antonia-starrvinova · 2 years
Faint of Heart
'Hotel Fic'
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‘Faint of Heart’
Pairing: Antony Starr x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only. Sex. Smut. Do not read this post if you are under 18.
What to expect: Fluffy and smutty. New relationship. Sex. 
Song: The Camper Velourium I: Faint of Hearts - Coheed and Cambria (Lyrics in italics.)
Words: 2.9k
SUMMARY:  You wait for Antony to finish working at Comic Con for the day. He takes you with him on his event tour. Inspired by this one song.
Notes: Actor RPF but Antony is essentially an original character here, with the face claim of Antony Starr. Of course this is not about Antony in reality. This is fiction. I just love Antony.
Credit: Dividers by @firefly-graphics. Moodboard by @madhatter2727. Thank you so much! x Feedback/18+ banners by @maysdigitalarts
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ASCU Masterlist | Homelander Masterlist
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I stretch my arms out, lying across the giant hotel bed we are staying in. I feel the comfort of resting my muscles after a long day at Comic Co. He's still there but I’ve come back. It was too much for today.
I hear the key card unlocking the door and footsteps coming into the room. I’m face down on the bed, I have music on, some 2000’s nostalgia bands, Coheed and Cambria. It's chilled and I'm too tired to move.
‘Hey!' he calls to me.
He clicks the door into the en-suite and the tap runs. I stay relaxed, enjoying the feeling. I’m sober enough, but a bit more to drink and my vision would be swimming. He comes over to me, a light hand on my back. ‘You ok?'
‘Hmmm. Yeah.’
Antony sits down on the edge of the bed next to me. I roll over to face him, he's still wearing his baseball cap and glasses. I reach out to move his hat off, revealing his messy light brunette hair. His glasses on, stubble matching in colour.
'Antony, sit with me.’
And when the answer that you want, is in the question that you state.
'Oh I remember these from about 2003. I used to listen to this album.’ He says.
'Me to.'
‘Me and you were a bit of an age apart, same as now, but...I was about 29 when this came out.’ He says.
I reach out for him, placing a hand on his back over his Adidas hoodie. ‘Of course, I was like eighteen. Oh God! I’m glad I know you now, I probably would have pined over you if I met you then.’ I linger over at him to see his reaction.
He laughs, head tilted back, a bright smile. ‘Oh are you sure, an eighteen year old you?'
‘Well no I wasn't into you…’
He gives me an amused side look, watching intently.
‘I didn't know you existed. How funny is that? We would have been listening to the same bands but had never met.’
He leans over to my face, his mouth in a wide smile, his teeth bright and shiny. His hoodie has green panels, it’s a little bit baggy and I grab at the fabric at the front of his chest. I pull him towards me, I eye his face and he kisses me. A slow sweet peck on the lips. He laughs against me, gets up on to his knees on the edge of the bed, carefully walking over to me, lies down next to me, reaches for one of my wrists to stroke. We sit like this for a little bit in silence.
The lyrics float through the hotel room.
Did somebody take your tongue? In worries of the words that you couldn't say, if they could've saved them from.
He tilts his face towards me, props himself on one elbow. The rain is tapping against the glass. The weather is chilly and I’m thankful Antony is with me now. His cute hoodie is on but I’d rather wear it to cosy up.
The anxious through the calming storm, you'll sit as you pray for rain.
He laces his fingers with mine, he looks for my face, my eyes.
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‘I'm cold Toni, can we get under the covers? Or, better yet,’  I tease him, ‘you can get changed out of that Adidas hoodie.’ I reach for his zipper under his chin, pulling it down. His faded vintage red Jane’s Addiction tee is showing. ‘Will you be cold if I take this off you?’
‘I won’t be cold.’
