#anton ivanov fluff
angelltheninth · 2 months
Can I request dating headcanons for Anton Ivanov, Wise, Billy Kid, and Von Lycaon with gn s/o please?
First ZZZ request let's go!!
Pairing: Anton Ivanov, Wise, Billy Kid, Von Lycaon x Reader
Tags: fluff, dating, kissing, PDA, cuddles, blushing, affection, holding hands
A/N: ZZZ makes me think I should go to sleep but then I see the characters and I'm wide awake.
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Anton will make damn sure everyone around you knows you're dating the moment you become a couple. And he will make even more sure that you're safe from the enemies he made along the way. His loud and fun-loving attitude might be too much for some but it's just what you need to feel better after you've had a long or bad day. Kisses you very loudly, a big MWAH sound accompanying every kiss, he wants everyone to know how much he loves you.
Wise tries to get you as far away from his sister, he is only mildly scared that she might try to steal you away but also doesn't want to be teased about finally being in a relationship. Gives you a discount every time you're in Random Play, you can watch anything at any time, as long as he's invited. Will take breaks to have these movie dates with you but you never end up watching the whole movie. You're too busy kissing to pay attention.
Billy is pretty new to actually dating, as he is a cyborg he never gave the idea much thought. Of course he's seen many people dating and being happy, he wants to experience it too, and who better with than the person who makes him the happiest he can remember being. Despite his playful attitude he can get serious when it comes to discussing your relationship and him not being human. Convinced he's not a good cuddler but you're determined to prove him wrong.
Lycaon proves to be the gentleman you could have only dreamt of prior to dating him, despite his somewhat rough, animalist exterior. Seeing as he towers over you it's not uncommon for him to grab things from the highest shelves and jokingly ask for a kiss in exchange for his service. Mindful not to let his more feral and wild tendencies take over when he's with you. Will melt if you pet his head or his chin but will then pout about showing you this side of him.
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wwaheoh · 2 months
“Injured On The Job…” Belobog Industries x gnReader, Injury + Fluff (Platonic)
Anton, Ben, Grace, Koleda
a/n: gonna make one for Victoria Housekeeping too later. currently waiting for my pick up stix order
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Working on a construction site was no walk in the park, even with all this advanced machinery that Belobog Industries was known for. Workplace accidents weren’t common, despite her loud and brazen personality, she made sure that each of her employees were working in safe working conditions and that they knew what to do in emergencies- and more hopefully, to prevent emergencies from ever happening in the first place.
Unfortunately, accidents still do happen, not often by any fault of anyone slacking off or being lazy but due to malfunctioning equipment or plain simple bad luck. In your case, it was both.
Riding atop one of Grace’s modified machines, you had been hard at work finishing up your duties before clocking out for lunch, when out of nowhere the machine malfunctioned, seizing before spasming violently- with you struggling to keep hold as it shook and threw itself around like a bull machine. Workers underneath cleared themselves out before someone noticed you atop the machine. Quickly shouts rang out as the machine you were on powered itself off, leaving you to fall with it.
As the machine fell, you scrambled to gain footing and jump somewhere safe- a several ton machine falling on you would easily spell the end for you. So, quickly calculating for somewhere safe and far enough to land, you planted your boots, squat deep, then launched back, hitting the dusty ground on your side and rolling before finally stopping a few feet, the machine crashing several feet away, leaving a large dust cloud as it landed.
Several workers began to approach before a voice cut in.
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"Everyone back!” Pushing through the crowd, a tall raven spiky-haired man pushed through the crowd, white coat popping through the brown fur of the mostly brown bear-Therians. Anton, a senior staff member of Belebog and the on-site project manager for this construction. He had been just speaking with a worker when the incident happened.
He leaned towards you, stopping you from moving with a firm grip. Pulling a light from his pocket, he shined it into your eyes and watched as your pupils quickly constricted. “Any pain? Discomfort?”
Your side hurt from the impact, but as you checked your body and the adrenaline from the event calmed, a deep pulsing pain came as you raised your arm, forcing a choked sob out of you, turning his attention from checking your eye reaction to your arm injury.
“M-my arm!” Your lips wobbled as your sputtered that out, a feeling of shame about reacting harshly in front of everyone. Anton softly held you arm, “It’s broken, we’ll get an ambulance out to get you checked. Don’t move too much, kay?” He turned to you with a small smile before seeing how you were processing everything. Turning to the crowd of workers, “Yo! Someone call the ambulance and get Grace to check on her kid!” He barked, not with malice but to break people out of their stupor and into action. Quickly they moved, returning to their work or filling his orders.
Turning back to you, “Don’t sweat it. Everyone had different reactions to pain, just try your best to relax. You got this man.” Patting your (uninjured) shoulder, he waited for confirmation of an ambulance coming before picking you up and gently moving you away from the machine and somewhere less hot, moving differently from his usual bold and loud mannerisms.
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As the two of you sat waiting for the ambulance, Koleda and Ben came running out of one of the management buildings set up on top of a nearby hill. Koleda was full sprinting towards the two of you, worry clear on her face as Ben rushed behind her, lagging behind.
“What the shi-eeez happened!? Are you alright?” She yelled, stopping right in front of you and quickly checking you over. Turning to Anton, “Already checked her?” “Yeah boss, broken arm but thankfully no sign of a concussion. Ambulance’s on their way right now.” “Good…” She sighed, before turning back to you. “Are you okay? Mentally?” You nodded, just as Ben arrived, echoing her sentiment.
“I’m okay, well I have a broken arm but I’m fine. Just going to need some time.” “Of course,” Ben started, “You’ll be getting worker’s comp, paid time off- without any use of saved days, and of course any hospital bills will be covered by the company’s insurance. You just focus on recovering okay?” You nodded, thankful for how much they cared for you.
Finally after a few more minutes, the comforting sound of the sirens, followed by the white and red ambulance shortly after.
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With Ben staying behind, Koleda and Anton went with you, just for peace of mind to make sure you were totally fine. Thankfully no damage apart from some bruising and the broken appendage.
Finally nearing the end of your stay after a little over an hour of constant tests. You had gotten a sky blue cast over your arm, sling attached and roped around your opposite shoulder. Just had to wait for the go-ahead and you were set.
The door opened, Koldeda and Ben perking up, surprise flashing on Ben’s face for a moment as Grace walked in with a solemn expression. Red eyes, trembling lips, she had been crying for a while.
Turning to you, she spoke, voice cracking, “I am so sorry… I thought- I thought the new update was fine but there were problems with the last month’s update.. if I knew- I’m so sorry!” She had been crying after fixing up her machine, only having learned of the accident after she repaired the machine. It left her tossing and turning over the what-ifs that could have happened had you been slower.
Tears began to be shed again, her arms trembled, stilling as you embraced her with your one good arm. “Hey, it’s fine Grace. Accidents happen, I know you do your best for your children.” She cried into your shoulder as you reassured her…
During your time recovering, you’d regularly be checked up by the group, being friends with them outside of work, they regularly asked if you needed help. Your cast was full of colorful signatures by the end, leaving you with a giddy feeling inside.
