#anti stress: jo brand
c-r0se · 7 years
4nite. Keep the packet 🍄
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Colorado’s GOP U.S. House candidate Lauren Boebert is latest linked to QAnon conspiracy theory
#deepstate👩‍👧 🗞 👂 😳
Colorado News
By Jim Anderson, Nicholas Riccardi and Alan Fram, The Associated Press
When Lauren Boebert was asked in May about QAnon, she didn’t shy away from the far-right conspiracy theory, which advances unproven allegations about a so-called deep state plot against President Donald Trump that involves satanism and child sex trafficking.
“Everything that I’ve heard of Q, I hope that this is real because it only means that America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values,” she said.
Lauren Boebert
At the time, Boebert was on the political fringe, running a campaign largely focused on her gun-themed restaurant and resistance to coronavirus lockdowns. She is now on a path to becoming a member of Congress after upsetting five-term Rep. Scott Tipton in Tuesday’s Republican primary. The GOP-leaning rural western Colorado district will likely support the party’s nominee in the November general election.
Boebert is part of a small but growing list of Republican candidates who have in some way expressed support for QAnon. They include Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is advancing to a runoff for a congressional seat in a GOP-dominated Georgia congressional district, and Jo Rae Perkins, the party’s Senate nominee in Oregon.
The trend pales in comparison to previous movements that have swept Capitol Hill, such as the 2010 tea party wave. But at a time when the GOP is facing steep headwinds among women and in the suburbs, the QAnon candidates could add extra headaches.
“The more times you have candidates who are crazy, the more it hurts your brand,” said John Feehery, a Republican consultant and former House leadership aide. “The trick is for Republicans to embrace the anti-establishment mood without embracing the crazy.”
Republican leaders have distanced from some candidates, such as Greene. But now that Boebert is the nominee in Colorado, the GOP made clear Wednesday it would support her.
“Lauren won her primary fair and square and has our support,” Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer, the chair of the House Republican campaign arm, said in a statement. “This is a Republican seat and will remain a Republican seat as Nancy Pelosi and senior House Democrats continue peddling their radical conspiracy theories and pushing their radical cancel culture.”
MORE: Right-wing firebrand Lauren Boebert beats Trump-backed, 5-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton
Boebert’s campaign manager, Sherronna Bishop, said the campaign was ignoring the headlines tying the candidate to the QAnon conspiracy.
“We know exactly what we’re about and that’s the Constitution and freedom,” Bishop said. “We are not into conspiracy theories.”
She said Boebert was not available for an interview until Sunday because she is traveling to South Dakota for a Bikers for Trump event near Trump’s Independence Day rally at Mount Rushmore.
The QAnon theory has ricocheted around the darker corners of the internet since late 2017. It is based around an anonymous, high-ranking government official known as “Q” who purportedly tears back the veil on the “deep state,” often tied to satanism, child molestation and even cannibalism.
Trump has retweeted QAnon-promoting accounts. Followers flock to Trump’s rallies wearing clothes and hats with QAnon symbols and slogans. Republican voters may not know the details of the theory, but they’ve become more amenable to the notion of conspiracies because Trump exploited them during his own campaign and administration, said Joseph Uscinski, a political scientist at the University of Miami who studies conspiracy theories.
“Just as that worked for him, there are going to be copycats, too,” he said. Uscinski stressed that Democrats also believe in conspiracy theories — he cited Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ insistence that the 1% run politics and that his 2016 losses in Democratic presidential primaries showed the system was “rigged.”
And Uscinski said there’s nothing in the QAnon theory that’s inherently conservative, and Boebert was nowhere near as enthusiastic about it as other candidates.
For example, Perkins, the GOP’s Senate nominee in Oregon, repeated the QAnon oath in a recent video. She took down a video backing the movement, then said she’d been duped by her own campaign staff and supported it again.
Still, Perkins has almost no chance in reliably Democratic Oregon. Boebert is running in a seat that leans Republican and stands the best chance of any of the candidates who have flirted with QAnon to end up in Congress.
“I shouldn’t have to guess if my congressperson believes in satanic, baby-eating child molesters,” Uscinski said.
Boebert owns Shooters Grill, an eatery where servers carry handguns in the aptly named western Colorado town of Rifle. She ended up on Fox News after confronting Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke in a Denver suburb last year over his plans to confiscate assault-style rifles.
Boebert’s sole known comments on QAnon came during a May interview with internet journalist Ann Vandersteel, whose site highlights other conspiracy theories. Vandersteel asked Boebert what she thought of “the Q movement.”
Boebert said she knew about it from her mother, who was “a little fringe.” Pressed, she added, “If this is real, it could be really great for our country.”
Some Republican candidates have referred to the conspiracy theory in social media posts but say they’re not believers.
Angela Stanton-King, the GOP’s nominee in Georgia’s solidly Democratic 5th Congressional District, said in a statement that a post linking to a QAnon video on Instagram that begins: “This would explain why they tried so hard to make us hate him…” was just questioning the movement. She also said that her use of QAnon hashtags in tweets didn’t mean she was an adherent, explaining she peppers her social media with various hashtags to extend her reach.
