#anyhow there you have it folks!! food just dropped/silly
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New AU just dropped folks!!
First things first, this is a different one compared to what I teased back around september (Wanted to try and finish up the main designs/polish up some of the lore before revealing it). It's nothing that big but I have a few concepts to polish up more back there shsfsjdbj
Putting that stuff aside, here's what I got for y'all today!!
Just as a small rundown as to what's going on here: all the ancients and beasts embody their assigned virtue, not being guided by their corresponding lights but instead being said lights and guiding the cookies of earthbread.
This is a role they were baked for by the Witches, whom initially planned to have one cookie per virtue; after some trial and error, they eventually settled on it being two instead, since otherwhise there was the risk of corruption and/or a balance loss in cookie society.
The initial virtue the witches worked on was Knowledge, with it's corresponding heralds being alongside the first to have been baked.
These two are known by cookie kind as the "Heralds of knowledge", respectively being the "Representative of Truth" and "Representative of Deceit"
Starting off with Deception, and thus Shadow Milk:
Being the "bad" half of Knowledge, his purpose consists into tricking cookies trough manipulating the seemingly endless supply of information he's given trough his core (aka. the souljam), often playing into half-truths and making even the most false facts seem true. He near-constantly bears a mask, under which he's more prone to the latter.
As all heralds do, he leaves his target once the job is done.
This quality of his does not make him any malicious however, being something engrained in his being and nature, but instead an incredibly neutral being.
He decieves anyone he's encountered/consulted by, regarthless of their true intention. Thus meaning that, anyone with ill or genuine intent will be tricked by him.

Outside of his role, he can be a tiny bit mischievious at times and kind of a trouble maker, especially when it comes to cookies who believe they've become "his friend". The guy finds those types to be pretty funny.
These ""pranks"" are, once again, not inherently malicious, instead serving as a slightly annoying form of entertainment for a bored Virtue every once in a while. He views it as nothing more than innocent pestering.
But putting deception aside, it's time to discuss the "good" part of the virtue known as Truth
Unlike the other half of Knowledge, Pure Vanilla is the one (most) cookies aim to consult. As he instead shares the very same information both him and Shadow Milk hold with cookie kind, often finding himself answering questions or un-doing the work of Deceit.
He takes his role to heart, and will resort to fighting against what does not align with Truth if necessary..though he sometimes gets caught up fighting for causes that would otherwhise not involve his duty (A prominent one being the fight for Freedom, after it's herald fell from grace.)
Purpose aside, he's not as "expressive" as his counterpart, instead outwardly appearing rather unphased by most of the things he encounters. With such an exterior, he still deeply cares for those he's consulted by, and overtime grows more and more genuine with those he takes a liking to.
When this is the case, he tends to smile much more often and ask questions himself. All the information he (and Shadow Milk) know about their interlocutors is only at face value, they might know life experience but certainly don't the personality and interests of that cookie.
Deep down truth is endlessly curious, and satisfying those he encounters brings him great joy.

They do actively make eachother's jobs more difficult, but still respect one another. It IS what they were baked to do after all.
#cookie run kingdom#crk au#beetle's art#pure vanilla cookie#shadow milk cookie#Virtuous Advice!AU#VA!PV#VA!SM#man I did not expect to write so much skabfevhr#anyhow there you have it folks!! food just dropped/silly#I'm so proud of these designs#The time was worth the results#long post#y'all are free to ask some stuff abt them too if you wanna btw!!!#there still are many things I need to expand upon so I don't mind!/nf
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* * #laundromat convo with @mayrarcjas
ike: -sidles closer to cass and penny -
Penny: -eyes isaac closely- Cass: -tugs Penny's arm and moves away, leaving Jake alone with him-
ike: dammit. they always have food on 'em. anybody else holding?
mayra: depends on what you want
ike: oh, you know me. i'm easy.
Cass: You can say that again
ike: -blows a kiss at her-
Cass: -dodges-
mayra: i thought that was my reputation? -snickers- i have a snack pack of peanuts
ike: gimme gimme. -cosies up next to mayra for peanuts like birds do-
mayra: -pulls out peanuts from bag- you don't need me to momma bird them to you do i? 'cause i know we're close but not that close
ike: not unless that's your thing, honeytail.
mayra: no, thanks. -hands bag over- okay, you gotta tell me. what's the honeytail nickname for?
Jake: Since I suddenly feel like I'm intruding, I'll leave you guys to your peanuts! -collects his clean laundry from the dryer and heads out-
ike: -greedily accepting the peanuts, shrugging- what's any nickname for? you seem like a honeytail. i … could elaborate on that but probably not here.
mayra: too pg-13 rated? -smirks-
ike: Heh. No, listen -- I thought it was a bird. Isn't it? There's gotta be some bird called honeytail. Since there's any number of tits.
Cass: I dunno, I'm with Jake. Why am I still watching this? Wanna go, Penny? Penny: do you even have to ask? Cass: We out. -feigns a mic drop even though she hasn't said anything remotely cool-
mayra: do i look like i spend my days watching and learning about birds?
ike: maybe. you're into all that meditation and mindfulness.
mayra: which has to do with an individuals self, not birds. only birds i deal with are the ones Salem brings to me as a gift.
ike: yikes. that cat of yours is a menace. plus she doesn't like me for some reason. but i'll win her over, just you wait and see.
mayra: you can start by getting it's gender right. salem is a he. and he probably isn't a fan of how massive you are. my other kitty is a fan. and that's the one that matters.
ike: -snickers, bumping against her with his hip- that IS the one that matters. anyhow all cats are girls. didn't you believe that as a kid? all cats are girls, and all dogs are boys. maybe i'm just stunted and never got past that.
mayra: my parents were too busy trying to make me the next einstein than teaching me silly things like that. plus, that might be your age showing.
ike: maybe. -shakes the packet of peanuts at her to offer her some- your parents had the wrong idea. you're brilliant in a whole different direction than einstein.
mayra: -holds out hand- well, thank you. i guess i can finally have the recognition i deserve from a different type of daddy.
ike: -groans softly- come on, i didn't deserve that.
mayra: oh? so should i not call you daddy during anymore? -smirks-
ike: you can if you want. but you know that wasn't what i was talking about.
mayra: and you should know, i wasn't talking about that either. -puts hand on his arm- how is it having ember here?
ike: weird. -leans a bit into her touch- i'm not qualified to be anybody's father. if i was, i woulda stuck around when she was little. but it's not like i can … un-be her dad.
mayra: sure you can. -shrugs- blood doesn't exactly make you family. at least, that's what i've learned. but this new world is all about starting over, right? no better time than the present.
ike: yeaaaaaaaah. -slings an arm around her to give her a squeeze and then gives her the rest of the peanuts- i'll figure it out. i just hope i don't fuck her up more in the process. were you close with your folks, when they weren't shoveling you into big brain classes?
mayra: are you truly a parent if you don't fuck up your kid? -leans into him and takes the peanuts, popping a few in her mouth- i wouldn't say close, persay. are we really going to talk about parents?
ike: i wanna know. i mean, if you wanna tell me. the whole, uh… -twirls his fingers- 'einstein' thing sounded like it was pretty rough.
mayra: -she sighs- my dad was the pediatric neurosurgeon at the children's hospital of philadelphia and my mom owned the biggest marketing company of the northeast region, meaning their child had to be something. i was playing piano without sheet music by the time i was four.
ike: -stops chewing, then swallows hard and leans back to look down at her with his eyebrows raised- sheeeeee-it. you weren't kidding about being expected to be a genius. so they wanted you to go into medicine? business? tchaikovsky?
mayra: -chuckles- they wanted me to work for nasa but i chose a different route. call it the first time i rebelled. i went to MIT for environmental health engineering but ended up leaving …
ike: i didn't know i was in bed with a goddamn genius this whole time. nasa?? that's outta this world. -snorts at his own joke, but subsides at her trail-off sentence- that one didn't work out for you, huh. engineering at mit.
mayra: it's amazing what people can hide, huh? -shrugs & pulls out from under his arm- let's go. it's getting stuffy in here. plus i got a cat to attend to.
ike: ohhhh-kay. whatever you want, honeytail. -trots out with her, reeling her in gently with his arm around her shoulders as they go and completely forgetting his own laundry-
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GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 3, Part 3
Lately, I’ve had a terrible time setting a posting schedule that keeps conflicting with my folks’ plans. I’m like the resident errand girl... Now, especially now, I understand the pain of Nick and his pupils when the court makes them do whatever because no one else wants to.
Anyhow, I’m back and back on schedule. No more mess-ups dragging me back to a previous post, no sirree! Oh, and again, don’t mind the extra entries I through in there just for sharing. I got at least one viewer who has yet to play through the English versions of these next games.
If only I knew how to be funny when I have nothing to say, though...
> Wright Anything Agency
<Trucy> なんていうか。ナゾが多いって、 ワクワクしますよね! なんとなく。 It's another mystery, Apollo! I love mysteries.
<Apollo> オレはしないケドね。 I don't.
そういえば‥‥成歩堂さんは? 意見を聞きたいんだけど。 Speaking of mysteries, what's Mr. Wright up to? I wouldn't mind asking his opinion.
<Trucy> あ。そういえば、パパ。 最近、見ないですよね。 Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Daddy around.
<Apollo> おとうさんを、 “のらネコ”みたいに言うなよ。 What, is he some kind of stray that just wanders in and out at will?
"Don't treat your dad like some 'stray cat'."
Ah, so he's a cat?
> Examine: photo
<Apollo> 古そうな写真に、みぬきちゃんが 尊敬する魔術師が写っている。 A faded photograph showing one of Trucy's favorite magicians.
みぬきちゃんは、毎日この写真に 向かって手をあわせているみたいだ。 She talks to it daily for good luck, I hear.