He watches me with a soft open smile, just observing me as I unzip, his tongue pushed against his front teeth. Glistening behind his canines. With my hand still on his zipper, I pull. I undress him to the waist.  He shuffles out of the hoodie and I slide it towards me and start putting it on. He stops me, takes the hoodie out of my hands, putting it down.
‘Here…’ he reaches over his head, taking off his t-shirt, revealing his pecs and chest hair to me. His tapering waist and his hips. He takes off his tee fully, hands it to me. ‘Put this on.’
I take it. He takes off my top, leaves on my lingerie and helps me into his t-shirt. Oversized, it covers my knickers.
‘Come here.’ He says.
I'll touch it if you ask me to, But how is up to you.
He's touching the top of my thigh right next to the hem of his tee.
‘Do you want..’ he begins. His eyes cutely searching my expression, watching it change, tilting his chin. Quietly, slowly his lips form a thin barely there smile. He pulls me towards him, holds me against him, one hand resting on my outer thigh, playing with the hem of his shirt.
No I'm not going to let you get up If you struggle willingly. I'll favor all your form to show you, how its been done to me.
Did somebody take your tongue?
I suddenly catch my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth, feeling immobile, difficult to get my words out. This isn’t something I am I used to. It would have been a while, since I have had to ask, to guide. It’s hasn’t been easy to get to this stage with him. I like to wait.
It’s special. He’s different. He’s a sweetie and I wanted him to find me, looking for him.
I shuffle in place, carefully meeting his gaze. He’s calm and sexy. He’s waiting for me to respond to his touch. To his words.
‘Um, Antony - ’ I smile
There’s the slip of his hand against my leg, further under his shirt. Further up my thigh. It’s ticklish and warm. And then he touches his face to mine. He scratches his chin against mine. I like the stubble on my skin. His fingers hook into the side strap of my knickers, pulling downwards. Hardly noticeable, but he’s doing it. I feel the fabric of his matching jogging bottoms, with his leg tucked underneath him. I wanna touch him there. I glide my hand up his inner thigh, feel the soft cotton and hopefully something more. I look at him and he looks at me. He’s still waiting. And I’m still deciding. Sure, it’s been a few months, but we’re warming up.
‘What’s wrong? We don’t have to do anything.’ Antony says.
I don’t respond and look at him as he looks at me.
‘Uh it’s ok, it’s nothing.’ I  say.
He catches on. He knows something. He’s tracing patterns under the shirt as we talk.
‘I just -‘ I say.
He pulls his face back a bit. ‘Are you ok? Tell me.’ He cups my face with his other hand, pressing his nose to mine, round eyes so adorable as they swell with concern for me.
‘You know, just, waiting for you, don’t get me wrong, I was thinking -’
I see his eyes change and he looks upset. His thumb starts stroking my cheek over and over.
‘You know how when you’re at work, when I’m waiting for you-‘ I say.
‘I know, I’m sorry it’s the waiting around  for me that gets to you, my schedule is messed up sometimes.’ He says.
Oh no, he’s not gonna want to be with me. He’s better with someone who shared his schedules, knows the deal. Oh God.
‘Oh, I lower my head,‘ I don’t really mind your schedule, ‘I understand you have to work, it’s just how it is, I’m ok with it. It’s when - ‘
‘Is there something else you wanted to say? If you’re ok with that? He says gently.
‘Please don’t think it’s - Look, my mind starts to wonder and maybe me sitting waiting for you means you think of me, of me less? I’m sorry I’m being honest.’
‘Hey come on, ‘ he presses me to his chest. ‘Don’t do that. You know I need you.’
‘Oh yeah.’ His hand still underneath his shirt, he squeezes my thigh. ‘It would be boring without you waiting in hotel rooms for me.’ He laughs. ‘What else do I have to look forward to after a long day at work? And,’ he twirls my hair and glides his hand further up his shirt. ‘I’d love to have you at an event with me one time, if you're up for it?’
‘So, will you have me?’ I say.
‘Oh yea I wanna do that too.’ He smirks.  
