#anon this punched me in the heart (/pos)
thrushppelt · 11 months
my brain.... it hurting- i'm just gonna go laugh in a corner over the idea of someone genuinely like- thinking bout the logistics of hypokits. what more must we say besides theyre not real?? okok so my amusement aside here
BUTBUTBUT omg... the xomplexities of the mommy kink... tht hurts but I WANT IT SO BADLY- eeuuugh- just- hold on lemme smack my brain cells together
"mom?" bluefur can only breathe out the word as she stares at the other molly whose fur is illuminated by the moonlight. the patterns she often ignores are sights to behold. the blended mix of soft moon grays and flecks make her eyes water. she reaches out for the cat, only to realize that her mother's golden gaze isn't here. in their place are rivers of blue.
it's just her sister. her mom didn't come back for her.
tears sting her eyes, yet she presses her paw against snowfur's cheek. the other molly purrs gently and leans into her touch. "you're mine. i won't let anyone hurt you." she promises, a pained smile dragging itself across her maw. if she loses snowfur... if she loses the last piece of her mom... then what good will it have been to stayed alive all these moons?
she'll do whatever it takes to protect her. the darkness will stain her paws. it doesn't matter what heights she must climb to. she can't lose snowfur. she can't let another decision... kill her loved one...
her paw stiffens as the realization hits. while she may have become a warrior only a few moons ago, she needs to push herself. that way... "i'll become leader one day." she blurts out and presses her head against snowfur's. "just stay by my side." when she gets that power... then surely nothing bad can happen to snowfur. she won't ever make her go into battle or fight in a pointless war. she can be safe and sound.
and... maybe, just maybe, if she became leader... she could see her mom again.
back with propaganda and this time its to say it totally would make sense if blue's ambition for leadership was driven by her desperation to protect her sister!! and to have the chance to see her mom again!! like pleaseeee- the angst- it's 2am and i've come down with a cold, so ignore tht it isn't great please lmao
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biocrafthero · 1 year
give me. omori fic recs 🤲
(only if you want to ofc but i know you have god tier taste)
Anon get ready to go to hell because I love batshit stuff
You're Back, Mari (series). Author has it marked on anon but honestly we all know who it is. I link the whole thing because honestly I'd recommend all of it if you enjoy the first one lol. It's really intense and not for everyone but it's very good! Don't let the initial pacing get to you, as the story goes on the author really finds their footing.
Tsumi to Batsu (series) by MistyWisp. Very good series, especially if Omori is a character you really like. The style and story are engaging and layered without being too dense, it was actually one of the few things I was able to read while I had COVID since my brain power was pretty low then.
DreamScape by OmoriBoi. Don't let this one intimidate you with how different it is compared to most AUs, the story and characters and thought put into the world is very in-depth! The story is fun and engaging and my favorite character is the amorphous entity with several eyes.
Hands (series) by scitydreamer. This one is NOT for the faint of heart!! It's very serious and dark, but please don't let the tags scare you if you wanna read it. The topic is handled with extreme care and respect, so don't let your assumptions get to you.
don't take my sunshine away by an anon. This is really engaging one-shot with very good moments of tension. If you want something shorter but still unhinged like YBM, this is a good one!
Sharing is Caring by ooCatoo. Much like the previous one, this one deals with topics of obsessive behavior. It's a bit longer but still a one shot, and the way it's paced is fantastic! It's a fanfic that makes me want to punch a child /pos.
The Garden of Bones by SheerSaxifrage. This fic annihilated me, and I mean that wholeheartedly. It's very upsetting but I really enjoy it. Once again, this isn't one for people who can't handle things like. Uhh. *looks at tags* Major Character Death. Very good.
Of course if you wanna read more stuff there's my stupid ass writing my weird shit. Good starter fics of mine are (imo) Who We Become In The Dark and Pale Machine. If you want something that'll definitely be going on for a while, there's You'll be safe with me.
Hope this helps anon!
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bluiex · 1 year
‘Tu Falta De Querer’ by Mon Laferte for Scar.
