#another collab with sem
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indianchindian · 3 months ago
Just finished my final short story draft assignment yipeeee 💀 and yeah it's my imagination of Bible and Wang Hedi in a BL drama in my dreams. I just realised that my story is better off on Wattpad as professor is pretty strict when literally checking stories despite us being beginner writers lol. Like yeah we can't be experts in just a few months. But still this course forced me to pay attention to the story or else I would've given up.
Whereas Wattpad readers don't gaf. I read part of a KimChay fanfic and as per grammatical errors and stuff (I suppose the writer isn't a native English speaker. So am I hence I also make grammatical mistakes) they may be graded less. But I was hooked! I still have a long way to go but as far as I've read it's really well written otherwise.
And yeah I put the short story on an abrupt end because I was doing everything at the last moment and hence I had no other option. My boys (as in the fictional characters and not the actors) deserve much more closure hence I'll start committing to putting an even longer story of maybe 10 chapters for closure. Then I might put another part in the other character's pov as I wrote in first person pov. I was listening to Azalea and がら���た on loop while writing it to get the feels kinda (がらくた was better fitting imo).
After submitting it, I watched one of my IG mutuals doing a Silk Sonic song with their friends (idk whether to mention them explicitly as I didn't take their permission) like they literally ATE 🔥🔥 and after that I've been listening to 打上花火 on loop just now to reward myself that at LEAST I got my shit done and submitted, slightly later than the deadline by a few minutes but it's worth it. And yeah there were times professor was pissed because important things I couldn't remember so...yeah I hope he likes this story more at least. And I just stopped listening to 打上花火 as I am writing this because it's overly stimulating. But I can't wait to go home and spend time with my cat and do a compulsory internship which I really wanna do! Next sem is my last and I am in denial! Anyways, cheers!!
(I hope to collab with one of my univ seniors who's an otaku on 打上花火. For now I'm focussing on covering Lemon)
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itsmayaflor · 11 months ago
Tagged by @retiredtothebriars to list five songs I'm currently listening to <3 and hoho, I've only been listening to brazilian queer-funk-brega-noise-electronic music lately, and I have so many feelings about it, so strap in for more than a list and some really specific recommendations:
• Amor Sem Lei - Matheus Carrilho
he is the papai of queer brega("corny"), if you like this one then listen to everything by him and his collabs
• Arregaçada / U can't touch this - Banda Uó
band with papai and other two insanely good musicians, all the fun you need in your life is in this band
• Jenga - CHAMALEO
a gay who does really good noise music, if you like kpop, then welcome to the genre of latino musicians they are copying everything from ( I say that as a kpop fan who gets pissed off at the white european names in every song production ). another queer poc artist that I always feel the white producers putting their dirty colonialist claws on is Urias, can't recommend her enough if you like noise music or vogue dance or lyrics that make you feel gosebumps from how powerful they are
• Phonk-me -Jaloo
Jaloo is everything, I am not exaggerating. she is self produced and the narrative and visuals that her three albums follows is so consistent and strong, if I think about the underlying theme of northeastern migration issues in my country I will cry, they feel extremely personal to me, and she does all of that with the most well written poetic lyrics and still talking about what really matters; eroticism, sex and depravity. this last album is a masterpiece, with songs like "I want to see you come while you make me cry" and also the last one "the big city will kill me" tying in with the bright eyed rose colored view of a newcomer northeastern immigrant perspective of the big city and the first aggressions suffered in the first album. all of her albums are also masterpieces, so I cannot recommend her enough. and I'm going to see her live tomorrow for the first time in an eras tour and will cry about it.
• Monalisa - Deize Tigrona, JLZ
thia song makes me feel so much and will probably be my most played song of the year, the lyrics, the narrative, the way that the second verse hits different when the production adds more to it. the afro-futurism of it all. and I don't even need to say anything about Deize because if you know anything about the history of Brazilian Funk from Rio then you know her, Icon.
and if you somehow vibe with any of these songs and want to listen to more like it, I'll like my on repeat playlist here 💕
and I'm terrible at tagging and this was just supposed to be a simple list lmao but feel tagged by me if u want to do the long or short version💗 except my beloved @happyprinceling you have to do this I am tagging you, you are bound to it now. what have you been listening to, shame should not be a factor in your life.
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robertapimenta · 2 years ago
Another Place e Amarula lançam collab inédita de moda
Moda, música e bebida combinam? Em março, em meio ao boom global da indústria de entretenimento, a Another Place traz a resposta ao lançar a primeira colaboração inédita de moda de Amarula, a marca sul-africana de licor mais premiado do mundo e líder na categoria de licores cremosos importados no Brasil. Com uma seleção de nove peças sem gênero, ANP mantém sua veia libertária e sem rótulos à cartilha de cores e símbolos característicos da bebida na collab, lançada em  20 de março no e-commerce e showroom da Another Place, em São Paulo.
O ensejo para o lançamento ocorre no momento em que Amarula amplia seu portfólio e estreia no Brasil outro elemento inédito: o primeiro licor cremoso 100% vegetal tendo como base o fruto Marula, principal ingrediente de suas receitas, batizado de Amarula Vegan.
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O novo sabor foi a inspiração para o desenvolvimento da coleção cápsula criada pela Another Place, que conta com a paleta de cores do produto, com recortes inspirados na marca e também com estampas que remetem diretamente ao líquido e ao sabor do produto que tem principalmente notas de marula e coco. Entregando peças feitas para se divertir e explorar, e que também transmitem uma sensação de liberdade, assim como Amarula Vegan entrega um produto plant-based que não compromete as escolhas do consumidor.
“Escolhemos a Another Place para a nossa primeira collab de moda no país, e especialmente no lançamento de Amarula Vegan, pois com esse produto buscamos rejuvenescer a marca e atrair novos consumidores para categoria de licores cremosos. E sabemos que a ANP conversa com esse público mais jovem, autêntico, que se posiciona e que busca por marcas que respeitem suas escolhas, seja para a bebida que vão consumir ou para o que vão vestir”, conta Priscilla Gomes, Country Manager da Amarula.
Fundada, em 2015, por Rafael Nascimento e Caio Fortes, a trajetória sólida da Another Place surge a partir do questionamento dos padrões da indústria a partir de coleç��es que não enxergam distinção de corpos e gênero, mas que convidam todos a compartilhar desse local igualitário, fora da curva e do armário, a partir de uma curadoria de excelência em materiais e modelagens inovadoras.
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"Conquistamos uma fanbase muito fiel à Another Place, ao longo dos últimos sete anos, a partir de lançamentos e collabs que promovem discursos de diversidade e liberdade e estrear a primeira coleção de moda de uma marca tradicional como Amarula só nos mostra que temos em mãos ferramentas poderosas para alcançar novos públicos e reforçar a conexão com as novas demandas de consumo, especialmente, na moda", afirma Rafael Nascimento, diretor criativo da Another Place.
As novas peças propõem uma imersão ao ambiente disruptivo da ANP a partir de peças feitas em algodão, nylon, moletom e denim, além da criação de uma estampa exclusiva presente na camiseta e baby look de mangas curtas que destacam a silhueta do corpo. Em Another Place + Amarula Vegan, os conjuntos são a estrela no palco: em degradê verde claro e escuro, na jaqueta utilitária e shorts com bolsos estratégicos em nylon; a releitura da modelagem mais icônica da ANP na calça Ride junto à regata bordô em cotton com recorte no busto e decote nas costas, além da jaqueta cropped e calça jeans, que recebem lavagem em tom baby blue e azul escuro.
Em tamanhos que reverenciam corpos, do XPP ao G3, o moletom finaliza a collab com as cores da Amarula Vegan, do bege ao marrom, em algodão responsável: tecido produzido de forma mais ética e sustentável, com maior resistência à formação de pilling a partir de uma tecnologia exclusiva.
A colaboração entre as marcas foi viabilizada por meio da Cross Networking, empresa pioneira em parcerias estratégicas no Brasil. O objetivo foi proporcionar um encontro perfeito entre a questionadora marca de moda e o premiado licor. A collab Another Place + Amarula Vegan será lançada no e-commerce da marca no dia 20 de março (segunda-feira).
“Amarula trouxe uma versão 100% vegetal, com conceito disruptivo, para pessoas com pensamentos abertos. A ideia era dar voz para esse novo produto do portfólio e fomos procurados para o cross perfeito. Trouxemos para a mesa a proposta da primeira parceria de moda da marca, sugerindo a Another Place para o lançamento de uma coleção cápsula, já que a ANP fala com o público desejado por Amarula e compartilha do mesmo ideal, sendo livre de gênero e deixando a escolha na mão de quem usa”, diz Tati Oliva, fundadora e sócia-diretora da Cross.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years ago
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It’s coming back for 2019! From October 1st to the 31st, each week, Sem ( @this-song-thats-only-for-you ) and myself will be sharing stories with you all that are fit for a spooky October! 