Congressman Scott Tipton waits to take the stage during a campaign rally for President Donald Trump at the World Arena in Colorado Springs in February. (Mark Reis, Special to The Colorado Sun)
Meanwhile, in Washington, the defeated Tipton was seen Wednesday sitting alone in the massive Capitol Rotunda. He said his campaign focused on the district’s issues and didn’t attack his opponent.
Asked if, in retrospect, he believed that was a winning tactic, he said: “I don’t know. Maybe we’re in a different world right now.”
Fram reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed to this report.
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housewifekiki · 7 years
Kiki what's you're skincare routine?
Firstly, skincare is different for everyone and I’ve been lucky enough to be genetically blessed with skin that is decent enough on its own. Also I’m not a licensed esthetician or dermatologist. I’m just a housewife with a hobby and experience. 
2. Face makeup can clog your pores, even the best of the best can leave traces behind. I’m not going to tell you what kind or how much makeup to wear but I find that not wearing foundation or concealer everyday is better for the skin.If you do this enough then soon your foundation will be your face with moisturizer on it. 
4. Wash your face at least ONCE A DAY. Some people do two. I am usually one of those people. The best way to ensure that you don’t forget is to keep it in your shower. 99% of all face washes say to wet your face first so you’re only making it easier for yourself. I’m a morning shower type of person so it’s nice to get all the grime from when I was asleep especially now that it’s hot out. It also helps you feel extra squeaky clean. You have your life more together. I also will usually wash it at night and I just bring my face wash from my shower caddy to the sink. If I’m wearing face makeup I always make sure to wash my face BECAUSE YOU WANT ALL MAKEUP REMOVE ENOUGH IF DAVE GROHL IS TRYING TO GET DEEP IN YOUR GUTS. THIS WHICH I KNOW IS STEEP IN PRICE IS MY HOLY GRAIL BECAUSE YOU CAN USE IT ON YOUR EYES!!! REMOVE THAT MASCARA AND GRUNGE DRUMMER RESIDUALS. 
6. Exfoliate your body! In the summer this is even more important!! You’ll be gleaming!! BODY CARE IS SKIN CARE! IF IT HAS SKIN OVER IT TAKE CARE OF IT!! The Tree Hut ones are the best and are very affordable for how much you’re getting. I love the original shea scent because while not fragrance-free, does not overpower or clash with any body lotion I put on. ALSO THEY ARE SOLD EVERYWHERE SO IF ANGUS YOUNG IS TRYING TO RUN HIS NAILS OVER YOUR LEGS YOU DON’T HAVE AN EXCUSE FOR NOT HAVING SMOOTH LEGS. 
7.  USE A FACE MASK TWO-THREE TIMES A WEEK! I know sheet masks are all en vogue and I have used a Sephora brand sheet mask here and there and find them to be good, the best to me are still the ones that come in jars or tubes. It brings me back fond memories of high school where all the girls would gather around in the bathroom and put on face masks that bought at the drugstore. As a loyal hoe, I like the Fresh rose mask but as a warning, if your skin is stressed or breaking out, it can cause a mild sensation of a burning-like feeling. Sensitive skin types should stay away from this product in my opinion but for everyone else, beauty is pain. 
8. Eye cream! It’s always good to start early but I had an esthetician tell me when I was 20 that at 24 is when to being using eye cream and other products that you might have deemed for an older crowd. At 20 and to this day I still worship the ground she walks on and find that she was right all along. When it comes to eye creams (and anti-aging in general) Kiehl’s is the only option. I use the anti-aging one  but they have so many eye cream options, you can find one to suit your needs. 
9. Moisturizer is a necessity for me. Like I said, I try not to wear foundation all the time but a good moisturizer can give your face that oomph. Kiehl’s obviously and the lightweight cream because I do find that the lightweight one is more than enough for me. This is also anti-aging but they do have a good enough selection for face creams (not as good as their eye creams if you ask me) and you may be able to find a better option. 
10. ALSO AT NIGHT. NOT AS IMPORTANT AS WASHING YOUR FACE TO TAKE OFF MAKEUP BUT IF YOU CAN MANAGE TO STAND UP AND NOT PASS OUT FROM SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK N ROLL USE THAT ENERGY TO MOISTURIZE WITH A REAL MOISTURIZE RAND NOT...well you know. I use La Mer because it’s perfect and I can afford it. If you’re in Europe, the Nivea cream is quite literally the same thing. If you’re outside of Europe and have no way to access European Nivea products, I do think that the Nivea made in Mexico is a wonderful product but the ingredients are nowhere close to being tic for tac like the one made in Germany. 
11. BODY LOTION FOR GLEAMING SKIN. IF YOU FOLLOWED MY BODY SCRUB ADVICE THEN YOU BETTER BE FOLLOWING UP WITH A LOTION. Jo Malone’s Mimosa and Cardamom body crème has been my body lotion choice for years because I use the cologne and like to have my scents matching. While the body crème is very moisturizing, unless you’re like me and want to have a scent that matches your perfume/cologne or really love one of the scent options, I don’t find the body crème to be that extraordinary. It’s not a product that you should force your nose to be around because it’s worth whatever the smell or cost. 
12. Get a facial (as in the skincare kind but whatever kind if you want) and have an esthetician you worship. I get one every month because I can afford it and have the time.I find that it is worth it but of course we all live different lives and have different economic resources. Do not feel bad if you can only go once a year or never go. They only help, they do not make magic where there wasn’t any already. 
