#antis fuck off honestly bcuz y’all be saying slurs and wishing death on asian fans
sableraven · 2 months
What are the issues of racism that are within the proship communities? Do you have any examples of things that are widespread talking points that are racist and why? /I am being genuine here sorry if it doesn't come across that way ;;
There aren’t any widespread talking points that are racists. It’s more like the tendency of proshippers to either invalidate or dismiss any concerns of racism within fandoms that fans of color has. It is sometimes dismissed as “anti rhetroic” or people being “pro-censorship” when all that fan is doing is trying to raise awareness of racial biases that fandoms tend to have or that is prominent in media. Half of it is gets viewed as being “too political” and its like your feelings are invalidated in favor for white fans who use fandoms to escape. Like I used media to escape too, but its hard to when I get not go on the internet and see fans being racists about characters of colors or treating fans of colors as outsiders. I just wish there was more acknowledgment and care about these topics rather it all being thrown as anti behavior when criticism of media always existed, especially when it comes to bigotry.
I guess a more specific example is the Star Wars fandom. Since Disney made the new trilogy, there’s always been controversy, but racism around it has gotten extremely worse. I got told by one proshipper that my interpretation of the anger around the new trilogy is because of old fans hating the new material and Disney is bad at handling it (which is mostly true with Disney), but I mentioned the whole debacle of Finn and him being a stormtropper and the same proshipper kept trying to act like the hate was anything, but racism. Then went on to say, “well I never witness any of that, but I have seen people hate it because stormtroppers were confirmed to look like something else.” Which is a weird take and purposefully ignores like every new controversy that appears in the Star Wars fandom related to racism.
Or discussing racial biases that exist in how fandoms treat characters of color in terms of shipping. Like it is proven that characters of colors are rarely the center of attention in fanart and fanfiction and white fans have a tendency to avoid shipping that character with another prominent white character. No one is saying people can’t ship that or that they HAVE to ship that character of color, but it gets treated as “anti rhetoric” when its just people venting frustration over racial biases in fandoms. I have seen proshippers being allowed to vent about being accused of racism by antis (which some of the allegations can be ridiculous by the antis and lies), but talking about racism that exist in fandoms and not directly targeting one person is seen as “politicizing” fandoms and you being a fandom police. Like no, its an observation and people of color are allowed to interact with the media however they want, just like white proshippers are allowed to do whatever they want.
Also to the anon, I’m not attacking you. I know you are being genuine, just explaining, so sorry if the language comes across as accusatory to you. I’m not, just a little fired up with this topic because it’s been something I’ve observed for a while and wish it was talked about more. Obviously, not ALL proshippers are like this, but there are some who are a little too far down on the “any criticism is procensorship” which is not fair when it comes to valid criticism.
Additional edit; there is an unfortunate rise of “anti woke” behavior in proship whenever elements of race is brought up and treating it with sensitivity. The amount of well-meaning white authors just asking questions if its okay to write a character of color a certain way and what’s appropriate or not, then proshippers get pissy and calling it “censorship” and telling said white author to write whatever they want and don’t listen to haters. If a person wants to educate themselves on how to write characters of color properly to avoid offending, LET THEM! It’s not censorship and its weird to equate wanting non stereotypical characters of color as censorship. It’s why the publishing industry has sensitivity training. Be okay with being told no sometimes if it’s not your space to do so. It reeks of white entitlement if you’re upset at receiving criticism and not being allowed to do whatever you want. You’re on the internet. The same way you tell antis if on them to not curate their space and should be prepared to see triggering shit online, you will also be criticized online especially if you post art
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