#anyone plz tell me now what should i do on such uncertainty
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saw it coming already
#my csir net exam is cancelled 😓#anyone plz tell me now what should i do on such uncertainty#how can i focus on gaining profit from remaining more days i got ?#desiblr#csir#net exam#indian education system
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memorising their favourite things and treating them when they have a bad day for peterpatterlina plz!
Also tagging @jmrothwell, who asked for this prompt for any pairing, and @innytoes, who asked for it and Reggie/Anyone (it's probably not exactly what you had in mind but I got stuck on Julie being the one who had the bad day)
Julie trudges to her locker, wishing she could simply crawl inside it and power down like some kind of robot. She's really not in the mood…
…for rehearsal. She bites back a sigh.
Luke and Reggie flank her locker, bouncing on their toes, and Julie just gives them a tight smile, sure that anything she'd say would be too sharp, or it would disappoint them, somehow.
Reggie falters, his own smile going wobbly with uncertainty. Luke, however, is unfazed, and he leans in closer, effectively blocking her from getting into her locker.
"What?" she huffs, crossing her arms.
"We were just thinking that—it's Friday, and we should take a break. Get some snacks, watch some Buffy—"
"Paint our nails!" Reggie chimes in with renewed enthusiasm. "Just hang out."
Julie arches her eyebrows. Her eyes jump from one of them to the other before her gaze finally settles on Luke.
"Really? Reggie, I can maybe believe, but Luke? You want to take a break from rehearsing? For 'girl stuff'?"
He scrambles to say more as she scowls.
"Okay, maybe that's not exactly what I want. But we know you had a rough day! And we want to make it better. If that means taking a break from music to treat you—then we will. You're more important."
Julie can't help it. She softens her stance.
"Guys…you'd really do that? For me?"
"Course we would, Jules," Reggie says warmly, wearing his widest, crookedest grin. He winks. "Special gals deserve some special treatment now and then."
A giggle escapes before she can stifle it, but Luke drowns it out when he speaks, extra loud in his own brand of enthusiasm.
"Exactly! Plus, Alex and Willie would probably love to replace our usual rehearsal time with a date. It's a win-win."
Julie smiles at the ground, then glances at them through her lashes. "Well…alright."
They whoop and cheer, and she gives them five seconds to bask in their victory.
"Can I get into my locker now, though?"
They freeze, flush, and stammer before finally scrambling out of the way, and Julie's laughter carries down the hall. She has to admit…she's feeling better, already.
"You really know how to spoil a girl," she tells them later, accepting a grape from Luke, who's snuggled into her side, watching Buffy with…minimal complaints.
Reggie looks up from painting her toenails.
"Not any girl. Just you, Julie."
Luke hums in agreement, and Julie can't look at him. The affection in Reggie’s eyes alone is already too much, because…
There's no way they mean that the way it sounds, that they care for her the way she cares for them. It…it can't be that simple.
But then Luke says, "He's right, boss. You're the only one we want to do this sort of thing for. Because—"
"Oh—you couldn't have waited until I was done with her toes?" Reggie asks exasperatedly, because…oops.
She giggles nervously and stops squirming, allowing him to continue without getting any more paint on her skin.
"Sorry, Reggie."
Luke just squawks. "I couldn't have waited? You cut right to the heart of it!"
Julie holds up a finger, stalling the bickering. "Are we calling this a date?"
"That's how you cut to the heart of it," Reggie says through a grin. "I vote yes."
They look to Luke. He shrugs.
"We can take you somewhere, if you'd rather do something more—dynamic."
Reggie hums knowingly. Julie just laughs.
"Is that what you actually want to do?"
Luke splutters. "I—today's about you!"
"Tomorrow, then. How's that sound?"
"Yeah," he says dazedly. "Yeah, okay."
And by the time their official date rolls around…she’s forgotten about the terrible start to her weekend entirely.
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Operation Unvirgin (Bakugou x Reader)
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
I had this idea the other day that Bakugou probably would be super celibate. Like he is very goal oriented and doesn't like to attach himself to others, so I feel like he wouldn't have ever bothered with girls or even beat his meat or anything (the shit’s fucking perverted okay?! how could any decent person touch themselves?)
But he hears that Deku is boutta get laid and he gets pissed bc WHAT? That loser is gonna beat him in something?! So he goes on a mission to loose his virginity before Deku.
So I wrote the NSFW piece of this and it was UTTER GARBAGE, but I know that many of you guys are writers so think of this as a very informal request: Anyone can write the second half of this and tag me and I will repost it (except no non-con plz). It doesn’t matter how long it is.
If this completely flops I will ... sigh... post my shitty NSFW next week... (But please spare me and yourselves from that outcome)
Bakugou never could understand all the hype surrounding the opposite sex.
The blond man would wrack his brain as he tried to remember the exact moment where his fellow peers stopped looking at girls like the enemy and started looking at them like walking deities, mindlessly floating behind them as if an invisible scent enchanted their spirits. Sometimes he felt like a lone soldier in sustaining self-respect.
