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dark-overlord-of-rainbows · 3 months ago
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Drawn Nov 11 2024 I liked how I stylized them last time, so here Kira (left) is designed by ARaccoonNamedPeacock Yukio (right) is designed by N8-0 kinda struggled when drawing Yukio here
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lucoremeu · 2 years ago
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pachamama-radio · 2 months ago
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Puente recién inaugurado en San Antón corre riesgo de colapso por daños estructurales
Las lluvias en la región de Puno han provocado graves daños en el puente peatonal de San Antón (Azángaro) tras la crecida del río Ramis. La estructura, recientemente inaugurada, presenta rajaduras significativas en su base central que ponen en riesgo la seguridad de los usuarios, mientras las autoridades no toman acciones correctivas inmediatas.
Los pobladores de esta localidad han tenido que reducir el uso de este paso peatonal debido al incremento de las grietas en la zapata central, situación que amenaza con dejar incomunicados a cientos de vecinos que diariamente cruzan el río para realizar sus actividades cotidianas.
La población alerta que el aumento del caudal del río Ramis podría agravar los daños estructurales existentes, comprometiendo la estabilidad total del puente. Los residentes exigen al Gobierno Regional de Puno, responsable de la obra, una urgente evaluación técnica y reparación de la infraestructura antes de que las intensas lluvias de temporada empeoren la situación.
La aparición de estas fallas en una obra recientemente entregada genera cuestionamientos sobre la calidad de los materiales empleados y la supervisión durante su construcción, poniendo en evidencia posibles irregularidades que requieren una investigación exhaustiva por parte de las autoridades competentes.
via https://pachamamaradio.org/puente-recien-inaugurado-en-san-anton-corre-riesgo-de-colapso-por-danos-estructurales/
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white-fang-22 · 3 months ago
"Puede que no tenga victorias notables, pero puedo sorprenderte con las derrotas a las que logré sobrevivir"
----------- Antón Chéjov
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dance-world · 5 months ago
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Antón López - photo by David de Olalde
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lovelyballetandmore · 5 months ago
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Antón López
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heraclito71 · 4 months ago
Sólo en los tiempos difíciles es donde las personas llegan a entender lo difícil que es ser dueño de sus sentimientos y pensamientos.
Antón Chéjov.
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luegootravez · 7 months ago
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Ana Sotillo by © Javi Antón
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sk1llz-heeler · 1 year ago
I'm so, so sick of seeing posts where people act like or make jokes that all of Giancarlo's more recent villain characters are the same, along with people saying they're sick of Giancarlo playing the same role over and over. Sure, I understand if you want to see him in a different role from a "smart" villain, HOWEVER, Gus Fring is NOT at all the same character as Moff Gideon, and neither are the same as Stan Edgar, and all of them are not the same as Antón Castillo.
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dark-overlord-of-rainbows · 4 months ago
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Drawn Nov 4 - 11 2024 My part of an idol trio with ARaccoonNamedPeacock and N8-0. The red-haired character is Kira and the blue haired one is Yukio.
I uh. really read peacock's description that read "pop group" and "girls preferred" and went "counterpoint! goth enby," huh? okok I'm joking-- they weren't requirements, and I did consider both people's designs and the rest of the description when doing my own and doing research.
So this character doesn't have a name, I haven't actually picked a gender either, but they're a panda dwarf cichlid - since I decided to go for a yellow character to fit with the others and that fish is yellow but also sometimes has red and blue which fit with the other colours.
It's not super obvious with the outfit but I did try to give this character scoliosis and the darker brown on their cheeks is melasma.
