#another day in the only posts that are suggested cause I follow the tvd main tags being discourse
dr-lizortecho · 10 months
I’m always one tumblr suggested post away from tvd discourse- and really is it sooooo difficult to not put character hate in the character tags and for tumblr to know I’d rather rip my eyes out than see what’s his face or read his fucking name
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elejah-wonderland · 4 years
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This a tvd+to fanfiction story. Totally AU.
The Mikaelsons helped the Mystic Falls Scoobies fight a clan of ancient werewolves called the Hundings. Klaus and Caroline paid the ultimate price, as well as Damon. But as it is the case in the magical world of the Mystic Falls vampires, death is not the end.
There is also a new adventure looming for the Mystic Falls Scoobies and their now friends, the Original vampires, as everything is somehow always conected to them. And so, they are Hellbound...
Main pairings_ Elijah MIkaelson x Elena Gilbert,
Rebekah Mikaelson x Stefan Salvatore
Kol Mikaelson x Bonnie Bennett
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce
tag_ @teachingpanda​
thanks for reading, and for requesting a tvd/to story. This has sprung out from this gifset
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In Mystic Falls
Elijah finished his account of the battle against the Hundings for Sophie's Grimoire. Then he opened his diary. He had been doing some writing for days. This entry was of a more personal nature.
                ‘It is assumed that happiness is hard to capture. And how can one feel happy having lost so many dear people close to one's heart. Having existed now for more than a millenia, I can say with certainty that love is the driving force for all. The scars of the soul are mended with it, making it possible to look to another day, and I am witness to it. We are ruled by our fears and disbelief and it clouds our minds. Love is not a weakness but the ultimative strength.What would we be without love. I have allowed myself to believe in it. I have searched long enough for it. And it has been bestowed on me when I have least expected it. I have read a long time ago that one would know one's true love by the look in his or her eyes as they are the windows to one's soul. Maybe she is the one I was looking for all my life.'
He closed the diary as Elena came into the library.
"Hey" the doppelganger said joining the Original at the table.
"How are you? I saw Antoinette leave."
"I am fine. You?" Elijah replied.
"Went to the Wickery Bridge with Matt."
"You did?!" Elijah was somewhat surprised.
"Kind of needed closure. I don't know. My life changed twice there." "And did you get closure?"
Elena nodded a little. "I had dreams, thoughts about how my life would be. Whether to go to Whitmore or even New York, if I was going to move away after college. I wanted to study medicine like my-  father. And then -you know-things first changed when my parents died."
"And second time when you were told you were a doppelganger?! Your life was never going to be completely your own?!" Elijah concluded.
"No-but I made peace with it. It was especially weird talking about with Katherine! Both of us didn't really have a choice in the matter. You know, I get her." Elena said.
"Well, only you can say that." Elijah remarked.
"Klaus killed her parents as punishment for turning and disabling him from breaking the curse." "I know, Elena." Elijah sighed a little.
At the Plantation house, near New Orleans
Elijah found Katherine at Damon's grave planting flowers. She got up as she saw him standing there. 
"Hello" Elijah said.
"I thought we said all there is to say?!" Katherine said looking at him in a serious manner.
"Yes. But there is one thing I need to say. It's about Klaus."
Katherine sighed a little. "What about him?!"
"It's about me as well."
 The doppelganger looked at him calmly.
Elijah flashed back for a second to a moment 500 years ago when he had a conversation with her.
"What is it?" she now urged the Original to speak.
"There are no words that would lessen what we had done to you. But I want you to know that I recognize the pain we had caused you." Elijah said.
Katherine now turned the  look onto Damon's grave and then to Elijah.  "For more than 520 years I had one thing on my mind and that was finding a way to kill Klaus for having murdered my family. I have lied, cheated, manipulated, killed... all to survive and find a way to end him." Kathrine said, pausing for a moment.
She drew a deep breath and looked at Elijah poignantly, "We all have graves to visit now!"
Walking passed the Original vampire the brunette went her way to the house.
"I am sorry Katerina Petrova" Elijah muttered as he looked at her  walking away.
"I'm sorry. This was not easy" Elena said.
They agreed that they would all continue with a clean slate and leave the past behind.
"It's all right. You don't have to feel bad for bringing it up." Elijah said. "You also didn't have much choice- you didn't ask to be turned." Elena reminded the vampire of his disposition.
"Still, we had the choice of seeking humanity within us. We were not completely souless monsters."