I let him take me into his lap. He pushes the side of his shirt up my hip and onto my waist. Fabric gathering there.
I lean backwards and keep my knees at his hips.
‘Do you like this?’ As his hand  trails up my  leg, hooking his fingers under the
edge of the gusset of my knickers, he's brushing his knuckles deliberately over my intimate parts, that he can get to under the silk. He makes it easy, he knows what he's doing. Then turning his palm up and brushing over my clit with with pads of his fingers. A light brush. Then another sweep. Lighter. Then stronger. Less pressure. Then more pressure. He's teasing. I turn my head away. ‘And this?’ He says, tugging at the fabric, pulling my panties down by the gusset. I step out of them, letting him slide them off completely, while covered with his tee.
‘Umm, I like it when you touch me.'
‘Good, I want to touch you some more.’
His arm is between my legs. I want him to touch me but I want him to stop. ‘Stop Antony, stop.’ I whimper.
‘What's wrong, what is it?’ He says.
‘I'm more than alright. This is too good.’
‘Too good?’ He shoots me his smile.
‘So good I need you to stop. And I need you.’ I claw at his waist.
He places his hands on my waist firmly and looks me square in the eye. His knees hip wide on the bed, dipping into the mattress. There’s a little of a sparkle in his eyes as the apples of his cheeks plump into a smile. I trace his collarbone and down his pecs, to the dips in his hips, above his waistline. Pawing at his hips. Gently.
He notices. He knows. He looks to the side, to the bedside table, then flutters his lashes back to me. He presses me close, hip to hip, I feel his chest, his belt, the grain of the cotton against my legs. He brushes his hand under my chin and swishes his nose over mine, bumping his glasses.
‘Antony there's something-‘  
‘What?’ He brushes a hand under my chin.
‘Something I need to tell you.’
‘Oh, oh come on girl, you're not gonna break my heart now are you?’ He strokes both hands over my face, holding me between his palms.
I squirm in place, worried.
‘Hey. Tell me. You can tell me.’ He says.
‘I um, I dunno.’ I laugh.
‘You don't know?’ He joins my laughter. He places soft kisses on my lips, drops his hands to the sides of my neck and then pulls me under the covers with him.
‘But you have your trousers on.’
‘Well then take them off.’ He says.
‘I wanna watch you undo your belt.’
‘Is that all you wanted to say to me?’ He teases.
‘Um, no but..’
‘But what? Come on I wanna know now! As long as it’s nothing bad, it's not bad right? I don't wanna hear that. But anything else!’ He throws his arms up showing his palms in mock dismissal. He unbuckles his belt. I grab onto him and move him towards me until our hips make contact. I hug him around his neck and he pulls us under the covers. He looks at me expectantly.
‘When you're Homelander all I wann do...’
‘All I wanna do is suck your…’
‘I'm not sure I heard that fully? My what? He smiles as he leans up to me, his mouth suddenly all I can focus on and his jaw wonderfully defined. I push my hand under his waist band and feel the hair below his belt.
‘I'm not gonna say no to that.’ He laughs and pulls me closer, ‘but I want it to be for me, and not for him. Is it for me? You still like me and not just Homelander.’ He does that look up with his eyes, slowly, his brows knotted. Teasing and playful.
‘Of course it is, you're too silly! Of course you big idiot. I love YOU! Oh like you know...you.’
He freezes. Looks at me seriously.
Is he upset? My stomach does a flip. ‘I don't wanna upset you if…’ I look down embarrassed.
‘I really hope you mean that.’ He says quietly. There’s a long silence between us. ‘Do you love me like I love you?’ He sucks in a breath of air. ‘I love you.’ He tells me softly, leaning up to my mouth.
‘Yes. I mean it.’ I close the gap to kiss him.
He pulls the covers over our heads playfully.
