#anon ur killing me. 'a real au would be a lack of them in the show' has me ROLLING AT MY DESK AHDFGHSH
safyresky · 1 year
Rewatching Danny Phantom and omg, the sound effects. wth? Why so many? They blink and there's a sound effect. A real dp au would be a lack of them in the show.
You said "they blink and there's a sound effect" and the sound effect of said blinks burst OUT of the depths of my shitty, shitty memory and just played in my head on FULL VOLUME lmao
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butchwrights · 5 months
if ur comfortable you should talk more about people mischaracterizing the MH characters. because i agree and its super fucking annoying. (even in AUs, people completely fuck up the characters. throwback to when someone made an AU where alex straight up BRANDED the others with his INITIALS and the reasoning was "oh its because he works for the marines and hes the antagonist" even though it's completely out of character for him.)
anon, don't get me started.....except i'm going to talk about this because you're inviting me to. i will say, the characterization was bad when MH was coming out (so many stupid jay jokes...which, he is often impulsive and rash, but he was under extreme pressure from the operator and lack of housing, support, etc... nobody in that situation is going to behave rationally!!!!!!!!!!!) i understand calling jay stupid now is more of a bit than ever but it just gets under my skin. the modern mh fandom's urges to trope-ify everything makes me want to start killing. jay is either a soft sweet sweaterboy so shy and stupid and ditzy OR a disgusting perverted freak on liveleak. so much of mh requires a lot of context, and it feels like new fans are lacking that... or, they just ignore it in favor of shipping (which i am not against shipping im jam fan #1) i think more fans would sympathize with jay if they experienced the transition from s1 to s2 in real time. we lose a lot by being able to watch all of it with no waiting or discussion. at the end of the day anyone can look at mh and perceive it how they want, but there are some legit harmful stereotypes and characterizations in the fandom surrounding mental illness (even now) tim is dubiously canonically schizophrenic, or at least psychotic, and the amount of people i see say that tim is lying ALL the time with malicious intents..... the amount of people that characterize him as uncaring, abusing substances, as a cold and cruel person...please reexamine how you feel about mentally ill people. tim shows over and over again how much he cares, even about alex, even brian after everything. he has a LOT of compassion and a lot of care for those around him despite his solitude nature. i don't have a lot to say about brian, but he had a lot of hatred and resentment for anyone involved in mh. the operator corrupted him but i feel like he gets the sweaterboy treatment as well.... he's kind of fucked up, man. alex is a victim, which doesn't justify his actions... but he's not killing just to have fun. he's being (in his eyes) merciful. he doesn't want anyone else to experience the pain he's been through and he thinks the best way out for all of them is to just die. BLARRRGGGGH i just wish the MH fandom was a little bit older. there's a lot of genuinely great people here, but there's been an influx of people that are extremely active and don't really examine mh thoroughly. that's kind of pretentious to say, but it's just how it looks to me. also stop drawing the mh guys as chiseled and handsome and polished... they are just regular guys. mess up their hair a bit. soften their muscles.....
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franeridart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: Opinions on Ochamina?
Cute soft and pink! Would be my main ship for those two if I didn’t ship seromina and ochadeku as hard as I do
Anon said: Hi there i was just wondering if its okay to ask you some questions about your art tools i work on paper a lot but i want to switch to digital art and want to know what to buy to get started you know?? if its not okay to ask thats fine, have a nice day!
I use Easy Pain Tool SAI and a wacom tablet so old I’m pretty sure they don’t even make them anymore haha if you’re just starting then anything is fine, really! The first thing you’ll need to do will be to get used to the feel of it, you won’t need anything fancy for that imho
Anon said: Yet again, I’m sleepy and feeling sappy so I luv youwu~
Awwww thank you so much!!! <3<3
Anon said: well guess who now has A LOT OF FEELINGS about Seromina after your reply? This anon. Holy, now I need like all the content about them. *goes of in search* Thank you for sharing your headcanon because it made me feel a lot of fluffy feelings!! Which yay!! I need more fluffly feelings in my life!! Also love love love your art. All of it original content and everything else (with a very soft sport for kiribaku and the bakusquad)
Ah heck thank you!!! And I’m very very glad to see I could make you see why I like them!!! :D
Anon said: how do you draw hair? i keep trying digitally, but it just seems so difficult! i tend to have so much trouble because i keep comparing myself to artists like you and the way you draw/shade/highlight hair is such a mystery to me!