Scar coming back from Double Life to HermitCraft and is full of bitter love, his heart beating for a man who had lost their love for him. He will stand in his room in his tree house and remember all of those times when Grian loved him. Taking in the smell of their cats and the place they named their home. He will try and see where everything went wrong, where Grian stopped loving him. Where he went wrong.
It’s hard to forget the effect Grian had on his life. The way they lay in bed softly whispering their love confessions to each other after every game and day they went through together, the same bed that sits in his room now. He wants to see Grian and still loves him even after everything that happened, and he thinks that he loves Grian even more than yesterday.
He feels so mutilated and small, but he wants the truth. He wants Grian to be merciful and tell him everything, why he doesn’t love him, and why he left him for another. Tell Scar why he wasn’t enough for him. But he just doesn’t understand why Grian left him, why he stopped loving him. He can not bear the lack of want that Grian had for him.
Months ago he was Grians accomplice, he was there for everything. Scar thought he would be Grians only one, his friend and partner. But he was wrong, so now he lays in bed. Dread filling his bones and heartbreak pumping from his heart to his veins.
He will cry himself to sleep, knowing no matter how deeply he sleeps he will never forget this wretched heartbreak. Scar wishes for death so he can not think of Grian, to ease himself, and to leave this bitter love behind.
-AAA anon, I want to write something based of this. Hope you don’t mind me dumping Mexican Music out of know where.
Man I would love a full on thing for this tho... Angst my beloved.. This is so sososo good
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aestherin · 1 year
Scaramouche punching Ayato sent me😭
On another note, it breaks my heart that he's loved Y/N since they were students, talk about not moving on- (I have no right considering I haven't lmaolmao)
Anyway, hope you're doing well po Ate!
-💜 Anon
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yoonivy · 26 days
RAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH read chapter six and have so many thoughts and also none at the same time. i knew alys and aemond were coming but it still felt like a gut punch and him calling her lady mormont 🥴🥴🥴
i don’t want to experience little cub or her family knowing aemond is responsible for jorah’s death :( i know it’ll break them all and me as well.
uuuggggghhhhhh your writing is so frustrating /pos. i care so much about these characters it makes my heart hurt reading the angst 😿😭😞
I LOVE YOU ANON :')!! thank you for your thoughts so far on the story, it made my day!!
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fernlessbastard · 2 years
Hey it’s anon author of “this thing that we’re becoming” on AO3 who’s classy enough to not freak out about you in my own comment section <3 can I just say that losing face was a HUGE inspiration for my tntduo dynamic and I think about your art literally daily? Seeing your user in my comments almost gave me a heart attack btw I admire your content sooo much. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 keep up the awesome work you’re so cool
*punches air*
Mate I remember swooning over black lace with my partner, just sitting there and talking about it for so long - your writing is soooo good, and holy fuck????? You know shit about BDSM?????? That's surprisingly rare??????????
The thought that you're enjoying my story? And art??? Oh my god, I'm dying/pos
If you ever wanted to like chat or something my DMS are always open 👉👈👀/gen
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nightcoremoon · 6 years
gay community acronyms are flawed monikers
here let me explain
it used to be LG for lesbians and gays
then bi people were like "hey we exist"
so it was changed to LGB
then trans people were like "hey we exist"
so it was changed to LGBT
then other people were like "that doesn't cover me and we can't sharpen our definitions to fit a specific label"
so it was changed to LGBTQ
then aro/ace/agender people were like "hey we exist"
so it was changed to LGBTQA
then intersex people were like "hey we exist and face a lot of the same discrimination as trans and gender nonconforming people"
so it was changed to LGBTQIA
but what about pan and omni people? will it soon become LGBPOTQIA?
and of course nonbinary people. LGBPOTNQIA?
