#another drawing of my sona talking to some freak i like
serpentineshine · 17 days
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i want to be as openly neurodivergent as L when i grow up
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Peaches - Section 1: Act 1
Peaches is an original work by ‘iguessitsavery’, also known as Avery. All characters and events in this work are fictional, no matter if they may resemble real life people or events. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021
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Section 1: Act 1
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The sound of the school dismissal bell rang through the town, lively children filing out of the old building with joyful yells and chatter. Some kids walked home, kicking up dirt as they left the schoolyard. Others picked up by their parents, tired and worn down from a full day of work. Some kids didn’t leave, staying until the sun had set over the mountains. A stranger cast a glance over to a few of the children playing in the yard, passing a ball back and forth between the four of themselves. They laughed and passed inaudible words back and forth to each other, wide, cheshire-like grins spread out across their faces. 
The stranger scoffed, returning their attention to the market worker that stood in front of them. The stranger passed over a few coins, watching as the worker counted them up greedily, before handing them a few peaches. “Pleasure doing business with you, friend” the worker spoke gruffly as the stranger stuffed the sweet fruits into their bag, nodding. Without a word, the stranger passed to the next stall, and the next, and the next. Down the street of the market they went, spending the few coins they had collected from the week with caution. 
Soon, the sunset over the horizon behind them as they strolled down the path towards the water. “Fruit, bread, poultry, eggs, vegetables, I should be done…” they spoke quietly and to themselves, crossing each item off the list with the swift mark of a pen. They stored the notepad and pen back into their satchel, preparing to walk off before they heard a commotion. 
“Hmm?” They turned to their left, narrowing their eyes as they landed upon a group of four, no, five kids. ‘Must be the ones from the schoolhouse,’ they thought to themselves, quietly ducking behind a wall. They peered over the side and watched the situation play out before their eyes.
A boy laid helplessly on the ground, he looked around 7 or 8 years old. His hair was short and curly, half of his hair a lighter shade than the other. He wore ripped and run-down clothes, either scraps or run-me-downs. Scars littered his body, ranging from minor scrapes to large, white welts. The most interesting thing about the helpless boy, however, were the mutations on him. Two fluffy white, cow resembling ears sprouted from where his normal ears should be. Two horns sprouted from the top of his head, one of them cut up and broken off. 
The four kids from earlier gathered around him, laughing. Two sorted through a bag on the ground, while the other took turns kicking him repeatedly. The ones kicking him howled with laughter, talking amongst themselves as the poor boy screamed. “Gross hybrid!” “Freak!” “Mistake!” 
The stranger sneered as they heard hurtful words pouring from the children’s mouths. They debated whether to interfere, weighing their options. They themselves were only 12, only a few years older than these kids, but they had the advantage of being in a group. They sighed, pushing off the wall of which they laid against, and headed back towards the village, the opposite direction of the group. It wasn’t their problem.
The sun had set completely over the horizon as the stranger slumped against one of the empty market stalls. They checked through their bag once more, pulling out a peach they had bought earlier. They weighed the fuzzy fruit in their hands, tossing it from one to the other. They tilted up the brim of their mask, ready to take a bite, before hearing the shuffling of footsteps. They let the mask fall gently back in place over their face, lowering their hand as their head perked up. 
It was the boy from earlier. 
He walked with a slight limp, passing the few stalls before coming by the one that the stranger sat against. His eyes scanned the stranger, returning their gaze to the ground once more, and continuing to limp towards town. He kicked up dirt as he swayed from side to side, resting clumsily against a stall to catch his breath.
The stranger sat up, tipping their mask back in place, and walking towards the boy. Hearing the patter of footsteps, the boy turned around, greeted by a fuzzy fruit in his face. He stepped back a little, bright yellow eyes contorting in confusion as he looks to the owner of the hand who was offering him the fruit.
The stranger gently took the boy’s soft hand in their calloused one, pushing the fruit into his hand and stepping back. “Wha’s this for,” the boy asked, an almost annoyed expression on his face. The stranger stayed silent, nodding towards the fruit. The boy rolled his eyes, trying to place it back in the stranger’s hand. He turns to leave once again, wobbling from side to side.
