#another aloalo island
shamelessdisplay · 4 months
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Another Aloalo Island (Savage) cleared!! (finally!!!!!!) We had one incredible pull getting some really great DPS and got a clean clear of the fight. Bf and I decided to go for BLU umbrellas while RPR went for SAM weapon, and SGE went for SGE weapon! Gonna *maybe* see about 1 more clear, but probably chill relatively soon as the new patch is so close now~ (low quality screenies since I'm tired lmao)
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence doesn't need to go below the cut, it's a link to this post
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shieldkeeper · 11 months
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Happy half patch! I took it into my hands to write down and record all of the lore entries in game for the new Aloalo variant dungeon. You’ll find all the information below the cut:
A Not-quite Deserted Island
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“Someone else was at Aloalo Island, and they commanded a wooden figure to attack us! It looked like a guhasaya, and its fangs were just as deadly. Thank the Sisters WoL was there!”
When Matsya told me of this encounter, my first thought was of the golems of the Far East, said to be driven by intricate wooden mechanisms. However, as Kalika so eagerly explained to us, the people of Aloalo were artisans of a different sort. They created arcane wooden familiars known as “quaqua” to serve as both protectors and companions, of which the creature that assailed them was but one. Nor were their constructs limited to the quaqua alone– Kalika warned against recklessly laying hands upon any of the figures dotting the island, lest they be roused from their slumber to defend their home.
Practitioners of the art of arcanima, which itself originated in the southern seas, employ gemstones to act as an intermediary between the corporeal and incorporeal when summoning familiars such as Carbuncles. The properties of wood, however, make it suitable for the selfsame purpose, and there is now evidence to suggest that early arcanists relief on wooden rather than gemstone cores. The “tiresome lout” of whom Matsya spoke must have possessed intimate knowledge of arcanima to successfully adopt these methods and call upon the quaqua.
The First Settlers of Aloalo Island
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“Aloalo is breathtaking, and its fish are plentiful. How could it have been left abandoned for so long?”
While neither Aloalo’s natural beauty nor its various inhabitants’ resourcefulness is in question, it is but a small island amidst volatile seas, prone to experiencing the full force of nature’s fury. Thus is its history one of prolonged settlement punctuated by abrupt abandonment.
According to stories told to Kalika by the island’s former caretakers, the earliest known settlers arrived during the waning years of the Fourth Astral Era. However, at the onset of the Fifth Calamity, otherwise known as the Age of Endless Frost, these settlers vanished, leaving behind the great shrine which housed the statue of the Speaker. Dubbed the “forgotten people” by those who came after, their mark upon Aloalo would endure, but their identity remains shrouded in mystery.
During the Fifth Astral Era, Aloalo was home to another people who became skilled at navigating the open sea. Some subsequently migrated to Vylbrand and would go on to found the city-state of Nym. However, when the Sixth Calamity brought destruction to Nym’s gates, those who could returned to the birthplace of their forebears.
Later, in the Sixth Astral Era, some of Aloalo’s residents again crossed the sea to Vylbrand, and their knowledge of arcanima would become the foundation of what is practiced today.
Alas, history would repeat itself when the island was abandoned for the third time a century ago in response to the eruption of an underwater volcano. Now Aloalo sits quietly, awaiting any who might start the cycle anew.
God of Heaven and Sea
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“The whale we encountered was as colorful as Thavnairian weave, but as vicious as a kumbhira!”
Legends abound in the south sea isles of whales which soar through the skies, and Shockmaw may be but one of these majestic creatures. According to Kalika, another flying whale known as “Ketuduke” was worshiped by Aloalo’s people as a messenger of the gods, and the countless figures carved in his image are an expression of their devotion. It is therefore within the realm of possibility that the creature which attacked was in truth this Ketuduke.
When faced with this revelation, Matsya wrung his hands and wondered if he had brought ill fortune upon them for angering a divine messenger. Kalika reassured him that any potential calamities could be averted by making the proper obeisance, and he instructed me to write down the ritual for posterity.
First, one must trek to where the three carven deities of Aloalo await their subjects, and there stand before the whale and chant, “O messenger from beyond the horizon, hear me.” Next, they must twice circumnavigate this isle of gods: first passing before the sparrow and then the turtle before returning to the whale’s auspice, then retracing the steps of their journey in the opposite direction. Lastly, the faithful must perform a dance, thus ending the ritual and securing Ketuduke’s blessing.