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ihaznoclue · 16 days
Hello it's me again is it ok if I request a lycaon, Anton, Ben, zhu yuan x fem reader who is wife of lycaon, Anton,Ben, Zhu yuan bringing their husbands/wife some food during their work!
Sorry love but I don't do Zhu Yuan, I hope just doing Lycaon, Anton and Ben is enough
Pairings -> Von Lycaon, Anton Ivanov, Ben Bigger x Wife Reader
Warnings -> None
Note -> Just their wife Reader bringing them lunch during work
Genre -> Fluff
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Von Lycaon
This man always seems to forget to eat lunch or even bring his lunch to work, so you decided to make him lunch the day before he went to work
But the thing is you forgot to give it to him so you decided to vist him at work instead
Let's hope nothing happens while you're there
You started to walk over to the mansion that Lycaon and his members of Victoria Housekeeping work at for clients or just to simply keep the mansion spotless
You came up to the door, knocking it twice. A few seconds you heard silent until you heard footsteps coming towards the door as they opened it
It was Corin
"A-Ah! Name, What are you doing here?" She stuttered over, you simply smiled
"I'm here to give Lycaon something, If you don't mind. Can I come in?" You asked
Corin nodded as she opened the door more to let you in, Corin decided to lead you to where Lycaon was
He was in a room doing some work, "Mr. Lycaon, name is here to see you" Corin spoke then walked away to do her own business
"Ah, Love. What are you doing here?" He asked, you showed him a bento
"I made you lunch for today, but I forgot to give it to you, so here" You spoke as you gave it to Lycaon
"Why Thank you dear" Lycaon smiled back
"Your welcome, Call me If you need me"
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Anton Ivanov
Tis dude always forget because he's so busy with his other stuff, like fixing his bro or the expensive he just completely forgeting every time
So you decided to go to his work and give it to him, you feel like he would be looking for his lunch right about now
So you drove to his work site at Belobog Industries as you saw many people working on something important, Koelda and Grace was having a talk to you went up to them
"Oh Hello Name, What are you here for?" Grace asked, you showed them Anton's lunch bento
"I'm here to give Anton his lunch, Is it okay If I give it to him?" You asked, Koleda nodded as she nodded her head to the direction Anton was at
He was sitting down, looking upset
You could hear him mumble something about being hungry, you chuckled catching the attention of your boyfriend
"Babe! What are you doing here?" Anton asked
"You forgot your lunch silly, So I drove here to give it to you while work" You smiled proudly as you gave him the bento
"I was wondering where it was" He nervously laughed as he scratched the back of his neck
"Thank babe"
"No worried, I'll have to remind you next time before you leave" You chuckled
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Ben Bigger
It looks like this big guys forgot his lunch at home because he was too busy with the drone and machine insurances, Because of grace he had to pay for the damages that the machine caused
He look tired and now he forgot his lunch, poor guy
So you decided to drive to his work site to give him his bento, its the thing you wanted to do because he was taking care of you the most
So you came up to his work site and got out of the car and walked up to Anton to asked where Ben was
"Hey Anton" You smiled, Anton smiled back "Oh Name, Hey. What are you doing here all of a sudden?" He asked
"I'm here to bring Ben his lunch, I bet his hungry right now. Do you know where he is?" You asked, Anton said that he was talking to Koleda who was the president for the work site
You spotted him as you thank Anton who went back to work, you tapped on Ben's back as he jumped a little but then turned around
"Oh Name! What are you doing here?" He asked, You smiled as you showed his bento box that was filled with his lunch
"Forgot your lunch honey, So i came here to give it to you" You gave the bento to Ben as he smiled
"Thank you so much Love, I was wondering where it was" He spoke
"Well You're lucky because I always remember" You smiled
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the-forbidden-pookie · 2 months
Unknown motives
Tw: SFW, written with a fem reader in mind, attempt at comedy, fluff with a dash of something else, slight use of profanity, reader is short for plot reasons.
Pairing: Anton Ivanov x reader
#Free Palestine🇵🇸
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"Sorry," the large man says as he approaches you "I got held up by this strange guy asking if I wanted to play cards or something on my way here... Hm? You haven't started interviewing our president yet, have you? Don't forget to lower the mic stand a bit."
You blink up at him in surprise, and suppress an eye roll. You can't help it, everything about him was giving... the same vibe you see in the old capital era movies, the frat boy types. Still, you respond cordially enough "Huh? Oh you mean the reporter lady from earlier? No she left already, I'm the new part timer." You say confidently, deciding you'll end this conversation quickly if you looked sufficiently assertive. The work site was plenty noisy too, surely he'll get annoyed from talking out here soon enough.
The man's hand was on its way to the back of his head, his eyes trained away from you before he halts and looks back "A new part timer? Who the hell hired you?"
"I hired myself." You say simply.
"Ha, you hired yourself? Really now? And who made you think you were qualified enough to work here?"
You don't bother giving your real reasons "The field of construction calls for me." Is what you say instead.
"Calls for you, huh?" To your surprise , the man takes your words seriously, and you notice a name tag that introduces him as Senior Staff and On Site Project Manager Anton Ivanov. Wow, what a mouthful, no wonder he seems to know who exactly does and doesn't work here.
"You look like a runt... Can you handle the job? Do you even know how to tell apart a Gauging trowel from a Margin trowel?"
You blink owlishly back at him, startled out of your thoughts "A what now?"
"Exactly my point! How about I test you, then? First, go get me a torque wrench."
"Ahaha" you laugh awkwardly "Uh yup! I totally know what that is!" Why is there no connection in this place? I need to Google this! You panic internally.
"Oh really? Well then go get one. It's right by the tool box in the west warehouse." He points at said building "I'll be waiting here."
You quickly turn away before he sees your expression descend into panic "Mhm, be right back boss man!"
"Hah, what's with that look?... Wait... Hey! Come back here!"
You ignore him and use your small frame to your advantage and easily weave through construction workers left and right, most of them admittedly much bigger than you. Still, you disappear into the crowd and easily loose anyone trying to stop you. Once you make it to the warehouse, you go ask someone on duty about the tool, and find a bear gentleman squinting at a clipboard.
"Excuse me sir." You interrupt politely "The project manager sent me to grab a tool for him, can you tell me where-" you pause. What did he call it again? You stare at the fellow in front of you as he stares back. Once it became apparent you weren't going to finish the sentence any time soon, he points at a collection of crates in one section of the warehouse
"I'm busy so help yourself kid." He says, then leaves before you can correct him about you not being a kid.
You go look though the crates, hoping any of them would be marked or named, and while some of them are, most of those are in Russian.
You don't speak Russian.
You sigh, and decide nothing will get done if you keep standing here, so you grab a random heavy tool, and lug it back to Anton, who surprisingly did wait for you where he said he would.
"I'm back! Did you miss me?" You pant from the exertion, trying to hide the toll this is taking on you with jest "Is- is this it?"
Anton looks dumbfounded for a moment before speaking "...That's a welder's mask, kid. The kind bear Thirens use."
You look down "So that's what the glass part is for... Hey I'm not a kid! You're just way too tall!"
Anton smirks, amused with your response "You're not a kid, huh? Then how old are you, shorty?"