The stranger’s eyes turn down to the fruit, their head cocking to the side in a confused state. They walk up to the boy again as the two of them walk into the town. They push the fruit into his chest softly. The boy turns his head sharply towards them, looking down as he grabs the fruit. Without warning, the stranger plops down on the ground, folding their legs as they sit, looking up towards him.
He takes the initiative, sitting down next to them, crossing his legs. His eyes flicker down to the fruit, bringing it up to his teeth, canines showing, as he sinks them into the fruit’s flesh. The sweetness hits his tongue nicely as he chews, swallowing and wiping his mouth with his hand messily. “S’was’ yo’r name?” he asks, turning to the stranger. They sat next to him, staring at the ground silently. The boy furrows his eyebrows, “do ya even hav’ a name?” 
The stranger sits up, their back cracking and turning to the boy. “Shinosu,” they state, voice monotone, but much softer than he expected. The boy hums, taking another bite, his ears twitching. He swallows his mouthful roughly before speaking again. “My name’s Sona, we’s both got S’s in the start of our names!” Shinosu nods, watching as Sona hungrily takes another bite. 
Shinosu sighs deeply, before returning their attention to the dirt-covered ground, drawing patterns with the tip of their finger. “Saw you gettin’ hurt earlier,” he speak quietly, Sona’s attention returning to them. His ears twitch as his eyes narrow. “Why didn’t you stop them then? You coulda’!” His tone was angry, but his voice stayed quiet, considering how late it was. “Wasn’t my business then,” they state simply, head turning towards the boy. “Whad’dya mean ‘then’?” “Is’ my problem now.” Sona’s previously hostile expression turns to understand as he takes in their words. 
He hums, taking another bite before wincing. He bit directly into the pit of the peach. He finishes up his bite before spitting out the seed onto the dirt. Shinosu silently rolls their eyes and Sona’s attention turns to them.
He couldn’t see most of their face because of the mask they wore. It didn’t look like any animal he had seen before. He would have said it could have been a deer, but the odd horns sprouting off of it changed his mind. The mask was fairly large but still fit comfortably around Shinosu’s face. The large horns sprouted from the top, twisting into points at the top. The weirdly shaped skull covered Shinosu’s face near completely, missing out on their fluffy brown locks of hair and the sides of their tan cheeks. 
“Why d’ya wear that mask? It a religion thing or somethin’?” Shinosu blinked. Once, twice, before shrugging contently. “You a witch? I wouldn’ tell if ya’ were though, you’d be a cool witch!” His words pour out of his mouth as Sona finishes his question, not wanting to get on their bad side. The mask was intimidating enough, but if they were a witch, he’s screwed. 
Shinosu turns their face away from his view, moving their hand under their mask to pinch the bridge of their nose. They were annoyed, sure, but he was a curious kid too. They moved the mask back in place, turning back to him, amused by the fearful expression on his face. “More of a religion thing, m’ not a witch.” Sona sighed in relief, making Shinosu smile softly, exhaling a quiet laugh. 
Sona finishes his fruit, licking the juice from his hand as Shinosu places their hands on their knees. They push on them, standing themselves up and dusting themselves off. They spare a glance towards Sona, before turning on their heel out of town. Sona scrambles to get up, running to catch after them. “Hey! Wher’ya goin?” Shinosu stops abruptly, making Sona stop a few feet behind him. They swiftly turn around, looking Sona up and down. He feels goosebumps flower across his skin from the action.
“Home. G’night Sona,” they say, bowing as they turn and leave again. Sona stands dumbfounded in a way. “Will I see you again?” he calls out, louder than he should. They simply raise a hand, ducking behind the trees and out of sight.
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Thank you for reading the first installment of Peaches. I’m excited to be able to share this work with you. 
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jeramiahsental2 · 5 years
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Oh hey look it’s another thing.
Ack, I kept forgetting to post this (and then when I remembered, it was either the crack of dawn or the dead of night). I mean, it’s only been (checks calendar) 20 days since I finished it? Oh, feels like it took longer. I mean, that’s a pretty long time between completion and posting, compared to the last two drawings (both posted pretty much same day)... ANYWAY.
Same thing applies as usual: more info on the drawing (and lots of rambling) will be under the "Keep reading”!
Start date: 5/30/19
End date: 8/15/19
Total time taken: 78 days (actually 56, since there were 22 whole days where I either did nothing with it or undid any changes I made after getting some feedback).
