#another one i'll fully outline and possibly never write LOL
imunbreakabledude · 16 days
a smattering of maeveannie concepts...
i was thinking about my post the other night where i talked about how i have trouble imagining maeveannie in a more long term relationship, or outside of a big plot arc that tracks similarly to the plot of the show (i.e. fighting homelander/vought together).
it remains nigh impossible for me to picture an AU where they're totally outside of this context, because... the fact that they are the heroes Queen Maeve and Starlight, and Maeve having been a precursor/idol for Annie, feel like such key parts of their dynamic, that if you take that away, they feel like different characters to me.
i still was trying to imagine a version where they meet "outside" of that. like in their off duty time blowing off some steam they both just wanna fuck some women and meet just as maeve and annie, even tho they still ARE supes. this is tough, though, because if their age/positioning is still kept, presumably annie would at least know who maeve is, and maeve wouldn't be able to have much of a casual private life if she's already famous. but maaaaybe an AU where like, queen maeve has some top secret inner circle or club where she has a selection of women who are pre-vetted for secrecy brought to her for trysts. and annie is selected and they hook up and annie's not too famous at this point like maybe christian supe fans/midwesterners know her but the majority of the population would not recognize her outside of costume (or even in costume). so maeve fucks her and has no idea she's a supe, like maeve is so used to holding back her strength when fuckin normies that she doesn't even necessarily feel a difference w annie (also she's probably drunk+high as fuck). but imagine her SURPRISE when annie joins the seven just a few weeks/months later......!
ok. that's one.
I also have been thinking about the notion of an AU where Maeve never got with Elena, because as I wrote about before, that relationship is so important to me (emotionally) but also to my conception of Maeve that in any maeveannie AU i am always thinking about like - well, where's elena, why is maeve not still hung up on her? and I've already written versions where maeve just Moves On (or Elena moves on lol). but for the sake of imagining it, what WOULD an AU where Maeve never met Elena look like...? I mean. I think she'd still have some hookups w women on the DL but possibly have even more fear/shame around queerness... like the idea of maeve and annie somehow getting together if NEITHER of them has ever done a real Relatinoship with a woman before, it's... well it's different. harder to picture
that could maybe overlap, though, with an idea i had like YEARS ago, mainly for shitpost's sake....
imagine an AU where annie beats maeve to coming out. like they're both in the seven and annie is closeted but aware she is queer and has been for some time, but hasn't come out due to pressure from her mom/her religious branding. but maybe she decides to come out publicly in her big speech at the believe expo. and it's still huge fallout with her community and w vought yeah just like in the show. but then there's also maeve quietly FURIOUS because like. how dare she. how DARE the new girl beat her to the punch, not like she was ever PLANNING to come out while in the seven, but still, if anyone was GOING to, it should be HER, and also this new girl deciding to be "open" about it after like a month in the group makes maeve feel like she's done something wrong by hiding it, like she's not brave or liberated enough or whatever.... this could very easily spiral into your classic "closeted bully picks on out and proud hero until one day shoving turns into violent kissing" AU lmao. but if i were to actually write it i'd want to give it a lil more depth than that. but also yeah this DOES intrigue me a bit as I've written annie's queerness different ways before (the 'oh i never thought about it too much before but yeah I guess I do like women!' bi vibe, as well as the 'ohhh deep down i knew for a long time but compulsory heterosexuality stopped me from realizing it' lesbian vibe), both times w maeve being the 'one' that makes her realize/accept it. and even though that seems the most INTUITIVE way to go about it, given that maeve is the Canon Queer character and annie is not... on the other hand, by their respective personalities and positions in the universe, it is fun and kind of makes sense to imagine that annie, coming of age half-a-generation later, at a time when LGTBTQ acceptance and visibility was rapidly increasing, would hypothetically come to accept her queerness at a younger age... and not only that, but with her personality being a lot more unapologetic/righteous/making a "stand" about things than maeve, i do think an annie who KNOWS she is queer would probably want to be out within her supe persona and be that Representation for others. Additionally, coming in as the 2nd woman in the seven, she's not already bearing the weight of that "first" so it might feel mentally easier to take on the "first queer" label... yeah, this concept intrigues me, even if it feels a bit unusual at first.
