that holding her, being in this situation with her... It felt so god damn right I can't even explain why or how... I only got to really know her 4 days ago... It's just- It's too surreal... It can't be real...
At some point during my inner rambeling she got closer and was holding my cheek, and she leans in and kisses my cheek and says "Thank you... For saving me at the grocery store"
I tried to anwser like a normal person but I literaly anwsered her sounding like a squirrel "No prob"
She started giggling at me and even tho I was embaressed this moment was too precious and soft for me to feel anything else but happiness and safety, I wanted this to last forever, but out of no where, she says "Can I kiss you? I mean... On the lips"
I- gay panic gremlin noises
I tried to open my mouth but AS USUAL THERE WAS NO SOUND!!! I COULDN'T ANWSER!!!! BUT I NEED TO!!!!
After some time, that felt like an eternity of silence because I was not being able to say anything, Miss oh honey makes a really sad expression and says "I'm sorry... It was weird wasn't it? I shouldn't have-... I'm sorry..."
Before she managed to get out of my lap I grabed her face and FUCKING KISSED HER
When we stoped kissing, Miss oh honey looked at me with an expression that I don't know if it was pure shock or delight or both. After we stare at each others eyes for what it felt like forever, she (with a shaky voice) says "I thought... I thought you were only interested on roommates name"
"And I still am to be honest..."
"Then why did you?..."
"Because it felt right, you feel right... Both of you do..."
"Are- Are you saying you have feelings for both of us!?"
"Pretty much... At first it was just roommates name but after what happend yesterday and today in the morning I just- Like I said... You felt right"
"Well... If it makes you feel any better it was the exact same for me"
After this with both started giggling like idiots and shortly after we stoped giggling, Miss oh honey told me about her previous abusive relationship (I won't tell anything about it since it's her story and it's very personal)
After she told me hers I told her mine and I don't know when it happened but we just fell even more into each other, and it felt intemate in levels that none of us had ever expirienced... It's felt so right it was... I donno...
But at some point, one of us would need to ask this, and she was the one doing it, so she asks "What are we now?"
"I donno... Partners?"
"Partners... I like that, but, what about roommates name? You still have feelings for them"
"Yeah... I really don't know what to do... I'm more lost than ever..."
"Well, can I confess something and you promise you won't freak out?"
"I have feelings for them since we were in middle school, but, as dense as I can be I belived I only saw them as a close friend... We have been friends since we were kids and along my life I never had someone as loyal and caring as them by my side... It was so obvious I liked roommates name... But it was needed for me to be in a abusive relationship to realize how much they meant to me... It's stupid but... The reason my relationship with my former partner didn't get worse was because, everytime he picked something he didn't like about roommates name I would tell them to shut up, and the more he did that, the more I realized that what he was doing was toxic behaviour..."
"Oh... Uau... I- That's- I donno what to say but you had feelings for them when you offered youself to be my wingwoman!!!"
"Yeah but... I saw how happy you two were and how sweetly they talked about you... That I- I want roommates name to be happy... But I ended up wanting for you to be happy too..."
"Well... I want you and them to be happy, and I think now we are each others wingwomans"
"You heard me! We are gonna get our crush and we will do this together!"
"snorts You dork"
Some time later we realized that... Our roommate didn't get out of their room for the whole day!!!
We ran to their room and we see them still sleeping and cuddleling MoonMoon
They slept the whole fucking afternoon while we were being gay in the living room XD
We woke them up and took them to the living room so we could eat the snacks me and Miss oh honey bought this morning
We all started rewatching rwby, and turns out Miss oh honey is also a rwby fan and that our roommate is the only one that never watched the show
And I cannot discribe how happy I am ;w;
I cannot warp my head around the fact that Miss oh honey is now my partner and that both of us are now trying to get our crush XD
But anyway, I wish everyone a great day/afternoon/evening/night :3
- happy Gremlin anon
That... is very unexpected, Gremlin anon. But good for you!
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adozentothedawn · 3 years
🗣️🔥🤺🔮🗝️❤️💔 for the WotR asks?
👀👀👀 Thanks for asking! :D Though I'm sure you can guess some answers already with how much I've been rambeling on discord. xD
Ask is here.