Although we wanted to write two stories each under the weekly themes, we aren’t quite sure if we’ll be able to do that every week. We will definitely have at least one story each and you can expect a post on my blog every Tuesday and one on Thursday’s over at Sem’s blog! Whatever we can manage throughout the rest of the week will be sweet little extras! 
Handy links:
Official Frightful October 2019 Masterlist 
Chelle’s Masterlist
Sem’s Masterlist
Frightful October 2018 Masterlist
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portfolio-of-dreams · 3 years ago
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your unfinished business. | Semi Eita x gn! reader
warnings: childhood friends → strangers → lovers
w/c: 3.8k
a/n: this is my submission for @woahsamu’s “it’s always been you” collab! this is also my first haikyuu! piece so a billion thank you’s to my beta readers and helpers. @shinigamiplayroom @kazububs @mrskenmakozume @arlertslove 🫶
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Another warm summer had come and gone, as quickly as the days changed. A new school year with different kids and Semi had just moved into a new house with new neighbors. He wasn’t sure if he would fit in or how to even make friends. Maybe he could survive the first grade by himself, he thought. Until his parents took him next door to say hello to the neighbors with a fresh baked pie. Apple and cinnamon spice seeped through the golden, flaky crust, perfectly thumb-printed along the edges of the pie dish. A soft chime of the doorbell sounded into the otherwise calm atmosphere when two adults opened the door to say hello. And there you were. Small bare feet padding along the tiled floor as you flew a toy plane at arm's length, your lips vibrating in engine-like sounds. That was the first day he met you, and the two of you were inseparable from then on. 
The first day of school came faster than he wanted. The two of you sat in the breakfast nook of your kitchen. Cold glasses of milk left condensation rings on the round table. Crumbs from the toast you ate littered the floor around the white folding chairs. Ziploc bags of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were squashed under the room temperature water bottles in your school book bags. Time ticked on and you ran, hand in hand, to the street corner towards the transportation stop. The humid August weather was in full effect as you rode the bus to school- you and your best friend, Semi Eita. The most important person in your life.
“Hey, y/n?” - Semi looked at you with hopeful eyes- “Do you think we'll always be friends?”
“Of course, Sem-Sem! Even when we're old and have to do adult things, like taxes.” You grinned at him, showing off the empty spaces left behind by the two front teeth you had recently lost.
You scooted closer to him on the tattered bus bench seat and held out your right pinky finger. “I promise. You gotta hold my pinky with your pinky now. That means a forever promise.”
Semi looked down at your small fingers and then back at your smiling face. It held a glint of childhood seriousness and curiosity. Your eyes softly sparkled in the ray of sunshine that beamed through the half opened window. He gave you a small, sweet smile- just enough to curve the bow in his lips and took your pinky into his. You stayed there for a while, holding small fingers until the bus jolted to a stop, sending you both face first into the back of the seat in front of you. You giggled as you got off at the stop to your school. Walking in close enough proximity that you could smell the grape jelly still emanating through his warm breaths.
He sat with you on the old broken wooden bench outside by the playground at lunch time in grade school, stood up to the kids who teased you and made you feel less than you were and always split his cookie with you (except when he had oatmeal raisin because he knew you didn’t like them). You grew up together, you never imagined a moment without him or what your life would be like if you’d never met him. He was always there- next to you like your shadow when the sun hit the highest point in the sky. But Semi stood out more than you, like he was the color of the petals on a newly sprouted flower and you were just the ordinary green stem. He was smart, funny, cute and was always involved in something.
Through the years, he continued to be your only one. Grade school became fond memories into middle school, and middle school problems became the jokes of high school. Then, he joined the volleyball team. He got busier and busier as the months went by. Practices, games, traveling to matches. The two of you started to grow apart- he stopped coming by, stopped walking you home, eventually, stopped returning your phone calls and text messages. 
It hurt. To lose the person you thought you’d always have. You decided you needed a fresh start- you couldn’t just be seen as ‘Semi’s shadow’ anymore. You reinvented yourself through the time apart. Switching high schools, going by a different nickname, changing your wardrobe, and becoming more involved in school activities. You graduated top of your class: valedictorian, and class president. You started the club for sustainability, which ended up having a pretty large following. You were a part of school humanitarian efforts, and competed in scholastic events. The only person you thought about during your graduation speech was your childhood friend, and even thanked him, though you couldn't bare the pain of saying his name. You got scholarships and were accepted into a great college for Environmental Studies. As time went on, you started to forget about him- packed away all the photographs, notes that were passed in math class, and things that made you think of him. There was something about those childhood mornings that just captivated you. You didn’t know it then, but everything felt so right. The universe was telling you this was the way it was supposed to be- but what did you know, you were just a kid. That’s all they were now- just memories.
You made new friends and life went on. 
“Come on, it’ll be so much fun! Just come to the concert with us!” Your best friend Kiyoko Shimizu spoke through the phone’s speaker. You could hear Koshi Sugawara’s voice in the background. It was an unlikely friendship but they turned into your found family during your second year at college.
“I don’t know Kiki, I’m pretty busy with club meetings and we both have finals to study for.” You sat up on your dorm bed, slinging your legs over the side as you held your cell to your ear with your shoulder.
“We both know the material. You act as if you won’t pass with the highest grade y/n. I won the tickets and even Ko wants you to join us!” You could tell she was starting to get annoyed with attempting to convince you.
She was right, however. You, her, and Ko all studied together on Thursday nights. It was a routine. You’d get take out, study (whether you needed to or not), and end up gossiping about the latest college drama. The football players cheating on their girlfriends, the chess club president finally touching a boob, or whatever story made its way through the halls. You always aced your tests because you were diligent with learning to understand the material and you had club meetings every Monday-Wednesday. Maybe you deserve a break, after all.
“Hello? You know I’d love it if you accompanied us, but don’t feel pressured to do so.” Koshi’s delicate voice sounded as if a whisper through the phone. 
“You know what, I should go. I deserve a break anyway. Who did you say - ?”
“YAY!” Kiyoko screeched in excitement before you could even finish your sentence. “Oh, I don’t remember and I don’t care. The tickets were free! So let’s just enjoy ourselves.”
You smiled as you said your goodbyes and ended the phone call. The concert was tomorrow night so you had time to do some studying, choose an interim leader for two of the club meetings you’ll be missing, and time to go shopping for a new outfit. What a perfect way to end the semester- a fun, memorable night with your two closest friends. What you didn’t know was how memorable it would be.
The car ride to the concert venue was filled with laughter, yelling your favorite songs at the top of your lungs off key and almost spilling your soda from your fast food stop earlier, in your lap after a hard press to the brakes. The building was bigger than you thought for a local artist- maybe they were more known then Kiyoko thought. Suga parked the car and the three of you walked towards the doors.
Once inside, you followed the direction of the crowds. The usher at the ropes scanned your tickets, and handed you badges for your backstage visit after the show. He pointed you in the direction towards the main floor and told you the details of what would happen after the show and where to go to get backstage. You squeezed in between friend groups and couples to get to the far left of the floor. It’d been a while since you’d been to a concert where you had to stand in the pit but nonetheless, you were excited.
The loud speaker announced the opening act with a loud guitar strum, and the lights went up on stage. Neon hues bounced from the overheads around the space as they swiveled in their spots. The curtains opened to a small five piece band you’d never heard of. The rough bass lines and drums were contrasted against the lead singers soft vocals. You jumped around with your friends to the fun, upbeat music. After their 6th song, they took a bow saying thanks and told the crowd to scream as loud as they could for the main act. 
The curtains closed and there were muffled voices and crashes of sound as they adjusted the stage. A cymbal on the drum kit was softly tapped and a melody of strums against a guitar resonated through the microphone. The curtains slowly opened to a somewhat tall boy. He was lean and you could see his veins snaking up his arms as he strummed the chords and made rifts in the melody. His ash blonde hair had darker gray tips and was longer than you’d remembered.
“Semi…” Your words were barely said like they were a thought accompanied by the movement of your lips and little air.
Suddenly, it was like the rest of the world disappeared as you watched him. No crowds, no dancing feet, no walls, and no sounds. Maybe this was a dream, a vivid lucid dream where you thought about something too hard in the back of your mind and you made it happen without realizing it. Everything dispersed and then shimmered back together like a mirage and you were met with Koshi’s hand on your shoulder and a worried look. All you could do was shake your head and hold a thumbs up with an almost, believable grin. 
You looked back at the man on stage. The way his fingers glided along the frets and the slight white of his nail beds as he pressed the strings to form a specific chord. His hair fell around his face as he banged his head to the music in the background. He adjusted his earpiece which was a plum purple, you knew it was reminiscent of his high school volleyball days. The vein in his neck protruded delicately against his skin as his Adam's apple bobbed with each crescendo of his voice as he sang.
The lights dimmed in the concert theater, a different ambiance from the electric lights from before. Semi put his guitar in the stand and sat behind a long, glossy mahogany Yamaha concert piano. A single amber spotlight shone above him as his fingers danced along the ivory keys. The octave jumped in a moment as his thumb crossed under his third finger hitting the flat of the note. You were close enough to see his boot softly press against the pedal, and he started to sing, his voice became the only thing you heard as the harmonies melted into your ears. 
