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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year ago
To Be an Intolerant Human Is to Be EVIL! "Lion-Girl" reviewed! (Cleopatra Entertainment / Blu-ray)
Here is “Lion-Girl.” Hear Her Roar on Blu-ray! In the year 2045, a rain of meteorites harbingers the possible destruction of the human race as the space rocks contain harmful, radioactive rays that either kill a human within seconds or doesn’t kill them at all but transformers them into bloodletting, mutated beasts with superhuman abilities known as Anoroc.  While the rest of the world…
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moviesandmania · 1 year ago
LION-GIRL (2023) Japanese action sci-fi horror - trailer and US release news
Lion-Girl is a 2023 Japanese sci-fi action film about the survivors of a meteor shower who are left to defend themselves against each other and monsters known as “Anoroc” who hunt and kill humans for their lifeforce. Also known as Karajishi Kamen: Lion-Girl. Written and directed by Kurando Mitsutake (Samurai Avenger: The Blind Wolf, Gun Woman, Karate Kill and Maniac Driver). Produced by Mami…
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444names · 1 year ago
tolkienesque names + tolkienesque names encoded with louchebem
Adanca Adanákhîm Adopheë Aedhe Aiwenbuch Alaturton Aldoque Alelvegon Alfírin Amique Amirhège Amrodwyn Anbrès Ancalard Andadan Andil Andilgor Andoc Andor Andurar Anduras Anincome Anorn Anoroc Antome Anáin Análin Arane Arathan Argorin Arondur Arong Artzlil Arvic Arvirième Arvji Arwem Arómeë Athège Augard Avorif Azôrgoque Bagondine Barin Barogue Barveda Barvegème Belegor Belmoque Beluil Berendoc Beringwë Berième Bernji Berrygès Bifuillan Bolgbè Bomerungè Bominain Borbji Borthakoc Brahique Brisfège Bëormain Calad Calange Calelji Calittar Carómin Cilèë Círic Círion Damiryon Daringue Delegor Dingue Drómeë Duche Dáingue Dáinzil Déawingue Déouinès Díron Elcège Elelald Eleme Elenoque Elerine Eleäreth Eleärnji Elidufin Elron Elugsmème Elvique Endufinge Eregon Erilúvi Erumaith Estele Estohir Estomir Eäregond Eärem Eärnoque Eärwena Eönwlè Faxshogue Felrème Fimgè Fimir Finen Finge Fréaoque Fréaème Frórië Fílif Gamieliic Gamkhâlès Gavalar Gilhès Ginglúvic Glingbè Glolgès Golfrómir Gondrata Gonton Goroc Gríanwë Gwèmentor Haelmarod Haladrene Halardand Halfwique Heregès Hique Holtè Huchadog Hyatulë Hámarvir Húriel Ilast Ilique Illeruch Ilrdboque Imoque Imron Ingoque Inzimind Ishoron Isinyèë Isique Kílithoc Kúvique Labrië Lacil Ladaran Ladir Ladoc Laglúth Lagob Lagrasès Lagron Lague Laingue Lairgonji Lakhônzil Lakoc Lalam Lalamdír Lalaminge Lalaradad Lalarion Lalaurès Lalbarème Laldoc Lalem Laleärwen Lalfhe Lalgè Laline Lalir Lallan Lalloc Lalmaltoc Lalmiele Lalmji Lalmogue Lalor Lalvegnor Laláf Lamique Lamir Lanbor Lanbuche Lanbès Lancoc Landil Landinfji Landor Lanfandus Langwèmeë Laningue Laniqueë Lanmème Lanoc Lanome Lantitë Lanto Lanuchel Lanuingue Lanwlès Lanwë Laragon Laran Larange Laras Larceme Lardange Lardanta Lareard Laredfem Larillem Larionna Larmaif Larthôr Laruca Laróffard Lasfège Lasta Lastirgor Lastitin Lastë Lasème Latar Lathéod Latuche Laurund Lausique Lazogue Lebelel Lebelsor Lebeme Leborès Lebran Lebrillas Lecth Lecthe Legos Lelard Leldorod Lelegrès Lelelem Lelelè Leleärem Lelin Lelirif Lelle Lelmachmo Lelroc Lelrodoc Leluiller Lelvelem Lelzogue Lemingue Lemûn Lendur Lenge Lengil Lengue Lenimique Lennambor Lenoque Lenwmog Leoque Leoqueë Leorn Leredheë Lerendmír Leriomo Lerondil Lerryon Lerúmique Lethor Leärn Lfant Lfhirbji Lfwing Lfwinge Lgríana Liaras Liinastë Lilhè Limbuche Limil Limique Limirième Limladûn Limlin Limogue Limooic Limorme Limrashji Limrast Limrathor Lindomil Linge Lingel Lingic Lingue Lingueë Linorn Linème Lique Lirina Lirvedhe Lisinge Lième Lkandë Llaegè Lloriele Lmdís Lmoque Lnhoque Lntarhji Lnuilg Lnème Lobshmin Lofur Logue Loldem Loldurvir Lolfoui Lolir Lomogue Lonor Lorcèmeme Lorgolge