but then again, pan and omni are covered under bisexuality because they all mean attraction to multiple genders, and nonbinary people are trans since doctors never say "it's a baby with a gender undefined by binarism" they always say "it's a boy/girl" and then they do illegal genital surgery if the baby is intersex anyway so yeah, that nullifies the need for PO and N, leaving us with LGBTQIA
but a lot of people have problems with the reclamation of the word queer
and a lot of intersex people don't want anything to do with the community
and there's a huge wave of ace exclusionism going around the obnoxious discourse tweens
and there's still an incredible amount of transphobia especially from parts of the drag community (*cough* rupaul *cough*) and all the damn terfs
and there's still a ridiculous amount of biphobia from the monosexual gays and lesbians and hetero trans people
and there's a bit of misogyny and subsequently lesbophobia coming from gay men (because of patriarchy and toxic masculinity) even today
and of course the militant misandrist lesbians who hate gay men and literally want them to die
so some people just want a gay community. some people just want LG. some people just want LGB or LGT. some people just want LGBT. some people just want LGBTQ. some people just want LGBTQI. some people want LGBTQIA. some people might want LGBPOTNQQIAA (the second Q for 'questioning' and the second A to distinguish between ace and aro even though people are dicks to both of them equally). and in any of these cases The Cishets™ are dicks who make alphabet soup jokes which progress to denial of rights as is the nature of bigotry. it detracts from the overall aim, to be able to live as whatever gender or sexuality without being mistreated for it, especially with the infighting.
you can't call it the gay community because we're not all gay. you can't call it the queer community because not everyone is chill with slur reclamation. you can't call it mogai since it rustles the jimmies of the discoursers and they foam at the mouth cyberbullying other tweens. you can't call it the acronym because it causes the problems I outlined above.
but that's just social engineering. not to get too into conspiracy theories or anything but I firmly believe that whatever force governs the shape of human social evolution running things (call it gods, or call it angels, or call it demons, or call it aliens, or call it the illuminati, or call it straight white ambiguously-christian rich cis men or whatever else you like) purposefully made it this way so that we would encounter nothing but problems, and have supplanted people here and there as sleeper agents or fourth dimensional ouroboros or otherwise wolves in sheeps clothing, to instigate arguments and attempt to sway lots of people to adopt certain harmful opinions and then sit back and watch the world burn. I'm sure they do it the same way with ethnicity, religion, class, economic status, gender, mental and/or physical ability, basically every potential for minority in the world. whether that's true or not, the point still stands.
whether the exclusionists are being controlled and brainwashed by the illuminati or if they're just a bunch of stupid fucking assholes, they're a problem, a problem that manifests itself as getting upset over semantics. semantics and fuckups is all that an acronym generates. CIA, FBI, KGB, IRA, SS, FOX, acronyms are just bad news in general. but then again there's NASA and the EU and the UN that aren't all that bad. plus the good parts of the LGBTQIA are good. huh. you know what, fuck it.
the problem isn't the acronym LGBTQIA.
the problem is the assholes being assholes.
so stop being assholes.
you assholes.
stop excluding bi/pan people. stop excluding trans people. stop excluding queer people. stop excluding nonbinary people. stop excluding ace people. stop excluding aro people. no straight dominant community will EVER accept any of these groups into their ranks so we are all that they, that we, have.
but then again I expect the same thing from a predominantly white group that just loves to co-opt cultures of color and then kick all of the people with that color to the curb in a spritz of non-biodegradable glitter and sticky dildos...
in closing, just love that the conservatives and exlcusionists have the same issue with this opinion. that I'm a bleeding heart idiot with wide open arms who will let just anyone into my super secret special club as opposed to being a tight fisted gatekeeper. to me they're all the same people. bigoted lonely pathetic morons with nothing better to do with their time than tell people that they don't belong somewhere. I'd much rather be around a liberal straight ally and a cishet ace than anybody who tries to tell any person (who isn't cisgender & heterosexual & heteroromantic & nonintersex all at the same time, obviously) that they don't belong here in the LGBTQIA.
the only other people who don't belong here are kinksters (kinky isn't queer, they belong in their own subcommunities, and if they're both then it's totally possible to keep them separate, trust me as a kinkster myself), pedophiles & rapists (who all belong in prison and then hell), bigoted assholes (this especially means you, White Gays™), and obviously actual cishets. only the kinksters and cishets are cautiously allowed to be near us but they're on thin ice. the bigots and sex criminals can choke & die.
this isn't hypocrisy. it's common sense. tl;dr no assholes or monsters anywhere, no cishets in the LGBTQIA, aces are not cishets. thank you for reading, don't all tell me to kill myself over anon again because deleting all that vitriol and shit is fucking annoying, fuck trump, eat plants, punch nazis, and don't be dicks to each other. sorry for long post. have a good day.