"Choices-  yep!" Elena uttered.
"You miss Jeremy?!" "I do, but I have to respect his choices." Elena said with a little sigh and got up.
Suddenly they heard familiar voices coming from the disance. It was Rebekah arguing with Kol about him taking her supply of blood.
"Lable it then Rebekah's blood bag and maybe I won't touch it. Anyway, I hate cold blood!" Kol shot back at his sister.
"Why should I lable it- you should learn not to drink everything up and only think about number one-Kol!! Ugh, I wish I had that white oak ash dagger at times."
"And hello to you!" Elijah said as he opened the door for them.
"What brings you here?"
"May we not call on our brother?!" Rebekah said eyes still blazing angrily at Kol. "Of course you may. Still, has it occured to you that it might be best that you two get separate accomodation!" Elijah suggested.
"That is one reason why I came to see you," Rebekah said, "Stefan and I decided to leave MF! And I am hosting a farewell dinner-party! You are invited."
"Where are you going?" Elena enquired surprised to hear it as Stefan hadn't mentioned anything to her when they spoke earlier.
"England. We liked it there." Rebekah explained. "And you two are staying here for a guess?"
"For a little while longer." Elijah replied. Elena just added that she hadn’t decided what to do.
 It's time to dump this place!" Kol concluded.
"And where are you again?" Elena asked.
"Sophie's in New York. I will try to win her precious heart back"
"Good luck with that!" Elena remarked.
"She says she can't be with a vampire, but her goodbye kiss told me something entirely different!" Kol said.
"Keep telling yourself that" Rebekah turned to her brother still furious about the empty fridge she had encountered as she got up that morning.
To sway them from more bickering, Elijah changed the subject to the dinner party.
Elena's phone rang and she answered it. Bonnie wanted to meet her. "I will see you later." Elena said to them and left.
At the Grill
"Matt left, ha?!" Bonnie said.
"Everyone's leaving." Elena then told her about Stefan, Rebekah and Kol, as well as the dinner party.
"Dinner-party with the Original family?!" Bonnie then said still not being able to process the great gap of a year she had missed being locked away in the spirit world by the Hunding witches.
"It will be fine. They are already back on with the  bickering and I left Elijah to deal with them." Elena said.
"I will need loads of time to get used to it all.” Bonnie cocked an eyebrow and then got a chart out of her bag. “I found it among her Gram's books as I was trying to declutter. Read this!"
"Nova Scotia?!" Elena said as she took the map her witch friend handed it to her.
"Yes. Look at the name." Bonnie urged her friend to read on.
"Gwyn Mikaelson!" Elena read in the name written in runes and then looked at Bonnie amazed."This is weird. I don't get it?! There is another Mikaelson?!"
"I don't know what it is, but I guess one battle done, another mystery on horizon!" Bonnie said.
"One thing is for sure. It is never ends with the Mikaelson mysteries!" Elena said."can I take this?!"
"Be my guest. One thing is for sure, there is always something going on with the Mikaelsons!"
"Oh, yeah! New adventure here we come!" Elena exclaimed softly. Packing up the map and the books in the bags, they got up.
As the doppelganger got  into the car, she pressed Elijah's speedial number.
Hours later
Elijah, Kol and Rebekah, together with Elena, Stefan and Bonnie examined the map. They had Sophie Deveraux on loudspeaker.
"Gwyn Mikaelson," Rebekah said, 'tell me that she actually didn't die of plague and that this family has even darker secret in its closet!?"
Kol held the map in the hand. "There was nothing else in the Grimoire?" the Orignal said and  looked at Bonnie. "Nothing. Just this map put in it randomly." the witch replied.
"Well, how about we channel the Bennet witch line and try and dig some information out of them?" Sophie inserted.
"Let's."Bonnie said.
"So, when are you arriving in Mystic Falls?" Kol asked and everyone looked at him as the question was directed to Sophie.
"Not just yet. My witchy instincts are telling me I will see you in Nova Scotia?! Ok, you guys, I have to go now, but keep me posted." Sophie said and hung up.
Everyone could see that Kol was slightly hurt and peeved off and now moved away from the table. He tried to keep his emotions in check and not let disappointment burst into anger. Rebekah wanted to follow him, but Elijah suggested she let him be.
"So, that's it for now?!" Elena said getting up from the round table."or shall we get packing like Sophie suggested."
"I would pack, "Stefan said looking at Rebekah "I guess we are going to postpone England?!"
