#anthony bridgerton x male reader
mordredisacoolname · 7 months
Male reader
Characters: Anthony, Benedict, Colin
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-this boy is in DENIAL
-what do you mean he's in love with a MAN??
-he's so doomed
-you were very tight before
-spent every day together
-he really enjoyed your company, more than anyone, and he didn't understand why
-but when he realized he loved you he started avoiding you like the plug
-you don't understand why
-even tho you made peace with liking men and than fact that you're in love with your best friend, you didn't think he returned the feeling
-so you think you did something wrong
-you try talking to him but every time he finds an excuse to be somewhere else
-he is jealous of every man you talk to
-he doesn't have the right, but he still feels it
-after weeks of avoiding you he realizes the feeling won't go away
-so he with Benedict to a party, and sees you kissing a man
-you mean he has a chance with you???
-he barges to the room, his fist aching to punch the other guy, but he controls that feeling and just orders him to get the fuck out
-you're shocked, both just standing there staring at each other
-anthony steps closer to you starting intensely at your eyes
-"I think..." He doesn't finish the sentence and just kisses you
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-he first meets you in an art class
-watching your hand gracefully moving the paint brush on the canvas
-his starting is interrupted by lord Granville, asking him why haven't he started sketching
-by the end of the class you compliment him on his painting, making him feel something funny in his chest
-next time you're both in the studio he gathers the courage to talk to you, learning you'll be at the Granville's party next week
-you both meet there and spend the whole night together, you invite him to your studio, just the both of you
-he spends the leading days thinking about you
-"so, you want to pose or should I do it?" You ask him once you've taken out the canvas
-"I'd like to paint you" he saying with a playful twinkle in his eyes
-you settle into the chair in front of the canvas, posing for him
-"you know, I've been wanting to practice some anatomy"
-you understand the hint and take off your top, smiling to yourself
-after he's finished for the day you get up to look at what he did
-"so, what do you think"
-"this is amazing" you tell him
-"well, the muse is all to blame" he gets closer to you, looking briefly at your lips
-"oh sorry, next time I'll make sure to move in my sit and not let you work"
-"I won't be complaining if you were the one distracting me"
-he smirks looking into your eyes
-this waiting is killing you so you lean forward pressing your lips against his
-"we'll see next time" you say and leave him standing alone in the studio, eager for your next session
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-you're a featherington relative visiting your family
-you're the closest to Penelope, always getting along
-you arrive together at the ball, all dressed up
-you're in a middle of a conversation with Pen when a man interrupts you to say hello to Pen
-"oh hello, I haven't seen you before" he looks at you in slight awe
-"I'm Penelope's distant relative, 'name', nice to meet you Mr....?"
-it takes Colin a couple seconds to respond "oh right, I'm Colin bridgerton"
-"the famous bridgerton, what a pleasure"
-"famous? You've heard of me?"
-"of course, Penelope never stops talking about you Mr bridgerton" you smirk at her red face
-"ah, that's nice, I think"
-"well, I shall go speak to other people, enjoy your night, Colin"
-he's absolutely smitten
-your voice, your smile, everything
-he visits the featherington house every day after that night, just to see you
-you talk a couple of time, and once he invites you to play cricket with his brothers
-you have am absolute blast, winning against Colin all the time
-he's usually good at this, but he can't seem to pocus
-except he does focus, just not on the game
-one day you sit together on a bench, watching people pass by
-"I'm returning to my hometown in two days" you suddenly say
-his heart sinks
-"yeah, I don't really see a future here, I thought that I'd find me a...wife, and settle down, but no such luck"
-his mind goes blank, he can't lose you
-he's next day he hurries over to the house, asking for you
-you're in your bedroom reading something when he storms in
-"is everything well Colin?"
-"don't go, stay here"
-"I told you, there's no reas-"
-"stay for me" he tells you before he overthinks it too much
-you're surprised, not because you didn't feel something going on between you, but because he actually said it, you thought it would never happen
-you're kinda relieved Colin presented a reason for you to stay, with him
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bumblesimagines · 4 months
The Clouds and The Stars
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Request: Yes or No
Sequel one shot to The Sun and Moon!
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Married life... such a curious thing. Many grew up with an expectation as to how it would be, mostly based on their own parents' relationship. There were the happy parents who formed a love match and loved each other with their whole hearts. There were the friendly parents who were more friends than partners but still cared for one another. Then, there were the saddening parents who either due to a forced marriage or perhaps because of time grew to despise each other, only tolerating each other for the sake of their children whom they unknowingly harm with their arguments and jabs. 
(Y/N) grew up with friendly parents. Lucy and Henry had ended their respective social seasons by marrying under the guise of being madly in love in order to chase after what they truly wanted, even if their desires had to be kept behind closed doors and only exposed to trusted individuals. Secrecy had always been a part of his life, even when it involved marriage, and he supposed now, as he lied in bed and watched the sun peek through the curtains, he'd truly followed in his parents' footsteps. At least, however, he'd found someone. Found more than one, in fact. 
"Love," (Y/N) couldn't help but smile as Anthony sighed into his ear, his muscular arm tightening around him and pulling him closer to his chest. Anthony buried his face in the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply, lips pressing against his skin before he hooked his chin over (Y/N)'s shoulder. He gently nudged him, a soft grunt leaving him when (Y/N) remained still. "Love."
"What is it?" (Y/N) chuckled and finally shifted, moving onto his back and peering up at Anthony when he propped himself up onto his elbow. Anthony smiled at him, cheeky and pleased, one hand moving to cup his face and rub his thumb soothingly over his cheek, a warm twinkle in his dark eyes. (Y/N) felt his skin flush under such an adoring gaze. 
"I simply wished to see my husband's beautiful face, is all." Anthony cooed, and (Y/N) smile widened tenfold, a bashful and breathy laugh escaping him. They weren't married to each other, not legally or in the eyes of the church at least, but in their hearts and to their families they were. Many in the ton suspected but with Queen Charlotte's silence and Lady Whistledown calling their dance together a 'much-needed change for such dreary balls', anyone with suspicions or beliefs remained silent. Of course, they still had to remain a secret, lest someone grew annoyed enough to reach out to the church. 
"Such a charmer, Anthony." (Y/N) spoke teasingly, sighing softly against Anthony's mouth when he swooped down to kiss him. Anthony pressed harder against his lips and fully rolled over, laying ontop of the painter and only pulling away to trail kisses down his jawline and to his neck. Always so hungry, so needy and clingy. "Anthony, we have things to do-"
"They can wait," Anthony murmured against his skin, one hand slipping under his shirt while the other took his hand and locked their fingers together. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and released a breathy laugh, breath nearly hitching when Anthony needily rolled his hips. "We have time."
"It's an important day, Anthony. Francesca will need her brother today, you know." (Y/N) reminded him, dipping his fingers beneath Anthony's chin and gripping it lightly so he could tilt his head up. Anthony sighed dramatically, putting his full weight down on him and bringing their intertwined hands toward his face, a gentle kiss pressing against the back of (Y/N)'s hand. (Y/N) smiled.
"Suppose we should be quick, then." Anthony grinned mischievously, his free hand pushing up (Y/N)'s shirt and head dipping to pepper kisses along his stomach. 
"Anthony!" (Y/N) tried not to laugh too loudly, mindful of those still slumbering in the nearby rooms. He could hear the maids and servants bustling around, likely readying the house and preparing breakfast. Such a big day for the Bridgerton family again, and yet, there lied the Viscount, acting like a hormonal boy all over again. (Y/N) swatted at his shoulder and pushed himself up but it only prompted Anthony's head to dip even lower. "Anthony Bridgerton!"
Releasing a muffled laugh, Anthony finally relented and sat back, his hand still keeping an iron grip on (Y/N)'s no matter how hard the painter trying to pull back. (Y/N) groaned again in fake annoyance that only made Anthony giggle like a child and reach out to pull him onto his lap. He leaned in, pressing their lips together again. (Y/N) melted against him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, squeezing Anthony's hand and feeling his fingers tighten even more. 
"If only-" (Y/N) leaned back, briefly interrupted when Anthony pecked his lips again. "-you put this much effort into having an heir with Steph." 
"Mm, I've been busy and she seems more than content with her... lady friends," Anthony said, nuzzling his face into (Y/N)'s chest. "If you'd been a lady, I'm certain you'd be expecting by now." 
"Yes, I'm aware. You've made that abundantly clear, Lord Bridgerton. I don't understand how you can have this much stamina." (Y/N) shook his head with a soft laugh, sweetly kissing the top of his head and exhaling softly. "But, I am not a lady nor your wife, Anthony. You need an heir. I'm sure it won't take too many attempts."
"And what of you and Kate? I'm sure you nor she will have this difficulty if you try for children of your own. We have each other's blessings, you know. If you'd like to have a child-"
"We've been breaching the topic, actually." (Y/N) revealed, finally untangling his hand from Anthony's and rising up from the bed, searching for the clothes he kept in Anthony's home for days he spent the night. Because of their predicament regarding Anthony's position as Viscount and their inability to wed publicly or have children, both men agreed to take on brides. Stephanie provided the perfect candidate for Viscountess and (Y/N) had always held affection for Kate. "She's more than happy to have children. She thinks two is a good number, in fact, so they have someone to keep them company."
"How many do you think Steph will want?" Anthony sighed, standing up as well to get dressed.
"Well, if you have a boy first... I think you'll both be content with just one." (Y/N) chuckled, slipping his coat on and adjusting the ends of it while Anthony began taking clothes out of the closet. The thought of parenthood, of fatherhood, hung over the two of them, both exciting and nerve-wracking. The four of them would care for the children together, that'd already been agreed upon, but still... bringing life into the world? It made (Y/N) queasy yet... pleased. 
"If you and I could have children," Anthony whistled sharply, a grin spreading across his face and fingers swiftly buttoning up his shirt. "We'd have a bigger brood than Mother." 
"I don't doubt it." (Y/N) retrieved Anthony's coat from its spot draped over the armrest and approached him, helping him slip his arms through and adjusting it for him. He smiled, finishing the last button of his shirt and fixing the collar before tugging Anthony closer to kiss him. "You're insatiable, Anthony."
"Only for you." Anthony cooed, gearing up to lean in again but the sound of the door opening made him pause.
Stephanie dramatically gasped at the sight of them, lifting a hand to her head and fanning herself rapidly. "Oh, Kate, what ever will we do? How could they do this to us?" She gasped again, a teasing smile stretching across her face as Kate giggled and gently nudged her and walked further into the room. (Y/N) rolled his eyes at Stephanie but smiled widely at Kate, pulling away from Anthony to extend his arms out toward her. 
"My darling wife." He greeted warmly, coiling his arms around her waist and planting a kiss between her brows. Kate hummed softly, leaning her head down to rest it on his shoulder. Stephanie stopped at Anthony's side, taking a quick look over his clothes before nodding approvingly and curling her arm around his. 
"Shall we get to it? Breakfast is ready and Violet has been fretting over Francesca nonstop. She's worried about the poor girl." Stephanie told them and Anthony sighed heavily, leaning over to kiss (Y/N)'s temple and nod to Kate. The Viscount and Viscountess fell into conversation and exited the room, leaving Kate and (Y/N) alone. 
"So, my darling husband," Kate began with a small laugh, lifting her head and smoothing out his shirt with her palms, her keen eyes searching for anything out of place before rising to look him in the eye. She smiled, pecking his cheek. "We have a long day ahead of us, as you know. Ready for this social season?"