Hmmmmm this is a hard question because I honestly mostly just go by gut feeling - I try to keep in mind gravity when it’s applicable (aka when it’s not gravity-defying hairstyles like kiri and baku’s)? But that’s the most conscious thought I put in it by this point. This might be an annoying advice to get but as always my only proper one is to look at real life people and study the way hair naturally falls on them, studying from real life is always the fastest way to learn how to draw something as far as my experience goes... and this one is gonna be hard but try not to compare yourself too much to others? Doing things your own way at your own pace will make the learning process a lot more fun!
Anon said: opinon on the lack of kiribaku interactions in the show recently? they have been interacting less and less since the provisional exam arc :( and even lesser in the manga. i miss my bois but bless you for the content omg😭💞
The truth is that they haven’t been the protagonists of an arc at the same time for so long that they’ve had little to no reason to interact with each other, and also that when Hori has characters interacting with them in the background it’s usually to have them reprimend them or tell them to shut up and at first they covered that role for each other but now they’re such good friends that all their interactions end up being them being nice to each other and Horikoshi needs his silly sketches thrown in the background at any possible moment so now Kaminari is the one you’ll see interacting with them the most, because he’s silly and doesn’t mind being a dick to either of them whenever given the chance. Or at least that’s the conclusion I came to after rereading the manga a couple months back. On the bright side they HAVE started interacting more again! We’ve been seeing them often just chilling together in the background, so cute, I love them best friends ;;;
Anon said: User kawaiiastar has reposted some of ur art just wanna let u know :)
Thank you for letting me know, I’ll look into it and see if I can get it removed orz
Anon said: ur drawings are so warm but like?? i just realized how much u talk in the tags and so ive been reading them and they actually add alot to ur art and its entertaining. idk just a little thing :) never stop doing krbk aus if you enjoy them!! would love to see stucky and soul eater if you can !! and i hear u about the reposters. they are all over instagram and its honestly quite upsetting. ive heard of artists that left the fandom because of it which is unfortunate. hope you are having a great day!
Hahaha I’m glad you like my talking too much in the tags since sometimes I just can’t avoid it lmao I have many things to say about my stuff most time than not..... anyway, I hope you’ll have a wonderful day too!
Anon said: i fight instagramers every day for you 💞
Thank you ;;;;;;;;
Anon said:  I love you so please stay safe!!
Thank you!!! I hope you’ll stay safe too, anon!!!
Anon said: During quarantine all I have to look forward to is your posts, it’s always great to check tumblr for the 14th time and see a new post by you.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; heck, I’m so glad I can make this tiring time a little more pleasant to you, anon!! <3
Anon said: I have class (online) at 8am and it’s currently 3:42am yet I couldn’t stop scrolling on your page!!! I’ve been going through the tags for like 30 minutes omg. I came to look at your seromina stuff and now I’m looking at EVERYTHING. I’ve been following you for so long and I love your art so much I’m screaming! I’m literally accidentally unliking then liking everything again cuz I’ve seen it all and keep forgetting I already liked it! Your account is like food for my soul ily!!!!! Thank you sm!!!
Ahhhhh anon thank you so so much!!!! You’re so kind I’m gonna tear up TTATT please do try to sleep next time you have to wake up early!!
Anon said: I read a headcanon saying Bakugo smoked. That would never happen because Kirishima would kill him.
To be fair that would never happen because he straight up said so in the first chapter of the manga lmao but I’m of the opinion that if people want to ignore canon in their headcanons to have fun they have all the power to do so!