Lorique Lorji Lorlès Lorme Lorncoc Lorod Lorombel Lorth Lostiën Losto Lostoc Lotheën Louil Lowfaur Lowfax Lrómir Lthard Luche Luglod Luilmdís Lulwë Lumbronji Lumgè Lundingue Lunge Luoldabji Lwinvoc Lyaragon Lúthif Lúthoif Macil Mainphor Makanique Manboron Mange Manor Marcher Martor Menglas Merceme Mileremë Mirion Mirique Mogue Monuilmin Moque Muchmin Míringe Nienwë Noque Nínielven Ondircem Orodem Oroth Pereth Perethôn Periarad Pertès Rímad Rómilji Saurungue Shairë Shaithmji Shnáin Shouilji Snème Stohe Súrikji Súrisil Tabème Tabès Tardacif Tarth Telen Telrór Telth Telwar Thmome Théodhron Tuche Tuolór Tuorogue Turië Ugambolë Uilème Uinyahir Ulfwin Ulkhôr Ulmogue Undillem Vaithoc Valingè Valmandor Vansique Varas Vatangic Vingue Vique Vorimë Vorogue Yálir Yávine Éoome Éowfoc Éoème Írikji Íringe
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corona-the-nightcutter · 5 years ago
Blood Notes
Logan’s schedule for the night was simple. Tidy up around the house, make herself an easy meal, watch the latest episode of her favorite monster-hunting show (however inaccurate and obscure their methods may be), then go to sleep. One of her more laid-back evening as of late, but she couldn't be more thankful for it. This past week has kept her a little too busy for her liking. The sudden rush of adrenaline that the human body produced when you tried not to die was not something that Logan particularly enjoyed. Dealing with high strung angelic beings wasn't too high on her favorite’s list either. Just a casual night with nothing but the outcome of the show to worry about. 
That was, of course, after she cleaned up like she was asked.
She walked into the hallway bathroom in search of a brush and tie for her hair. She had the longest hair in her family by far (well as far as she was aware), so doing almost anything gritty was next to impossible with it let loose in all its glory. Her mother had constantly, and recently an “acquaintance”, had recommended cutting it shorter. But she had cut it short when she was younger, though the ridiculous bangs she had with it were the biggest issue she now had with the look, she still refused to cut it after she has spent years growing it out. 
She pulled open the top drawer of the sink and reached into the tiny woven bin where she kept them, pulling a fairly tight elastic band out. As she reached for the brush, she glanced up at the mirror, and froze.
How she hadn't noticed this earlier was a mystery to her, but she was always one to absorb herself in own thoughts, whether she chose to or not. 
Her reflection was covered by fresh, dripping, dark crimson blood. The viscous, liquid trails slid all the way down to the wood framing, staining the orange brown with an almost eerie dark maroon and had begun to drip onto the ceramic sink top. Someone with any sort of rational thought would have called the police to report a breaking and entering, and mostly like a suspect of murder. Logan would have snorted at the thought of a religious person seeing this and preparing an exorcism with salt.
She only groaned deeply and buried her face her hand. “My god ...Anoroc!” she shouted out, seemingly at nothing but a random shadow at first glance. When she didn’t get an answer, she marched out to the living room, completely foregoing her first task as usual, and glared at another, larger shadow that looked suspiciously dark to her.
“Alright, you can come out now. I know you’re there.” she said sternly, placing her hands on her hips, hair tie clutched in one.
The shadow she was looking at begin to move, the darker filling begin to shrink and condense into a tall form, a beastly one with massive wings, a curling spiked tail, and a row of horns that sprouted from the top and sides of its head. The form continued to shrink until Logan could make out every row of spines that littered the creature’s face, and the sharp tips of its claws on its paws. (or hands? Logan couldn’t tell which.)
