#anons for bisluthq
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Anon is joking but I literally just saw someone comparing Taylor hugging Brittany with her hugging her mom but not agreeing with her politics. As in she has to live with and hug her mom, the same way Taylor has to with Brittany
… I also think again Swifties miss that this woman is a billionaire. Yes, if you depend on your parents or you’re underage then there’s fuck all you can do about their political opinions. Also if your parents or other family members are weird and even if you don’t depend on them like obviously you can’t be a complete asshole. I have this legit homophobic uncle (also the guy who tried to like shoot his now ex wife’s then lover, he’s just a crazy dude lol) and my dad is not close to him because of a bunch of stuff and he was SUPER weird when my ex and I were together and my dad got pissed at him about that (also other things) and now I’m with a guy so that man has tried to be nice to us again and both my dad and I are like “eh you’re kinda a trashy human tho we’re not sure we forgive you” lol but we still have him at big family functions and we still are both relatively nice to him and we both like all the pictures he posts on FB (and the ones his new new wife posts). Anyway like we don’t dig him per se but he’s my dad’s brother/my uncle. We deal with it. We aren’t THAT nice to him because we don’t depend on him but he’s still our relative so 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ whatever.
Brittany’s Tay’s bf’s work husband’s wife.
That’s really not the same thing. You shouldn’t throw stuff at them or be a compete cunt but cuddling your bf’s work husband’s wife is really not necessary lol even if she’s not a Trumpie. You can just be nice to her. You def don’t need to cuddle the Trumpie one.
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TTB and Spade Riddles are innocent.
They are being slandered and defamed.
They have done nothing wrong.
They did not out anybody.
Everyone is lying.
Or instead sign your blog name in the apology letter that @bisluthq is going to write.
TTB and Spade Riddles will always prevail over toxic "Gaylor" and Toe blogs.
I really like that this anon went through the whole trouble of adding a touch of colour to their grumpy message. Do it for the aesthetic, gurl ✊
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yeah, grammygate. bisluthq's gf took over her blog and has been beefing with anons
i don't think grammygate was that big of a deal but the content of nat's blog has nothing to do with me, gang
eta: oh i see this was in response to me asking what we're fighting about today. idk, i was hoping for a little more razzle dazzle with my drama but it's a slow week in swiftieland
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Omg dots anon just visited you!! See that long ask with no space between punctuation marks? Yeah. Basically, they’ve been around on the bisluthq blog forever. They keep sending cracked out anons, from hard Kaylor to ‘joe should dump Taylor’ to now tily. Whenever Nat (the person who runs bisluthq) went hard against a certain theory (like Kaylor), they pivoted to some other form of crackheadery, and she always told them off for beinf crazy lol. Check the dots anon tag on her blog if you want more info. However, Nat’s on a break right now, so dots anon has no one to yell at them and is sending asks to random anti and gaylor blogs alike (mostly those Nat reblogged) 💀💀

Dots look! You're famous!
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I saw a few anons in that bisluthq blog and frankly it's very disturbing. I didnt really write anything there because that would be just adding to the vile atmosphere but, I don't know anyone who follows it so I am writing to you. The only positive thing I really found was that they are helpful to queer people.
I don't know what you want me to say, anon. I've spoken with Nat a few times over dm and she's been very helpful explaining things about Karlie's conversion, and it all has been very friendly. But that's it. I don't follow her blog or keep with what they discuss because it's mostly Taylor related and I'm not interested on her 🤷🏼♀️ I know they sometimes talk about Karlie and that I disagree with some comments, opinions and their tone. But that's normal, not everyone is gonna like the person you are a fan of. I wouldn't publicly say those things even if sometimes I think them about other people, but that's me and the way I am online 🤷🏼♀️ And I'm not gonna go to someone else's account to tell them how to run their own blog just because I disagree with them.