“I have known you my whole life,
When we were 10-
I said I’d make you my wife.
8 years later, we grew apart and older
Just as I took the world on my shoulders…”
He ended the song, softly gliding his hands down the scale of keys. He stood from the black lacquered bench and walked to center stage. He took the microphone off the stand, saying his ‘thanks’ for supporting him and joining him for this concert tonight. He took a bow at the waist and waved as the curtain closed in front of him. The lights went up in the venue and the crowd started to dissipate. You stayed where you stood, still in shock over those last two beautifully played notes. They floated so blissfully across the stage and echoed through the speakers strung high above the ground in the top corners of the ceiling.
Quiet tears fell over the high of your cheekbones and streamed down to your chest, crashing against the polished concrete ground of the small concert hall. Did he still think about you? That symphony of sounds was so familiar, like the one he used to play for you as kids. The song sounded like it was made for you, even though you were sure he didn’t know you were here, it felt like he sang it just for you.
Koshi noticed your tears and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close. No words needed to be said between the two of you. Kiyoko placed her hand on your back, rubbing it up and down comfortingly. 
“You okay?” Ko whispered in your ear.
“Yeah, it was just a pretty song. Reminded me of a past memory, no biggie!” You stepped out of his embrace and wiped your index fingers along your wet lash line, trying to not ruin your makeup.
You shook the small tears off of your fingers and gave a soft smile to your friends. You took a moment to fix your hair and recalled the directions the usher gave you to get to the door that led backstage. You moved through the hallways and corridors, showing your badge to each employee that stopped you. After a few minutes of weaving through the space, avoiding pieces of stage materials and instruments, the three of you found yourselves in front of a plain black door with a card labeled S. EITA, at eye-level. You took a deep inhale and then knocked. 
You waited patiently, feeling your heart beating so harshly in your chest as your mind raced between old memories of you and him. The good, the not so good, and the best. It was hard to imagine what he would be like now, after years of not seeing each other, not speaking to one another, almost like the two of you never existed together. Except you did and you saw it in photographs, in letters, in emoji rampant texts and you saw it in the gray eyes that captured yours as the door opened.
Kiyoko stepped between the two of you, unknowing of your history, and started rambling about the show and the set up and the lights. Your mouth moved but no words came out, it just gaped open and gasped for air like a fish out of water. He looked over her shoulder at you once more, like he was met with a figment of his imagination. But you were real- and standing before him in the dim glow of his dressing room. He stepped to the side, allowing you in. The space was probably as big as your dorm room, a large mirror was surrounded by lightbulbs along the far wall and a black leather couch sat in the middle with a small rectangular coffee table. Off to the side you could see a mini fridge stocked with water, energy drinks and a half-eaten fruit tray. You imagined what it would be like to be on the road touring with him, jumping from state to state until your thought was interrupted by Semi’s low voice.
“Y/n.” There was a hesitation in his voice, like he had forgotten how to say your name. Forgotten how it rolled so beautifully off of his tongue.
“Hi, Semi. The world is funny like this, I guess.” You offered him a sympathetic smile.
“Wait. You two know each other?!” Kiyoko looked between the both of you.
You looked back at Semi and nodded. You sat down on the couch, and the others followed suit. You told your friends about your childhood, growing up with Semi and the fond memories you’d shared. You left out the small details, like the way he made you smile the first day you met, the first time you laughed so hard you snorted, and the way your heart felt so comforted being around him. You told them about your falling out and told him about the small achievements you’ve made since the last time you’d spoken. 
He didn’t take his eyes off of you from the moment you’d finally said hello to the last utterance of breath you took. “I’m sorry I left you behind…” His voice was calm but filled with sadness as he realized he’d missed so much of your life.
Minutes turned into hours and it was getting late. You picked up your bag from beside you and stood from your comfortable position on the couch. “We should get going, it’s getting late.” You looked between your two seemingly enthusiastic friends. 
“Y/n… C-can you stay for a while longer? There’s so many things I still want to say to you.” 
“Yes, they can. They would be delighted!” Koshi and Kiyoko smiled too large for comfort, like they had an unspoken plan between the two of them.
You sighed as they started to walk backward towards the door. “I can’t. I have to study.” You protested.
But then you felt it. A warmth that blanketed your whole body as it spread from the tips of your fingers to your toes. You turned to see Semi’s hand, holding your wrist as his eyes pleaded silently, hoping you’d catch on to his desperation. He still held that same childhood innocence as he let go of your wrist and held out his pinky finger. Your mind clouded with the memory of that humid August day on the bus. An exasperated breath escaped your lips as you looked from his extended pinky to his gaze. 
“It’s a forever promise.” You turned your body towards him and took slow steps closer. 
He took one large step, closing the distance and wrapped his arms around you. Everything felt like it was supposed to again. Every worry you’d had up until that moment melted away as you found comfort in his scent. You buried your face in the valley of his neck as he held you tighter. He lifted his head and spoke towards your friends saying that he’d get you home safely and they shouldn't worry. You froze for a moment, forgetting they were there. You pulled away from him and gave them an apologetic look, which they shrugged off with a genuine smile as they shuffled out the door.
“I never stopped thinking about you. Did you know that?” He was sincere in his words as his calloused fingertips cupped your cheeks.
It was in that moment that you realized, home was not just a house. It could be a person and your person was finally in front of you after all this time. You didn’t hesitate as you pressed your lips against his. It wasn’t rushed or messy, but slow and sensual. He was taken aback by the sudden kiss but quickly moved his mouth in tandem with your own. It was a waltz of tongues as you felt every curve, and drop of his lips. Tasted his sweetness in open mouthed kisses- like Red Bull and pineapples. He was warm as he pulled you closer to him, and you ran your fingers up his arms and through his ashy tresses. 
“Stay with me, tonight. Please. I’ve missed you.” He spoke, lips still hovering over your own with eyes softly shut.
“I’d like that. We have quite a bit of catching up to do.” You leaned forward, kissing him once more.
“Semi Eita.” You rolled over to face him in your shared bed of the hotel room, looking at his sleeping figure. You whispered just wanting to hear his name, allowing your fingertips to trace the curve of his jaw, the bow of his lips. His breath fanned over against your skin, soft sighs in minty toothpaste wafts.
This was the boy that filled your childhood, soft dreams next to each other and drowning out the noises with loud guitar solos. He made it feel less lonely. He made you feel loved in your lowest times. And known. And accepted, no matter how different you were from everyone else. He always seemed so whole, and put together- saying he could take care of himself and didn’t need anyone. That’s why you broke up in the first place, which felt like a lifetime ago now. He didn’t need you nor did you need him in a way- but you wanted each other. Something about letting go of something you love and if it finds its way back to you, it was meant to be. You and Semi, seamlessly ended up together, again. That infinite well of hopelessness that you spent all the time believing swallowed you whole, was nothing but a mere figment of imagination. He was here with you now.
“I love you, Semi.” You rest your head against the valley of his neck, finding solace in the warmth of his skin, breathing in his after shower scent.
You stayed there, lying awake in the memories of your relationship- not wanting them to become slippery. Not wanting to forget everything you two had been through. Life seems to have a funny way of allowing things to fade away into thin air, like a whisper or a blown kiss. But the pulse of unfinished business still beats as life unfurls; days to weeks to months to years. Love happens when people talk about it often, spending time and learning each other's faults, dreams, aspirations. That’s when you discover that not even the ones you thought you loved the most seemed to have the same effect that Semi does. In the end, the mark you left on eachother was in the shape and color of love. That will always be your unfinished business, because love is never finished.
It circles and circles, like the koi fish in a pond imitating the yin and yang. Those memories come in spurts and waves- out of order and not always complete. But one that always floats on in your mind, one you always come back to: you and Semi under an autumn dazed sun, apple orchards surrounding you as you lean up against a tree stump. He’s strumming his guitar in the soft melody he only plays for you and then holds out a dirty, calloused hand. You take into yours, entwining your fingers and rubbing your index finger against his knuckle- and you do not let go. You feel a warm wetness stroll down your cheek and he subconsciously wraps a heavy arm around you. And it was his turn to not let go.
