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qantiquesanddesign · 11 months ago
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nisiantique · 1 year ago
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antiquecoinsbuyers · 2 years ago
Protect the value and condition of your antique coins by storing them properly. Learn the best methods and materials to store antique coins.
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honeydewey · 2 years ago
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Go big…or go BIGGER, baby✨🙌🏽✨ I was on the phone with my momma so I asked her why I feel so much more unapologetic creative freedom with my wardrobe in Florida than back home. She said “Your best self really comes out when you’re in a place that makes you feel full of love and light.” Homegirl really gets me. I took that as my sign that this year needs to be packed full of sunshine, #creativework, and lots of miles traveled. If anyone needs me, I’m either gonna be booked with clients, reading books, or bookin’ @airbnb ‘s. 🏠 ••• FACE: @charlottetilbury • Hollywood Flawless Filter Shade 1, Flawless Airbrush Setting Spray @tartecosmetics • Shape Tape Glow Wand @diorbeauty • Backstage Face & Body Bronzer @fentybeauty • FULL FRONTAL VOLUME Mascara @urbandecaycosmetics • Brow Blade in Gingersnap @anastasiabeverlyhills • Brow Freeze Gel @revlon • Skin Lights Daybreak Glimmer @rarebeauty • With Gratitude, Dewy Lip Balm in Empathy ••• 2 MUST EXPERIENCE places in FL— @leaderboardarcade in Jacksonville for the GREATEST pizza bites & @sparkyslanding in Marathon for the happiest happy hour in the world! Shrimp, Wings, and the vibes are ✨immaculate✨! ••• #photodump #travelingartist #mrsworldwide #vintagesoul #antiquedealers #everydaymakeup #travelingram #floridafinds #curvymodel #worldwanderer #makeupartistlife #bridalmakeupartist #tinytattooartist #permanentcosmetictrainer (at Saint Petersburg, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYyNoouQMT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oriental-art-srl · 2 years ago
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Antiche porcellane cinesi a fondo cèladon con decorazioni floreali in bianco e blu - www.oriental-art.it #arteorientale #orientalart #porcellane #porcellana #porcellanacinese #porcellanecinesi #porcellanaorientale #porcellaneorientali #collezionismo #antiquariatoorientale #antiquariatocinese #antiquariato #antichitàdalmondo #antichità #porcellanavintage #porcellanavecchia #porcellanaantica #antiquedealers #antiques #collectibles #collectables #collectors #oldchineseporcelain #oldporcelain #chinesecollectors #chineseart #chineseantiques #arredamento #interiordesign #luxuryinteriordesign (presso Oriental Art SRL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuMLWFof5q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myantiquelife · 2 years ago
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Swedish love...
@dlarssoninterior @emersonbaileycollection
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mensverseonlinefashion · 1 year ago
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🕰️ Time to Upgrade Your Decor! 🛋️
Introducing our stunning Clock Collection! ⏰
Shop Now and bring a touch of elegance to your space with our sleek Clock for just $34! 🌟
Don't miss out on this timeless deal.
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antiquediamondbuyers · 2 years ago
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restauriraiacom · 2 years ago
Cassettone art decò in noce, Italia
Cassettone art decò in noce, Italia
Bellissimo cassettone in noce art decò italiano. Completamente originale, con marmo originali. E' stato riportato alla sua condizione originale. Dimensione del cassettone: Lunghezza: 108 cm Larghezza: 54 cm Altezza: 96 cm   Altri prodotti correlati: Poltroncina tavolino Tavolo Decò Credenza bassa vintage in radica di noce Italia anni sessanta Tavolo da pranzo vintage con maioliche settecentesche originali italiane Libreria vetrinetta classica in mogano italiana     I nostri prodotti si possono trovare anche sui nostri marketplace partner: Pamono VNTG Design Market Vinterior Selency   Su di me Mi chiamo Dario Raia e sono un restauratore di manufatti in legno, in particolare mobilia antica e vintage ma anche portoni e manufatti di pregio antichi. Mi sono appassionato al restauro di mobili antichi in un negozio-bottega antiquaria all’età di 20 anni. Ho deciso quindi di intraprendere gli studi universitari in Diagnostica e Restauro dei Beni Culturali presso l’Istituto Universitario “Suor Orsola Benincasa” a Napoli, specializzandomi nel settore ligneo. Ho alternato gli anni di studio con la pratica presso questa bottega, decidendo poi dopo il diploma di laurea, di aprire un piccolo laboratorio di restauro e di lavorare in proprio.
