#anti jagnus
Jace and Magnus have no chemistry no sexual tension they are no indication that Magnus likes him in the book or show and I’m sorry but I can’t see jace as bi or gay even with Jimon and the comment about simons pretty face and any other scenes he is the straightest white boy ever.
again cute of u to imply ppl care whether magnus likes him or not
and yeah jace is the ultimate cistraight white boy but he's white and blonde so that's not gonna stop anyone from shipping him with anyone they can use to babify him and make him a soft uwu bottom or whatever
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bytedykes · 3 years
OH MY GOD. in addition to my prev post, j*gnus shippers holy shit whats wrong with u why would u do this to urself... girl... babe... it doesnt work at ALL... they got NO chemistry... u live like this??
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bi-leigh-bi · 5 years
jagnus is a trash ship that isn’t even a real thing in this fandom. jace is trash, why would you saddle poor magnus with him more than he already is? why would anyone ship alec or magnus with anyone else when they have a fucking amazing relationship, with actual growth and love and ups and downs? when they’re so fucking in love with each other? but most especially why jace? an actual garbage person? stop.
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uzukage-naruto · 6 years
I just found out that I've been blocked by a Jace stan and a Jagnus shipper and I feel so proud of myself.
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
Tumblr media
im sorry
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Malace, Jagnus and Jimon for the ask game please?
Disclaimer: This is a game to apply Anti LogicTM to any ship asked and find out why it is Horrible Awful Problematic. It’s all in good fun and meant to mock this trend of bending backward to find problematic content in fictional ships!
Reasons why Simon and Jace are ProblematicTM:
I mean Jace acts like an asshole in season 1 so it’s super abusive!!
Simon pinned Jace to a wall and threatened him with a knife that’s super abusive!!
Simon died so it’s like necrophilia, you know?
Simon nearly killed Jace when he nearly drained him, how toxic is THAT??
uuuhm so here’s a stretch; it’s incest because Luke is like a father to Simon and in the end of the show, Luke marries Jace’s foster-mother which means they’re basically brothers now
Reasons why Magnus and Jace are ProblematicTM:
pedophilia; Jace is 17 when they meet in the books and even in the show, Magnus has centuries on Magnus!!
power-imbalance, because Magnus is a super powerful warlock!!
Valentine took over Magnus’ body and beat Jace so like this is his abuser’s (temporary) face and that makes it super bad??
man why are you doing this to me with my absolute OTP like this is super fucking hard– *whines*
Additional reasons why Magnus, Jace and Alec are ProblematicTM (all above still apply):
incest, because Alec’s parents took Jace in when he was ten and naturally did they immediately start looking at a total stranger as a sibling because they were supposed to so it’s incest now
racist, because you’re clearly only using Magnus as a front to cover for your Ja/ec fetish!
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you why it’s problematic, with varying degrees of sarcasm!
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Why do people ship Magnus with jace there was no indications that Magnus liked jace in the books ( I think) and in the show Magnus couldn’t stand him he literally wanted to beat him up when he was the owl because when he said who do you think Alec will choose and he literally called him ugly and looked like he wanted clean his hands with bleach whenever juice touched him and he also snarkyly made fun of him what part of that screams chemistry
it's cute how you imply ppl care about what magnus feels. they ship magnus with jace because magnus is the caretaker and jace is a huge baby who needs the powerful nice topdom warlock to take care of him at all times
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I was slowly training my eyes to ignore and just skip through the Alec/the-asshole-who-shall-not-be-named tags on AO3 but since universe hates me, today I stumbled upon a tag that voided me of my life force and now I shall jump off a bridge. But not before I represent to you: Magnus Bane/Jace Wayland and no Alec in picture. Ugh.
you fool. you absolute idiot. you think i am ignorant towards the world of jagnus? you think i have not yet developed resistance to the cursed reality of sh fic? i have seen horrors you wouldn't even dream of. i am on sh fandom bullshit level wizard and there's not a damn thing you can do to shock me anymore, much less with such a low level, tip of the iceberg cursed ship. i survive this daily. i eat my own horror at the existence of jagnus for breakfast, and my screams are the only soundtrack i need
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I have literally never in my life heard of jagnus shipper since WHEN??!!!!!!!!!??????
From what I see jagnus is just, magnus gets emotionally abused, again. It's like people center Alec enough in malec but it's like it's not enough for those people. Because at least in malec there's a mutual respect, the outsider is still loved. The central point of having jace instead of Alec is removing that support system and hammering home the idea that nothing is more important than the status quo (and literal aryan!)
This is kind of a separate point but I feel like Jace is very strange as a character. Because he's simultaneously the male power fantasy trope, written by and for men - more prevelent in superhero movies. But also meant to be the ideal man, written by and for women, who is sexy, strong and emotionally closed off (except for to you y/n, hes different with you 😏)
I don't know whether it's the show runners being men (correct me if I'm wrong) but you end up with this complete mess of a character because I feel like it's the gittishness of a male power fantasy forced into a romantic lead. Which for obvious reasons DOESN'T WORK!!!! because with myy experience watching movies, the male power fantasy cannot hold onto relationships so we see their girlfriends get fridge, over and over again often in the first act. For example - wolverine origins and magneto in apocalypse.