"As long as I have you and Anthony and Steph, I'll always be ready."
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marilynmonroefanfics · 11 months
Random Imagine
Anthony Bridgerton x ChubbyMale!OC
Imagine this, Peter Granville, son to Henry and Lucy Granville, catches the eye of Anthony Bridgerton. Without even having to try.
Peter doesn’t have the artistic ability of his father nor the charisma and strong personality of his mother. However, his parents always encouraged him in his likings. The young Granville is highly intelligent, as a child he adored spending time in his room, reading books his parents lovingly purchased for him.
He’s reserved, kind and soft-spoken. Anthony first notices him when the Peter was invited by Lady Bridgerton to spend an evening with the family.
Over tea, Daphne and Eloise were absolutely enamoured by him, even Hyacinth and Gregory seemed interested - Lady Bridgerton couldn’t believe her eyes - her two youngest children were patiently taking turns in Peter’s lap, while he spoke of his interests and appeased the family’s interest.
Anthony, although he was pretending to read on the couch, discreetly admired the young Granville, everything about him - his sweet face, his beautiful lips, the way he blushed at the overwhelming attention he was getting, the small stutter he had because he was nervous - he was obsessed.
Imagine, Peter as a respected young historian, a man who spoke multiple languages - French, Spanish, German, Italian, Greek… - a man who took his parents love and care, completely transforming himself. He built a career for himself, while honouring his humble beginnings. He was someone Anthony truly admired and truly desired.
Imagine, Queen Charlotte absolutely loving Peter, showering him with titles and honours: 1st Baron Granville of Potheridge, 1st Viscount Lansdowne, 1st Earl of…
Peter was known as Lord Granville, a title Anthony loved to use. It felt right, the young man deserved it, he was surely more honourable than most of the men and women in the peerage.
Imagine Anthony, who would send Peter all kinds of gifts, sweet perfumes who reminded the Viscount of the young Granville, amazing jewels that reminded him of the latter’s gorgeous eyes. Or even beautiful quill pens, in hopes Peter would write him a letter.
Imagine, Anthony adoring the sweetness and naïveté of his crush (or soon to be husband). Oh! How amazing it would be for Anthony to teach Peter, how to kiss, how to be touched, hearing his wonderful moans-
Anthony Bridgerton definitely has a hugeee crush on Peter.
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x-johnnybaileystan-x · 2 months
Anthony Bridgerton x male reader
I love Kanthony, don't get me wrong, but I would love to see more Anthony Bridgerton x male reader stories. I know that there are some out there on here but I would just love to see more. I think it is because Jonathan Bailey is gay so why not Anthony.
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foap-mactavish · 22 days
Got bored so made a Bridgerton oc: Elias
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
Golden Son
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Yandere!Bridgertons x Male!Sibling/Son!readee
╰・゚✧☽ new season was amazing and I had this idea in my mind. Partly because I was jealous of Colin the whole time.
╰・゚✧☽ warning: yandere behavior, over protective, Platonic
-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
Ever since you were little all they ever wanted to do was be around you. Fighting for who gets to play with you, or who got to hold you when you were born.
The middle child getting much attention? That was rare but all they could do was give it to you.
Your older brothers, and sister, would fight over who got to teach you. Having a sibling to look up to was important and they did everything in their power to get you to favor them more.
Eloise was born after you. But she wanted your attention from the minute her brain could think. You are her ideal and safe space. seeing her as more then just a woman.
God forbid you look so close to your father, everyone is more protective over you. Especially your mother, who dots on you almost every second. 
When you are older the younger ones get to keep your time because it’s fare. They have more free time and you can’t say no.
You are the talk of the town really because you are so rarely at the balls or events because the family likes to keep you safe.
So everyone is always marveled at the sight of you.
Until it is time for you to take your first debut in the season.
Another Bridgerton man who wants to find a wife? Ladies are lining up at the door.
Whether you want the attention or not, your siblings can’t allow anyone near you they don’t want…So everyone.
They ask questions to make them unsure of themselves and uncomfortable. Or pull you around the room and leaving the girls to their defeat.
If you want love then they will grant you to have it, but they must like the person and get to know them along side you.
If lady whistledown wrote anything bad about you? They will unmasks her so quickly it’s bad.
And if Eloise already knows? She’s making her pay. And if Colin is courting her and already asked her to marry him? He’d dump her in a second. You are his little brother, his favorite little star.
You are the family’s glue. You make them happy, feel at home and safe.
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Unchaperoned (Anthony Bridgerton x gn reader)
Summary: the Duke and Daphne are the focus point of the most recent ball, which gives you and Anthony the perfect opportunity to slip away together
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Warnings: mentions of drinking, somewhat rough makeout session (scandalous, I know), suggestiveness/implied offscreen smut, Anthony and the reader being alone together is treated as a big no-no but since it's gender neutral it's up to you to decide if this is because the reader is a lady who lost her virtue or if the reader is instead another gentleman who's inappropriately consorting with a Bridgerton son
A/N: I started watching Bridgerton recently out of curiosity and sure enough became quickly obsessed. this fic is set during season one when daphne and simon were pretending to be courting one another
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Daphne Bridgerton was considered to be the diamond of the season according to the very queen herself, which made her prime courtship material. If her eldest brother would stop getting in the way, that is.
Nearly every suitor had been scared off by that point, and the only ones that hadn't been were certainly less than desirable. Not that it mattered much, as a certain Duke of Hastings had seemingly caught her eye.
Anthony Bridgerton, head of the Bridgerton household, scowled as he observed the two of them from the corner of the ballroom. He barely noticed you approaching, cocktail glass in hand.
"Lord Bridgerton," you formally greeted, chuckling in amusement at the eye roll he gave you. There was really no need for you to address him so properly, as you had been friends for years: you just liked getting on his nerves. "Having fun?"
You did your best not to laugh at the incoherent grumbling he replied with, making it clear that the answer was a no.
"I see your sister and the Duke have quite taken to each other," you noted while moving closer to him, watching as they swept across the dance floor.
He let out a scoff of disbelief at your words. "Hastings should have very well known that she is off limits. He's nothing but a rake, he'll never truly care for her."
You let out a soft hum in agreement as you took a sip of your drink. "Still, it's nice to see them so happy. And with him watching her, she doesn't need a chaperone." You added the last bit in a much lower voice for only Anthony to hear.
It was difficult to miss the way he seemed to perk up at your words, his grumpy demeanor disappearing right before your very eyes. "What exactly are you trying to suggest?" He asked in a curious whisper, doing his best to remain stoic despite the way his mind was already starting to race with the possibilities.
The corners of your lips curled upwards into a sly smirk. "Perhaps I should just show you what I mean."
A loud thud echoed throughout the small guest room the two of you had snuck into as you pushed him up against the wall, his face covered with a giddy grin at the action. Anthony let out a muffled moan of delight when your lips met his, allowing himself to let go of the stress that had been building up in him over the past few days as he melted into your touch.
"It seems as though perhaps we were the ones who needed a chaperone more than Daphne did," you commented with a smug smirk, visibly pleased with yourself for being able to unravel the eldest Bridgerton so quickly.
He groaned when you pulled your lips away from his, his desperate nature making him unable to handle even the slightest bit of teasing. "Hush, you," was all he managed to mutter before pulling you back in for another needy kiss.
When the two of you returned to the ball later, he was much calmer and a lot less tense than before, a look of content on his face rather than his almost constant gaze of disapproval.
"I see my brother appears to be much more agreeable now than he was earlier," Daphne said when she took a break from dancing with the Duke to have a drink. "I don't suppose you had anything to do with that?"
"I may have played a small part in helping him to unwind a bit," was your casual reply, choosing not to elaborate any further than that as you watched him chat with his mother from across the room. His face flushed slightly when his gaze met yours, and you could practically hear Lady Bridgerton's concerned tone ask him if he was feeling alright.
You couldn't help but think yet again about how ironic it was that out of the two of them, the Viscount evidently needed a chaperone a lot more than his younger sister did.
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End notes: god I'm such a whore for this man I swear
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
Main masterlist | Bridgerton masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: none yet to tag
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livingdreams97 · 6 months
Eloise Bridgerton - "The Prince" (Part 4)
Eloise Bridgerton x Male reader/oc
Summary: Two people who have never seen each other before, with the same need and desire to be free in different ways. What could come of that when both people meet each other?
Words: 4.581
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Eloise's POV
A couple of hours ago my family arrived at Aubrey Hall and my youngest silings were running around the place like wild animals. My brothers have disappeared and Daphne is with mother, Lady Danbury, Kate and Edwina talking about the season somewhere around the house.
Which left me alone, sitting on an outdoor chair in the mansion's back garden and somewhat bored.
I did not want to participate in the conversation with my sister, mother and others; since the subject does not really interest me. I'd rather be with my brothers, but as soon as we set foot in Aubrey Hall two hours ago they disappeared and have shown no sign of life.
And I'm not going to be running all over the place, like Gregory and Hyacinth were doing.
I just pray that something interesting happens and it can keep me busy at least for a while. Because if this goes on like this, I'll end up cutting myself with the pages of my books and falling apart in the living room floor.
Apparently my prayers are answered, when one of the butlers appears and speaks to me.
XY: Miss Bridgerton, Prince Y/n of Hannover has just arrived and is waiting for you in the hall.- he informed me and I practically jumped out of my seat.
Eloise: That's great. - I comment happily and walking quickly towards the entrance of the mansion.
XY: If you don't need anything else, we'll take the prince's objects to his room assigned by Lady Bridgerton.- he comments when we reach the hall.
Eloise: We don't need anything else, thank you.- I thank him and after a slight bow he takes Y/n's luggage along with another man. -I thought you were never going to get there.- I say amused, crossing my arms and looking at the prince.
Y/n: I had a slight setback.- He informed me without much detail.
Eloise: What kind of setback? - I ask curiously, seeing the amusement in his eyes.
Y/n: One that doesn't concern you.- he answers me with grace and I just look at him badly. -Now, will you grant me the wish to give me a guided tour of the mansion or do I have to ask someone from the service?- he asks amused, raising an eyebrow and looking me straight in the eye.
Eloise: Ask someone from the service.- I answer challengingly, looking for a fun and entertaining reaction from him.
Y/n: I'll do that then.- he assures, leaning over and trying to walk towards the stairs.
Eloise: Where do you think you're going? - I ask amused running towards him and grabbing his arm to stop him.
Y/n: To ask if someone offers to give me a guided tour, since a certain Bridgerton doesn't want to and I don't want to get lost in the place.- he answers humorously and I look at him with narrowed eyes.
Eloise: Idiot.- I muttered hitting his arm. -Now follow me.- I order him and start walking towards the main hall.
I don't turn to see if he's following me or not, but I can hear his hurried footsteps and I smile helplessly, not knowing the reason for said smile.
I don't know when I went from receiving a tour of the mansion to being in the huge back garden playing pall mall, but here I am now.
Daphne: We all know how the pall mall works.- she assures everyone present. - The first to choose the deck and strike first will be our guest Y/n.- she points to me with her hand and I look at her surprised.
Y/n: I guess thanks.- I appreciate it. -Which one does Eloise usually choose?- I asked Benedict in a whisper quickly.
Benedict: Yellow.- he whispers back to me with his hand in front of his mouth so that no one notices.