There's obviously alt influences in this character, but I was also looking at Ouji Kei specifically. I used this person's wardrobe for a lot of the reference
The colours of the top left one were my second pass I think? the first I don't have anymore but it doesn't matter they were very obviously not meant to be a final
The ones on the middle and top right are my third which I just edited today. brought some more focus on the yellow and attempted to bring the colours from the other characters into it but eh. The red is from Kira but all of Yukio's blues were too bright
The top right I simplified the design a tiny bit, since I wanted to do "maybe a little overdesigned" with mine: but also for ease of drawing and the fact that they're with two other characters they need a simpler version
I also was attempting peacock's style with that one because when designing this one I wanted it to still be different from my other characters and be interesting for myself, but also make sure that it kinda fit her style without changing too much? N8-0 will have to figure it out himself if he wants to draw them though, sorry lol
The bottom one I drew the three together for one last seeing if they fit together and making adjustments to my colours, as well as simplifying the design further/differently
I do like the extra colours but I felt like mine stood out a lot and in the middle of figuring out how simplified I wanted it I realized that the fact that this one's "the yellow one" wasn't as clear so I ended up just making them mostly yellow. It's fine anyway, Kira was the first character here so she can look more of a main character. I kept that little bit of red from kira though and ended up being able to take one of Yukio's blues for the eye there
I might change the skintone back to being a little redder and differentiate the yellows more again though, I think that's a little weird but I don't wanna look at this anymore. They've got multiple options now
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lascitasdelashoras · 1 year ago
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Antón Chéjov
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lulu2992 · 10 months ago
Far Cry: Cull the Herd #0 review
The first issue of the manga is out! Here are my thoughts on it :)
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Spoilers for Primal’s ending below and slight spoilers for the manga itself, but it’s pretty short and just the prologue so not much happens anyway.
You can download this pilot here for free. Remember to read it from right to left!
So, I was wondering who the two teenagers on the cover were, and the answer is Antón Castillo on the right (who looks more like Diego, I think), and on the left… his sister Valeria.
Valeria Castillo is a new character, never mentioned in Far Cry 6 and created for the manga. We aren’t told if she’s older or younger than Antón, but it’s clear she has a strong and caring personality. I’m not sure she can be considered canon since it seems the game’s writing team wasn’t involved (their names don’t appear anywhere), but the idea of Antón not being an only child actually makes sense since he has a nephew!
As explained in the official description, Cull the Herd is about Batari, one of Primal’s two main antagonists, magically abducting some of the franchise’s iconic villains when they were still teenagers, making them fight against each other in prehistoric times, and… this is pretty much all that happens in this free “prelude”. In fact, the “battle royale” hasn’t even started yet.
The comic opens with Batari’s demise at the hands of Takkar, and I think the scene looks a little graphic for the manga’s rating (13+), but maybe it’s just me. As she’s mortally burnt and wondering why “evil always wins”, a mysterious, goddess-like being (possibly Suxli) speaks to her and decides it’s time to “play a game” to determine what the “nature of evil” is.
We then see a 13-year-old Antón working in Yara’s tobacco fields in 1967, as we know he was forced into labor by the revolutionaries. There are differences between the story told in the game and what we see in Cull the Herd, though, but it’s probably because canon doesn’t really matter in the manga.
Aside from the fact that Antón has a sister, it appears his father is still alive in the comic when, in Far Cry 6, he had already been executed at this point. On the other hand, although she only died in 2007 and always remained close to him, his mother Yolanda is never mentioned. We don’t see Antón’s pruning knife either, but maybe we will in future issues.
That said, again, I’ll have to refrain from focusing on the accuracy of the events presented in Cull the Herd too much since it’s just a semi-official crossover alternate universe, much like Captain Laserhawk (which I really enjoyed). Not everything is going to be faithful to the games, but since the manga series is a supernatural retelling of some of the characters’ stories, it’s not supposed to be.
This pilot is only a taste of what’s coming next, and in my opinion, it’s an effective teaser. I don’t know if the other issues will be free and fully colored as well, but I’m curious where the story is going to go, which characters will be involved, and what will happen to them. In my opinion, the story looks promising.
Don’t read Far Cry: Cull the Herd if you’re just interested in gathering more information about some of the Far Cry antagonists’ pasts; it’s clearly not canon. Now, if you’re a fan of the franchise, want to read a crossover story featuring reinterpretations of your favorite characters as teenagers, see how they survive in this nightmarish scenario, discover what “evil” is, and if it truly always wins, this manga may be for you :)
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eopederson · 9 months ago
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Peregrino pasando por las ruinas de la Abadía de San Antón cerca de Castrojeriz, Burgos, 2011.
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dance-world · 5 months ago
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Antón López - photo by David de Olalde
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mon-nid · 1 month ago
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Primeras páginas
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bones-n-bookles · 1 year ago
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Dogs: Their Fossil Relatives & Evolutionary History, by Xiaoming Wang and Richard H. Tedford, illustrated by Mauricio Antón, 2008
Bought new at the La Brea Tar Pits museum, another book I cherish and want to reread and catch up on the science since published
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