Anon said: Idk if you’ve been asked this before, but how do you feel about Momo x Jirou? :D and I love your art!
One of my top Jirou ships! I’ve drawn stuff for them in the past actually, they’re in my momojirou tag!
Anon said: I love you way more than it’s healthy.
Thank you ;;;;;;;;; I love you a whole damn lot too, anon <3<3
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littlemisschameleon · 5 years
Aight so there’s this fic called Where You Lead, I Will Follow by @lovelylogans​
and I feel bad for sending what would have been 13 anons to her shouting my praises for the final chapter of this fic
so here we are (continued under the cut)
to start, if you aren’t annalise and haven’t read this fic yet, do yourself a damn favor and read it! it’s a gilmore girls au for the sanders sides, and tbh if you like the sanders sides you’re going to love all of her writing. Im not even joking right now, go read the fic! And then read lavender for luck (another one of my favorites from her), and then go give annalise some love for her amazing abilities, and THEN you can come back and read this.
second, this entire post is gonna jump around a bit. Basically i took notes while reading so I didn’t forget anything, and was going to format said notes into asks. I hope this is easier to read (and so your inbox doesn’t get more flooded, like im sure it is) everything from now on is just going to be copy pasted from my notes, pretty much. The breaks in paragraphs are where they would have been for asks. Enjoy the ride
*cracks knuckles* lets do this song and dance once more, its tiiiiime for lovin wyliwf! Lets just get to it, as there’s so much ground to cover (38k, are you trying to kill me?!?!? i love it). Ohhhh patton buddy youre really out of it, arent you? Asking for straight vodka is gonna be the first of many slips during the play, im sure. Logan just immediately giving full attention to the play in anticipation for Roman is so frickin cute!!!!! Id bet that patton would be awwwing about it too if not for the play beginning.
Logaaaaan! Thats your boyfriend!!! Hes so excited to be able to //say that// now. And Roman did so good he deserved every single ounce of applause he got! For real though, im just READING how his performance went, I can only imagine how breathtaking it would be to see it. The way that youve been handling the tonal shift when it comes to our boys relationships has been so good! Youre able to make it natural when you want to, and completely jarring when its right for the story.
I figured that must have been challenging so good job!! Speaking of jarring, I was too caught up in the euphoria of Romans dance to even remember pat was wearing //makeup// and //crying// until Emily shouted about her handkerchief. //thats what im talking about youre so good omg// That entire fight was a long time coming, and I //felt// it when pat was just so sick and tired of everything.
Im kinda similar to pat, because when the apology happened I thought something was gonna be different too, but of course not! Patton must feel like even more shit :( Okay we all knew that Logan was in love with Roman, but now that theyre together its clear just how far //gone// he is. Like hes //in love// its just so sweet its gonna give me a cavity
The whole “they got together” thing just broke my heart, because thats how it should have been in a perfect world, but hey that wouldn’t make for good conflict in a fic now would it? But of course logan and Roman are so devastated, they didn’t even //think// to see this as a possible outcome, it felt impossible to them for this to even happen :(
can I just say that I LOVE petty patton!!!!!! Yes sir put ur foot down! Good!!!! and the father son bonding time!!!!!! Between both richard and pat AND richard and V in a sense!! Such a good change of pace from the fighting that usually happens when pattons parents are around. And BLESS THE FUCK UP, RICHARD! Hes broken through!!!