You look away. "Hmph. You should never ask a lady about her age! It's improper!" You dodge the question. You may be an adult, but there's a non zero chance that once you show him your ID he thinks you're presenting him with a fake one and kick you out immediately. You'd rather not give him the chance. "So how do I go about properly signing up to join Belobog Heavy Industries anyway?"
Anton chuckles, seemingly getting a kick out of this "Ha! It's funny that a shorty like you can call herself a lady. You're barely at half my height. Anyways, if you wanna work here, I'll have to assess your experience and qualifications first."
You are certainly not looking forward to that.
"... Isn't there someone else that can do that...? Maybe someone I don't have to crane my neck all the way up just to look at their face?" You sweat drop.
Anton laughs, thoroughly enjoying this situation "Nope, not a chance. You're stuck with me, shorty. Now, quit complaining and tell me what you can do with those tiny arms of yours."
You crouch down and grab a random rock, then stack a few more on top of it. Once done you stand back up and point at your creation. "Construction...?"
Anton raises an eyebrow, looking the most baffled you've seen him all day, and that's saying something. He stares at your attempt before he lets out a disbelieving laugh "Construction? You call that... whatever it is, construction? I'm not sure if I should be impressed, concerned, or just downright baffled."
You don't hesitate "Which one's more likely to get me hired?"
"Anton crosses his arms, looking you up and down as he seriously consideres your question. His earnestness is starting to get to you.
"Hm, I suppose I'd be impressed, because it takes a lot of audacity to call that thing construction. So I'm going to give you a chance."
He grins slightly.
"Spend the day around the site today but don't go past any yellow lines without permission. If you still want to join us afterwards, come find me and my bro at the end of the day at my office. We'll discuss your new position in the company then, shorty."
You can't help it, caught off guard by his genuine offer, you let out a huge, surprised smile, no sarcasm or barbs in sight "Wait really?!"
You can vaguely tell Anton is taken aback by your response, but he quickly covers it up with a smirk "Of course. It'd be fun to have someone so short around here to tease, it's not like I can mess with the president after all." He says jokingly.
At your resulting glare, he chuckles and ruffles your hair with his large hand.
For a second, you feel dumbfounded at the overly familiar act, but you quickly regain your composure and push his hand away "Sorry head pats are reserved for friendship level 8 or higher."
"Oh? 8 or higher, huh? That's a pretty high number. I guess I'll have to work my way up to earn the privelage then.
As the work day comes to a close, you make your way to Anton's office, directed by the scowling red head girl that often came to check on you throughout the day. She awkwardly waves off your genuine thanks.
I guess everyone here looks scary but is actually nice? You wonder.
"Hey there, shorty." Anton perks up from his slumped position as he sees you come in. You notice his desk and seat appear comically small when compared to his size, it doesn't help that the office room is rather cramped. "Did you have a fun day of "construction" today?"
You sigh "I tried to help, but everyone kept telling me I'd just get in the way." You say as you unceremoniously drop in a guest chair by his wooden desk "Please hurry up and give me an official position at the company."
Anton's smirk softens as he sees your dejected expression.
"Heh, I can see you really want to fit in here, huh? My bro and I really appreciate that kind of spirit. Alright, I'll do you a favor and give you an official position."
He seems to think for a moment before speaking "How about you become the company's official short stack? We do lack a mascot."
Your eye twitches involuntarily "My dude you are giving my fist an erection. Are you trying to get socked in the face?"
Anton doubles over his desk laughing, a full body laugh with his shoulders shaking and his mouth gasping for air. Well it was a very good line wasn't it? You inwardly give yourself a pat on the back for causing that reaction. Finally when the bursts of laughter subside and he can actually breathe again, the taller male leans down and gets close to your face with his signature smirk on.
"Ha! I'd like to see you try. Besides, you're too short to land a proper punch, anyway."
Anton's smirk fades into a more serious expression this time as he considers your question. He taps his chin in thought.
You deadpan. Bro cannot be acting all nonchalant after he almost went into cardiac arrest from your joke "Back on topic," you say impatiently "any real positions I can fill up?"
He looks you up and down for what feels like the millionth time this day, before speaking "If I'm being honest, the only jobs you could fit would probably be serving food at the cafeteria or maybe assisting in office work, hardly something that would feel like construction work."
"Hmm, let's see..."
You try not to pout "But just today I saw a girl shorter and definitely younger then me, she was working hands on and-"
"The president," Anton interrupts "has many years of experience, she also may not look it to your untrained eyes but she has a lot of practical muscles that make up for her size disadvantage."
You blanch That was the President?! I'd been calling her girlie-pop all day! I think I even called her pookie once?!
Suddenly, all the strange looks the staff were throwing you throughout the day made a lot more sense.
"That said..." Anton brings you back out of your thoughts "How about we start you off as an assistant? I'll have you work under me, and I'll show you the ropes around here, it would also count as a training period. If you prove yourself competent, I'll consider promoting you to an official position."
Your eyes gain a shine to them at the offer he went of his way to give, and you feel a bit remorseful at all the attitude you've been giving him "Wait, wouldn't that be troublesome for you?"
Anton shrugs lightly, that smirk returning to his face.
"Troublesome? Nah, I'd get a kick out of having a pipsqueak like you following me around. And who knows, maybe you can learn a thing or two from a professional like me." He says, pointing proudly at his chest.
You deadpan yet again. "I take back the good thoughts I started having of you, what was I thinking?" You tell him as you shake your head in mock despair.
Anton laughs at your blunt response, clearly enjoying the banter. "Ha! There's Shorty's short temper kicking in again. Come on, don't be so uptight . I'm just messin' with ya."
He grins widely, clearly finding this whole situation amusing. He then playfully ruffles your hair with his hand.
You push his hand away again "My head isn't for patting unless you're level 8 friendship I said!"
Anton laughs good naturedly, and obediently removes his hand.
"Ha! Still going on about that friendship level thing? Fine, I'll keep my hands to myself for now. But just know, I have plenty of other ways to bother you, Shorty."
"I've known you for only one day and yet I don't doubt that one bit."
Anton crosses his arms and leans against the nearby wall, looking down at you.
Still, you can't resist messing with him right back, so you get up and walk away "Nevermind I'll go see if the convenience store down the street is still hiring-"
"Oh, you have no idea. Stick around, shorty, and you'll see what I mean. You haven't experienced true torment yet." His voice has a teasing quality to it and you can tell he puts extra care in making that obvious to compensate for his naturally intimidating size and face.
Anton quickly scrambles off the wall and grabs your arm, halting your retreat "Oh no you don't. You're not getting out of this that easily." He smirks, as if he wasn't floundering less then a second ago. His grip on your arm is gentle yet unrelenting "You're stuck with me, Shorty. You already accepted the job as my assistant, remember? You can't back out now."
You sigh dramatically, and hear as Anton laughs at your theatrics. You then remember the two of you haven't properly introduced yourselves to each other yet "I guess I have to be a woman of my word." You say in mock reluctance as he lets go of your arm "It's a little late, but my name is Y/n by the way, L/n Y/n. What's yours?"
His smirk slowly fades into a genuine smile "Oh, we never did properly introduce ourselves, huh? Hah, guess we were so busy bickering we forgot about the formalities." He extends his hand for a handshake "Name's Anton Ivanov. Remember that, ok Shorty?"