13. If you have a crush on someone and they don’t have a skincare routine, get a new crush. 
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mhsn033 · 4 years
GCSEs: Inside a school in one of England’s lowest attainment areas
Image caption Mia Beattie opened her GCSE results alongside with her other people
The coastal town of Hunstanton is one of England’s most disadvantaged areas with regards to instructional fulfillment. The BBC went at the encourage of the scenes at one of the town’s colleges to tag how results day worked at a time of Covid-19 and to learn what pupils hoped would reach of their grades.
“The outcomes secure now not elaborate them, it be what they procure to attain with those results that will elaborate them,” says Kelly Beattie, correct moments after seeing her daughter Mia beginning her results.
Mia is one of 113 pupils at Smithdon High Faculty getting their results as we insist time.
The college sits in an home of north west Norfolk ranked within the bottom 10% of England for pupil attainment. Following an Ofsted inspection remaining October, the faculty become judged as “requires boost” – though personal pattern of pupils become rated “factual”.
Image caption Crew were up early to secure the welcome ready for this year’s GCSE cohort
Mia, having unfurled a list of mainly grades 7 and 8s from the dreaded brown envelope, is happy. She will be able to now witness ahead to finding out A-ranges. But the past few months were a surreal expertise for her and the tens of hundreds of her fellow GCSE students across the land.
“It felt like every little thing become unfinished,” she says. “I become a microscopic bit on edge at the originate of lockdown but become beautiful after that.”
Mia, based on head teacher John Hirst, is much from on my own to in finding this GCSE year a in point of fact peculiar expertise.
Image caption John Hirst, head teacher at Smithdon, stands under the celebratory arch he has had assign up to have a just correct time his students
“Their faculty profession become cut quick when exams were cancelled,” he says. “They had finished an fantastic amount of labor before that.
“They didn’t secure a prom, they didn’t secure a leavers’ assembly, they didn’t secure all those in model rites of passage that we clutch to give our 16 year olds as they leave faculty.
“So I desired to attain two issues. I desired to give them the ability to have a just correct time and to level to that their fulfillment has been recognised and to have a just correct time all of that with them in a Covid-stable ambiance.”
This day’s results were based on a mix of teacher review and the Ofqual algorithm. If the algorithm equipped a increased grade than the review, then pupils retained the increased grade.
“Via the grades, the authorities has made a huge amount of it. It has been very uncomfortable and the stress and heartache of scholars, especially for the A-stage students, has been awful.
“I procure the authorities has sooner or later finished the fair consider letting the those that truly know the students give the grades they’d doubtlessly secure and deserve.”
Training secretary Gavin Williamson, in a message earlier this week, acknowledged: “I’m sorry for the anxiousness this has precipitated younger other people and their other people but hope this announcement will now provide the conception and reassurance they deserve.”
Image caption Grace Bailey become ‘over the moon’ alongside with her results this morning
“I’ve finished loads better than I believed I did,” says Grace Bailey. “I acquired 6s, 7s and 8s – I’m over the moon over that.
“I secure now not think any of us expected to now not sit down exams as we were all within the heart of preparation to attain them. Whereas it become a shock, it become a weight off our shoulders.”
She is now fending off to Fetch admission to Inventive Faculty in Norwich to survey occasion production.
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Sarah Parry, her mother, says: “I procure she had assign in so noteworthy laborious work and I procure it become an anti-climax.
“She did well in her mocks but now we were on tenterhooks questioning how she become going to fare.
“On this faculty the lecturers were perfect. They’ve been if reality be told well supported right here.
” I correct desire them to be happy. I’m now not a pushy mother, for me, I desire them to apply their hearts.”
Image caption Matthew Knott, head of Key Stage Four, says pupils will be fending off to tons of futures after gathering their results
The futures of the students gathering their results as we insist time will be completely different, says Matthew Knott, lead teacher for Key Stage Four.
Many will run on to Springwood Sixth Create in nearby King’s Lynn, some will run to Fakenham, some to Cambridge, others to the Faculty of West Anglia.
One of the most students will enter into apprenticeships, collectively with one scholar who has acquired a reputation with the lorry firm Scania.
“In the occasion you witness at Hunstanton itself, it’s miles on the up,” says Mr Knott,
“We now have acquired properties being constructed, other people going within the home and it’s miles a in point of fact nice reputation to be. The college is bettering all of a sudden.”
Image caption Amanda Gibbins says the faculty is “if reality be told happy” with the effects
Amanda Gibbins, head of faculty at Smithdon High Faculty, says this year’s cohort of 113 pupils had fared “if reality be told, if reality be told well”.
“We’re if reality be told happy with our results,” she says. “The younger other people have worked so laborious and we were in a factual blueprint that our children had actually finished their programs magnificent noteworthy correct as lockdown started.”
Since Ofsted’s inspection remaining year, the faculty claims a brand unique culture of learning has been brought in that makes a speciality of rewards and obvious behaviour.
For in particular solid objects of labor, congratulatory postcards were sent home. Pupils were region the shriek of getting six postcards. Folks that managed it – there were 14 of them – had their names assign into a blueprint to purchase an iPad.
“That is had a vital influence on our year neighborhood,” says Ms Gibbins. “Now we have kept in contact with all of our students for the duration of lockdown, attempting to withhold them reassured.
