#another great case of Babycheeks being right because of course he is
chopperiv · 7 years
Okay, Anusa just followed Zekken’s trail to a hospital (if you’ll recall, Zekken disappeared at the end of the previous episode, and now apparently she hasn’t been online for 3 days. Anusa’s worried about her and is trying to track her down). She got the tip about her being at the hospital because our boy Babycheeks knew that this particular hospital was the only one in Japan testing “Medicuboid”. Okay, but...how exactly did he know that Zekken needed this “Medicuboid” thing? Was that something she told him back during their duel? I can’t remember if we’ve found out what she said to him then or not, but if we have and it wasn’t “I’m at a hospital because I need Medicuboid” then how did he know she needed it?
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