"Right. And I just hope it doesn't involve digging old witches up and some weird werewolves.
How come Eilif didn't say anything about Gwyn?"  Rebekah turned to her brother Elijah.
"I find it strange, too," Elijah said pensively,"but she left and it was a goodbye."
"I don't believe in goodbyes in this family. Something always comes up. Anyway, what secret do witches keep regarding our sister?!" Rebekah said taking the map in her hands,"secrets, secrets."
Bonnie now got up."Whatever it was it wasn't good. Ok, I am going to try and channel Grams and see if we can get any answers. See you later."
The witch took her books and went out of the room.
"You don't remember anything about anybody called Gwyn?" Elena directed the question to Elijah.
"Nothing that I can recall.” the Original replied.
"Mother did once say that there was a cousin born out of wedlock," Rebekah said.
”There is another Mikaelson out there - but - father had no brothers. I don’t understand. This does not make any sense.”
"I know."Rebekah uttered.
Elena looked at Elijah somewhat worried, but with great positivity in her voice "We will figure it out"
Elijah smiled a little. Her enthusiasm and optimism was always like the warm sun giving one strength to go on.
Flashback for readers
Nova Scotia, 995 AD
Three witches sat down around the small bonfire. They threw three rings into the fire chanting a spell.
"Always and forever" all three witches said in one voice.
Each of them then smeared their blood with sage, rosmary and thyme and threw it into the fire.
"The trinity of the sun, the moon and the earth is now sealed." one of the witches said.
As the fire subsided sometime after. They took the three rings from the ashes and put it on a young woman's body.
"Farewell, dear girl." they said crying, as they put the three herbs entwined on her head as a crown.
In New Orleans
"Jeremy...wake up!" Caroline said to poking Jeremy a bit with her finger.
"Ha...what?" the hunter murmured as he woke up looking at the blonde standing beside his bed.
"I told him to let you sleep." Klaus said sitting in one of the chairs by the window.
Jeremy rubbed his face and then his eyes.
"Tell me this is a nightmare...how...aren't you supposed to be locked away in some weird witchy void spirit world?!" Jeremy said referring to Klaus as he sat up.
"He kinda got released due to good behaviour. And I had something to do with it being a heroine for killing a weird-looking werewolf. Anyway, get up. you need to get to Elena and the others. Something weird is happening again. You have to tell them that they need to try and find Sigrid Mikaelson. That's all we know." Caroline said in her ghostly form.
"I thought it was too good to be true that I will have a life and not have to do any of the vampire-ghost relaying messages thing!!"Jeremy moaned.
"We have to go" Klaus said to Caroline.
"I want to stay here a little while longer"  Caroline said to the Original hybrid.
"We have to go, love" Klaus came up to the blonde.
Suddenly Jeremy could feel the surge of magic break.
"Caroline!" he called out, but the pair were gone.
"Great!" Jeremy said taking his phone dialing Elena's number, which went directly to voice mail.
Hours later, on the plane to Nova Scotia
Elena opnened her diary and wrote down, "I don't know what date it is anymore. Who cares. Here we are on the plane to Nova Scotia. Only a few months ago we fought off the Hunding werewolf clan, who tried to take over and kill the Original family.
I will not write about Elijah today. Because if I do, it will take pages and pages. It’s so complicated. Idk why. But it is. It’s like - we are friends, and then we are not. Idk what we are. Ugh I got to stop, cuz as I said it would be pages and pages and pages about me and Elijah - I just know that I - want to be with him. But he still has issues with stuff - like Tatia, Antoinette. Etc.
Oh....seems like there is a lot of ohs coming.
There was a lot going on in the last few months. Nothing is the same. And it is ok.
Now we are going to try to figure out if the mysterious map with the name of Gwyn Mikaelson really makes sense and if she is somewhere out there.
It's a new adventure. I must say that I am partly excited. Elijah, Rebekah and Kol are sort of anxious, although they would never admit it. The ancient Original thing being cool and all. We haven't got a clue what we will find, if anything. I just hope we don't dig something that will haunt us. But then again, I think we will. Like Bonnie said- ever since the Originals came into our lives, it is not boring.
I am glad Bonnie is with us, but it is still strange not having Caroline around. I miss her so much. And if there is any truth about her ghost being with Klaus' ghost, then it makes a bit easier to go on.
I don't want to think of my nightmare.
I will keep you up to date, dear diary.
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