“They’ve been anxious and a great deal of them feel upset that they’ve now not had the different to take a seat the exams and level to what they are in a position to.”
Image caption Nathaniel Linsell had desired to take a seat the exams attributable to the total work he had assign into his compare
Among those students is Nathaniel Linsell.
“I had mixed feelings in consequence of I desired to attain the exams in consequence of I had worked see you later for the duration of those three years,” he says.
His compare were rewarded with a unfold of 8s and 9s. He is now region to survey maths, extra maths, history and French.
“We now have proved ourselves for the duration of the direction,” he acknowledged. “Lockdown become worrying but we acquired thru it.”
His mother Jo Barnes says: “He’s finished perfect but he has worked if reality be told, if reality be told laborious.
“He loves exams, he constantly has loved exams and he has been preparing for it the total means thru.
“I procure the faculty right here has improved so noteworthy. He is my third microscopic one to reach thru right here and now we have considered the enhancements.
“My stare is within the occasion that they wish to attain it (enact) they’ll attain it. There is nothing rotten with this faculty, the lecturers were inconceivable and if reality be told supportive.
“I procure one day he (Nathaniel) will pass away as he wants to survey maths at Cambridge University. But we prefer it right here, it’s miles an fantastic reputation to dwell.
“OK, as they become older there’s potentially now not that noteworthy right here for them but actually rising up right here has been perfect for all three of my boys.”
Image caption No prom this year, but all pupils will secure their photo taken, a college sweatshirt, a certificate and a cupcake to have a just correct time their work
Obtain BBC Files: East of England on Fb, Instagram and Twitter. In the occasion you’ve got a memoir advice email [email protected].
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indrasmshop · 4 years
slow Jo 05 - Swiss Made one-hand 24 hour watch - Silver with black leather band Buy Now - https://shop.indrasm.com/slow-jo-05-swiss-made-one-hand-24-hour-watch-silver-with-black-leather-band/?feed_id=6442&_unique_id=5e9983211f7d2 👉Follow "@indrasmshop" and turn on post notification Price: [price_with_discount](as of [price_update_date] - Details) Evolve the way you think about time. Slow watches were created to shift the way people read time so rather than focus on the second or the minute we produced an instrument that measures the moment. Slow does not describe a speed. It is a mindset that most of us somehow lost. As a result of our busy lifestyles, we often forget that we actually have a choice of how to live. The slow watch (we named it slow Jo) is a subtle reminder that time is the most precious thing we have so we should enjoy everything we do and stop chasing every minute. In order to be a true symbol of this idea, the slow watch has only one hand that rotates once every 24 hours. It actually moves at half the speed of a normal watch, but allows you to see at one glance the progress of your entire day. This slow way of showing the time requires using a Swiss precision GMT movement that actually has 4 hands and a date (the Ronda 505.24 Swiss Made), but to keep you focused we simply left out the other 3 hands. In accordance with the brand concept, purchasing a slow watch should be a stress free experience. It should be simple and not cost a fortune; that iss why slow watches can only be ordered online and will be shipped from the guys who do slow to you with nobody else in between increasing the price. Have a great time and be slow... 100 meter water resistant case made of 316L stainless steel with fully integrated case backRaised extra hardened K1 mineral glas with anti-reflective coatingAmazingly soft strap made of finest Italian calf leatherSold directly from manufacturer to you without anyone in between; available only online [ad_2]
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
The genius ways you can use honey in your beauty regime for better hair, skin and nails
The genius ways you can use honey in your beauty regime for better hair, skin and nails
More than just a sweet topping for your porridge, honey has a plethora of beauty-boosting benefits.
The sweet and sticky pantry staple has major anti-bacterial and anti-fungal benefits and is one of the most hydrating substances on the planet (who knew?).
Just like lemon, it can be used to fade blemishes and even lighten hair.
We’ve rounded up all the brilliant ways you can use honey in your beauty regime. Are you buzzing? ‘Cause we are.
For better lips: DIY sweet lip balm
Honey works wonders to soothe dry skin and chapped lips. Along with beeswax, it is often an ingredient in balms and lotions. Mix one tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of beeswax, and three to five tablespoons of oil (it can be almond, lavender, jojoba, or even sunflower) to achieve the preferred consistency of your balm. And remember, you’re putting this on your skin, so make sure you buy raw honey, preferably organic and local.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Ultra nourishing lip balm, £9.50, Nuxe Paris; Honey lip balm, £3.99, Burt’s Bees; Vitamin E lip conditioner, £23, Jo Malone
For a better complexion: DIY the Queen Bee of exfoliants
Bacterial build-up can lead to a troubled complexion, which is why exfoliating once to three times a week is ideal for healthy-looking skin. Honey has anti-bacterial properties that will prevent buildup, while its enzymes can naturally clarify and brighten complexion.