When Kalika described this rite to me, I was struck by its similarity to certain Thavnairian practices. Although the particulars differ, both religious traditions recognize and honor the divine nature of beasts.
A Noxious Gift
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“I’d never felt a fish pull with such strength. At that moment, I swore on my pride as a fisher that I would not let this prize escape!”
Due to its tendency to absorb and accumulate toxins from its prey, the draco barracuda that Matsya returned with is not safe for consumption. To be clear, the fish’s flesh is not inherently toxic, so a brave soul could perhaps eat one and live–and I am certain more than a few have done just that. I know several fellow alchemists who would sample a barracuda just to experience its potency for themselves, in fact. Fortunately, I found it listed within a compendium kept at the Great WOrk, so I knew there was nothing to be gained from such questionable endeavors. 
The toxin of the draco barracuda can be used as an alchemical agent, much like the venom of the hamsa. The island’s lush environment likely afforded this particular specimen plenty of prey to feast upon, and as a consequence I suspect it is highly toxic.
Kalika informed me that draco barracuda were revered by Aloalo’s people because they kept harmful seaweed and poisonous smaller fish in check. If one was accidentally caught, it was given back to the sea as a gesture of gratitude. I cannot help but wonder whether Matsya should have done the same.
The Roots of Arcanima
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“We were walking through a place filled with such lush greenery that every flower was as a shining ruby in the brush. I was so entranced with my surroundings that I scarcely noticed the strange wooden doll until we were nearly upon it!”
A century ago, an undersea volcano erupted near Aloalo. Violent waves followed, and the sky filled with ash so thick that the island’s inhabitants were unsure they would ever see the sun again. Their fortunes had changed overnight, and they were forced to make the difficult decision to leave their home. The evacuation was fraught with peril, for what boats survived the turbulent waters had to navigate floating lumps of cooling magma.
Prior to this disaster, Aloalo was a repository of mathematical records, grimoires, and marvels of arcanima. Those who fled could only take with them a fraction of these treasures, leaving behind their other creations–including the sculpted guardian known only as “the lala,” later encountered by Matsya and WoL.
Alas, while the lala managed to survive the long years, much of the archive and its tomes have been reclaimed by nature, along with what secrets they contained.
Under the Boughs of the Great Tree
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“Thavnair has its share of magnificent trees, but this one puts them all to shame. That jewel is truly a wonder.”
The great tree which towers over Aloalo had already grown into its full majesty when Kalika was born. In its shelter gathered those who worked to unravel the mysteries of the world through numbers and equations, and over time their modest encampment transformed into a full-fledged community. Night and day they would pore over their arithmetic, that they might shed light upon the jewel held by the statue of the Speaker, which seemed to imbue Aloalo itself with unflagging vitality. In the course of their research, they carved numerous arcane geometries into the tree’s bark, one of which would extract the aether from slain animals and redirect its flow to the surrounding flora. Just four sacrifices would be enough to make the branches of the tree grow, thus opening–or closing–paths through the area.
If these early arcanists were so fascinated with the Speaker’s jewel, why did they not live within the shrine which housed it?
This I asked Kalika, who answered that the shrine was enshrouded by an impenetrable mist–likely the result of magicks woven by its forgotten builders. And so the proto-arcanists settled at the great tree while they labored to create a tool which would win them safe passage, only to remain there even after their work was complete. I presume the comforts and benefits of a familiar place won out in the end.
A Dear Friend
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“When the branches were thickest, I wondered if I might spy a bird like Kalika perched upon them. I kept looking up, but I spied no sparrows flitting throughout the canopy.”
When Kalika heard this story from Matsya, he proudly exclaimed that he was unlike any other sparrow in the world. Although his less-talkative brethren are a common sight in Thavnair, they were revered by the inhabitants of Aloalo. Seeking to deepen my bond with the loquacious bird, I asked Kalika if there were any rituals performed or prayers offered in his kind’s honor. While Kalika was uncharacteristically reluctant to teach me, he acquiesced after some prodding. I have recorded his instructions so as not to forget.