The make-out session is slow, precise and lasts for ages. I run my hands over his chest and back down to his hips. I focus on the feel of his lips, the velvet wetness of his tongue. My head is swimming and I feel almost euphoric. He pulls away from my face.
‘Now can we see about making that happen?’ He's naked and smooth and warm and sheltered under the covers with me. My hand is past his hipbones, in his hair. On him. There.
‘Hmm, I don’t, I don’t expect you to do this, if you don’t want to, right now. ‘ He strokes my hair, smiles softly, sweetly at me.
I haven’t done this to him before. I hope he likes it.
‘Uh uh! I wanna do something for you. And you’re so cute it make me wanna do it more.,’
I tease him until he wants to ask me again. He’s sweet, but losing patience. His cute smile revealing canines, he swallows and his eyes flick over to where my hand is. Asking. Subtly. Turning to focus on me with his eyes and his hand. He trails it under his shirt that I’m wearing. Warm, fuzzy and flooding feelings. He shuffles, finds my hand and interlocks his fingers. His chest rises as he sighs and I feel he’s nervous. I make him warm and wet and slippery. He leans back on the pillow and the pace of my mouth on him is slow and gentle. He swells more and I admire his shape. He says something I can’t hear. He tugs at my hand and the hem around my thighs as I straddle his legs. The brush of his fingers where my knicker line should be is tantalising.
‘Come closer to me. ‘ He says.
‘Umm, I don’t wanna lose my place. Don’t you like it?’ I say.
‘Uh, I definitely like it. I just wanna do the same to you. Why don’t you sit closer.’ He says.
Oh. We’ve definitely not done this before.
His fingers keep brushing my hips and the top of my thighs. He coaxes me round to him. Pulls on the t-shirt hem gently and guides me, so my knees fall either side of his shoulders. I’m face down, leaning right over to place my mouth on him. He traces up the inner part of both my thighs gently, slowly. It tickles. Until he gets to the top. Then he teases me again, stroking and pressing, smoother each time, returning to my clit with each movement. I feel him grip the front of my thighs, lower and pull me back, until his lips are on me, then his tongue where he was touching. I’m too wet and his tongue is like velvet. I push my hips down onto his face to feel the stubble. The feeling is uncomfortable and sexy. He licks at me as I have a mouthful of his dick. I can’t help but wiggle over his face, rocking on my knees as he heightens the feeling. He doesn’t let me swallow, grabs my waist and pulls me away.
‘Why did you do that?’ I say.
‘So do you want to, ride me? Just do it. Do what you want.’ He pulls me upright and sits me on his face. The contact is delicious and I do what he tells me. I forget it’s the first time were doing this and enjoy it. The light prickling from his stubble mixes with the sensual way he’s taking care of me. I ride his face and moan his name.
‘Let me touch you.’ I say.
‘Uh uh.’
Antony pulls me up to his chest, cradles me there, holds me close. His lips landing on my forehead, spiky face scratching me. I press my cheek into his, feeling the texture. I like the roughness. I enjoy his touch.
‘When?’ I kiss his neck, taking in his scent, snaking a hand towards his dick.
‘You can touch me tomorrow.’ He moves my hand to rest on his chest. His eyes turning to mine, shining with happiness, and crinkling at the corners. Half moons above plump cheeks. Jaw defined as he adjusts his head on the pillow.
‘That was so good.’ I say.
His mouth twitches in a devious but cute smile. ‘It was! And you were, hot. You’ll sleep well.’
‘Awww and you won’t!’ I say.
But I don't want to sleep without.
‘I will, don’t you worry.’ He smiles and closes his eyes. ‘Goodnight.’
He reins me in, close enough to hear him breathe.
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antonia-starrvinova · 2 years
‘Van Fic’
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Pairing: Antony Starr x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only. Sex. Do not read this post if you are under 18.
What to expect: Fluffy romance. New relationship. Sex. Still 18+.
