#any comp sci majors in the AVA fandom? 😤😤
cringefailmoment · 1 year
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Redstone woes.
Don’t look at the redstone i dont know how to draw blocks —-
Yellow: hm….
Yellow: everything looks good!
Yellow: alright, let’s do this!
[imaginary Green: Wow! This is great!]
Yellow: weird… why isn’t it working?
Yellow: maybe if I fiddle with it… wait, now it’s worse! Okay, one more try…
[8 hours later]
Yellow: I CAN’T DO IT!!
Yellow: I’ve tried everything!! Changing the redstone, recrafting noteblocks, adjusting the code—but nothing works!!
[it’s like Minecraft hates me!! Wait does MC actually hate me—]
Yellow: I’m a failure….
TDL: hey there. Having trouble?
Yellow: uhhhhh just a little.
TDL: want me to take a look?
Yellow: sure, but I’m sure you won’t do anything I haven’t tried—
TDL: got it.
TDL: misplaced repeater. I fixed it. (Should work now.)
Yellow: oh. T-Thank you. (I’m going to cry it was a freaking repeater??)
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