Where Aloalo’s deities lie in wait, one must stand before the figure of the sparrow and chant, “O dancer of the skies, hear me.” Then they must prove their sincerity by blowing it a kiss. After that, the faithful should circle its perch, passing both the turtle and the whale ere returning to the sagely sparrow and performing for it a sprightly dance, thus securing the sparrow’s favor.
After learning this, I blew a kiss to Kalika. In response, he sighed deeply and turned his back to me. My heart sank, and it was then I realized just how much I had come to care about him. I want only for Kalika to be comfortable and safe. Perhaps I should put more effort in the meals I prepare? Or would blowing him more kisses win his favor? Or perhaps… (The following musings content no pertinent information for those who would brave Aloalo.)
Fish for the Mind
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“To think the great tree was home to fish as well. I usually cast my rod in the sea, but it’s exciting to ply my trade in a new environment!”
Kalika informed us that the fish Matsya returned with is a “wholokailo”. Its hard scales were dried, polished, and repurposed as components in a calculating device. The meat was also favored for its succulent flavor and supposed ability to enhance intelligence. As an alchemist, I was eager to put this claim to the proof. Could the meat actually sharpen one’s mind, or was it merely superstition born from the wholokailo’s association with arcanima?
I investigated the fish’s properties as soon as I heard Kalika’s story, but regrettably found nothing extraordinary concerning its nutritional benefits. That said, the scales do appear to have value as alchemical agents if they are properly stripped from the body and dried. I then thought perhaps grilling the fish and eating it whole might produce the desired enhancing effect… but I found the scales to be much too hard to chew and displeasing to the tongue besides.
To use the fish to its full alchemical potential, I believe the best method would be to grind the scales into powder, then knead them into a shape that can be easily swallowed. Whether or not the resulting product would measurably improve one’s intelligence remains to be seen, though.
A Familiar History
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“That faerie almost spoiled the whole experience. I hope we’ve seen the last of her…”
The faerie that tormented Matsya was a forgotten familiar by the name of Statice. Kalika was no stranger to her antics, and he recounted the stories of Statice wielding bizarre tools in her many attempts to capture him. She seems to have no purpose but to engage in mischief, and her traps litter Aloalo.
Given that scholars from the city-state of Nym settled upon Aloalo after the Sixth Calamity, the presence of a faerie is hardly surprising. They were favored as familiars by Nym’s mages, but such minions disappear upon the death of their master, when the supply of aether sustaining them is cut off. The fact that Statice has endured for so long suggests that she draws upon a potent source of aether–perhaps the selfsame jewel which is responsible for the remarkable vitality of Aloalo.
As an aside, the techniques used to control these faeries would later be refined by modern arcanists who command Carbuncles.
Tracing the evolution of the art further back, we can see a connection to the wooden familiars left behind by the forgotten original settlers of Aloalo. The tapestry of history is vast and intricate, and these expeditions have done much to add new threads to the cloth.
The Remnants of Faith
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“We arrived at a place that looked long abandoned but retained an unmistakable air of divinity. Whatever gods watched over Aloalo, this was surely their home.”
Matsya’s description called to mind Thavnair’s Purusa, and Kalika confirmed that it was indeed a sacred site for the people of Aloalo. It contained a ritual chamber where figures of the gods awaited to dispense their blessings, among them that of a sea turtle. As a fisher, Matsya is bonded to the sea, and Kalika suggested that he perform the proper rites before the turtle upon his next voyage. For Matsya’s sake, I shall record the instructions here.
First, standing before the turtle, one must chant, “O wayfarer of land and sea, hear me.” Then the supplicant must journey around the isle of gods twice, each time passing the sparrow then the whale before returning to the turtle. Bow before the wise traveler to earn its blessing.
Figures of the divinities could also be found throughout the ruins of old settlements, and I wonder whether their arrangement held special meaning. Regardless, it is plain that religion was of great importance to the people of Aloalo, much like it is to the Hannish.
A Lalafell or a Fish?
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“I’ve never seen such a fish! It almost resembles you, Pasasun–quite adorable, if I say so myself.”
I respect Matsya and his opinions, but I must strenuously beg to differ. To simply look at the fish he brought back from Aloalo sends a chill down my spine. Birds like Kalika could be described as “adorable,” but a fish with the face of a man… well, we shall have to agree to disagree, and consider this a minor hitch in an otherwise harmonious friendship.