I nod surreptitiously and walk over to where all the decks are. I look at each deck and once my eyes land on the yellow one, I reach out without hesitation.
As my fingers wrap around the wood, I look up, meeting Eloise's blue gaze. I smile wickedly as I raised the mallet and I see the scowl on her face.
Y/n: Yellow is my favorite color. - I lie with a smile without taking my eyes off Eloise's.
The rest practically fight over the rest of the decks, before we start the game and the fights between the brothers are present.
Benedict: Eloise don't cheat.- he accuses his sister, who is moving her ball subtly and secretly with her foot.
Y/n: So besides being clumsy at dancing, you're a cheater at the game. - I whisper leaning towards her, so that only she can hear me.
Eloise: Shut up.- she growls at me pushing my chest with her hand.
Colin: Observe and learn people.- he says, positioning himself and hitting the ball with his mallet, but it doesn't go through the hoop.
Anthony: Sorry, what were you saying?- he asks his brother with an amused smile.
Kate: Don't you laugh so much.- she tells her husband, causing a bad face in him and laughter in the rest.
Daphne: None of you should laugh.- she assures everyone, preparing to her his ball with the mallet. -Because I plan to win as always.- she says confidently, hitting the ball and getting it through the hoop.
Benedict: Hey, I'm still in the game.- he reminds his sister with an amused smile.
Eloise: And me.- she assures them placing herself in the middle of everyone. -This year I plan to win.- she tells us all with confidence and I can't help but smile at her confidence.
We continue playing for a while longer, until the game ends and I end up winning to the surprise of everyone present. Although there is no surprise on my part, since I am a very good player and I am passionate about sports.
Y/n: And how about your victory Eloise? - I ask her amused while we all have dinner together.
Eloise: Very funny.- she says sarcastically looking at me with narrowed eyes. -But I know you cheated.- she threatens me seriously.
Y/n: And can you explain to me what cheating are you accusing me of? - I ask her amused, taking a sip of my wine.
Elosie: I don't know, yet.- she answered thoughtfully. -But I'm going to find out how you cheated to win and take away my victory.- she asures me and I just smile delighted.
Y/n: I'll be waiting then.- I assure her with a friendly smile.
The rest of dinner is spent talking to Benedict and Colin about minor trivia. We also make sure to taunt Eloise a bit, loud enough for her to hear us so we can tease her a bit.
When dinner is over, I sneak up to Lady Bridgerton and ask to speak to her in private. We entered the main library of the mansion and we both took a seat in the armchairs of the room.
Violet: And tell me my Lord, what is the reason for this conversation? - she asks me with evident interest.
Y/n: I wanted to talk about a serious and more important topic with you.- I answer trying to hide my nervousness.
Violet: Well, you will say.- she nods giving me the floor.
Y/n: As you may have noticed, I've been spending a lot of time with your daughter and it's clear that we've become somewhat close.- I start seeing how she nods with a small smile. -And I don't want to disrespect you or your family at any time.- I say trying to think of how to explain myself.
Violet: And you haven't.- she assures me with a friendly smile.
Y/n: I'm glad to hear that.- I nod with a nervous smile. -That's why I wanted to talk to you first, because you are Eloise's mother and it seemed the most appropriate thing to do in this situation.- I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. -I wanted to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.- I ask directly.
Violet: Oh my god! - she exclaims in surprise, covering her mouth with her hand.
The room remains completely silent for a few moments, where I play with my hands as a sign of nervousness and uncertainty about the response of the woman in front of me.
Y/n: So what do you say? - I ask her a bit uncomfortable by the silence.
Violet: Of course I'll give you my daughter's hand.- she nods energetically. -As long as Eloise agrees to the proposition, I have nothing against it.- she confirms and I can't help but release the air retained inside me.
Y/n: I'm glad to know that your answer is positive. - I smile letting the retained nerves dissipate from my body.
Now I just have to propose to Eloise publicly and organize the wedding. Since thanks to our agreement, I know that Eloise will agree to marry me and there will be no problem with that part.
Violet: And you already have chosen the ring? - She asks me interested, leaning forward in a show of interest.
Y/n: Yes.- I nod, taking the black velvet box out of my pocket. -What do you think?- I ask, opening the box and showing her the object inside.
Violet: Oh my god, it's so precious.- she whispers, taking the small box in her hands and looking at the ring in greater detail.
Y/n: My aunt gave it to me to propose to your daughter.- I comment, seeing the surprise in her eyes.
Violet: Has the queen chosen the ring for my daughter?- she asks surprised.
Y/n: More than that.- I commented with a slight smile. -That ring was one of the first that my uncle, the King, gave to my aunt many years ago. The emerald is my aunt's favorite stone and she thought that the ring had a deep meaning, so it would be the perfect ring for my future wife. - I tell her and I can see a different shine in her eyes.
Violet: And she's right. Rings with meaning are more unique than any recently bought. - she nods, giving me back the box with the ring.
Y/n: So with your permission, tomorrow I'll ask Eloise for her hand. - I nod, putting the velvet box back in my jacket pocket.
Violet: I just hope my daughter says yes, because it would be a pleasure to have you as part of the family.- she tells me and we both get up, ending the conversation.
We left the library, saying goodnight and parting ways. I head towards the bedroom assigned to me and on the way I meet Eloise with her little sister.
In order not to arouse any kind of suspicion, I wish them both a good night and secretly nod to my future fiancée.
I can see her eyes widen slightly as she realizes what my nod means and she gives me a slight nod letting me know she's understood.
Now I just have to think about how to ask for her hand tomorrow and do it in a way so that her family believes that we are really in love. But with how good of an actress Eloise is, I'm sure everyone will believe us right away without any problem.
Eloise's POV
I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? This is simply a trade and there is no reason to be nervous.
I just have to say a simple yes and the rest of my life will be taken care of. I will be completely free and I will stop feeling any kind of pressure to get married or find a husband. It is a simple word that will open all doors for me.
This is a simple transaction, there are no feelings involved and that's why I don't understand the reason for my nerves.
My hands tremble as they caress the soft fabric of my white dress, feeling the softness and delicacy of silk.
Violet: You look beautiful honey.- she whispers looking at my reflection in the mirror over my shoulder.
Eloise: I'm not going out. - I deny energetically.
Violet: And why is that dear? - she asks me interested with a smile on her face.
Eloise: I don't know if I'm ready to get married.- I answer, feeling my heart beat faster.
Violet: Oh dear.- she sighs placing her hands on my arms. -It's the nerves that are speaking.- she assures me caressing my arms with affection.
Eloise: Why would I be nervous? - I ask confused, feeling a certain amount of comfort from her touch.
Violet: Because it's one of the most important days for a woman, darling.- she answers with an understanding look. -The day of my wedding with your father, I was trembling with nerves and anticipation. It is understandable to feel nervous on your wedding day and especially when you love the person you will marry.- she tries to comfort me and I avoid opening my eyes for the last part.
Eloise: How did you know you loved father? - I ask a little scared by her answer.
Violet: I wouldn't know how to explain it.- she sighs with a slight grimace. -What I do know is that every time I thought of him, a smile appeared on my face without even noticing it, my stomach turned when he was near me, my skin quivered every time he touched my hand and every time that I was doing something i liked; immediately I wanted to share it with him.- she tells me and I remain thoughtful.
I think about the times when a smile adorned my face when I thought of Y/n, about how being with him makes me enjoy someone else's company and the long talks we have.
I think about how an essential warmth invades my body when he is near me, when he smiles at me or when he brings me books thinking that I might like them.
I find that every time I read a new book, I think about whether he would like to read it so we can discuss it together.
Finally, I am aware of how in the few times he has touched my hand and kissed it, my body reacts to his touch. I can remember the pleasant tingling that runs through my body at his touch and it is now when I open my eyes in surprise.
Eloise: I love Y/n.- I murmured without really knowing what to do.
I feel my mind go around and around without really knowing how it happened. At what point have I gone from supporting Y/n, accepting his proposal and maintaining a friendly relationship, to loving him.
Violet: Why else would you have agreed to marry him?- she asks with a certain degree of amusement in her tone of voice.
Eloise: I have to talk to Y/n.- I say alarmed.
Violet: You'll see him at the altar in a few minutes and then you can talk to him all you want.- she assures me with a smile.
Eloise: No mom .- I deny turning around and looking around upset. -I need to talk to him now!- I assured him in a hurry trying to dodge her and go looking for him.
Violet: No, no, no.- she denies grabbing my arm and preventing me from leaving the room. -The groom can't see the bride before the wedding.- she immediately denies.
Eloise: You don't understand mom, I have to talk to him.- I beg desperately and a few seconds away from a desperate cry.
Violet: Honey, calm down.- she asks me, caressing my arms again. -Take a deep breath and inhale slowly.- she orders me and I nod trying to regulate my breathing.
Once I am calmer, my mother takes me to the sofa in one of the many rooms in the palace and makes me sit down.
Violet: Are you feeling better?- she asks me and I nod, taking a deep breath once more.
Eloise: Yes.- I murmur directing my gaze to my hands, which are still trembling and apparently my mother notices as she places her hands on mine.
Violet: You don't have to get upset darling, everything will be fine and you don't have to get so nervous.- she assures me. -You're just nervous, just breathe and try to relax.- she tells me and I nod trying to stop my hands from shaking.
We stay in silence for a few minutes, where I manage to calm down enough so that my hands stop shaking.
Some light knocks are heard at the door of the room and Benedict's head appears through it.
Benedict: Everything is ready.- he tells us entering the room. -They are waiting for the bride.- he says with a smile and I take a deep breath.
Violet: Are you ready? - she asks me and I am only able to nod. -Well then, let's get going.- she says getting up from the sofa and helping me to get up too.
I walk to where my brother is, who immediately smiles at me and gives me his arm to intertwine with mine.
With each step I take toward the ceremony room, my heart pounding in my ears and my breathing becoming heavy. I swallow heavily, when my brother stops in front of the closed living room doors and looks at me for approval.
I stay for a few moments watching the big white doors of the room, as soon as they open everything will be real and I'll be walking towards my future husband.
I don't know what to do.
If I go through with the plan and say yes, I'll be marrying the man I love. But he doesn't love me and it doesn't seem fair.
And on the other hand, if I decide to run away and leave the plan behind, everyone will start talking about me and my family again. My family has already suffered a lot with the rumors and above all thanks to me.
Plus it wouldn't be the first time a Bridgerton wedding has been called off and we all know how that ended.
But that is not the worst.
The worst thing is that this time the queen is not only the hostess of the wedding, but she is the aunt of the future husband and that will cause me to be banished from London.
Because what Lady Whistledown wrote about me being a political radical turned her against me and made her have a bad opinion of me. I don't want to imagine the opinion she'll have of me if I leave her heir standing at the altar.
Benedict: Are you okay? - he asks me in a whisper taking me out of my thoughts.
Eloise: I don't know.- I answer honestly.
Benedict: It's not too late, you know right? - he asks me causing me to look at him confused.
Eloise: Late for what? - I ask wanting to understand what my brother tells me.
Benedict: Too late to cancel the wedding.- he answers me with a comforting smile. -Just tell me and we'll run away like no one has ever done before.- he assures me with a small laugh.
I watch him for a few seconds, considering the offer and weighing every possible outcome of my escape. The idea sounds tempting and I'm sure Benedict will defend me and help with everything.