alsooooo in the "annie comes out" AU you just have to imagine madelyn's reaction like she defo knows about Maeve of course she does and has subtly pressured her to stay in the closet over the years so she's like fuck now i have TWO of them and also Fuck bc she surely picked the christian virgin-ass girl thinking "this is one girl that Maeve surely won't have a Thing with" and then realizes not only does she have to deal with an unplanned queer hero but also will have to deal with maeve having an emotional meltdown about her own identity + an emotional meltdown from surely falling in love with this girl lolol
(that angle ALSO appeals to me because previously in maeveannie fics i've had, madelyn hasn't had much relevance. and I loveeeeee writing about madelyn in relation to maeve, yall know that, but even tho her dynamic with annie is less Vitally important, I still think it's soooooo interesting, particularly how she could be positioned between the two of them, how annie can more naturally/easily see Madelyn as an enemy/obstacle, whereas for Maeve it's.... COMPLICATED, and yeah, now i'm imagining this AU where madelyn is trying to puppeteer/manipulate both annie and maeve in different ways at once, in a very gay very Women™ version of how she puppeteers maeve & homelander simultaneously in [my vision of] the canon universe....!)
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lunarleonardo · 3 months
hihi!!! :D fanfic author to another fanfic author hehe
i’ve read all of your drv3 fanfics and they are very intriguing, in canon characterizations, plot driven stories that make me very happy to read and look forward for more! (abso love trans shuichi hc too aaa)
i was wondering if you make pre-planned outlines for your fanfics or do you go straight into writing and planning it as you go? i’m struggling in finding a fitting method myself to write my fanfics because i often jump straight into writing, but that got me stumped in my writings at times. asking for advice because i really love your compelling writing style but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to :D!
First of all... Hi! :D Thank you so much!! I do my best <3 💕
Second... Oh boy, I sure do have a process xD (this might be a long post but I like yapping and overexplaining so bear with me qwq)
if you don't want to read it all though, the shorter answer is: Kind of? I don't fully plan it out, but I don't always totally wing it. I take notes and I build off of important scenes, and then I jump in and hope for the best lol
When I first decide I want to write something with intent to post it, I create a document soley for *notes*. Theres a few things I note before and when writing.
1. I replay/rewatch the canon game and take notes on everything I possibly can. For example! I'm replaying DRV3 chapter 5 (cus i, unfortunately, had an idea q_q). I note down what I see as important or what really stands out to me :) Hell, sometimes I'll even "transcript" down canon dialogue! For example, this is what some of my notes look like (ss1 is taken from my drv3 c5 notes, ss2 is taken from my blue eyes notes):
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2. Little things matter. When starting my notes, I often write down the date I started and the basic synopsis of what the story will be about. I try to think of a name for the fic later because my #1 weakness is naming things >.> ... But also! Writing down the important details of your story is suuuper helpful, because you don't want to lose track of stuff like that!! It can prevent accidental retconning, unnecessary repetitions, and stuff like that 'cause i ran out of examples... Oh well. Here's a screenshot of the start of my notes for Motive 5 (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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3. Believe it or not... i don't always plan ahead. I write a lot of my fics with one or more certain scenes in mind, and then I blink and there's suddenly a 7k word document in front of me and Oh Fuck I accidentally made a whole fanfic on that one idea. It happens more than you'd think. Using Motive 5 as an example again, there were a few scenes I had in mind when I was first writing! I don't remember what order they came to me in, but a few significant ones I fell asleep to was Shuichi losing his hand, Hajime and Maki facing off, Nagito and Shuichi meeting after the Coffin Puzzle, and the aftermath of Shuichi's "punishment" (PS. did you know he was originally gonna be tortured with sound? then i wanted to hang him from the ceiling periodically, but i gave that up for the "detention" theme.) this one is getting long but when it comes to planning, I always build off of important scenes in my mind. "How can I make this happen?" "What do I do to make this/these character(s) react like this?" or, my favorite... "What can I do to totally fuck up these sad gay losers?"
You mentioned you get stumped writing sometimes, and THAT'S OKAY. i do too. Chapter 8 of Fever Frost was a whole ordeal because I realized "wait. Kokichi would never confess his feelings first in this situation??!!!" While planning ahead may certainly help save you from some of those moments, they won't stop it entirely. It does feel really refreshing when you manage to skirt your way around the issue, so really what can you do ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
So yeah, I do kind of plan ahead. I plan MOST of the plot (I didn't even know I was gonna kill someone in Fever Frost at first >.>) and then as you write, stuff tends to tie together and build from there. In my experience, 70% of writing is just "shit kinda happens" xD
This is just how I do it, and it's okay if it doesn't work for you. I'm just the kind of person that will replay an entire game to write a fanfiction (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)I hope this could help a little, though! Good luck on your fics! :3💕
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