In his isolated state, he only watched in disgust as freaks like Mineta and Kaminari drooled over women and reduced themselves into warm bodied zombies in the presence of a vagina. Pathetic.
He would never in a million years let a woman rule over him. He had seen how his hag of a mother treated his father, and he would rather stick his face in a vat of acid than have his soul belong to someone like that.
His stupid mom always told him that he would probably meet someone in high school that would change his mind, but there he was, the night after graduation, victorious in his pursuit of staying the fuck away from crazy broads like her.
In fact, this ridiculous graduation party that Kirishima had dragged him to was probably the last time he would see most of these extras, since he doubted many of them would make it past being D-listers or side-kicks—and that was him being generous.
The colorful beams of light took turns fading in and out of the dark room as the heavy bass of multiple speakers pounded into his body, sending a flurry of vibrations in his abdomen. Although, Bakugou would never admit this out loud, he actually enjoyed this scenery. The stomping of the music reminded him a lot of his own quirk and the lights weren’t completely hideous.
Yeah, as long as no one at this shitty party tried to talk to him or get on his nerves he would be just fine—
God Dammit.
“Hey, dude!” Kaminari threw a sloppy arm over the angrier blond’s shoulders as Kirshima, Deku and Mina all followed behind him through the dense party crowd. Now, if this had been two years ago, Kaminari just might have found himself short an appendage through an explosive altercation; however, throughout his high school career, Bakugou found that simply ignoring the idiots was usually enough to deter them from trying to converse with him.
So Bakugou swallowed the increasing rage that was bubbling in his throat and simply scoffed instead, swatting the man’s arm away from him and turning his back on him and his incoming entourage. Kaminari only laughed in response, “C’mon bro we are officially graduates! Ditch the bad boy act and loosen up a little—we are men now! Just ask Midoriya!” he slyly suggested.
The sound of his rival’s name piqued his interest, yet the stubborn man still refused to give the short-circuited idiot the satisfaction of knowing such a thing, so he continued to glare away from him as Izuku spoke up, “N-no it’s nothing really… Uraraka and I have just been together for a while. Honestly, I don’t even know if I will go for it. I don’t wanna be a jerk or anything bringing it up to her! Forget I said anything at all, actually!” the young man frantically waved his hands as his face became obviously red even in the dimly lit atmosphere.
Mina snickered as her hands found their way to her hips “The shy guy act is cute and all Midoriya, but every girl wants confidence in bed! I am sure she wouldn’t mind if the two of you at least talked about it,” she bumped the green haired boy with her hips as Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows even deeper.
Kirishima was the next to speak up “GO for it, man! There worst that can happen is that she’ll say no!” he heavily patted the concerned Izuku’s back, “But the manliest thing for you to do is respect her boundaries,” he quickly added in.
The green haired man shook his head at the ground, “I should have just kept my big mouth shut...”
“She won’t say no,” Mina sang with a mischievous expression drawn across her face.
The three boys turned their attention to her with confused glances before Kaminari spoke up, “C’mon Mina! You know something don’t you? Spill it!” he begged.
Mina looked as if she were contemplating for only a moment before he gestured for the men to come closer, “Don’t tell her I told you, but…” she trailed off for dramatic effect, “She was totally gonna try to seduce you tonight, Midoriya!!” She winked. Bakugou’s ears perked up at this statement,
“WhAT?” both him and Izuku cried out.
Kaminari and Kirishima laughed at the blond’s outburst, “So you were listening after all, huh Bakugou?” the latter questioned.
“What do you think of the situation, buddy?” Kaminari leaned into the explosive man with a smirk.
“I’m not your damn buddy,” Bakugou bumped the electrical dumbass away from him, “I think you idiot perverts need to stop worrying about whose panties you’re gonna fail getting into and worry about not being able to keep food on your fucking plates when your careers flop!” he barked as the four blinked in surprise at his sudden outburst.
Kaminari saw this as the perfect opportunity to mess with him, “Bakugou are you… a virgin?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS, PIKACHU,” the man under interrogation screeched.
“He totally is!” Kaminari threw his hands up in feign shock, causing Mina to giggle.
Izuku awkwardly shifted on the balls of his feet as Kiri loudly spoke up, “Hey guys, it’s not manly to butt into another man’s personal life like that.”
Bakugou ignored his defender and continued screaming at dumb and dumber through the loud music, “S-Shut the hell up!” his face was dusted in a light shade of red as he spoke. He tried to shake these foreign feelings of embarrassment away. So fucking what if he was a virgin?
“Deku still ain’t shit! Who fucking cares if he’s gonna get his dick dirty?! I could fuck any of these bimbos!” he loudly called out, causing a few girls crowding the area to throw him wary glances before they cautiously moved away. The group of friends noticed this and Kamari and Mina failed miserably at stifling their laughs at the scene.
“It’s ‘make love to’, dude…” Kirishima quietly correct his angry friend in a feeble attempt to save his future endeavors with women.
“NO. FUCK! I said what I meant dammit!” he yelled as he once again fought away the redness on his face, “I could fuck any one of these bitches within an inch of their life!” he furiously vowed.
“Any, huh?” Mina questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s what I fucking said, Raccoon eyes!”