<Trucy> あ! 今日の“お祈り”忘れてました! Ack! I almost forgot!
えーと。 偉大な魔術師になれますよーに! Umm... I hope I become a famous Grand Magician!
あと、ついでにオドロキさんが、 リッパな弁護士になれますように! Oh, and I hope Apollo becomes an Ace Attorney!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ これで、よしっと。 ...There! All done.
<Apollo> (まあ。ご利益があるかどうかは、 ナゾだよな‥‥) (I suppose if you're going to talk to inanimate objects, a photo isn't so bad.)
Aww, Trucy. Yeah, this is more of a custom you'd find in Japanese households and offices, since they're pretty big on praying to their family members beyond the grave or certain lucky Kami for good fortune and all that. 'Tis an Asian thing,��really.
Odoroki: "(Eh. Who knows if it really works or not...)"
> Examine: silk hat
<Apollo> やっぱり。ボウシから、 色々なものを出すんでしょ? That's one of those hats you pull things out of, right?
<Trucy> もちろん、やりますよ。 みぬきのボウシも小宇宙ですから! Of course! My hat's like a little universe! Bigger on the inside than on the outside!
<Apollo> 小宇宙か‥‥なんだかスゴイね。 “ギャラクティカ!”ってカンジだ。 Hmm... That reminds me of a sci-fi show I used to watch.
Odoroki actually gives that sci-fi show by name: "Galactica!", which is most likely referring to Battlestar Galactica itself.
> Examine: spaghetti
<Apollo> ロウ細工じゃなくて、ホンモノの 料理を置いてるお店もあるよね。 I've seen some restaurants that set out real food to show what's on the menu.
<Trucy> そういうのって、 なぜか減ってることありません? I have, too! But I noticed something strange...
喫茶店のサンドイッチの具だけが、 なくなってるの見たことあります! One time, there was a sandwich without any lettuce!
あれはあれで、フシギです! Like it had disappeared... by magic!
<Apollo> ‥‥ダレかが、 ツマミ食いしただけじゃないの。 ...I'm sure someone just swiped the lettuce and ate it.
<Trucy> あ! あのサンドイッチ、 もしかして‥‥ Wait, that sandwich... You didn't...!
オドロキさん。いくらおナカが すいたからって、カラダ壊しますよ。 Apollo, you shouldn't eat sample food, no matter how hungry you are!
<Apollo> 食べないよ! ヒトを“のら犬”みたいに言うなよ。 Just how hard up do you think I am!?
Last two lines: "Odoroki-san, if you're always keeping yourself hungry like that, you'll hurt your health." "I didn't eat it! Don't treat others like a 'stray dog'."
Ah, so he's a dog. Btw, yes, it is still a sandwich with lettuce from a coffee shop in the JP script.
> Examine: hula hoop
<Apollo> けっこうジャマなんだよな、それ。 You know, that ring kind of gets in the way.
この前も、依頼人が つまづいて転んでたし。 Our client the other day tripped on it and fell on the floor.
<Trucy> そのあと、外までころがった リングを探すのもタイヘンでしたね。 ...Sending my ring rolling out the door! You know how long it took me to find it?
<Apollo> 怒った依頼人をなだめる方が、 もっとタイヘンだったよ。 You know how long it took to calm down the client?
けっきょく、依頼もらえなかったし。 ‥‥少し��、片付けようよ。 And in the end, they walked out without hiring us. Could you clean up a bit?
Oh, I would pay a private eye good money to find who this client was based on, out of the staff who wrote the original script. Any ideas, guys?
> Talk: Yesterday's Trial
<Apollo> 今日の法廷で‥‥ラミロアさんは、 ハッキリ証言した。 Lamiroir dropped a bomb in court today...
《犯人は、ダイアンさんだ》って。 "It was Daryan"...
<Trucy> ラミロアさん。一度、聞いた声は ゼッタイ忘れないんでしょ? Lamiroir said she's never forgotten a voice, right?
なんか、カッコイイですよねー。 That's so cool!
<Apollo> うん。まあね。 Um, I guess.
<Trucy> なんていうんでしたっけ、アレ。 What's that called again?
ええと。 “じごくみみ”っていう‥‥ Um... Elephant ears...? I bet that's what they're called...
<Apollo> ちょっとちがうぞ、それ。 ...Somehow I don't think that means what you think it means.
In JP, Minuki uses the word "jigoku mimi", which is a metaphor like "ears so sharp they could hear into hell itself", or so it sounds. It can refer to one of two kinds of people: 1) those with the special ability to remember something forever after hearing it once, or 2) incredibly nosy people who'd dig into others' secrets without permission.
Also, I just learned that "elephant ears" can be another name for taro.
> Talk: Interpol
<Apollo> 国際警察の捜査官‥‥かあ。 An Interpol agent... hmm.
<Trucy> で? なんですか? “こくさいけいさつ”って。 I was wondering, what is "Interpol" anyway?
<Apollo> え! そ。そりゃ、アレだろ? Huh? Interpol?
国際犯罪のハンニンを つかまえるんじゃないか。 They're the guys who catch international criminals.
<Trucy> なんでも“こくさい”をつけりゃ いいワケじゃないと思いますケド。 Why can't they just call them "International Police" instead of making up some silly name?
Minuki: "I don't think just throwing 'International' onto anything has an excuse, though."
Unfortunately, they don't have the rights to name themselves "Justice League of Nations" yet, so "Interpol" will have to do.
<Apollo> ‥‥やっぱり、アレかな。 ラミロアさんを調べていた、とか? Yeah... ...Anyway, you think he was investigating Lamiroir?
<Trucy> えええ! ナニ言ってるんですか! Whaaaa--!? Why would anyone do that?
ラミロアさんが犯罪者なワケ、 ないじゃないですか! She's not a criminal! She couldn't be!
<Apollo> いやいや。ヒトは見かけによらない、 って言うぞ。 Don't be fooled by appearances is all I'm saying.
<Trucy> コドモの純真な目はゴマかせない、 って言うじゃないですか! But remember I'm a magician, Apollo! I can spot a palmed coin at fifty paces!
<Apollo> 自分で言うなよ。 If only it were that easy.
Last three lines: "Sorry, but like they say, 'You can't judge a book by its cover.'" "Don't you mean, 'You can't fool a kid's true-seeing eyes!'" "Don't make up your own saying."
(Fyi, I do sometimes hear this saying about how "kids aren't so easily fooled" in both English and Japanese, but I wanted to make a pun of my own.)
> Enter Valant
<Apollo> はあ。どうも‥‥ Ah, um, nice to meet you. Who... are you?
(ニヤニヤ笑いながら、 言われてもなあ‥‥) (And could you please stop smirking like that?)
<Trucy> ああああッ! あ。あ。あ。あ。あ。 あ‥‥あなたはッ! Ah. Ahhhhhhh! It's you!!! Uncle Valant!
<Apollo> なんだよ。 やっぱり、トモダチか? Uncle Valant...? He's your uncle!?
<Trucy> ナニ言ってるんですか! No, silly!
或真敷(あるまじき)バランさん ですよ! It's the Great Gramarye, Valant Gramarye!
あの。大魔術師のッ! The Grand Magician!
<Valant> さよう‥‥テレビでおなじみ、 あの有名な或真敷 バランです。 Yes, it is I, the Great Valant Gramarye. As seen on television.
<Apollo> (ニヤニヤ笑いながら 言われてもなあ‥‥) (And could you please stop smirking like that?)
Btw, it's only in English that Trucy calls him "Uncle". In JP, she simply calls him "Valant-san". Oh, and that "t" at the end is supposed to be silent.
<Apollo> あの‥‥ Um, I hate to intrude, but...
いったい、大魔術師さんが、 オレたちになんの用ですか? What is a Great Magician doing paying us a visit?
<Valant> ‥‥おそらく。用があるのは、 あなたたちの方でしょう。 I believe it was you who wished to see me?
なんなりと、 聞いていただいてけっこう。 So, be quick with your questions!
このバランに乱反射する‥‥ And do not quail, quake, or quiver. I am quite tame.
ビッグスターのオーラを、 恐れることはありません。 Though my stardom may sear the sight... I'm quite down to earth when need calls.
<Apollo> (‥‥たしかに、あるイミ、 恐るべきオーラがマブしいな) (He does have a certain aura to him, it's true.)
"(...Yeah, in a way, he does have an impressively shining aura.)"
> Talk: Troupe Gramarye
<Trucy> あの。もしかしてオドロキさん。 Wait, Apollo...
《或真敷一座》を知らない‥‥ なんてコトはないですよね? Don't tell me you don't know about Troupe Gramarye?
<Apollo> あるまじき‥‥ なんていうか、その。 Troupe Grammarie... huh? No.
どこかで聞いたような気は するんだけどね‥‥ But it does sound kind of familiar...
<Valant> おお。まさに、 あるまじき青年というべきかな。 Oh, lost life! Lamentably listless lad!
今をトキめく大魔術集団を ご存じないとは。 To not know of the greatest troupe of magicians on the planet!
<Apollo> (或真敷 バラン‥‥ 思い出してきた) (Valant Gramarye... The name began to surface in my mind.)
(たしか、オレが小さいころ、 テレビによく出てたような‥‥) (It was a name I'd heard on television as a child.)
<Trucy> そうですよ! You bet you've heard the name!
ゴウカ客船を消してみたり、 遊園地をバクハしてみたり、 He made a cruise ship disappear, and blew up an amusement park...
銀行の金庫から金塊を消してみたり、 あげくの果てに、 ...Oh, and he made all this gold disappear from a safe!
閉じこめられた刑務所から 脱走してみたり! And then escaped from a high security prison!
<Apollo> ‥‥なんだか‥‥ Um...