Song/Fic Soundtrack: ‘The Temple of the King’ by Rainbow (1975) Listen here.
Words: 1.6k
SUMMARY: An overnight van drive where you and Antony go to the beach and spend the day there. Then build a bonfire that night and snuggle by the fire under the blankets.
Notes: Actor RPF but Antony is essentially an original character here, with the face claim of Antony Starr. Of course this is not about Antony in reality. This is fiction. I just love Antony.
Credit:Dividers by @firefly-graphics x x Moodboard by the wonderful @madhatter2727. The summary is also written by her, as this was her idea. I only tweaked the wording.
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ASCU Masterlist | Homelander Masterlist
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I'm with Antony. Our drive was long, but worth it. The sounds of the wheels on dirt roads, the engine and the hum of the Temple of the King. Of course he likes anything to do with Dio. He would. It's a 70s sound. Flowing and mild. Vintage. Wiith enough guitar to take us down the gritty roads and feel pumped for the drive. His arms are on the wheel, his jaw set in concentration as I glance across to him in the sunset. When he hits the brakes and parks the van, I pull the brown cord of his surf necklace, pulling him inch by inch across the passenger's seat.
'Thank you for taking me.' I say.
He smiles as he lets me move him closer. 'I'm glad you wanted to.' His smile creating fullness around his cheeks.
'Of course I did, I love a road trip and the sea. And with you..' I pull him in and kiss him.
He turns the kiss into more. More contact, pressing brushing, his lips on mine, sighing. He kisses me one last time and unclips my seat belt.
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In the day, on the beach he is constantly observant and careful with me. I sit leaning into his arms with his day old stubble scraping my face. When he pulls away then leans back in, it prickles, then the gentleness of his lips smooth over the roughness. I like him both rough and sweet. But we haven't come to that, I don't know if he's sweet and rough.
'Ok, so you know how we've only slept together once, after a long wait.. ' I say as I balance both hands on the top of his shoulders, straddling him playfully under our beach umbrella.
'Hmm I'd like to change that.' He smiles at me with a plumpness in his cheek. A pull at the corner of his lips. He changes the subject abruptly. 'I hope you're OK with my van, I'm used to it, van life , y'know, but I'm sorry if it's not the best arrangement.'
'Oh come on, I'm looking forward to it. Despite not camping much I will sleep anywhere and can cope with a bit of discomfort. So no worries if it's not a hotel. It's not meant to be right? That's the point, isn't it? I've been waiting for this trip since you invited me, and I don't regret it one bit. You don’t need to be nervous.'
His smile is cute and a bit sheepish. I know he's nervous. 'And who says we have to be in the van? ' I lean by his ear. 'I'm good with a little sand and dirt.'
'You don't mind getting a bit dirty?' He says.
'Oh no. I think I want to get a bit dirty.' I laugh and he pulls me up into his lap further.
I suddenly feel the grip of his hands on my arms, his body moving out from under me and my knees coming away from the ground. I'm on my back as he pushes me over and puts his weight on me. I hug his hips with my knees.
'But umm,' his eyes are lips are too cute and there's slight hesitation in his voice. He strokes a strand of hair away from my face as he's looking down from above me. ' Umm, so I wanted to take you out here so we can have some quality time alone. No distractions. No work. And to show you what I like to do when I have free time.This is me in my element. Just my van, my board, the waves, and - '  he pauses looking at me intently, 'and you.' He finishes the sentence quietly then leans down to my mouth with an asymmetric lip and a dreamy eye.
At the touch of his lips I kiss him back and he opens his mouth, licking into mine. Warm and gentle. I press my hand over his left cheekbone, then into his hair and round the back of his neck. His hips flatten against mine as he relaxes and lays on top of me.
'You know I haven't invited anyone camping with me, for a long time. I can't remember the last time I have.' He says.
'Do you like to be alone? I can understand that.'
'I do, but I haven't taken a woman with me for ages.'