“Then how about…” the yellow irises scanned the dense room for a moment before a smile split her face. She happily pointed a finger, “that one!”
Bakugou followed her finger through the crowd and found you on the other side of the room. The fading lights intermittently illuminated your features, but he knew exactly who you were— Y/N L/N. The only other person at U.A. known for being just as proud as himself if not more. Also known for having a slough of men on your heels at any given moment, but not giving a single one of them any significant time of day.
Mina snickered at Bakugou’s sudden silence, causing him to throw a glare at her. He fought of any creeping feeling of disheartened as he began a march toward your dancing figure, “Fucking easy” he roughly hyped himself up before approaching you.
“Hey,” he barked roughly. It didn’t really come off as much of a greeting and had more of a threatening tone to it, but in your shocked state you could only offer a half-hearted smile at the daunting man before returning to the conversation that you were having with your friends.
However, after a while, you noticed that your friends were distracted as their scared eyes kept darting behind you. He was still there wasn’t he?
You rolled your eyes before throwing a glare in his direction, “Do you fucking want something, dickhead?” you snapped.
“I SHOULD—” he began to threaten but he clamped his mouth shut and bottled up his feelings of rage from being disrespected before he continued, “You…” he barked, an unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty gripping at his chest, “I want you,” he said sternly. He had heard Kaminari say some stupid shit like this before and it worked. If it worked for an idiot like him then surely—
Bakugou’s thoughts were cut off as you simply threw your head back in a fit of laughter before turning your back to him to converse with your friends again, “Anyway,” you loudly began before beginning to talk to you friends again.
Bakugou’s face contorted in aghast uncertainty before he looked back to his classmates. Kaminari was giving him a thumbs down, Mina was giggling like crazy, Kirishima was beaming him a reassuring smile and Deku was no where to be found. Fuck! he probably went off to find Uraraka!
The thought set a competitive fire in his chest as he looked back toward you, “Let’s--“ he stopped himself to re-frame his approach. He thought of the words of encouragement that shitty hair might give him in this moment,
‘Treat her like a queen!’ ‘Ladies love a man with a code! Don’t tell her what to do, ask her!’
“Do... you want to dance,” he forced himself to ask through slightly gritted teeth. This was utterly humiliating.
“You think you can handle it?” you joked through a small smirk before eyeing him up and down. The man only averted his glare from you in response as he scowled at a nearby wall. You gave a small laugh at the display. It was almost childish how he was acting.
You suddenly noticed the red tint that was adorning his cheeks, sending a wave of excitement throughout your body. A sudden predacious urge clutched your abdomen at the sight.
“Okay,” you smiled after wetting your lips. You leaned into him before grabbing his forearm and leading him deep into the hot pool of dancing bodies. He stiffly followed after you.
If he thinks he can handle it then you’ll just have to show him how wrong he is...
#bakugou x reader#bakugou imagine#mha#my hero fanfic#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bnha x reader#mha x reader#bnha#katsuki bakugo x reader#katsuki Bakugou#bnha smut#mha smut#reader input
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Anon: “Hi there! Can I plz request a Wanda x fem!reader with 9 and 19? Thank you xx”
9 - “I’m not moving.”
19 - “Don’t choose me.”
“Come on, Wanda! It’ll be different this time!” Natasha urged her while the young witch stayed on the couch, keeping her eyes glued to the large screen. “Nat, Tony throws parties almost every week, I want to rest.” She complained after the redhead’s nonstop pestering.
“I know. That’s why I’m saying that it’s different now because Y/n is joining us.” Natasha grinned smugly, knowing about Wanda’s little crush toward a certain h/c. She was going to used that to her advantage and she was not taking no for an answer.
Hearing the name caused her ears to perk up and she hesitantly looked at her friend, uncertainty swimming in her green irises. “Y/n is joining?” She asked skeptically, knowing the woman’s dislike for loud and crowded areas.
“Yes! Clint and I convinced her that it won’t be too crowded because the only people that are invited are Avengers and some other friends.” Natasha explained, grin still on her face as she watched Wanda’s resolve start to crumble before she sighed in defeat. “Fine.”
Cheering, Natasha stood up. “Good, now come on. We’re going to get you dolled up so Y/n will for sure be gay for you.” She grinned mischievously and Wanda was immediately starting to regret her decision.
When evening came, Wanda sat by the bar, refusing to talk to anyone. Natasha said that there would be a few and she wasn’t lying. But a few for Tony Stark apparently meant at least thirty people.
Natasha was quickly heading over to the young witch, her smile wide on her red painted lips. “If you’re thinking of inviting me to do something, forget it. I’m not moving.” She beat Natasha from saying anything and the redhead rolled her eyes before she directed Wanda’s line of sight toward the couches.
Standing by the side and talking to Bucky and Maria, was Y/n. Her green eyes widened when she saw how Y/n went with just casual clothes but was still able to look breathtakingly beautiful in Wanda’s eyes.
“Go talk to her.” Natasha said smoothly, giving her a small shove and Wanda was soon headed in the direction of the trio but as soon as Y/n met her eyes and smiled at her, she froze up before quickly turning away and back to the safety of the bar whilst Natasha shook her head.