大いなるゴカイを生みそうな プロフィールだな、それ。 ...You said he is a magician?
"That kind of profile could lead to some big misunderstandings."
(Ok, honestly I only kept this bit in because I love how colorful they made Valant's lines and they are worth sharing.)
> Talk: During the Show
<Apollo> あの‥‥もしかして。 So, I was wondering...
この歌の途中で起こっている “フシギ”は‥‥ That stunt in the middle of the song there...
<Trucy> フシギ‥‥? I didn't see a stunt...
<Apollo> ラミロアさんが消えたり現れたり してるじゃないか! What about Lamiroir vanishing and reappearing!?
<Trucy> あ。ああ‥‥見なれてるから、 フシギだって思いませんでした! Oh, that? I guess I'm so used to seeing that happen I didn't even notice.
<Apollo> (さすが、魔術の子‥‥) (So young to be so jaded...)
"Oh, that... I'm so used to seeing it that it's no mystery to me!" "(As expected of a young magician...)"
<Valant> ‥‥さよう。 かの、ささやかなステージこそ。 A simple slight-of-hand, a petit prestidigitation.
この或真敷が仕掛けた魔術なのです。 A modicum of magic from me... to you.
<Trucy> やっぱり! バランさんが、 コンサート会場にいたのは‥‥ So that's why you were at the concert!
<Valant> ご想像のとおり。 Yes.
このバランのトリックを 見届けるためだったのです。 I was there to watch my trick take to the air...
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥ラミロアさんが消えた、 そのシカケ‥‥ご存じなんですか? So you're the one who knows how it was all done.
<Valant> トーゼンでしょう! 我こそ、ステージの神。 Of course. I am like a deity, with the stage as my domain!
ステージ上で起こるすべての フシギを操る‥‥ I suffer no mystery upon those floodlit boards not grasped tightly twixt my fingers.
そのフシギなチカラこそ ��たるゆえんなのですから。 It is a potent, primeval power I possess.
Someone give this man a medal for "Ascending the Astral Apex of Alliterative Ability" at once.
<Apollo> あ、あの! よかったら‥‥そのシカケ。 Um... Well... Do you think you could...
教えていただけませんか! ...tell me how it was done!?
<Trucy> おっと! Hey now!
<Apollo> み。みぬきちゃん‥‥? Trucy...?
<Trucy> 魔術師にシカケをたずねるのは ルール違反ですよ、オドロキさん。 That's like, totally against the rules, Apollo!
<Apollo> ナニ言ってるんだよ! 殺人事件の捜査だぞ! Not during a murder investigation, it's not!
<Valant> そういうワケにはまいりませぬ。 或真敷の秘術は、或真敷だけのもの。 Mais non, for my illusions are mine alone, m'sieur.
And he speaks French! ...Well, actually that's not so surprising. His name is very Frenchy in the first place.
Also, I just wanna mention how he's one of the few AA characters to use the '-nu' form of negation to some words. So far, I think only two others have used such colorful or cultural language, and that would be Luke Atmey and Victor Kudo.
> Present anything
<Valant> ほほう。この私に‥‥ただで、 キセキを要求するというのですか。 What's this? You would ask me for a miracle? Free of fee?
いいでしょう。その証拠品を、 消せばいいのですね? 永久に! Then thy wish be granted! Thy will be done! Thy evidence evicted into the ether!
<Apollo> いやいや! やめてください! Ack! No evicting, please!
(‥‥魔術師って、 こんなのばっかりなのか?) (...Are all magicians like this, I wonder?)
From my experience? Yeah, quite a lot of them like to make things disappear right from people's pockets. Usually they return them to people, though. I still remember that one lady who was still screaming after the show about the autograph she got from Penn & Teller after volunteering in an act...
Sorry, I feel nostalgic for the ol' Vegas days. Anyway, this is just another entry to share.
> Finish talking
<Valant> ‥‥それでは、みぬき嬢。 バランはこれにて失礼いたしますぞ。 ...I, Valant Gramarye, now make my leave, Miss Trucy.
<Trucy> バランさん! もう少し、 ゆっくりしていってくださいよー。 There's no need to rush, Uncle Valant! You should stay a while!
<Valant> そうもまいりませぬ。 I am afraid I cannot. I may not. I shall not.
捜査に協力を求められているゆえ、 現場に戻らなければ。 I have been asked to assist with an analysis and so I shall slink back to the scene.
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥今日��、 あのコンサート会場に? So... you'll be at the concert venue today?
<Valant> さよう。このバランに話があったら、 あのコロシアムへどうぞ。 Correct. If you would call on me, come to the Coliseum!
ではッ! いざ、さらばッ! See you later, crocodile.
<Apollo> (サッソウとマントを ひるがえして‥‥) (With a whirl of his cloak, and a wink of his eye...)
(ドアからフツーに出ていったな) (...he turned and walked out through the door. Normally.)
...I don't know why "See you later, crocodile" irks me so much. It's either "See you later, alligator!" or "Been a while, crocodile!" Not both mixed up! This scene does remind me of the "dancingly descended through the front door" boys back in the day, though.
> Move: Detention Center
> Examine: camera
<Apollo> 監視カメラがこっちを見ている。 That security camera is looking at me.
カメラを向けられると、 ついポーズを取りたくなるな。 Why do I feel this sudden urge to make a silly face?
"Suddenly I feel like making a pose before that camera."
> Present: anything
<Machi> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@‥‥
<Trucy> “コトバが分からず、話せないのが 残念です。美しいお嬢さん‥‥” I think he said...
<Trucy> ‥‥ですって。 "I am sorry I cannot speak your language. You are very beautiful, fair maiden."
<Apollo> ‥‥勝手なホンヤクをするなよ。 ...This is why I never trust a translator.
Screw you, Apollo. I didn't make this blog to ask for your opinion. >:(
Anyway, it was just: "...Don't make up your own translation."
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum
> Examine: blimp
<Trucy> あ! 飛行船ですよ! Look! A blimp!
<Apollo> となりには、 バルーンもあがってるね。 Those balloons next to it have ad banners on them.
<Trucy> えーと‥‥《大安の日セール・ 大安売り》ですって! Let's see... "Big Sale, All Shirts 50% Off."
<Apollo> なんだ。となりのデパートの バルーンじゃないか‥‥ Oh. It's an ad for the department store next door.
It doesn't specify what kind of sale it is in the JP, so I guess it's officially a clothing shop sale. That said, it does say it's a "Lucky Day Sale - Huge Bargain Deals!" I'm not sure exactly how common it is among the Japanese to honor particular "auspicious" days of the year (though, they do have a lunar calendar for these kinds of events), but you'd definitely see these events affect the seasonal shopping cycles.
> Examine: coliseum
<Apollo> 《県立国際ひのまるコロシアム》か。 やたらとビッグな名前だね。 Sunshine Coliseum sure is living up to its name today.
<Trucy> おっきいですよ���ー。 It's huge!
こんな大舞台に立てるなんて‥‥ うー。牙琉さん、うらやましい! And Mr. Gavin got to play on that enormous stage... I'm so jealous!
みぬきもいつか! このコロシアムで、デビュー戦を! Someday, I'll fight my first battle on this stage!
<Apollo> なんだよ。“戦”って。 Battle?
<Trucy> だって。なんか“コロシアム”って、 格闘技のイメージがありませんか? Well, yeah, it's a coliseum, isn't it?
<Apollo> 語感が、“コロシアウ”に、 似てるからじゃないかな。 Um, they don't do gladiatorial contests at these places any more, Trucy.
<Trucy> そっか! さすが、オドロキさん! ナゾが解けました! Really? I had no idea! I wonder why they stopped.
<Apollo> (そんなに、感心されると、 訂正しづらいな‥‥) (Sometimes I worry about her.)
Last four lines: "Well, when I hear 'Colosseum', it makes me think of duels to the death, right?" "Maybe the nuance of the word comes from 'koroshiau'." [mutual killing] "Really? Nice, Odoroki-san! We solved the mystery!" "(With how much she's admiring me, it's hard to correct it...)"
> Examine: costumed mascot
<Apollo> なんだ? あのイヨウな人物は‥‥ What's that... creature there?
<Trucy> わあ! 警察局のアイドル、 等身大「タイホくん」だ! Oooh! That's the police mascot, the Blue Badger!
<Apollo> え! あれが等身大なの? Eh? It's life size!
<Trucy> 知らないんですか? よく見ますよ。 夜の街をパトロールしてるところ。 Haven't you seen them around town? Patrolling the streets?
暮らしの“安心”を願う、正義の マスコットキャラクターなんです! Yes, now even law and order has a mascot!
<Apollo> ‥‥それは、アクニンもゼンニンも まとめて逃げ出すだろうね。 ...I'd run from that thing even if I wasn't a criminal.
歩くたびにグラグラする アタマが“不安”なカンジだし。 Why does its head wobble like that when it walks? It's freaky.
<Trucy> オドロキさん! モンクが多いですよ! I don't think you're showing true Blue Badger spirit, Apollo.
It was just "Odoroki-san! You're complaining too much!"
To be honest, though, I kinda agree with him. I love the Badgers, all of them, but it didn't take AAI to make me question whether they'd be cute or creepy... At least the official Tokyo PD mascot Pipo-kun actually looks cute, kinda like a mouse or teddy in uniform.
...Manly Pipo scares me, plz make it go away.
> Move: In the Wings
> Examine: piano
<Trucy> おっきなピアノですよね! みぬき。弾いたことないんですよね。 That's one big piano! I've never actually played one.
<Apollo> ふうん。 成歩堂さんに習えばいいのに。 Heh. You should get Mr. Wright to teach you sometime.
<Trucy> あー、ダメダメ。 パパ、弾けないから。 No good, he can't play either.
