#anyway! hooray! day one in the books! I'm aiming for a 100-200 word ficlet per day!
floralegia · 2 months
#1: "You're blushing."
For day one of @bandomflufffest!
"You're blushing!"
Patrick squints. "Of course I'm blushing. This is mesh. How do you wear this?"
"You're doing a great job from where I'm standing," Pete informs him, with a lascivious wink and a slow, thorough up-and-down glance. "You should put on the roses too. It's, like, bondage chic."
"I am definitely not doing that."
"Aw, baby, c'mon." Pete leaps from the greenroom couch. His smirking grin softens into a smile as he moves, and Patrick finds himself tangled up in a hug before he can so much as blink. "You look good. You know I mean that, right? I mean, you look really, really good."
Patrick tries to let him sweat for a minute, but he doesn't make it longer than a few seconds before he's smiling, too, ducking his head for a kiss.
"Yeah, I know," he says, between the first kiss and a second, and a third, and a fourth. Then, before things can get too out of hand, he lightly shoves Pete away, gesturing towards the item still waiting on a hanger.
"C'mon, you're gonna have to help squeeze me into these damn pants."
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