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yama-bato · 7 years
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Day 1/7: Black & White Challenge
I was tagged by the beyond compare der-gorgonaut .Thank you for tagging me!
Rules are to post 7-black and white photographs in 7-days. Additionally, no explanations and no people allowed. Plus, you should also tag 1-person each day! Today I tag my friend antoniopolophotography if he wants to join in!
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khuxiposts-blog · 10 years
raag maru bihag by malini rajurkar.  divine bliss.
for antonio, lover of music and maker of beauty.  
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journalofanobody · 10 years
A photographer I like: Antonio Polo
If you like photography, have a look at his splendid collection here on Tumblr:  antoniopolophotography
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And don’t forget to reblog with credit to the artist. All too often in Tumblr, this “small detail” is neglected. Every artist likes, deserves, and has a right to credit for their work which they generously share with us here.
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cjteona · 11 years
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...asomado a la piedra .XII
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saenzdesantamaria · 11 years
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antoniopolophotography replied to your photo: 'Against the wall'; F6.3; 1/60s; ISO 100: FL:50 mm; © Juan Manuel Saenz...'
Muchísimas gracias; me alegro de que te haya gustado!
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my-memory-palace replied to your photo: 'Against the wall'; F6.3; 1/60s; ISO 100: FL:50 mm; © Juan Manuel Saenz...'
'Great composition and contrast. And i love how the texture of the wall comes out. Beautiful'.
Thanks for your kind comment, Esra! I felt very strongly that I wanted to highlight the texture of the wall as much as possible. For this reason I forced  the contrast levels at the processing of the image and thus achieve greater expressiveness. I'm glad you liked it!
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qbnscholar replied to your photo: 'Against the wall'; F6.3; 1/60s; ISO 100: FL:50 mm; © Juan Manuel Saenz...'
'¡Augh! Bien expresionista. Parecen las manos de Nosferatu, pero la version de Murnau de los 20. Bravisimo y mas. Estás cinemático últimamente'.
Ja, ja; gracias Fer! Te juro que algo parecido tenía en la cabeza al disparar. Porque es verdad que esas horcas parecen garras... Creo que la imagen queda muy potente, pero es quizá algo siniestra!
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aperture24 replied to your photo: 'Against the wall'; F6.3; 1/60s; ISO 100: FL:50 mm; © Juan Manuel Saenz...'
'Love the contrast. great composition too :-)'
I appreciate your kind comments, especially with regard to what you say about the composition, since it was my biggest concern when I shot!
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This serie is part of my project “Awareness”
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Third piece of “Blue Awareness” serie.
It’s IMPORTANT to mention that this serie is meant to be watched while listening: Prokofiev, Piano Concert number 3, third movement. Recommended versions: Evgeny Kissin, with Philarmonia Orchestra and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy. Also Lang Lang version with Simon Rattle is outstanding (within the modern versions).
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Upcoming news.
Hi all, dear friends, followers and visitors.
Just to let you know that coming soon more news about my photography work and projects.
Stay tuned!
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Blitzkrieg Art
Hi all,
May be I´m mad, or may be I can´t get satisfaction....or may be I really enjoy looking at other´s people so imaginative work...
But...I have decided to start a new blog called “Blitzkrieg Art”. A kind of Ramones tribute mixed with some punk jokes concepts....
As its own name states my intention is to build a quick and very free blog where to reblog under four main guidelines: my very personal taste/criteria, what I consider avant-garde/modern/interesting art (whatever form it may use), to promote and show artists I consider outstanding, and finally doing all of that using quick reblogs....just as I check my dashboard and not adding labels or tags but just mainteining original tags added by each artist.
Of course I´m open to check works and portfolios and post them if I consider they may fit my criteria.
I will reserve my another blog (The Camera Notes) for more thought reblogs and may be adding some very brief comments on each reblog.
In any case, in Blitzkrieg Art I will never reblog my own work.
Let´s Blitzkrieg!
All the best,
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Those who know me a little, know that I´m a little bit shy and certainly not a fan of "thank you posts". Not for being ungrateful or unpleasant but probably due to my old fashioned manners that make me to send personal thanks messages.
But sometimes, when so many people (I should say friends) kindly give me such a special attention and support to my work....I think it´s important to make public my gratitude to all that people. 
Then, a BIG THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERYONE  who has liked, commented, sent personal messages, or followed my work in the past weeks. 
Also, I would like to give a special THANKS to the Black & White editors for their constant support and tags, and to all those who have reblogged my work (in no particular order):
- Lux Lit,
- Lensblr,
- thephotographerssociety,
- iloverainandcoffee,
- vivipiuomeno,
- c-i-g-a-r-r-o-s,
- dromik,
- arqsa,
- opticalgallery,
- vimalsu999,
- a silent poetry,
- Jules Falk Hunter,
- aurelia10,
- ms-excuse-me,
- e-stocado,
- t-oro,
- miamou,
- the broken path,
- Le Procastinateur,
- dada4you,
- levrok.
I´m honoured to be featured in such a great blogs, all of them points of reference in the "Tumblr world". 
And a deep sorry if I forget to mention someone.
Many, many thanks again to all, for making possible to continue posting my work, your support means a lot and inspires me to go on.
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