<Apollo> (これだけソンケイされてない パパもめずらしいな) (I kind of feel bad for the guy now...)
"(It's not too often that I'd find a dad who is respected this little.)"
> Examine: electronics
<Apollo> いろいろなキカイがある。 音響装置だろうか。 Look at all the electronics. They must be sound-related.
<Trucy> こういう機械を見ると、どうにも いじり倒したくなりますよね。 Doesn't seeing a bunch of machines like this make you want to just fiddle with 'em?
いじり倒していいですか? オドロキさん! Can I, Apollo? Please?
<Apollo> “いじる”だけじゃダメなのかよ。 やめとけよ。コワれるから。 No, no fiddling! You'll break something.
<Trucy> でも。コワれることをおそれてちゃ、 何もイジれませんよ! If you're going to make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs!
パパがいつも、言ってます。 “カタチあるもの、みなコワれる” That's what Daddy always says.
<Apollo> ‥‥そこまで悟ってコワしても、 怒られるの、オレだからな。 These eggs look kind of expensive.
"But if you're always afraid to break things, you'll never get to fiddle with them! Daddy always says, 'Anything with form will eventually be broken.'" "...Even if you understand and still break it, I'm the one who'll be blamed."
> Examine: tower
<Trucy> このステージの塔の上に、 レタスさんとマキさんが‥‥ I still can't believe we found Machi and Mr. LeTouse up there...
<Apollo> アレはさすがに驚いたよ。 だから、高いところはキライなんだ。 Yeah. I used to not like high places. Now I hate them.
<Trucy> それ、高さはあんまり カンケイないと思いますけど。 It's not like it would have been nicer if we found a dead body closer to the ground.
‥‥そういえば。 パパもニガテですね。高いトコ。 ...Though that reminds me. Daddy's bad with heights, too.
<Apollo> へえ。そうなんだ。 Huh, no kidding.
<Trucy> こないだ。遊園地で カンランシャに乗ったんですよ。 He took me on a Ferris wheel ride a while ago, you know!
パパ、途中からカオが “もすぐりーん”になってました。 Halfway through, his face got all green and he mumbled "objection" over and over.
<Apollo> (‥‥成歩堂さん、かわいそうに) (...Poor guy.)
"Moss green", she says. Thank you, Minuki-chan, for that very detailed description.
> Examine: instrument case
<Apollo> 巨大な楽器のケースが置いてある。 Now that's a big instrument case.
<Trucy> それ、コントラバ��っていう 楽器のケースですよ。 That's a case for a contrabass, I think.
<Apollo> ちょっとしたバイオリンなら 20個は入りそうなイキオイだ。 You could fit twenty violins in there, I bet.
<Trucy> カタチは似てますけど、 ゼンゼンちがう楽器ですっ! It may look like a violin, but it's a completely different instrument!
<Apollo> みぬきちゃんなら、5人は 入りそうなイキオイだ。 You could fit five Trucys in there, I bet.
<Trucy> もう! ワザとやってるでしょ! Hey! Are you comparing me to an instrument!?
みぬきとしては、あのビミョーな “半開き”が気になります。 Hmm. I wonder who left it sitting open like that.
Second to last line: "Hey! You're doing that on purpose, aren't you!?"
> Examine: ladder
<Apollo> 昨日、塔の上にのぼった ハシゴが置いてある。 That's the ladder we used to climb up the stage tower.
‥‥あれは、キョーレツな 体験だったな。 ...Not a moment I'm likely to forget any time soon.
<Trucy> うーん、たしかに。 アレは見モノでしたよね。 Me neither...
みぬき。《へっぴり腰》ってコトバ の意味、ハッキリわかりました! I'll never be able to climb another tower again without thinking about it, you know?
<Apollo> ‥‥だから、ニガテなんだよ。 高いところはさ。 ...I'll never be able to climb a tower again, period.
Second to last line again: "I now understand what they mean by 'weak knees'!"
(Literally, it's "bent back", but has the meaning of that. Though, it definitely puts a smile on my face picturing moss-green Nick with his bent back again.)
> Talk: Valant Gramarye
<Valant> ‥‥あなたの考えていることは わかります。 I know what you are thinking in that head of yours.
『“或真敷”‥‥ああ。そういえば ムカシ、テレビで見たっけ』 "Gramarye, yes," you say. "I recall seeing him on television."
おおかた、そんなトコロでは ないでしょうかな? Something of that sort?
<Apollo> え‥‥ええ。そのとおりです。 Um, actually, yes, you're right.
<Trucy> これがウワサの “読心術”かもしれませんよ! Wow! He just read your mind, Apollo!
<Apollo> ‥‥ウソつけ。 ...Or everyone tells him that and he made a good guess.
"So this may be the rumored 'mind-reading technique'!" "...I'm not buying it."
> Talk: Magnifi Gramarye
<Valant> 天斎とザックの亡き、今。 私のねがいは、ただひとつ。 Now that Magnifi and Zak are gone, I have but one wish.
残されたこの私が、天斎の奇跡を ステージによみがえらせるッ! Let it be I, Valant Gramarye who brings the Gramarye miracle back to the big stage!
<Trucy> みぬき。応援してますから! I'm rooting for you!
<Valant> みぬき嬢。早く大きくなることです。 あなたのウデっぷしが必要なのだ。 Miss Trucy, you cannot grow up quick enough! I need your skill by my side!
<Trucy> はいッ! このウデっぷしで! One skill, coming up!
<Apollo> (やれやれ。ものすごいスピードで 話が事件からそれていくな‥‥) (How do we manage to get off the topic of the case so quickly all the time?)
Interestingly, the "skill" he mentions refers to physical strength? Was he expecting Trucy to help him move some loads backstage or something? Well, times have been tough on the troupe, so I guess stage workers are short...
> Present: attorney's badge
<Valant> ほう‥‥それが、あなたが 弁護士たる“証”ですか。 Ah... The proof positive of your profession, yes?
<Apollo> ええ。そうです。 Um, yeah.
<Valant> ‥‥ふむ。少々、 拝借してよろしいかな? Might I... have a look?
‥‥おや。 消えてしまいましたな。 Oh! What's this? It is gone!
<Apollo> うわわっ! 何するんですかッ! Ack! What'd you do with my attorney's badge!?
<Valant> はっはっはっはっはっ。 あわてずともよいですぞ。 Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Don't be alarmed.
みぬき嬢! その腰の トピットの中をごらんなさい。 Miss Trucy! Take a look into your topit, if you would.
<Trucy> きゃっ! こんなところに オドロキさんのバッジが! Eek! It's your badge, Apollo! What's it doing in there?
スゴいです、バランさん! フシギですよねー。オドロキさん。 That was amazing! Wasn't it, Apollo?
<Apollo> (そんなコトより、みぬきちゃんの 腰についてるポシェット‥‥) (He called that pouch at her waist a "topit"...?)
(“トピット”っていうんだ。 ‥‥魔術師用語か?) (Is that some kind of magician speak?)
So I had to search it up, and apparently a topit is a hidden sleeve or pocket that a magician uses to hide objects during an act. So it is indeed magician-speak. Normally, these topits are hidden in a jacket or outfit or somewhere and not out in the open like Trucy's pouch, though... If anything, her topit is stuffed with a certain Mr. Hat already.
> Move: Backstage Hallway
> Examine: Gavinners' dressing room door
<Apollo> こっちは、 《ガリューウエーブ》の楽屋だ。 That's the Gavinners's dressing room.
今、ガリューウエーブのメンバーは 捜査でいそがしいはず‥‥ They're all out on the investigation.
おそらく、誰もいないだろうな。 Being backstage isn't half as glamorous without a band here.
Funny seeing this coming from Apollo of all people. For reference: "There's probably no one in there."
> Examine: Lamiroir's dressing room door
<Apollo> ラミロアさんの楽屋‥‥ 事件現場のドアだ。 That's Lamiroir's dressing room... and the scene of the crime.
殺人事件の現場にしては、 警備がウスいよな‥‥ It's kind of lightly guarded for being a crime scene.
<Trucy> いいじゃないですか。 入りやすくて。 I'm not complaining! Makes it easier for us to go in!
それに、みぬきたち。 アカネさんも公認ですから。 And Ema gave us her OK, right?
堂々と入って、これでもかと ひ��かきまわしても大丈夫ですよ! We can wander in and do as we like!
<Apollo> (‥‥なんだか、アカネさんが 心配になってきたぞ) (How is Ema doing, anyway...?)
(カリントウ食べすぎて 虫歯にならなきゃいいけど) (I hope she's not getting cavities from eating all those chocolate Snackoos...)
"(...I get the feeling Akane-san is gonna worry.) (Ah well, as long as she doesn't get cavities from eating so much karintou.)"
> Finish talking
<Lamiroir> 連絡はそれを使っておりましたから。 ないと困るハズなのですが‥‥ We use it for communication. It would be quite inconvenient should it go missing.
<Apollo> わかりました。オレたちが 預かっておきますよ。 We'll hold on to it for you then.
牙琉検事に会ったら、 言っておきますから。 We'll give it to Prosecutor Gavin when we see him.
<Lamiroir> そうですね。 では、おねがいできますかしら。 Yes, that's best. Thank you.
<Trucy> あ! じゃあ、ソレ。 みぬきがつけておきますね! So, can I put it on?
< > 《ヘッドセット》を みぬきちゃんに取りつけた。 Headset attached to Trucy.
<Trucy> プラモデルみたいに 言わないでください! "Attached"? I'm not some kind of robot, Apollo!
Or a plastic model, as per the JP.
> Move: Lamiroir's Dressing Room
< > ‥‥さくさくさくさく‥‥ ...MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH...
<Apollo> う‥‥‥ Uh oh...