You're POV
I swallow heavily, running my hands through my morning coat and wiping the sweat from my hands. I watch the guests talk to each other in whispers, causing my nervousness to increase and a knot to form in my stomach.
Lady Bridgerton has entered the room almost ten minutes ago, but she has entered alone and no one has entered after her.
She's supposed to be with Eloise, to help her get ready and her presence here assures me that Eloise is ready. But it doesn't show up anywhere, because she is nowhere to be seen.
I look over to where my aunt is sitting for comfort, seeing the impatience and worried look on her face. She seems to notice my look, as she offers me a small smile and a reassuring nod.
But I can't calm down when I feel hundreds of eyes on me and I can hear the murmurs of those present.
My gaze then falls on where the Bridgertons are sitting, muttering and talking a little erratically to each other. That alarms me even more.
What if Eloise regrets the deal and backs out? What if she leaves me standing at the altar?
That would explain the lateness and the stressed look on the face of the Bridgertons family matriarch. Maybe she already knows and is telling the rest of the family.
My breath stops when the doors of the room open and one of my aunt's waiters enters the room.
XY: Miss Eloise Bridgerton by the hands of Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.- he announces and I can feel myself breathing again.
But as soon as I start to breathe, the air gets stuck in my throat and it's because of something else entirely.
My mind goes completely blank as I see Eloise in her wedding dress with her hair up in a high bun. The light that enters through the windows of the room illuminates her dress and she looks like a complete angel.
The train of the dress trails gently across the floor, as does her veil, which rests just in front of the updo on her head and at the beginning of the train of her dress.
I'm not aware of the moment when Eloise has reached my side and Benedict offers me her hand. I'm only aware when my soon-to-be wife's brother clears his throat and the noise snaps me out of my reverie.
Y/n: Sorry.- I whisper embarrassed, feeling the heat flood my cheeks and receiving my fiancée's hand.
Benedict: Take care of her.- he threatens me seriously, before walking away and sitting with the rest of the family.
Priest: We are gathered here to celebrate the union between Prince Y/n of Hannover and Miss Eloise Bridgerton.- he begins to speak, but I only observe Eloise's profile and try to be as discrete as possible. -Love is something... ... ... ....- He speaks but I ignore him, looking only at the woman to my left. -Now I want you to repeat with me, you first prince. With this ring, I take you Eloise Bridgerton as my wife, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- he says and I look at the priest paying attention to him again .
Y/n: With this ring, I take you Eloise Bridgerton as my wife, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- I recite while staring at her eyes, receiving the ring from the priest and placing it on her finger.
Priest: Now your tourn Miss Bridgerton.- he says, offering her the other ring and I can see how she takes it with a trembling hand.
Eloise: With this ring, I take you Y/n from Hannover as my husband, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- she says nervously and shakily placing the ring on my finger.
Priest: With this exchange of rings, this marriage unites and will be consolidated with a kiss.- he says and I look nervously at the woman in front of me. -You can kiss each other.- he tells us.
I take a deep breath, before taking a step forward closing my eyes and leaning down feeling the erratic beating of my heart.
For a moment, my heart stops completely when my lips make contact with hers, and I can feel her breathing stop.
As we break from the kiss, I open my eyes to look at my now wife and see that she's still keeping them closed. I smile at the image and when she opens her eyes, she immediately smiles back at me.
I extend my hand to her, which she immediately entwines with hers and I direct her towards the large backyard where the celebration will take place.
Eloise: I have to talk to you.- she whispers so that only I can hear heron our walk outside.
Y/n: Bad or good? - I ask confused, smiling at the guests.
Eloise: It depends.- she answers me, doing the same action as me.
Y/n: Okay.- I nod almost imperceptibly.
But as soon as we set foot in the garden, people come to greet us and congratulate us on the wedding. Every time we try to get away so we can talk, someone steps up and stops that from happening.
But I take advantage of a moment when everyone is watching the fireworks, to grab Eloise by the hand and pull her behind some tall hedges a bit away from the crowd.
Y/n: What did you wanted to talk about? - I ask her in a whisper, not wanting to speak too loud and be heard.
Eloise: It's about the agreement.- she whispers, looking around making sure there's no one around.
Y/n: What about the agreement? - I ask completely confused.
Eloise: What happens if there is something that alters or changes the agreement? - she answers me with another question.
Y/n: I don't know.- I answer honestly. -I couldn't know if something could alter or change our agreement, if I don't know what it is about.- I clarify and see how she bites her lower lip nervously.
Eloise: Hypothetically speaking.- she clarifies nervously and I nod. -What would happen if one of the two parties ends up falling in love with the other party?- she asks, looking anywhere but at me and my heart races.
Y/n: Hypothetically speaking? - I ask and she nods. -That maybe the other party has also fallen in love.- I admit feeling the heat on my cheeks from shame.
She opens her eyes wide, directing her gaze to me and staring at me. I try to calm my heart; not wanting to have a heart attack.
Eloise: You...? - she asks me uncertainly, pointing to herself and I nod nervously.
Y/n: And you..? - I ask in the same way, pointing to me and she nods, joining her lips in a straight line.
Eloise: And now what? - she asks, avoiding my gaze and I decide to be brave.
I take two steps towards her, moving closer to her body and gently placing my hand on her chin. I force her head up and look at me, before I say what I've wanted to say for a month.
Y/n: Do you want to see the world with me? - I ask with a small nervous smile.
Eloise: Yes.- she nods with a slight redness on her cheeks after a couple of seconds.
I can't stand her closeness anymore, so I finish bringing my face closer to hers and I put our lips together again.
This time, the kiss is longer and lets us release all the feelings we had stored. My hands are placed on her waist, to be able to bring her closer to me and to be able to hug her by the hip against my body.
While her hands go up my arms and intertwine with each other at the nape of my neck.
We kiss until the air becomes necessary and we put our foreheads together to maintain the closeness between our faces.
Y/n: I love you.- I admit for the first time out loud without taking my eyes off hers.
Eloise: I love you.- she whispers and this time she is the one who brings our lips together in a hungry kiss.
If someone had told me that an agreed marriage proposal would have led me to meet the love of my life, I would never have believed it.
But fate is capricious and you never know where it will turn out.
But looking back from the backyard of my mansion with my wife, where I am playing with our four children and my beautiful wife is reading a book in a chair in the sun, that proposition was the wisest choice of my life.
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frost-queen · 1 year
Humming bees (Male!Reader x Bridgertons)
Requested by: @los-angeles-71300  Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07,@melsunshine, @goldenmoonbeam, @freyathehuntress
Summary: After Hyacinth finds a portrait of a young man she does not know, she confides with her father and brother Anthony of his identity. Little does she know it is a portrait of you, the eldest Bridgerton passed away at the hands of a small bee. (Ps. Edmund is still alive here)
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“One, two, three.” – Gregory called out. Hyacinth picking up the hem of her dress, making a run for it. – “four, five six.” – she heard him count while running out of the parlor. – “nine, ten, eleven.” – his words slowly fading out till she could no longer hear him count. Giggling beyond herself, she ran up the stairs. Half-way up she encounters her brother Colin, nearly running him over. – “Hyacinth!” – Colin called out, turning around to see her run up the last steps.
He held on tight to the railing. It was his life saving or he would’ve tumbled down the stairs. – “Hide and seek!” – she simply responded loudly. Colin shaking his head with a shake. Hyacinth ran down the hallway. Eloise shrieking loud when she opened her door, greeted by her hastened sister. Hyacinth came to a stop, mouth gawking in surprise. Wondering where she would hide from her brother.
Setting her mind to it, she ran to the right, opening a door. She quickly shut it. – “Hyacinth?” – Benedict said, pausing his actions. – “Can I hide here?” – she asked, looking around for a hiding place. – “What? Hide? What are you on about sister?” – Benedict set his paintbrush aside, watching her from behind his canvas. – “Yes hide brother what is there not to understand about.” – she answered, sitting on her knees, looking under his bed.
Humming curiously she got back up. She ran over to his closet, opening it firmly. – “Do you think I could fit in here?” – she questioned. Benedict rushed to her, coming to stand between her and the closet, shutting it. – “No!” – he called out. – “No?” – Hyacinth repeated innocently. – “No I can’t fit in there or no I can’t hide there?” – she proposed unsure of his intentions of his words. Benedict spread his arms. – “No as in no, you cannot hide here or anywhere in my room for the matter!” – he told her off.
Hyacinth pouted her lips pitiful. – “Why not?” – she begged to know. – “I am painting sister.” – he sighed out, gesturing at the canvas presented in the center of his room. Hyacinth barely gave the canvas her attention. – “I won’t disturb you. I promise.” – she said wobbling on her feet, hands behind her back. Benedict pinched his nose bridge. – “Hyacinth no. I can’t have you hiding in here and Gregory storming in to find you.” – he explained to her.
She crossed her arms bothered. – “Where else am I supposed to hide? Gregory can come look for me any second now.” – she cried out. Benedict pulled his shoulders up, turning her around towards the door. – “Not my problem.” – he shoved her towards the door, ushering her out of the way. He shut the door before her. Hyacinth reacting by sticking her tongue out.
Hearing Gregory downstairs, she panicked. Her time was coming to an end if she ever wished to hide. Panicking, she ran further down the hallway before Gregory would come up the stairs and see her. Huffing and puffing loud, her mind could barely think rational. A thousand terrible hiding idea’s popping in her mind. All those that would easily give her away. Groaning out of breath, she did not want to give Gregory the satisfactory of finding her in the first two minutes of the game.
She wanted to do better. Turning a corner, she came in a corridor she rarely visited. One could say almost foreign to her. Quirking her eyebrow up, she moved swiftly through it, looking in wonder around. Letting her finger trail the wallpaper. It seemed older then those downstairs. As if it hadn’t been taken care of in years. There were another set of stairs at the end of the corridor as she went up. Her curiosity taking a hold of her. Completely forgetting about the game she went up.
It went darker, the further up she went. No windows cast upon the stairs to light up her way. She came to a stop before a wooden door. The handle was old and heavy. With some effort, the door opened with a shrieking sound. She so hoped no one had heard that. She blinked rapidly to adjust to the dim lighted room she found herself in. Only the light from a small window above granting the room some light. She carefully pushed the door closer to the lock, yet not quite in it.
Venturing further into the room, she peered around trying to get glimpses of what was stored here. She gasped running over to a wooden crib. It started rocking creakingly under her grip. Lifting her fingers up, she rubbed them together feeling the dust on them. It had been a while since the crib was used. She measured the size between her two fingers, trying to visualize how small she would’ve been to fit in. That seemed like an eternity ago when she could fit in that crib.
Giggling loud she imagined what it would look like if she laid in it now. Her legs and arms sticking out. It was just too funny to think about. She moved around the crib further down the room. She lowered herself, hands pressed onto a table, watching a dusted vase. It was see-through, yet not. Being so close to the dust, made her cough loud. Straightening her posture she kept coughing. Slowly turning around, the back of her hand against her mouth.
She stopped coughing, hand lowering as her gaze fell upon a hidden portrait it appeared. Hyacinth went over to it. The closer she got, the more she furrowed her brows. Perhaps it was a portrait of her father in his early days? She took a hold of the frame, moving something in front of it forwards so the portrait wouldn’t be damaged when she pulled it up. Slowly the portrait got pulled up, her eyes widening in wonder. She took the portrait with both hands, moving it closer towards the light falling into the room.