So I don't know. If you don't like what she talks about, don't check her blog, block her even. And if you enjoy some of her content, block and filter tags and words. It's something Tumblr has and that actually works 😅
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Other than the fact that Normal People is more… popular? to the mainstream public, I get the sense that CWF is somehow more complicated too. The first time I read NP I can get into the story and understand the characters instantly but with CWF I need to re-read some pages and chapters to really understand them. what do you think of the book?
Also I just thought CWF is better off be one of those film-to-streaming or if series they should cut some scenes or episodes because I felt it’s a bit too long
I mean I think that’s the point of CWF and why I personally love it. NP is close third person and CWF is a very unreliable first person narration. Frances is a terrible narrator of her own life right and we have to read between the lines to know what’s actually going on because she… doesn’t fucking know a lot of the time. She’s extraordinarily bad at judging what other people are thinking/feeling and she actually misjudges what she herself is thinking and feeling too because she changes her mind on shit a lot. I personally love that about the book, and to me it’s such a good look at how many of us think, especially at that age. Life is confusing when you’re twenty-one! So of course a look at life from that lens would and should be confusing tbh and I really love that about it. NP is narrated in a much more straightforward way and we get a lot of added context. You’re also correct in that NP’s plot is simpler because CWF has a bunch of subplots and shit going on parallel to the narrative but due to how the book’s narrated tons of that is only ever implied.
again, I personally thought the show was perfect lol in terms of adapting the book (which I love) so I wouldn’t have cut anything. If anything, I would’ve added bits to it - I’d have shown more of Melissa/Nick and Melissa/Bobbi outside of what Frances sees of them. Like I’d have expanded those to show us what’s really going on around them, which I think would’ve helped round out the script and make it more cinematic right like if one were more invested in all four rather than just Frances. But the thing is this is faithful to the book because the narrative *is* just Frances and Frances is extremely self-obsessed tbh and also has the other issues I talked about earlier where she’s not great at reading other people and despite being self-obsessed isn’t very good at introspection or boundaries so all we see in the book is her (often very wrong) take on events and that’s what the show did too but it’s hard to translate to screen for people who haven’t read it, I think. The other thing they could’ve done is Frances’s narration as a voiceover but that wouldn’t have been Lenny then because Lenny’s whole hallmark is that intense hyper realism/fly on the wall vibes and obviously that’d take us more into her head (which is where the entire book takes place).
idk look I really love the book and I love the show but also as I always say like different strokes for different folks. I don’t think everyone has to like it and I can understand why they don’t. The only take that annoys me is when people dramatically misread/misunderstand the book and then say the show doesn’t match the made up book they thought they read lol. Like I get saying “I don’t like the book and ergo I don’t like the show” and I get saying “the show is boring” but I don’t get people who say shit like “Joe is super awkward in it” because Nick… is literally super awkward and weird in the book? If he had some magnetic charisma thing going on, his wife maybe wouldn’t constantly cheat on him lol and he’d have more options than a socially awkward twenty-one year old with issues.
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Yeah, lmao, a LOT of people love Stevie Nicks, and Stevie Nicks seems to LOVE a lot of people, including multiple of Taylor’s exes. She did a podcast episode with Matty where she made it very clear that she was a HUGE fan of the 1975, has performed with Harry multiple times and seemingly taken him under her wing, wrote a song about Twilight which then inspired her to get back into making music generally, and introduced herself to Taylor Lautner because of it.
The only one of Taylor’s exes (off the top of my head) that has expressed being a big fan that Stevie hasn't outwardly supported is John (though i do think they've met)💀 he could not shut UP about Stevie Nicks when promoting Half Of My Heart (though to be frank, I think his fixation on Stevie, much like his fixation on Taylor, had very little to do with them as people or artists, and much more to do with the idea of being a 70s rockstar (he played lindsey buckingham's guitar everytime he played that fucking song) and having a duet partner (who he could also fuck). According to Jessica he also DESPERATELY tried to collab on a song of hers that interpolated Dreams, though it ultimately fell through).