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tagging: @beware-of-the-rogue @tetsukentona @blueparadis @momoewn @sugusshi @sennsational @planetonet @hanayanetwork @downtown-roponggi @tokyometronetwork
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doiefy · 3 years ago
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seeing y'all doing this so !! me too !! but in an extremely troll fashion because i'm. very clearly a troll <3
tumblr 2021:
22 published works, 155k total words, and an infinite number of wips in my head. 4 dropped collabs... oops.
may @/byutafy rest in peace. whoever took the url fucking give it back rn i'll paypal you like. 5 cents.
the birth and immediate death of @yuyufy.
the creation of hot vampire detective doyoung !!
the tragic deaths of way too many of my characters.
the fuck-you-yuta arc. i love you, but how do you always end up as such a disastrous character in all my fics?
the johnny-side-hoe arc. i love you, but how have i not written a full fic for you yet?
yuta invaded my bias list.
johnny invaded my bias list.
the furry fic...
life 2021:
survived a mess of a senior year and graduated.
survived another mess of a uni life and finished my first sem of engineering.
that video of choerry saying "i'm bi, thank you!" but it's true i'm bi, that's me outing myself 🤡
too many impulsive hair dye jobs and two more colours in mind.
exposed my blog to 4 irls... which is 4 irls too many (jk love y'all 🙄)
forever traumatized by my building’s fire alarms going off at 6 AM </3
basically just another year of degeneracy. love that for me.
happy new year everyone! <3
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patriciaselina · 7 years ago
8P Unit Song CD Vol.2 - Enoki Junya + Masuyama Takeaki
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duet -   キタカゼトタイヨウ (The North Wind and the Sun)
There are things I can't pass on down, So I'll keep on holding to 'em as I reach the top.
Enoki Junya - Evergreen Eyes 
From here on out, you'll definitely become amazing, So cast your eyes upon a wider world.
Masuyama Takeaki - New World [9/17 - Congratulations!!]
Right now, just look into my eyes, And the world shall turn upside down, as we're born again.
Full translated lyrics for all songs under the cut!
キタカゼトタイヨウ (The North Wind and the Sun)
E: I've found out that there's yet another eyesore today, Even if I get swarmed by them, it’s fine - I loathe them anyway. M: Shut out that chilly noise piercing through the air, They’ll keep on going anyway, about stuff like learning.
E: My poker face is the complete opposite of what's real, it's obvious isn't it? M: You fake joker, if that's what you desire, I'll fight you, so, E: Get out! M: Get out! Both: Right now!
Blow or Shine!? Never, ever get in the way of my rule! Brawl again! Our senses will only be honed for as much as we exchange blows, E: One for All!? M: All for One!? E: Oh no no! M: Oh no no! Both: Before anything else, for my own sake, this fist is gonna crush into you!
M: I've reflected that our matching eyes is an unusual paradox, Jealousy crosses over this mirror, messing with my heart E: The wordy reason for this is that we're connecting beyond words, But it's just that we're burning exactly the same, right?
M: A draw game doesn't exist, this is nonfiction which uses both white and black E: So if I'll go over this borderline, I would meet a, M: Brand-new! E: Brand-new! Both: Myself!
Blow or shine!? There are things I can't pass on down, so I'll keep on holding to 'em as I reach the top, Brawl again, if this is a competition, only one of us can win, M: Destiny!? E: Actually!? M: Oh no no! E: Oh no no! Both: Until I become stronger than everyone else, I'll sell my purpose away!
M: An unexpected pair, E: Laughing bitterly, M: And bumping E: Fists Both: Like how friends do, ironically.
Blow and shine! If our shared foe's throwing his weight around, then, as one, Let's go along, just for now, and feel how fighting side by side feels like E: One for All!? M: All for One!? E: Oh no no! M: Oh no no! Both: Before anything else, for my own sake, this fist is gonna crush into you!
Enoki Junya - Evergreen Eyes
I've always watched you, and that's why I know -- You're scared, aren't you? To you, who's weak against unfamiliar things, This [new] chance is a test.
The dreams you'd laid out in your youth, Remember them once more.
This gentle gaze on you will never change, So just keep on focusing on where you are. It's okay if you've only got eyes on your own path; Whenever your tears fall, you can always come home.
We've always been across each other from the start, And there were also days we've wasted, aren't they? I've really been worried About you, who believes people's words without question.
Even if people would hurt you, You'd still be nice, and believe in them.
If you keep on ignoring the bad things, you'll never be an adult, So it's fine to shed some of your naivete sometimes, As long as you put your brightness back in the end. Send a signal from the bottom of your heart, And I'll catch it.
From here on out, you'll definitely become amazing, So cast your eyes upon a wider world. The possibilities are endless no matter where you'll go, So let your morning footprints resound.
This gentle gaze on you will never change, So just keep on focusing on where you are. It's okay if you've only got eyes on your own path, Whenever your tears fall, you can always come home. I'll always be praying for your happiness.
Masuyama Takeaki - New World
Dream dreamer, dream dreamer, sweet dreamer, baby, Dream dreamer, dream dreamer, cool from a dream...
A nightmare woke you up, but there's nothing you should be afraid of, It's just superstition, let laughter be your good luck charm.
Whoa, I'm not a fortune-teller, but, Whoa, I've looked into it, Whoa, and it seems like the dream you had yesterday foretells only good things.
Just one word, that's all it takes, look - it's just like magic Right now, just look into my eyes, And the world shall turn upside down, as we're born again.
Dream dreamer, dream dreamer, sweet dreamer, baby,
When you pouted your lips, I went and kissed them softly. You don’t know the truth - that you yourself are a lucky charm.
Whoa, let's go make a fresh start, Whoa, there's nothing to be scared of, Whoa, everything up until yesterday was just a lie, just believe in that.
You are beautiful, beautiful, that's the truth, and you didn't even have to use magic, Right now, softly close your eyes, And we'll stain the world with new colors, as we're born again. 
Sweet dreamer, sweet dreamer. Time has come, time has come. Change yourself, change yourself.
The sun sets and the moon rises, just like your heart and your smile, Right now, just look into my eyes, and you'll see how brilliant you are in them.
Look here, you're beautiful, beautiful, that's the truth, and you didn't even have to use magic, Right now, softly close your eyes, And the world has new colors, as we're born again. 
Dream dreamer, dream dreamer, sweet dreamer, baby, Dream dreamer, dream dreamer, sweet dreamer, baby...
You can hear the samples of this album on this page!
You can purchase the album here!
my translation index 
first and foremost: congratulations, machuyan! he just announced on his twitter that he got married in 2015 and they just had their first kid! congratulations! also your penmanship is legit goals but that has nothing to do with anything, does it
thanks to @iamsneeze​ who provided me with the tracks and lyric scans for this!! hopefully this cheers you up, even if just a little!
note to self --- i SAID i was gonna use the scans but jesus christ my eyes? keep??? getting worse and worse??? help me god those were already good quality ones but eyes ended up betraying me and i...practically re-transcribed all of the songs by ear...just like what i did for full volume - so maybe i should just take pity on my eyes and do all TLs by-ear from here on out, sobs into own hands,
like i said in vol.1 (hata and chiba), the duets are meant to be the theme songs of their drama skits - in enokiya and machuyan’s one, machuyan is a delinquent and enokiya is a member of the student council who’s...secretly snuffing out the delinquents? taking them down, or just hurting them?? either way, it’s heavily implied that he wasn’t moving on his own here, so the ‘shared enemy’ they allude to in the last bits is most probably referring to the real mastermind!
...that's actually not how the english phrases were injected into the song, but you know me, so i ended up reworking them into how they most probably were supposed to be in the sentences.
"if you keep on ignoring the bad things, you'll never be an adult/so it's fine to shed some of your naivete sometimes" - somehow sanitized cuz the word-for-word TL was "you'll never be an adult if you don't know what corruption is/so it's fine to shed some of your purity" BUT IT JUST SOUNDS REALLY UNNECESSARILY SPICY IN ENGLISH, which?? it isn't???
basically if you choose to believe that humanity can do you no wrong, you're just being like a kid and will never understand how it is to be an adult, so its fine to think bad of people sometimes too?? uh, wow this was deeper than i thought it was
"the possibilities are endless" - and here is where i end up losing my shit cuz this is exactly how that phrase was said in his song as part of idolmaster sideM unit SEM's song "infinite possibilities" MACHUYAN WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS SOLO. for reasons yet unknown to yours truly, he seems to be the sexy tantou within 8P? his drink for the karatetsu collab was deadass named "sexual violet"??
ANYWAY...somewhere between the instrumentals that ONE SPECIFIC LINE, YES I AM LOOKING AT YOU, it's obviously seeming to be rather spicy --
but it's not, really, the lyrics taken at face value are sweet on the overall --
BUUUUT OKAY OKAY FINE, let's just say as a wrap-up note that the POV here is that he's in bed with "you", and nope, this isn't harmless soine. i'm out, fam, bye,
thanks for reading! please do not redistribute these lyrics anywhere without credit and permission!
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purplesurveys · 7 years ago
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? No. Doesn’t seem all that appealing to me anyway. What did you have for breakfast this morning? I didn’t eat breakfast which is a stupid idea considering I drank quite a bit last night...I did have a small piece of chocolate Pop-Tarts from at Gabie’s place this morning to mask my breath when I came home. Do you have any loose change in your pocket? I don’t have pockets on me right now. Do you like Taylor Swift? Her past singles were catchy, but that’s all I’ll give her. Everything I’ve heard about her attitude has just yelled petty to me. What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? Strictly Disney Channel? High School Musical or Tw*tches.
