#anyway !! they're so cute!!!
vongulli · 11 months
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more things!!!!!! (mostly buggy!!!!!!! specifically 🥗!!!!)
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beif0ngs · 9 months
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Seems like they’re having a tough time out there, so I’m gonna go help!
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humbuns · 3 days
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cleaning out old doodles bc too tired to draw but i miss drawing them severely
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feligayzed · 19 days
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Unlike cats, his "baked in the sun smell" would be absolutely horrendous
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kor0kke · 2 months
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💖 Caption this
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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got around to fully coloring two of the requests yippee‼️
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asbestos-11 · 9 months
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they're so sick and disgusting, i need to shoot them on sight (said lovingly)
reblogs highly encouraged *cocks gun*
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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viveela · 7 months
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They finally went when it was actually open
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ministarfruit · 2 years
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day 11: “girl help” ♡
(prompt list for femslashfeb)
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i keep seeing suuuch cool AUs, so it's my turn now :) superhero AU anyone???
solarflare is the hip new hero on the block, with a myriad of powers and an almost alarmingly carefree attitude. the sole survivor of her alien planet, andersen, she's ended up making earth her home, and she'll gladly do anything to protect it. when not out fighting crime and saving the world, she's jane "joy" ray, working her day job as a photographer for the newspaper the train of thought, alongside her coworker she often does joint stories with. and while she's good at her job, she's a bit of a klutz and often absent...especially when a breaking story about solarflare is hot off the press. what gives?
speaking of...samira sage is one of the most renowned reporters at the train of thought, as well as the most patient. she's got a near innate ability to hone in on the emotional core of each subject and carry out thoughtful, poignant conversations with her interview questions. it's that very patience, though, that's gotten her assigned to looking after ray. she claims it's "just her luck," but maybe she's also choosing to stick around. not just because ray's sunny disposition has started to grow on her, but also because she thinks she just may have a lead on solarflare if she keeps at it. there's just something about her...
and that's not even getting into kuiper, solarflare's sidekick! originally a college student, xenia merak, who gained super speed from a freak lab accident, she has big dreams of being a hero of solarflare's caliber, but still has a lot to learn about what it means to be a hero. her ambition and enthusiasm more than make up for it, though! or often just land her in trouble. or both! she was the first (and apparently only) person to figure out that jane and solarflare are one and the same. and after sol got over the initial shock, she ended up greatly appreciating that she has someone she can confide about this sort of stuff with. xenia usually hops around from her dorm to headquarters, crashing at either intermittently. sol's home is kind of like a second home to her. they're an odd pair of roommates, but xenia always has her back! plus...it's nice to finally stop feeling like an outcast.
MORE CHARACTERS TO COME....these are just our main three! what other allies do our heroes fight alongside? who is the evil syndicate that they fight against? find out, um. whenever i have time to draw again!!👍🏾
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domokyun · 19 days
i'm normal (lie) i'm so normal (lying) i'm completely casual and calm and collected over this (lying so hard)
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nattikay · 20 days
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itwasmagic · 4 months
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swan queen + colour palettes (credit x)
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takethelx3 · 30 days
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It was meant to just be some simple sketch and yet.
Some kind of scratchy context is: they're out of their home locations, chasing up Big Drugs or Smugglers or something. Tim is refusing to rest because he needs to stay alert for anything that might happen since it's unknown territory, but the others force him into a motel and use Kon as a dead weight to make sure he sleeps for a few hours while the others keep watch outside. Or something.
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gremlinisjay · 3 months
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Loop-ing out for you.
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