This was actually a birthday gift for my friend! That’s why it’s so much more complex than any of the others I’ve drawn... It didn’t have the little watermark at the bottom of course, but I kinda wanted to show it here, too.
Firsts: first time drawing more than one character, first time drawing characters directly interacting with things and each other (does it show?), first time drawing ANYTHING with the perspective Chikorita has, first time drawing that kinda fiery glow that Typhlosion has behind his back, first time giving the character an actual surface to stand/sit/lie on, first time drawing a character looking down, first time drawing a character without complete separation between their head and body...
In all seriousness, Typhlosion was the hardest part of this thing to draw.
Not only because I had to put Cyndaquil and Cubone in before I could draw his arms, and then figure out how to position everything so the arms weren’t super stretched.
Not only because I completely changed the position of his head about 3/4 of the way through, and it took me 1/2 of the remaining time to figure out how to position his body.
But the main reason it was such a pain - and this is the most infuriating part of any drawing I have ever done, to the point that I freaking cried - was because I could not for the life of me figure out how the heck to draw him sitting. I mean, I still don’t think it looks good. There’s just something off about it that I can’t put my finger on. But it wouldn’t look half as good if not for @possiblytracker​‘s help (although, it was... indirect help. I was a bit too cowardly to message them directly or send an ask off anon, so haha anon ask for the win *finger guns*).
(Also can I say holy shit I am really nervous tagging them. Like, FRICK this is the reason that I rarely send asks off anon, because I’m always worried about how people will react. Even when I am 99.57% certain that the interaction won’t be negative in any way, shape, or form.)
(Anyway back to drawing stuff.)
Chikorita! Let’s talk about the cute little bean. She was the last of the four to be drawn, so I guess I’m going in order of difficulty. For the most part, she wasn’t all that hard to draw. Except for the perspective. She has a back leg, I swear.
She technically doesn’t have a definition between her head and neck, which admittedly made it a bit more difficult to draw, but her collar made it a lot easier to differentiate between them. She also has leaf hair, which I love.
Onto Cubone! Technically the most complex of the characters, but the second-easiest to actually draw. Can I just say, holy crap his skull helmet has a lot of damage. Like, I wasn’t intending to put that many cracks and chips into it, but that’s how it ended up! Can’t say I’m unhappy, though.
He’s hugging his bone like a teddy bear. He’s also supposed to be leaning against Typhlosion, but I’m not sure how well that second part came across.
Finally, Cyndaquil! There’s a reason this little guy’s body is mostly concealed behind Typhlosion’s hand, and that’s because I had no idea how to draw his leg from this angle. I’ll figure it out eventually. (Side note, that’s also why Chikorita’s that close to Typhlosion, though she’s supposed to be leaning against him too.)
I’m honestly happy with the glow behind Typhlosion. It’s not supposed to be flames; he had his fire when I was first drawing him, but I figured it would be easier and probably better overall (both in terms of how it looks and because Chikorita’s leaning against him and Cyndaquil’s on his head) if I just made his dorsal vents glow instead of actually have fire come out of them.
Shading was a mixed bag. On the one hand, I had to completely ignore the glow because I tried including shadows from it and it just looked... bad. On the other hand, apart from that, shading was its normal fun self. It didn’t really seem to give the drawing as much depth as on the other drawings I’ve done, though (except maybe the headshot of my sona).
I’m still not 100% happy with it, but at this point I know that I’m not going to be. Better to move on to other projects, look back at this one as progress (and progress it is!), and maybe come back and redraw it in a couple years to see if/how/how much I’ve improved.
Whether you read all of that or skipped to this, I hope you liked the drawing!
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Rating: T Word Count: 2,998
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More vent, yay;;;;
Appearance are based on my sona
CW/TW: Stalking, Identity Crisis
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(Left to Right: Suki, Plum & Bug. Art by @bitter-plum-art
As soon as Suki walked through the door, they made direct eye contact with him. They kept their expression stoic, quickly turning into the hallway and walking towards the sever's station. They didn’t know he’d be working tonight. They should’ve. He always worked weekends. Their stomach started to knot, a hard ball forming in the pit of their stomach as their hands began to shake.
The Hanged Man, See No Evil.
Their jaw set as their fangs dug into the skin of their lip. What utter bullshit.... What kind of cryptic bullshit was that? What did he think sending them a weird, cryptic, “poetic” message would do? And to send one to the other two? Suki didn’t care for that, not at all....
