#answered: toonsupe
✉: Any RPers the Mun admires.
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
✤: Favorite kind of food.
☂: Favorite kind of weather.
✉: Any RPers the Mun admires.
I have a few, and you are one of them! Also, @ycllowhaired, @viagothedandy, and @therelentless . I read EVERYTHING they write pretty much. And of course my absolute favorite, my best friend, the Spook to my boo, the mac to my cheese, the Sean to my Norman, the Eddie to my Chrissy: @lettherebemonsters
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
Am I allowed to say everything? Her resiliency. The fact that she was at her absolute possible lowest, and she came out of it with a determination to see the best in things, to be soft and kind and gentle, and to love the world.
✤: Favorite kind of food.
If it has chicken, I will most likely eat it. My main diet is comprised of chicken tacos, chicken wings, chicken fettuccine, and chicken curry.
☂: Favorite kind of weather.
I love cloudy rainy weather so much. I love curling up with a book, Matchbox Twenty playing, and rain on my window. THAT is heaven.
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divinamour · 1 year
@toonsupe​, gives her a bouquet of flowers. they were white, but they’re red now because he stole them off of a dead person. it’s the sentiment that counts!
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She takes the flowers softly, tenderly. They smell like iron, like conflict, tinged with adrenaline. Yes, adrenaline. Odorless to most, but not to her. She knows the chemical composition of the mortal body, and she can taste the raised spike of adrenaline that comes when a mortal sees their death coming, but can not avoid it.
    “You’re very kind, my love.” Lifting the flowers up to her nose, she paid no attention to the few drops of essence that stain her blouse and on down to her shoes. She took a warm, eye-closing sniff, and she smiled. 
    “Thank you! I’ll be sure to put these in water as soon as I get the chance.”
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killsupe-arch · 2 years
@toonsupe : [  spar  ]  sender pins receiver down in a practice fight *
this is how rabbits must feel when they're staring right at a wolf's mouth, a simple-minded creature that has no concept of dying, but is afraid of it anyway— hughie feels his heartbeat on his neck, a jittery thing like a knot that does not keep his breathing from jumping, and the whole thing could be absolutely ridiculous if he stopped to think about it for more than a second : he had insisted, really, because being prepared against a supe was the smart thing to do, and learning some fighting skills had been on his list ever since he'd joined butcher and his weird little band, but perhaps he should've started with an easier subject. he imagines kimiko would have been less than thrilled but she'd accept anyway, and a practiced fight with annie probably would end up as anything except that— but at least the two of them didn't inspire such a base, earnest terror from him when all was said and done.
noir is not going to kill him, hughie is aware of this— if the man wanted him gone, there is no doubt in his mind that he would be gone and there was nothing anyone could do about it. it doesn't mean that, beyond the drawings and the amicable moments of quiet among them that hughie wants very bad to consider bonding, black noir does not remain to be the most terrifying of the seven's supes. it's the mask, he concludes, it has to be. hughie struggles for a scary few seconds with the fact that this would be it, that everything he's fought so hard for is about to be for nothing because you cannot play pretend with a supe, much less someone as dangerous as noir.
still, he trashes against it— tries his hardest to get out from underneath him and when the nice, trained way he's been practicing doesn't work he attempts to take a bite of his arm. his mouth hurts, teeth not even leaving a scratch on the armor. oh, that's fucked up. “ fine, fine! you win, ” hughie taps the ground sharply, one, two times; resisting the urge to tap a thousand more as if to make a point. the agreement was two. “ get off of me, you... fucker. ” and he laughs, even when his unsteady breath catches at his throat and makes the words come out squeaky and uneven. it really is fucking ridiculous.
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eschiver · 1 year
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DIMENSION NO.   ...   UNKNOWN. CONTACT   ...   BLACK NOIR. IDENTIFICATION   ...   @toonsupe​ NEW MESSAGE   ...    ∗ 79﹕ sender  creeps  up  behind  receiver  to  scare  them .
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        thousands of universes, thousands of times he’s been in danger and yet, scaring the shit out of him is as easy as startling a baby. one second, he’s alone and the next this big, imposing bastard is breathing right over his fucking shoulder. kennedy jumps damn near a foot into the air, a short scream of FUCKING SHIT! spilling forth, before whirling around, lips pursed in annoyance. thin hand reaches out, fingers splayed wide as they gesture towards him, nearly poking his chest - not in any threatening way, just sort of hanging in the air between them, a sort of ‘listen here,’ gesture.
     ❝   man -    ❞   like he isn’t even sure what to say, mouth opening then closing then opening again.   ❝  don’t - don’t fuckin’ do that to me, dude.    ❞
         and then an imperceptible mumble   :   you need a fuckin’ bell.
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exspiritment · 1 year
@toonsupe asked for: four headcanons
HARRIS. idek how much you know about harris but he’s spirit’s evil older brother and i’ve decided noir kills him. 
FIRST MEETING. i like to think they still meet at a drugs bust, but spirit is on vought’s side? and that’s why she survives? like, spirit quickly informs on other dealers to give vought an easy victory and to save her own skin. noir sees how small and scared she is, playing these games for much bigger people, and he takes a liking to her.
