mrbrwnstone · 3 years
moving blogs.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
mitski’s ‘lush’ rp prompts.
i was born hungry.
i am something.
what could i be?
there is a light that i can see. but only, it seems, when there’s darkness in me.
i am waiting.
i was born waiting for that something, just that something.
crying sets me free.
i’m beautiful. i know, ‘cause it’s the season.
i am an organism. i’m chemical.
that’s all. that is all.
i’m in my prime.
you like control. well, i do, too.
you can come closer, i’ll let you hurt me how you choose.
this view of you, of the top of your head, makes me forgive you.
i’m tired of not loving you.
my heart wants to hold you, but i know the rules.
i’ll sell my heart to you.
i want, i want.
i think my brain is rotting in places.
i think my heart is ready to die.
i think my body is falling in pieces.
tell me what you took. what’d you take?
i think the ground is pulling me down.
if i gave up on being pretty, i wouldn’t know how to be alive.
i should move to brand new city and teach myself how to die.
real men don’t need other people.
i think i’m a real man.
well done, girl, you’re looking good.
they’re above that, damn it.
go ahead. do it, do it.
you’re home to me.
if i am not yours, what am i?
let me go towards the morning star, with hope it won’t disappear.
i’m all used up, pretty boy.
mercy on me, would you please spare me tonight?
i’m tired of this searching.
i know my room is a mess.
i hope you leave right before the sun comes up.
let’s shake this poet out of the beast.
sometimes i get closer to it, but i’ve never found it.
a hopeless violence, i named it, ‘love’.
you are dead, the light of a world is fading.
don’t fear them or their hunger.
you were human, don’t forget it.
i’ll live without you, though the struggle will be daily.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me.
i always want you when i'm finally fine.
would you tell me if you want me?
i love it when you call my name.
what do you do with a loving feeling if the loving feeling makes you all alone?
can i sleep in your house tonight?
i don't want your pity, i just want somebody near me.
come inside and be with me.
i don't know what to do without you.
why didn't you stop me?
i can still smell the fire even though it's long died out.
there’s no need to be brave.
i think i'm gonna lose my mind.
i fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended.
nobody fucks me like me.
i'm staying up late just in case you come up and ask to leave with me.
i'll leave once i figure out how to pay for my own life too.
fuck you and your money.
it would be a hundred times easier if we were young again.
i gave too much of my heart tonight.
i am stronger than you give me credit for.
i don't need anything other than you.
but how long can we play this way? i'm tired of not loving you.
you know me better than i do.
it doesn't matter how you lived, the only thing that matters is the way that you died.
i just need a quiet place where i can scream.
i'm a fool to want you.
i know i've kissed you before, but i didn't do it right.
you only love me when we're all alone.
i get mean when i'm nervous like a bad dog.
i don't know what to say about any of this.
can tell them what you saw in me, and not the way i am?
i love it when you look my way.
we're two slow dancers, last ones out.
i should tell them that i'm not afraid to die.
i think my fate is losing its patience.
when i find a knife's sticking out of my side, i'll pull it out without questioning why.
i miss you more than anything.
can I dream for a few months more?
i just want to feel alright.
this is the kind of job that needs a bastard to see it through.
my god, i'm so lonely.
i always wanted to die clean and pretty.
there's nobody better than you
i don't think about the past, it's always there anyway.
i will take good care of you.
time and time again i’ve said i'd leave you.
i thought maybe we would kiss tonight.
what those dead men say that they do will never be the absolute truth.
don't wait for me, i can't come.
just 'cause you're dead doesn't mean that your mission is done.
i haven't told anyone, just like we promised.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
first fight + winter e primrose
first times prompt meme.
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inha mãe deve estar procurando por mim, acho que é hora de voltar pra casa, primrose tentava procurar uma desculpa para sair de perto de winter naquele momento (sentimento raro para ela), mas não conseguia sequer raciocinar. aquela era a primeira vez que via a garota tão estressada por um assunto que não fosse relacionado aos pais das duas, e quebrava o seu coração ser a responsável por toda aquela raiva. sempre ficava sem reação quando as pessoas brigavam com ela, e por nunca ter pensado que um dia discutiria com winter, se sentia acuada, nem ousando abrir a boca pelo medo de começar a soluçar.
o que fariam no futuro?: detestava aquele assunto, que parecia ser o favorito da melhor amiga. apesar de concordar que o melhor que poderiam fazer por si mesmas era sair do ambiente cultivado pelos pais e procurarem um meio de se virarem no mundo sozinhas, longe de toda aquela vida de aparências e luxos, a garota se julgava incapaz de fazer isso. winter era inteligente, corajosa, independente — não duvidava que ela cortaria os laços familiares na primeira oportunidade que surgisse, indo embora sem pensar duas vezes, e a admirava por isso. queria ser mais como ela, na verdade, mas primrose se via como o total oposto: era chorona, medrosa e insegura. odiava a possibilidade de se tornar sua mãe, mas pelo menos sabia o que aquela vida poderia lhe proporcionar. e se não conseguisse se dar bem em um universo no qual as preocupações iam além de festas e bom maridos? e se a mãe estivesse certa e ela não tivesse utilidade além de ser uma boa esposa? tinha sido criada para pensar só nisso, afinal. adorava a possibilidade de poderem viver juntas do jeito que queriam, sem medo de nada e fazendo as próprias regras, mas talvez fosse bem mais difícil do que parecesse.
depois de meses tentando se preparar para externalizar aquele pensamento e contar suas dúvidas à winter, tudo acontecera exatamente do jeito que ela tinha previsto: estavam brigando. seriamente. pela primeira vez na vida inteira, se bem lembrava, e não conseguia fazer nada além de fugir do olhar alheio, fitando as próprias mãos ao invés de encarar winter e a realidade que as cercava. mais uma prova de que, talvez, ela não estava pronta para fugir do mesmo jeito que a amiga estava.
