viviskull · 4 years
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Art Meme | Still Accepting! | @anticnaut​ | GOD!Vivi
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((This took longer to make than it should have, but thanks for the request!  This was really fun to make, given I rarely do clothes nowadays so-))
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thelucidwanderer · 4 years
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“Pardon, but are people here meant to glowing in such a manner?”
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anticnaut said: "A crab wearing glasses?..."
“Yeah,” comes Gordon’s voice out of the crab, accentuating the slight grumpiness in his voice with a click of claws. “What’s the matter, man? Sea creatures can’t have bad eyes?”
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telekineyesis · 4 years
Eyes had to be honest with himself. He had no right idea what the hell Glasses was talking about. Was it an insult? ...Probably.
Crossing his arms and narrowing all but several of his eyes, the mutant gave a muffled huff, indignant. Fine. These glasses were his now. Wonder what the guy’s deal was, Eyes was only being curious. He’d been planning to give them back, but not now.
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“Y’know, it’s not real nice to be calling people you just met names. Hope ya know I’m keepin’ these now.”
@anticnaut​  con’t
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eighthwcnder · 4 years
@anticnaut​ asked:  Clark SPRINTS in ready to sell his life and soul and whatever else he's got. "I've come to bargain for your murder notebook! I have so many enemies, I could probably take out a fraction of them if I use the entire book!"
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     ❝ so eager ... i can appreciate that, boy.         though, there are some ... terms and conditions, if you will, to using a         death note. would you care to hear them? ❞
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playcoinstm · 4 years
anticnaut said: "Coomer, you gotta take me with you next time you visit Gordon. Please tell him I'm cool."
Still Slightly Out Of It, it takes Dr. Coomer a moment to acknowledge Clark after turning to him. “What happened, Cl -” He cuts himself off.
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“Hello, Clark!” There’s a pause, where a more normal man would probably blink or something. “-What happened, Clark? You sound disturbed!”
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phantasmagories · 4 years
@anticnaut​ said: "Ever thought about appearing on a talk show?... incognito?"
HER REACTION TO THE question is ever-so-slightly delayed. Brows knit together, and her head tilted to the side in a confused fashion. How had he come to ask her such a weird question in the first place ? Did she give him the impression that she’d be one to accept such an odd proposal ?
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... He couldn’t have known, could he ?
“ Ah, I can’t say I have. “ Athene answered calmly, just a hint of inquiry in her voice despite the thoughts racing around her head. “ Why might you be asking ? “
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dustxechoes · 4 years
"Erm. Well... I'm the UNKNOWN variable... Variable X. See? I've got a utility belt and a car here. A lair even. I must seem like a walking action figure and accessories, but I swear I'm a capable vigilante. Honest engines!" (From Variable X @ BlackJack)
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“Thou art speaking to a master of disguise. Truth, I know better than most that appearances alone can deceive. What matters most is that the heart of a hero beats inside.”
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"Joining us tonight on our super late show is eminent galactic tyrant Nightmare, no doubt sent because the network executives want me to be destroyed by a capitalist crony! Welcome to the show, Nightmare. So I gotta ask: Have you ever pretended you were Darth Vader, or Emperor Palpatine when nobody's looking?"
Nightmare grips a little too hard into the cushy, plump loveseat-esque chair he’s ‘sat’ in. His claws press too hard into the off-gray fabric and cut it as he sits there. 
Why does he even go to these stupid things, they aren’t even that important for his image at this point. It’s like a drop of water in an ocean of good propaganda, it doesn’t change anything.
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“I don’t know who either of those people are.” Nightmare spoke through half-grit teeth. “I act like myself when I’m alone. There’s no one better to be than me, because I’m a galactic tyrant wizard demon. Whoever this ‘emperor’ is- guy’s just stealing my shtick. I’ve been the emperor of darkness for a long, long time.”
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xenocustodian · 5 years
@anticnaut liked a starter call!
“What do you mean you havent heard of me?” Roger is trying his best not to look totally defeated at this revelation, but from his slumped shoulders and suddenly quieter voice, it’s clear he’s offended, but not surprised, “Roger Wilco: saviour of the Earnon system? Wacky space-hero-guy? Geez, Earth is a dump.”
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notevenjupiter · 5 years
"Surely there's SOMETHING you've felt petty over??" (@ Phi)
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“No. Never.”
She folded her arms across her chest.
“I’ve never been petty in my entire life. Even when I’ve been betrayed, I’m a very forgiving person, and I would never, ever strand them in an underground bunker to live the rest of their days in isolation. It’s a shame that happened, but I didn’t do any of it, because I’m not petty. And for a more specific example, I have never once drawn several penises on Sigma’s face as he was sleeping because he wouldn’t stop singing Womanizer by Britney Spears. Someone may have done that, but it wasn’t me. I’m not petty. I don’t have a petty bone in my body.”
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viviskull · 4 years
"Don't go in unarmed." Clark passes Vivi... Paintball pistols.
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“They won’t know what hit ‘em.”
Instantly, teleporting into the paintball arena, screaming ensues.  This is why we don’t give Vivi guns.
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thelucidwanderer · 4 years
“Clark, I have a question.” The wanderer produced an aged comic book from her coat pocket. “What is a... Comic book?” Her expression showed she was genuinely curious and serious about the question.
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Take care, Dr. Coomer.
“...Are you sure?”
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He doesn’t ever want to be overbearing or anything of the sort, but the sight of Clark’s “friends” - downright scoundrels, Coomer would call them. Hmm. Coomer’s arms are behind his back gently, frowning a little. He’s just a little concerned. First Clark tells him he never kisses his homies, and then they act more like villains in a tale even in a quick encounter.
“Will your friends, er, catch up?
...    ...Don’t you have a vehicle??”
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telekineyesis · 4 years
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Random Headcanon Time!
There’s always one eye at least cracked, even if he’s sleeping. This boy is built on PTSD and the fear of being backstabbed, he’s always gonna keep one eye open. The only reason all of his eyes would be closed would be if he’s drunk passed out or under the influence of a similar substance.
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eighthwcnder · 5 years
@anticnaut​ | ZILLA starter call.
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trash everywhere. the lizard hybrid was rooting around in the dumpsters around here, carelessly flinging whatever wasn’t edible out of it. she was singing a  little tune while doing so, too.
     ❝ doo doo doo ... diggin’ n’ the trash ... doo doo doo, lookin’         for some food ... ❞
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