Maybe there's something to be said about the Stevie/Taylor comparison occurring around the Fearless era, AKA when she really "made it", but it would be ludicrous to suggest that the mention is ENTIRELY because John Fucking Mayer told her she was "just like Stevie Nicks" 15 years ago, just as it would be ludicrous to say that the ENTIRE reason she mentioned her was because of the Matty connection, though the poem is a little more ~ based on the contents and the Lindsey parallel (which I'm SURE they discussed). If anything, the fact that they performed together during Fearless era (rip grammys 2010) is more of a connection to the "point" of Clara Bow than the John stuff.
fair points yeah. My take is Taylor’s comparison to Stevie is related to Matty yes (and the Lindsey/Stevie thing) but also as someone said it’s kinda her playing with what she’s seen as - Stevie’s this unmarried, childless, an anon said “witchy” presence (which Taylor plays with on WAFOLOM) who everyone admires as an artist and I think Taylor relates to that a lot actually. Same as with Clara Bow right like no one is directly linked to Clara in Taylor’s life but she was this tragic It Girl whose life was ruined by fame. So my feeling is it’s not unrelated to Matty but it’s not just about shit Matty likes/people who like Matty (which Stevie absolutely does).
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That second paragraph seems like a cupcake swiftie trying to stir up shit and asking for validation, cause no one here said Taylor was lying.
Also anon, I hope you're trolling because Nat was just musing a bit. Brynn's song about Patrick sure as hell has nothing to do with Joe or how his relationship was. So like her song is not a proof of anything Joe related FYI. Brynn has no idea if he was or wasn't emotionally distancing. She knew him,but her boyfriend was his brother not him
yea I'm musing on how similarities in upbringing may reflect in similarity in how these guys are. I do think that our upbringings do affect our relationships idk and obviously the relationships between our parents/our relationships with our parents affect how we process things. So there may well be similarities between Joe and Pat. That said, it's also important to note that they have a HUGE age gap and Pat's childhood/teenage years were quite different (Taylor is a factor too there lol like he got exposed to things/experiences Joe and Tom weren't exposed to, but ALSO Richard stopped the traveling when Pat was small whereas he was traveling a lot when Tom and Joe were small so the relationships they witnessed at home would've been slightly different).
and yes Brynn's issues with Pat are - musing about families aside - obviously not a commentary on Taylor and Joe. The former were college aged and dated for around about a year and then broke up for reasons that remain unclear but are still in the same broader friend group although THEY are seemingly on bad terms, and Pat apparently has a new gf which may have irritated Brynn. Taylor and Joe were full blown adults who lived together for like 5 years and were together in general for 6.5 and broke up because Taylor wanted to go back to her ex lmao so those are not really very similar situations at all.
but I do think these guys aren't the best at communicating lmao and that may be a family/upbringing thing. Because psychologists' kids are often a bit fucked in the head lmao.
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Answering your reply to the anon Nat, I have said it before but I think Taylor was trying to pull off a Hannah Montana and get the best of both worlds here. Giving up Joe would mean also their house, friends like a whole bunch of stuff she never had before; but I also think if she still held off for that long was because there was still good moments, they were still bonded somehow. He still was the person the knew her, that she was sure was a grounding safe force. And so she wanted that still, but also wanted the thrill, that rollercoaster passionate feelings of chaos she had with Matty. Like I said the best of both worlds. And if it didn't work out with one of them there would be a plan b.
Ofc this is straight up bonkers, but I think she didn't leave Joe earlier because like there were still good in it and even if she wasn't fully happy it was a safe place to land and definately more trustworthy than Matty. But she also wasn't willing to give up Matty, because he was giving something Joe wasn't and was also promising her stuff that Joe wouldn't. It's like that saying that goes if you try to grasp all, you lose all. Idk how's the saying goes in English but that's the sentiment
that makes sense!