“What are you so afraid of?” She groaned as Wanda frowned. “There’s a thing called rejection, Nat. I don’t even know if she likes women!” She said exasperated. “If I wasn’t sure that she isn’t at least bisexual, I wouldn’t be pushing you to do this.” The redhead retorted plainly. “Go.”
“I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”
Natasha rolled her eyes and huffed. “Fine. But if Maria ends up leaving with her tonight, I won’t hesitate to tell you that I told you so.”
With those as Natasha’s final words for her, she felt panicked.
Did Maria like Y/n? They did seem really close. But she never thought Maria would even swing that way, though recalled how she and Natasha did have a bit of a past. It was good that the pair ended things with mutual feelings and still talked despite that.
When people started to leave, the only people left were the Avengers and Maria, much to Wanda’s dismay since the assistant director was basically next to Y/n for the whole evening.
“Alright everyone!” Tony had drunkenly called them, swaying on his feet with an empty bottle in his hand. “Huddle up ‘cause things’re bout to get steamy!” He slurred that Bruce had to sit him down to avoid getting him hurt.
“Judging by the bottle, it’s spin the bottle.” Clint hiccuped before Tony shot him a look. “No, Katniss! We,” He gestured to the group. “Are playing seven minutes in heaven!” He grinned before setting the bottle down. “The two people this lands on go inside the closet. Then the next pair is picked by the last person that went in there.”
Natasha was grinning at Wanda, winking at her from across the room and Wanda hated it as Clint pulled her to sit by him. She was able to catch a glimpse of Y/n, who was laughing in front of her because of something Maria had said in her drunken stupor.
It made her frown before shaking her head and just watching the bottle as Tony went to spin it.
“Please don’t choose me.” She chanted under her breath, shutting her eyes tight as the bottle started to slow down and when she opened her eyes, she wanted to groan out in frustration to see it pointing directly at her.
She should have just rigged the game and avoided it, but it was too late now. She could only hope that she would be stuck with someone decent. But when the team started cheering, she was confused before a hand was offered to her.
“Don’t want to keep them waiting, right?” Her eyes shot up and her throat closed up when she saw Y/n smiling at her. “I, yeah.” She mumbled before shakily reaching up to grab Y/n’s hand and she was hoisted up before being brought over to the closet after Y/n spun the bottle.
“Have fun kids!” Tony laughed before slamming the door behind them.
Wanda was tense, not being able to see anything in the dark but Y/n soon raised a hand before a small flame appeared at her fingertips. “You okay?” She asked and the brunette nodded stiffly, staring at the blue flame licking at Y/n’s skin.
“I’m surprised you weren’t talking with the others, or is that how you usually are with that much people?” Just then, she remembers that Y/n never really attended any of Tony’s parties and she bit her lip before answering. “I just didn’t feel like it tonight.” She admitted and Y/n nodded her head on agreement.
“What about you? I thought you disliked parties.” Wanda let herself relax a bit as she found it comfortable to just talk with Y/n. “I do, but Natasha and Clint were so adamant that I come this time, saying that I should stop being a hermit.” She laughed and Wanda decided that she loves it when she does.
“They won’t stop until they get what they want.” She chuckled before they both fell into another round of silence.
Wanda’s thoughts were going everywhere, though her eyes were trained on Y/n’s, watching, marveling at the effects of the flames did in reflecting in her eyes. The color of the fire blended with her e/c that it made them look like endless pools of e/c that she found herself drowning in them.
Y/n looked up to meet her eyes and she smiled slightly before she leaned a bit closer. “I wasn’t able to talk to you earlier, but you look really pretty, Wanda.” The compliment caused the witch to blush as she bit her lip and Y/n slowly reached up with her free hand to stop her.
“Don’t do that.”
It was barely a whisper, but she heard it as her head leaned forward in time with Y/n’s. The second the flame disappeared from Y/n’s hand, Wanda shut her eyes and felt Y/n’s lips lightly graze her own before the door swung open, causing her to jerk back, though Y/n stayed still, slowly dropping her hand as she looked over at Tony, who seemed highly disappointed.
“Seriously? Nothing?” He sighed before letting them out and Y/n shrugged, smiling at Wanda as they sat back on their original seats. “You can’t really tell if someone did something.” She responded nonchalantly while Wanda’s eyes stayed glued on her the entire time.
When the game carried on, they both would just stare at each other and Y/n would send her a smile or an occasional wink before looking away when someone would talk to her.
By the end of the night, most of them were out cold and Wanda was grinning to herself when Y/n walked her to her room to bid her goodnight.
“Thank you.” She smiled shyly as Y/n shook her head. “It’s fine. I mean, I’m just down the hall.” She laughed before Wanda finally stepped forward and pressed a light kiss just by the corner of Y/n’s lips.