When I asked Kalika about this odd specimen, he said it was called a “lalaulusu” by Aloalo’s inhabitants. They had a legend of an unlucky lalafell who was cast into the ocean during a storm, whereupon they found themselves transformed into a fish.
Parents told this story to their children to discourage them from wandering near the shore during rough weather. While it was likely no more than a cautionary tale, I cannot help but hesitate to render the laulusu into alchemical materials.
Wellspring of Golden Memories
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“I caught a fish with striking golds scales–it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen in Thavnair. This may be the most precious treasure of Aloalo Island!”
“Long ago, a fever raged among Aloalo’s infants. In a desperate bid to save their young, the islanders made soup with fish from the waters of the great shrine. The infants’ fevers broke, and all who partook of the soup grew into hale and hearty adults who were never again touched by sickness. Thenceforth it became custom to feed all newborns soup made from the golden coelacanth. Whatever inherent nutritional benefits the meat possesses seem to be enhanced by the fish’s proximity to the statue of the Speaker and the jewel it protects. Needless to say, the golden coelacanth holds high value as an alchemical specimen.
Although Matsya and I have known each other since childhood, the separate paths we took in life have afforded us scant opportunity to work together. Since the day he found Kalika washed up on the beach, however, we have never been closer– and the adorable bird has been a welcome addition to our fellowship. What is more, I have been able to advance my study of alchemy thanks to the rare fish Matsya has brought back.
I began this conservation record in the hopes that Matsya and any who would follow in his footsteps might benefit from it, but it has become a journal of sorts for this most joyous time in mylife. I am forever grateful to Matsya and Kalika both for setting these events in motion, and to WoL for keeping my dear friend safe from harm in his journeys.
The Speaker
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Kalika: I can tell you only of legends passed down through generations. Of biting frost that turned seas to ice, which drove the Speaker’s makers to go forth in search of a haven where light shone bright.
Those who came long after found Aloalo, where life had weathered the ancient rime. At the island’s heart was the Speaker, its jewel flawless and radiant. ‘Twas a wellspring of vitality, they believed, and all who settled upon Aloalo came to revere the ancient builders and their enduring legacy.
Under the Speaker’s auspices, the people of Aloalo lived in peace for thousands of years, until the day flame and ash rose from the water and forced them to flee.
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yuri-cocaine · 2 months
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i finished msq
-whadda hell bulnosaur....................,,,,,i thot this was our summer vacation
-living memory made me cry so damn much that music is sad as hell. i can't believe the legendary city of gold was an artificial afterlife that we had to pull the plug on. and then afterwards it's just this ugly gray city with the distorted sad music playing through mall speakers. being there after the msq is extremely uncomfortable.
-im wondering if sphene was deliberately programmed to be hostile and unreceptive to any solution that isn't "sustain the dead by killing and sucking up living aether." because it is possible to actually bring back the dead and sustain them without being a parasitic blight! all the beings in ultima thule are alive because they were brought back by dynamis, and azem's magic resurrected all the scions and briefly emet and hyth. obviously preservation doesnt know about dynamis and they can't use azem's magic, but that doesnt matter because we could have presented these solutions to sphene. but no, sphene straight up refuses to consider any other solution to sustaining living memory that isn't kill everyone on other worlds.
-there's also sphene's tiara being shown ominously after the credits roll. im willing to bet that the new arc villain really was using sphene as a pawn to destroy worlds for some unknown reason.
-re: azem's magic: azem is insanely powerful jesus christ. they're able to call people to their side no matter where they are, even resurrecting the dead in their summoning. and now azem apparently has a key that can open portals to other worlds, even tho azem lived prior to the sundering. why this key went to a bunch of lalas living in aloalo island is a big mystery, and im surprised aloalo was even brought up again. i did all the routes to get the statice mount so i fought the statue of the speaker, but i assumed the aloalo lalafells just sailed away on a boat to la noscea. the fact that they had an artifact azem created to hop to another world is insane.