But that wasn't important now. Her arms crossed over themselves and her mouth pursed into a high, short line as the creature “walked” out of the shadows. Its entire form barely fit in the living room. The jagged tips of its horns lightly scraped against the ceiling; its wings would have knocked the tv off its stand if it was not careful. The claws that tipped it’s hands ...or paws… looked as if they had to power to slice cleanly through steel, and the deadly golden amber eyes on its face contained a fire that could melt even the firmest of wills, reducing them to begging for their lives on their knees before the demon.
“You called me, Eldritchess?” The demon’s deep, masculine voice addressed, revealing rows of sharp, frightening teeth that were concealed in his jaws. He stared down at her with a stern gaze, as though she had done something wrong, or unexpected.
Logan, despite all this, just sighed and put one hand up to her face again. The demon’s stern gaze turned to one of confusion, tilting his head as she looked through her fingers up at him.
“Why is there blood writing on my mirror?” she asked as if it was a completely normal thing, which while this wasn't a common occurrence as of yet, she had been told to expect “out of the ordinary things” by a certain angelic king. She supposed this was the start of them.
The demon’s ears perked up in surprise, the scaled brows on his face raising slightly. “Aziza informed me that your generations sense of humor was based around the aspect of ‘randomness’. Was this not... random enough to be humorous to you?” He asked, looking down at her with something of an earnest and sincere look. Well, it looked like it was sincere. She could tell it was strained, but he was trying. That was at least somewhat calming her irritation.
“Random enough? Well yeah this is random, but not in a good way! Whose blood is on my mirror? What did you kill? You better not say chickens.” She eyed him suspiciously and leaned forward, although it did nothing to help that she had to look up at least two feet to meet his eyes. 
Anoroc scoffed and looked away from her with a deadpan in his fiery eyes. “Oh please, chickens are a coward’s target. I used lamb’s blood that I had stored away.” he stated formerly, his hands that dangled at his side like willow limbs folded behind himself just under where his wings were attached. 
“I don't think that makes you any less of a coward to have blood stored away,” she forced herself ignored how his gaze was on her, looking like something short of annoyance, “and why would you store blood in the first place? I thought you were a dragon. Are you part vampire or something?” she asked, leaning back to her normal height. 
“No, I am not part vampire. It’s for research and ritual purposes.” 
“Uh huh… well, whatever. Stay there.” she said and walked back toward the bathroom. She reached her hands to her hair and chose to just gather it into a low ponytail. A higher ponytail would have been preferred, but this would work for now. She regarded the stained mirror again for a second, noticed how the blood had begun to brown and dry. She didn't waste any time in getting the glass spray and a roll of paper towels, walking back out and all but threw them to her “assigned protector”.
“Logan. My name is Logan, so please use it. Since we’re partners now, or whatever Orion said, it would be better if you weren’t so formal.” Logan said, then looked down at the two items in his clawed grasp. “You made the mess, so you have to clean it up.” She asserted, but she was taken aback by the confused look on his face as he turned over the aluminum can and cylinder of paper in his hands. 
“I’m confused…”
“By what? You just push here, and it sprays.” she pointed to the pressured spot atop the canister.
“No… well yes, that as well, but usually when I made… a mess I was escorted back to my chambers.” Anoroc explained. 
“Oh yeah, you had servants. Must have been nice.” Logan remarked with a smirk, but it dropped immediately when she saw the hard look on his face.
“Escorted by guards, because the staff feared I was too wild.” His eyes went dark and they almost looked as if they turned into a dark orange color. He brought the canister to his muzzle to sniff it and snorted and shook his head as the fumes of the cleaner entered his nostrils.
“Hey.” Logan looked up at him with something of a reassuring grin. “That was when you were classified as ‘a danger to the fortress’, but with you as my guardian, and with me as your connection to the mortal world, we can change that, right?” She said. 
Anoroc regarded her statement for a moment. “I suppose that’s how this is going to work....” He agreed, looking back to her.
