#anyway I'm done yapping for now eat well my darlings
unsat-and-strange · 2 months
and you rip my ribcage open and devour what's truly yours
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well! this is probably about as finished as it's going to get. I am. so normal about that unwanted animal. I tend towards platonic jarthur myself but I was physically incapable of NOT drawing them to that line in the song. id and closeups under the cut <3
image id: a digital drawing of John doe and Arthur lester from malevolent. Arthur stands facing towards the viewer, his face is tilted up and to his right, towards John. the hand that John inhabits claws at his chest and his right hand rests by his side. John is behind Arthur and slightly to his right, his white mask is turned towards Arthur's face. his left shoulder and arm are hidden from view by arthurs body, his right arm reaches down towards Arthur's hand. Arthur is a slim white man with greying brown hair, wearing a white shirt and brown pants with a belt. his eyes are closed with a tired or longing expression on his face. his left pinky finger is solid black with brown roots coming from it across his hand. the scar on his neck is highlighted gold, as well as his eyes and some of the folds of his clothes and the edges of his silhouette. John is a taller figure, all black shadows with a blank white mask with black eye holes. darker shadows show the shape of his arm and body and he has long hair the same color as him that morphs into the shadows overtaking the bottom half of the drawing. a few scribbles of gold highlight his hair and the shape of his arm, neck, and body. the background is a dark blueish gray with gold scribbles forming aurora-like formations in the sky. end image id.
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also a second version I think I like better, it reminds me of da Vinci's sketches a bit
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image id: a sketchier version of the same drawing. Arthur looks the same, but the background is off-white with the same gold scribbles. John is translucent gray against the background and the lighter color makes visible some geometric scribbles in johns hair towards the corners of the drawing. end image id.
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