-cahciua reminds me of venat, so i just feel horribly sad for erenville when he had to say goodbye to her. poor erenville ;-; he lost his home and his mother both. don't worry erenville you can jump right into yuma's loving arms and rest your weary head in her bosom i mean what
-everkeep is a massive eyesore, and im not a fan of solution nine sorry. i don't like glowy rgb cyberpunk aesthetics and purple is my least favorite color, and solution nine is both of that at once lol. radz at han is a way better endgame hub.
-im kinda confused about how interdimensional fusion is working. everkeep still has the endless lightning storms, but the unlost world that living memory is in seems to have a clear sky after we shut down the golden light. is that a real sky, and if so, why isn't it in a perpetual lightning storm too? and if living memory didn't get transported to the source along with the rest of everkeep and only has the gate to it connecting it to the source, then how hasn't it fallen apart the moment everkeep transported??? isn't it the twelfth floor of a giant tower.
-im going to guess that the unlost world is the ninth because of all the ff9 refs. even though the twelfth was already rejoined with a calamity of lightning, there's only six elements (not including light and darkness) and 13 reflections. the ascians are going to have to reuse elements for rejoining eventually, so if things went their way we would have had a second calamity of lightning rejoining the unlost world. electrope not being in the source (or maybe it is and we havent found any yet) sounds like ascian shenanigans too. tip the world strongly towards the element of lighting, then introduce a suspiciously convenient ore that can make use of all the excess lightning, and manipulate nations into destroying each other for it. lindblum's lightning superweapon would be the perfect tool for a rejoining.
-i wonder if there are any reflections that are still relatively okay, but i also wouldnt be surprised if every reflection was left in a horrible state to prime it for rejoining. due to the time discrepancies between shards, i think it'd be cool to find a reflection that didnt even develop civilization yet lol
-anyways. i thought nothing would top amaurot for being the saddest place, but living memory is just fucking me up so bad. deleting the endless was bad enough, but to leave it in that ugly shut down state with distorted music playing is horrible. we killed the golden city and are left with its corpse. also, something scary to think about it that if everkeep is the last intact place from the unlost world and it's been transported to the source, that means the unlost world is completely barren and the final remnant of its last standing civilization is an empty necropolis. goddamn if it was another star and meteion found it, she'd be adding it to her list of reasons to despair for sure.
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shiawasekai · 3 months
Very VERY heavy Dawntrail msq spoilers ahead.
I've been rotating in my mind the reveal of the Key being, from the looks of it, an Azem creation these last few days. I doubt the writers will ever give us a full explanation on this, but my personal take is that this was Azem's answer to the Final Days dilemma. The reason they rejected both the Zodiark and Hydealyn plans.
Interdimensional Fusion, moving to another dimension with everyone in tow. Saving them all, no sacrifices or Sundering needed.
It failed. Either Azem decided this method wasn't good enough, its price too high or they simply were too late. The writers probably won't ever give answers on that front as characterising Azem too much wouldn't go well with the playerbase.
Then, millennia later, the lalafells of Aloalo Island would find the unused Key and employ it for its originally intended purpose to run away to a different dimension after the Fifth Umbral Calamity.
Dawntrail plotline ensues.
And you know what I find extra fascinating given all of this?
Sphene asking the WoL over and over "if I knew earlier what you do, if you were in my place, would have things worked out differently? Would the country I love have been saved without such sacrifice?"
She repeats these since the very first moment you meet her, and that question is aimed at YOU. Not any of the Scions or Wuk Lamat.
You, who are the reincarnation of the person who created the Key that made this whole situation possible. And their most likely motivation to make it was the search for a solution that didn't require all the death and misery Zodiark and Hydealyn brought.
It's such an insidious little question.
And the one single time in the expansion the WoL employs Azem's magic is the battle undergoing whilst the Key powers are activating. In Dawntrail, the WoL's role is that of a mentor for 90% of the narrative but THIS? This is your battle.
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storm-driver · 3 months
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another aloalo island.
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kimoi-boi · 5 months
lmaooooo my friends and I spent a lockout trying to relearn Another Aloalo Island tonight. It was probably some of the most fun I've had in-game in a while. Some highlights include:
Our raid lead only speaking in Swedish. None of us other than them speak Swedish.
Forced march memes because I am so very bad at that particular mechanic. I'd probably have better success if I just guess Left or Right every time rather than try to solve it, because I get it wrong 90% of the time.