If you met your favorite celebrity, would you be calm or starstruck? LOL I would probably cry if faced with Kristen Stewart. I’ll be starstruck in a calm way (so to answer your question, I’ll be both) and just maybe pull her in for a huge hug because I love her so much. Are there any lights on in the room you’re in? Yeah we have lights in the dining room but it’s daytime so the natural lighting from the sun is enough for now. What’s your favorite subject in school? I was always the teacher’s pet in history. I’m in college now though and have different classes per semester; my favorite class in the last sem would have to be art studies.  What’s your favorite holiday? Halloween, even though I hate referring to it as a holiday because it’s not. I just pick that because I hate every other holiday. Do you ever have to do yard work? No. Sounds like something I’ll always put off haha. Do you think Bad Romance is a catchy song or an annoying one? Catchy. Whether played in 2009 or 2018, best believe I’ll sing along and even slightly dance to it. Do you use perfect grammar online? If perfect = formal then no. Are you currently using a laptop? Yep. Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? Music software? Damn. Anyway, no I don’t really like live editions of songs, no matter how much I love the artist or no matter how good it is. Did you or do you listen to Britney Spears songs? I never did voluntarily, even as a kid in the 2000′s. I remember her songs were everywhere though - in kid’s parties, at the mall, on TV, everywhere. Is it a windy day? It has been today, actually! The nicest surprise I’ve had all day so far. In the past week, have you ridden in a taxi? No, I never ride taxis because the drivers here are creepy and even be kidnappers. I’d much rather book an Uber or Grab, which is an alternative to Uber but in Southeast Asia. Do you ever wish on stars at night? Not really. I would if I chance upon a shooting star, but those never happen in my area. What color are your eyes? Dark brown. What album is the current song you’re listening to off of? I’m not listening to music at the moment. What’re you doing after you finish this? Move upstairs and either take a nap or another survey. What song’s the most overplayed right now? There is another song by The fucking Vamps called Personal and as usual they are bugging the living shit out of me. It literally plays in three different radio stations within five minutes and it drives me nuts when I’m driving. They are the actual worst. Please break up. Are you in a band? No. How clean is your bedroom? Super tidy. Is there a pen within reaching distance of you? No, there isn’t. Are you sitting at a desk? No. I’m at the dining table but moving to my bed after. Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? [continued after taking a nap three hours ago] Female singer from an awesome band that rhymes with ‘paramour’! Do you normally shut your bedroom door before you go to sleep? Yes, absolutely yes. Rest assured I will not fall asleep if it’s ajar even the slightest bit; it has to be shut all the way through. I can’t sleep with any light around, so. Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? No. I know Gab has a physical DVD but I’ve never seen the movie. Would you ever dye your hair a different color? Of course. It’s just a matter of when I’ll do it, because right now I’m still pretty indecisive about which color I’ll be getting, bitching about how expensive and high-maintenance it’s going to be, and worrying about everything having to do with bleach. Are there any framed pictures in the room you’re in? Yeah. My kindergarten grad photo is framed, and my high school clique’s photo is also in a frame on my bedside drawer. Have you ever been to a Broadway show? Nope. Not really my thing, but it’s the sort of thing I’d surprise my girlfriend with since she’s all about Broadway. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack? I don’t have one. I’ll just stick with my default answer Carol. Do you prefer group or individual work? Really depends on what kind of work we’re talking. Anything with creatives or logistics, I would much rather be in a group since I cannot for the life of me be creative, or even be forced to be creative. I can be helpful in other ways when it comes to that; but every other work outside of that–say a research paper, or a chapter report, or an investigatory project, I’m okay with doing on my own. Do you have a key to anything besides your house? Just my car. Are you wearing anything with stripes? Oooh I am. My top is black and white striped. It was actually the top I wore to the high school batch reunion last night, but it’s a little comfy so I haven’t changed out of it yet. What time did you go to sleep last night? Er around 1 or 2 AM, not really sure. I just instantly passed out on Gab’s bed and don’t remember anything since I was waaaay too tired. Did anyone tell you that you were beautiful today? Yep. What show did you last watch? RuPaul’s Drag Race, which I watched with Katreen and Gabie when we were at the former’s house last Thursday. I initially groaned when Katreen suggested it cos I thought the show was going to be too loud and fast-paced for my taste, but thEN OH MY GOD EVERYTHING IS PINK AND BRIGHT AND FABULOUS. We ended up watching a second episode. Do you think you’ll do anymore surveys today? I hope so. I’m kinda disappointed with myself for taking very few surveys during my break, when I said I was excited to finally spam my own blog with them after the last sem practically ate me up and never gave me time. I go back to school Tuesday and I probably took like 10-15 surveys total in four weeks, yuck @ self. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies and cream. I also really liked queso real in my early teens. When was the last time you stayed home from school sick? 6th grade. Eight years ago. Insane. Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? I could try! My girlfriend actually has a 1000- or 1500-piece puzzle of a painting that we tried to finish with her little sister during a sleepover, but I was boring and fell asleep by 2 AM. It’d be nice to try it again. If you could run a red light and not get caught, would you? No. Thing is, so many Filipino drivers do that already; hence why we are one of the most terrible on the road. I’ve seen enough videos to not want to even try it. Do any bands flat-out annoy you? I would say yes but it’s an insult to the word ‘band’ if I referred to The Vamps as one, because they’re my sole annoyance. Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? I had before my mom got it removed ugh. Was today a birthday for any of your friends? It’s Reggy’s birthday, who’s a girl I went to grade school and high school with. I wouldn’t consider her a friend. When was the last time you rode in a limo? I’ve never done it. Do you take naps daily? Hahaha yeah almost everyday. That’s gonna stop when I go back to school. Do you still make Christmas lists? No. I think I made it for one or two years before I finally called bullshit on Santa. Do you watch the show Dexter? Yes, mainly because they said it was like Breaking Bad and because CM Punk watched it. Didn’t like the first episode, haven’t tried rewatching it since. Have you ever been to any sort of convention? No. Which song did you last listen to on repeat? Probably Tessellate by Alt-J. < Good choice. I’m now super garbage compared to that, because mine is Bruno Mars’s Finesse collab with Cardi B hahaha. Where do you want to live when you grow up? Just in the city where all the hurly-burly is. It gets boring living in a suburban ish environment. Are you currently using a blanket? Nope. Are there any songs that make you cry? Yeah sometimes, there are instances I’ll sing along to a certain song and feel them more than usual. I’ve cried to When It Rains by Paramore on my bad days. How many siblings do you have? Two, both younger. What’re you doing this weekend? Binge-watching Black Mirror and enjoying the final days of my Christmas break. Do you prefer swimming at the beach or in a pool? Beach. The chlorine in the pool turns me away from it, plus with so many kids swimming in pools you never know if you’re already swimming in wee. When was the last time you had a haircut? Some time in November. Which musical instrument do you think sounds the prettiest? PIANO. Without a shadow of a doubt. Do you know what you want for Christmas? I didn’t want anything for Christmas for the first time in my life. That’s a little sad, innit? I got the 2018 Starbucks planner, which I was more than happy about. Gabie got me all sorts of jewelry, a blanket, and a sparkly pink tumbler and I loved each gift; and my sister got me a doggy pencil case and made personalized stickers for me. I loved all of them. Do you watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve? Yes, that’s a family tradition. Not going out to watch them just feels foreign and empty to me, since we’ve done it all my life. Is your birthday within the next three months? Yup. *silent panicking* How long is the song you’re listening to? Three and a half minutes. Are you anticipating anything this week? Yeah I am pretty excited to attend my new set of classes. It’s my first sem to have four majors too, so that’s another thing I’m waiting to experience. Will I be okay? Will it kill me? Will I have nervous breakdowns? Who knows. Is your mom or dad the older parent? They were born in the same year, but my dad is older by eight months. Do you watch anything on E!? Just Keeping Up. Are you going to get off the computer now that you’ve finished this? No, I might take another one.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years ago
Christmas in July 2021
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Another July, another mid-year Christmas collab with Sem over at @this-song-thats-only-for-you​ . This year, we’ve swapped biases from Day6 to write about. 
24th July: A Christmas To Remember - Brian on Sem’s blog
25th July: Let’s Move Christmas - Wonpil on my blog 
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years ago
Easter Madness [Collab]
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Another mini-collab from Sem and I. We really missed not writing for Easter last year, so despite being busy, we’ve both sat down to write a story each for Astro this year! 
We’ll be posting on Easter Sunday and Monday, respectively at 10am NZST.
Mad Enough - Astro x female reader -- read over at @prettywordsyouleft 
Not Every Bunny - Moonbin x female reader -- read over at @this-song-thats-only-for-you​
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years ago
Treasure of the Sea
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Summary: You had no interest in mankind. Yet you couldn’t let him drown either. Saving Hanbin changed how you viewed your life forever.
Pairing: Kim Hanbin x reader
Genre: mermaid au / strangers to lovers / angst-fluff
Warnings: mentions of attempted drowning and evil doings 
A/N: Welcome to Dark Depths! This is a new theme for us this year! I’ve been wanting to mess around with a couple of underwater ideas for so long and since we treat Frightful October as our chance to hit up mythical and supernatural ideas, both Sem and I were excited to head to water this year with one of the weeks in this collab!