LANGUAGE. spirit does teach him how to sign. she is not the best or most patient teacher, so his understanding is rudimentary, but it’s there. 
QUALITY TIME. they like to play games, including chess and monopoly. when theyre apart, they play games on their phones to stay in touch. 
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kingsmanne · 1 year
happy new year! while we haven’t properly interacted for long I still feel that you have become a staple of my dash in that time. the way you explain your headcanons is so detailed and clear, so informative to Anne who is already well-developed off of the bat!! it’s been a long time since I’ve indulged in a Kingsman movie but I might just to better understand her universe. I hope you have a fantastic year and I can’t wait to get to know your character even more. 🖤
this is such an incredibly kind message and it made me so happy to read this from you! you are genuinely such a fantastic writer who beautifully portrays noir's world view and state of mind with all its challenges as both a character and medium. so a compliment like that means a lot of coming from you. i also can't wait to interact more in the coming time and i'm super excited to see you on the dash!
also watching kingsman (again) bc of anne? legit the biggest compliment!
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rubiesintherough · 2 years
∗ 1o﹕ sender  wields  a  [ knife ]  at  receiver . @ Peggy! spooky ghost encounters??
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This had to be the most exciting thing that’d happened in the house in a long time, and Peggy couldn’t be happier.  For the past couple months, she’d had to watch this place she loved ransacked, remodeled, and restructured into a crime den. All attempts at scaring them off were pointless... none of them could see her, and everything else she tried --- knocking shit over, opening and slamming doors, sending her whispers echoing through the halls --- were all written off with a   “ yeah, that’s weird, get back to work ” ... much to her growing frustration. 
So, when the door got kicked in and sent the goons scattering, she couldn’t help pumping her fist in the air. Yelled,  “ Get ‘em! Kick their asses! “    from her spot in the corner, with the enthusiasm of someone watching their favorite sports team score. Didn’t know who these new guys were coming in, and she frankly didn’t care. So long as they got rid of these assholes... And, in her opinion, the excitement was over way too soon. As the last of the unwelcome tenants were rounded up, she saw them off with a lively showing of flipping them a double bird, then shrugged her shoulders and figured that was it.  
Didn’t expect to hear somebody loitering behind. Big guy in a dark mask, who seemed to be looking right at her, in fact... Peggy’s brow scrunched and she peered over her shoulder, positive he must’ve been looking at something behind her. But, when she glanced back, there was a knife in his hands. And, yeah, he was definitely looking at her. The spirit’s hand shot up, shoving a finger into her own chest, a  “ who me? “  gesture of befuddled confusion. 
             “ You stabbing that thing my way? ‘Cause, if you are, I have a whole bunch of questions... starting with, 1. hold the entire phone, you can see me? “ 
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nonempyreal · 2 years
@toonsupe asks:
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
No mother ever dreams that her daughter's gonna grow up to be a junkie / No mother ever dreams that her daughter's gonna grow up to sleep alone
From the song Thrash Unreal by Against Me!, I think this lyric captures the feeling between Haven and her birth mother. She had wanted a child, but what she ended up giving birth to was not her desired result. The circumstances surrounding Haven's birth, including the genetic experimentation to create her, brought unforseen stress and complications into her life that led her to despise her own child and eventually cut ties to her. The path that Haven's life takes as a result of being rejected by the one person who was supposed to love her unconditionally is one of turmoil and sadness, filled with disappointment and regrets that add onto her mother's initial disappointment and regret.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
Seek therapy!!!
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Haven practically never eats meals at her dining room table and opts to sit on the floor in front of the TV instead, mostly because her table is covered in projects and other stuff, but also because her foster parents never allowed her to sit with the family during meals -- so sitting at a table now just feels like she's doing something Wrong.
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dcredevill · 2 years
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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fferal-archive · 2 years
@toonsupe​​ sent a meme: [ GROUP ] for both our muses to wake up,  bound and about to be tortured.
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He wakes with a slow ramp of in-and-out consciousness, head on fire. Not literally, thankfully, but the annealing hole in it -- through an orbital cavity -- is causing shockwaves of pangs and aches at every other moment.
Never mind the shot-out eye; the bit of brain he’s still working growing back on leaves all his sensory receptors faded, wonky, in patches just like the visual aura playing amidst his choppy vision.
It takes him a moment to even realize he’s bound, the perpetrators clearly knowing about his propensity to come back. It takes him a moment more to realize there’s someone pressing tight along his back.
Wait, no. Their back is to his back. He can’t exactly turn his head to glance, but his broken sense of smell can still figure out who it is.
“Shit, shit,” he slurs, feeling bits of his face flapping as he verbalizes in this dark, dark space. “Stuck with the specimen who can’t even fucking explain to me what happened --”
Another wave of agonizing pain with nausea rips through his everything, and he gags. “I think I’m gonna vomit.”
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🍎 - What is a hobby or interest that they would be distressed over losing access to? I.e a dancer who breaks their leg for months, etc. How would they cope?