#request#reader insert#x reader#wanda#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#natasha romanoff#natalia alianovna romanova#scarlet witch#scarlet witch x reader#tony stark#clint barton#bruce banner#maria hill#marvel#avengers
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So it took interest rates that were like WE OWN UR SOUL NOW U FOOL HAHA TWILL BE OURS FOREVER, but joke’s on them lol like I never use that thing anyway. But I got the personal loan for $10K in the end after like a month of searching but who knew that obsessively raising my credit score for a year by like....occasionally chilling all night in an IHOP rather than use a credit card too much on a room would like....pay off with a credit score that actually is useful to me in a way that means I don’t even care right now that hahaha credit scores are just pointless imaginary numbers that really only exist because capitalism’s a dick?
Look I’m allowed to be a hypocrite for three weeks let me have this, I promise I’ll go back to ranting about people selling their souls for the sake of strings of binary code on a computer screen, like just cuz I wasn’t using mine doesn’t mean other ppl don’t want theirs.
Because oh yeah so I was like gimme the loan plz and they were like ugh fine and I somehow got my credit card companies to raise my limits because I’ve had them for over a year now and I honestly couldn’t even tell you how I convinced them to do that like did I haggle did I beg did I put out, who knows, it’s been a very long and strange and sleep deprived month and that’s on top of a long, strange, sleep-deprives two years. Point is between raising my limits on those two, the loan of DOOM and getting a CareCredit card with the remaining credit left to me or before the latter realized I’d just massively dinged my credit cuz the raised limits and loan hadn’t been reported yet, I came up with the $12400. Like again most of that is in the form of imaginary money that I’ll probably spend years paying out of future paychecks so if anyone wants to go ahead and put The Revolution on the books for like, say October, that would actually really work for me. I’d even be all pumped and full of rest and vigor and extra fightey and like, you know how fightey I usually am to begin with I’m just saying....
So now I am literally just waiting for my loan check to clear in my bank account cuz my doctor doesn’t accept checks. Second it does, probably Monday, I’ll go down to my doctors office, pay the $6200 upfront and finish the insurance paperwork for them to submit the claim for the insurance company’s part of it, and they can officially schedule my surgery, possibly in as little as three weeks??!!
Which is absolutely surreal to me, like after literal years of treading water and setbacks and everything dragging out endlessly and he’ll even just yesterday, it’s utterly bizarre finishing my stuff at my bank and doctor’s this morning and hearing how matter of fact they all are about how quickly things could happen now and like. Finally be over. Or like, start lol in the sense of holy shit I could actually maybe have an actual life again.
They can’t confirm a date until my first payment is processed, only then does she officially put me on the books at Cedar Sinai when they can get me into an open OR, but it hopefully could be the 20th. She’s already got another surgery scheduled for that day and an OR booked for it with potential slots before and after it but I can’t count on the 20th as a given just yet. Could still be one, two or even three weeks after that before they actually fit me in, so I’m trying not to set my thoughts and hopes too much on that three weeks from now appointment but that’s easier said than done. LOL.
But whenever it’s actually set for, I go in the day of, pay the second half of the payment, and the surgery takes a few hours but they send me home the same day. My high school friend from San Diego hopefully is going to be able to take enough time off to look out for me while I recover, we’ve been tentatively planning for that for most of a year but couldn’t guarantee anything with her work until we had actual dates which I mean we still don’t technically have. But my jaw will be wired shut for ten days so there’s no way I can manage on my own, esp the way I’ve been getting by day-to-day, and I’ll be on a liquid diet and having to drink everything through a special straw and stuff and completely unable to talk the whole time and oh yeah also apparently in agonizing pain that I’ve been extensively warned could put anything I’ve experienced thus far to shame, so I’m really REALLY looking forward to that part lol. Currently pondering the viability of just knocking myself unconscious every day. We’ll see how it goes.
But after that I go back in ten days later and they unwire my jaw, check that everything looks okay and I’m healing the way I’m supposed to, and I have two weeks of physical therapy and....that’s it. It’s over. I’m just. I’m just leaving that right there for now because I honestly don’t even know what to do with that thought after all this time, it’s. Like I can’t quite wrap my head around it and even really picture how that works. Idk my brain just fizzes out and it’s like wait, are you sure, that doesn’t sound right.
But like I made them go over it multiple times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything or understanding it wrong or whatever, like my doctor was this combination of kinda amused but also exasperated when I finally stopped asking to go over it all again. LOL look I just really really really needed to be sure there wasn’t something else involved that like I was supposed to already know or have been told by someone else, I don’t know okay? Anyone who’s been following me the last couple years knows that this isn’t how this sort of things go, they’re supposed to get my hopes up and then tell me they have no clue what’s wrong or send me off to someone else or tell me oh yeah you also need another thirty thousand and an MRI and some headgear that’s like made of platinum, but we just thought you already knew that. LOL.
But. I mean. Yeah. That’s it. I checked. A lot. Theoretically though unless there’s some new bizarre development in which case I will most likely detach my spirit from my body and evolve into my ultimate great rage power Digimon form, AreYouFreakingKiddingMeMon, and go like, fight god or the physical embodiment of the universe or whatever like I keep threatening....like, that really is what’s left. And then it’s all over. My jaw should by all accounts be restored to its full functionality from before all this. No more pain, no more eternal headache, no vertigo, blind-outs, no problems eating any particular food or swallowing or 45 degree slope to my lower jaw, none of the shit that’s been my day to day existence for well. Years. LOL.