Word count: 2928
[Frightful October Masterlist]
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Unlike most mermaids of your age, you had little interest in humans and the world onshore. The sea offered all you ever needed. It was never the same, with the ability to explore around your home and then further out at sea. Trinkets and discoveries lay waiting behind every sunken ship or deep within the hidden caves. You had a respect for the others that called the sea their home, and a distinct distaste for anything that didn’t.
And yet, you couldn’t just leave the man to die either.
Swimming against the current, you fought you way down towards his falling body, now completely unconscious and losing his life’s spirit before you. It wouldn’t be long at these depths for the pressure to drown him. Desperate hands reached out for the collar of his jacket, pulling him up, high enough to stabilise him. You then swam as quickly as you could to your private cove, surfacing up through the pool and onto the rocks surrounding it. Laying the human out flat, you looked at him in concern, not sure how to save him now that he was out of water. You assumed since he had no gills that he would simply start to breathe again on his own.
Yet nothing.
Tentatively leaning over him, you listened to his airways, realising he had inhaled a lot of water. You pressed hands onto his chest after shoving his jacket aside, attempting to dislodge the water in his lungs. After a minute or two, he spluttered, causing you to shriek and slip back into the water, away from the human. Soon peering up over the rock ledge, your eyes widened to see his chest moving and falling as it should again.
You had saved him.
Still, you had no idea what to do with him now.
Since he was breathing again, should you just take him back into the waters and up to shore? Find him a safe place to leave him and disappear before he was completely lucid? Though you worried about his health. He had almost died, after all. Taking him back into the depths long enough to get him to safety could jeopardise his life again. But you couldn’t exactly house a human up in here until he was better.
… Could you?
Another noise escaped the man, this time it sounded like a groan in pain. Rising out from your hiding spot, you sat on the rocks beside him, brushing the damp hair away from his eyes. He flinched at your touch, reaching up to grasp onto your wrist. Before you could do anything, his eyes opened, warm like the earth compared to yours like the sea. You couldn’t help but stare, he was gorgeous up close.
“Am… am I still alive?” he croaked and you managed a firm nod in answer. “Oh thank God.”
Slumping back into the rock he laid upon, his free hand rose to his chest, grappling at the clothing over his heart. He then smiled at you and your balance slipped, falling over him awkwardly. Sitting up with embarrassment flaring, you pulled away from his grip. The man watched as you lowered back into the water. “Are you alright?”
“Perfectly. Yes.”
He seemed stuck for a moment, unspeaking whilst his eyes searched yours. Turning away from him, you moved across the cove’s pool to the other wall. He seemed healthy enough for you to not lean over him now.
And see his gorgeous smile up close again.
The man sat up slowly, wincing with his pain in doing so. He then looked at you. “Did you save me?”
“I did.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Are you scared of me?” he wondered, lips pursing a little as he pouted. You shook your head immediately, deciding you couldn’t be frightened by such a wonderful creature. He far exceeded all the merman you had crossed paths with in life.
But he was also human and you sighed, nodding lightly with a change in answer. He chuckled and you pressed yourself to the rock’s wall. “I’m sorry to frighten you. I’m honestly harmless. Well, mostly.”
He began to brood then, brows knitting together as if he was trying to piece together how he had come to be in this predicament. He then groaned, losing his balance and rolled into the water in the process. Without hesitation, you swam to his side, hoisting him back up. He merely stared at you once recovered, eyes wide with wonder.
“You are injured.”
“Well, I almost died, didn’t I?” he murmured and you couldn’t help the smile that curled the corners of your lips. He was so unlike what you had expected from mankind. “You smile?”
“You seem more at ease here than I believed you might,” you explained and the man nodded.
“Well, you saved me. I can’t repay you by being stiff and uninviting.”
“You owe me nothing except the return of your health so you can go back to where you came from.”
“Ah,” he breathed and you gave him a look after helping him out of the water again. He sat on the rock’s edge, legs dangling in the water. It seemed so jarring to see him still in his clothing and footwear in the water. “I’m sure they would rather I never did that.”
“Why, are you a wicked man?”
He didn’t answer right away, troubled thoughts surfacing within his expression. “I made a mistake. One I thought I could work to redeem myself with. It seems they’d rather I disappear.”
“What cruel humans you know of. We never turn our backs on our kind down here.”
He smiled at you. “Is that why you saved me?”
“Well,” you started, not really sure why you had. Until today, you had always shied away from human interaction. You had heard the good and the bad from your other fin-mates, and from an early age decided you would have nothing to do with them. They only polluted the clear waters, left destruction in their wake and held little compassion for those who lived within the ocean. Perhaps it was because you didn’t want to be like them. So often humans turned a blind eye to their treatment of the environment and you didn’t want to be like that.
No, you couldn’t be like that.
“What’s your name?” he asked, interrupting your search for an answer. Smiling his ever handsome smile at you again, you blinked when you heard his name fall from his lips. “I’m Hanbin.”
He nodded, now bashful for some reason, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. You noticed the injury to his wrist then, narrowing your eyes on the purpling to his skin. Picking up the other hand, you inspected it and grew concerned. “Were you bound, Hanbin?”
“I don’t quite remember. It was dark before I saw the water before me. I couldn’t swim to the surface, I know that much.”
Shifting to his legs, you pulled up the clothing upon them to see further bruising of his skin. You glanced up at him, eyes round with worry. “Why, I think they wanted you dead!”
“Yeah, as I said, it was best that I disappeared from their world.”
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Hanbin soon grew exhausted. You could tell he had more questions to ask of you and yet his eyes continued to droop, his body swaying slightly. Climbing out of the water, you soon stepped across the rocks on feet. He had gasped, slumping against you in confusion at your sudden legs. And with his stupor, it made it difficult but not impossible for you to help him across to your bed in the corner.
There he laid for days.
You treated his injuries as best as you could, hoping the slumbering man didn’t mind your trespassing underneath his clothes. There you had found markings of words and pictures over his skin, along with several other bruises and wounds.
You suspected he had been beaten by something heavy, your heart worrying further for your refugee.
Eventually, he stirred away from his slumber, eyes blearily opening against the world as you pressed salve to one of his wounds on his abdomen. It took Hanbin some time to truly become alert, blinking softly until he saw you.
“Finally, you wake.”
“It wasn’t a dream?” he breathed, looking around his surroundings before focusing back on you.
“No, it’s very much so your reality.”
“I’m glad it wasn’t one,” he told you, cheeks flushing with colour. “If I had imagined all this, I’d be rather disappointed.”
“You should be already. They marked you,” you told him sadly, pointing to the drawing near his ribcage. Hanbin glanced at it and then grinned at you.
“Oh that, I got it done a couple of years ago.”
“You did this to yourself?!” you asked in bewilderment, gesturing to the others that you could see. Hanbin nodded, pulling off his shirt you had left undone, to showcase another on his upper back. He then smirked at you. “It’s a tattoo. Humans do this to themselves.”
“But why?”
“Why?” he repeated and you nodded in complete confusion. He then shrugged. “It’s a sign of expression. For me, my tattoos represent my journey and what I believe in.”
“Can you not hold those thoughts within?” you questioned and Hanbin shook his head sadly.
“It’s easy to forget them when life gets too cruel.”
“I’m so glad I’m a mermaid,” you mentioned and the man then turned to look at your bare legs. You chewed your lip hesitantly. “Surely, you understand the concept of my kind. I was told by Neveah that you have many anecdotes about mermaids on land. Whilst, many sound fantastical, it is true we gain legs out of water.”
“So you can walk on earth? You could visit the cities that surround the ocean?”
“I choose not to,” you answered firmly and Hanbin frowned.
“But why?”
“You’ve said it yourself, humans are cruel. I do not wish to see that kind of world.”
“What kind of world do you want to see?” he implored, curiosity filling his warm eyes. You faltered, blinking as you looked away. It had only been days and yet you were full of options for your saved human.
“I’m not sure.”
“I think you have an idea,” he prompted and you snapped your gaze back to yours. “Am I right?”
“I think mer-people belong in the seas and humans belong on land.”
“Huh.” Hanbin nodded softly, his warmth shifting. “On land.”
“Well, you can’t expect to live in the sea, now can you?” you said with a giggle, Hanbin’s serious expression causing you to cough back the remainder of your humour. You leaned towards him, aghast. “You surely aren’t thinking of that! You’re a human!”
“One that should be dead.”
“The land is vast up there,” you pointed out, waving a hand around wildly. “Can’t you just go somewhere they can’t find you?”
“I’m not sure. If I had it my way, I’d find an uninhabited island and live the rest of my days out there. I’m done with my kind.”
You gasped, your fantasies whilst he rested had been over the island not far from the cove. Sometimes, when you felt the itch for sinking your toes into the earth, you would walk within the trees there, satisfied with your uninterrupted time on land. You had thought of building a home there many a times where you could go to study the specimens there. Yet, you knew you couldn’t make it alone and was too greedy to invite anyone else up there, in case they took the sanctuary away from you.
