#anyway I’m just gonna date Ram and Sara
webanglikethat · 3 months
bestie anyways ..
during the late 19th century, India was under British colonial rule, officially known as the British Raj. this period, lasting from 1858 to 1947, saw significant control and influence exerted by the British over the Indian subcontinent. the British governance system in India involved various British officials holding significant power over the Indian populace, often leading to exploitation and oppression.
simpler put: these British rulers didn't really care about what was best for the Indian people. instead, their main goal was to use India's resources and labor to make the British Empire richer and more powerful back home in England. they treated India as a colony that existed SOLELY to benefit Britain. so under British rule, Indians had very little say in their own governance and affairs. all the important decisions were made by the British officials who looked down on the Indian population as being inferior subjects. the British justified this oppressive treatment by believing that Indians were uncivilized and needed to be ruled over by their British superiors. this attitude allowed the British to take away rights and freedoms from Indians under the excuse of bringing modern civilization. in reality, the British Raj was more about dominating India and stealing its resources rather than any noble intentions. British policies stripped Indians of autonomy, economic opportunities, and basic dignity - all to further Britain's colonial interests.
Bengal was one of the most important provinces under British colonial rule in India. it had a large population and was an economic hub, producing valuable resources like silk, cotton, and rice that the British wanted to control and profit from. to maintain power in Bengal, the British appointed their own governors and administrators to oversee the region. these British officials did not really represent or have the interests of Bengalis in mind. they could pass laws, collect taxes, control trade, and make other major decisions impacting Bengali society.
In KFS, the British lord (aka Ian) represents a figure of colonial authority. as the governor of Bengal, he would be responsible for implementing and enforcing British policies. therefore referring to the British lord as simply "not a colonizer" is misguided at best. as the governor enforcing British imperial rule over Bengal, he is very much an active participant and representative of the colonizing force. to deny or sidestep this reality is to ignore or downplay the realities and injustices of colonial oppression. it’s 2024, let’s not do this maybe??
like let's break it down - this guy was appointed by the British to be the governor, which basically meant he called all the shots and enforced British rule over the local Indian population. he was the face and muscle of the colonizing force in Bengal !! to say he wasn't a colonizer is like saying a prison warden isn't involved in locking people up. it’s just denying the obvious reality of his role and position.
so yeah, maybe listen to us DESI people when we talk about this? you can date the guy all you want !! no one is stopping you !! but denying a colonizer in 2024 … knowing what’s happening in Palestine it’s … interesting!
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