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brooklynislandgirl · 7 years
vampire, phoenix, hellhound, dragon
This Meme|Accepting
From Turtle:
Vampire: Tag someone of whom you’ve been a long time fan.
This one goes out to @multi-mused​
I mean I’ve spent the last year of my life fan-girling over her and her muses. I love Kit to death. Everyone knows this. I love her muses. I love her writing, her openness, her willingness to be silly. She’s sweet and funny, and she’s maybe one of the shyest people I know, but she tries really hard to be nice to almost anyone who takes the time to actually get to know her. She quietly cheers people on, she’s willing to choke a bitch if someone’s spreading anon hate, and maybe the best of all... Kit is 100% drama free. I can go on forever bragging about her, and have, at length every day, all day.
Phoenix: Tag someone who is a bright light on your dash.
@theregoesthebellhop Alexa and Ricky are just the most precious of things. There are reasons that Ricky’s nicknames are Unicorn and Rainbow. You will not meet a sweeter, happier person, even when the subject matter is tragic or dark. I have never met someone so upbeat in my life and I just want to cuddle Alexa and protect Ricky from the world at large.
Hellhound: Tag someone who you see as a guardian or protector in some way.
@morgansmornings  Jayden is a muse who will kick ass and spit vinegar because she can, but Stoat will take a hold of newbies and defend them life and limb so they can flourish. She will take older muses and comfort them through the need for hiatus and dry spells. She will never ask for repayment, she will never complain and she will spend hours talking to you about whatever you need to talk about all with a smile on her face and salt in her heart.
Dragon: Tag someone who you see as really dedicated to their muse.@scottykerouac Because...dude. First, the only other half-Hawaiian I know, the first thing that caught my eye about Scotty was the comment about if you can’t handle political discourse, don’t bother. That didn’t scare me away. In fact, it intrigued me. Then I got to the bio. That was one of the best reads I’ve had on tumblr, detailed and evocative without dragging down into histrionic pathos. There’s clear reasons behind Scotty’s personality, his nature and his demeanour. Mel has done a fantastic job not making him a victim despite his flaws, and not glorifying his more positive traits. Just fantastic.
From Beth:
Vampire: Tag someone of whom you’ve been a long time fan.
@eli-rochester Eli is a sweet boy {and sometimes girl, depending on verse}. He’s unsung and of’en looked over because he tries no make waves. He tries keep unner da radar an’ if ya knew Dr Rochester, ya unnerstand why. If ya see him onna street, yeah? An ya know wha’ he’s capable of? Keep movin’ cause I promise ya...mess wi’ Eli...an’ I’ll see to it ya swim out in ya own blood.
Phoenix: Tag someone who is a bright light on your dash.
Oh, easy. @tenderest-contender. Frannie. My suffragette. She’s sweet an’ she walks in da shadow of men dat loom like kings of ole. She’s a t’ornless rose, an’ needs some kine for be gentle wi’ her, an’ she needs kindness. She’s all lemon sherberts an’ fizzy drinks wi’ lil umbrellas. I no lie.
Hellhound: Tag someone who you see as a guardian or protector in some way.
My pos’ my rules. @multi-mused.
Le’mee tell ya a story. Once upon a time, dere was a girl afraid of da dark. An she try an try an try but she could nevah outrun it. No maddah where she go, how many lives she live. Den, one day, she came face for face with dat Darkness. She look it in da eyes. She put a sof’ hand on it’s arm. An’ she realise...ya no can outrun ya fate. Wha’ is meant for be...will. And Darkness is not careless. He does not give up wha’ is his.
No where I walk, no where I breath is dere any kine can harm me. More beddah say.... Ya can try. Don’ say I no warn ya, though.
Dragon: Tag someone who you see as really dedicated to their muse.