You grasp his hand, his grip strong and sturdy "Like I said, my name's Y/n. Since we're on the more serious topics, is there a contract I need to sign or am I in a trial period for now?"
Anton shakes your hand gently before responding, seemingly very aware of how much bigger his hand is as it is engulfs yours. If you didn't know better you'd think he's nervous to accidentally hurt you. "Yeah trial period's a fitting name, and no contract signings just yet. We'll see how you do working under me before we worry about paperwork. So, Shorty, are you ready to get started as my assistant?"
"How early does the work day start here?" You ask, forcefully dragging your eyes away after they started staring at his chest a bit too long. You can't help it tho! It's more comfortable for your neck to stare at that region!
Anton scratches his chin thoughtfully, considering your question and blissfully unaware of your internal turmoil.
"Hmm, work usually starts around 6 in the morning. We like to get an early start here at Belobog. Why do you ask?"
You gulp "Wow, bright and early with the sunrise huh?"
Anton valiantly tries to suppress a chuckle at your reaction. He fails, but you suppose it's the effort that counts.
"Yep, bright and early. We don't like to waste time around here. And hey, don't worry about adjusting to the early hours, you'll get used to it soon enough, shorty."
"I sure hope so." You sweat drop, then your eyes drift to the arm sized device strapped to his arm. "Is that the main tool you use?" You motion with your chin towards the machine he still has strapped to his arm despite the work day being already over.
Anton follows your gaze, and he brightens considerably at your question. "This is my bro, it's a pile driver." He says seriously, and it doesn't take long to realize he's not joking.
He grins, looking down at his arm-mounted weapon affectionately "My bro and I go way back, and it got my back in both work and combat." He says proudly.
"I guess you could say it is, in a way, like family. It's been with me through a lot."
He pats the pile driver, a fond look in his eyes.
Your eyes soften "Well, can't wait to see you and your bro in action once I officially start!" You exclaim, mentally cataloguing the pile driver as Anton's Emotional Support Companion in you head.
"So, I hear Belobog Industries has dorms for all staff members, are newbies like me included or do I need to find my own lodgings around here?" You change the subject, because while you didn't mind hearing more about Anton and getting to know him better, you did still have an objectif in coming here "I wanna know if I'll need to make moving arrangement soon."
Anton's grin widens at your enthusiasm and what he reads as genuine interest in the company.
"Ha! That eager to get in on the action, huh?" he guesses "You're going to fit right in here."
He pats your head lightly, and you're starting to understand it's meant to be a playful gesture rather than a condescending or even teasing one.
"And don't worry about lodging. We provide dorms for all staff members, including newbies like you. You don't need to worry about finding a place to stay."
"Well that's convenient," you say as you bat his arm away, almost by reflex now "I guess I better go get my stuff sorted by tomorrow then." You say as you shift to get going, before a loud bang outside Anton's office door startles you both, and a tall woman comes barreling in.
"Anton!" She all but shouts "I got it! I cracked the code uncle Khors left behind!"
Next to you, Anton is initially startled by the sudden entrance, but he soon regains his composure. He throws a look at you, as if making sure you're not scared off by the taller woman's antics, then turns back to her, his face a mixture of surprise and curiosity.
"Grace? You cracked the code? That's great, but we need to tell the president before you -"
But this Grace person is no longer listening, as her attention is now in on you "Huh, I didn't know it was bring your kid to work day? Wait who's kid is this?"
You deadpan "For the last time. I'm an adult."
At your claim, she looks you up and down and it's quite obvious she doesn't believe you. "A highschooler maybe." She murmurs under her breath.
Anton quickly interjects before she can say more, and you can hear the hint of annoyance in his voice as he speaks "Grace, Y/n's not a high schooler..."
You finally sigh and take out your ID card, at least Anton seemed to believe you so you didn't think he'd take it for a fake ID.
"Oh you poor thing!" The woman says after thoroughly comparing your face to the image on the card "who malnourished you?"
"I'm not malnourished." You say with a tired sigh, but it's not like you can explain your situation, so you don't think you come off as very believable.
Anton gives Grace a sarcastic look as she tries to save her mistake. He rolls his eyes, but a small smile still forms on his face.
"Well!" Grace says "Whatever you two are discussing can wait, let's get her to the cafeteria before it closes, someone is in desperate need of a big meal-" At Anton's warning look, Grace amends "Uhh that person being Anton! A bear sized fellow like him definitely needs to eat lots!"
"Nice save there, Grace. Real subtle."
I don't know what these two's relationship is, but they seem close. You wonder internally.
And as Anton glances at you, it seems he misreads your pondering expression as one of doubt about yourself because he says: "Don't you worry, Shorty. You're fine. I've met actual malnourished people, and trust me, you're in the clear."
...why is he such a green flag?! You have to admit to yourself it'd be quite the shame if he is dating Grace.
"But it's true that we're all hungry" Anton continues while nodding "Grace is right, and let me tell you, the cafeteria food here is really good. I wouldn't want you to miss out on it, shorty."
You nod back, liking the idea "Alrighty then, please lead the way." You go for a polite voice but at Grace's giggle you wonder if you over did it.
Anton grins and gestures for both of you to follow him.
"Aight, I'll show you the way to the cafeteria."
He starts walking and motions for you and Grace to fall in step beside him.
Grace starts telling you both all about the mysterious code the former president of Belobog Industries had left behind, and while fairly sure the information should remain confidential, it wasn't like you could stop the woman on her tirade, you notice Anton doesn't even try.
Then again, they probably think I haven't a single clue of what she's talking about.
As the three of you near what you assume is the cafeteria, Grace stops dead in her tracks. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I know I was the one that suggested coming here but I just got an alert and I need to go back and check on my children!" Grace exclaims showing a notification with a warning symbol for an icon. By children, you figure she's talking about machines or software code.
Anton hardly looks surprised. He shakes his head "Hah, typical Grace. Don't worry about it, we can grab food ourselves. You go take care of your babies."
Anton pats her on the shoulder reassuringly "Just make sure to eat something later, okay?"
Grace nods, and you expect her to hurry off towards her workstation but instead she moves to your side and whispers in your ear "My intuition tells me you're a good person, so good luck, I'm rooting for you!" And as you blink in surprise, the woman is already rushing off. You realize that at some point you'd made the judgement she was wholly focused on her mechanic creations and had little attention to her surroundings, but that had to be untrue. She read the situation in seconds and seems to be setting you two up on a date of sorts.
Anton on the other hand watched the entire exchange with one eyebrow raised.
As Grace runs off towards her creations, he turns back to you with a slightly quizzical look.
"What'd she whisper to you?"
You give him a sly smile "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Anton gives you a playful glare in return and crosses his arms "Oh, now you're just teasing me. Come on, spill the beans Shorty. Let me in on the secret."
You skip ahead and push the cafeteria double doors open "Oh wow this place smells great, it's suddenly making me feel so hungry! We better get some food quick!"
Behind you, you hear the taller male let out a hearty chuckle at your unsubtle change of topic "A convenient case of selective hearing, huh? Okay, I'll let it slide for now."
