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spygirl4 · 5 years ago
As an undercover spy, I can’t really get a ton of advice from my friends. Luckily, there are places to get advice anonymously! Go ask your questions (she’s ligit) ;)
Hey everyone ! I decided to start an anonymous advice blog so that anyone who needs it can ask questions that they might not want to ask anyone else advice for ! I’m incouraging everyone to reach out and ask anything, I’m waiting and up for any challenge !
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anything-advice-blog · 8 years ago
I desperately need some advice, I think I'm in love with someone, I've had a crush on him for years and I thought it would go away but it's not! I constantly think about him, we did have something going on but it didn't last, he's a bit of a fuckboy and does ask other girls for nudes, I wish I didn't like him because I know inside me that he isn't the right guy for me but I just keep having thoughts about him, I don't know what to do. :(
Hey there,
Let me tell you I was in the same situation as you a while back, but it’s over now…  but you won’t believe how much I knew that this guy was not the right guy for me. He used to throw unnecessary insults at me, basically go out of his way to embarrass me and then come back around and ask to hook up the next week. And silly me being in love with him bowed down to that.
Here’s the thing, it’s possible to be in love with somebody that doesn’t necessarily like you back - it’s almost normal. It could be the thrill of the chase. Let me also tell you that it won’t go away instantaneously, it won’t go away if you leave it alone. You have to actively do something. You have to put him out of your mind, you have to pick up something new, throw yourself into something else, and slowly your feelings for him will fade.
You have to make sure that he is not at the centre of everything that you think about, that you don’t go out of your way to be with him. The fact that you guys had something together makes it almost 100 times more difficult because you have the thought in the back of your mind that ‘maybe’ something will happen again, ‘maybe’ he has feelings for you and that’s what keeps us going. The ‘what if’.
Honestly it’s toxic.
The worst part is knowing it’s bad for you but not being able to do something about it. Honestly, I didn’t stop loving this guy till I put myself out there and found someone else. It took such a long time because I was constantly around this guy and he was constantly there trying to talk to me, trying to get closer because we used to be close friends. But once I begun falling in love with someone else, I stopped having feelings for this guy. Furthermore, if you distance yourself from him, you’ll find yourself caring less and less.
Honestly there isn’t much you can do but take your mind off it and stop thinking about him. By having recurring thoughts about him, staring at pictures of him, you are reinforcing your feelings for him which is overall bad. If you wish to be with him and the situation changes, it’s down to you to decide whether that is the best thing for you.
Sorry if this is super long but I totally get you!
I wish you the best of luck xx
- Chloe
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youranonkiddo · 11 years ago
healthy > skinny/thin
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anonflorida · 12 years ago
ok nope we gonn get some encouragement up in this bitch
lately these days, i've seen so many people so sad and depressed, some of them being my friends. it's a really hard thing to see so i just want to say this, you're all fucking beautiful. honestly, i get being insecure, i do, we all have those moments where we really don't see anything special about ourselves and doubt ourselves. but that doesn't mean that's the way other people look at you, because most likely it's not.
when people tell you you're beautiful and worth it, and gorgeous and give you all these compliments you're probably like "nope nope nope" because i know i have those moments, but truthfully, you'll never get to see how your friends see you, or how maybe your boyfriend/girlfriend (if you have one) see you. and they probably see you as the best thing to them, and you guys need to be ok with that.
people care about you, and yes it's hard to believe but it's true, and i just want you all to know i think you're strong and gorgeous and i believe in you all. and i'm always here for each and every single one of you.
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dear-c4roline · 12 years ago
hi :) im a new advice blog i was wondering if you could just tell your followers. thankyou so much xox :)
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ofannelie · 12 years ago
vote #37 :) Self Promo: Need some advice? come talk to me :) i follow back!
self promo to 1.3k just vote for the-magical-potato here
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anything-advice-blog · 8 years ago
Hey so I really like this guy, and I think he's great, but hes getting over his ex right now. (He likes me back) and he wants to be friends for right now, but heres the thing, my ex boyfriend has reached out to me as well and we have been friends for awhile, and basically he likes me now also. Im a christian woman, and both of them are christians. (which is super important to me), I just don't know what to do
Hey there!
Here’s the thing, there is always a reason why you break up with somebody. Either it didn’t work out or there was something bugging you that you could never quite put a finger on it. But either way, it lead to a break up. You can evaluate your relationship to see if it’s worth getting back together with him, but I believe if you get back together with an ex, you might enter a vicious cycle where you end up nowhere.
However you need to also sit yourself down and perhaps draw up a pros and cons list of the two relationships. Thats how you do it when you’re undecided. The fact that you really like this new guy is fab! He shouldn’t let the fact that he has an ex hold him back unless there is something else holding him back and he’s not telling you about it. Ex boyfriends may also get jealous, they may miss you but I think that it is ultimately down to you to make the right decision keeping what I have said in mind.
Don’t be afraid to dive into the new!
Good luck,
Chloe x
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