@nctcricus. Some men ya jus’ no can touch. Reg is one a’dem. Dere’s a’ unfathomable poetry to everything Reg does. From da crease of his suit to da words he chooses. Every move is calculated like the moves of a chess master. Is fascinatin’ really. Course I kinda wan punch him in da face every time he calls me ‘Liz’ but I’m sure he’ll figure it out soon.
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atlawefa · 7 years
Which spy was that of yours hm? To think you got someone on anonymous defending you. Once again you can do no wrong!!! I haven’t said a literal word to you. All I’ve done is vent on here. I can only do so much of that at home, vent to viv sure. But its not enough, I like the open space. My blog my space. I will not be policed, especially by a weakass that has to hide their face. Heres how everything started for anyone curious. Viv and him have gotten into fights before. Generally because he gets uncomfortable about anything that he doesn’t feel the same about. Like uncomfortable to the point where he will start saying “stop attacking me” when we never did. We would aim our explanations toward him, but not treat him like shit about what he thinks. He would absolutely treat us like shit though. Call us names. Make himself out to be the perfect doll so everyone would come to his side and protect him. We’ve all fallen for it too. But if no one did that he’d run. He would take himself off the chat so that someone would come running to his aid or one of us apologize. He would never apologize to us. Because everything was about his feelings, not us. He’s got this weird as fuck.. protect family at all cost complex. I didn’t realize until someone pointed it out to me. Like even if your family does something wrong that if anyone says any minor thing about them he would destroy them. He did that to me. All I did was bring something up and he flipped shit. I didn’t even insult his family, I just brought something up. And even though he’s repeatedly told us his deep hatred for this thing that didn’t matter. I was forever wrong in his eyes. He did the same to Viv. His mom said something like “I never genderized my children” or something. Viv said “thats bullshit you’ve been gendering your children since day one”. Aparently that was end all be all! He went silent and left the voice chat. Viv was confused, tried txting him to talk it out. He decided the play immature, and publicly shame Viv by vaguely saying on the group message “how darr you say such a thing about my mother you prick! Stop trying to hide what you did… Something something???” Idk. Obviously everyone was shocked and confused. No one knew what was going on, Viv told them that this didnt need to be public, they could just talk it out. And he wasnt having it, for that little thing Viv said his little fragile heart couldn’t stand it. I replied the next day calling him out to which he said he didn’t care about what I think. Blah blah Which is hypocritical, he started shit on the group message, he wanted everyone to hate viv. But the second someone hops on calling him out, nope he doesn’t care. I took him off the message shortly after, that was the last time I spoke to him. It will forever be the last. We weren’t going to get sucker punched into talking to him, he has to come to us to apologize first and foremost. While he obviously has tried to talk, none of anything he’s sent has shown any sign of an apology. It’s all “we need to talk, this is whats wrong with you, this and that bleghhh”. That txt was through Viv’s sister in law. She’s basically doing the same thing, picking his side. Viv and she literally got into an argument over Viv wanting video games to stop polarizing white cis males. Like Viv wants more female gender rep, more pos rep, non binary rep in video games. Viv hates that Legend of Zelda has only been played through this white cis male Link but its Zelda’s story. Viv’s sister in law basically said, “you can’t hate everything that doesn’t appeal to your extreme views” or something like that. Tell me please isn’t that ridiculous. Men have been the centerpieces for games since the beginning and you a white female think its extreme to oppose that by only wanting to play games with pos fem leads??? Oh right, thats your white feminism showing. Of course she has always been good friends with the monster, so she immediately took to his side. They’re two transphobes in tandem. Trying to tell Viv their opinions are too extreme. The monster even got someone who Viv trusted and turned them against Viv. This person came to Viv and made everything about themselves like every transphobe does. A transphobic person will always call a transgender persons views extreme, because they simply are ignorant. Cisgendered hate that trans people want more for themselves, even though cis gender people always get want they want. That is what happened in decent detail, so no my venting to myself is not cyber bullying. I’m taking out my anger on this in public because I can. And it helps me feel better so you can suck it you oppressive shitbag anon.
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