With a sigh, they walked up to the front, greeting their friends and coworkers as they set their bag down, then proceeded to head towards the back once more to get dressed.
The uniform was easy to put on, and they did it quickly. They then went into the server’s station to make themselves a drink, a cucumber water; they were trying to get better about drinking water and cut back on their soda/caffeine intake.
Their hands were trembling.
As they plopped the cucumbers in the glass and reached for the ice scoop, they heard the dish bin get slammed down and a chill ran down their spine as they felt eyes on them.
He was there.
They didn’t dare turn around.
Thankfully he didn’t stick around to stare but so long. Once they felt his eyes leave, Suki turned around to fill their glass with water. They almost dropped the glass in the sink.
Their head was pounding, their stomach was doing flips, and they felt like they could puke.
They set the water down on the table in the server’s station and ripped the paper off of a straw, sticking it in and casually tossing the paper to the side, towards the trash can. They took a long sip before reaching for the pill bottle on the counter, pressing down on the cap and unscrewing it. The grabbed two excedrin and then closed the bottle. Taking another sip of water, they popped the pills in their mouth and swallowed. The orthodontist today was rough, they didn’t need creepy stalker man on top of it. At least they could kill their headache.
They took another sip of water, soothing the strange feeling in their throat. It was still new to them to swallow pills; they still had to fight off the innate fear that tried desperately to claw its way to the surface. Why their preschool teachers thought it was a good idea to give four year olds hard candy, they would never understand. But at least now they were working past it.
Suki made their way back up to the front, just in time for their first table to walk in. A 5 top. Great. Seems like this is how their Friday night was going to go.
Once they were seated, Suki greeted them warmly. Two of the five were still on their way, but they all wanted water, and 3 iced coffees. Easy. They went to the back and put in the iced coffee orders and grabbed a tray. They set everything up before making the waters and bringing them out to the table. Once that was done, they went back into the kitchen, walking to the sushi bar and grabbing the three containers that held the coffee grounds.
They made quick work of walking back to the sever’s station. They uncapped the coffee and poured the grounds into the brewer and poured hot water into all three. They then turned around to make three glasses of ice, for the coffee.
Stop stop stop stop stop.
Once the glasses were done, Suki turned around and, lo and behold, there he was. He was pretending to look at the coffee they were brewing. Suki slid past him, trying to keep some form of distance from him in the confined space, but he had started to turn around, making the space smaller and almost touching them. They did their best to not grimace, focusing on getting their tray prepped.
They could see him out of the corner of their eyes, taking his time putting ice in his cup, moving so much slower than usual. Standing in front of the soda machine and just staring.
Eyes. Eyes. Eyes.
The Hanged Man, See No Evil.
Suki was quick to walk out of the sever’s station, plastering a warm, welcoming, fake smile on their face.
Their customers were nice. Suki wished they could enjoy them....
It shouldn’t be like this. They shouldn’t have this overwhelming sense of dread coming into their place of work. They felt safer walking the downtown city streets alone at night than in their own workplace.
Every single male/male-presenting person they had interacted with/met lately had just been... awful. Of course, male-presenting people always set off at least one or two red flags, they all did. Every single one of them. That was normal, even though it shouldn’t be. You just have to ignore them before you can properly judge a person. That’s what they did with this guy.
He set off some flags. The three of them thought he might just be weird. Nothing wrong with weird. He barely talked. Could barely make eye contact with them. They talked about DND one night, and so he made a Discord account so he could join in a campaign.
That’s when it started. He friended Suki and Bug, but did absolutely nothing with Plum. He started messaging Suki. Just a sentence a night. Never replied to anything Suki said. One night, he sent them a compliment. Being polite, they thanked him. Then they changed their hair. It was the first time they had ever dyed it. They were so excited.
They came in to do the numbers for the restaurant that night, and as they were leaving, one of the managers walking with them, as he always did. (Previous employees had been attacked at night, so he went out with all the servers to make sure they got to their cars safe). They turned to wish the others a good night. He looked up, said some garbled nonsense, not even really words, something akin to a verbal keysmash, and went back to the dishes. Their manager laughed his fucking ass off. Suki simply raised an eyebrow as they furrowed together and let out a weird chuckle, mostly laughing because their manager was losing his mind and that always made them laugh.