“Great! Now go get that mirror cleaned before it stains anymore, and maybe I’ll teach you what the whole “randomness” deal with my generation’s humor means, huh?” She patted his scaled and fur-covered arm and walked past him, beginning to de-clutter the coffee table. She picked up a stack of old mail and cast a glance over her shoulder, spotting her counterpart edging his way carefully to the bathroom, minding that his bulky wings didn’t knock down another picture. She smiled to herself. Though she still was a little irked about the blood note, it was hard to find anything too irritating when all she could think about was that he had written “got any grapes?”. It was a clumsy effort and even slightly embarrassing to think about how stupid it must seem to someone at least three hundred years her senior, but Anoroc was trying to understand humans, and her, better in order to protect them. That alone was enough for her.
Suddenly, there was a loud growling and hissing noise from the bathroom, followed by a deep, pained whining. Logan cringed, knowing fully well he probably just sprayed himself in the eye.
“Logan? Could...could you come assist me with this… cleaning utensil? I think it might be sentient.” Anoroc called. His voice was strained, like he almost hoped she wouldn’t hear him.
“Did you aim it the wrong way?” She called with a high bounce in her voice, dropping the stack of letters on the table as she passed. She may not have enough time to watch her show before she had to go to sleep now, this might turn out to be a more exciting night “alone” after all.
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iolaria · 6 years ago
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So I figured out what was wrong with my dumb Wacom Intuos Pro. Funny enough I fixed it by just swapping pens and using my old Intuos 4 pen. The Pro pen is awful and so much more flimsy feeling than my old grip pen. I didn't know they were cross compatible?? Literally the dumbest thing ever SO YEAH, finally finished another sketch dump from back in October 2018.
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icajax · 3 years ago
writing playlist
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microwavefruit · 3 years ago
*eyes turn red and start glowing* *clenches fist* you do not wanna see my silly side 
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mrzuckerman · 5 years ago
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Anoroc dlrow #art #contemporary art #contemporary painting #art contemporain # painting #expressionism #drawing #kunst #dessin contemporain # Etienne Zucker#Zucker https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cDyRPo-nQ/?igshid=vo9hi1oh8mk4
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frequencyfactor2020 · 5 years ago
5G > AnoroC/SuriV > Ill if not well nourished
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/trump-says-coronavirus-therapy-drugs-more-important-than-vaccine-despite-dollar16bn-investment-to-inoculate/ar-BB16s0qS?ocid=chromentp -/- Wow! -/- 5G implicates intoxication of our Cells; it is near a Bio-Weapon and it goes through Concrete!; Within 6 months incubation our body creates the AnoroC-SuriV itself! The only antidote = SILVER-Nitrate. -/-
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June 2021
Promotional poster for ‘Anoroc’ festival in Zutphen, the Netherlands
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corona-the-nightcutter · 5 years ago
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ougtyh · 4 years ago
De overheid is Muisje Andersom
De overheid is Muisje Andersom
Benzine / Diesel5G + AnoroC SuriV
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brandithebibliophile · 4 years ago
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Thank you so much @bkuderna for sending me a copy of Anoroc to read and review! Can't wait to read it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CNdRkakriNC/?igshid=wmautw21sif1
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corona-the-nightcutter · 5 years ago
Cleaning out my folders and I found a short story I completed...
But i never posted it. It’s part of my own larger story that’s still kinda in the works, about my ace protagonist and her demon/dragon protector. 
If i posted it, would y’all read it?
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iolaria · 8 years ago
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Alright last ones I’m posting for a while! I’m going through a thing with Arbmu and Anoroc right now, and I wanted to share these drawings of them with you guys~
EDIT: Added in that chibi sketch from like, forever ago, but I never posted it and I still really like it.
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terapibloggen · 4 years ago
Oändliga samtal om detta
Oändliga frågor
Vill vi har svar eller vill vi har rätt?
Det är en tävling, det vet alla
Vem visste bäst först?
Vem kunde förutspå konsekvenserna?
Vi får väl se, sa han
Ingen vill gå motströms
Alla vill hålla tyst
Ingen tycks veta
Alla vill ha rätt 
Ingen vill ta ansvar
Alla vill tycka till
Lagom mycket. Inte för mycket.
Det kan bli fel. Man kan trampa någon på tårna.
Tårna och hjärtat.
Varför vill vi inte bråka?
Nej, vi måste hålla sams! Du måste vilja samma! Du måste!
Det kan gå fel om vi tycker olika
Kan det gå fel om vi tycker lika? 
Kan det vara fel att bära munskydd?
Jag kan inte andas
Säg det inte! Håll masken! Du avslöjar oss! Håll käften! 
Jag kan inte vara tyst
Du måste! 
Jag kan inte...
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