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Dario Raia Negli anni ho ampliato le mie competenze spaziando da lavori di restauro di mobili antichi a ristrutturazione di serramenti antichi e non fino a lavori di pura falegnameria su mobili vintage. Grazie a questo sito web e alla presenza su vari portali di compravendita di arredamento vintage e antico ho ampliato la mia presenza on line facendo conoscere il mio lavoro anche all’estero. Read the full article
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gloomy-fantasy · 2 years ago
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Indulging in the opulence of Mysore Palace, where 14th century chairs crafted with rosewood, silver, and ivory transport us to a bygone era of grandeur and luxury. . . . . . #travelphoto #antiqueinteriors #traveladdict #historylover #antiquemall #travelpic #historymatters #travelawesome #antiquesofinstagram #travelstoke #travelbloggers #antiquemirror #historyteacher #trips #traveladdicted #antiqueart #antiques #antiquering #antiqueshops #travelindia #travelaroundtheworld #historymuseum #travelingram #historychannel #historyvikings #antiquefinds #worldhistory #antiquedealer (at Mysore Palace) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpp7V-xJ_D4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qantiquesanddesign · 4 years ago
I am excited (& flattered) to be one of the dealers participating in this virtual discussion of decorative arts and the market—organized by @decorativeartstrust and sponsored by The Magazine Antiques on June 21 — Join us!
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glastocycles · 5 years ago
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Fixed AF #fixedgear #fixie Reposted from @pjparcels Delivery of this impressive 1840's vintage bicycle to Rottingdean, West Sussex for a regular client. Collected from a client who rode this bicycle from Middlesbrough to York a few years ago. #19thcenturybicycle #vintagebicycle #bicyclesofinstagram #oldfashionbicycle #stunningbicycle #antiquedealersofinstagram #antiquedealers https://www.instagram.com/p/CAS8n-og8Zz/?igshid=e462blss0o9b
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oriental-art-srl · 2 years ago
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Vecchio drappo in seta ricamata di importazione diretta dalla Cina - www.oriental-art.it #arteorientale #orientalart #antiques #antiquariatoorientale #antiquariato #antichità #antichitàdalmondo #antiquariatocinese #antiquariatoetnico #antiquités #antiquedealers #chineseart #chineseantiques #arredamento #interiordesign #decorarecasa #decorazionedellacasa #decorazionedinterni #decorazionecasa #rendiunicalatuacasa #articolidaregalo #luxuryinteriordesign #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors (presso Oriental Art SRL) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cprky1qIrqv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myantiquelife · 2 years ago
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Vive la France!...
Source: Atelier De Campange
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eastcoastprops · 4 years ago
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Just a snippet of treasures for you at both of our shops this weekend! 🍂Open 10-5pm Yard Sale at both shops too! 🍁20-50% off on outside items! 🍂Come see us!🤩 #nhantiques #realantiques #vintage #collectibles #antiques #eastcoastprops #antiquesonline #weship #treasurehunt #antiquing #farmhouse #vintage #mcm #albums #china #collectibles #eclecticfinds #farmhousefurniture #vintagejewelry #antiquefurniture #gardenitems #antiquedealers #falldecor #primitives #art #vintagefurniture #antiquefurniture #eastcoastprops https://www.instagram.com/p/CGKWMlFH0sf/?igshid=odq5yjti2upo
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antiquediamondbuyers · 2 years ago
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