🗣: oc’s temperament (sarcastic, violent, honest, etc.)
Artie is generally pretty straightforward. She doesn't like intrigues or deception and prefers to talk about things like adults. She is kind and understanding, but she is still very much a paladin. Crimes need to be atoned for, but would people please stop suggesting execution for everything! She has a self-sacrificing habit that is frankly bordering on unhealthy and everything that's going down isn't very helpful for that. While her duty to both a cause and other people is immensly important to her, she does have a sense of humor, and will play along Daeran's jokes as long as they don't people in actual danger. For that matter, she loves Daeran very much and that act 5 quest broke her right through.
🔥: least favourite companion? why?
Since I kinda killed Wenduag and so don't have very many opinions her except the monsterfuckers deserved a bit better with the design, I guess I'll have to go for Camellia. The longer the game went the more she seemed like a very insensitive depiction of mental illness. And the way she is treated by certain parts of the fandom makes it worse.
🤺: opinions on crusade mode?
Much better than in Kingmaker! I do wish they hadn't made all the relic decrees for diplomacy though, that fucks up the balance a bit. Also good on them for putting in a story mode difficulty when players asked for it, makes the whole thing much mor enjoyable. I would appreciate it if they had a half mode where you can do decrees but not bother with the armies, but I'll survive.
🔮: oc’s opinions on magic and the gods?
Magic is a tool like any other Artie. Were it comes from doesn't really matter most of the time, and when it matters it's not really about the magic but about the source being objectively evil. Like beheading people and making the recipient live in constant fear evil. Gods are another matter. Artie is a paladin to Iomedae and was taught fairly traditionally at a local temple from when she was about a preteen. Gods are there for a reason and are to be respected. Iomedae's rejection hurt a lot. I am in fact working on a piece right now to fill in why she stayed on angel anyway.
🗝: what’s one tip you’d give to a new player?
While Toy Box is less necessary for Wrath of the Righteous than Bag of Many Tricks is for Kingmaker, I would reccomend getting it, especially if you're just in it for the story. There are certain parts that are just very annoying. (Nenio's last quest. I love Nenio, I even like the general quest itself, but they kinda fucked up the balancing on that one.) It also has some quality of life options that are nice, like highlighting copyable scrolls. And also, if you fucked up the preperation for a quest, chances are Toy Box can help you fix it without having to redo hours of progress. I highly reccomend it.
Also, do not feel bad for rejecting companions you don't want to romance. It will happen. You think you'll have avoided all the romance triggers, but you didn't. Certain characters are very desperate for love and it kinda shows. This is not a complaint from me, it's just fact.
❤️: any npcs you liked, or even wished you could romance?
Well as my discord friends are sure to be aware because we all bullied each other into loving him, The Hand of the Inheritor is my absolute favourite NPC, I love him so much. He's such a himbo too. The angel path probably helped my obsession because there's just more of him. He's also less of an asshole in act 4 and you actually get to see more of his own desperate confusion. Not that I think the other paths are worse, it's just different if he spent the last time sulking with you before being kidnapped or if he called you evil and then got tortured for 6 months before you almost save him and then he gets tortured some more. I'm not sure I want a romance? I mean I definitely wouldn't complain about getting one, so if Owlcat has something planned...👀 But I'd also be happy with just more content in general.
Also give me more of Lariel! The Hand hyped him so much and then he's just there without any reaction. Especially on angel that is very disappointing, no idea if you get him on other paths at all. But give me a big angel brother damnit!
💔: any hated npcs?
I mean Hulrun is a piece of shit, but I recognize he is intented as such, so it's more a 'haha isn't he terrible' situation. Anyone I actually hate... hm. I don't really think so. I'm kinda sad about how they dropped some of them, but if there was one that really pissed me off it didn't have enough impact for me to remember it.