Hooooly fuck! That WAS embarrassing! Side note, i will always be in awe about how well you write logan and Roman, theyre both such //teenagers// and react perfectly. Exactly how you would expect teenagers to react in said situations.  AND hhhhhh virgil!! So sweet!!! Patton he CARES so MUCH about you!!!! He LOVES YOU PATTTT! Oh man, Logan talking about how he needs to focus on his obligation to school reminds me so much of what Emily wants for patton. Roman’s right of course, whats the point of trying to better your future if its making you upset now?\
Ive got a lot of words for that scene with pattons letter, but mostly I want to say that I can’t wait until they make up bc that scene //hurt to read ow// Oh gosh, Emily dont fuck it up now //please//. Youve got patton crying, you know a lot more than you did before, youre hugging him. PLEASE just be happy for your son? PLEASE HES BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH LET HIM BE HAPPY (this goes for both emily and you annalise, stop cackling behind your computer and making my boys sad)
“I think I just out bitched a shady bitch” YES! YES YOU DID LOGAN! And holy shit the dance was the cutest thing in the whole world, they both deserve to be happy and to have fun!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! That whole “wanting this overrides any fear that I have” speech was just //beautiful//, and it hit home hard for me. Its just, so perfect, and they both deserve to be happy and //ugh//, /////feelings/////
“This is only the beginning” I AM SOBBING. ITS NOT EVEN 3AM ITS 3PM I DONT HAVE LACK OF SLEEP AS AN EXCUSE HOW DARE YOU (in the best of ways)
(cutting in for a hot second, but from here on out it’s turned from loving wyliwf to just loving annalise and her ability to create. I kinda wrote it as if it was going straight to her inbox (bc that was the intent) so, just warning ya! it gets personal)
i just… Wow. This has been an insane ride, and i want to print this fic and have it on a bookshelf so I can look at it and sigh longingly and lovingly, you know? To get real for a hot second, you started talking about this fic right when i was dealing with a major breakup and stressing over finals and so much more.
This fic has seriously been something ive looked forward to every week, and has been a comforting constant. I was able to relate to so much youve put patton, and Virgil, and roman and logan through in this fic, from the little nuances of working in a restaurant, to the feelings of major heartache patton went through, to having just that moment, //knowing// youve been in love with someone, of course you have! But just finally realizing it with an “oh shit”.
To being dumb teenagers and sneaking out for late night talks, to stressing about finals and having to be perfect, to relationship anxiety and feeling like you cant show your real feelings and just ugh. The way you write these boys allowed me to relate so much, it hit home in so many beautiful ways, and all I can really do is say thank you so much, for giving this to the world. To writing this and putting so much love and effort into it that it positively //shows//
i am so ecstatic to read more from this universe, and im so happy that its not quite over yet. You’re an amazing writer, and i absolutely adore you and your ability! Im not sure how to end this train of wyliwf lovin, so I’ll end it at a simple thank you, once again, for writing this absolute gift of a story. It was beautiful, and heartbreaking, and perfect in its own little way. Thank you
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franeridart · 7 years
Opinion on serobaku and serokiri?
SeroBaku kills me in the sweetest way and SeroKiri brings me back to life when I feel dead inside and SeroBakuKiri is like heaven on earth tbh I love those ships they make me feel warm !!!
Anon said:Yes but i loved minas hair like that??? So either ur hair is also p good or ur art is just that great n I’m %99 sure that it’s both, also r u ever planning to post a picture of urself?? ? I’m sorry if this question makes u uncomfortable, have a nice day!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!! And pictures aren’t really my thing so that’s probably not gonna happen, but I assure you you’re not missing anything by not seeing me, anon hahaha
Anon said:Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! ilu
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ヽ(o♡o)/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Anon said:Imagine Bakugo drawing pictures of his squad without them noticing. Like Kiri looking out a window or mina and Denki trying their best to study or sero scrolling on his phone. I wonder how they would react to finding his sketch book
I’m sobbing this is so nice ;A; Sero and Kaminari’s reaction would probably be along the lines of “how is this guy good at everything” haha I like the headcanon of Mina drawing too so her reaction would be a bit different, probably, but still very very awed 
meanwhile Kiri is on the ground dying
(Kiri is me)
Anon said:Lately I’ve just like…. Noticed but all your art is such high quality and honestly it looks so so good. You have such a lovely style and it’s so original and distinctive and I’m love it and you so much. Plus!!! sometimes I’ll just look through your art tag and even though I think it all looks great I can tell you’ve improved a lot, and, idk, you inspire me to work on my own art constantly and thank you!! I hope you have a lovely day!!