“What was that?” he had asked as they walked out the door, before it had even closed behind them.
“I have no idea.”
That night he sent them a message, saying he was “taken aback”. It had made them slightly uncomfortable but they said thank you anyway. In all honesty, they thought it was kind of funny. Did he have a crush? After only talking to them a grand total of 5 times, each of those times just being one sentence from the both of them? They had to admit, it was a little ridiculous.
Then he had asked them out to lunch, and Suki was just... taken aback. It was unexpected. They... barely knew each other? He couldn’t even look them in the eye. They meant to reply, they really did, but they just kept forgetting, and every way they tried to phrase it in their head just sounded mean so they just.... didn’t.
The bell in the back dinged, drawing Suki out of their thoughts. Their food was ready. They let out a huff and stood up from the server’s table and walked towards the back. One roll combo and four dinner combos, three of which had tempura. This was gonna be fun to bring out...
They grabbed a tray and started to set two of the bento boxes on it, the ones that were ready. They had to finagle with it a bit, trying to find space to put the tempura sauce.
He walked up behind them and stood there. They were off to the side, leaving the small walkway clear. He could’ve easily walked by. Out of the corner of their left eyes they could see him flipping the dish bin. Why wasn’t he walking by?
Stop staring stop staring stop staring stop staring stop staring stop staring stop staring stOP STARING STOP STARING STOP STARING!!!!
They finished putting what they could on the tray, picked it up along with another box with their other hand, and walked out of the kitchen.
He followed right behind.
Suki plastered a smile on their face.
It shouldn’t be like this... They shouldn’t feel scared to be in the back, thinking this fucking freak is going to come up and shank them if they weren’t careful. Their chef shouldn’t have to be waiting by the bathroom everytime he goes, holding a knife and waiting for him to come out with a gun. These complete, asinine, awful, insane and downright predatory interactions they’ve been having with men shouldn’t be making them question their sexuality, their gender.
For a while now, a couple months at least, Suki had been questioning their gender. They had never really felt comfortable in their body, and whether that was from all the bullying or the dysphoria.. that was something they figured a therapist could help them with, whenever they had the time to find one. But now.... they weren’t sure.
Maybe I’m not nonbinary.
I don’t want to come across masculine in any way.
I don’t want to be associated with them.
Maybe I’m cis.
They had talked about it recently, on the ride home from work one night with Plum and Bug. Maybe part of the problem was they still thought along the lines of the binary - viewing being nonbinary as some sort of in between of masculine and feminine, male and female. But could they really be blamed? It’s how they were raised to think. It’s what society wanted. It’s how things were and they weren’t going to change so quickly over night, not here, not now, especially not in the south, where they lived.
Either way, all these interactions were making them question everything about themselves. Sure, Suki had never been the fondest of men in the first place; they’d only been in two relationships, both with men, both abusive, one long term and recent and still a very much open, festering wound.
Men made them uncomfortable.
Men pushed their boundaries.
Men hurt them one too many times.
Men were borderline repulsive at this point.
Maybe I’m a lesbian...
Maybe I should start identifying as that.
The night dragged on. He continued to come to the server’s station. Suki’s trembling never ceased; it slowed, but it never stopped. They came close to dropping glasses and dishes and trays multiple times. They bought food, hoping that would be the solution, but he came back so many times. He checked the dishes more often. He made small, very small trips to return the dishes to their proper places, trips he could’ve easily, and usually would condense, he continued to fill up his drink as slow as possible, and more frequently than normal.
Suki couldn’t eat.
They didn’t feel comfortable.
They didn’t feel safe.
The Hanged Man, See No Evil.
After Suki’s silence, he latched onto Bug. He posted music, raps specifically, in the group chat they had, and he messaged Bug whenever they worked together, just like he had with Suki. It was funny. The raps were terrible; the beats were okay, but his voice and lyrics were just... Let’s just say it sent the trio off to other planes of existence.
As he messaged Bug, he got aspects of the three of them confused, mixing them into one being and projecting them onto Bug. While Bug did take dance classes, they never mentioned them at work, Suki had, multiple times, loudly. Plum plays the cello. Both Plum and Bug draw. He once complimented Bug on how artistic they were, thinking it was crazy that they “dance, play the cello, and draw.” It was hilariously bad. A poor attempt. They laughed about it for days.