Yet, you had often thought of Hanbin helping you with the project whilst you nursed him back to health.
“Don’t tell me you know of a place,” he humoured lightly and you pouted.
“But I know of one.”
“Really?” You nodded animatedly. “No one else lives there?”
“It’s my own paradise,” you mentioned, and then stared at him intently. “Are you certain you have no desires to go back where you came from?”
“I’ll only end up back in these waters and this time, I doubt I’ll have the same fortune as I do now.”
“Maybe I’ll show you my island then. Once you’ve healed further.”
“Can I ask you something?” Hanbin held onto your wrist so you ceased your movement from departing his side. Staring up at you, he sighed.
“What is it?”
“I sound like a bad guy, right? Shouldn’t you want to push me back to where I came from?” He sounded vulnerable as he shared his thoughts and you stilled, watching as he grew more self-conscious. “Someone like you shouldn’t try to help me, right?”
“Why not? You told me you wish to redeem yourself. Someone wicked wouldn’t have the desire to do such a thing.”
Hanbin smiled softly, nodding at your response. “Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
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Another week and Hanbin was almost back at full strength. He still slept a lot, though you wondered if that was simply a part of his personality. When he was awake, he would put himself to work; helping fix some of the trinkets you had collected over the years that you believed would be broken forever.
“We call this a pocket watch,” he announced, pressing the lever that opened the gilded cover. You watched in awe. “It tells us the time.”
“You don’t follow the sun and moon?”
Hanbin chuckled. “Humans are too busy for that.”
“Then you will be too busy to help me build my house on the island?” you questioned sadly, shoulders slumping. “I can’t spend all my time away from the water. I believe it would take me an entire year to build it by myself.”
“I’m fortunate to not be like all the rest now,” he assured, smiling at you warmly. Your hope returned. “As a dead man, I have all the time in the world now.”
You took him to the island the following day. It was harder than usual, giving Hanbin’s inability to breathe underwater. Though he had told you one of your trinkets – a snorkel so he called it – could assist in his attempts to do so. You marvelled at how well the contraption worked.
And soon the island was before you both.
After walking around and showing him some of your favourite spots, you turned to Hanbin. “If I let you stay here, will you build my house with me?”
“Of course!”
Being human did have some strengths, you decided. Hanbin was methodical, drawing up a design before putting it into action. He managed more than you ever thought possible in a day, and your help only made the structure come along faster.
“Pull that vine more tightly, Y/N!” he exclaimed, holding the beam up as you yanked back on the vine. It wasn’t working and he dashed to your side, stepping behind you to help secure it. You almost had it, when the vine snapped in two, sending you both sprawling onto the ground.
Gasping, you spun around to face the man who had braced your fall. “Are you alright?!”
He was breathless yet somehow managed to chuckle, laughter soon booming around the campsite. You stared down at him for a moment before you silenced his laughter with your lips.
You had never tasted a kiss as sweet as his.
The house now had solid foundations, much like your budding romance with the human. You would crave his touch whenever you were in the water away from Hanbin, somehow sensing him in the waters searching for your lips when they had been away from his for too long. Your lives intertwined, both shared on land and in the cove, and you couldn’t quite remember being this happy before.
You chuckled at the thought that you once believed you could never accept a human into your life.
Then again, it took a very special one to make you do just that.
“I love you,” Hanbin murmured as you lay in his arms under a blanket of stars. You turned to look at your lover, his shyness still apparent even after all these years together. You adored whenever he spoke of his feelings for you because he would blush every time. You never thought a man could be this gentle.
“You do?”
Hanbin chuckled as he nodded. “I do.”
“Well, I’m thankful for that. I’d hate to be the only one madly in love with you here.”
“That could never happen. I fell in love with you at first sight.”
“Even when you realised I was a mermaid?”
“Well,” Hanbin started, looking away from you for a moment. “I only saw the beauty of your face. It took me some time to realise the reason you preferred the water was because you had a tail.”
“If it is any consolation, I had no interest in falling for a human.”
“That much I knew. You seemed very wary of me.”
“With the state you were in, I had every right to be,” you replied with a giggle. Reaching out to cup Hanbin’s face in your hand, you smiled. “The only thing I had appreciated from humans was the trinkets I found in my exploration. Otherwise, I had no desire to meet one in the flesh.”
“And now?” he wondered, pulling you closer to his body.
You brushed your lips over his, tasting what you could only describe as heaven. “Now I’m glad you fell into the sea. You’re the best treasure I’ve ever discovered.”  
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years ago
What genre do you want to try writing but have been hesitant to do so? And why?
When I think of the one genre I always hesitate over, smut is the answer. I spent over a year really hesitating, mostly because my style isn’t like most smut I’ve read and I didn’t know how to do it justice tastefully. I felt uncomfortable with the genre and put it in the “too hard” category. I also concerned myself over my main audience here which wasn’t driven by smut. I even created a sideblog with a fellow writer, but due to time restraints, and a bit of anxiety over writing on it, I abandoned the idea.
Still, I decided to give it a go with What A Tease, and I’m glad the process made me more comfortable with it. I won’t be off writing smut all the time now, but I do feel inclined to write some ideas I’ve had slowly and when it feels right to tackle them. First on my list is a sequel to The Favour - my Mark oneshot. 
I obviously hesitated to write a warrior au for about the last 6-7 months with Forsaken too. I don’t like mafia/assassin au types of stories but the idea was one I couldn’t walk away from. It took a lot of encouragement from myself and my close friends to pick it back up, admittedly. I didn’t want to research it too much, as I don’t have the time, so I was worried I couldn’t do the world the way I envisioned it. I’m glad I decided to do it anyway because I’m truly enjoying myself! 
As I was answering this, I did remember another concept I wanted to try. It’s time travel. And I’m worried I won’t pull it off well enough when Sem and I do our Ateez collab later this year/early next, but you know, I’m kind of excited - mostly because of the clothing and the era and the fact San isn’t my bias and yet I refer to the collab idea as San in suspenders, with glasses and a pocket watch hahaha!
Final thought: for me, I find it more of a struggle to stop hesitating over idols I want to write who I know aren’t as popular than I do genres/tropes/aus. I’d love to write more for B.A.P, for example, but I admit after all the nonsense I got in December last year regarding Daehyun, I do find myself giving their ideas away to others. I’d really like to stop that as I enjoy it, so I should write more for them. 
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years ago
Added Extras (Puppy Week Collab)
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Summary: Changkyun knew there was a chance that you would disagree with his decision to bring home the stray dog, but neither of you were quite prepared for the impact she would have on your lives.
Pairing: Im Changkyun x reader
Genre: puppy au / fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: Today is the last day of Puppy Week! I hope you have all enjoyed this collab @goodnightkisseu , @this-song-thats-only-for-you and myself have created! I truly enjoyed sharing my stories and reading those by Ash and Sem <3
Word count: 1277
[Puppy Week Masterlist]
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“Are you allergic?” Changkyun asked out of confusion, the hand he was pointing with towards a pet store falling to his side with your rejection.
You shook your head, shooting him a small smile. “No, it’s not that. It’s that we’ve only just moved in together. I want it to be just us for a little longer.”
He humoured your response then, but that was the only excuse Changkyun had accepted. Over the last two years of living with you, any time he suggested getting a dog with you, it had never ended with a positive outcome. You didn’t have the time, dogs were expensive, you didn’t want hair all over your clothes. The list went on and his shoulders were permanently slumped whenever he saw a puppy.
It was clear that his girlfriend didn’t want to raise a dog with him.
Or any animal, so it seemed. He had suggested a cat one time, not that he had initially wanted one. There was nothing wrong with cats, and you had confirmed that as well. You just didn’t want one.
And so that was why Changkyun was relieved to come home and find you still out for the day, rushing into the spare bedroom with the heavily pregnant stray dog, unable to leave her out on the street with the heavy rain forecasted tonight. He would simply hide her in here and if you so much as complained, he would assure you it was for only one night. He would take her off to the local shelter for assistance first thing in the morning.
He knew he had to make her comfortable though, and dashing into the hallway cupboard, he pulled out multiple blankets, creating her a bed that the dog was grateful for, plomping her exhausted body down upon it soon after it was ready. Changkyun then offered her some food and water, which the dog seemed all too happy to accept. It made him smile, despite the tears that had been threatening to fall in his eyes ever since he found her.
The world didn’t deserve such beautiful creatures like dogs.
Since he knew he would only have one night with her, Changkyun put his uttermost in keeping her calm, warm and comfortable. He sat by her side and let out a shaky breath when she lowered her head onto his lap, her eyes warm and appreciative.
He had never fallen in love so quickly in his life.
So it startled him when you walked into the apartment calling out his name, leaving him frantic on what to do. He wanted to move and talk to you first, but with her head still on his lap, he didn’t want to disturb her either. There wasn’t enough time to prepare so when you opened the bedroom door after following his call, he merely raised his hand in an awkward greeting.