After filling your trays with food the two of you choose somewhere to sit, and with the cafeteria mostly empty it was like you had the whole place to yourselves.
Time to satisfy our empty stomachs.
Or so you thought.
You barely get to sit down before Anton gets a call, and he immediately gets up to take it. You wonder for a few seconds if it would be rude or not to start eating without him, however the call doesn't take that long.
"Sorry about that." Anton says, but when you look up to face him it's like looking at a different person. His attention is still on his phone and the set of his shoulders is stiff, but most of all, his smile is nowhere to be found "Something came up, you can start without me and uh- I'll be right back."
He's gone before you can get a word in edgewise.
Well, now you've been subjected to the inconvenience of eating alone in a cafeteria. At least it's mostly empty. You take exactly two bites of your delicious burger (it seems he was right about the food in this place) before you're interrupted, by Grace again this time.
"Hey! You're Anton's girlfriend!"
You almost choke-
"Where did he go- I think I messed up and I need his help before Sweet Pea finds out!"
Wow... Where do I even start with this one...
You decide to go with the basics "I'm not his girlfriend. I don't know someone called him away I think. Why are you afraid of a vegetable finding out about your mistake...?"
"So he's not here? Oh no." The woman turns on her heel and leaves.
You don't hesitate and follow after her, you'd rather not have to sit alone in a cafeteria, you just hope no one will put away your food while you're gone.
The real problem tho, is how much taller and faster she was. By the time you make it to the double doors you have no clue which direction she went in.
I think she went this way last time?
You pick a direction and at some point the smoke alarms start beeping in the halls, and you hear footsteps somewhere in the building rushing to and fro. Sure enough, you find yourself in a technician's lab at the end of the route. The only problem is, Grace is not here.
You walk in.
It doesn't take long to figure out what was causing a commotion, as the smoke alarm was beeping on and off above a smoking machine component. You step closer and take a look.
Hmm I'm not familiar with this model, but...
Your head turns towards the computer setup on the desk, warning and error messages flashing on the monitor. You sit down and crack your knuckles.
Let's give this a go.
Anton comes back to the cafeteria, finding you right where he left you.
"Heyo Shorty, sorry that took a while, wha- you're not eating yet?"
"Ah- I nibbled at the burger a bit, but I didn't wanna start without you so..." You lie smoothly.
"What the- I told you you could start," Anton says plopping into his seat "now I feel bad for making you wait so long." He says with a- is that a kicked puppy face? You didn't even know it was possible on him.
You instantly start feeling bad "Oh no worries, I didn't even feel the time pass!" I was fairly occupied anyways "Oh! I heard a lot of noise out there, what was going on?" You smoothly switch subjects, grabbing a hold of your burger and taking a bite.
"Hn? Oh yeah, the smoke alarm was ringing in multiple branches but there wasn't a fire in any of them, the system was pranking us I guess." He stabs his steak and starts cutting it "I tried to go back right after but Grace came to find me cuz something was acting up, so I go on a detour to her lab, we got there and whatever she needed a hand with just righted itself so I hurried back." He takes a bite of meet and waits till he's swallowed it to continue "You sure I didn't take too long?"
You smile "Really it's fine, it wasn't that long at all."
For the first seven to ten minutes of you two sitting together again, you both give your undivided attention to your food filled trays. Finally, after devouring an entire burger you break the silence "I'm gonna be honest with you, Anton, I had you all wrong when I first saw you this morning." You say between mouthfuls of fries, keeping one hand in front of your mouth whenever there's food in it and you need to talk.
Anton grins at your admission, taking a sip of his drink before replying "Hah, yeah, I can tell. You were giving me the eye roll of all eye rolls this morning. I take it you've changed your opinion of me now then?"
"Well, you have a very imposing build and with your resting scowl face I thought you'd be... Well nevermind, turns out you're someone who helps those in need... you also got a nice laugh." You end softly.
You hear a utensil drop, and you look up to see Anton's fork fell onto his steak, but more interesting was the deer caught in headlights look he was giving you.
Just as fast as it comes however he pushes it away, regaining his composure in record speed "Ha! I can see why you thought that. I do have a bit of a mean mug when I'm not smiling, though I've been told my laugh sounds like a bear's roar, so the nice laugh bit is definitely a first!" He grins at you, and you wonder if the lighting is playing tricks on you because you think there's some light redness at the top of his cheekbones. He then continues "But you're right, I do try to be helpful and kind, especially to those in need. And I'd like to think my sense of humor isn't half bad either."
You're not sure how to respond to that, the man has been nothing but forthcoming and honest with you all day while you've been... not.
Instead, you glance at the wall clock and say "I think I need to head out soon." As you clean off the last of your fries. "I came here for a job interview but I somehow ended up meeting you and uh- I really enjoyed it! I just wouldn't wanna walk back home too late in the dark y'know?"
"Anton looks at the time on his phone and nods in understanding."
"Yeah, it is getting late. It's not safe to walk around at night, especially for short stuff like you. I don't want you getting lost between the cracks in the sidewalk or something." He gives you a playful smirk.
You go to reply, deadpan tone and expression at the ready when he interrupts you.
"But... if you want, I could always give you a ride home. I have a company car parked nearby."
You hesitate " ...you already payed for the meal, which I'll totally pay you back for by the way! So I don't want to trouble you more..."
Anton shakes his head and waves off your concerns "Nah, don't worry about it. It's just a meal, it's no trouble at all. And don't worry about paying me back either, consider it a welcome to the company gift." He grins, then leans in closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially "Besides, you wouldn't be troubling me. It's my pleasure to help you out, Shorty."
You sweat drop "What's the point of me giving you my name if you'll just keep calling me that?"
Anton chuckles at your reaction, clearly enjoying teasing you "Oh, lighten up a bit. I like giving nicknames to people. It's a nice way to bond, y'know? Besides, it's kind of fitting, don't you think? Given your, uh, petite stature."
You glance at his emptied out tray, the mountains of food he'd heaped onto it already gone "Well, the bonding experience can wait till tomorrow, if you're done, shall we get going?"
Anton leans back in his chair, patting his stomach with a satisfied smile "Yeah, I'm all done. Let's hit the road." He stands up and stretches, then motions for you to follow him "Come on, Shorty. Let's get you home safe and sound."
You follow after him "Tell me honestly, Anton." You say as he grabs his tray to place it on the racks nearby, when you go to grab yours he beats you to it and smoothly takes that one as well, stacking it on his.
"I could've carried that!" You whine.
Anton's infuriatingly attractive grin makes another appearance "Oh, I know you could've carried it. But I'm just being a gentleman, shorty. Can't have you doing all the hard work before you even start tomorrow, you'll get even tinier!" He ends, his tone is teasing as usual but his eyes softened up considerably, and the look he's giving you has your insides turning to mush.
You flush. "Uh- as I was saying, are you maybe a bear in disguise? Because you just cleaned off a mountain of food alone."
Anton laughs at your flushed expression and your playful accusation, the way he's keeping his composure somehow just feels unfair, though you guess for someone working in construction keeping his cool would be a must.