このキョーレツなニクシミをこめて カリントウを噛み砕く音は‥‥ There's only one person I know who can munch with such... venom.
<Ema> ‥‥ナニしに来たのよ。 ...What are you doing here?
<Apollo> あいかわらず、フキゲンそうですね。 アカネさん。 Hello, Ema. You're looking as grumpy as ever.
<Ema> そりゃそうでしょ。 Oh, am I supposed to be happy?
法廷でアンタにやりこめられて、 牙琉検事にバカにされちゃうし。 You give me the second degree in court, and Prosecutor Gavin makes me look like a fool.
Heh, I like both the descriptions with "venom" and the "intense crunching noise" from the JP. Thinking about it, for someone to munch so loudly even with a closed mouth, that is a pretty impressive level of intense.
> Examine: crime scene
<Apollo> あれ。ここ、 カーペットが切り取られてるぞ。 Look, the carpet's been torn up here.
<Trucy> 今日の法廷で《のみとーる試薬》を ふりかけたトコですね! That's the part we did the lunimol testing on in court!
<Ema> “ルミノール試薬”よ! ノミを取ってどうするの! "Loony mall"? What's "Loony mall"!? It's "Luminol"! Get it right!
<Trucy> ‥‥‥! ...!
アカネさん、カガク捜査の コトになると、コワい‥‥ Ema's kind of scary when it comes to science.
<Apollo> ‥‥みぬきちゃんも、そろそろ キチンとおぼえようよ。 ...Best learn the word and not incite her wrath again.
Heh, she mistakes it as "Nomitol", and Akane-san snaps at her about "Why would I be catching fleas!?" since "nomi" is "flea" and "toru" is to "take" or "pick up".
> Examine: bullet holes
<Apollo> こんなに厚いカベが、 ぺっこりヘコんでいる。 Look at the way those bullets tore through this thick wall.
ホントに、オソロシイ威力の ピストルだったんだな。 That revolver really was something else.
<Trucy> マキさんみたいに小柄なヒトでも、 撃てるものなのかなあ。 I wonder if someone as little as me could even fire it?
<Apollo> 肩がハズれちゃうかもしれないね。 しばらくピアノなんか弾けないよ。 Dislocating your shoulder would kind of put a crimp on your stage career.
<Trucy> あ。じゃあ、ウチのパパの 肩コリも吹き飛ばしちゃうカモ! Daddy always has stiff shoulders, maybe that could loosen him up!
<Apollo> やめてくれよ。ホントに 撃ちそうだぞ、あのヒト。 Don't even mention it. I'm afraid he might go out and actually try it.
<Trucy> たぶん、ないと思うけどなあ。 そんな度胸。 Nah, he doesn't have the guts to pull the trigger, I bet.
Haha, Odoroki's second to last line: "It might dislocate your shoulder. You wouldn't even be able to play piano."
> Examine: bowl
<Trucy> きゃあ! フルーツですよ フルーツですよフルーツ! Look! It's fruit! Fruit, Apollo! Fruit!!!
<Apollo> ‥‥1回多いよ。 ...I heard you the first time.
これだけあるのに、スイカを ひとクチかじっただけとは‥‥ It sure is a lot of fruit. I doubt anyone would miss a bit of watermelon...
<Trucy> メロンを瞬間移動させましょうか。 ‥‥みぬきのおなかに。 I know, I'll make it vanish! Into my stomach!
<Apollo> やめておこうよ。 ベンショウさせられるかもしれない。 Better not. They might make you pay for it.
そんなおカネがあったら、 事務所のカベを塗りなおそうよ。 And if you have the money for that, you should probably repaint the office first.
<Trucy> メロンって、そんなに 高いんですかっ! Watermelons are that expensive!?
<Apollo> まあ、よく知らないけど。 *shrug* These could've been imported from some exotic locale, for all we know.
Nice shoutout to Japan's exotic fruit market. There are indeed such things as square watermelons and exquisite canteloupes that can go for as high as 10-15,000 yen per melon (~$95-143 these days).
Also, Minuki mentioned she'll have some of the canteloupe to herself, which is why Odoroki warned her about how expensive it'd be.
> Examine: bouquet
<Trucy> “ゴウカらんらん”な花が 飾ってありますね! That's one heavy-duty bouquet there.
<Apollo> ワルいけど、“けんらん”だぞ。 I have trouble thinking of flowers as being "heavy-duty".
<Trucy> えー! でも!“ゆうきりんりん” って言いま��ん? But they call lots of things heavy-duty!
<Apollo> それは言うけど。 Not flowers, they don't.
<Trucy> “るんるん気分”とか。 What about a "heavy" scent?
<Apollo> たしかにね。 I think you mean "heady".
<Trucy> 事務所のトナリのメガネ屋さんは “れんれん”だし。 What if the flowers were plastic?
<Apollo> お。苦しくなってきたな。 They still wouldn't be heavy.
<Trucy> “ろんろん”は‥‥‥‥‥‥ないや。 みぬきの負けですね! OK, what if they were made out of metal?
<Apollo> じゃ、満を持して “けんらん”ってコトで。 What, like a magnolia made out of steel?
<Trucy> はいっ! Exactly! Though I hope all my fans don't start throwing metal flowers at me.
Once again, we have a case of Japanese wordplay that couldn't make it through translation. Here it is:
"There's some 'gouka ranran' flowers here!" [splendid-fiery] "Sorry, but that should be 'kenran'." [gouka kenran = luxurious] "Huh? But don't they always say 'yuuki rinrin'?" [full of vigor] "That they do." "And 'runrun kibun' too." [exuberant mood] "That's right." "And even the glasses shopkeeper next to the office is 'renren'." [attached to /
fond of] "Oh, now you're starting to grasp at straws." "And for 'ronron'... I can't think of any. Well, I'm out!" "Then, you can accept that it's 'kenran'." "Okay!"
I respect the ref to Steel Magnolia, though.
> Examine: wigs
<Apollo> 美容院なんかで見かける、 パーマをかける機械だ。 That's one of those permanent dryers you see in hair salons.
<Trucy> そういえば、これ。正式な名前は なんていうんですか? Is that what they're really called? "Permanent dryers"?
<Apollo> パーマをかけるキカイだから ‥‥《パーマ機》? Do I look like a beautician? I just know they dry your hair and give you a permanent...
<Trucy> “機”だけニホンゴって カッコ悪いです! It just doesn't sound very glamorous, you know?
<Apollo> じゃあ‥‥ちょっとコジャレて 《パーマシーン》‥‥? OK, how about a "permachine"!?
<Trucy> シンプルに《パーマー》とか。 《ドライヤー》のノリで。 Or you could go more simple, like "permer"!
<Apollo> ‥‥けっこう遊べるね。 《正式な名前を考えよう》って。 ...This isn't a bad game, thinking up official names for things.
その時点で“正式”じゃないけど。 Not that it makes the name actually official or anything.
As it happens, it's not too far from the original script, even including a bit of Japanese wordplay: "It's one of those machines you'd see at a beauty salon that gives you a perm." "Say, what is the official name of those things?" "Well, it's a machine that gives you a perm, so... 'perma-ki'?" [kikai = machine] "It sounds weird just leaving that 'ki' in there!" "Then... to keep it trendy, how about 'permachine'?" "Or keep it simple like 'permer', kinda like 'dryer'." "...We sure can play around with thinking up official names for things. Not that it makes the name actually official or anything."
> Examine: presents
<Trucy> ラミロアさんへの プレゼントですね。 A stack of presents for Lamiroir.
さすが、大スターのプレゼントは どれも大きいですよねー。 Stars always get the biggest presents.
ね。ね。オドロキさん。 みぬきも受付中ですよ。プレゼント。 You know, you could give me a present, Apollo.
<Apollo> ‥‥じゃ、はい。アメ玉。 ...Here, have a piece of candy.
<Trucy> わあい! ありがとう! Gee! Thanks!!!
<Apollo> (喜んでくれたのに、なんで こう、ムネがいたむんだろう) (She must not get a lot of presents... Poor girl.)
(I'm happy for her and all, but why do I feel so bad?)"
I guess it can go two ways: he's sorry that she doesn't get many presents, or he's upset he had to give away some of his sweets.
> Talk: Yesterday's Trial
<Ema> とにかくね。あのちっちゃな子に ダマされてたと思うと、くやしくて。 It just bugs me to think that little kid outsmarted me.
<Ema> 目が見えたんなら、よけいに アヤシイんじゃない? あの子。 And it makes him even more suspicious now that we know he can see!
天井の通気口も見えたワケだし、 ピストルも撃てたし。 He could have seen the air duct, and he could have shot that revolver.
<Trucy> でも‥‥ラミロアさん、 そうは証言していませんよ。 But that's not how it sounded in Lamiroir's testimony.
<Ema> ああ。現場で、ハンニン‥‥ 眉月刑事の声を聞いた、ってね。 You mean her saying she heard Detective Daryan's voice at the scene? Hmm...
<Trucy> そうですっ! That's right!
<Ema> もう。なんでワケのわかんない 事件ばっか起こるのよ、この国は! Why can't we have a normal, straightforward killing once in a while in this country!?
<Apollo> クニのせいに しないでくださいよ‥‥ I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Ah, here's the legendary Ema quote! It's pretty similar to the original: "Ugh. Why is this country just full of cases that don't make sense at all!?" "Please don't blame the country, it's not at fault..."
> Talk: Song Lyrics
<Ema> ここまで一致していると‥‥ グーゼンとは思えないよね。 It is kind of hard to chalk it up to coincidence, hmm.
<Trucy> ですよねっ! みぬきが見つけたんですけど。 I know! And I found it.
<Ema> これって、やっぱり。 ハンニンがやった‥‥のかなあ? You think the same person did all of this?