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I actually agree with the anon that it is a symptom of a much larger issue. But the issue in question is not about their relationship. The issue is how society works nowadays and the importance given to social media. And the hunger to live through other people's lifes, because ours suck. People nowadays seem to forget that there is actually a thing called real life, where you interact with people. Let's be honest here: the reason we want famous people to shout out their significant other and post cute Instagram photos and love captions is for our sake. Because it's so cute 😍 and omg I ship them 😍 and i don't have a boyfriend so help me believe love exists 😍
In reality, the person that should hear those things is your partner. And maybe their friends and family if they really love the public compliments. Posting it on social media is more fanservice to give people what they want that anything. Not everyone needs to do that. If I want to write a really romantic poem to someone I can do it and give it to her. Posting it for the whole world to read is not necessary. But for today's standards, if you don't do that kind of stuff on social media that means you are the coldest rock who hates your partner.
Actually what I observe is the couples who actually post more together and do all the happy circus are the ones that aren't at all that happy behind the scenes. Then they breakup and people are like omg but like how, they were literally just posting i love you to each other last week
I hear you and while I don’t disagree entirely, I don’t think it’s as deep necessarily. I don’t think people follow celebs purely because our own lives suck and I don’t think it’s something people started being interested in recently. People have, since the 1700s at least in the west, across their colonies, the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire - I don’t know about other places because I’m not as familiar with those histories - been interested in celebrities. A lot of the time these were the royals, but also poets/writers and their wives and mistresses and very much actors and actresses too who often wound up involved with the royals to some degree and many of whom wrote. I think it’s escapism. People are interested in pretty people who seem to have interesting and glamorous lives, not because they’re unhappy but because it’s interesting. With social media though, a lot MORE people have become famous. Now we’re interested in like influencers and shit too and I think it largely comes from the same sort of interested place.
I don’t think couples who post a lot are necessarily unhappy, I do think they like external validation for stuff though (which is okay) and I think it’s unrelated to whether or not they’re happy. It’s just a whole separate issue. Some people like having that out there, some people don’t. Whether or not they’re a good partner is another story though.
and like I say, in a weird way the internet made all of us capable of being little celebs in a manner that historically wasn’t possible lol. So we’re now interested in not only celebs (which as a society we’ve been interested in for a very long time), but in our friends and casual friends to a greater degree and to influencers who are more or less regular people but who share their lives with us.
some people like sharing a lot of content. Some people don’t. I’ve got like Instagram friends - obviously not close friends but I’m getting to why - who stun me when they suddenly post their wedding because I’ve not seen them share a partner before. I’ve got other Instagram friends who share so much about their lives that I feel like we ARE close friends even though I’ve like not hung out with them in years or in some cases only ever met them a few times. People curate their social media in accordance with what makes THEM happy and it’s not usually that deep. For celebs it’s a bit deeper because they talk to publicists about strategy and such but most people want it to reflect what they want to do and unless they have a really shitty team who bullies them then like they’ll help the person be authentic to who they are (posting a lot or a little as a result). Idk man. I just don’t think it’s got anything to do with anything.
In the Joe and Taylor example, had he been posting regularly I still wouldn’t have been shocked if she’d said she felt unloved. She talked about how he can be withdrawn and distant from Rep onwards. That’s who he is. He could’ve been that, and liked making social media content, and still been withdrawn and difficult to live with when the rose colored glasses had faded.
also Travis hasn’t yet posted Taylor. He doesn’t even follow her. He talks about her in his podcast, which is a thing he makes and enjoys making, and presumably she listens to all of it to be supportive and because he loves making his thing, but yeah. I don’t think she feels more loved because he makes a podcast. I think she feels more loved rn because he makes her feel like a priority.
also I will say not feeling like a priority is a common problem in longterm relationships. It takes work to make sure you don’t make the other person feel unimportant to you and sometimes idk maybe that person *has* become unimportant to you lol.
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Did you mean to describe Taylor herself with this?