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dumblingssilly · 3 years
Hi! So I don't know if you're on the spectrum or not, but if you are I just wanted to let you know that sometimes it takes some time to get used to being on the spectrum. I'm autistic and honestly I really didn't start feeling okay about it until last year when I started talking to other ND and autistic folk, I knew it was wrong to feel bad about being autistic, but internalized ableism is a bitch that sometimes takes a while to defeat! It sucks, but you'll eventually get there, it's okay if you don't automatically feel okay about it even if you know there's nothing wrong with being autistic, we live in a society that misshapes our view of anyone considered other including ourselves, it takes time to unlearn that stuff (insert "we live in a society" joke) If you feel like you need support I do advise looking for autistic friends online or irl, that's obviously completely up to you, but it really helped me. Also, we're really cool, we often make the best most loyal pals, everyone needs an autistic friend honestly. I hope you know there isn't anything wrong with you though, and that you'll be okay, you're the same person, you just may know more about yourself now. I hope this message doesn't come off as rude??? I just want you to know you'll be okay
Hi there kind stranger!
Don't worry you don't sound rude at all. It was very nice of you to write me.
I don't know if I'm on the spectrum either. I just know my therapist thinks I might be, and the peeps at my local psych ward also suspected it back in the day, but my mom kind of shut down the conversation (she's awesome btw, just not very educated about mental health back then)
I'v deffinently got ADHD and getting that diagnose saved my life. Since then I've read a lot about ADHD but also autism, since we have a lot in common.
I actually also suspected being on the spectrum at one point, when I started learning about how it shows in girls and women.
I wouldn't mind at all being diagnosed, but I think I'm afraid of feeling like I faked it? Like I'm an imposter just looking for excuses for my downfalls.
I already feel that way since I've had to defend my ADHD diagnosis so many times to ignorant people. Same with my bisexuality also being questioned.
Like I know how most people perceive autism and I wouldn't fit into that, and I know even though I know better, it still get's to me and makes me feel fake somehow.
Sorry I think I'm rambeling.
I just want to clarify that I wouldn't mind being on the spectrum in on itself, but more the reaction from my surroundings and how it would make me feel.
Anyways it was so nice of you to write me!
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
Bella! i did get about three hours of sleep and then drove to work but I'm home again and read your response, thanks for indulging my rambeling and answering with an even longer block of text ^^
you did some damage with your idea of 5sos being discovered by atl. much to think about.  not that I mind them being a pop band, but it's the same with a few other bands such as fall out boy that I just miss the pop punk. It's my favorite genre for a reason and I'm tired of them all going pop. (not every band of course, just too many)
I do still like asthon, but as you said, he makes it hard sometimes. Him dreaming of becoming a spiritual leader??? Asthon, honey, that sounds like a cult, are you sure you want to lead one?
Anyway I finally had some coffee and now I'm going to go grocery shopping and am probably going to fall asleep in the store, wish me luck -the sleep deprived anon
you drove on three hours of sleep oh christ well i’m glad you’re safe and home, or at least yesterday you were, thanks for rambling to me sfdhlkfgdfmj
i don’t think that’s my idea originally to be honest but i can’t remember who brought it up to me it was probably a lot of people i think most recently peyton? but yeah i definitely understand what you mean. that’s part of the reason why i love all time low so much to be honest like theyve been a band for SO long and yet they’re still so loyal to the pop punk sound like they’ve absolutely nailed it in the sense of maturing their sound and the music they make without losing the integrity of the genre. like. they’re EXPANDING the genre without leaving it which i think is fantastic. anyway point being that i feel you and i also wish 5sos would come back to their roots a little bit but i guess there’s not much to be done for it except decide to love all time low more like i do <3
RIGHT that’s what WE said like..........klaus hargreeves ??? is that you?????
i hope you have gotten a decent amount of sleep between yesterday and today dude omg please REST
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ivelostmyshoe0214 · 4 years
Omg! I made a cover for my story in Wattpad and not gonna lie... It looks amazing! If you wanna check it out my story's called How Funny Can Love Be. (A lot of you may think I only use my account so that I could self-promote my story and your kind of right😂 This account is like my thoughts and feelings about things, people, events, and more!) I'm sorry I'm rambeling AGAIN! Anyway, guys have a great rest of the day!
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(The photos and GIFs above are NOT and I repeat NOT made by me. I accidentally forgot who made them but all the credit goes to them.)
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sammyblep · 4 years
idk if there’s any way to un-traumatize a dog a decade after whatever happened to her but if there is i’d love to know so my poor dog doesn’t go into a panic attack every time my step-brother has to check his blood sugar
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sammyblep · 3 years
happy sammy sunday!!
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