Yeah. Really don’t know what to do with that yet. I just. Can’t. Haha.
Anyway, as I’ve said before, I literally couldn’t have made it to this point without the support of people here, both emotionally and financially. I hate to ask it because you’ve helped so much already, but I’m definitely going to have to ask for your help a little longer, there’s just no way around it. I am completely wiped and tbh overwhelmed so I’m probably going to try and sleep the rest of the day - I was pretty much up all night, unable to sleep while I waited to hear back on all this.
Then when my head’s fully processing things again and not friztzing our because I’ve forgotten how to process good news, lol, I’ll probably be putting together a post asking for your help paying my insurance premiums one last time, and on Monday or once I get the official set in stone date for my surgery I’ll be doing another, basically begging you guys to help keep me afloat the hopefully no more than three weeks til then.
I really really hate having to do that when I know you all have helped and given so much already, and it’ll literally be nothing more than my basic expenses of motel room and food, I don’t need anything beyond that, but I truly don’t see anyway around it. I exhausted every possible avenue available for me to try with my credit in order to get this loan and raise my limits enough, and I milked every cent I could out of those. There’s just no more money to be pulled out of any of that, it took everything I had to get what I needed for the surgery. And I’m afraid of the very real possibility that if I don’t ask for this help because of pride or because of how much I’ve asked for already, I’ll end up using one of my credit cards to pay for my room and such and end up stuck without enough money at hand to cover the second half payment on my day of surgery and I truly literally can not afford that. I have no idea what will happen with my insurance if I have to reschedule, how long it would take to reschedule, etc.
And the other side of this is there’s really not a whole lot left I can do for work at the moment. I’ve finished off all my existing projects except for one last cover and they already paid for it in advance. I honestly don’t know that I could take on new jobs if it ends up with my surgery on the 20th in just three weeks. Searching for more jobs and clients has become more and more time consuming these past months as is, and the simple truth is I couldn’t in good conscience or in honesty guarantee any new clients that I could finish their job in that time frame. Not with my present state physically and mentally and the uncertainty of my day to day expenses and stress about potential complications hanging over my head and not, truthfully, mixing all that well with my pre-existing mental health conditions lol. And yeah, if I can’t guarantee getting any new projects done in three weeks, I can’t afford to take them on for any potential client’s sake, not to mention the sake of my professional reputation, which I will really need to be, y’know, intact, in order to rebuild my life basically from the ground up, once my previous physicality and quality of life comes back after my surgery and recovery (knock on wood). With at least two or three weeks of recovery after the surgery even assuming it goes well and has no other complications, that’s way too much time to leave clients hanging and not be available to address any needs, concerns, revisions, etc. Especially if they’re not returning clients but brand new ones.
So yeah, as much as I would love to not have to ask for any more help than I already have and have been given, I sincerely just don’t see any alternatives that don’t jeopardize or risk wasting all the help I’ve already been given. You know I am fully aware of just how much that is and what its cost some of you, and I already could never repay you for this, not even in terms of just the money itself, but the fact that I know some of you have given at your own very real expense, sending me money that you really could have used yourself, that wasn’t any kind of surplus. I am already beyond grateful and humbled and overwhelmed how many of you have stepped forward to help me in ways that even though I’m older than many of you, I honestly have no precedent for, in ways and to an extent I’ve never received help or support from family. So I just needed to say that again, because I have not asked for any of this lightly, and I don’t now either. Really, really thank you. I’m not exaggerating or being dramatic or hyperbolic or silly for a change, when I say you guys most likely saved my life. Its simple fact. Hell, I was genuinely hours away from sleeping outside freezing my ass off in December, that first time I posted asking for help and you guys came through for me. So, yeah. I will never ever forget this, and never ever be able to give back as much as I’ve been given these past few months, though I will always do my best to pay it forward.
I’m going to go ahead and leave my paypal link here anyway, though I’ll be making those two additional posts tomorrow and next week, as I said. Aiming to keep them shorter than this, well, shorter than any of my posts, really, as shorter posts really just get more traction and I’ll need that. I can always link to the longer explanations of my situation for those wanting to know more.
Again, thank you all more than I can figure out how to put into words. I’m finally. Fuck. LOL. Sorry, I’m being very umm, sentimental over here but like its your fault I’m overwhelmed lol, like omg you guys, you can’t just throw love and affection and support at a guy with so much childhood traaaaaaaaauma, his brain doesn’t know how to handle it, look, you broke him. Are you happy? You broke his brain machine.
Okay cool, we’re back to inanity and obnoxious humor as an overcompensating self-defense mechanism, whew, everything’s normal, everyone can relax. LOL. Anyway, I’m gonna shut up now and go try and get some rest. Just know that I’m doing so feeling way more....hopeful? Optimistic? Faith-in-humanity-and-goodwill-and-community-ey? Than I have in years.