"Ha! Bear in disguise, huh?" He replies "Nah, I'm just a guy with an appetite. You know, working here, I need the extra energy." Then his grin turns cocky "Plus, it takes a lot of food to fuel all this muscle." He gives a playful flex, showing off his bicep with a smirk.
You give a playful eye roll "Oh wow, and you're so humble too!" You say flatly "What a catch wow!"
Anton lets out a hearty laugh at your sarcastic remark and gives you a playful salute "Oh, you know it. I'm the total package. Good looks, charm, wit, and the appetite to match." He grins, clearly enjoying the banter, which you've come to enjoy as well.
"But I'll have you know, there are quite a few women here who think so too."
You deadpan "Good for you. Give me there number, I'll help set you up."
Anton chuckles, then scratches his chin in mock thoughtfulness, then his expression turns into a grin and he gives you a playful nudge.
"But why would I need their number when I've got yours, Shorty?"
You blink "Huh? But I never gave my number...?"
"Yeah, not yet you didn't, but I have good intuition. Call it a sixth sense." He taps his temple with a wink. And it's telling me a certain cute Shorty is interested."
You flush harder "Well your sixth sense must be malfunctioning this time." You say walking ahead, trying to keep him from seeing your beat red face. Unfortunately, with how much taller he is, he catches up by the next second.
When he's by your side, he wastes no time laughing at your flushed face "Hah, you're forgetting who you're dealing with, Shorty. These long legs of mine give me an unfair advantage."
You don't reply.
"And are you sure my sixth sense is malfunctioning this time? Cuz you're lookin' real flustered."
"You're imagining things, maybe it's time to visit the eye doctor?" You huff.
"Oh? Is that so? Hm, maybe my eyes aren't as sharp as they used to be. Let me have a closer look, just in case."
He places one hand on your shoulder to halt your walk and leans in closer, making a show of examining your face.
Your eyes go wider then your older sister's saucers "Hmm strange, I'm getting a clear view of your rosy cheeks right now, and my sixth sense is telling me it's not from the cold."
You consider how to get the upper hand in this situation, but with your muddled mind it gets a bit tricky. You end up going with the first thing that comes to mind "You're right, it's from the heat, it's really getting hot in hear for some reason-" You start, before realizing belatedly how suggestive that sounded "Uh- wait no-" You flush further.
Anton grins at your unintentional innuendo, and raises an eyebrow, playing along "Oh really? Getting hot in here, hm?" He looks around, feigning innocence "Huh, seems like a comfortable temperature to me. Maybe it's just you, Shorty."
You cover your tomato colored face with your arms "Oh enough already, you win so just stop!"
Anton laughs and puts his hands up in mock surrender "Alright, alright, I'll stop. Can't have the cute shorty overheating on me now, can I?" in a quieter, more gentle tone, he adds, "But seriously, your blush is adorable."
You groan "Anton!"
Anton pulls up outside your house in the company car and turns to you with a smile "Here we are, shorty. Home sweet home."
You nod "Thank you, and sorry for the trouble."
Anton shakes his head and waves off your apologies "No trouble at all, I enjoyed the company. Besides, I couldn't just let you walk home alone in the dark." He grins, then adds in a playful tone, "Especially not when you're such a cute Shorty."
You deadpan "Don't make me take it back." You consider something then say "Give me your phone for a sec."
Anton raises an eyebrow, but obediently hands you his phone "Sure, but why do you need it? You gonna put your number in without me asking?"
"Nice try. I'll give you my Inter Knot contact for work stuff. You're not high level enough to get my number yet."
"High enough level, huh? Am I just a lowly level one in your eyes right now?"
Not looking up from your typing you reply "You made it all the way up to level three on day one, Congrats! But your nickname for me is shorty, I don't know how to feel about that yet."
Anton laughs, seemingly amused by your rating system for him "Only level three? Damn, I was hoping for a higher rank. But you're right, the nickname 'Shorty' might be deducting some points."
He grins, then adds with a wink, "Maybe if I find a better nickname, I'll rank up higher in your eyes... or maybe I'll just keep calling you 'Shorty' just to annoy you."
You deadpan "Well that would be very in character for you wouldn't it?" You say handing him back the phone.
Anton takes it back with a smirk, clearly unrepentant for his nickname choice "Hah, you know me so well already, Shorty. I gotta admit, your deadpan face is just too fun to tease." He leans in closer, unable to resist poking at you further "Besides, the way you turn all tomato-red whenever you're flustered is just priceless."
You push his face back with your hand "Goodnight Anton, see you tomorrow." You say as you unlock the cat door and head out.
"Haha, goodnight, Shorty. Get some rest. Sweet dreams."
And as you lock the car door and leave, Anton checks his phone, leaving the Inter Knot app to check the CCTV footage he has access to. The one that clearly shows you entering and leaving Grace's lab. He barely mumbles out "Till tomorrow then... Y/n. Hopefully I'll figure out what you're really up to soon."
Hmm did I manage to make the reader subtly mysterious? 🤔 Tell me guys if y'all want a part two. LavenderLily you can tell me directly 👀
And as always, Free Palestine ❤️ 🇵🇸
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cramathonn · 2 months
Status: Closed
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Hello, dear stranger on Tumblr. You may call me Cramathonn. I am just a silly guy who wants to write about his favorite characters casually, accepting requests every now and again. I prefer to be referred to with he/they/it pronouns, eventually the neos bomb/bombself.
Now, instead of sharing the fandoms of which I will most likely write/yap about, I will share the characters in specific, for I find it easier and less stressful for myself. That way, I won't feel obligated to write for charactes I'm not that interested in.
I will write for gender neutral and male readers only. However, when requesting nsfw scenarios, please do specify if the reader is afab or amab, solely for clarification and to make my writing experience easier. If not specified, I shall try my utmost to make it as generalized as possible.
Now, as for the things I actually feel comfortable writing about:
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Green means go
★Fluff, angst and NSFW are all game
★Gore is on the table (be aware for my gore writing is VERY explicit)
★In NSFW content, majority of kinks are ok, the ones I won't do will be specified later
★Platonic and romantic scenarios
★Poly relationships!
★Monster x human
★Heavy subjects such as abuse and mental health (all with their due care and respect)
Red means stop
† Dubcon and noncon are a no go
† Watersports and age regression are a red in NSFW (if more surface, they will be added here)
† Very big age gaps! No thank you!
† Incest (not even stepcest)
† Character x character (more of a "don't feel like it" type of thing)
As for writing styles, you might get a drabble, a headcanon or a one shot. It all depends on my mood and how packed that week/day is for me. Please be aware that I am a college student and have a job, so I will be very very slow with publishing stuff.
Sensitive subjects will be properly tagged, so please pay attention as to not trigger yourself.
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Now, finally, the list of characters I am currently obsessed with and desperately want to write about/read about. The sources to which they belong to will be in parentheses.