She smiled as the person looked so much like her father. Yet if she squeezed her eyes a bit shut, she could faintly see features of Anthony. This was clearly not her father. Yet he resembled him much. Who could this young man be and why is his portrait hidden away? Hyacinth wanted to know more, taking the portrait with her. She went back to the door, going through it. Down the steps back into the corridor. When passing her siblings rooms she got spotted. Gregory pointing firmly at her from across the way. – “Found you!” – he called out loud.
Hyacinth spoke back, coming nearer. – “Yes you found me, good work of you brother.” – she walked past him. Gregory crossed his arms bothered. – “You are no fun like this! Did you even hide?” – he called out to her. – “I did then I chose to come out of hiding.” – she shouted making her way down the stairs. Gregory stomped with his foot on the ground, annoyed at his little sister. Why couldn’t she simply play the game rightly. Close to crying, his lip trembled as he rushed to his room.
She went down the stairs, straight on to the study of her father. Edmund and Anthony lifted their heads up when she barged in. – “Hyacinth?” – Edmund spoke. – “Sister?” – Anthony said at the same time. Hyacinth struggled a bit to keep the portrait up. Her father jumping up from his chair to assist her. He ran around the desk, holding the portrait up before it could hit the ground.
“Whatever for are you carrying this?” – he chuckled, turning the portrait slowly around to see what she was carrying. – “I…” – his smile dropped in an instant. Sorrow reflecting upon his features. – “What is it father?” – Anthony asked coming nearer. – “Who is he?” – Hyacinth asked curiously. Her father seemed to have turned to stone. Not responding one bit. Anthony came to his side, eyes widening at the portrait of you. – “Where did you find this!” – he called out, snatching the portrait from his father.
The tone in Anthony’s voice terrified her for a moment. Thinking she had done something wrong. – “The… the attic… I…I…” – she looked at her father seeing the tears swell up in his eyes. She dropped to her knees, begging for forgiveness. – “I was playing hide and seek with Gregory; I did not mean to find it. Father forgive me.” – she cried out.
Edmund blinked himself awake, rapidly to keep the tears at bay. He softened a smile up for her. – “It is alright my child.” – he spoke, pulling her back on her feet. Hyacinth sniffed loud with pouty lips. Anthony set the portrait down on the desk, brushing any dust off with care.
A faint smile upon his lips. Edmund motioned for her to follow him. He went to sit down, pulling Hyacinth on his lap. – “That… that is a portrait of your brother Y/n.” – he told her, pointing at it. – “Brother?” – Hyacinth repeated confused. – “Is… is he away?” – she wondered since she’s never met him. – “No…” – Edmund replied with sadness in his voice.
“He’s gone.” – Anthony answered letting his finger brush over your uniform on the portrait as it removing any folds from it in person. – “What do you mean he’s gone?” – she wanted to know. Edmund took a deep breath. – “Hyacinth…” – he said to her making her slowly realize. – “Oh…” – she quietly answered. A moment of silence fell upon them till she spoke. – “How… how did it happen? How come I don’t remember him?” – she asked curiously.
Edmund smiled faintly. – “You were still in your mother’s womb. Slowly growing.” – he tickled her briefly making her smile. – “Your brother Y/n, Anthony and I had gone hunting.” – he started his story. Anthony turning around to lean against the desk. Anthony immediately pulled back to the moment. It was a nice warm summer’s day. There were up and about from early starters.
Long awake before anyone else was. Anthony felt beyond honored to go hunting with his father and older brother. He so very much looked up to you. Aspired to be just as gentile and determined as you. You could do no wrong in his eyes. He’d nearly hit a deer, yet the hunt was unsuccessful. Upon the walk home, you were there to give him the word of advise he needed.
“Say brother, no need to be pitiful.” – you spoke, moving an arm around him. Father just up ahead. Anthony took a deep breath. – “I almost had it. If my hand just didn’t tremble that much.” – he cursed at his own hand, looking down at it. You clasped your hand around his, moving it out of his sight. – “Your hand will steady, do not worry about that my brother.” – you told him. Anthony sighed. – “It is just…” – he responded coming to a brief stop. His shoulder slouched forwards, making you notice it quite quick.
You smiled, needing no more words to understand. Taking a deep breath, you set your hands on his shoulders. – “You did alright brother. There is no need to pity yourself with doubts. Believe it or not, I was much worse on my first hunt.” – you said with a smile. – “I don’t believe you.” – Anthony answered. – “Yet it is true.” – you insisted on. – “I had the unfortunate matter of nearly shooting my own hand off.” – you showed him your hand, laughing loud. Anthony wouldn’t have it, shaking his head.
“No, a skilled shooter as you, I do not believe you. You are taunting me brother.” – he spoke, pulling your hand down. You laughed even more. – “It is true.” – you showed him your hand, pointing at a little scar by your wrist. – “I’ve got the scar to tell the tale.” – Anthony’s eyes widened. How was it he’d never noticed that scar. Yes it was small and faint, yet it was there. You stopped smiling, hearing your father whistle loud between his teeth.
“Boys keep up or your mother will scold me!” – he called out from further up the path. The both of you ran to catch up with him. Both joining him at once side. Edmund patted you on the back with a smile. Riffle in hand, you took a satisfying breath upon seeing the manor once more. How good it felt to be home. Edmund and Anthony were laughing as you were a step behind them. – “Oh, she would adore those!” – Edmund pointed out, looking at the flowers.
He rushed over to them, Anthony following him on foot. Edmund took off his satchel and placed his riffle down. Coming to kneel before the flower patches. Hands deep, he ruffled through the flowers. The soft humming of bees never catching his attention. He plucked a few Hyacinths when Anthony came kneeling close to him. Admiring another set of flowers. – “Are you going to woe mother with some flowers?” – you laughed teasingly coming to stand behind your father and brother.
“Yes.” – Edmund huffed out, plucking another Hyacinth. He smelled it briefly. – “They are quite lovely are they not?” – he said out loud. A bee buzzing near him. – “Yes, indeed they are father.” – Anthony responded, looking over at his father. – “Daphne will be jealous if we return with nothing for her.” – he added, plucking a few flowers. Edmund moved his head back, noticing the bee in his vision. Furrowing his brows with annoyance he whiffed it away with the back of his hand. – “This bloody…” – he said getting up and backing away.
You came nearer wanting to aid your father. Edmund ducked away from the bee as he had kept waving his hand around to shoo it off. – “Father do not anger…” – you warned him, words suddenly cut off by a sting of pain. – “Au.” – you softly said, having felt the stinger in your neck. Anthony chuckled, looking behind him. – “Y/n.” – he said. You moved your back towards him and your father, walking closer to the estate. – “The darn thing stung me.” – you pointed out, touching your neck briefly. – “Apologies Y/n. I didn’t mean to anger the creature.” – Edmund said with half a smile.
Anthony was still plucking flowers, furrowing his brows when he heard you grasp weirdly for air. – “Y/n?” – he said. You felt your neck swell up, face turning pale. Turning around your lips were almost sealed. Looking as pale as a dove as you stumbled a bit forwards. You revealed a bit of your red neck to your brother and father. You stretched your hand out, wheezing loudly. – “What is it?” – Anthony questioned, getting up. You stumbled into your father’s arms, sending him down with you.
Grasping for air, blood veins almost popping out on your head. – “What? What?” – Anthony called out coming over. You sputtered loud, moving your fingers over the sting wound. – “Someone help us!” – Edmund shouted loudly. – “Help us!” – the panic alarming in his voice as he held you. You lost your balance falling onto your back in the grass. Edmund looked frantically down, pulling you onto his lap. Mouth open you were grasping for air. Choking on dry air. – “Help us! Someone help!” – Anthony raged out in panic.
Your head shock back, grabbing your hand desperately at Anthony’s arm. Needing your brother’s comfort. The scaredness in your eyes broke Anthony’s heart as you kept desperately grabbing for him. It took him a few try’s to take your hand in his. – “Y/n, brother!” – he called out worriedly. – “Y/n… Y/n you must breath.” – Edmund called out, holding you. – “I…I…can’t…” – you answered hoarsely, feeling how much closer to death you were. Anthony was panicking, freaking out as he couldn’t think properly.
He held your hand tight, watching you with horror. Your movements slowed down as you turned to look at him, choking on the lack of air. – “Brother.” – you hoarsely said in deep panic. Wanting Anthony to take away the pain. To tell you all will be alright as you felt your end draw nearer.  Anthony stared back at you with wide eyes in fear. Slowly you laid your head back, reaching up to touch your father’s cheek.
Your fingers barely touched his skin as your hand lowered slowly once more. – “No-no-no-no.” – Edmund whispered out seeing how the light in your eyes was fading out. – “No-no-no-no-n-n-no don’t do this.” – he told you, shaking his head. Your hand plopped to the side, eyes falling shut as your head felt weightless. – “No Y/n!” – Edmund cried out. – “Do not leave us!” – he shouted with a crack in his voice. Anthony’s eyes were wide with fear.
Slowly it was sinking in that he had lost his brother. He looked down at your lifeless hand in his. Seeing how his touch gave your hand no response. Edmund moved your head a bit up, letting his chin rest against your forehead. Mouth open as no cries came out. Silent as they were cramped in his throat. Then a loud sob emerged from deep within followed by a cry of agony.
Anthony’s head trembled, moving your hand towards his chest. Cherishing it near his heart. Edmund was crying loudly, rocking you gently in his embrace. – “My son…my boy.” – he cried out, releasing a cry so raw it scraped his throat. The sounds drew in some curious watchers. Tears rolled down Anthony’s cheek, seeing his brother, the one he looked up to lay still in his father’s embrace.
Edmund looked over his shoulder, sniffing loudly. – “They cannot see him… not like this.” – he told Anthony, seeing Violet among them. – “Anthony!” – he called out for his attention. Anthony looked sharply his direction, trembling to the bone. – “Go!” – he ordered. Anthony nodded shakily, laying your hand near your body. He hesitantly got up, barely able to keep up straight. He stumbled over to his mother telling her the children should head inside.
Anthony sniffed loud, wiping a tear off his cheek. – “If I had not decided to pick flowers for your mother.” – Edmund spoke feeling a lump in his throat. – “If I had not angered the bee, your brother might still be here.” – he continued, looking at Hyacinth who had tears in her eyes as well. Anthony gripped on tight to the desk.
Remembering what that day brought upon him. With the loss of you, it meant he was the next heir in line. Making it his sworn duty to fulfill your tasks as the eldest brother now. Making sure the family was well taken care off with father. – “I wish I knew him.” – Hyacinth spoke. Edmund smiled faintly. – “You would’ve loved him… he would’ve loved you…” – he answered pinching her cheek.
Anthony moved his hand to his heart, looking up to the ceiling with a saddened smile. Closing his eyes gently to picture you in front of him. Allow himself to feel what it felt like to have those glorious days with you as second. If only he could’ve held on to you longer. Taking a deep breath, he lowered his head, turning to look at your portrait. – “If only you could taunt me one more time brother.” – he whispered touching your portrait.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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shinyhoundhandseagle · 3 months
The Emerald of the Season.
Eloise Bridgerton x Male Character
Word Count: 1,093
Part 2/?