<Apollo> オレに聞かないでくださいよ。 ハンニンじゃないし。 Don't ask me. I didn't do it.
<Ema> あたしだってちがうよ。 あの通気口、入れないし。 Neither did I! I couldn't fit through that air vent anyway.
<Trucy> ‥‥え! みんな‥‥ みぬきを疑ってるんですかっ? What... You all think I did it!?
<Apollo> (ダレも言ってない) (Sometimes I worry about that girl.)
"(No one said anything about you.)"
This here is some fine Among Us logic, yessiree.
> Talk: Something Odd
<Trucy> ‥‥あの。 ナニか見つけたんですか? ...So what did you find?
<Ema> まあね。ちっちゃくて、きのうは 見落としていたんだけど‥‥ It's so little I must have passed over it yesterday.
あの、ソファの下に、 コイツがね‥‥ I found it under the sofa.
<Trucy> ‥‥なんですか。コレ。 ...What is it?
<Ema> 何かの機械の部品、みたいだけどね。 サッパリわからないの。 Part of some device, I think. I haven't a clue what.
ハジっこについてるキカイ、 見覚えがあるから調べてみたら‥‥ The bit sticking out from the end looked familiar, so I had it examined.
どうやら《アンテナ》みたい。 Turns out it's an antenna.
<Trucy> アンテナ‥‥ Ooh, like on a beetle?
<Ema> だから。電波に反応するのかな、 って思って。 Like on a cell phone. This device must use an electronic signal of some sort.
<Trucy> 電波、か。ココロ当たり あるような‥‥ないような。 An electronic signal, you say? Hmm...
Hm, I wonder if Trucy likes collecting beetles. Otherwise, I have no idea where that line came from.
> Finish talking, examine crime scene again
<Trucy> ‥‥ちょっと、 気になったんですけど。 You know what I couldn't stop thinking?
このカーペット、誰が ベンショウするんでしょうね。 Who's going to pay for this carpet?
<Apollo> オレたちじゃないコトは たしかだけど‥‥ As long as it's not us...
やっぱり。 ハンニン‥‥じゃないかな。 Maybe... the shooter?
<Trucy> うーん。それじゃあ、 悪いコトするときは‥‥ I guess it's true what they say.
ヒトにメイワクが かからないようにしないと。 Crime doesn't pay!
<Apollo> ‥‥ベツのルートから そこへたどり着きたかったね。 I would hope that carpet replacement costs weren't the only thing holding you back.
The last three lines: "Hmm. It's like, 'When you do something wrong... don't cause trouble for others too.'" "...I wished we could have come to that through a different way."
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum
> Meet Daryan, finish talking
<Daryan> どう思ってるんだよ。 ホントのトコロは。 What do you really think happened? Really?
‥‥オレがやった‥‥なんて 考えてないだろうなあ? You don't think I did it, right?
<Apollo> そ。それは‥‥ W-Well...
<Daryan> なんか、たよりないからな、 おまえさん。おぼえておいてくれよ。 Great. Way to instill a guy with some confidence.
事件が起こった瞬間。オレは ステージで、暴れてたんだぜ。 Just remember, I was ripping it up on stage when it happened, OK? Ripping!
<Apollo> ‥‥‥! ...!
<Daryan> あの“歌姫”とかいうおばさんの 言うことに、ダマされるなよ。 Don't get led astray by some siren song, eh?
さもないと‥‥ 1年ぶんのハジをかくことになるぜ。 Get this one wrong, and you'll be eating humble pie for a year. I'll bake it myself.
<Trucy> なんか‥‥感じ悪いですね。 Let's... not talk to him anymore. Alright?
<Apollo> (眉月 大庵‥‥刑事、か‥‥) (Detective Daryan Crescend... He's one stone I'd leave unturned if I had a choice.)
Heh, nice. It was plainly "Don't be fooled by that 'songtress' lady", but made the perfect opportunity for a reference to siren songs. Ngl, I was half-expecting the JP script to run off of her Goddess title in some way...
> Move: Prosecutor Gavin's Office
< > ‥‥ピッ‥‥ ...*beep*...
<Klavier> やれやれ‥‥こんなときにこそ、 ダイアンが必要なんだけど。 It's times like this when I start to miss Daryan...
‥‥ん? ...Huh?
<Apollo> あ‥‥どうも。 Erm, hiya!
<Trucy> えへ。 来ちゃいましたあ。 Tee hee! Just thought we'd drop in. Hope you're not mad...?
<Klavier> ‥‥“えへ”とこられちゃあ、 怒るワケにもいかないな。 ...How could I be? There's not enough "tee hee" in the world, in any case.
まあ、座りなよ。 Have a seat.
<Apollo> (意外にココロの広いオトコだな) (Prosecutor Gavin, the philanthropist.)
<Trucy> オドロキさんも見習うんですよ。 Watch and learn, Apollo!
"(He's a lot kinder than I thought, this guy.)"
> Examine: guitars
<Apollo> すごい数のギターですね。こんなに 持ってて、どうするんですか‥‥ Look at all the guitars! Why so many?
<Klavier> 何本あったって、困らないさ。 ギターは、ぼくの恋人だからね。 You can never have too many guitars. They are like... my lovers.
<Apollo> (なんだかハラの立つセリフだな) (I didn't just hear him say that.)
"(Feels like he's saying that just to rub it in my face.)"
<Trucy> オドロキさん、知らないんですか? これは、予備のギターですよ。 They're backup guitars, Apollo. Don't you know anything?
“ろっくんろーる”は、ギターを 壊してナンボの世界ですから! Rock 'n' rollers always smash their guitars at the end of a show!
<Apollo> どんな世界だよ‥‥ No wonder it's so hard to make it as a musician.
"What kind of wacky world do they live in..."
<Trucy> ほらほら! オドロキさんも、 “ろっく”してみてくださいよ! You know what, you should try rocking a little, Apollo.
<Apollo> ‥‥持ち主の目の前でそれは、 さすがにロックすぎるだろ。 And breaking his guitars while he watches? That might be a little too rocking.
<Klavier> はっはっは。でもね。 ぼくは、そーいうのはやらないんだ。 Ah ha ha ha. Of course, I would never do such a thing.
言っただろ? ギターは、ぼくの恋人だって。 Did I not say, they are like my lovers?
ぼくが、恋人にそんなことをする オトコに見えるかい? Do I seem like the kind of man who would do such a thing to ones he loves?
<Trucy> いいえ、まさか! 見えませんよ! さすが、ガリューさんですね! No, no! Not at all! I mean, you're Mr. Gavin, upstanding prosecutor!
<Apollo> (おいおい‥‥“ろっく”な 世界はどうしたんだよ) (What happened to Prosecutor Gavin, god of rock?)
"No, no! Not at all! It's you we're talking about, Garyuu-san!" "(Hey... what happened to that world of 'rock' you were on about?)"
> Examine: window
<Klavier> どうだい? すばらしい眺めだろう? The view is exhilarating, ja?
いつも、ここで夜景を 楽しみながら、曲の構想を練るんだ。 I sit here, gazing down upon the city, writing my songs.
<Apollo> 検事の仕事をしましょうよ。 Try working on cases.
<Klavier> 曲を考えることと、 事件の推理をすること‥‥ It is the same thing.
ぼくにとっては、同じなんだよ。 I write lyrics the same way I corroborate evidence.
どちらも大切なのは、ロジックと 感性のハーモニーだからね。 It is a harmony between the logical mind, and the primal spirit within!
<Apollo> (言ってることはカッコイイけど、 ごまかされている気がする‥‥) (Is it so hard to admit that you like staring out your window and daydreaming?)
"(He may have put it in a cool way, but I bet he's just trying to deflect...)"
Do prosecutors have a habit of just staring out their windows for some reason? I know that frilly guy does it because he's got a bit of time at this time.
> Talk: The Case
<Klavier> ああ‥‥そうだ。 今日の新聞を見たかな? Ah, that reminds me, did you see the paper today?
<Trucy> はい! Yes!
テレビのページだけはみぬき、 毎朝チェックしてるんですよ! I always read the TV section.
<Klavier> それはエラいね。 おデコくん、キミは? Good girl. How about you, Herr Forehead?
<Apollo> オレも、4コマまんがは チェックしてますけど。 ...I read the funnies.
Ah, something we can agree on, Apollo. Then again, with how Odoroki mentions the 4koma, I can't help but picture those on Gyakuten Tsuushin and now the joke is super meta.
<Klavier> ‥‥コイツを見たまえ。 ...Then you will not have seen this!
<Apollo> 《悪魔のしらべが惨劇をもたらす! ~二枚目検事のキケンな歌声》 "Concert of Tragedy -- The Prosecutor's Deadly Song!"
<Trucy> え。今夜、そんなドラマ、 ありましたっけ? Ooh, is that a new show? I haven't heard about that one.
<Klavier> ドラマじゃないよ。 れっきとした、記事の見出しさ。 It's not a show. It's an article. News, you know?
<Trucy> あ‥‥もしかして。 みぬきたちの‥‥ Oh, does this have anything to do with the case...?
<Klavier> 法廷から帰ってから、 ぼくの電話は鳴りっぱなしだよ。 Since getting back from the trial, my phone has been ringing off the hook!
Second to last: "Oh... so it's about us...?"
> Finish talking, get the replica
> (optional) Move: W.A.A., present replica
<Trucy> ���タスさんは‥‥ コレを調べていたんですね。 So this is what Mr. LeTouse was after...
<Apollo> うん。国際警察がコレを 追いかけていた、ってことだろうね。 It's international smuggling. That's why Interpol was involved.
(今回の事件とどう関わるのかは、 まだイマイチ分からないけど) (I'm still not sure how this ties into our case, though.)
<Trucy> ちっちゃいのに、 すごいんですね、コレ! Wow, how could such a little thing be so important!