The menu
Billy Kid (ZZZ)
Anton Ivanov (ZZZ)
Grace Howard (ZZZ)
Rina (ZZZ)
Seth (ZZZ)
Qingyi (ZZZ)
Jane (ZZZ)
Kafka Hibino (KN8)
Reno Ichikawa (KN8)
Iharu Furuhashi (KN8)
Meursault (Limbus Company)
Heathcliff (Limbus Company)
Gregor (Limbus Company)
Rodion (Limbus Company)
Outis (Limbus Company)
Welt Yang (HSR)
Kafka (HSR)
Gallagher (HSR)
Chilchuck (Dunmeshi)
Kuro Kiryu (ES)
Rinne Amagi (ES)
Scar (Wuthering Waves)
Yuanwu (Wuthering Waves)
Yinlin (Wuthering Waves)
Please keep in mind that I haven't met Yuanwu in the story yet and that I haven't finished the main story of Wuthering Waves! So those two characters are the ones I am least familiar with.
These are the characters for now. This list will be constantly updated, with additions and removals always being a possibility, so please do keep an eye out! If you want to check if I write for a character, don't be afraid to ask! I tend to be rather forgetful, so ask away.
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If you simply want my take on a headcanon you have about one of the aforementioned characters, please do send them! I love debating about headcanons and sharing my thoughts (I am a yapper at heart)
There will be no masterlist! However, the posts will be tagged by fandom, characters and writing style. So, if you came looking for specifics, clicking on my profile and using the desired tag should filter everything properly!
As to differ random yaps from requests, here are the following tags you should look for:
#yappingdemon → for headcanon debates and just me being absolutely deranged/insane about something (mainly a character or game)
#storytellerdemon → for actual writing, be it headcanons, scenarios, drabbles or oneshots
This masterpost will be tagged as both yappingdemon and storytellerdemon, to mark the beginning of both categories in the blog.
Thank you for your attention and for considering requesting from this blog in the first place! Yapping request shall always be open, however request status will be updated both here and in random posts, so please do keep an eye out.
I wish you a pleasant timezone
- Anxious Demon
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takusan-no-ai · 2 months
★·.·`¯´·.Anton Ivanov.·`¯´·.·★
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Fics (0)
Headcanons (3)
You forgot your lunch, hun
Anton x Female Reader (Romantic) (Fluff)
Yar har, fiddle de dee
Anton x Reader (Platonic) (Male & Female Reader)
My star darling, made of metal
Grace/Koleda/Anton/Ben x Female Reader (Familia) (Fluff)
Oneshots (0)
Imagines (1)
Your Comfort Bubble
Anton x Female Reader (Romantic) (Angst)
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Year 51
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VnRQ6K0
by AvengingMikaelsonsLover
Words: 426, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 16 of Finding Forever a journey of Love
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 Series - Kass Morgan, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain Marvel (2019), Captain America (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Thor (Movies), Loki (TV 2021), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hulk (2003)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), Loki/Thor/Original Character(s) (Marvel), Carol Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Kasius (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Glenn Talbot/Original Female Character(s), Bruce Banner/Original Female Character(s), Blackagar Boltagon/Original Female Character(s), Anton Ivanov/Original Female Character(s), Nathaniel Malick/Original Female Character(s), John Garrett (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Protective Loki (Marvel), Protective Thor (Marvel), Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VnRQ6K0
0 notes
ao3feed-thor · 2 years
Year 51
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tkyqXuT
by AvengingMikaelsonsLover
Words: 426, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 16 of Finding Forever a journey of Love
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 Series - Kass Morgan, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain Marvel (2019), Captain America (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Thor (Movies), Loki (TV 2021), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hulk (2003)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), Loki/Thor/Original Character(s) (Marvel), Carol Danvers/Original Female Character(s), Kasius (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Glenn Talbot/Original Female Character(s), Bruce Banner/Original Female Character(s), Blackagar Boltagon/Original Female Character(s), Anton Ivanov/Original Female Character(s), Nathaniel Malick/Original Female Character(s), John Garrett (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Protective Loki (Marvel), Protective Thor (Marvel), Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Carol Danvers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tkyqXuT
0 notes
ihaznoclue · 18 days
Hello very new to Tumblr but can I make a request for lycaon, billy, Anton, x FEM reader who is strong and has a big appetite like mitsuri's please!....
Pairings -> Von Lycaon, Billy Kid, Anton Ivanov x Reader
Warnings -> None
Note -> Just Reader having the personality like Mitsuri! (I haven't really watched demon slayer before so I hope I don't mistake anything)
Genre -> Fluff and a little bit of headcanons
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Von Lycaon
He would be delighted to have you eating, knowing that you weren't going to starve yourself
He also was interested in your sudden strength but go use to it
He would be fascinated in your fighting skills as well as you move so well like you dancing on thin air
The time where you fought a huge Ethereal on you own, he was quite impressed
He also loved how you like to show your personality so much to new people to make them more comfortable to open up
He also realizes you started to teach Rina how to bake and cook
Your favorite meal has got to be (F/M)
He was pleased to have you in his faction as you make everyone and including the clients welcome
You're a strong, extroverted, happy and exciting women to be around
Everyone loves you and your trait to bring people in
Including Lycaon
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Billy Kid
Let's just say he was really impressed but terrified by your sudden strength
Like How!?
He also started to notice that you have a big appetite but he wasn't complaining
He loves to hang out with you as you always seem to have something interesting to talk about
If it was your fighting, your favorite stuff or just about your day
He always love to listen to you ramble
He also loves how you cook for him and the others
He was quite interested on how you fight so well like your dancing
You just say that it's your skills and you go with the flow
He tried it once
Never... again
He tripped over his own feet
So he'll stick to his ladies (His guns)
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Anton Ivanov
He challenged you into a arm wrestle
You won
and he lost
He was... terrified to say the least
But he eventually go use to your strength like when you carry heavy things around
You were like stronger than Ben the bear
He also was shocked on how much you could eat in one go, but I feel like he would like his women like that
Always eating instead of starving yourself (Always eat <3)
He would always hang out with you
He also noticed your sense of fighting like a dancer which he was in awe
when he first saw you fighting, he was amazed at your fighting skills
To say the least he started to like you and your personality
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ihaznoclue · 25 days
yippie requests are open again!! can I request some angst to fluff of reader getting severely injured in the hollows and Anton being there to help them recover? thank you in advance!!!! 🚧🧡
Pairings -> Anton Ivanov x Injuried Reader
Warnings - Injuries
Note -> Anton finding you injured and helps you recover
Genre -> Angst to Fluff!
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Anton Ivanov
When he heard the news that you were somewhere in a hollow, injured. He thought you were out just shopping or walking around sixth street
So he instantly told Koelda his president that he's going after you, koleda couldn't do anything about it as he was already running
"Anton! You can't go alone- nevermind, he's already gone" Koleda gave up.
Meanwhile with you, you were trying your hardest to stay alive when there was a bunch of little Ethereal around your hiding spot, you were hiding behind a bunch of boxes.
"Come on, come on" You were trying to bandage yourself with your clothes, your leg was cut open as you had some cuts on your face as well.
This wasn't going so well, was it?
You were just walking around until a hollow magically appeared, you were crowded with Ethereal and you had no service.
You just now need to wait until someone comes for you...
A bunch of wind tickled your back, was was happening back there? You were too sore and tired to look back, or else you might be in big trouble with another Ethereal.
That sounded like a digger or some tool, A driller? Yeah you couldn't think straight as you started to loose more blood, you were getting tired
"NAME!" Someone called out to you, they sound familiar.. but who was it?