So jn the end the show runners really made this incoherent character. Cassandra clare jace was still awful, but it was more consistant in a way because the first book was a romance. But show jace has all of the 'allurinf' characteristics of the ideal bad boy of the books
- emotionally cut off, not to you
- can't see anything but clary
- blah blah
Whereas when you have the show, he's kind of can't be captivated by clary properly because he's so self absorbed. How can he be strong and indépendant while also being so emotionally effected when around clary!?
Idk whether I'm off the board here. I feel like had the show runners completely abandoned the cc version of Jace and just created their own it might have worked, but the version they made was both intolerable and nightmarish.
And they wondered why everyone liked malec more LOOOL
eh i don't think show jace is even a little bit less likable than book jace tbh, i think book jace is just as self absorbed and male power fantasy, but it feels less like that because he is not being shown from a "neutral" POV like in the show, bur rather from clary's POV, who likes that he is self absorbed because so is she. and that makes the whole thing about them feel a little less shitty because it is told from her POV so you don't really have to realize the other characters existing beyond the surroundings of them
otherwise, yeah, i do agree with you. jagnus is just "magnus the caretaker, but apply it to jace instead of alec" and it's even worse because jace is canonically the fucking worst to magnus, but that is kind of the ALLURE of it. at least with malec there was mutual respect and love in the show. with jace and magnus there never was any so the shippers can fully lean into making it as one sided as they fucking want
i just hate it lol
it's not the most popular ship in the world but it's relatively popular and u see it around sometimes
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I clicked on the blog that did the Maiaphael gifset bc Maiaphael and was immediately smacked in the face with an Alec/Seelie Queen gifset. I want die
They have Alec/Luke... Alec/Camille/Magnus... oh my god I cant keep looking at this
The only romantic ones for Magnus are Camille, Lorenzo, and Catarina, that I saw. I think one for Izzy, too. Why. Why
WELL THATS A HORRIFYING TURN OF EVENTS!!!!! yeah i would never ever trust a "sh rarepair" sorta blog but i just..... maiaphael content.....
I'm sorry for the horrors u went through tho
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I remember seeing that picture of the love rune behind Alec and Jace and Magnus on either side of it and hating it. But then I had a thought, parallels, specifically good/bad parallels. Both Jace and Magnus have terrible fathers but they dealt with their abuse differently ie. No one else should feel this pain/my pain is everyone else's problem. Both of them are close to Alec foor whatever reason, but they treat him and react to things he does differently - I care about you/what you can do, etc
oh absolutely. i love (and by love i mean hate) when ppl r like “jace and magnus can bond over their similar pasts” because jace would be the literally worst thing to magnus because magnus would want to help him and have super high empathy for him because of what he went through, whereas jace would be even more entitled and shitty to him and just take it all from him and demand more in the worst possible way (not that there’s a good way but like, remember when he literally announced that he was going to live in magnus’ home for the foreseeable future) and it would be THE most toxic relationship possible
so yeah two sides of the same coin for sure... i actually do like talking about these parallels, you know, trauma responses and the way they view love (as something that he’s owed for jace but doesn’t have to give because he’s suffered, and the other way around for magnus, which is obviously also bad, but for him, not others)
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Do you think Jace and Magnus friendship would have worked if his character was written differently
like if jace had been a decent person? udndidndk idk? cuz honestly like... it's not like with clary where there are some relationships involving jace that i like, or some traits that i enjoy, i straight up like nothing about him udndidn so it's hard for me to even imagine a version of jace that i could like
so..... idk. tbh not really? like even when i think about the fanon jace i sometimes see in malec fics, who's basically like the sarcastic dumb jock type.... i don't think him and magnus would be great friends lol i find it difficult to think of common interests they might have, or similar senses of humor, or stuff of the sort. so... i think not really. they could have had a more amable relationship for sure, but i cant really imagine them being friends
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Every Malace (there's a reason it sounds like malice) fic be like: Jace is in love with his parabatai but Alec is an unsympathetic WHORE doing the devils dance with a fucking warlock while Jace cries and touches himself, dreaming about rearranging his brother's s guts because incest is great. Can he weasel his way into their relationship by being overly pathetic and taking advantage of Magnus' kind nature and empathy?
jsbddidnsisnsosm imma be real anon i hate myself but not enough to read malace fics, so i dont know if ur right or not, but i would be really surprised if u weren't
honestly malace bothers me more than j@lec because like..... magnus doesnt deserve this greasy boi lmao like j@lec is probably objectively worse because of all the abuse and shit but malace.... is just pairing magnus up with a racist white shadowhunter and then having him be like the caretaker of another couple cuz ppl dont ever fucking care about magnus' needs and desires lmao anyway i hate it
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I just remembered a scene from a fic I can't remember where Magnus has a panic attack because Alec's in trouble and Jace decides the best way to deal with that is.... kissing him... out of nowhere..... without consent. This is of course framed as a-okay. Gross.
why are yall doing this to me
to be fair tho thats exactly the kind of shit that disgusting ass literal predator homophobic fucker jace would do, but if he's not getting decked and destroyed over it then i dont want to know about It
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At least it’s not jagnus 😷
small mercies every day 🙏🙏
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Noooo. There's an asexual Jace x Magnus fic 😭. Why god? Magnus doesn't deserve that. Asexuals already get enough crap. Ghhhhggg
jace doesnt deserve to be a part of the queer community in any way also MAGNUS AND JACE GOD DISGUSTING DISGUSTING DISGUSTING
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