....the fact that I don’t even know what I’m feeling right now is called probably tells you all you need to know about me, huh? LMFAO God I’m so messed up lol. But whatever. Still alive and kicking. So. Y’know. There’s always that.
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Family // FP & Jughead Jones
Request: Can you do a FP Jones x reader x Jughead Jones oneshot where the reader is FP's gf for awhile & Jug has never liked the reader(you can make up why he don't like her). When she gets prego w/ FP's baby, Jug gets distant towards FP&everyone? When the reader is 9 mo, she goes into labor but FP isn't there to be w/ her bc he's in jail or something, so she begs for Jug to be there bc she doesn't want to be alone. he gives in & he's happy to meet his new baby sibling & calls reader mom? Fluff plz!
Pairing: FP Jones x girlfriend!reader, jughead jones x mom!reader
Words: 2053
Warnings: fluuuufffff, may kill u
A/n: y/b/n, is your baby's name. Also, I hope y'all like this.
You pace the length of the trailer bathroom nervously, eyeing the piece of plastic on the counter every so often. This is the most nervous you've felt in your whole life. While FP was asleep, you ran to the nearest drug store and picked up a pregnancy test.
You had missed your period for two months now, and the first time you dismissed it as an irregularity because of your birth control. However, once the second month rolled around and there was still no blood, you knew something was up. So here you are.
You decided that you would wait until you knew for sure before scaring the shit out of FP. Come to think of it, you had no idea how he would react. The thought just made you more nervous. Over a minute had passed, and you thought for sure that the pregnancy test must be done. You had placed it upside down on the toilet lid so you wouldn't have to look at it. You picked it up, flipping it around . . . All of the air was taken from you as you saw the two lines on the stick.
You were excited, but the uncertainty of FP's reaction overshadowed it. You take a deep breath, grabbing the stick and hiding it behind you. Walk out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen, and you smell freshly brewed coffee.
As you walk into the kitchen, you see FP's back turned to you. "Uh, FP," your voice comes out weak.
He turns around,"Morning, baby. Coffee?" He notices your worried expression instantly,"Are you alright?" You clear your throat, but then decide that you didn't really need to talk.
You brought the stick that was previously hidden behind your back into view, and FP's eyes widen. He doesn't say anything, and you feel tears come to your eyes,"I'm pregnant, Forsythe." He still says nothing, and tears drop down your cheeks.
He's been staring at your stomach this whole time, but finally looks up at you,"Hey, why are you crying, doll? This is a good thing, right?"
"It is? I just didn't know if you were ready or if you thought-" His laughter cuts you off, and you send a confused expression. You were sitting here crying and he thinks this is funny?
"Baby, sweetheart. Of course we're ready. I've got a job, you've got a job. We love each other. The next thing is, well, is this," he says with a cheeky smile.
"Oh thank god," you run up to him, encasing him in hug. You can't hear the door open over your excitement.
"Hey, dad- whoa, sorry," Jughead suddenly walks in, and looks away.
"Jug, its fine. We were just hugging," you separate from FP, both of your mouths still smiling wide.
Jug turns back to you, him being the confused one now,"What's with all the excitement?" But as soon as he finishes his sentence, he notices the stick you're holding. His face drops instantly,"Oh. You're pregnant." "
Wow, Jughead. Don't sound so enthusiastic," his dad retorts.
"So this is actually a thing. You're not just replacing mom, but you're trying to replace Jellybean too," he says with a hard expression. You open your mouth to say something, but decide it's probably better if FP handled it.
"Jug, I've been with y/n for over a year. You have to accept this, and you have to accept your mom left me and doesn't want to come back. I will love this child, but no more than I love you or Jellybean," FP says with a hopeful look. Jughead just shakes his head and exits the trailer.
After you had gotten pregnant, Jughead almost completely cut off ties with you and his father. He was even being distant toward his friends, but not on purpose.
You're about seven months along, and you had just witnessed FP getting arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom. This murder case has put a damper on your mood throughout your pregnancy, with FP trying his hardest to keep your mind off of it. For you and the baby's sake. The news about FP being arrested hasn't spread yet, so you decide it would be best for Jug to hear it from you. Even if he hates you.
After taking longer than what is normal to get your shoes on, you get in your car, making your way to Pop's, the best place for you to search for Jughead. When you arrive, you see through the glass hay Jughead is sitting with his three friends, like usual. You walk into Pops, your eyes still red from crying when they took FP away.
Approaching the booth, Archie clears his throat and gets Jughead's attention. He looks up at you, previously smiling, but it drops when he realizes who it is.
"Can I talk to you Jug? It's important, about your father," you croak.
"You can tell me in front of them," he says, sneering slightly.
"Uh, okay, if you insist," he stays silent when you pause. "Okay, well. FP has just been arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom. I just thought you should be the first one to know."
All four of the teens eye's widen, and no one says anything until Betty speaks up,"Uh, thanks for telling us Y/n." You nod, exiting the diner. You almost wish you wouldn't have told Jughead, and would've let him find it out for himself. But then he'd only hate you more.
two months later
"Well, looks like I'm having a baby," you glance down at the floor in disgust at the pool of water between your legs. You sigh, deciding that with contractions, it may not be the best to drive. So you decide the best way to go would be to call Fred Andrews, FP's best friend. You dial his number, waiting patiently for him to pick up the phone.