A friend I was streaming to kept getting distracted by Novice Network chat arguing over whether American English is a language or a dialect until we all got distracted by it.
Even further forced march memes because I actually solved the mechanic correctly...only for my partner to have solved it wrong and it killed us all.
"Ett, två, tre, fyra." "Four? That's clearly two!" "Nej nej nej, T! V! Å!"
Our BRD doesn't have a second monitor, so he had to tab out to look at a diagram and was immediately greeted by this gif of Shrek instead:
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"I just needed to embody the soul of 'fuck it, we ball.'"
Seriously, fuck that forced march mechanic. I am so very very awful at it. I'm glad my friends find my pain surrounding it very funny because that makes me find it funny too.
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wildstar25 · 7 months
sometime you wake up with an idea and spend 5 hours gposing and 3 1/2 hours progging another aloalo island and 3 more hours in InDesign and then its 2 in the am whoops
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vierandancer · 3 months
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The day finally came to depart for the New World -- Tural.
After a rocky day at sea, Meiko and A'kihiko, along with their companions, arrived in the beautiful capital of Tuliyollal. There was an overwhelming amount of things to see, but the Rite of Succession quickly took precedence over sightseeing. It was a welcome change of pace, however, as the Third Promise Wuk Lamat took center stage in all things -- with Hiko and Mei playing the role of encouraging mentors, something they both enjoyed.
They were both surprised, and perhaps a bit annoyed on Meiko's part, when Thancred and Urianger turned up. At first this was mostly because they hadn't told them about it, and later due to the light bit of sabotage. From that point until the Rite's end, Meiko would punch Thancred in the arm every time she saw him, and take Urianger's drinks when he wasn't looking (when they were on break back in the city). A'kihiko also feigned hurt, stating that 'Thancred and Urianger found a new Miqote' and 'So I guess I mean nothing to you'. It was all in jest, of course. Meiko later teased the two over adopting yet another child in need of direction (to Koana's displeasure).
All the while, the only thing keeping Meiko and A'kihiko from straight up murdering Bakool Ja Ja (especially after Valigarmanda's release) was that it would probably be frowned upon. Although, they were certainly nearing their patience limits. They proudly cheered Wuk Lamat on from the sidelines when she finally beat his arse.
Outside of that drama, Mei and Hiko enjoyed learning about the different cultures and histories of the people of Tural. They were also more than eager to look after Wuk Lamat at her father's behest, and found common ground with both her and her brother. Meiko spoke with her about her own feelings about being in her brother's shadow, and Hiko bonded with Koana over being yet another Miqo'te child left behind.
When the strange military emerged from out of nowhere and attacked Tuliyollal, the two were quick to jump into action to save those they could. Following Zoraal Ja's threats, they made their way to Heritage Found, and soon met Sphene. Neither Mei nor Hiko trusted her from the beginning, having witnessed her presence during the first attack -- but like with all their past enemies, knew they had to bide their time for her true plan to be revealed. They continued to let Wuk Lamat lead on, although by the time everything became clear, they had mostly guessed what was going on: although, they were shocked that Ascians hadn't had a direct hand in the plot.
When it came to the Golden City, Meiko recalled her learnings from her time spent exploring Aloalo Island some months prior. As they proceeded through Living Memory, they gave their companions space to say goodbye to those who yet lingered there, but did not object to shutting everything down. Again, memories of Amaurot still rang strong in their heads.
At the end of everything, Meiko and Hiko brought out Azem's Crystal to summon allies to their aid. But when they did, the mysterious sought-after relic clearly resonated, bearing their Ancient's symbol for the briefest of moments. Between that and the list of locations Hades had dictated to them in Ultima Thule, it was clear that they were being driven to uncover what it was Azem had been doing leading up to the Final Days. There had been the portal to the Thirteenth in the Bounty, the location of the relic with the Speaker of Aloalo, and now the Golden City containing a civilization whisked away from another Reflection...
After talking it over, Meiko and A'kihiko agreed not to share this theory with their companions just yet. Although they themselves disliked when their companions omitted certain information in the past, they also recognized that the responsibility was only theirs to bear. Until they had more to go off of than pure instinct, they would allow their companions to continue to enjoy their respite unburdened. For now, A'kihiko keeps the Key on his person, while Meiko began to chart out a map towards their next destination.