Oh my god this ask slayed me ???????? thank you so much ;A; jesus this was so damn nice I dunno how to react at all !!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your own art is coming along great, anon!!!! I’m glad my doodles can make you want to have fun with it too!!!!!
Anon said: i absolutely adore your art style ! it’s so unique and fascinating and pretty i die
Welp thanks to this ask I die too so it’s two of us anon o m f g (thank uuuuu)
Anon said:Ahhhh the dorm life comics honestly made me smile so much I love them the way you portray all the characters is always so nice and asfhdjd your art is my favorite AND listening to you ramble in the tags honestly makes my day better I love it 10/10 bless
This is it, they day Fran honest to god dies, cause of death: yall being way too sweet for me to take holy s m o k e s ( ;A;)
Anon said:Do you think the UA teachers hang out like the kids do in the dorms?
YESSSSSSSS Aizawa and Mic are high school friends so I’m pretty sure it’s canon they waste time together, Blood King and Dog Hound are canon pals too so they also most probs chill together too! Blood King is also the same age as Aizawa and Mic so they probs used to go to school together too!!! And with Dog Hound being 32, Midnight being 31 and Cementoss and Thirteen being 28 they’re more or less all the same age, so I like to think they spend free time together~ some scenes with the teachers make me think they’re good pals with the older ones too, it’s a really fun group of people to be honest!
Anon said:I wonder what Kiri would do if Bakugou had the flu…Or what they would do if they stepped on Legos XD It’s a funny thought. I love your art so much, you’re my favorite Bakushima artist!!
Anon said: Omg your art gives me life. I was just wondering what happens when the bakusquad get a sick? Thank you
Thank you to both of you!!!! And I could give you both my take on this, but would I be able to make it better than BnHA SMASH did? Probably not, that thing’s so hilarious t b h hahaha
Yes she is!!!!! I like to think Jirou’s got at least basic knowledge for how to play any instrument ever, so when she’s laying around in the common room once she got used to her friends listening to her play she’d bring with herself the smaller and easier ones to carry! An ukulele has a super nice sound and is small enough to bring around the dorms haha
Anon said:fran!! hi!! Ur comics actually make my life 50% better everytime i see them so thanks for cheering me up everytime you post!! They’re amazing and so is everything u do!! (Love ur art style btw)…. So besides all the compliments, i have a question!! What’s your opinion on AU’s where bakugou is deaf? Would u ever draw something related to it?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think I already answered this question? At some point? But I can’t find it, so in general my take is that I highly doubt Bakugou’s body isn’t built to withstand and not take damage from his own quirk (since his hands are made to hold up with it, I feel like the rest of his body is tailored around his quirk too), but I’m always up for disabled characters and the idea of Bakugou signing is beautiful to me, so I don’t mind the AU one bit! Dunno if I’ll ever draw for it tho, drawing jsl when I don’t know it is hard. I know that from experience.
That said, I do find the fics in which Bakugou becomes deaf because of his quirk a bit hard to believe most of the times? Because in all of them his ears are the only things taking damage for the continuous use of his quirk and I just sit here like, his eyes should be taking damage too. Normal eyes aren’t made to withstand explosions and stun grenades every day all day, so if his ears aren’t biologically made to hold against his quirk his eyes shouldn’t be either. 
Like, I read those fics and I find them real hard to believe because the authors aren’t pushing it hard enough, for me it’s either no damage at all or hoh AND visually impaired Bakugou, boy can’t be only half built to withstand his quirk that’d just be silly haha but that’s probably just me, the AU is Good 👍
Anon said:The Mirio eyes on that last pannel. Everyone needs Mirio eyes. (also don’t even try to convince anyone Kiri doesn’t steal Baku’s sweaters too)
He started doing so once he found himself with no hoodies left - he isn’t the type to just steal people’s clothes, I think, but if Bakugou started doing so first he’d probably find it acceptable to consider all their hoodies fair game hahaha
Anon said:Oh my god I absolutely adore your art so much. Every time you post something I get so excited! Your art is honestly so cute and it never ever fails to cheer me up. If I ever need inspiration or motivation to draw something especially cute, I come to your blog and look through your posts. Your fluffy art makes my heart clench and makes me grin like crazy. I just… I have so many feels about your art. It just makes me so very happy!
