#anything is an ouppy if its cute to me so
nightfallsystem · 11 months
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Found ðis little guy in my house, reminded me of you :)
ouppy... smmall beast.../.... cgggreatureuere...... i love them
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nagashtheundying · 1 month
the corpse formerly known as trazynstolemygender
TW for untagged hard kinks not limited to but including cnc, intox, fauxcest, sadism, terato, breeding, piss, and more
like what i do? you can help me out here!
- nobody likes you when you're 23
- bile by name, bile by nature (aka you can call me bile)
- it/its pronouns (yeah i know i rbed a post with he/him for the pov but shhhhh)
- poly (not with you, that is say not looking on tumblr)
- pervy butch wolfdog older littermate
- can i call myself t4t? aaaah who cares, hot trans folks to the front of the line
- dms are mutals only, feel free to flirt or tell me what you want to do me or vice versa or talk movies and ttrpgs, though i do ask that you at least say hi before starting sexual talk
- asks are wide open for everyone and anyone! any topics allowed, any ask games i reblog no matter how old, thoughts, questions, comments, whatever is on your mind. though if you're submitting an old ask game please add the questions not justnumbers so i know what im answering.
tags what i use
- #wolf posting- dommy thoughts, breeding, sadism, primal play, werewolf stuff, anything that makes me feel particularly wolfish
- #awooo..., #awooo- feeling subby, petplay when im subbing, really just whenever i feel like a dumb little ouppy
- #necrodermis- oh hey its me!
- #makin noise- if you so desire to hear my voice
- #cute mutual !- you know what this one is.....
- #gorgeous people- non mutuals picture tag
- #ama (ask me anytime)- when im feeling like a pimp and a philosopher, ask tag
- #me n bun- thinking about my lovely partner
-#spewing bile- my writing
- #the hound- knight posting
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atom-writings · 1 year
this is very random, but what about the hetalia main eight where their s/o has a dog/cat(ur choice). And the dog/cat is very friendly and loving towards the s/o but not them(it acts cold and sort of just doesnt like them), like how would they react to that?(u dont have to do this if u dont want to its really dumb lmao, either way have a good day)
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) S/O’s pet dislikes them.
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N this is a cute request. … .. . ouppy and kitty!!! Sorry this is shorter idk:
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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“What, don’t they like me? I didn’t do anything wrong…”
Alfred really cannot tell when animals like or dislike him. To be fair, he’s like that with humans too… but with animals, he just assumes they all love him.
But he’s also not great at being incredibly gentle with them. If you want him to stop riling up your animals you’ve got to just tell him outright.
After that, he’ll just try to bribe them with treats. If he can be bought with food, surely your pet can too. Actually, him and your pet are similar in a lot of ways…
You can literally see how hard it is for him to resist petting them (especially if it’s a dog… he loves dogs so much,) but he’ll wait until they come to him first.
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“Alright well… these things can take time I suppose. They’ll like me eventually, right?”
Arthur doesn’t take it personally. He’s had a lot of animals of his own, and they’ve all hated him at the start as well. He’ll just be patient.
 But also all the pets he’s had before have been like… sheep or rats so he’s not sure how to handle your more average pets. Hopefully they don’t care if he doesn’t pet them a lot.
He says he doesn’t care that much, but you’ve also caught him sneaking your pet little pieces of dinner (he’s nearly as bad as Alfred!)
In general, he doesn’t care much for most animals, but he absolutely adores yours. The first time they act affectionately towards him, he immediately calls you excitedly.
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“Aw, why are you running away? I will just catch you again!”
He’s definitely taking it a little personally. He hasn’t had a lot of pets that weren’t birds so he’s not used to normal animal affection. He definitely needs assurance from you that they’ll love him eventually…
But until then, he’s just gonna force your pet to be around him. Even if they hate it, he’s gonna be super affectionate. 
Hopefully they don’t get too pissed off about it. It breaks his heart just a little that they won’t reciprocate. They like you and not him?!
Once they finally do, he nearly bursts into tears. He takes about a million photos and immediately sends all of them to you.
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“Aiyah! Fine, then I do not like you either. Even when you’re so cute…”
Yao has lots of pets himself. That love he has for you absolutely extends to your animals. When they don’t love him back, well, he has nothing but time!
A lot of the time, he’ll just sit next to them, trying to get them more comfortable. He would never force them to be affectionate with him, even though he just wants to grab them and squeeze them-
Once they start crawling in his lap on their own volition, he’s cuddling with them all the time! If your pets weren’t spoiled before, they will be now.
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“Y/N, can’t you make them like me? It makes me feel bad…”
Ivan is used to rejection, but not rejection from something so adorable! He takes it very personally… he’ll act like he’s not upset but he really is. After all, your pets are important to you, so he’ll have to love them too
He doesn’t know how to make them warm up to him, so he just tries everything at once. This of course… does not work. Which probably only makes him more upset
But once you tell him to just leave them alone, he listens. Soon enough your pet will be crawling all over him, and he’ll be losing his mind about it. Animals have never liked him before, but just like you, your pet is finally an exception.
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“Come here little kit- Ouch! Why would you hurt me when I’m trying to love you?!”
Just like he is with you, Feliciano is not familiar with “taking it slow.” As soon as he can, he tries grabbing and playing with your pet. If they resist, he’ll be a little hurt.
He’s much better with cats than he is with dogs. If you have a cat, he’ll try playing with them and laying next to them whenever he can. If you have a dog, he’ll ask to take it on walks just the two of them.
Considering how lovable he is, surely your pet will warm up quickly. And when they do, he couldn’t be more ecstatic.
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“Oh no, did I do something wrong? They don’t seem to like me very much…”
Considering how many dogs Ludwig has had, he’s really not used to this. Animals tend to love him on sight, so he’s not sure how to proceed from there.
So, he researches. Soon you’ll see him just hanging out around them, trying to get them more comfortable. Plus, he’ll buy lots of treats he’s sure they’ll like. Anything to get them loving him as quick as possible.
And once they do, that pet is as important to him as it is to you. Even if things were awkward at the start.
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“Ah. That’s too bad. Maybe they will warm up to me later.”
Frankly, Kiku does not care that much. He won’t take it personally. He knows that most animals (... and many people) can find him hard to warm up to. But your pet will be seeing him a lot, so it will be fine in the long run.
If he buys your pet anything, it’s not to manipulate them into liking him or anything. He just thinks your pet is super cute and deserves it.
When they do finally come to him, he’s super excited. Even though he doesn’t seem like it. He’ll call you into the room and then just point at your pet like “!!!” After that, that animal is getting all the love and affection he can possibly give.
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