Make your own exfoliant by pouring honey onto a plate – the usual amount you’d use of regular exfoliant – and mixing it with sugar – 1/3 of the amount of honey you’ve used. Apply the mixture onto your skin with circular movements; leave it for an extra 5-10 minutes as a mask and rinse.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Honey and camelina facial exfoliator, £10.50, Bee Good; Almond and honey face scrub, £13, Mario Badescu
For better skin: DIY hydro-boosting moisturiser
Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it easily retains water by drawing moisture from the air. Make your own hydro-boosting moisturiser, by simply applying raw honey as a face or body mask and letting it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Skin renewing cream with Manuka honey, £49, Kiehl’s at Feel Unique; Milk and honey body lotion, £10.99, Burt’s Bees
For better hair: DIY natural balayage
Just like lemon, the enzymes of honey can clarify and brighten the complexion – and also hair! The effect is super natural and works best on light-haired ladies, but it does get results on darker hair, too – if you’re patient.
If you’re going for a shade blonder, choose yellow-coloured honey and mix with 2 tablespoons of lemon. If you’re looking for caramel or red undertones, choose amber-like honey and mix with a good 2 spoons of cinnamon. Apply onto hair and leave it throughout the night (shower cap on, of course). The process may need to be repeated if you have dark hair.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Sun lightening spray with chamomile and honey, £15, Klorane (available in the UK in shampoo and conditioner formulas)
For better hair: DIY scented cleanser
The moisturising effects that honey has on your skin can be beneficial for your hair as well – especially for dry ends. The moisture-rich properties of honey will restore smoothness and for fans of organic beauty products, this is your ultimate shampoo. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a cup of warm water and apply to the scalp and work through your hair in circular movements; let it rest as a mask for at least 10 minutes, and rinse. The gorgeous smell is just a perk.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Manuka flower honey strengthening shampoo, £7.29, Palmer’s at Superdrug; Honey and hibiscus hair reconstructing shampoo, £26, John Masters Organics at FeelUnique; Gentle volumising honey shampoo, £20, Leonor Greyl at Space NK
For better hands & nails: DIY quick fix-up lotion
By now, you should know this by heart, honey = moisture. So if it’s dry, chapped or dull, put honey on it. That goes for your nails and hands as well. The same DIY mask you’ve used for dry skin can be mixed with a little coconut oil and used on cuticles and hands – perfect for a pre-mani treatment.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: 24K gold and Manuka honey hand oil, £19.99, Manuka Doctor; Hand treatment, £35, Eve Lom at Feel Unique
For better skin: DIY a luxurious bath oil
Detox your skin and your senses by dissolving two tablespoons of honey into a cup of warm water, and pouring onto your bath.
Our little magical condiment is full of antioxidants, making it ideal to detoxify your skin and prevent oxidative stress. Oxidative stress, for those that don’t know, is a major cause of diseases and early ageing – it’s basically when your body is low on antioxidants, which can be found in certain foods.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Nectarine blossom and honey bath oil, £42, Jo Malone; Ambre vanillé honey bath, £33, Laura Mercier; Indian rose and Himalaya honey bath bubbles, £13.50, Rituals
For a better complexion: DIY spot banisher
The clarifying properties of honey and its antibacterial compounds make it an ideal spot and scar fader. By mixing two tablespoons of honey with one tablespoon of a preferred oil and gently massaging the troubled area, you’ll help your skin to recover – increasing circulation and promoting cell turnover.
Honey, I ain’t got time for that…
Then try: Skin treatment serum, £13.85, Manuka Doctor; Manuka honey gel, £13, Living Nature at Botanical Brands
*Runs to the store to buy honey*
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9 ways to use charcoal to improve your skin, hair & wellbeing
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lucybarnesmdx-blog · 7 years
What is wrong with ethical consumption? - Jo Littler
Why do you think Littler suggests that ‘ethical consumption’ may be an idea that is “too large and fractured to be meaningful?” 
How do you understand the difference between ‘consumption’ and ‘consumerism’ according to Littler? 
According to Littler, ‘Consumption’ is the action of ‘using up’ a resource; regardless of the type of economic or ideological context. 
‘Consumerism’ refers to the logic of consuming within a specific type of social or political system: consumer capitalism. 
Littler (2010) cites Adbusters as an example of an ‘anti-consumerist’ approach. Think of another example of a brand, business or organisation which expresses similar ideologies and explain what type of imagery this organisation uses to express these values. 
‘Anti-consumerism’ opposes capitalist consumer culture; as stated by Littler (2010) ‘the current mode of turbo consumerism that marks contemporary neoliberalism.’ Adbusters are a Canadian based not-for-profit and pro-environment organisation, by whom are ‘anti-consumerists.’ 
An example of an organisation who express similar ideologies is ‘Groupon.’ The company is one of the fastest growing in history, exceeding £378 million within the first two years of establishment. Consumers refuse to pay for full priced products thus seeking ‘daily deals’ and reduced services through Groupon. Individuals pay a third of the price of what the product or service would be originally be; thereby opposing the costly capitalist consumer culture. This also emphasises the divide between the middle-class and upper-class with the working-class; as stressed further in later questions. 
According to Littler (2010) why is “Ethical consumerism” considered an impossibility to some people?
Ethical consumerism for certain individuals is deemed impossible due to the divide between the rich and the poor. As a result, the system itself is not ‘ethical’ even to those who desire a fair society. ‘Ethical’ products including organic produce, fair trade, recycling and so forth are much more costly; thus encouraging the notion that ‘ethical consumerism’ is impossible to some individuals. Many may feel passionate about supporting the ethical ideal, however their money situation could be preventing them from doing so. 