Relationship: Eloise Bridgerton/Male Character
Warning: No
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/shinyhoundhandseagle/751699342998601728/the-emerald-of-the-season
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/shinyhoundhandseagle/754373682092277760/the-emerald-of-the-season
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“What did you think of the ball?”- Asked The Queen looking at her youngest nephew. The boy, too concerned with eating, didn’t seem to hear her-. “Does you father not feed you?”
“I apologize, traveling always makes my appetite grow”-. He dedicated his aunt a sweet smile and put the fork down to then clean the corner of his mouth with the napkin-. “It was good I guess”.
“Did anyone catch your eye?”
He could be honest, he could but he knew better than that. What was he supposed say? ‘Yes, I found this girl who clearly has a distaste for society and it’s norms’. Might as well tell her he agreed with the ‘radicals’. Which he did but as the next King of Spain, he couldn’t say that out loud. If his father found out, horrible things would happen to him.
“No, everyone seem pretty bland”.
“Just wait, I feel it”-. She reassured him with a smile as he went back to eating-. “This will be your season”.
“Maybe. Now Marcel are you ready for the market?”
• • •
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“Eloise let’s go!”- Her mother called from downstairs. She liked going to the market, being able to be outside and enjoy the sun felt amazing but she knew that after what happened with Theo and Lady Whistleown last year she wouldn’t be allowed to be out alone anymore. Her family wasn’t angry at her but their reputation laid on keeping her under control. So she went with her mother instead.
The way there was quiet, Eloise looking out the window deep in thought. Thoughts about missing Theo, hating Lady Whistledown, worrying about Penelope but the number one thought in her mind right now was Sebastian… The Prince of Spain. Their talk was nice but she felt like an idiot for not knowing or realizing that he was a Prince, even if he wasn’t London’s Prince.
Once they got there they decided just walk around the market. Her mother talking about Daphne, the new season, Colin, etc. She had decided to ignore her after a bit and walked separately from her.
“Eloise!”- The voice made her turn abruptly, just to be faced with a soft smile. Sebastian was standing right behind her with a servant right behind him-. “Marcel, this is Eloise Bridgerton. The Lady I spoke to you about”.
She hated how her heart skipped a beat at knowing that the Prince was maybe thinking about her. How her breath got caught on her throat when his eyes locked with hers.
“You been speaking about me?”
“Only good things, I swear”-. The servant, Marcel, nodded softly agreeing with the Prince-. “How are you?”
“Thrilled for the next ball”-. Her sarcastic tone and eye rolled gained a giggle from the Sebastian but she quickly remembered her manners and the expectations on how to talk to, or about, the monarchy-. “How are you my Prince?”
“First of all calm me Sebastian, I would prefer it and acting this formal doesn’t really suit you”-. His smiled seem genuine and gentle as he offered his arm to her-. “Would you like to walk with me?”
“Of course”-. She took his arm and starting walking around the market with Marcel close behind them.
“How did you like the first ball?”
“It was… good?”
“You really don’t have to pretend with me. In my opinion, it was too long and boring. One ask himself if the dresses and spectacle is the only thing that keeps the ton from hating themselves or gives their boring lives meaning”.
Eloise looked at him, surprised. She wasn’t expecting a man, specially a Prince, to have so much disdain and contempt against a society that put him over anyone else.
“I wouldn’t think a man of your status would feel that way”.
“Why? Because you believe this society makes my life easy to bear?”
“You’re a man, a rich one if we’re being honest and the way society works makes that possible for you”-. They stopped in front of some flowers as she let go of his hand and looked at his eyes-. “I’m a woman without the right to speak of my behalf but I don’t understand why you would hate it so much”.
“While I don’t disagree with your pain, I do believe you don’t understand the type of scrutiny and expectations all of us, including men, are under. The world is so much more unjust that what you see Eloise”.
His piercing blue eyes locked with hers, searching to unravel her soul and mind with a simple look. Eloise wasn’t a woman that usually blushed over men and their physical appearance but she couldn’t deny it this time. He was handsome.
While those thoughts were running through her head, he decided to admired her. She was beautiful, with her dark brown hair and her dark blue eyes, she wasn’t that much shorter than him (maybe a few inches) and her pretty pink lips.
“Ma’am, could I buy some of your flowers?”- His eyes turned to the lady selling flowers next to them. She smiled and nodded. Marcel gave her some money for a small bouquet of beautiful sunflowers-. “For you my Lady”.
He offered them to Eloise, who took the with a polite smile. She wasn’t a flowers girl but they were pretty.
“Thank yo…”
“Eloise!”- Their stare contest was interrupted by her mother. Violet walked to them, followed by 2 maids, and honestly she couldn’t control the surprise expression on her face as she saw her daughter with the Prince. It took her a second to do her courtesy but once she remembered she gave him a smile and did it-. “Oh, Your Highness”.
“Sebastian, this is my mother Lady Violet Bridgerton”-. Eloise introduced her mother quickly.
“Nice to meet you, Lady Bridgerton. Sorry if I have kept Eloise for too long, we were just chatting”.
“Oh you do not have to apologize for that my Prince”-. She definitely had to ask Eloise about that conversation. Hopefully she hadn’t said anything to insult him-. “I just came to tell her we were done but you’re invited for dinner at our house tonight if you’re interested”.
“Thank you for the invitation Lady Bridgerton but I won’t be able to attend tonight but hopefully I’ll see both of you at the next ball?”
“Of course!”- Violet was excited and terrified about the possibility of the Prince being interested in her family.
“Well, its been a pleasure. Eloise will I see you later?”
“Yes, I’ll see you later Sebastian”.
“That would make me really happy”.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
It wasn't a secret that Y/N and Anthony Bridgerton were rivals since boyhood, but Benedict was still shocked to see his older brother and Y/N together in Anthony's bedchambers in such a sight of lust, passion and sex.
Benedict's eyes traveled from Anthony's to Y/N's. "I trust you both are doing well?"
Anthony gives his brother a mischief smirk. "Very well, brother. In fact, why not join us? Y/N says he's always fancied you."
Benedict locked eyes with Y/N as he blushed.
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startwelve · 8 months
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Hello. How are you? I came to tell you that because of my personal problems, I didn't have much image to write, but a few days ago I downloaded an artificial intelligence that allows you to create characters and interact with them in a chat, (sometimes the characters do somewhat random things and He says things that don't make sense, but it's easy to fix), so it occurred to me to make fics of those interactions that I have with the characters, from Stranger Things to Bridgerton hahaha.
Tell me if you like the idea :)
Huge kisses💋
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
The Sun and Moon
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Part 13/END
Request: Yes or No
God it feels good to properly end a series
The Granville house had been quiet for days. All their typical parties had been abruptly canceled and their friends had received no further word from them. The couple did not speak a word to each other nor to their servants, keeping to themselves instead. Dolly spent her days shuffling in and out of the guest room where the youngest Granville resided, labored breathing and occasional twitching being the only thing telling them he still had life in him. Five days, Theodore had counted, since the young man had fallen unconscious and remained in his sickly comatose state. The servants had quickly gotten used to the silence, working around the couple and continuing their work. The doctor visited once every day, taking the man's vitals and reporting the same thing to Henry.
"His health has not improved, but it has not declined either. We'll see what we can do when he awakens."
On the third day of no improvement, Lucy had lashed out and sent a flurry of insults toward the doctor, screaming as her husband dragged her out of the room. Since then, the doctor avoided giving any sort of report to them with her in the room. The only other visitors they got were servants sent from the Sharmas and Bridgertons. Flowers, letters, small gifts. Dolly made sure to replace the flowers once they began to wilt, replacing them with the ones Violet Bridgerton sent. Carnations, peonies, orchids. She made sure to add a card for Lucy each time, words from one mother to another. Lady Danbury had extended her help, offering to pay the doctor for his work. Or rather lack of. 
The Bridgerton residence felt no different than the Granvilles. Quiet, solemn. Benedict kept to his studio and when he got home, he asked his mother for news before locking himself in his room to write letters or sketch. Anthony had been no different. He remained in his office most days, drowning himself in bourbon and endless work, just as he did prior to getting closer to (Y/N). Hyacinth and Gregory asked for news at least thrice a day, having the same reaction when their mother told them the same thing. 
On the sixth day, when the sun began to peek through the curtains, (Y/N) flinched and opened his eyes, squinting up at the unfamiliar ceiling. He could hear birds softly chirping outside and as he heaved himself up into a sitting position, he spotted his furry friend at the foot of the bed, peacefully napping. Something wet slipped from his head, falling on his lap with a squelch. A wet rag. Furrowing his brows, (Y/N) set the rag aside and leaned back into the pillow. 
"Poppy, darling, you can't be on the bed." He turned his head as Dolly entered the room with a vase of flowers in hand. She looked up when she noticed movement, gasping and dropping the vase, the shattering sound echoing through the room and awakening Poppy as well as alerting the rest of the house. 
"Christ, Dolly, do you wish to give me a heart atta-" Stopping himself, Theodore stared at the young man as he rubbed his eyes. 
"It's too early for this." (Y/N) muttered, voice barely audible and throat dry.
"What is the meaning of this?" Lucys' voice rang through the hallway and she stepped into the room, eyes falling on the broken vase before she looked up at her servants, brows furrowing and head turning in the direction of her son. 
"Dearest.." She breathed, taking slow steps, almost as if she were afraid if she moved suddenly it'd shatter the moment. Lucy reached forward and hesitantly touched his face, gasping softly as the tears freely fell from her cheeks. Sniffling, she waved to the servants. "Someone fetch Henry!" She ordered, climbing further onto the bed and cradling her son in her arms, frail body shaking from the sobs. 
"I-I'll inform Mr. Granville a-and get the doctor." Theodore stuttered, stumbling over the wet flowers scattered across the floor as he exited the room. 
"What's going on?" (Y/N) questioned, arms weakly wrapping around his mother.
"You've been asleep for five days," Dolly explained quietly, blinking a few times before she crouched down, frantically picking up the flowers on the ground and setting them on a drawer before stepping closer to the bed, releasing a breath of relief. She lifted a hand and fanned herself before letting out a soft, relieved chuckle. "I'll get some soup for you, (Y/N). You must be famished." With that, the maid left the room as the other servants began peeking into the room, collectively gasping and muttering amongst themselves. 
"What is Dolly talking about?" (Y/N) looked at his mother when she pulled back. Lucy wiped the tears from her cheeks and sniffled, affectionately stroking the side of his face.
"Lord Bridgerton went to see you at the estate. He claims that when he got there, you could barely walk. You collapsed in his arms. He tended to you until a doctor arrived the next day and you were brought back." Lucy explained, gently taking his hand and setting it on her lap, rubbing her thumb back and forth. (Y/N)s' lips parted, eyes shifting onto the flowers on the nightstand, the many letters beside it stamped with the Bridgerton symbol. 
"He left as soon as you were brought here. He hasn't returned." (Y/N)s shoulders slumped at his mother's words. Had he flaked cause things had gotten hard? Cause he couldn't handle it? Henry entered the room, disrupting (Y/N)s' thoughts.
"Father..." (Y/N) breathed. The first time Henry had looked had him since the wedding. Henry glanced at his wife, stepping over the glass and wet floor before he took a seat on the bed. 
"Theodore... he- he said..." Henry swallowed, raising a hand to his face and releasing a shaky breath. A parent's worst nightmare; facing the possibility of losing their child without warning. Lucy reached over to rub her husband's back soothingly, sighing as all the tension from the past few days left her body. 
"I'm okay." (Y/N) assured softly. "I'm okay."