You tried to move a little but then felt a sting of pain your leg as you grunted, your body falling as you held your leg while laying on your side, the boxes behind you fell
"Ow.." You grunted, you tried to get up again, but then fell but didn't touch the ground
"I gotcha" A soft voice spoke, you looked up to see
"Anton.." You spoke in a hushed whisper
He smiled down at you, now carrying you bridle style so you didn't have to move anywhere
"I'm going to get you out of here, stay awake. Can you do that for me?" Anton asked, you nodded
Your eyes felt heavy but you were determined to keep them open, "Yeah, I'll try"
"That's my girl" Anton grinned, giving your forehead a small gentle kiss, as he started to run to the hollow exist
"Hang in there a little bit longer, we're nearly there" Anton spoke which caused your eyes to stay open
"Okay" you weak voice caused him to go faster, dodging anything in his way, until he made it to the hollow exist
You were finally out of that hell hole
"Anyone, Call the medics!" Anton was shouting, someone called the medic
A couple of minutes later, you could heard sirens, but your eyes felt heavy. Maybe a little nap won't hurt
It felt like hours, you heard a voice, your body felt it was moving on its own
"Come on, wake up" You could heard Anton, feeling a soft warmth on your cheek. Your eyes were opening
"Atta Girl, Open those pretty eyes for me, There you go" Anton smiled, you looked around, it looked like you were now in a hospital
You felt more recovered as you felt a bandage on your leg instead of your ripped up top.
You started to sit up, Anton didn't like that as he pushed you gently back down
"Nah uh, You need to rest Missy" Anton was now talking to you like he was your parent or something, you rolled your eyes
"How long was I out for?" You asked, "A couple of hours, maybe like about 3 hours" Anton spoke
3 hours.. you thought you were out longer than that
"Wait, how did you know I was in the hollow in the first place?" You asked
"Oh, someone reported it and then it went to the Instruction area and that's when I found out" Anton explained
"But, you're lucky that I came there on time. You were a couple minutes away from losing a lot of blood. Next time I'm coming with you"
You gave out a airy chuckle
"My hero" You playfully said
Anton proudly smiled, "My princess in distressed"
"Okay the funs over, you ruined it" You chuckled
"Hey! No I didn't" Anton pouted
He's like a over protective boyfriend but also a big baby..
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I was giggling so much for this one, This has got to be one of my favorite posts of today
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cramathonn · 12 days
Hey!! I saw you had requests open, but when you have the time, I would like an Anton x pirate! Reader (Like the faction the reader is like a pirate crew despite having no sea based areas yet in ZZZ 😭)
Anon... Anon holy shit your brain is humongous. You woke up the small pirate hyperfix I have omg-/pos
Since you didn't specify what role pirate reader would be, I'll be a little silly and make them a navigator. So... Yea, I hope this is ok with you, dear anon. If you'd like a more deck hands reader or even captain reader, you can just send another ask and I will write it like that!
The rest shall be under the cut!
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The content ahead is gender neutral and will not have reader referred to with any pronouns!
Content warning: none! Just headcanons and fluff
Anton Ivanov x Pirate!Reader
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★ Listen, constantly going on voyages and being at sea almost all the time will most certainly make you smell of salty water or like a tropical breeze, you can't change my mind. And Anton absolutely loves that smell, he would most definitely just rest his face near your neck or on your hair and take a VERY NOTICEABLE inhale. His muscles relax almost immediately when he does that
★ Absolutely hates how long you take to come back from voyages. Like, yeah, your ship is probably equipped with the most recent machinery to make your travels last less, but it still takes a while, specially considering that the weather makes a big difference in trip durations
★ Will hug you so tight when you come back tho, bear hug levels of tight. Will inquire on how everything went and will want to hear every last detail. Like, dude has barely been able to hear your voice during that entire time because your signal was shit or he didn't have time due to his work on Belobog, so please yap about everything that happened on your trip, he missed you so much
★ Also, during those times you are away, Anton will visibly be like a sad puppy waiting for its owner to come back home and he will yap about how much he misses you to whoever asked him if he was ok (please hurry back, Ben and Koleda can't handle much more of Anton's whining)
★Some times, Belobog hires your crew to bring some materials for them and Anton ALWAYS goes along (he begs for Koleda to let him go every single time and she lets him because PLEASE GOD spare her ears she can only handle so much)
★ Simply adores seeing you at work, he won't understand a lot of it but gosh, you look so attractive while cracking the coordinates of where you guys should go inside a hollow and relaying the information to your crewmates
★ Will be by your side constantly when you're on that voyage. He will obviously do his job, he prides himself in what he does, but will do so while staying by your side. If you need to do something when he's working, he'll let you go and finish what he's doing before rushing back to your side
★ Listen when I say this, he loves how you look when you're in your uniform. Regardless if how it looks like, he just loves it. Seeing you wearing your work uniform, dedicated to your role in the crew is so attractive in his eyes (he is vocal about how gorgeous you look to him, btw, will drop compliments here and there)
★ Anton isn't a big fan of staying at home, so be prepared for high or medium activity dates. Going on walks, going to the beach, going to the pool, whatever it is as long as it's not staying at home is a must with him
★ His personal favorites, however, are beach and boat dates. Yes, boat dates, as in he rents a boat and goes to a river with you type of boat dates. He loves seeing how you still get in your navigator mentality even when on dates, he finds it endearing
★ Will bring his bro along dates tho. It's his bro, he ain't leaving him behind! So you better get used to having Anton's bro revving up during your hangouts, specially if you guys go to Bardic Needle (his bro likes to sing)
★ Talking about singing, share the songs you and your crew sing during voyages! Heck, even teach him some, he'd love singing those with you (or simply just listening to you sing)
★ Now, if you're exhausted after returning from a voyage or planning for it, Anton is taking you back home to get a warm comforting bath and a well balanced meal (that he most likely bought at Lumina Square because, in my mind, he's not a good cook)
★ And in the topic of food, Anton would gladly help you prepare your and your crew's rations for voyages, keeping in mind the amount of nutrients best fit for consumption during specific times of day. He's THE meal prep guy.
★ tldr: he loves you and whole heatedly supports your pirate endeavors, helping you prepare for trips and taking care of you when you return. Don't let this man go because he sure ain't letting you go.
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ihaznoclue · 1 month
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I would like to inform people before they request anything, so here are some important rules and some information for this account!
Very first rule that everyone should know! I'm 17, which means I'm still a minor so there will be no requests that includes NSFW, none of that
I accept Fluff, Angst, Headcanons in my posts ^^ I love to do them
I accept requests from anyone, Everyone is allowed to request, even if its a Anonymous person
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You can also request a question or anything else to me unless its weird or creepy ones or else I will delete them
I accept any reader like male, female, NB, or GN :)
I write X reader's only!
Always make sure you are requesting the character that I write for, the character I write for is:
Characters: Billy Kid, Nichole Demara, Anby Demara, Nekomata | nekomiya Mana, Anton Ivanov, Grace Howard, Ben Bigger, Koleda Belobog, Ellen Joe, Von Lycaon, Wise and Belle!
Before you request, make sure to see if my inbox is closed or open!
Thank you! \-v-/
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