#anti roxy x ogron
cerisia76 · 1 year
What do you think of the ship Blootor or Valbloom ? i have seen People say that they would like Bloom and Valtor to be a couple
To be honest I would say I hate it. But in the end I respect people loving this ship even if it makes me uncomfortable. I won't deny there's a tension between them but the fact that he's responsible of so many things about her past that lead to her being the last person alive on Domino... before she discovers her parents again... To me Bloom would suffer way too much in a relationship like this and I feel like Valtor would never be honest.
Plus there's the age gap thing that makes me uncomfortable. It's actually the same with ships like Roxy/Ogron or Roxy/Duman. The age gap and the fact that these villains are responsible of the girls' parents disappearance makes it a no for me. But I love to read and write about the terrible tension between them.
That's probably what differenciates a Darcy/Riven couple from the rest for me. Like she's a villain of course but she didn't try to destroy his life before he even knew she existed and even if storyline goes the way it goes, there are possibilities in the writing that I never saw in Valtor/Bloom... adding to that my dislike of Valtor and you have the reasons why I don't like this pairing... sorry if you like them
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