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crossroadsdimension · 3 months
This weekend was a good one for FFXIV side content progress.
Got all the sightseeing logs done yesterday, and another 5 runs for Aloalo island under my belt.
I just need route 2 and 9-12 and I'm done...but because I ran 4-8 today and cut the total number of runs remaining in half, I need a moment to sit back and breathe. With any luck, I'll get the other half over the course of the next week or so, before Dawntrail comes in.
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valdiis · 3 months
Things I would like to get done before Dawntrail drops:
Collect another 101 moogle tomestones for the rest of the stuff I want (it's all stuff I can't just buy off the MB).
Finish the Eden raids.
Finish the Pandaemonium raids.
Do the Ruby Weapon series.
Run Aloalo Island at least once.
Things I'll be getting done before Dawntrail drops:
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shamelessdisplay · 5 months
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Got our first clear of Another Aloalo Island! I also got the mount to drop which felt nice! Mechanics are very tough but it's a pretty fun dungeon. Did try out Savage for about 20 minutes to get a feel for damage and that shit is so rough. Our static is gonna practice more in AAI and alternate that with Savage so we can prep for the clear. I hear my shiny BLU umbrella calling to me...
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divingstorm · 3 months
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cleared Another Aloalo Island right in time before DT =]
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foxgirlbeans · 4 months
The “Another Aloalo Island” Training Experience
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taurusversant · 8 months
FFXIV Glamour Archive #3
This time I'm archiving the glamour for my Pure Healer (White Mage and Astrologian), as I've recently made a new general glamour for healers while I prog Another Aloalo Island. Expect the Shield Healer glam archive at some point in the future.
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The only jewellery I have to report on are my black and white rings, the Dodore Ring and the Raptorskin Ring. These both date back to ARR, and I really liked how they were the same model but opposites. The Dodore Ring is also important to me because, back during the free trial, I pursued the Feast of Famine fishing quest, and in order to meet the stats required to catch the fish, I had to craft unique gear all on my own. The Dodore Ring was one of those, and getting Dodore Wings tested me. I did levequests in Mor Dhona to eventually get those. Fond memories of doing everything I can in order to get those fish.
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Weapon time! For White Mage it's the Ronkan Cane, and for Astrologian it's the Hakuko Mirror. Both fit the glamour well I think!
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The headpiece is the Shisui Mengu of Healing! The Shisui gear is wildly popular, and I'm very taken with the flower headpieces. My shield healer set will have it as well.
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For the body, it's the Panthean Robe of Healing, dyed Rolanberry Red, which comes as no surprise to anyone. The funny story about this is that I made my shield healer set first (and yet I'm documenting pure healer first), and when I got this drop from Aglaia I was so taken with it I created a second glam to show it off.
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The hands, meanwhile, are the Replica High Allagan Gloves of Healing, again in Rolanberry Red. I like the strappy bits.
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The pants are also from Aglaia, the Panthean Skirt of Healing. Originally I had it in Rolanberry Red as well, but one day I noticed that the default undyed version worked so much better!
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Finally the shoes are the Gliderskin Boots of Healing, undyed as well. They're nice and simple, but with a little bit of detail all the same. Given the edges of them are pretty much only seen beneath the skirt, they serve their purpose!
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And that's this one! This glam served me well for a good time, but island time is calling, and who am I to deny it. My new healer glam is green, if you can believe it. Shocking I know. But this one still holds a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to document it here.
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goldeagleprice · 5 years
Banknotes of Madagascar – Banknotes of the World – V
Welcome to yet another chapter of our series “Banknotes of the Countries from across the world”. Though banknotes by their very definition are a type of a negotiable promissory note, made by a bank, payable to the bearer on demand, they are artistic treasures in their own right. All the countries are no doubt proud of their history and heritage and proudly boast about them on their currency notes. Currency notes and their designs and reason behind their issuance are in itself a topic of great interest and study. Hence we will discuss various such interesting and unique banknotes of the world.
  In this part we are going to look at the banknotes of Madagascar. To read the previous parts of the “Banknote of the world” series, click here.
