#antisnowwhite's first paragraph is actually garbage but who knows when i will try to rewrite it lol
writingmoth · 3 months
aroaceprincess opening lines - then and now
thanks @treesandwords for the idea!
this is from a wip i don't talk about much here, mostly bc it's kinda shelved? i haven't touched it in years. my current projects (fantasy romance wip + antisnowwhite) are literally in their first draft and the one that got left behind also never made past its first draft (merpirate) so here it's aroaceprincess!! it was the first thing i ever wrote in english so uh. im sorry in advance?
no weird forests here!!! but there were weird, sentient floating cities, so
2016 (??? i think ???):
In the darkness of the city’s belly, Valentina thinks of Auntie Mira, of her stories about Vitória, the most powerful of the Seven Cities, the city that was always watching, always silent, but never missing anything. The Inquisitor used to scoff at that. Everyone knew, she used to say, that the floating cities couldn’t think. They were enchanted, yes, relics of an age long gone and of a power long lost, but still nothing beyond polished stone.
2018 (maybe?):
When they steal her in the middle of the night, the city is the only one watching. She hums below Valentina’s fingertips while the girl struggles and grabs at the walls, heart a delicate drum against her ribcage. The green, vibrant stone is warm against her skin, and even with the chilly air, the cloth sealing her lips and the fear threatening to drown her mind, the city’s pulses are impossible to ignore. They follow the girl as her captors drag her through the empty streets and then under the city’s bones, down to the temple’s dungeons – they never go away.
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