<Apollo> たしかに‥‥ まるで、みぬきちゃんみたいだね。 In that way, it's a bit like you, Trucy.
<Trucy> !‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ オドロキさん! ...Apollo!
みぬきは、ちっちゃいんじゃなくて、 まだ若いだけです! I'm not small! I mean, I am, but I'm still growing!
<Apollo> (‥‥一応、 ほめたつもりだったんだけどな) (It was intended as a compliment.)
<Trucy> オドロキさんこそ、前髪で 身長かせいでるじゃないですか! Well you cheat your height by sticking your hair up like that!
<Apollo> (こ、これは別に、そういうんじゃ ないんだけど‥‥) (Hey, it's called fashion.)
"(H-hey, I just like it this way. I didn't mean it like that...)"
> Move: Sunshine Coliseum, In the Wings, then Hickfield Clinic
> Move: Detention Center, present replica
> Talk: The Cocoon
<Trucy> この“マユ”‥‥ いったい、なんなんですか? What is this cocoon, anyway?
<Machi> @@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@‥‥
<Lamiroir> 『マユ、糸‥‥特効薬』 "The cocoon, the silk, is a potent cure."
<Trucy> とっこうやく‥‥? A cure...?
<Apollo> 何かの病気に効く、ってコトかな。 It must cure some disease.
<Machi> @@@@@@@@@@‥‥ @@@@@@@@@@‥‥
<Lamiroir> 『《チリョーレス症候群》‥‥』 という病気に効くみたいですわ。 It's a cure for "Incuritis".
<Apollo> チリョーレス‥‥ A cure for Incuritis?
Ughhh, it literally is just "Chiryoles" (chiryou + less = cure-less), aka "Incuritis". And here I was expecting it was just the loc team having a brainfart once in a while.
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... remember when I had that good swing on that long self-insert fic going? Yeah, me too. Good times. [ffn] [AO3]
Well... I sat the fuck down and finished up the next one. Joke is... 33 will be the hardest to do lmao I’m so not ready
Anyway, this instalment takes a Definitely Spoopy turn; wanted to publish it at Halloween for a reason, but, uh, as you can see... it’s mid fucking December. Not even the Robin time can rectify that.
32. White noise
“Oh, my, what pretty flowers have sprouted here overnight,” comes the amused voice of Robin from behind them not two seconds later.
Law’s eyes shoot up immediately, and he also sits up post-haste, almost headbutting the railing himself. “Nico-ya…” he starts with a wary drawl; “since when have you been here?” She's the nosy type, too… might have heard fucking everything. Shit.
Kat also turns towards her with open arms. “Ah, Robin!”
“I see you’re in a much better mood than before…. good for you,” she smiles at Kat immediately upon seeing her enthusiastic, flushed little face, and sprouts a hand on her back to give her head a scratching, which she seems to enjoy quite a lot. “As for your question… five minutes, maybe?” she shrugs then at Law as the moaning watering can in her hands is put to work. “Your vivid duet was hard to miss,” she continues with a chuckle. “You shouldn’t lie around in this weather, though, lest you catch Miss Kat a cold for next week.”
He feels blood rush to his face again. For some reason, getting caught laughing by her is as embarrassing as anything else. As is getting talked to like a toddler.
“I wasn’t planning on staying here much longer anyhow,” he grumbles with a huff. “We have business to attend to, not to mention that you being out gardening equals to everything getting wetter and colder, anyway.”
Next thing he knows is that she’s holding the can directly above him for a quick shower; he’s just dumbfounded, and Kat snorts as soon as the action registers.
“You’ll be the one to give me a cold this way, Robin,” she giggles then just as the woman moves on.
“Sorry, couldn’t resist… do you want me to get him one, too?” the archeologist asks then, offering the business end of the object.
“What’s with all of you today, I swear…” Law shakes his head, and the curly hair sprays everyone with the water that’s stuck among the curls. “Are you standing in for Nose-ya, or what?” Him, Carrot and Luffy are the only ones up for this kind of bullshit at any given time. And Chopper, whenever they can rake him into idiocy.
“I suppose someone has to,” she hums, pouring a little of the leftover water on Kat while passing. “It gets mundane without the kids around.” The can sinks into a barrel of water to refill.
“It sure was too peaceful out here to be true,” the man mumbles standing up, then bows down to shake out whatever water is left and willing to drop. “Or inside, for that matter. I’m missing a bunch of my crew for sure, and by the looks of it, so do you,” he says then, straightening up. He’ll need to fetch a towel, goddamn. Also, he’s officially really, really cold.
“Oh… everyone’s being scarce?” asks Kat while wiping the water off her face, then also swishing whatever possible out of her hair. Nami kept her company, but she couldn't help notice the empty seats during breakfast.
The archeologist nods. “Yes… I went ahead and checked the other ship on my way up myself. Nary a soul. And, as you may have noticed already, our wacky musician and sniper, as well as little doctor are yet to be accounted for. Since Franky just left with Sanji and Carrot to shop for odds and ends, this ship is as good as dead,” she states, pulling the filled container out of the barrel. She stops to think for a second. “I am a little worried, though,” she notes then, looking out towards town. “The boys may have gone out together, but Chopper is not one to stay out for an entire night. As an animal, he needs plenty of rest. I doubt he has that luxury out there… the commotion died off early in the morning, and the music is already starting up again.”
“Yeah, it's always pretty noisy on this weekend,” agrees Kat while Law murmurs something that sounds like a ‘thought so,’ likely referring to his crewmates. The ruckus is bad enough that she’s decidedly happy over being able to stay over for these two nights specifically.
“If they don’t get back soon I’ll have to assume they got themselves lynched in a dark alley,” the woman declares as the moaning ghost starts spewing water again.
“… even Brook?” muses the girl two seconds down the line with a raised brow and half a smile.
Hearing that brings back Robin’s, too. “Even though he’s already dead? Yes.”
Law finds the idea less funny. “Don’t jinx it, Nico-ya. I doubt they would have any problems with some ragtag thieves, but we know for a fact that there are some shifty folks out in some alleys,” he informs the woman while pointing towards Kat with a thumb, then starts rubbing himself for some warmth. He could have lived his entire life without having been reminded of that situation, really.
“… oh. Yeah, there was that, too, huh.” She… forgot about that, despite the adventure freaking her out quite a lot at the time. Thinking about this, she also stands up at last, patting the dirt and whatever there is off her dew-soaked thighs.
The tense focus returns. “Oh my… then I better get looking as soon as possible, don’t I.”
“I’m about to send Jean Bart out to collect our entourage, too. Might as well join him.” He’s there for sure, heard him cursing on his way up. Also the only other person to keep people on task on board of the Polar Tang, so there’s noone better to get those sad excuses of pirates moving again.
“Would you be so kind as to ask him to look for our lost ones in my stead, then?” Robin turns to Law after short consideration.
“Huh?” Backing out? Nico-ya, of all people? “Why that?”
She sighs. “I would prefer not to spend more time out with all the bushoo around is all… They make me feel uneasy, even despite the cute costumes.” She still thinks it was silly to miss out on most of the fair on Tuesday because of the minute weakness of being reminded of what happened in the city of water when she was alone with Chopper for a little, but last night, the entire flocks of them really made her nervous for some reason. She constantly felt like being watched by those vacant, painted-on eyes. All in all, soon after Nami and Carrot left, she also excused herself.
“Well, fine by me,” the man sighs then, giving his freezing self one last rub. “I guess you’ll be willing to come practice now, too?” he turns then to Kat while wiping a stray drop of water falling out of his hair.
“Um… yeah.” She’s getting unsure again, and can already see today becoming extremely awkward with the two of them just… being stuck in the same, cluttered room. Alone. Just… don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.
“Thank you,” Robin nods with notable relief, with the once more empty can in her flailing hand. “And you do your best, alright?” she smiles then at Kat, who’s also starting to get cold by the looks of it.
“No need to, Nico-ya,” Law replies while moving back direction hellcave, with Kat tiptoeing backwards in tow with a wave and hum.
Pretty much as soon as they enter the metal staircase, it becomes obvious how few people are around. Not because they are not physically present, but rather… the silence is too big for this to be a ship with twenty plus people on board.
Hearing someone make a racket under these circumstances sticks out like a sore thumb, though. As is the one making it in general.
Law turns a corner Kat has never taken before. She follows him awkwardly after a second of consideration, then takes a quick look around the humid room they arrive at; the showers are about as utilitarian as a place like this can get. There's four stalls, and a metal bench and shelves across them where some people have left some clothing articles and soap lying about. She also notes some pipes on the floor next to Jean Bart, who is standing in the middle in a small puddle and fills half the midspace himself… they must be for that leakage problem from the other day. Explains why he's ripping off half the metal ceiling, if nothing else.
“Jean, sorry to bother you right now, but would you be so kind and, uh, ‘collect’ our idiots from town?” asks Law without beating around the bush.
The burly man sighs. “Did think it right when considering it myself, ey? Will do, capt’n. I’m not the man for the rest of this, anyway.”
“Thanks,” Law waves with a nod, already turning around to trod deeper down into the submarine. “Oh, and… keep an eye out for the other bunch, while at it.”
An unwilling grunt. “… if I must.”
