#anti jamione
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kittenshift-17 · 7 years ago
I don't know if you've addressed this before, although I did take a look through your tags, but why do you hate lumione so much? I'm not judging (I don't ship it either), I'm just curious.
Actually my answer for that is threefold.1. Throughout my forays into fanfiction and novels I've discovered that I'm morally opposed to cheating when a couple is married. I don't rightly know why the marriage matters more than folks who are dating, but it bugs me and is a big turn off for me when I read.2. The Dad Factor. He's Draco's Dad and while I'd like to say that my Dramione shipping heart cant abide it, it's further reaching than that. I can't ship Hermione with anyone who is the father of her friends. I don't like Jamione, either, for the same reason. It's weird, because the age factor doesn't matter to me, as evidenced by my shipping Snamione, Sirimione, Remione, and Antonmione, but the Dad factor wigs me out. Maybe it's anti Daddy-Kink. I'm mentally well adjusted, and have a healthy and functional relationship with my Dad, so anything even vaguely involding that kink or that factor turns me off. I don't read even my fave ships if they have her calling her sexual partner Daddy. Too creepy.3. Canonically speaking, Lucius is this sly, mean, irrational, cowardly, self-serving git and I just dont like him. He beat his inferiors. He tries to murder a 12 year old Harry and essentially tortured Ginny, too. Coupled with his behaviour during the war, I just don't like him. It's strange, because by that notion I shouldn't really like Hermione with anyone but Fred, George or Charlie Weasley, lol. It's not the criminal factor, since I like Snamione, Thormione, Rabmione, Antonmione, etc. All of whom are arguably worse in several ways. There's just something about Lucius that I typically don't like - he's almost always an evil villain, in both canon and fanfic, and the idea of him anywhere near Hermione makes me feel ill.
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