Eventually, he asked Bug out as well. Bug, of course, turned them down. They were very polite about it. He sent an odd... poetic message that made no sense. Then, the next day, he posted a new rap in the chat, that had other people in it as well, it was their group’s DnD chat afterall.
It was a diss rap.
He mentioned them by name, twice.
He talked about murder.
It wasn’t so funny anymore.
The red flags grew larger, brighter, blaring.
They laughed nervously and weren’t too eager to go into their next shift after that.
He later sent Bug another song, this time to their DMs. It was their name in all caps. After writing, creating, and posting such an angry, hateful, terrifying track in a public group chat, he made a song about how they were meant to be but there was *~*something*~* between them and keeping them apart. They told him his songs were making them uncomfortable. They weren’t as nice that time. They had to be blunt. They told him to stop.
A couple days later, at 4 a.m., he sent all three of them his final messages and, supposedly, deleted Discord.
They blocked him just to be safe.
They couldn’t take any risks.
They’ve been through this before, multiple times.
They knew what to do.
They knew what needed to be done.
It shouldn’t be like this.
They shouldn’t have to put up with this.
Suki shoved back any feeling of dread, anxiety, panic - they had a job to do. They needed to push through. They couldn’t afford to have a panic attack. They couldn’t show any sign of weakness. Not around him. They’d been through this before. They knew how to deal with stalkers. They’d had three in the past. They just needed to push down the panic. They needed to ignore it. She needed....
The end of the night couldn’t come quickly enough. When it did, Suki was grateful. They sat down with their receipts, doing their readings and chatting idly with Plum, Bug, and Hail. Once all their stuff was done and they were clocked out, they sat at the server’s table. They wanted to speak to their manager, but they needed to wait for him to leave.
They sat there, quietly, on their phones as they waited. It was nice. It was peaceful. It was what they needed after today.
“Alright, hope y’all have a good night.”
His voice made their stomach drop. A pain, sharp like a knife, twisted into Suki’s heart as fear and dread and panic and terror gripped them in an instant. They didn’t look up. They couldn’t. They continued to scroll through Twitter.
When had he walked up?
She didn’t hear him.
She heard him walk away though, his footsteps heavy against the laminate floor. He was probably pissed he got no response.
Drama queen.
He was a big drama queen. He thought he was an important figure in their lives. How could he be though? They only knew him for, cumulatively, 2 days. The only thing he had done was made the three of them nervous around white cars and fill them with dread when they came in to work at night. One could argue that that was an impact, but it was nothing new to the trio. They’d been stalked before, multiple times. They had a restraining order on someone. They knew what needed to be done.
They shouldn’t have to know.
It wasn’t long before their manager was done with his side work and he was joining them at the front of the restaurant. They then proceeded to tell him everything in great detail. He didn’t emote as they talked, voicing their concerns and Suki trying to keep themself calm and in check.
“In his message to me, he told me that he could handle a no, but not silence. Clearly he can’t handle a no, seeing as he wrote a diss track about Bug when they politely, politely, turned him down.”
Once they were all done, he sat there for a moment before shaking his head. “Man, I wish y’all had told me before he left!”
“We wanted to wait until he was gone. This isn’t our first rodeo, we know what we need to do to stay safe.” Plum said.
“Yeah, yeah I know. But man, I wish I had known. I’d’ve went and “talked” to him. You know...” He didn’t use air quotes, but they were implied in his tone. “Y’all... You guys know we’re all like family around here. We’re close. I’m here to look out for ya. I’ll talk with Billiford about it. We’ll take care of this.”
“Yeah, I talked to Billium before he left, but I couldn’t say too much cause he just kept walking by.” Plum said. “He said he was going to talk to you so..”
“Yeah, I’ll remind him. I’ll make sure to remind him. Man... maaan I really wish y’all had told me earlier.”
“We don’t want you killing a man.” Bug said with a laugh.
“I’d bail you out.” Suki said immediately.
“I think we all would.” Timothy replied, taking a pull from his “addiction stick” as he referred to it.
They chatted for a bit longer before they all walked out. The parking lot was desolate and Suki felt themselves breathe a little easier. Their manager walked the three of them to their car and watched as they got in. They then began to make their way home, keeping an eye out for white cars.
The Hanged Man, See No Evil.
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