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Her piano. As much as she enjoys gardening and baking, if she wasn't able to play piano, she'd be devastated. It was the only thing that gave her even the smallest grip on reality when she was dealing with her depression and struggling with various vices. Playing was the one thing that helped calm her nerves better than anything else, and she believes that the music helps to "keep the monsters at bay" as she suffers from twisted hallucinations that she can't always tell apart from her visions.
The two years that she was institutionalized, she didn't have access to a piano. She struggled for the first year or so, going through withdrawals and more intense visions/hallucinations without the one thing that brought her comfort. The reminder that once she was free she'd have her piano back was the only thing that kept her going, and allowed her to say the right things and convince the staff that she was sane and no longer believed her hallucinations were real.
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sierra6x · 1 year
------from here.
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------pls understand that on my side of the screen i am so awkward and literally always half-zoned out and thinking about like ... r.yan g.osling. i promise there is nothing to be even remotely intimidated about. also ily. also i love noir.
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happy new year! just popping in to say I adore the enthusiasm you have for writing Sarah & making her the most fleshed out she can be. your status posts are always so lovely and warm to see, like a letter in the morning!! it’s impressive how large her story actually is and I feel like I’m always learning something new about her when I check. it’s like seeing how a friend is doing after you’ve not seen them for some time. I hope this year is a great one for you AND her!!
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exspiritment · 2 years
@toonsupe​ said: [ FIVE GIFTS ]  send for five times the receiver tried to give a gift to the sender and the one time they do.
Vought has given Black Noir a birthday. It is not the first year they have done this, but it is the first year Spirit has noticed enough to care. She begins to panic immediately. She rushes for the department store. 
Her first instinct — crayons? No, it’s fucking, like, it’s stupid, it’s pedantic, it’s patronizing. She shakes her head at herself in the arts and crafts aisle, furious that the thought ever crossed her mind. 
And second, she thinks — colored pencils? Yes! Now we’re motherfucking talking. They’re refined, sophisticated — they’ll give Noir’s communication an emotional edge, a flourish, a je ne sais quoi. She’s so convinced of their brilliance that she realizes - FUCK. He already fucking has some! She abandons the arts and crafts aisle, because,
third of all, obviously he wants a knife. She peruses the kitchen aisles, the hardware aisles, even the outdoors section. Nothing calls to her — no, not even when she goes to that fucked up area with all the BB guns and camouflage. There’s nothing he doesn’t already have or wouldn’t laugh at. 
So the fourth thought that comes to mind is — nothing! He wants nothing. He must want nothing. He visits Spirit the day after his birthday, and maybe he expects something or maybe he doesn’t, but Spirit gives him a rice cake with frosting and whipped cream. And that is it. She does not even say happy birthday. Shit, they’re just sharing a midnight snack.
The fifth time, Spirit finally gets it right. Even though they’re closer to her birthday than his — it’s Halloween weekend, and the date on her forged passport says October 31st—Spirit has a gift prepared. She presents him with matching bunny masks for them both. They’re a bit eerie, a bit Donnie Darko — with teeth and everything — but one can hardly notice details like that when you’re putting the mask over Black Noir’s helmet. 
Spirit steps back and grins, quite fucking pleased.
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kingsmanne · 1 year
gladiolus :   describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget .
I mean, I could cheat and write about that one event, but honestly? There are many memorable events in Anne's life, so just to pick one-
Getting her first suit.
It's one thing having Arthur shake your hand and calling you by your codename, but the reality for Anne only set in, when she, after the fittings with her proud mentor present, could put on her first bespoke suit. Charcoal grey wool with stripes, navy regimental tie with pale pink and brown stripes; as most agents wear them. I think it's only then when she looked at herself in the mirror, looking at herself in armour, the pale face of a girl that wasn't even 21, that she knew that she had succeeded. And wearing it the first time when she sat down at the Round Table, it was something that's burnt into her memory. She was now part of Kingsman. She was worth something.
source: BOTANICAL ASKS (accepting) // @toonsupe
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rubiesintherough · 2 years
‘a moment of weakness’  w Mahia!  //  11. Your muse is being kept hostage and mine has just rescued them.
@toonsupe​ // prompt
It was a matter of pure coincidence she’d seen them at all. A break in the trees just wide enough for her to catch sight of the movement from above as she passed, and to see them dragging him along. There was no debate in her mind. In an instant, she’d turned, streaming toward the ground and landing silent as a falling feather... and slinked her way behind the abductors and their captive. 
Stealth came naturally as her --- now held --- breath. Years of practice made a master of the healer, and she crept like a shadow through the door still slightly ajar, and down the hall. Only a moment’s pause until the captor’s turned and left their prisoner alone in a cramped cell.
She didn’t know what’d happened. But, she didn’t need to. There was proof enough in the way they’d treated this man, in the way his movements seemed sluggish --- drugged, she knew --- for Mahia to understand she needed to help him escape. So, quick work was made of the locks, and her hand reached forward, toward him, slowly, tentative... careful not to frighten him in his addled state. 
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         “ Come with me... please. I will help you out of this place.  ---- Take my hand and lean on me. “   Her voice was nothing above a whisper, worried any sound might alert those responsible for this. 
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