"And we are so glad," Henry whispered, sniffling softly.
(Y/N) spent most of the day, resting. He kept himself entertained by reading the many letters, all from different friends. Kate, Benedict, Violet, and even Edwina. Not a single one from Anthony. He could hardly recall anything from the day he fell unconscious. The whole day had felt like a blur and the only thing he could remember distinctly had been Anthony calling out to him. Had Anthony truly taken care of him? Why had he left as soon as he could? 
"The doctor says you'll be feeling better with some medicine," Dolly revealed as she got a spoonful of the liquid the doctor had given them. "Says it could be as early as tomorrow." She smiled, placing a hand under the spoon to avoid making a mess before bringing it to his lips. (Y/N) wrapped his lips around the spoon, swallowing the medicine and cringing, the bitter taste making the hairs on the back of his neck stand tall. Dolly offered him a glass of water which he gladly took, hoping it'd wash away the horrible taste. 
"Your parents have refused to see any visitors for you until you feel better," Dolly stated, setting the spoon down on the table and taking a seat on the bed. "But, I did hear from one of the maids that Lord Bridgerton plans on visiting as soon as possible."
"Now? After all this time?"
"I know, but... The day you collapsed, he came here. He wanted to speak with you and your parents. I wasn't present, at that moment, but Theodore told me he gave a rather heartfelt speech and claimed he wished..." Dolly trailed off, a small smile toying at her lips.
"He wished what? Dolly, come on!" (Y/N) gently took her arm, shaking it lightly. Dolly laughed and shifted to face him, leaning in playfully.
"He wished to propose. Said that no matter what your parents thought, he was set on doing it. If you accepted, he'd said a small private ceremony could be held." Dolly giggled and scooted closer, taking his hands into hers and giving them a squeeze. "I believe him, (Y/N). Theodore may be hesitant, especially because of this sudden illness, but I truly believe he cares for you."
"What if he gets bored, Dolly? What if in a few months he realizes he wants a bride and a child? These types of relationships rarely last long. The thrill of secrecy and meeting under the cover of night... It can grow tiring and boring. What if he realizes the only thing he felt for him was just... a rush, or lust even? I cannot deal with another heartbreak, Dolly." (Y/N) shook his head, feeling his eyes begin to water. "I- I cannot."
"My darling, you've let the doubts plague your mind. Miss Edwina would not have called off a wedding hosted by Her Majesty if she did not believe Anthony loved you. I know you're afraid... Heartbreak is terrifying. But how will you know if you don't take risks? Take it from someone who did not take a chance on the one she loved... and now spends most days wondering what could've been." Dolly squeezed his hands once more. 
(Y/N) wiped away the tear trailing down his cheek with his shoulder and sniffled. Dolly was right, that he knew. He couldn't let fear guide him forever. He had to trust himself and his heart. He had to trust Anthony and his words. He had seen something in Anthony had Somerset House, something that had pulled him toward the Bridgerton.
(Y/N) looked forward and bit back the smile toying on his lips, clearing his throat softly. “Is the painting to your liking, My Lord?” (Y/N) asked, seeing him turn to look at him out of the corner of his eye. (Y/N) kept his gaze on the painting and smiled fondly at the memories it came with. The painting was of Primrose Hill at sunset; when the sun would cast lovely shades of soft pink and warm orange against the shimmering water.
“It is quite lovely, Mr. Granville. I don’t believe we’ve ever been acquainted, have we?”
“We have not, I’m afraid. Lovely to meet you, Lord Bridgerton.”
“Please, call me Anthony, I insist.” (Y/N) turned to look at him and felt his skin lightly flush. As handsome as the ladies made him out to be, but he had a past of being arrogant and belittling. 
“It’s impressive how much talent you posses at the mere age of..”
“Five and twenty, My Lord.”
(Y/N) had been so unprepared for what would happen over the course of a couple of months. But the more (Y/N) thought about his time spent with the Bridgerton, the more he realized that he wouldn't change a thing if he could go back. Even if it meant having to go through heartache once more because of Anthony. Even if it meant disobeying his father again and being the source of his disappointment. 
"I suppose... We'll see how he truly feels." (Y/N) smiled at Dolly. She smiled widely and brought him in for a hug, sighing softly as she rubbed his back. She pulled back, giving his shoulders a squeeze.
"The Featheringtons are hosting a ball-"
"The Featheringtons?"
"Yes, I know, shocking. But, I heard they've invited everyone, including the Bridgertons and Sharmas. While the chances of Lord Bridgerton attending are low, if he does, you'll be able to speak with him." Dolly told him, running her hands down his arms. "If you're feeling well, perhaps we can convince your parents to allow you to go." 
"It'll be a battle, for sure." (Y/N) laughed softly, smiling as he leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers. 
"Thank you. For everything you've done for me, Dolly." (Y/N) whispered. "You do not get nearly as much credit as you deserve." 
"Being part of this family is enough for me." Dolly smiled, pulling back and cupping his cheek. Her eyes watered and she chuckled softly. "You are the child I never got to have." She added, voice cracking toward the never of her sentence. A life filled serving the Granville family and she spent half of it raising a child. Dolly was a mother just as much as Lucy. They all knew that.
Sighing breathily, Dolly stood up and collected the dirty dishes on the nightstand, giving him one last smile before she left the room, greeting Lucy and Henry quietly as she walked past them. The two entered the bedroom and Henry lit the candle on the nightstand as Lucy took a seat on the bed.
"It's shameful for me to say that I did not realize certain things until I stood in this room and wondered if I'd ever see your eyes again." Lucy began, cupping her hands on her lap and staring forward. (Y/N) leaned back into the pillows, glancing between his parents silently. Lucy inhaled and turned toward her son. 
"I failed you... As a mother, I failed you in every aspect. I was so caught up in wanting to be like the other mothers of the ton that I realized... I wasn't necessarily ready for a child. I felt as if I needed to prove I was as much a woman as the rest of them by having a child and in the end, I barely know you. I don't remember your first steps or your first words. I don't remember which lessons you excelled at as a child or which ones you had difficulties with. I- I... I have... no excuses. I made a choice when I approached Henry about having a child. I made a choice when I didn't play with you or when I didn't bring you around to the houses of my friends so you could play with their kids. I'd be lying if I said I had a role in the man you are today. And I am so sorry that I didn't try harder. That I didn't put you first above all else. I failed you, I admit that to you. And I hope that you forgive me, even if I don't deserve it. I was selfish and you deserved better." Lucy pressed her lips together and wiped her runny nose, the tears slipping from her cheeks and onto her nightgown.
"I forgive you." (Y/N) murmured, feeling his own warm tears coat his cheeks in wetness. It'd taken twenty-five years for him to receive an apology for his treatment, for his childhood, for the gaping hole in his heart wishing to be filled. While part of him wanted to hold onto the anger and bitterness, the relief of finally being seen and acknowledged washed those feelings away. Lucy gently took his hand into her own and held it, sniffling softly.
"I love you, dearest." She smiled and stood, releasing his hand. Lucy gently patted her husband's arm and made her way out of the room, leaving father and son alone. Henry remained standing beside the nightstand, fiddling with his fingers and avoiding his sons' gaze. He sighed softly, running his finger over his wedding ring.
"I owe you an apology as well. I wasn't the father you needed, I realized this much earlier than Lucy and attempted to make up for it by trying to protect you. I ran from you and from my responsibilities when you were born. I traveled to distract myself from my duties as a father and then... When I saw you were just a little kid... Just a little being in need of me and your mother, I... I tried to do better. I taught you what I could and tried to shield you from society but..." Henry swallowed and shook his head, lifting his gaze to look at his son. 
"I also failed you and when I realized it, I grew angry at myself. I was never disappointed in you. You're young and you'll make mistakes. I was afraid of what that could mean and forgot that I was once in your shoes trying to make sense of myself and trying to figure out what love was. I should've done better. I should've listened to you more. For that, I am so sorry." 
"All I ever wanted was for you and Mother to love me... And I know you do, but it feels good to finally get an apology after years of wondering if I was just asking for too much."
"You were never asking for too much, (Y/N). You were a child who needed his parents. We love you, no matter what you choose to do."
                      ꕤ         ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ
(Y/N) felt guilty admitting he hadn't been expecting much from the Featheringtons. Sure, he knew Lady Featherington wouldn't have wanted anything less than perfection, but considering the turbulent year they'd had combined with the new Lord Featherington, he figured they would've waited for next year to host a ball. Though, he supposed, the Featheringtons were always full of surprises. The room had been lightly decorated but the food and refreshment tables were worth salivating over. Of course, the most eye-catching thing they had must've been the stand where the musicians played. (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder if they were dizzy, especially considering the fact it actively rotated.
"Ah, it is a pleasure to see you are alright, Mr. Granville. It is quite kind of you to join us after spending so long bedridden. I do hope you're feeling better." What she truly meant was; I hope you didn't come while still ill. No matter how hard she tried, Lady Featherington had always been easier to read than most. Nonetheless, (Y/N) smiled.
"Thank you for your concern, Lady Featherington. I'm feeling quite alright." He assured and she relaxed, nodding and addressing his mother. Lucy glanced back at him as she left his side to chat with their hostess. It was a mystery how women could so easily pretend to enjoy each other's company. 
Looking away from the two women, he spotted Kate and Edwina standing side by side, having what appeared to be a pleasant conversation. (Y/N) hummed and smiled. They'd finally put the betrayal behind them, it seemed. (Y/N) began making his way toward them and chuckled when Kate's face lit up at the sight of him. She looked stunning in her orange bejeweled dress and perfectly done hair. 
"Oh, how good it is to see you. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to catch you before I left."
"You're still leaving for India?"
"I'm afraid so." Kate nodded with an apologetic frown. "But, fret not. I promise I'll continue writing to you." Kate's frown turned into a playful smile and she glanced at Edwina, looping her arm around hers. Edwina smiled in return and glanced toward the dancefloor, getting a sudden twinkle in her eye. 
"How about a dance, Kate?" She questioned, wasting no time pulling her onto the dancefloor alongside the unsuspecting couples. (Y/N) chuckled as he watched them, almost missing the person staring at him from across the room. Anthony Bridgerton. Anthonys' gaze softened significantly and he leaned over to whisper something to his mother before slowly making his way around the room. (Y/N) turned his attention back onto the sisters, watching Anthony from the corner of his eye until the Bridgerton stood right beside him. The two remained silent, even after the dance ended and another began. 
"It's good to see you on your feet."
"It's good to be on my feet." (Y/N) smiled, turning his head to look at him. Anthonys' shoulders deflated as he exhaled softly, eyes scanning his face, almost as if making sure (Y/N) looked okay. 
"I can't imagine the fright you must've had. I apologize for the inconvenience."
"There's no need." Anthony dismissed quickly, shaking his head. "I assure you... There's no need to apologize. I am simply glad to know you are well."
"You've always been such a good friend to me, Anthony. Even going as far to play doctor for a day." (Y/N) teased lightly, chuckling when a grin broke out on Anthonys' face.
"Yes, well... I must admit I think I did a pretty decent job at it."
"Ah, did you now?" (Y/N) raised his brows and shifted his body toward him, crossing his arms. Anthony laughed softly and nodded, cocking his head.
"Don't believe me?" He raised his hand and held up two fingers. "How many?"
"Two." (Y/N) answered, only for Anthony to turn his hand and lift another finger in the process so there were three fingers instead. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and smiled widely, looking back toward the dancefloor as couples began to get into position.