How do you understand the term “political consumerism” (Littler 2010). Can you think of a fashion brand, business or organisation which uses these principles and explain how they convey this through their marketing/branding material?
Political consumerism is the choice of producers and products with the aim of change. An example of a business that uses the principles is ‘The Body shop.’ This brand, when small, fought against the EU in relation to animal testing. The EU at the time believed that ALL cosmetic products should be tested on animals. However, The Body Shop boycotted this, working alongside the BUAV; now known as cruelty free international. I must stress how large the EU is and how much power they withhold, for such a small company at the time to reject their ideologies. The Body Shop products are natural, cruelty free and protect the environment. I will attach a link for The Body Shop’s adverts. 
The Body Shop Mission Statement. ‘To dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change.’  
What is “Greenwashing” according to Littler (2010) and what are some of the issues it raises?
‘Greenwashing’ in accordance to Littler, is when a corporation promotes ‘Green products’ but operates in a damaging manner towards the environment; the total opposite of their announced initiatives. It is stated by Littler (2010) that claiming a product as ‘Green’ is a lot easier to do in comparison to claiming one as ‘Organic’ due to a “less tightly legislated area.” This encourages exploitation, especially as numerous large corporations attempt to make promotional capital from ‘greening’ their image. (Home Depot example. Chevron example. 
Littler writes about “Ethical consumption and ‘Responsibilization’ of the individual” (2010). What agency do you think the individual has to effect change in terms of ethical fashion consumption? 
The agency I think the individual has to effect change in terms of ethical fashion consumption is social media. It has influenced the rise of the ‘conscious’ consumer and is an incredibly strong tool to inflict change. 
“I believe technology is the key to dealing with the challenges created by consumerism. Open data, social networks and mobile tech can change the game. Groundbreaking technologies could enable transparency in supply chains” - (Jessi Baker - 2015) 
“...ethical consumption functions as a further brand of middle-class distinction, one used to discriminate against the poor, whether ‘at home’ or ‘overseas” (2010). What do you think of this statement? Do you agree or disagree? Why? 
I completely agree with this statement; ethical consumption is one of the smaller sectors in the fashion industry. The buyer has less influence and power over the prices of the products. Thereby, ethical consumption is more likely to be available to richer people who can afford these prices. Even though many of the working class may want to support ethical fashion and other products or services, they may simply just be unable to because of the unaffordable prices. 
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joannabethharvelle · 7 years
Little Muse Facts
tagged by @hopelesshapless (about fifty billion years ago but I digress)
instructions: fill out the questions about your muse, repost, and tag as many people you want.
1. WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE? Jo isn’t the type to have a big collection of perfumes and body sprays, though that’s not to say she isn’t a fan of them. She’s got two or three; mostly woodsy or fresh, bright scents. Things with a bases with scents such as bergamot, peach, strawberry, vetiver, sandalwood, neroli, amber, and/or mandarin are usually some of her favorites. As for body wash and shampoo; she really takes what she can get. Dove is usually the brand of choice that she goes for in the stores when she squeezes in the time to shop.
2. HOW OFTEN DOES YOUR MUSE BATHE/SHOWER? ANY HABITS? Often. Being clean is a sort of commodity in her line of work, and any time she’s able to she’s in the shower scrubbing off dirt and the blood of some creature or another, or her own at times. She’d deny it if you asked, but whenever the occasion arises, a glass of whiskey, a hot bath, old music and some bath salts is one of her favorite go-to stress kickers.
3. DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY TATTOOS OR PIERCING? She’s got an anti-possession tattoo on her left shoulder blade, having gotten it the day after the incident with Sam back in 2006 (though she’s always wanted to get more, the opportunity just has never really arisen). Her ears are pierced, and at one point she’d had her belly button pierced but after a particular hunt that had her scrambling to safety, catching her shirt and consequently the little dangling jewel on a fence? That piece of jewelry has never been replaced since.
4. ANY BODY MOVEMENT QUIRKS ( EX. KNEE SHAKES )? She’s a lip biter. Not in the sexy way, either. In times of stress or deep concentration, she often chews on her lower lip, often times to the point of drawing blood if her lips are too dry. She also has a bit of a nervous tick; if she’s got something in her hand she usually spins it. Be it a pencil, a pocket knife, what have you. She learned to roll it over her knuckles after reading The Gunslinger as a kid, wanting to learn how to roll a coin between her fingers the way he did.
5. WHAT DO THEY SLEEP IN? Whatever she falls asleep in. If her clothes are too dirty, she’ll sleep naked. Bra and panties, a sleep shirt -- sometimes fully clothed. Long story short, she doesn’t have a specific sleep wear habit.
6. WHAT’S THEIR FAVORITE PIECE OF CLOTHING? A green canvas jacket and her old worn combat boots. She also has her old apron she used to wear in the Roadhouse, though its not really clothing. More of a keepsake.
7. WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY WAKE UP? Slap the snooze button as many times as it allows, and drinking obscene amounts of coffee. Waking up is not one of her favorite things.
8. HOW DO THEY SLEEP? POSITION? Usually on her side, one arm under her pillow so that she can reach her weapons quickly. She’s a light sleeper; too aware of her surroundings and very restless. Even though its been years, dying isn’t something that leaves one’s psyche in the same condition it was before, and she every so often she still gets the occasional night terror. The combination of these things often results in her never feeling fully rested and quite tired during the day, hence the need for coffee.