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood thank you!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so happy my stuff can make you inspired to draw ;A; aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! this made me so happy holy he ck ;u;
Anon said:Hey… thanks for all the stuff you do. It’s really great and I just wanted you to know that. Thanks………….❤️
No anon thank you for this ask, oh my g o d ;U; *sob*
Anon said:I don’t know if you readed the fic “communicate with your body” of xx_kuuhaku_xx, but If you haven’t done so, read it please. I think you’d love it
It’s the merman!Kiri one, right? I read it!!! A bit too much smut in it for my tastes, but I did like it a lot!!! ヽ(o♡o)/
I LOVE YOU A LOT TOO ANON OH MY G O D THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i just started watching servamp cause i remembered you talked about it before and i like it a lot?? kuro is #relatable and all the voice actors are so good wth 
Anon said:OKAY HI FRAN IM THE SAME SERVAMP ANON AND WTF IM CRYIBG SAKUYA AND HYDE MY SONS im so emotional over the last episode it didnt explain anything im gonna have to start the manga now and the movie and specials dont have subtitles yet help me im dying
ANON IF YOU’RE PICKING UP THE MANGA YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO THE START - the anime messed it all up, there’s a lot of missing things since the beginning!!! The anime is beautiful but the manga is 100% better, I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!!! *O* (…once you get caught up with it you’re free to come yell at me, the current arc is killing my soul)
Anon said:Fran!!! Your last comic!!! About Bakugou with a crush!!!! ITS SERIOUSLY SUPER GREAT no really, I usually see Kirishima as the one portrayed with a giant, blush-when-he-texts-me crush, but Bakugou!!! He’s a teenager too are you telling me the whole heart fluttering thing wouldn’t happen to him?? Ofc it would!!!! (He’d be kinda pissed at first, like “what is this weird feeling”, but I don’t think Bakugou would be exactly averse to it, after he realized his feelings??) Anyway TY FOR CRUSHING BLASTY
YOU ARE!!!! WELCOME!!!!!!! I love smitten Kirishima, but the lack of giddily in love Bakugou in this fandom hurts me a bit - love is a happy feeling!!! Mostly so if you can tell it’s probably required!!! And Kirishima’s super obvious about his feelings so Bakugou being able to tell is highly probable!!!!! And Bakugou can be his grumpy self all he wants, but if he’s in love he’s gonna be happy about it when Kirishima’s sweet to him!!!! That’s how I see it, at least hahaha
Honestly tho that’s my favorite sort of love, the one that makes you unable to hold back a smile and makes your stomach flutter and your heart clench in the good way, I want both Bakugou and Kirishima to feel like that about their relationship~
Anon said:On the comic captioned he’s got a crush I literally squealed it was so cute!!
;O; I’m glad you liked it omfg!!!
Anon said:I wanted you to know that your Kiribaku comics give me life and they always brighten my days! I also have a question if you don’t mind… will we see more of the domestic with kids au? Your Kiribaku dads are so adorable it’s kind of ridiculous. Thank you for all the art you share with us!!!
Thank you for liking it, anon!!!! And maybe! If I feel inspired and find ideas for it, why not! I don’t personally deal with kids often so ideas for that AU don’t come easy haha but maybe!
Anon said:You get so many notes on your artwork… do you like actually read any people’s tags on them? Because I know I have had some e m b a r r a s s i n g tags of me yelling with excitement 😂 I hope you don’t ever read those and just face palm at my stupidity. Haha anyway that’s my way of saying I love your stuff and just yell about it a lot.
………………..I do read all tags tho :O so I definitely read yours too, but whatever they were if it was yelling with excitement they made my day, 100% for sure, you’re the type of person I post my art for, anon!!!