By the time they arrive at the bottom, a total silence sets in. And soon enough Kat has to admit that unfortunately, she cannot concentrate to save her life… exactly as she’s feared, she has difficulty paying attention. Only after five minutes, she becomes sickeningly aware of the fact that she’s all alone with Law, or, occasionally, it’s her imagination that starts tugging her away to other times and places. It’s all bad or embarrassing memories… no matter which happens, however, it’s on the uncomfortable side of nervous. Instead of butterflies, there are barely not cramping muscles on the menu. Not sure whether this is the better of the two worlds…
Just to make things harder, the ambience really seems off today. Like, yeah, the buzzing is still there, but at any other time, there’s the crew up and about every now and then on this floor, not to mention their voices can echo down here all the way up from the dining hall. But today… there’s nothing. Apart from her grumbling stomach, that is. Like in the evening, she couldn't get much food down her throat at breakfast, and it's finally catching up with her…
After an hour or so, the silence itself has grown into just another reason to be on edge, and soon enough, it’s Kat’s main concern. Instead of wanting to be in another room altogether, she gets the feeling that there’s some monster lurking outside in wait, making this room with Law in it the safest place available. Whenever the bells ring outside, it’s like thunder rolling in the dead of the night.
As such, she gets especially nervous upon him leaving said safe bubble after one of these ghastly tolls; if nothing else, it’s extra relieving to see his return in a few minutes. He doesn’t look all that happy with the situation, either.
“This is getting… weird,” he states upon arrival.
“… are they still not back?” That does not sound reassuring. Also, she does need her usual background noise to be somewhat less useless.
The man just hums. “A few of them are, including my three idiots… but something is definitely fishy about this. According to Bepo, they haven’t seen most of the crew since around 2 am when they wobbled back home, not to mention that they have apparently not run into Jean Bart this morning, either.” He sighs with worry, putting up his right to the chin in contemplation. “Maybe they are planning something stupid, since the other crew seems to be involved… but Clione and Uni are not the types who would participate in that, and they’ve been the first to bail.” In their case, it’s been nearly a day by now, too…
Kat also groans. “The submarine is really spooky with nothing but random noises down here… if this is supposed to be a joke, it’s not funny.”
“Same here. Those three just left again, so I asked them to keep an eye out… we’ll see in an hour or two. Until that… might as well have lunch? Or a very belated breakfast… while Fugu is still in.” He’d rather not tempt his luck twice.
As such, the girl gets to be in the dining hall once more. It is a very different experience with only eight people around, counting her, Law and the cook. Latter doesn’t even stay, but packs up to go grocery shopping as soon as they get their servings. Overall, the eerie silence persists. Once three other people leave to go fishing, it becomes nigh unbearable; it’s pure luck that she’s finished up by then. She pours another mug of the tasty, warm tea before descending back into the panic room.
Then the seconds, minutes, then likely multiple hours just pass, and pass in the same vein, until there is quite a racket, first upstairs, then quickly closing in as the staircase is indicating. Almost immediately after, the door bursts open, with three very familiar faces.
“Thank god, you’re still here,” sighs Penguin and nearly collapses from the relief.
“… I’m going to skip the ‘learn knocking’ part, and go straight to questions,” Law insists, his hand nervously grabbing onto the back of the chair. There’s officially a problem, and by god, is he in no position to be of use right now.
“Noone’s here!” cries Shachi; “First it was just weird, then weirder… since we saw literally no friends out in town…!! But then there was one of the fishing rods just lying around outside, and now we didn’t find anyone in the hall, either! I poked my nose into the kitchen while Pengu and Bepo had a look at the bedrooms, but not even Fugu is around! Half of the soup has gone and evaporated already… he should have been back ages ago!” By the time his rant comes to a close, he’s on the verge on tears. Bepo has been at it since the second line, and is sobbing into Penguin’s hat, who’s not even in the mood to scold him for getting it all bear snotty.
Without another word, Law is already outside, busting up door after door.
They open every single one of them, one by one, but there’s no life to be found. Wherever they look, the hallways, Ikkaku’s room, back door of the dining hall, engine, or even the cold room… it's all fallen silent. Not a single soul around apart from Kat, Law, Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. They don’t hear any noise until they enter the showers, where the faulty pipe is still dripping from above through the removed panels. The pulsating darkness gives Kat, who’s been following the boys around in panicked silence, the chills; were she alone, she’d get spooked by her own shadow.
There’s but a ringing in her ears. And it’s deafening.
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, if there is actually one style of creating which attacks fear right into my heart that is actually the idea from having to create a passion letter. As well as will you permit yourself to just Be Actually and also feel the affection that resides within your heart - for you, for your lifestyle, for determining to provide on your own a brand new second where happiness has a place, where that fills the space within your heart as well as infects every one of you, in and out. Call Dr.Zabaza via e-mail: zabazalogan @ or provide him a contact +2348182620374. Staff members are allowed to one paid 10-minute remainder break if their work period is in between 2 as well as 4 hrs; one paid out 10-minute rest break and one unpaid 30-minute food breather if their job duration is in between 4 and six hrs; 2 paid out 10-minute rest breaks and also one unsettled 30-minute dish break if their work period is actually between six as well as eight hours. If you are actually disappointing your fanatic that he or she is special to you at that point you leave behind the door broad open for certainly not only dissatisfaction as well as unhappiness, but also for other people to give them the attention they yearn for. An essential segment from Stand out or Rock music is called the bridge, which gives listeners a break from the verse-chorus, verse-chorus construct. Essentially a rest every 60 minutes excels, but merely if students stick to just five-ish mins. In conclusion I would mention that in your mission to quit smoking cigarettes see to it that is just what YOU yearn for at a time that is right for YOU. In spite of being actually named at 1:00 in the early morning, despite having actually seen that it was a racket participated in by some local kids, he resorted to me as he claimed as well as left behind, This was actually really great to meet you, ma'am. 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Stop aiming to translate his actions and also acquire a man which you don't have to function therefore difficult to identify. Together our experts can take a plan to reduce your worry and also give you that much-needed electric battery recharge while still receiving factors carried out. Dr.Zabaza i thank my God for permitting me contact you when i required the you most, As well as for those that would like to arrive aficionado back they need to gently speak to Dr.Zabaza on zabazalogan @ or even give him a get in touch with +2348182620374, As well as i assure you within 48hours your lover are going to be back to you. Under the UK Working Time Instruction, an employer must offer a rest from at the very least TWENTY moments if the functioning day is actually longer compared to 6 hours. There are no guidelines for producing pop tunes- any mixture of verses and also music (or no songs or even no verse) proves out just as long as completion product is actually exciting or catchy good enough for a person to notice it! The factor is actually that from the ping pong players needs to damage serves confidently and the 2nd one performed that with challenge, having actually gained some video games on rest factors. You got her fascinated, called her unexpectedly, and really did not offer any sound responses. In addition starting a fast really isn't a brain surgery; for countless years, mostly all societies have utilized that in order to help clear the body system from poisons, offer our digestive organs the chance to revitalize and also recover optimum feature. The chart would certainly after that signify which bone tissues seemed to be to become the absolute most as well as minimum likely to damage. Reviewing these delighted quotes is simply the first step on ending up being a genuine idealist. Some folks affirmed that he brought their Ex enthusiast back, some attested that he repairs womb, treatment cancer cells, and other illness, some testified that he could cast a spell to quit breakup and more. i likewise come upon one specific testament, that was about a lady gotten in touch with Sonia, she testified regarding how he rejuvenated her Ex-boyfriend enthusiast in below 7 times, and also at the end from her testament she dropped High Priest ADODO's e-mail handle. QUIT as well as discover that intricate carbs are just a series from 3 or additional basic glucoses expecteded together. He pitched back in his squeaky office chair along with his practical his chin, Okay, I will definitely give you the cars and truck, and also you spend me when you can," he said along with a smile as he stretched his palm. As well as thankfully, my gastric did not offer me any kind of issues like over the last whenever I bypassed meals. I met this individual (29/12/1988) as well as I am actually Women (6/9/1989) I have actually been actually seeing/sleeping along with, on and off for 4 years right now between other partnerships (that our experts each have possessed, we appear to always wind up back with eachother after the connections our experts remained in deteroriate or stop performing. Our experts were so honored to become able to offer a breather to A.G. as well as her other half in January to commemorate their wedding ceremony anniversary. Micro-break - that short period of time like a complete, undisturbed lunch time hr or even an extended bike ride - that helps to provide a boost from energy to kick-start your mid-day in addition to a chance for originalities to surface. I totally coincide Mr Marriott about giving our own selves a break and also it are going to truly improve our performance. Velocity Reading Notes" In my manual I offer you a short summary of techniques to choose you your reading. Eating the best carbohydrates will definitely provide you longer phrase energy and assistance to fight physical body fat storage!Your perhaps pondering if there is actually a straightforward instance this so you can bypass today's quick scientific research training. Under these minimal standards, if your lunch time break is beyond TWENTY mins, that considers as your full privilege to a make that day. If you are actually truly endure, look into; it will definitely follow you and also offer you impressive reviews at the end of the time. That is actually not the cure for cancer cells, however it can easily offer you a worthwhile, as well as even better an assessed business version that may give you the financial self-reliance we all are worthy of. To crack fast, I observed the author's assistance from happening a soft diet plan as well as avoiding meat, log items, and oily as well as spicy stuff for the 1st two times. Because from a misconception from these differences and also that may lead to a whole host of issues, communication may break down. Meso-break - not unlike my little bit of 2-day resort into the nation, a meso-break could be actually a worry-free weekend where all electronics are shut off - which assists to offer you a little bit additional from a recharge in your batteries. I and also my fanatic possessed some problems which triggers our separate considering that after at that point my life has certainly never coincided i attempted all technique in order to get him back but they were simply misuse from effort and waste of time. That has a great deal to damage devoid of a partner, often times you'll separate 6 to TWENTY times. Do not offer up if you still love your ex-boyfriend. There are effective strategies in order to get back your ex lover as well as making them love you like never before. They will lose hope going to an occasion if the only choice they had was actually standing by level to get a buy a ticket. Possibly drop in at the Camelback Inn or Port Seaside - or even any sort of one of our various other 4,400 buildings - to reenergize, reconnect as well as return to the labor force emotion revitalized.
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