“Uh, hi,”
You were silent for a moment, blinking slowly as you soaked in the situation. And then you expelled a huff of air. “Explain.”
“I found her in the alleyway trying to find a place to settle down in. The rains supposed to be real bad tonight, Y/N, so I brought her here. Tomorrow I’ll take her to the shelter and-”
You shook your head, pointing to the dog. Changkyun was confused; couldn’t you tell she was pregnant? Did he really have to explain that? You placed your hands on your hips. “Why is she laying on my favourite throw blanket?!”
He scoffed, looking down at his new best friend and then back up at you. “I grabbed what was on top. Can you not see the state of her?!”
“We have a bunch of other blankets, Kyun. Ones that are more suitable for a pregnant dog. She sounds like she’s in labour with her heaving too! I swear if she starts to give birth-”
Just then the dog let out a groan, lasting for quite some time as she shifted her body into another position. Both of you were frozen for a moment, eyes wide with the sound.
And then it was go time. You dashed out of the room as Changkyun repositioned himself onto his knees, helping the dog as she rocked her back end around. You reappeared with towels to prop under her, kneeling down there on the ready to assist her in any way. You glanced up at Changkyun then, giving him a determined look and he nodded, focusing on encouraging the dog gently.
She laboured for almost an hour when the first puppy was born, rolling out into the world and right onto your blanket, missing the towels completely. Mama dog started to lick at her infant and Changkyun looked up at you with blurred vision, recognising as he blinked through his emotions rapidly that you were crying too. The smile was wide as you both inspected the puppy, falling in love with the tiny life right before you.
“How many do you reckon she’ll have?” he asked you and you looked at the large dog that you held a gentle hand over and shrugged.
“I don’t think her litter will be too big.”
You had been right, after pushing out another two adorable little puppies; it seemed that her family was complete.
Changkyun marvelled at them as you gently picked up the puppies to check they were all healthy as they could be. Your smile was wide when you placed down the last one, giving a pat to the mother dog now relaxing with her children that were suckling from her milk supply.
“What a good girl, I’m so proud of you,” you told her softly, which the dog responded to by giving you another of her warm looks. Changkyun was certain you had fallen in love with her as much as he had.
All the same, as you both left the canine family to bond and rest, cleaning up yourselves in the bathroom adjacent, Changkyun glanced over at you anxiously. “Tomorrow…”
“You can’t expect her to get up and go to the shelter after giving birth so soon in our care. She clearly feels comfortable her to have gone into labour. You did the right thing.”
“So we’re keeping her?”
You smiled lightly, turning to look at him with a stern look. “Was this your plan all along? How did you know I would be a sucker for a stray animal?”
“I didn’t have a plan, I genuinely just wanted to help her,” he confessed, and you nodded, slinging your arms around his neck.
“I know, I’m teasing you. Though, you do owe me a new blanket.”
“That’s an easy fix,” he murmured before kissing you and you both went back into the spare room, kneeling down to watch on fondly.
You let out a small sigh. “I’m a Mum now.”
Changkyun grinned, pulling you into his arms as he looked on at two of the puppies blindly fighting over one teat. “Did you ever think you would be one so young?”
“Wait, my child just gave birth, so does that make me a grandmother too?! I don’t think I’m ready for that!”
“I think it makes you blessed. Thank you for accepting her, Y/N.”
You smiled, nestling into his side as you patted the mother dog. “She clearly was meant to be ours. Even if she came with extras.”
“Are we keeping them too?” Changkyun wondered, and you nudged him with your elbow, a chuckle leaving him. “What, with the way you fell in love with her so soon, after raising them with her over the next eight to ten weeks, you’ll be smitten with them too.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[MONSTA X Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years ago
Weekly Schedule 22/10 - 28/10
Another week to look forward to! If you missed my mid week announcement regarding changes to the posting schedule, I will now be posting Mon-Fri NZST twice a day instead of Mon-Sat. In the weekend I’ll reblog what was shared during the week :) 
This week is looking pretty EXO based with three sets of Different Kisses and the third part to my Kyungsoo series! 
Scheduled content:
Key: [FO] - Frightful October, [R] - Requested fiction/scenario, [DG] Drabble Game Request
Monday: Becoming Human chapter 23 // Spirited [FO] - Mark (GOT7)
Tuesday: The Lie - Wanna One // Dreaming [FO] [M] - Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
Wednesday: Different Kisses with Zhang Yixing [R] - EXO // Muse [FO] - Yonghwa (CNBLUE)
Thursday: Becoming Human chapter 24 // Different Kisses with Oh Sehun [R] - EXO 
Friday: Tell Me, If This Is Love part 3 - D.O (EXO) // Different Kisses with Kim Jongdae [R] - EXO
Saturday: recap of the week
Sunday: recap of the week
New content is posted at 10am and 2pm NZST daily. Reblogs will be scheduled throughout the day.
Last Week’s Digest:
Becoming Human chapter 21 - Leo (VIXX)
Deal [FO] - Hakyeon (VIXX)
Rested - Taemin (SHINee)
Saviour [FO] - Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
Different Kisses with Moon Jongup [Sc] (B.A.P)
Culmination [M][FO] - Daehyun (B.A.P)
Becoming Human chapter 22 - Leo (VIXX)
Blinded [M] - Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
Tell Me, If This Is Love Part 2 [M] - Kyungsoo (EXO)
Demanding - Minho (SHINee)
Birthday Surprise - Yongguk (B.A.P)
Frightful October:
For the month of October every Mon-Tue-Wed you can expect a fiction from me on the theme for the week, and on Thu you can head over to @this-song-thats-only-for-you and find a fiction from Sem as well! To read more about the collab, click HERE
This week’s theme is Haunted! We have a few cheeky spirits flying about the place!
Other information:
Next week will be the end of all the series currently on my blog. Frightful October will wrap up on Halloween, Becoming Human will finish Thursday and the following day will be the end of Tell Me, If This Is Love! We will be entering November without anything scheduled for specific days, and so I’m hopeful by the end of November, the requests will be almost answered! 
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My personal Frightful October masterlist is HERE
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years ago
Weekly Schedule 8/10 - 14/10
Hello everyone! Welcome to this upcoming week’s schedule! Thankfully (and somehow in between how busy life has been) I have another full week for you all. Week Two of Demonology begins on Monday, and on Friday the start of a 4 part Kyungsoo series begins! This week I found myself inspired by stories, so sorry for those waiting on scenarios, they’ll be next week with the exception of Yoo Youngjae’s kisses. 
Scheduled content:
Key: [FO] - Frightful October, [R] - Requested fiction/scenario, [DG] Drabble Game Request 
Monday: Becoming Human chapter 19 // King of Demons [FO] - JB/GOT7
Tuesday: Unfathomable [FO] - Mark (GOT7) // Risky Visions [FO] - Jinyoung (B1A4)
Wednesday: Soar - Daniel (WANNA ONE) // Contract [FO] - Leo (VIXX)
Thursday: Becoming Human chapter 20 // Alike [R] - WinWin (NCT)
Friday: Tell Me, If This Is Love [New series] - D.O (EXO) // Jealousy [DG] - Jihoon (WANNA ONE) 
Saturday: Your Oppa [R] - Minhyun (WANNA ONE) // Different Kisses with Yoo Youngjae [R]
Sunday: recap of the week
New content is posted at 10am and 2pm NZST daily. Reblogs will be scheduled throughout the day.
Last Week’s Digest:
Becoming Human chapter 17 - Leo (VIXX)
Superstitious  [FO] - Taeyong (NCT)
Don’t Take It Off - Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
Incantation  [FO] - Jeong Sewoon
Boyfriend! Guanlin [Sc] - Guanlin (WANNA ONE)
Love Spell  [FO] - Jinyoung (GOT7)
Becoming Human chapter 18 [M]  - Leo (VIXX)
Broken Baby - Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
Dance Practice - JB (GOT7)
Schedule - Chen (EXO)
Flower - Daehwi (WANNA ONE)
Limits - Ten (NCT)
Frightful October:
For the month of October every Mon-Tue-Wed you can expect a fiction from me on the theme for the week, and on Thu you can head over to @this-song-thats-only-for-you and find a fiction from Sem as well! To read more about the collab, click HERE
This week’s theme is Demonology! I got so invested in this week’s theme, and the first story specifically that on Tuesday you get an EXTRA demon fiction with Unfathomable. 
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Tell Me, If This Is Love is my new four part mature Do Kyungsoo series that will be posted every Friday for a month at 10am NZST. I’m super excited and nervous to share it with you all as it will be the first series on here that is completely mature in focus. This idea is very near and dear to me, with a lot of emotion packed in so I hope it’s as well received as I’ve enjoyed creating it! 
The master list and an excerpt are posted and you’ll be able to find the link for it HERE. 
Other information:
Youxidol Drabble Game List I am accepting requests for is HERE
The completed list of drabbles on this game are HERE
My personal Frightful October masterlist is HERE
[Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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