Anon said:tfw even tho he looks kinda ridiculous, bakugou still manages to look good with that hair and outfit
Well, I still find it uncomfortable to look at l m a o but yeah he’d look good in nearly anything, he’s just that pretty ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡
Anon said:Asdffhjllvdrhbhsd jakugou jatsuki I died oml thank you I’m still laughing and Jakugou looks Fabulous™ in your style and I’m so lame ASDFHJKLL HE LOOKS GOOD AND I’M CRYING LAUGHING BLESS
Anon said:i’M crYING JAKGOU JaTSUKI what beautyyyyyy omfg
Anon said:your art really catches how good Bakugou looks in those jeans (I bet Kiri really appreciates it too)
*sob* thank you !!!!! (and Kiri appreciates Bakugou however he looks 👀👀👀 he’s smitten)
Anon said:Just a stupid anon here to say I love your art and I hope you have a very lovely week! ^^ (no need to reply~)
Of course I need to reply :O you’re being so sweet, anon, thank you!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a perfect week too!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello!As a young poly person who found your blog before I had found love and realized I’m poly, I wanted to thank you. Your bokuroteru helped my feel okay with myself as I realized, and although I’m sad to see it end, I’m glad it’s a happy one! I have the “You polyamorous disaster” panel as my computer background!! Thank you! (also your style makes me happy, all bubbly in the heart and all) Yuuji is one of my fav characters and I love this ship as well!! Just.. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ANON you’re the reason why I draw polyamory oh m y g o d I’m!!!!! so happy the comic could help you along!!!! I wish you the best of luck in your romantic life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:FRAN. BAKUGOU and CATS. Omg all of the kitties just love him and he’s like GTFO leave me alone you furry fuckers but they love him and he’s gentle with them and he’s scared to touch them sometimes bc of his explosive sweat makes fire hazards and omg they just attack him and he thinks he’s gonna die bc he loves them too!! Fran, sweetie can you picture this?? Can you picture Kirishima’s reaction?? Like full on red blushy explosion bc omg he’s in love with a dandelion precious ball of rage Fran omg
Oh my god yeah of course I can Bakugou being an animal person is my fave headcanon ever!!!! This is so sweet too!!!!!! Oh my g o ds, thank you so much for this ask aaahhhhhhhh ;A;A;A;A;
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bakugou laughing is something real special isn’t it, I so hope we’ll see that happen in canon soon!!! (⸝⸝⍢⸝⸝) ෆ
Anon said:Your OCs are so cute!! ❤️❤️❤️
*SCREAMS* THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:do you ship bak*deku too?
Not romantically nor sexually, no! I only wish them as really really really good friends~
Anon said:Ahh I’m crying because I was the Bakugou laughing anon and I was thinking about his laugh all freaking day too
It’s been four days and I’m still thinking about it so honestly, seriously thank you again, anon!!!
Anon said:Hey, did you see Tanaka in the few latest chapters of HQ? Such a precious lad, look at him go 😍 I swear no one deserves him (expect maybe you)
“except maybe you” are you out to KILL ME ANON OH MY G O D ;A; thank you - but YES he’s being amazing isn’t he!!! He makes me so happy, such a good boy, such a good character, I’m glad he’s a thing that exists in my life ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
Anon said:hi fran just wanted to tell ya that I used to love your art before BUT THEN i started drawing myself and now I realize the pain and struggling of shading and anatomy and expressions and let me say i appreciate you 100% EVEN MORE now, and if I used to love your art now I freaking ADORE it!! (also fun fact I actually started drawing bc of you, im uh,,, super executive dysfunctional so I could never get around to doing it before but YOUR ART SERIOUSLY INSPIRED ME THANK U DRAWING IS TOUGH BUT FUN)
Thank you???? So much???? Oh my g o d I’m so happy I could somehow help you find the focus to try drawing out! It is a pain, but the more you do it the easier some basic things get and the more fun you’ll have with it, it’s such a tough but rewarding hobby to have! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as possible, anon!!!!
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