  Madagascar is a huge island nation off the southeast coast of Africa. Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot; over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth. It is home to thousands of animal species, such as lemurs, plus rainforests, beaches and reefs. Near the busy capital, Antananarivo, is Ambohimanga, a hillside complex of royal palaces and burial grounds, as well as the “Avenue of the Baobabs,” a dirt road lined by massive centuries-old trees.
  The island’s diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife are threatened by the encroachment of the rapidly growing human population and other environmental threats. Ecotourism and agriculture are key elements of Madagascar’s development strategy and the country belongs to the group of least developed countries, according to the United Nations. The main economic resources of Madagascar are tourism, textile export, production and export agricultural and mining.
  Uptill January 1, 2005, the franc was the currency of Madagascar. It was subdivided into 100 centimes. In 1961, the Institut d’Emission Malgache (Malagasy Issuing Institute) introduced banknotes in denominations of 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 francs.
  The Ariary is the current currency of Madagascar and it is subdivided into 5 iraimbilanja and is one of only two non-decimal currencies currently circulating. The names Ariary and Iraimbilanja derive from the pre-colonial currency, with ariary (from the Spanish word “real”) being the name for a silver dollar. Iraimbilanja means literally “one iron weight” and was the name of an old coin worth 1/5 of an ariary.
  Today we are discussing a few Italian Lire banknotes issued in various years. The note specifications are as follows:
    5000 francs or 1000 Ariary banknote of 1995
This 5000 francs or 1000 Ariary banknote of 1995 issued by the Central Bank of the Republic of Madagascar boasts all the unique Malagasy features on it.
The reverse of the note has Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta); Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema); Red Ruffed Lemur (Varecia rubra); Madagascar Pygmy-Kingfisher (Ceyx madagascariensis); Madagascar Fody (Foudia madagascariensis); Helmet Vanga (Euryceros prevostii); seashells; butterflies on it. The obverse portraits a Malagasy young boy with the Cane cutters, ox driven cart, abstract finial of a wooden Aloalo tomb sculpture and the massive centuries old Baobab trees in the background!
  500 Ariary / 2500 Francs (1993)
The obverse has the portrait an older Malagasy woman in centre with plants to right. The reverse has wild animals and plants of Madagascar: like the Grey heron (Ardea cinerea), tortoise, Verreaux’s Sifaka lemur (Propithecus verreauxi), butterfly, plants. This multi-coloured banknote has a Zebu’s head as its watermark.
    100 Ariary banknote (2004)
This banknote was issued by Banky Foiben’i Madagasikara/Central Bank of Madagascar in 2004.this banknote is printed in blue and tan on multicolored underprint.
The obverse of this note depicts denomination in words printed in Malagasy language at top centre and at top right in Roman script. The numerical denomination is printed at bottom left and right corners. The prefix and serial number are seen at top left corner and lower right with signatory of Governor above it. The Legend ‘Central Bank of Madagascar’ in Malagasy language is printed at bottom centre. Vignette of Ravinala and Tsingi plants at left.
The reverse of this note illustrates legend ‘Central Bank of Madagascar’ is printed in Malagasy language at top centre and year of issue at top left with text in Malagasy at left. The numerical denomination is seen at top left, right and lower left corners. The denomination in words printed in Malagasy script at bottom right corner. Vignette of mountain and trees printed at right and small map of Madagascar at upper left.
  500 Ariary banknote of 1998
Obverse: Portrait of a Malagasy woman to centre-right; The Dotted Aerangis (Aerangis punctata) or Comet Orchids to centre left; View of Prime Minister’s Palace in Antananarivo in centre middle; Abstract finial of a wooden Aloalo tomb sculpture to extreme right.
Reverse: Malagasy weavers at work in centre; Madagascar Dragon Tree to left. This orange/red note has the Zebu’s head as its watermark.
  Always wanted to visit this paradise?
  “Ta-Daa!! Your wish has come true!” Book a ticket and go explore it for yourself or collect such awesome banknotes! Save our environment and go green! Hobbies help to gain knowledge. Notaphily is such a hobby that will give you knowledge of numerous countries and their currencies.
  Indeed instead of just spending the money, just for once let’s appreciate the beauty of their designs. There are so many more such banknotes of the world and we are very excited to explore such wonderful artworks. Stay with us and let’s enjoy this together.
The post Banknotes of Madagascar – Banknotes of the World – V appeared first on Blog | Mintage World.
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