9. WHAT DO THEIR HANDS FEEL LIKE? Surprisingly soft. Hunters can own lotion too.
10. IF YOU KISSED THEM, WHAT WOULD THEY USUALLY TASTE LIKE? Whiskey. Spearmint gum. Various flavors of chapstick because goddamn those little round EOS lip balms are addicting.
TAGGING: Anyone and no one. Whoever wants to, do the thing.
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bohomoth · 8 years
If you’re looking for a super supplement, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t believe us? – The Times newspaper recently named Lumity as one of the top three anti-ageing supplements in the world. And, as well as five-star reviews from satisfied clients across the globe, we have a long list of celebrity endorsements from Mel C, Denise Van Outen, Sophie Anderton, Olympian Rebecca Adlington and supermodel, Yasmin Le Bon, as well as top facialists, nutritionists, doctors, bloggers, influencers and magazine and newspaper editors. Read them in full below.
  Melanie Chisholm, aka Mel C from the Spice Girls, superstar singer: “I was very excited to discover Lumity – I’m really surprised how well I’ve been sleeping and how my energy is up at such a busy time.” (She’s currently recording a new solo album.)
  Rebecca Adlington, British Olympic athlete and four times gold medal winner: “Everyone has New Years resolutions but they often have stopped by February! In January I started Lumity which has massively helped my skin (no make up on, just mascara, no filter) I have worked out a lot more. I managed to workout 20 days of the 31. I’m not where I would like to be weight/dress size yet but I’m feeling a lot better for being healthy. Just now got to keep it going.”
  Zara Martin, model: “Thanks to my Lumity supplements, feeling so energised!”
  Kate Thornton TV presenter: “With less than 50 days to go until we cycle more than 180 miles across Kerala for a charity bike ride I’ll take all the help I can get! Thanks to Lumity – a much needed vitamin boost.”
  Denise Van Outen, TV Presenter: “Getting fit and healthy ahead of our mammoth charity bike ride in India with Lumity.”
  Michelle Heaton singer and TV presenter: “Looking forward to starting Lumity – I have heard such great things.”
  Eve Kalinik, leading British nutritionist: “Lumity provide the first and only natural supplement for fighting all 9 causes of ageing, and whilst I’m very conscious of not endorsing supplements generically (we are all very different!) this is a very clever blend of nutrients! They are also free from gluten, parabens, sulphites, petrochemicals, sugar and many more! Never underestimate the power of clean natural ingredients.”
  Model and business woman Sophie Anderton: “I have been using Lumity for 2 months now and it has become my new best friend! My energy levels have increased whilst my #stress levels have decreased dramatically! I am #sleeping a straight 8 hours without fail as well as bouncing out of bed in the morning feeling strong and energised. On a beauty level my hair and #nails are stronger than ever, whilst my #skin glows! As I do not usually take supplements it is very easy for me to say Lumity works!”
  Mary Greenwell, top make up artist: “I am cleansing and getting ready to have my skin and body in ultimate health. So I’m turning to Lumity. Feeling on top of the world.”
  Nichola Joss, top facialist: “Lumity is a beauty vitality and wellbeing food supplement that enhances inner and outer glow.”
  Ruth Bradley, actress, told Country & Town House Magazine: “For an outer glow and inner peace start taking these revolutionary day and night beauty supplements. They not only leave your complexion restored and radiant looking but they help to increase your energy levels throughout the day and aid with a deep, restful sleep at night.”
  Victoria Woodhall, Deputy Editor, Get The Gloss: “The science behind Lumity really stacks up. It really goes at the heart of the ageing process, tackling it at cellular level and helping regulate hormones, which makes a significant difference to the way we feel day-to-day. It’s certainly calmed my hormonal headaches and breakouts. I like the fact that it supports every cell function in the body, which no amount of anti-ageing cream can do.”
  Dr. André Nel, Surgeon and Cosmetologist: “Lumity ticks all the boxes as the all-encompassing food supplement that replenishes the body from within to combat the nine causes of ageing, — resulting in better sleep; more energy; increased mental clarity and a more youthful looking skin.”
  Top make up artist Attracta Courtney: “I was a little sceptical initially when I started taking the supplement as the claims in the literature were nearly too good to be true, however I am now a convert; my cold cleared up very quickly and my nails are noticeably stronger and healthier looking since I started the program. When I gave my first ever interview to a magazine years ago, I was quoted as saying that the best thing for your skin is a good nights sleep – I still quote this simple truth today, however I now add and don’t forget to take Lumity food supplements because it will help you get a more restful, deeper beauty sleep.”
  Amy Griers, Features Director, Cosmopolitan magazine UK: “At 30 years old, I thought I was still too young to benefit from an anti-ageing product, but it turns out I’m not. If you’re fed up of not knowing which cream or serum will really help your skin, I’d definitely advise trying to change it from the inside out. I’ve gone from supplement skeptic to a (relative) convert. Not all pills are created equal, but when it comes to this one, I’m sold.”
  Anya Banas, facialist who has been dubbed ‘London’s fairy Godmother of skin’: “Lumity promotes healthier skin, more restful sleep, greater energy levels and improved hormonal balance. It’s my new best friend.”