"Mr. Granville, would you like to dance?" Anthony asked and (Y/N) blinked, turning his head to look back at him. He furrowed his brows, glancing toward the other guests around them.
"What are you talking about?"
"Right here, right now. Would you do me the honor?" (Y/N)s' lips parted as he stared at Anthony. Not a shred of doubt on his face. He swallowed. Could they really get in trouble for merely dancing? 
"You can say no if you-"
"I'll dance." (Y/N) breathed and nodded. Anthony smiled once more and offered him his hand, pulling him onto the dancefloor when he took it. He could feel the gazes of everyone in the room shift onto them, whispering and murmuring erupting from the guests. The music began playing and (Y/N) took Anthonys' other hand, following along with the dance, even as the other couples glanced back toward them and stopped dancing. 
"Just keep your eyes on me," Anthony whispered, and (Y/N) nodded. But eventually, they weren't alone. (Y/N) glanced over his shoulder at Edwina and Kate as they danced once more, the two sending them a supportive smile. (Y/N) released a breath and looked back at Anthony, feeling less anxious and more confident.
"Why is no one else dancing?" (Y/N) swore his heart skipped a beat as Her Majesty's voice echoed through the room. She didn't care, (Y/N) realized. She didn't care that two men were dancing together in public, in her presence. And when he looked in her direction, he only saw a genuine, pleased smile on her face. The very thing he needed to fully relax and enjoy himself, letting himself be immersed in the dance with Anthony. Taking his hand once more, the two stared into each other's eyes as the music came to a stop and the dance ended. They stepped apart and (Y/N) released his hand as Lady Featherington hurried into the room claiming she had a surprise for everyone waiting outside. (Y/N) turned his head when the Queen stopped beside them, her knowing smile telling them everything they needed to know. She continued on her way, her ladies-in-waiting quickly following after her. Once she had exited, so did the rest of the quests. 
"I'll see you outside." (Y/N) said and turned, joining the crowd as they stepped outside into the garden. He slipped through the crowd and ignored the pointed stares and whispers. He didn't care about the rumors, not anymore. The Queen herself knew and she did not give a damn. So why should he? The people of the ton had and always would be cowards who hid behind their riches and looked down upon others. But (Y/N) had found something genuine and with the Queen's approval at that. 
Chuckling to himself, he found a more secluded spot, away from the others where he could watch whatever surprise Lady Featherington had in store for them. Fireworks, most likely. Or perhaps some singers. (Y/N) inhaled the fresh night air and looked up at the sky. Peace, at last. 
"You must really love to play cat and mouse, Mr. Granville." 
"It's my favorite game." (Y/N) responded and turned to face Anthony, watching him approach. Anthony smirked and nodded, drawing closer until they were face to face.
"I was told what you planned to do once you reached my grandfathers' estate." (Y/N) revealed softly and Anthonys' face fell. "I'll admit, I had my doubts but... If it's true.."
"Yes, everything was true. I love you, and it has taken me far too long to tell you. I've loved you since the day you walked into my life and smiled at me. I love everything about you. I love your passion, your talent, and your kindness. You are everything I want in a person, in a lover, in a spouse. While we wouldn't be married in the eyes of the church and on paper, we would be married to our family and friends. The people who truly matter. You do not have to say yes-" (Y/N) leaned in as the fireworks were lit and set off into the sky, illuminating the two as the guests cheered and watched the fireworks in awe. 
Pulling back and chuckling softly at the lovestruck look on his face, (Y/N) smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. "You may be an insufferable bastard sometimes... But my answer will always be yes." He cooed and Anthony smiled widely, leaning into his palm and placing a delicate kiss on his wrist. (Y/N) felt his heart warm and he turned his head to look up at the fireworks, resting his head against Anthonys' chest when he pulled him closer. 
                      ꕤ         ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ       ꕤ
(Y/N) shivered, feeling fingers dancing up his spine. He buried his face further into the pillow, hearing Anthony snicker. The bed shifted as Anthony scooted closer to him, pressing soft kisses along his shoulders and up his neck until he reached his ear. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile.
"You must get up, (Y/N). Everyone's waiting for us. Besides, don't you want to see your surprise?" He cooed into his ear, gently nipping his earlobe. (Y/N) squeaked and released a muffled laugh, raising a hand up to his ear and rolling over onto his back, face scrunching up when the sun hit his eyes. Anthony smiled and leaned down, greeting his husband with a kiss. (Y/N) melted, hands gently cupping Anthonys' face. 
"Good morning, my love," Anthony murmured, swooping down to pepper airy kisses to his neck.
"I thought you said we had to go?" (Y/N) laughed softly and pushed him back by his shoulders, lifting his brows up at him. Anthony shrugged innocently and grinned.
"Yes, but I'm sure they can wait a little while longer." 
"Mhm, come on." (Y/N) shook his head, lightly pecking the tip of Anthonys' nose and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He heard Anthony groan softly and glanced back at him, snorting when Anthony dramatically collapsed back onto the bed, sprawled out and with a pout on his face. (Y/N) collected his clothes from the floor and set them in a pile for the maids to take before he searched for a new set of clothes, getting dressed whilst Anthony watched him. 
"Weren't you making a big fuss about my surprise?" (Y/N) questioned, getting some of Anthonys' clothes out and setting them on the bed for him. Anthony sighed heavily and dragged himself out of bed, picking up his shirt and leaning over to give him another kiss before he got dressed as well. 
"Give me a hint."
"Please?" (Y/N) pouted, arms wrapping around Anthonys' waist but the Viscount shook his head, one arm wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him toward the door. (Y/N) huffed softly and leaned his head back onto Anthonys' shoulder. The two walked down the halls of Aubrey Hall; the very place they'd had their loving ceremony. Anthony had kept (Y/N) occupied for days, refusing to leave the bed unless absolutely necessary. A new yet welcomed side to Anthony. 
Heading down the stairs, (Y/N) nodded to one of the servants as they opened the doors for the couple. (Y/N) cringed and shut his eyes when the sun greeted them, taking a moment to adjust to the brightness before he peered down at the people below. The Bridgertons and Granvilles awaited them, along with three new figures. (Y/N) furrowed his brows and squinted at the familiar purple dress, only to gasp and smile widely, detaching himself from Anthony and practically flying down the stairs.
"(Y/N)!" Kate squealed, releasing a surprised laugh when she was picked up, arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders as he spun her in a circle. (Y/N) gently set her back down and pulled back, looking back toward the amused Anthony.
"Was this your surprise?"
"I rallied the Sharmas after hearing how much the two of you missed each other," Anthony responded cooly, looking rather proud of himself as he placed his hands on his hips and grinned at them. Kate rolled her eyes and scoffed lightly, leaning in slightly.
"He hardly did anything." She whispered, leaning back and crossing her arms. 
"I believe that." (Y/N) laughed and turned to look at Lady Sharma and Edwina, greeting the two of them with smiles. Anthony slithered his arms around (Y/N)s' waist and pulled him back against his chest, looking back at his siblings as they raced to grab their favorite mallets. Edwina and Kate laughed, looping their arms together and retrieving their own mallets as the parents took their seats a safe distance away. Anthony pressed a kiss to his cheek and reached for the black mallet, only for (Y/N) to scoop it up, leaving him with the baby blue one. Anthony squinted at (Y/N) and shook his head, taking the last mallet and facing his family. 
Daphne smiled wickedly, swinging her mallet over her shoulder and placing her hand on her hip. "Who's ready to lose again?" A chorus of protests erupted from the crowd and (Y/N) chuckled, turning his head to look at Anthony.
"Hey, Anthony?"
"I love you."
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starriislxt · 4 months
bridgerton requests will be closing tomorrow!
i'm so happy for the amount of requests i received for this fandom, thank you everyone who sent something in!! i decided that i'll be closing it tmrw so i can catch up so make sure to send in your request before it closes. currently accepting requests for: anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, daphne bridgerton, eloise bridgerton, kate bridgerton, penelope featherington + simon basset.
if anyone has any ideas for these characters please feel free to send them in! if you ever need help coming up with ideas you can always read my rules and see what tropes and topics I write for (and to see what I don’t write). i can’t wait to see your requests!
send requests here : rules here!
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denim-devil · 2 years
Hi, 🌄 morning sex head canon for Anthony Bridgeton? Maybe with ftm reader (if you write for ftm reader that is if not you can just do male reader) where they are married? 🤷🏽
Morning sex 🌄
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After a very successful season, Anthony found himself in a perfect predicament, you were wrapped up in his arms tightly and he was never letting you go, not again, the golden band that glimmered underneath the morning sun proved that to be right.
Shuffling lightly, you awake to a pair of dark hazel eyes, immediately a sloppy smile broke out on your face before pushing up into his plush lips. It was soft yet careless, not that it bothered the two of you and your tangled bodies.
Anthony coaxed you backwards into the sheets, pulling away, he smiles knowing your all his, just his.
He mumbles breathlessly, eager to unravel his very thoughts, all containing you. He often thought about this, maybe that was unreasonable, especially once in public but he couldn’t help knowing you would reflect his want.
Relaxing into the soft fabric of the thick winter sheets, parting your legs, you give Anthony enough space to slot in easily, enough for him which resulted in your body being folded slightly, thighs bumping into your stomach.
Dipping down, he pecks you on the lips, something quick and forward to keep you occupied whilst he stripped the white underwear that clung to his growing bulge, a hard thud rippling against his sculpted stomach.
“Now that your legally mine…I can’t help but think-“
Cutting him off with a wiggle of your hips, it inevitably catches him off guard, his appendage jumping at the contact of your skin.
You sense the impatient dripping from Anthony’s body which matched the now fully hard erection he sported against your outer thighs. Stilling, your hands reach up to bury in his thick brunette locks, forcefully tugging him down into a longing kiss.
His tongue effortlessly entered your maw, rolling against your own. Regularly skipping breakfast, Anthony couldn’t help but let his hunger take control over him, the leaking tip of his prick rubbing up against the soft skin of your pucker.
Anthony often craved the close contact you now shared. Every single time he manages to lose himself somehow, even if for a minute he can only describe the feeling as blissful, reeling in your after-glow.
Breaking the kiss short, you murmur his name like a pray, hopeful that shortly he would enter the only place he liked to claim as “home”.
“Can’t help but think what…my lord?”
The nickname in itself had Anthony audibly half grunt, half scoff, but you could feel him twitch against your entrance. Pushing himself a little further, you greedily accept the tip of him raw, arms wrapping around his muscular back, holding him close.
His jaw runs slack, a low groan suggesting just how much he needed this, you. The continuous dribbling of pre helped ease the next couple of inches into you. His girth alone had your nails scraping along his arched back, up and down, back and forth.
It didn’t take long for Anthony to take the initiative, fully sheathing himself inside of your now stretched entrance, his balls heavily resting atop of your soft globes of flesh.
Both stilling, you hold your thoughts, a set of harmonious moans rejoicing together.
“Yes?” He panted softly.
“Move- please, I need you”
You didn’t have to ask twice.
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mordredisacoolname · 7 months
Guide: (M)- male reader, (GN)- gn reader, 🔥- N/SFW, P- male bodied reader, V- female bodied reader, O- both readers, (if none of it means it's not mentioned)
Falling in love with a male reader (Anthony, Benedict, Colin) (M)
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