F: hello?
Y: hey, yeah, it's y/n. My water just kind of broke, and I don't think I'm in the best position to drive myself to the hospital.
F: oh. Oh! Oh shit! Yeah, I'll be there in five. Just, uh, hang in there?
Y: yeah, sure. Just hurry, please.
You hang up your phone, grabbing a drawstring bag with some things you want to take to the hospital with you. You walk out to the porch of the trailer barefoot (because honestly, you weren't bending over at this point) and wait for Fred to pull up. Once he does, he puts it in park and rushes up to you, helping you to the passenger side of his truck. There was no way in hell you were getting up there yourself.
Once you were both in the car and on the way to the hospital, a sudden wave of depression hit you. Hormones for one, and the fact that you knew FP wouldn't be there for you. You pull out your cellphone, scrolling to the only contact that would make sense to call. Jughead. He doesn't answer you, of course, but you leave a voicemail. "Hey, Jug. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going into labor, and your dad can't be with me so I was really, really hoping you would come and see your sibling be born. I know it may be a lot to ask. I'm begging you. I cannot do this alone. I know you hate me, but I've grown to love you. And I really hope I'll see you in that hospital room." You hang up with a sigh, and you then realize that you're at the hospital.
"He's a good kid. I'm sure he'll show up. You sure you're alright on your own?" Feed questions.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I do need help getting out of this truck though," you say with a laugh.
It's an hour later, and you're squirming in your hospital room. Contractions are bad, and you just wish this sucker would pop out already. You reach for your phone, about to leave Jughead the fourth voicemail. To your surprise, he picks up this time.
"Y/n, you've left me three voicemails. What could you possibly want from me that bad?" He questions, slightly agitated.
"Well, I'm currently contracting a lot, my water broke earlier. Soon I'll be popping this child out of me, and I was really hoping you would be here with me because your father can't." Before he can reply, you drop your phone as you grip the bed rails, another painful contraction coming on.
A nurse comes in,"Alright, Miss L/n, it's time to go. Is anyone coming?"
"I think my step son might be coming, the baby's brother, but I don't know," you squirm again.
"Alright, we'll keep an eye out for him," she replies and begins to push your bed to another room as a contraction comes on.
"Alright, get ready to push!" You look around nervously, not seeing Jughead. He didn't come. He hates you that much, that he'd skip out on seeing his little brother or sister be born?
“Y/n, push!" You let out a deranged scream as you push again, feeling like you're getting nowhere. As the doctor tells you to push again, you feel a hand on yours. You open your eyes, half expecting to see FP, but instead see Jughead. You mouth a thank you to him as you're commanded once again to push, and you scream in pain.
You tighten your grip on Jughead's hand as a reaction, and he grabs back. Maybe he doesn't hate you so much after all. You pushed and pushed with all your might, thinking that you were going to break Jughead's hand.
"Young man, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" Jughead looks back to you for approval and you nod your head with a smile. You see his eyes crinkle and know that he's smiling too.
After the cord is cut, a nurse takes the baby momentarily to clean them off. After a moment, the nurse walks over to you,"Here's your beautiful baby girl."
You hold her in your arms, tears rolling down your face from the extreme joy swelling in your chest. "Hello, little y/b/n," you say with a smile.
"Y/b/n? Let me guess, dad's idea?" Jughead asks with a smile.
"Of course."
After the baby (finally) was delivered, you and Jughead were sent back to your original hospital room. The nurses said after they cleaned the baby and wrapped her up, they would bring her to you.
"Alright, Miss L/n. Here's your baby girl. When you want to rest just let one of us or this young man here know, and then we can lay her down," the nurse says with a smile as she hands you your daughter.
You stroke her little nose, it was definitely FP's. You couldn't wait to see her little eyes open. Her hair was dark, like FP's also. That definitely had given you heart burn. You look over at Jughead, who decided to stay and take a seat in the corner. "Jug, you want to hold her?"
You look at him with a lazy smile. He gets up from his chair, swallowing nervously. He walks to you, and you hand him y/b/n,"Make sure her head is resting on your arm."
"Okay, okay," Jughead mumbles nervously. "She's so tiny." He mutters as he gazes down at her.
"Yeah, most babies are," you respond.
He rolls his eyes,"Still a smart ass on pain meds, I see." He looks at the baby, and to your surprise, starts talking to her.
"Hi, y/b/n. I'm sorry your dad can't be here right now, but your big brother is. And I love you very much. So is mom. She loves you the most, probably. And even though I don't act like it, I'm very grateful for her, and even more for you." Your mouth drops open a little bit when the word 'mom' comes out of his mouth, but you smile immediately afterwards.
"Jughead Jones, a softie. Who would have thought," you smile.
He rolls his eyes again, smiling still. "Babies do that to ya."
#Riverdale#Riverdale imagines#Riverdale x reader#FP jones#FP jones imagines#FP jones x reader#jughead#jughead jones#jughead jones imagines#jughead jones x reader
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