And do you really see her as being the perfect partner all the time? Are you really that far up her ass that thinks poor Taylor she just gives them everything and they don't see it? Or maybe that's because there's no such thing as a perfect partner and Taylor like everyone is not perfect. And also doesn't mean that they don't value or see it. Sometimes is simply because things don't work, you are not well suited, you both made mistakes etc. No, Taylor's relationships don't stop working because she's the perfect partner and the men she's with don't see it. I don't even know how you get the idea she's a perfect partner anyway but I digress
yeah I think no one is a perfect partner. We can be good fits for some people and terrible fits for others. There are certain things we can all always work on regardless of partner choice (communication for example, knowing our own values and boundaries, listening to hear not to respond etc) and we can and should make an effort to do things that make our partners happy rather than projecting what we think would but those are ongoing efforts lol. We shouldn’t twist ourselves into pretzels for other people. That doesn’t make you a good partner. A good partnership actually requires two people both compromising and both working on things (but as we’ve said before like it shouldn’t be HARD if it’s THAT HARD then you’re probably with someone who isn’t a great fit and rather take some time to figure your own shit out - and this is a do as I say not as I do teachable moment because I monkey bar or whatever tf that anon called it and have done so for the last 15 years BUT I will also say I’m working on me rn and I’m finding it’s improving my relationship and partnership wise it’s great lol and easy when we’re both yk trying which is something we’ll need to keep doing for the rest of our/his life ideally 💀💀💀)
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lmaooo this is one funny interaction but Im assuming they’re Joe fans and that they don’t want Lorene Scafaria 2.0 to happen 😭 yk when an anon on a Joe fan tumblr somewhere randomly asked about Lorene and somehow it got into the ears of Deuxmoi people sksksjsjskk
I was there, I was there, I remember it all too well…
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chiming in… so i’m a bit lost why was A one of the people that was harassed too back then? because i also just stalked her Google right and at the very bottom there’s a suggestion of “ALW and JA” but as i clicked nothing showed up? what was the first theory back then about her? because i only knew about EL (T B co-star)
(idk why the anon was hiding their real names maybe they dont wanna get messy so here i am too i suppose)
because they’ve taken pics together and follow each other (since like 2021/2022?) and then Taylor released thank u aimee so Swifties thought she’d just name dropped ALW lol and that’s who she hates because ig they thought that song is about Joe’s mistress lmfao. Also not sure why we’re hiding the names but ig maybe from tumblr search functions because these people are crazy? Anyway, point is they’ve harassed her pretty extensively and made some videos and shit and Joe and her are friends and continue to interact online and such so my guess is if they were dating they’d either just say it or they’d decrease the interactions to be more covert. Changing nothing while people “suspect” and while she gets somewhat harassed is… unlikely. To me. Unless they’re just friends and are like “eh weird people are weird” which they are.
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Still same anon so if Taylor’s NYU thing is in May so that means Joe was in Cannes? For Stars at Noon?
no he was in LA for an Emmy FYC party for CWF. Like it was that same day and he had a function the night before (also for CWF). He very theoretically could’ve made the graduation - flown after his event the night before and come back in time for the next one - but that would’ve been a) insane and b) really climate criminal behavior
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this person is the type of twitter user that’ll go over a joe fan acc and quote-retweet a video of him simply talking like “OMG HE’S SO BLANDDDDDDD” and they’ll do it again everytime joe talks 😭😭😭
Right? Like I will NOT insist anyone find Joe (as an actor/celeb) appealing because I do think we’re all entitled to our own opinions. But sometimes we don’t need to share our opinions lol outside of our own little lane (and Joe antis do this). So like me, for example, I find Tom Hiddleston UNREASONABLY irritating. Like the man has something about his face and manner that just bugs the absolute shit out of me. I can like watch and mock but… I don’t do that because I don’t think he’s a bad guy and I think his fans are entitled to, well, be fans. So I’m not gonna go to Hiddles stan pages and post shit about how annoying he is. I find Gracie Abrams legit very boring. Tried to, I did, but can’t muster up a fuck. I don’t go to posts about Gracie and tell people she’s boring because presumably the people who like her don’t find her boring? It’s a me problem not a Hiddles or Gracie problem?
People who ride extremely hard for Joe are ALSO incredibly annoying BUT I feel like 1) they are outnumbered by his antis 2) I’m not sure they rode that hard for Joe before the antis started anti’ing. I think they were borne out of the antis tbh, and not the other way round as that anon kinda implied?
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