'Is that why you were worried I wouldn't like it? You know me I'll take the long, route and climb instead of walk if it's more interesting than the simpler way.'
'Hmm, yea not everyone likes hanging with me in my van.'
I kiss him this time.With the aim of melting away his doubts. 'I'll hang out with you in your van whenever!'
'Mmm, OK good. That's settled then,' he laughs, 'but really it's important to me you that you have a good time.'
'I am,' I smile up at him, 'you wanna surf I'll wait with maxine here?'
'I do, but I wanna stay with you for a bit more first.'
'No, go now, I don't want you to drown cause your brain is occupied with something else!' I tease him. I push a handful of sand below his belt.
'Oh that's too naughty!' His New Zealand accent comes out so clear when he's playful.
'Look, now you definitely have to change into your suit with all this sand in your pants!' I say.
'Or, I'll just take them off. You can't stop me right?'
'I won't stop you!' I say in the sweetest voice I can. I help him push his O'Neil vest above his hips and up. I land my hands over his chest and play with his necklace as he undressed me, and doesn't let me get up until I don't know or care that we're outdoors, or than anyone might appear on the scenic route we've stopped on. The sand doesn't bother me anymore, all I care about is feeling him, kissing him and touching him. He's really loving and I melt underneath him. His jaw is brushing past my face, this side and that. His lips touch my neck and I slow kiss him, making me forget everything.
'I love you.' He whispers in my ear.
The sparks are tender, softly going out before they land. His hands are warm. It's now midnight and Antony is scooping me up in his arms. He's tired, and he snuggles. I love it when he snuggles  up to me. He uses me like a comfort blanket. Pulling me up to him, closer until there's no space left and I rest back against his chest and shoulders. The salt air is harsh. It weathers the rocks and the coast. Sea spray lapping and shaping, influencing to fall aseep to it's sounds.
Antony loves the search for a good spot to camp. He showed me the sandy beach, where we stepped through the dunes and broken shells. We held hands and we kissed on the shore at dusk. He told me he loves me. The excitement of the day wearing down but spiralling into a quiet storm within my chest. Thinking of and anticipating our night under the stars. His van is there if we need it, but he's good here. It's his norm. I'm good as long as I'm with him. The waves lapping our time away hour by hour. It counts our hours, not counting down but growing in number.
I count the hours since he told me and I didn't say it back. He still holds me close as the wind moves past us. Wrapped in blankets and warmed by the bonfire he made. I watched him build it with a pride on my face.
He didn't ask me to say it back. He just told me he loved me. To tell me. So that I would know.
'This is so amazing. I'm so warm and snuggly. And all thanks to you.' I say.
'As long as you're happy. And I've got you here.' He's hugging me from behind and he kisses my cheek nestling his chin on my shoulder. We listen to the sounds of the outdoors, the seagulls and the seafoam and the crackle of the fire.
'I could fall asleep here.' I tell him.
'If you want to, I'll stay awake and watch over you.' He strokes my hair.
I sit up a bit and turn around to face him, crossing my legs. I look at his eyes. 'Im not just warm cause of the fire,  but I must say, I'm impressed with your bonfire building skills.' I laugh.
He smiles. His signature nervous smile.
'You're so cute right now. I say.'
He blushes even under the glow of the fire. I trace a finger under his jaw holding him by his chin. 'But...' I look down to his eyes again. 'I'm warmest because I love you too.'
He looks taken aback, almost relieved. He wraps his arms around me tight. He breathes me in and I fall asleep in his embrace.
I wake up in a different place. Under a roof. With the moonlight streaming through gaps in the curtains. In Antony's van. I'm covered in a blanket and his arms.  My head is resting on his chest. I twist my fingers around the cord on his necklace, then trying not to wake him, I move my hand down his bare chest. He's sleeping in boxers, and I nestle my hand just underneath the waistband. He smells of bonfire smoke and cologne.
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