"olha, tá certo." disse assim que conseguiu uma brecha para falar, a voz embargada de choro pela tensão da ocasião. costumava sentir que poderia compartilhar tudo com winter, mas aquele momento claramente desafiava essa crença. "acho que é melhor eu voltar pra casa. preciso pensar um pouco." planejava escrever uma carta assim que estivesse na segurança do quarto, por mais clichê que parecesse. era acostumada a escrever e surpreender a outra garota com piadas e bilhetes de incentivos. pensava que, sem o contato direto, poderia finalmente conseguir se expressar do jeito que queria. "até amanhã." saiu do quarto de winter batendo a porta, suspirando profundamente e colocando o seu sorriso costumeiro no rosto enquanto se despedia da mãe de winter e dos funcionários ao redor.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
✧ — ⋆    𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 .
send one of the below symbols for your character  ( the sender )  to perform on mine  ( the receiver )    add  !!  to reverse the roles
💆‍♀️   for  your  character  to  tuck   a   strand   of   my    muse’s   hair    behind    their    ear
🤝   for   your   character   to   brush    their     hand    against    my    muse’s    hand 
🤚   for   your   character    to    guide    mine    by    touching    their     back
🛋   for   your   character   to    curl   up   with    mine  
☕️   for   your   character    to    bring    mine    a    beverage 
🍫   for   your   character   to    bring   mine   some    food
📺   for   your   character    to    watch   a    film  /  tv    show   with    my    muse
🎶   for   your   character    to    play    music    or    sing    to    mine  
🎧    for   your   music    to    listen    to    music    with    mine
💃   for   your   muse    to    offer    to    dance    with    my    muse
📚   for   your    muse    to    read    with     mine
🎨   for   your   muse   to    paint    with    mine
🪴   for   your    muse    to   take    mine    on   a   walk
💫  for    your    muse    to    take    mine    stargazing
🧺   for    your    muse    to    take    mine    on   a    picnic
✍️   for   your   muse    to    draw    mine
👔    for   your   muse    to    help    mine    get    dressed
💇‍♀️    for   your    muse    to    play    with    my    muse’s    hair
🌸    for   your    muse    to    give     mine     flowers
🎁    for    your    muse    to    give    mine    a    gift    (  please    specify !  )
🎀   for    your    muse    to    wrap     mine    in   a    blanket
🛀    for    your    muse    to     wash    my    muse’s    hair 
✨    for    your     muse    to    hold    my    muse’s    hand
🤗    for    your    muse   to    give    my    muse    a   hug
💋    to    kiss    my    muse    (  specify    where !  )
🍰     to    bake    something    with    my    muse
🥦    to    cook    something    with    my    muse
🤐    to    tell    my    muse    a    secret   (  please   specify ! )
🧶   for   your    muse     to    do    something    else   (  please   specify  !  )
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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happy birthday, bells!
todo mundo que conhece eric sabe que ele faria qualquer coisa pela namorada, cassandra. foi por isso que ninguém se surpreendeu quando ele decidiu dirigir por doze horas praticamente ininterruptas depois de fazer uma prova extensa no intuito de poder encontrar a namorada no aniversário dela, inclusive dando o maior apoio. mesmo tendo demorado mais que o esperado, ele se deu por satisfeito só de poder ver o enorme sorriso de cassandra quando ela percebeu o que tinha acontecido.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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happy (late) birthday, xará!
camila and nicolas's romance may have started more quickly than most people could keep up with, but between her possessive tendences and his urge to keep her pleased, they are able to get along pretty well. though both have their own big ambitions, they always find time to be together, usually isolating themselves in camila's apartment or having one of their corny dates around town. never failing to be all over each other all the time, they have an almost daily session of cuddling while discussing their future married life, fantasizing about a life full of marido y mujer duties. until they finally tie the knot, he distracts her by being the best boyfriend-husband ever, and she shows her satisfaction by matching his clingy behaviour and giving him a lucky kiss before every race.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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happy (late) birthday, xará!
haneul has always been a very active person in social media (a little addicted to it, some friends would say), and that aspect did not change after she decided to drop the traditional college lifestyle and spend an indefinite amount of time traveling around europe by train, even gaining some new followers interested by the experience. however, her instagram and even her twitter have been left aside lately. she says that she is busy journaling and trying to enjoy the trip, but some of her closest acquaintances and nosiest followers know that it may be adeline's fault, the girl who unexpectedly became the protagonist of haneul’s pictures. she had never realized before that some registers are meant to be private only, it turns out, but there’s no way she could properly capture the tender feeling of sharing sweets between one station and another, falling asleep and placing her head on the other girl’s shoulder, watching adeline beautifully filling the pages of her sketchbook, all that with no rush to end. they may depart one day, of course there is that possibility, but until then, they will enjoy their time together and go along with the railway.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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Ask the Dust (2006)
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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Bitch I am on the GROUND
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Dir. Peter Jackson
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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returning home by warren chang
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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Die Neue Romantik: Zöpfe. Yasmeen Ghauri photographed by Dominique Issermann for Elle Germany, June 1993.
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mrbrwnstone · 3 years
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