  Ashley Siedentopf, founder, Ashfab Nutrition: “My secret to feeling and looking my best is simple: Smart and healthy eating with a fitness-based lifestyle and Lumity soft gels.”
  Clemmie Telford, influencer: “Maybe she’s born with it, or maybe she uses ALL the stuff to try and reverse the effects of four years of broken sleep. If you are interested, and I won’t be offended if you aren’t, Lumity is the product I currently rely on.”
  Bethany Meyers, top New York fitness instructor: “I decided last year I needed to start taking vitamins (finally) and I went on the hunt without much luck. Most brands lasted two weeks and then I found a reason to dislike them. Then these gems from @lumitylife landed in my hands and so as not to bore you, I’ve made a list as to why you’ll love them. 1. They are more than a multi. Positioned as a beauty vitamin they not only serve as your daily intake of vitals, they also fight ageing. The formulas are designed to help you sleep, rebuild muscle and regenerate cells. Lots of fatty acids and minerals and other ingredients you don’t see in many other vitamins. I noticed big differences in my skin in particular, I’m scarring way less and the purple-ish colour is gone gone gone. 2. Easy to swallow. The pills are shaped like baby eggs and really smooth. So easy I can swallow all 3 at once and it’s not a chore. Major. 3. It’s subscriptions based so it comes right to your door. You don’t have to think about refilling. Hallelujah. 4. The packaging is splendid. It looks like it’s a fancy skincare product. So much that I keep them in my bathroom and take them when I’m doing my skincare routine in the morning and night. 5. I waited to tell you guys about these until I had taken the product long enough to see results. I’m on my fourth month and finding the longer I take them the more I like them.”
  Jo, Crystal and Vanilla UK Beauty blog: “Part of my night time routine is 3 white soft gels from Lumity – a food supplement to help my skin glow, helps me sleep better and have more energy .”
  Cheryl Mokhtari, yoga instructor: “I have been subscribed to the Lumity capsules for the past 5 months or so and absolutely loving them. They have really transformed my skin and whole outlook on life. In particular I am so much more relaxed and less anxious, and my sleep is the best I’ve ever had. I literally take my night time capsules and within 10 minutes I’m asleep for the whole night. It is truly amazing they can have such an effect.”
  Lisa Barrett, Glowology: “My sleep has improved, in that I fall asleep quicker and if I wake up in the early hours, I can thankfully go straight back to a deep slumber without annoying Stressed Husband by huffing and puffing until the alarm goes off! But although I’m sleeping better, I am sadly no more inclined to jump out of bed with renewed energy — the snooze button is still getting more action than it should do. Well, Lumity gets some great feedback but it has never claimed to dish out miracles! The biggest change in my appearance is my hair. In fact, on my the last visit to the salon, my hairdresser asked me what I had been doing to it as it had got so much thicker! I’d thought so myself but when she mentioned it without me even telling her that I’d been taking Lumity, I knew it wasn’t just a figment of my imagination. Before taking Lumity, I had been a bit downhearted about my hair getting thinner and had put it down to ageing and a fact of life, but it has really improved and so I’m delighted. Overall, I am impressed. There’s no doubt I’ve seen and felt some positive changes that can’t possibly be just a placebo effect and I’m quite happy to fork out for a monthly supply of these as, when you think about it, at £79 a month (which is the automatically replenish price) it’s not much more than I spend on buying a large coffee each day.”
  Lyn, The Lavender Barn, beauty blogger: “Within the first two weeks my sleep has been amazing, a true solid night with not even waking (amazing). I have way more energy than before, this could be where the combination of the two supplements are working in harmony, whilst I have not looked in the mirror and seen a 20 year old looking back at me, I can 100% see an improvement in the moisture levels of my skin, most noticeably on my shins, knees and elbows which really do suffer from dryness in the winter months, apart from the skin improvements I think the main thing for me is feeling better all round, better quality sleep with more energy in the day is, in my book pretty amazing in such a short time, I can only imagine there would be further improvements over time.”
  And last but certainly not least, Yasmin Le Bon told the Daily Mail’s You Magazine that Lumity is a crucial part of her anti-ageing toolbox: “I don’t believe in any magic pill; I believe in a much more holistic approach — you’ve got to tackle the body and the mind. “I noticed that with Lumity I was sleeping better (and that I even wanted to go to sleep in the first place), that I was feeling calm at a time in my life when I’m not supposed to be. “I am very hormonal, but I have been on a surprisingly even keel, more so than I have ever been, which is extraordinary because it’s not meant to be like that.” She has even been able to get back to the gym, ‘which is such a blessing’ Yasmin says.
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  Lumity is an all-natural, anti-ageing supplement. Containing a cocktail of amino acids, omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to protect and rejuvenate the body – the key to Lumity’s success is our night and day capsules that work in tandem with the body’s natural biorythmic cycles. Lumity works to: – Improve hormonal balance – Improve immune resilience – Reduce PMT symptoms – Increase energy – Provide a more rejuvenating sleep – Improve the quality of skin, hair & nails
  Take three in the morning when you wake, and three right before bed. Looking and feeling your best is that simple.
Lumity Love: What They’re Saying About Us… If you're looking for a super supplement, you've come to the right place. Don't believe us? - The Times newspaper…
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